File: logslib.php
<?php // (c) Copyright 2002-2011 by authors of the Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware Project // // All Rights Reserved. See copyright.txt for details and a complete list of authors. // Licensed under the GNU LESSER GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE. See license.txt for details. // $Id: logslib.php 33224 2011-03-03 17:45:31Z nyloth $ //this script may only be included - so its better to die if called directly. if (strpos($_SERVER["SCRIPT_NAME"],basename(__FILE__)) !== false) { header("location: index.php"); exit; } class LogsLib extends TikiLib { function add_log($type, $message, $who='', $ip='', $client='', $time='') { global $user; if (empty($who)) { if (!empty($user)) { $who = $user; } else { $who = 'Anonymous'; } } if (empty($ip)) { $ip = $this->get_ip_address(); } if (empty($client)) { if (empty($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'])) { $client = 'NO USER AGENT'; } else { $client = $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']; } } if (empty($time)) { $time = $this->now; } /* $query = "insert into `tiki_logs` (`logtype`,`logmessage`,`loguser`,`logip`,`logclient`,`logtime`) values (?,?,?,?,?,?)"; $result = $this->query($query,array($type,$message,$who,$ip,$client,(int)$time)); */ $this->add_action($type, 'system', 'system', $message, $who, $ip, $client, $time); } function list_logs($type='', $user='', $offset=0, $maxRecords=-1, $sort_mode='lastModif_desc', $find='', $min=0, $max=0) { $actions = $this->list_actions($type, 'system', $user, $offset, $maxRecords, $sort_mode, $find, $min, $max,'', true); return $actions; } function old_list_logs($type='', $user='', $offset=0, $maxRecords=-1, $sort_mode='logtime_desc', $find='', $min=0, $max=0) { $bindvars = array(); $amid = array(); $mid = ''; if ($find) { $findesc = '%'.$find.'%'; $amid[] = "`logmessage` like ? or `loguser` like ? or 'logip' like ?"; $bindvars[] = $findesc; $bindvars[] = $findesc; $bindvars[] = $findesc; } if ($type) { $amid[] = "`logtype` = ?"; $bindvars[] = $type; } if ($user) { if (is_array($user)) { $amid[] = '`loguser` in ('.implode(',',array_fill(0,count($user),'?')).')'; foreach ($user as $u) $bindvars[] = $u; } else { $amid[] = "`loguser` = ?"; $bindvars[] = $user ; } } if ($min) { $amid[] = "`logtime` > ?"; $bindvars[] = $min; } if ($max) { $amid[] = "`logtime` < ?"; $bindvars[] = $max; } if (count($amid)) { $mid = " where ".implode(" and ",$amid)." "; } $query = "select `logId`,`loguser`,`logtype`,`logmessage`,`logtime`,`logip`,`logclient` "; $query.= " from `tiki_logs` $mid order by ".$this->convertSortMode($sort_mode); $query_cant = "select count(*) from `tiki_logs` $mid"; $ret = $this->fetchAll($query,$bindvars,$maxRecords,$offset); $cant = $this->getOne($query_cant,$bindvars); $retval = array(); $retval["data"] = $ret; $retval["cant"] = $cant; return $retval; } function clean_logs($date) { $query = "delete from `tiki_actionlog` where `object`='system' and `objectType`='system' and `lastModif`<=?"; $this->query($query, array((int)$date)); } /* action = "Updated", "Created", "Removed", "Viewed", "Removed version $version", "Changed actual version to $version" * type = 'wiki page', 'category', 'article', 'image gallery', 'tracker', 'forum thread' * TODO: merge $param and $contributions together into a hash and but everything in actionlog_params */ function object_must_be_logged($action, $object, $objectType) { global $prefs; if ($objectType == 'wiki page' && $action != 'Viewed') { $logObject = true; // to have the tiki_my_edit, history and mod-last_modif_pages } else { $logObject = $this->action_must_be_logged($action, $objectType); } $logCateg = $prefs['feature_categories'] == 'y'? $this->action_must_be_logged('*', 'category'): false; if (!$logObject && !$logCateg) { return 0; } if ($logCateg) { global $categlib; include_once('lib/categories/categlib.php'); if ($objectType == 'comment') { preg_match('/type=([^&]*)/', $param, $matches); $categs = $categlib->get_object_categories($matches[1], $object); } else { $categs = $categlib->get_object_categories($objectType, $object); } } } function add_action($action, $object, $objectType='wiki page', $param='', $who='', $ip='', $client='', $date='', $contributions='', $hash='') { global $user, $prefs; if ($objectType == 'wiki page' && $action != 'Viewed') { $logObject = true; // to have the tiki_my_edit, history and mod-last_modif_pages } else { $logObject = $this->action_must_be_logged($action, $objectType); } $logCateg = $prefs['feature_categories'] == 'y'? $this->action_must_be_logged('*', 'category'): false; if (!$logObject && !$logCateg) { return 0; } if ($date == '') { $date = $this->now; } if ($who == '') { global $tokenlib; if ($prefs['auth_token_access'] == 'y' && empty($user) && !empty($tokenlib) && $tokenlib->ok) { $user = '§TOKEN§'; } else { $who = $user; } } if ($ip == '') { $ip = $this->get_ip_address(); } if ($client == '') { $client = NULL; } else { $client = substr($client,0,200); } if ($logCateg) { global $categlib; include_once('lib/categories/categlib.php'); if ($objectType == 'comment') { preg_match('/type=([^&]*)/', $param, $matches); $categs = $categlib->get_object_categories($matches[1], $object); } else { $categs = $categlib->get_object_categories($objectType, $object); } } $actions = array(); if ( $logObject ) { $param = substr( $param, 0, '200' ); if (!$logCateg) { $query = "insert into `tiki_actionlog` (`action`, `object`, `lastModif`, `user`, `ip`, `comment`, `objectType`, `client`) values(?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)"; $this->query($query, array($action, $object, (int)$date, $who, $ip, $param, $objectType, $client)); $actions[] = $this->lastInsertId(); } else { if (count($categs) > 0) { foreach ($categs as $categ) { $query = "insert into `tiki_actionlog` (`action`, `object`, `lastModif`, `user`, `ip`, `comment`, `objectType`, `categId`, `client`) values(?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)"; $this->query($query, array($action, $object, (int)$date, $who, $ip, $param, $objectType, $categ, $client)); $actions[] = $this->lastInsertId(); } } else { $query = "insert into `tiki_actionlog` (`action`, `object`, `lastModif`, `user`, `ip`, `comment`, `objectType`, `client`) values(?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)"; $this->query($query, array($action, $object, (int)$date, $who, $ip, $param, $objectType, $client)); $actions[] = $this->lastInsertId(); } } } if (!empty($contributions)) { foreach ($actions as $a) { $query = "insert into `tiki_actionlog_params` (`actionId`, `name`, `value`) values(?,?,?)"; foreach ($contributions as $contribution) { $this->query($query, array($a, 'contribution', $contribution)); } } } if (!empty($hash)) { $query = "insert into `tiki_actionlog_params` (`actionId`, `name`, `value`) values(?,?,?)"; foreach ($actions as $a) { foreach ($hash as $h) { foreach ($h as $param=>$val) { $this->query($query, array($a, $param, $val)); } } } } return isset($actions[0])? $actions[0]: 0; } function action_must_be_logged($action, $objectType) { global $prefs; return $this->action_is_viewed($action, $objectType, true); } function action_is_viewed($action, $objectType, $logged = false) { global $prefs; static $is_viewed; // for previous compatibility // the new action are added with a if ($feature..) if ($prefs['feature_actionlog'] != 'y') { return true; } if ( !isset($is_viewed) ) { $logActions = $this->get_all_actionlog_conf(); $is_viewed = array(); foreach ($logActions as $conf) { if ($logged) { $is_viewed[$conf['objectType']][$conf['action']] = $conf['status'] == 'v' || $conf['status'] == 'y'; } else { $is_viewed[$conf['objectType']][$conf['action']] = $conf['status'] == 'v'; } } } if ( isset($is_viewed[$objectType][$action]) ) { return $is_viewed[$objectType][$action]; } elseif ( isset($is_viewed[$objectType]['*']) ) { return $is_viewed[$objectType]['*']; } else { return false; } } function set_actionlog_conf($action, $objectType, $status) { global $actionlogConf; $this->delete_actionlog_conf($action, $objectType); $action = str_replace('*','%',$action); $query = "insert into `tiki_actionlog_conf` (`action`, `objectType`, `status`) values(?, ?, ?)"; $this->query($query, array($action, $objectType, $status)); unset($actionlogConf); } function delete_actionlog_conf($action, $objectType) { if ($action === '*') { $action = '%'; } $query = "delete from `tiki_actionlog_conf` where `action`=? and `objectType`= ?"; $this->query($query, array($action, $objectType)); } function get_all_actionlog_conf() { global $actionlogConf; if (!isset($actionlogConf)) { $actionlogConf = self::get_actionlog_conf(); } return $actionlogConf; } function get_actionlog_conf($type = '%', $action = '%') { $actionlogconf = array(); $query = "select * from `tiki_actionlog_conf` where `objectType` like '$type' and `action` like '$action' order by `objectType` desc, `action` asc"; $result = $this->query($query, array()); while ($res = $result->fetchRow()) { if ( $res['action'] == '%' ) { $res['action'] = '*'; } $res['code'] = self::encode_actionlog_conf($res['action'], $res['objectType']); $actionlogconf[] = $res; } return $actionlogconf; } function get_actionlog_types() { $actionlogtype = array(); $query = "select distinct `objectType` from `tiki_actionlog_conf` order by `objectType`"; $result = $this->query($query, array()); while ($res = $result->fetchRow()) { $actionlogtypes[] = $res['objectType']; } return $actionlogtypes; } function get_actionlog_actions() { $actionlogactions = array(); $query = "select distinct `action` from `tiki_actionlog_conf` order by `action`"; $result = $this->query($query, array()); while ($res = $result->fetchRow()) { if ( $res['action'] != '%' ) { $actionlogactions[] = $res['action']; } } return $actionlogactions; } function encode_actionlog_conf($action, $objectType) { return str_replace(' ', '0', $action.'_'.$objectType); } function decode_actionlog_conf($string) { return explode('_', str_replace('0', ' ', $conf)); } function list_actions($action='', $objectType='', $user='', $offset=0 , $maxRecords=-1, $sort_mode='lastModif_desc', $find='', $start=0 , $end=0, $categId='', $all=false ) { global $prefs, $section, $tikilib, $contributionlib; include_once('lib/contribution/contributionlib.php'); $bindvars = array(); $bindvarsU = array(); $amid = array(); $mid1 = ''; $mid2 = ''; if ($find) { $findesc = '%'.$find.'%'; $amid[] = "(`comment` like ? or a.`action` like ? or `object` like ?)"; $bindvars[] = $findesc; $bindvars[] = $findesc; $bindvars[] = $findesc; } if ($action) { $amid[] = "a.`action` = ?"; $bindvars[] = $action; } if ($objectType) { $amid[] = "c.`objectType` = ?"; $bindvars[] = $objectType; } if ($user == 'Anonymous') { $amid[] = "`user` = ?"; $bindvars[] = '' ; } elseif ($user == 'Registered') { $amid[] = "`user` != ?"; $bindvars[] = '' ; } else if ($user) { if (is_array($user)) { $mid1 = '`user` in ('.implode(',',array_fill(0,count($user),'?')).')'; $mid2 = 'ap.`value` in ('.implode(',',array_fill(0,count($user),'?')).') and ap.`name`=? and ap.`actionId`=a.`actionId`'; foreach ($user as $u) { $bindvarsU[] = $u; } foreach ($user as $u) { $bindvarsU[] = $tikilib->get_user_id($u); } $bindvarsU[] = 'contributor'; } else { $mid1 = '`user` = ?'; $mid2 = 'ap.`value`=? and ap.`name`=? and ap.`actionId`=a.`actionId`'; $bindvarsU[] = $user ; $bindvarsU[] = $tikilib->get_user_id($user) ; $bindvarsU[] = 'contributor'; } } if ($start) { $amid[] = "`lastModif` > ?"; $bindvars[] = $start; } if ($end) { $amid[] = "`lastModif` < ?"; $bindvars[] = $end; } if ($categId && $categId != 0) { if (is_array($categId)) { $amid[] = "`categId`in (?)"; $bindvars[] = implode(",", $categId); } else { $amid[] = "`categId` = ?"; $bindvars[] = $categId; } } $amid[] = " a.`action` like c.`action` and a.`objectType` = c.`objectType`".($all? "":" and (c.`status` = 'v')"); if (count($amid)) { $mid = implode(" and ",$amid); } if (!empty($bindvarsU)) { $bindvars = array_merge($bindvars, $bindvarsU, $bindvars); $query = "(select distinct a.* from `tiki_actionlog` a ,`tiki_actionlog_conf` c where $mid and $mid1)"; $query .= "union (select distinct a.* from `tiki_actionlog` a ,`tiki_actionlog_conf` c,`tiki_actionlog_params` ap where $mid2 and $mid)"; $query_cant = "select count(distinct `actionId`) from `tiki_actionlog` where `actionId` in (select distinct a.`actionId` from `tiki_actionlog` a ,`tiki_actionlog_conf` c where $mid and $mid1 union select distinct a.`actionId` from `tiki_actionlog` a ,`tiki_actionlog_conf` c,`tiki_actionlog_params` ap where $mid2 and $mid)"; } else { $query = "select distinct a.* from `tiki_actionlog` a ,`tiki_actionlog_conf` c where $mid"; $query_cant = "select count(distinct actionId) from `tiki_actionlog` a ,`tiki_actionlog_conf` c where $mid"; } $query .= " order by ".$this->convertSortMode($sort_mode); $result = $this->query($query, $bindvars, $maxRecords, $offset); $cant = $this->getOne($query_cant, $bindvars); $ret = array(); while ($res = $result->fetchRow()) { if ($prefs['feature_contribution'] == 'y' && ($res['action'] == 'Created' || $res['action'] == 'Updated' || $res['action'] == 'Posted' || $res['action'] == 'Replied')) { if ($res['objectType'] == 'wiki page') { $res['contributions'] = $this->get_action_contributions($res['actionId']); } elseif ($id = $this->get_comment_action($res)) { $res['contributions'] = $this->get_action_contributions($res['actionId']); } else { $res['contributions'] = $contributionlib->get_assigned_contributions($res['object'], $res['objectType']); // todo: do a left join } } if ($prefs['feature_contributor_wiki'] == 'y' && $res['objectType'] == 'wiki page') { $res['contributors'] = $this->get_contributors($res['actionId']); $res['nbContributors'] = 1 + count($res['contributors']); } // patch for xavi if ($res['objectType'] == 'comment' && empty($res['categId'])) { global $categlib; include_once('lib/categories/categlib.php'); preg_match('/type=([^&]*)/', $res['comment'], $matches); $categs = $categlib->get_object_categories($matches[1], $res['object']); $i = 0; foreach ($categs as $categId) { $res['categId'] = $categId; if ($i++ > 0) $ret[] = $res; } } // For tiki logs if ( $res['objectType'] === 'system' ) { $what = $res['object'] === 'system' ? '':$res['object'].' : '; $res['object'] = $res['action']; $res['action'] = $what.$res['comment']; } $ret[] = $res; } return array('data' => $ret, 'cant' => $cant); } function sort_by_date($action1, $action2) { return ($action1['lastModif'] - $action2['lastModif']); } function get_login_time($logins, $startDate, $endDate, $actions) { //FIXME if ($endDate > $this->now) { $endDate = $this->now; } $logTimes = array(); foreach ($logins as $login) { if (!array_key_exists($login['user'], $logTimes)) { if ($login['action'] == 'timeout' || $login['action'] == 'logged out') { $logTimes[$login['user']]['last'] = $startDate; } else { $logTimes[$login['user']]['last'] = 0; } $logTimes[$login['user']]['time'] = 0; $logTimes[$login['user']]['nbLogins'] = 0; } if (strstr($login['action'], 'logged from') || $login['action'] == 'back') { if (strstr($login['action'], 'logged from')) { ++$logTimes[$login['user']]['nbLogins']; } // can be already log in if ($logTimes[$login['user']]['last'] == 0) { $logTimes[$login['user']]['last'] = $login['lastModif']; } } elseif (($login['action'] == 'timeout' || $login['action'] == 'logged out') && $logTimes[$login['user']]['last'] > 0) { $logTimes[$login['user']]['time'] += $login['lastModif'] - $logTimes[$login['user']]['last']; $logTimes[$login['user']]['last'] = 0; } } // update time for those still logged in foreach ($logTimes as $user=>$logTime) { if ($logTime['last']) { $logTimes[$user]['time'] += $endDate - $logTime['last']; } } // update time for those who were always logged in foreach ($actions as $action) { if ($action['user'] && !array_key_exists($action['user'], $logTimes)) { $logTimes[$action['user']]['time'] = $endDate - $startDate; } } foreach ($logTimes as $user=>$login) { $nbMin = floor($login['time']/60); $nbHour = floor($nbMin/60); $nbDay = floor($nbHour/24); $logTimes[$user]['secs'] = $login['time'] - $nbMin*60; $logTimes[$user]['mins'] = $nbMin - $nbHour*60; $logTimes[$user]['hours'] = $nbHour - $nbDay*24; $logTimes[$user]['days'] = $nbDay; } return $logTimes; } function get_volume_action($action) { $bytes = array(); if (preg_match('/bytes=([0-9\-+]+)/', $action['comment'], $matches)) {//old syntax if (preg_match('/\+([0-9]+)/', $matches[1], $m)) { $bytes['add'] = $m[1]; } if (preg_match('/\-([0-9]+)/', $matches[1], $m)) { $bytes['del'] = $m[1]; } } else { if (preg_match('/add=([0-9\-+]+)/', $action['comment'], $matches)) { $bytes['add'] = $matches[1]; } if (preg_match('/del=([0-9\-+]+)/', $action['comment'], $matches)) { $bytes['del'] = $matches[1]; } } return $bytes; } function get_comment_action($action) { if (preg_match('/comments_parentId=([0-9\-+]+)/', $action['comment'], $matches)) { return $matches[1]; } elseif (preg_match('/#threadId([0-9\-+]+)/', $action['comment'], $matches)) { return $matches[1]; } elseif (preg_match('/sheetId=([0-9]+)/', $action['comment'], $matches)) { return $matches[1]; } elseif (preg_match('/postId=([0-9]+)/', $action['comment'], $matches)) { return $matches[1]; } else { return ''; } } function get_stat_actions_per_user($actions) { $stats = $this->get_stat_actions_per_field($actions, 'user'); return $stats; } function get_stat_actions_per_field($actions, $field='user') { $stats = array(); $actions_name = array(); $actionlogConf = $this->get_all_actionlog_conf(); foreach ($actions as $action) { if ( strpos($action['action'],'logged from') === 0 ) { $action['action'] = 'login'; } if ( strpos($action['action'],'logged out') === 0 ) { $action['action'] = 'login'; } $name = $action['action'].'/'.$action['objectType']; $sort = $action['objectType'].'/'.$action['action']; if ( $this->action_is_viewed($action['action'],$action['objectType']) and !in_array($name, $actions_name)) { $actions_name[$sort] = $name; } } ksort($actions_name); foreach ($actions as $action) { $key = $action[$field]; if ( !isset($stats[$key]) ) { $stats[$key] = array_fill_keys($actions_name,0); $stats[$key][$field] = $action[$field]; } $name = $action['action'].'/'.$action['objectType']; if ( ($index = array_search($name,$actions_name)) !== false ) { if ($field == 'object') { $stats[$key]['link'] = isset($action['link']) ? $action['link'] : null; } ++$stats[$key][$name]; } } sort($stats, SORT_STRING); // will sort on the first field return $stats; } function get_stat_contributions_per_group($actions, $selectedGroups) { global $tikilib; $statGroups = array(); foreach ($actions as $action) { if (!empty($previousAction) && $action['lastModif'] == $previousAction['lastModif'] && $action['user'] == $previousAction['user'] && $action['object'] == $previousAction['object'] && $action['objectType'] == $previousAction['objectType']) { // differ only by the categories continue; } if ( strpos($action['action'],'logged from') === 0 ) { $action['action'] = 'login'; } if ( strpos($action['action'],'logged out') === 0 ) { $action['action'] = 'login'; } $previousAction = $action; if (empty($action['user'])) { $groups = array('Anonymous'); } else { $groups = $tikilib->get_user_groups($action['user']); $groups = array_diff($groups, array('Anonymous')); } foreach ($groups as $key=>$group) { if (isset($selectedGroups) && $selectedGroups[$group] != 'y') { continue; } if (empty($action['contributions'])) { continue; } foreach ($action['contributions'] as $contribution) { if (!isset($statGroups[$group])) { $statGroups[$group][$contribution['name']]['add'] = 0; $statGroups[$group][$contribution['name']]['del'] = 0; $statGroups[$group][$contribution['name']]['dif'] = 0; } $statGroups[$group][$contribution['name']]['add'] += $action['contributorAdd']; $statGroups[$group][$contribution['name']]['del'] += $action['contributorDel']; $statGroups[$group][$contribution['name']]['dif'] += $action['contributorAdd'] - $action['contributorDel']; } } } ksort($statGroups); return $statGroups; } function get_action_stat_categ($actions, $categNames) { $stats = array(); $actionlogConf = $this->get_all_actionlog_conf(); foreach ($actions as $action) { //if ($action['categId'] == 0) print also stat for non categ object // continue; if ( strpos($action['action'],'logged from') === 0 ) { $action['action'] = 'login'; } if ( strpos($action['action'],'logged out') === 0 ) { $action['action'] = 'login'; } $key = $action['categId']; if (!array_key_exists($key, $stats)) { $stats[$key]['category'] = $key? $categNames[$key]: ''; foreach ($actionlogConf as $conf) { // don't take category if ($conf['status'] == 'v' && $conf['action'] != '*') { $stats[$key][$conf['action'].'/'.$conf['objectType']] = 0; } } } ++$stats[$key][$action['action'].'/'.$action['objectType']]; } sort($stats); //sort on the first field category return $stats; } function get_action_vol_categ($actions, $categNames) { $stats = array(); $actionlogConf = $this->get_all_actionlog_conf(); foreach ($actions as $action) { //if ($action['categId'] == 0) print also stat for non categ object // continue; if ( strpos($action['action'],'logged from') === 0 ) { $action['action'] = 'login'; } if ( strpos($action['action'],'logged out') === 0 ) { $action['action'] = 'login'; } if (!($bytes = $this->get_volume_action($action))) { continue; } $key = $action['categId']; if (!array_key_exists($key, $stats)) { $stats[$key]['category'] = $key? $categNames[$key]: ''; } if (!isset($stats[$key][$action['objectType']]['add'])) { $stats[$key][$action['objectType']]['add'] = 0; $stats[$key][$action['objectType']]['del'] = 0; $stats[$key][$action['objectType']]['dif'] = 0; } $dif = 0; if (isset($bytes['add'])) { $stats[$key][$action['objectType']]['add'] += $bytes['add']; $dif = $bytes['add']; } if (isset($bytes['del'])) { $stats[$key][$action['objectType']]['del'] += $bytes['del']; $dif -= $bytes['del']; } $stats[$key][$action['objectType']]['dif'] += $dif; } sort($stats); //sort on the first field category return $stats; } function get_action_vol_user_categ($actions, $categNames) { $stats = array(); $actionlogConf = $this->get_all_actionlog_conf(); foreach ($actions as $action) { //if ($action['categId'] == 0) print also stat for non categ object // continue; if ( strpos($action['action'],'logged from') === 0 ) { $action['action'] = 'login'; } if ( strpos($action['action'],'logged out') === 0 ) { $action['action'] = 'login'; } if ($action['user'] == '' || !($bytes = $this->get_volume_action($action))) { continue; } $key = $action['categId'].'/'.$action['user']; if (!array_key_exists($key, $stats)) { $stats[$key]['category'] = $action['categId']? $categNames[$action['categId']]: ''; $stats[$key]['user'] = $action['user']; } if (!isset($stats[$key][$action['objectType']]['add'])) { $stats[$key][$action['objectType']]['add'] = 0; $stats[$key][$action['objectType']]['del'] = 0; $stats[$key][$action['objectType']]['dif'] = 0; } $dif = 0; if (isset($bytes['add'])) { $stats[$key][$action['objectType']]['add'] += $bytes['add']; $dif = $bytes['add']; } if (isset($bytes['del'])) { $stats[$key][$action['objectType']]['del'] += $bytes['del']; $dif -= $bytes['del']; } $stats[$key][$action['objectType']]['dif'] += $dif; } sort($stats); //sort on the first field category return $stats; } function get_action_vol_type($vols) { $types = array(); foreach ($vols as $vol) { foreach ($vol as $key=>$value) { if ($key != 'category' && $key != 'user' && !in_array($key, $types)) { $types[] = $key; } } } return $types; } function get_actions_per_user_categ($actions, $categNames) { $stats = array(); $actionlogConf = $this->get_all_actionlog_conf(); foreach ($actions as $action) { if (empty($action['categId'])) { continue; } if ( strpos($action['action'],'logged from') === 0 ) { $action['action'] = 'login'; } if ( strpos($action['action'],'logged out') === 0 ) { $action['action'] = 'login'; } $key = $action['categId'].'/'.$action['user'];; if (!array_key_exists($key, $stats)) { $stats[$key]['category'] = $categNames[$action['categId']]; $stats[$key]['user'] = $action['user']; foreach ($actionlogConf as $conf) { // don't take category if ($conf['status'] == 'v' && $conf['action'] != '*') { $stats[$key][$conf['action'].'/'.$conf['objectType']] = 0; } } } ++$stats[$key][$action['action'].'/'.$action['objectType']]; } sort($stats); // sort on the first fields categ , then user return $stats; } function in_kb($vol) { for ($i = count($vol) -1; $i >= 0; --$i) { foreach ($vol[$i] as $k=>$v) { if ($k != 'category' && $k != 'user') { $vol[$i][$k]['add'] = round($vol[$i][$k]['add']/1024); $vol[$i][$k]['del'] = round($vol[$i][$k]['del']/1024); $vol[$i][$k]['dif'] = round($vol[$i][$k]['dif']/1024); } } } return $vol; } function export($actionlogs, $unit = 'b') { $csv = "user,date,time,action,type,object,category,categId, unit,+,-,contribution\r\n"; foreach ($actionlogs as $action) { if (!isset($action['object'])) { $action['object'] = ''; } if (!isset($action['categName'])) { $action['categName'] = ''; $action['categId'] = ''; } if (!isset($action['add'])) { $action['add'] = ''; } if (!isset($action['del'])) { $action['del'] = ''; } $csv.= '"' . $action['user'] . '","' . $this->date_format("%y%m%d", $action['lastModif']) . '","' . $this->date_format("%H:%M", $action['lastModif']) . '","' . $action['action'] . '","' . $action['objectType'] . '","' . $action['object'] . '","' . $action['categName'] . '","' . $action['categId'] . '","' . $unit . '","' . $action['add'] . '","' . $action['del'] .'","' ; if (isset($action['contributions'])) { $i = 0; foreach ($action['contributions'] as $contribution) { if ($i++) { $csv .= ','; } $csv .= $contribution['name']; } } $csv .= "\"\n"; } return $csv; } function get_action_params($actionId, $name='') { if (empty($name)) { $query = "select * from `tiki_actionlog_params` where `actionId`=?"; $ret = $this->fetchAll($query, array($actionId)); } else { $query = "select `value` from `tiki_actionlog_params` where `actionId`=? and `name`=?"; $result = $this->query($query, array($actionId, $name)); $ret = array(); while ($res = $result->fetchRow()) { $ret[] = $res['value']; } } return $ret; } function get_action_contributions($actionId) { $query = "select tc.* from `tiki_contributions` tc, `tiki_actionlog_params` tp where tp.`actionId`=? and tp.`name`=? and tp.`value`=tc.`contributionId`"; return $this->fetchAll($query, array($actionId, 'contribution')); } function rename($objectType, $oldName, $newName) { $query = "update `tiki_actionlog`set `comment`= concat(?, `comment`) where `object`=? and (`objectType`=? or `objectType`= ?) and `comment` not like ?"; $this->query($query, array("old=$oldName&", $oldName, $objectType, 'comment' , '%old=%')); $query = "update `tiki_actionlog`set `object`=? where `object`=? and (`objectType`=? or `objectType`= ?)"; $this->query($query, array($newName, $oldName, $objectType, 'comment')); } function update_category($actionId, $categId) { $query = "update `tiki_actionlog` set `categId`=? where `actionId`=?"; $this->query($query, array($categId, $actionId)); } function get_info_action($actionId) { $query = "select * from `tiki_actionlog`where `actionId`= ?"; $result = $this->query($query, array($actionId)); if ($res = $result->fetchRow()) { return $res; } else { return NULL; } } function delete_params($actionId, $name='') { $bindvars = array($actionId); if (!empty($name)) { $mid = 'and `name`= ?'; $bindvars[] = $name; } $query = "delete from `tiki_actionlog_params` where `actionId`=? $mid"; $this->query($query, $bindvars); } function insert_params($actionId, $param, $values) { $query = "insert into `tiki_actionlog_params` (`actionId`, `name`, `value`) values(?,?,?)"; foreach ($values as $val) { $this->query($query, array($actionId, $param, $val)); } } function get_stat_contribution($actions, $startDate, $endDate, $unit='w') { $contributions = array(); $nbCols = ceil(($endDate - $startDate) / (60*60*24)); if ($unit != 'd') { $nbCols = ceil($nbCols/7); } foreach ($actions as $action) { if (isset($action['contributions'])) { if (!empty($previousAction) && $action['lastModif'] == $previousAction['lastModif'] && $action['user'] == $previousAction['user'] && $action['object'] == $previousAction['object'] && $action['objectType'] == $previousAction['objectType'] ) { // differ only by the categories continue; } $previousAction = $action; foreach ($action['contributions'] as $contrib) { $i = floor(($action['lastModif'] - $startDate) / (60*60*24)); if ($unit != 'd') { $i = floor($i/7); } if (empty($contributions[$contrib['contributionId']])) { $contributions[$contrib['contributionId']]['name'] = $contrib['name']; for ($j = 0; $j < $nbCols; ++$j) { $contributions[$contrib['contributionId']]['stat'][$j]['add'] = 0; $contributions[$contrib['contributionId']]['stat'][$j]['del'] = 0; $contributions[$contrib['contributionId']]['stat'][$j]['nbAdd'] = 0; $contributions[$contrib['contributionId']]['stat'][$j]['nbDel'] = 0; $contributions[$contrib['contributionId']]['stat'][$j]['nbUpdate'] = 0; } } if (!empty($action['add'])) { $contributions[$contrib['contributionId']]['stat'][$i]['add'] += $action['add']; if (empty($action['del'])) { ++$contributions[$contrib['contributionId']]['stat'][$i]['nbAdd']; } } if (!empty($action['del'])) { $contributions[$contrib['contributionId']]['stat'][$i]['del'] += $action['del']; if (empty($action['add'])) { ++$contributions[$contrib['contributionId']]['stat'][$i]['nbDel']; } } if (!empty($action['add']) && !empty($action['del'])) { ++$contributions[$contrib['contributionId']]['stat'][$i]['nbUpdate']; } } } } return (array('nbCols'=>$nbCols, 'data'=>$contributions)); } function get_stat_contributions_per_user($actions) { $tab = array(); foreach ($actions as $action) { if ( strpos($action['action'],'logged from') === 0 ) { $action['action'] = 'login'; } if ( strpos($action['action'],'logged out') === 0 ) { $action['action'] = 'login'; } if (isset($action['contributions'])) { if (!empty($previousAction) && $action['lastModif'] == $previousAction['lastModif'] && $action['object'] == $previousAction['object'] && $action['objectType'] == $previousAction['objectType'] && $action['categId'] != $previousAction['categId'] ) { // differ only by the categories continue; } $previousAction = $action; foreach ($action['contributions'] as $contrib) { if (empty($tab[$action['user']]) or empty($tab[$action['user']]['stat'][$contrib['contributionId']])) { $tab[$action['user']][$contrib['contributionId']]['name'] = $contrib['name']; $tab[$action['user']][$contrib['contributionId']]['stat']['add'] = 0; $tab[$action['user']][$contrib['contributionId']]['stat']['del'] = 0; $tab[$action['user']][$contrib['contributionId']]['stat']['nbAdd'] = 0; $tab[$action['user']][$contrib['contributionId']]['stat']['nbDel'] = 0; $tab[$action['user']][$contrib['contributionId']]['stat']['nbUpdate'] = 0; } if ($action['contributorAdd']) { $tab[$action['user']][$contrib['contributionId']]['stat']['add'] += $action['contributorAdd']; if (!$action['contributorDel']) { ++$tab[$action['user']][$contrib['contributionId']]['stat']['nbAdd']; } } if ($action['contributorDel']) { $tab[$action['user']][$contrib['contributionId']]['stat']['del'] += $action['contributorDel']; if (!$action['contributorAdd']) { ++$tab[$action['user']][$contrib['contributionId']]['stat']['nbDel']; } } if ($action['contributorAdd'] && $action['contributorDel']) { ++$tab[$action['user']][$contrib['contributionId']]['stat']['nbUpdate']; } } } } ksort($tab); return array('data'=>$tab, 'nbCols'=>count($tab));; } function get_colors($nb) { $colors[] = 'red'; if (!--$nb) return $colors; $colors[] = 'yellow'; if (!--$nb) return $colors; $colors[] = 'blue'; if (!--$nb) return $colors; $colors[] = 'gray'; if (!--$nb) return $colors; $colors[] = 'green'; if (!--$nb) return $colors; $colors[] = 'aqua'; if (!--$nb) return $colors; $colors[] = 'lime'; if (!--$nb) return $colors; $colors[] = 'maroon'; if (!--$nb) return $colors; $colors[] = 'navy'; if (!--$nb) return $colors; $colors[] = 'black'; if (!--$nb) return $colors; $colors[] = 'purple'; if (!--$nb) return $colors; $colors[] = 'silver'; if (!--$nb) return $colors; $colors[] = 'teal'; if (!--$nb) return $colors; if ( $nb > 0 ) { while (--$nb) { $colors[] = rand(1, 999999); } } return $colors; } function draw_contribution_vol($contributionStat, $type='add', $contributions) { $ret = array(); $ret['totalVol'] = 0; $ret['x'][] = tra('Contributions'); $ret['color'] = $this->get_colors($contributions['cant']); $iy = 0; foreach ($contributions['data'] as $contribution) { $ret['label'][] = utf8_decode($contribution['name']); $vol = 0; for ($ix = 0; $ix < $contributionStat['nbCols']; ++$ix) { if (!empty($contributionStat['data'][$contribution['contributionId']]['stat'][$ix])) { $vol += $contributionStat['data'][$contribution['contributionId']]['stat'][$ix][$type]; } } $ret["y$iy"][] = $vol; $ret['totalVol'] += $vol; ++$iy; } return $ret; } function draw_week_contribution_vol($contributionStat, $type='add', $contributions) { $ret = array(); $ret['totalVol'] = 0; for ($i = 1, $nb = $contributionStat['nbCols']; $nb; --$nb) { $ret['x'][] = $i++; } $ret['color'] = $this->get_colors($contributions['cant']); $iy = 0; foreach ($contributions['data'] as $contribution) { $ret['label'][] = utf8_decode($contribution['name']); for ($ix = 0; $ix < $contributionStat['nbCols']; ++$ix) { if (empty($contributionStat['data'][$contribution['contributionId']]) || empty($contributionStat['data'][$contribution['contributionId']]['stat'][$ix])) { $ret["y$iy"][] = 0; } else { $ret["y$iy"][] = $contributionStat['data'][$contribution['contributionId']]['stat'][$ix][$type]; $ret['totalVol'] += $contributionStat['data'][$contribution['contributionId']]['stat'][$ix][$type]; } } ++$iy; } return $ret; } function draw_contribution_user($userStat, $type='add', $contributions) { $ret = array(); $ret['totalVol'] = 0; foreach ($userStat['data'] as $user=>$stats) { $ret['x'][] = utf8_decode($user); } $ret['color'] = $this->get_colors($contributions['cant']); $iy = 0; foreach ($contributions['data'] as $contribution) { $ret['label'][] = utf8_decode($contribution['name']); foreach ($userStat['data'] as $user=>$stats) { if (empty($stats[$contribution['contributionId']])) { $ret["y$iy"][] = 0; } else { $ret["y$iy"][] = $stats[$contribution['contributionId']]['stat']["$type"]; $ret['totalVol'] += $stats[$contribution['contributionId']]['stat']["$type"]; } } ++$iy; } return $ret; } function draw_contribution_group($groupContributions, $type='add', $contributions) { $ret = array(); $ret['totalVol'] = 0; foreach ($groupContributions as $group=>$stats) { $ret['x'][] = utf8_decode($group); } $ret['color'] = $this->get_colors($contributions['cant']); $iy = 0; foreach ($contributions['data'] as $contribution) { $ret['label'][] = utf8_decode($contribution['name']); foreach ($groupContributions as $group=>$stats) { if (empty($stats[$contribution['name']])) { $ret["y$iy"][] = 0; } else { $ret["y$iy"][] = $stats[$contribution['name']][$type]; $ret['totalVol'] += $stats[$contribution['name']][$type]; } } ++$iy; } return $ret; } function get_contributors($actionId) { $query = 'select uu.`login` from `tiki_actionlog_params` tap, `users_users` uu where tap.`actionId`=? and tap.`name`=? and uu.`userId`=tap.`value`'; return $this->fetchAll($query, array($actionId, 'contributor')); } // get the contributors of the last update of a wiki page function get_wiki_contributors($page_info) { $query = 'select distinct(uu.`login`), uu.`userId` from `tiki_actionlog_params` tap, `users_users` uu , `tiki_actionlog` ta where tap.`actionId`= ta.`actionId` and tap.`name`=? and uu.`userId`=tap.`value` and ta.`object`=? and ta.`objectType`=? and ta.`lastModif`=? order by `login` asc' ; return $this->fetchAll($query, array('contributor', $page_info['pageName'], 'wiki page', $page_info['lastModif'])); } function split_actions_per_contributors($actions, $users) { $contributorActions = array(); foreach ($actions as $action) { $bytes = $this->get_volume_action($action); if ( strpos($action['action'],'logged from') === 0 ) { $action['action'] = 'login'; } if ( strpos($action['action'],'logged out') === 0 ) { $action['action'] = 'login'; } $nbC = isset($action['nbContributors'])? $action['nbContributors']:1; if (isset($bytes['add'])) { $action['add'] = $bytes['add']; $action['contributorAdd'] = round($bytes['add']/$nbC); $action['comment'] = 'add='.$action['contributorAdd']; } if (isset($bytes['del'])) { $action['del'] = $bytes['del']; $action['contributorDel'] = round($bytes['del']/$nbC); if (!empty($action['comment'])) { $action['comment'] .= '&del='.$action['contributorDel']; } else { $action['comment'] = 'del='.$action['contributorDel']; } } if (empty($users) || in_array($action['user'], $users)) { $contributorActions[] = $action; } if (isset($action['contributors'])) { foreach ($action['contributors'] as $contributor) { if (empty($users) || in_array($contributor['login'], $users)) { $action['user'] = $contributor['login']; $contributorActions[] = $action; } } } } return $contributorActions; } function list_logsql($sort_mode='created_desc', $offset=0, $maxRecords=-1, $find='') { global $prefs; $bindvars = array(); if (!empty($find)) { $findesc = '%'.$find.'%'; $amid = '`sql1` like ? or `params` like ? or `tracer` like ?'; $bindvars[] = $findesc;$bindvars[] = $findesc;$bindvars[] = $findesc; } $query = 'select * from `adodb_logsql`'.($find?" where $amid":'').' order by '.$this->convertSortMode($sort_mode); $ret = $this->fetchAll($query, $bindvars, $maxRecords, $offset); $query_cant = 'select count(*) from `adodb_logsql`'.($find?" where $amid":''); $cant = $this->getOne($query_cant, $bindvars); $retval = array(); $retval['data'] = $ret; $retval['cant'] = $cant; return $retval; } function clean_logsql() { $query = 'delete from `adodb_logsql`'; $this->query($query, array()); } function graph_to_jpgraph(&$jpgraph, $series, $accumulated = false, $color='whitesmoke', $colorLegend='white') { $jpgraph->SetScale('textlin'); $jpgraph->setMarginColor($color); $jpgraph->xaxis->SetTickLabels($series['x']); $plot = array(); for ($i = 0; isset($series["y$i"]); ++$i) { $plot[$i] = new BarPlot($series["y$i"]); $plot[$i]->SetFillColor($series['color'][$i]); $plot[$i]->SetLegend($series['label'][$i]); } if ($accumulated) { $gbplot = new AccBarPlot($plot); } else { $gbplot = new GroupBarPlot($plot); } //$jpgraph ->legend->Pos( 0.5,0.5,"right" ,"center"); $jpgraph->legend->SetFillColor($colorLegend); $jpgraph->Add( $gbplot); } function insert_image($galleryId, $graph, $ext, $title, $period) { global $prefs, $user; global $imagegallib; include_once('lib/imagegals/imagegallib.php'); $filename = $prefs['tmpDir'].'/'.md5(rand().time()).'.'.$ext; $graph->Stroke($filename); $info = getimagesize($filename); $size = filesize($filename); $fp = fopen($filename, "rb"); $data = fread($fp, $size); fclose($fp); $imagegallib->insert_image($_REQUEST['galleryId'], $title.$period, '', $title.$period.'.'.$ext, 'image/'.$ext, $data, $size, $info[0], $info[1], $user, '', ''); } function get_more_info($actions, $categNames = array()) { global $tikilib, $prefs; foreach($actions as &$action) { if ( empty($action['user']) ) { $action['user'] = 'Anonymous'; } if ($action['categId'] && $categNames) { $action['categName'] = $categNames[$action['categId']]; } if ($bytes = $this->get_volume_action($action)) { if (isset($bytes['add'] )) { $action['add'] = $bytes['add']; } if (isset($bytes['del'])) { $action['del'] = $bytes['del']; } } switch ($action['objectType']) { case 'wiki page': if (preg_match("/old=(.*)/", $action['comment'], $matches)) { $action['link'] = 'tiki-index.php?page='.$action['object'].'&old='.$matches[1]; } else { $action['link'] = 'tiki-index.php?page='.$action['object']; } break; case 'article': global $artlib; require_once 'lib/articles/artlib.php'; $action['link'] = 'tiki-read_article.php?articleId='.$action['object']; if (!isset($articleNames)) { $objects = $artlib->list_articles(0, -1, 'title_asc', '', 0, 0, ''); $articleNames = array(); foreach ($objects['data'] as $object) { $articleNames[$object['articleId']] = $object['title']; } } if (!empty($articleNames[$action['object']])) $action['object'] = $articleNames[$action['object']]; break; case 'category': $action['link'] = 'tiki-browse_categories.php?parentId='.$action['object']; if ($categNames && !empty($categNames[$action['object']])) { $action['object'] = $categNames[$action['object']]; } break; case 'forum': if ($action['action'] == 'Removed') { $action['link'] = 'tiki-view_forum.php?forumId='.$action['object'].'&'.$action['comment'];// threadId dded for debug info } else { $action['link'] = 'tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId='.$action['object'].'&'.$action['comment']; } if (!isset($forumNames)) { global $commentslib; include_once('lib/comments/commentslib.php'); $objects = $commentslib->list_forums(0, -1, 'name_asc', ''); $forumNames = array(); foreach ($objects['data'] as $object) { $forumNames[$object['forumId']] = $object['name']; } } if (!empty($forumNames[$action['object']])) $action['object'] = $forumNames[$action['object']]; break; case 'image gallery': if ($action['action'] == 'Uploaded') { $action['link'] = 'tiki-browse_image.php?galleryId='.$action['object'].'&'.$action['comment']; } else { $action['link'] = 'tiki-browse_gallery.php?galleryId='.$action['object']; } if (!isset($imageGalleryNames)) { global $imagegallib; include_once('lib/imagegals/imagegallib.php'); $objects = $imagegallib->list_galleries(0, -1, 'name_asc', 'admin'); foreach ($objects['data'] as $object) { $imageGalleryNames[$object['galleryId']] = $object['name']; } } if (!empty($imageGalleryNames[$action['object']])) { $action['object'] = $imageGalleryNames[$action['object']]; } break; case 'file gallery': if ($action['action'] == 'Uploaded' || $action['action'] == 'Downloaded') { $action['link'] = 'tiki-upload_file.php?galleryId='.$action['object'].'&'.$action['comment']; } else { $action['link'] = 'tiki-list_file_gallery.php?galleryId='.$action['object']; } if (!isset($fileGalleryNames)) { global $filegallib; include_once('lib/filegals/filegallib.php'); $objects = $filegallib->list_file_galleries(0, -1, 'name_asc', 'admin', '', $prefs['fgal_root_id']); foreach ($objects['data'] as $object) { $fileGalleryNames[$object['galleryId']] = $object['name']; } } if (!empty($fileGalleryNames[$action['object']])) { $action['object'] = $fileGalleryNames[$action['object']]; } break; case 'comment': preg_match('/type=([^&]*)(&.*)/', $action['comment'], $matches); switch ($matches[1]) { case 'wiki page': case 'wiki+page': case 'wiki%20page': $action['link'] = 'tiki-index.php?page='.$action['object']; if (preg_match("/old=(.*)&/", $action['comment'], $ms)) { $action['link'] .= '&old='.$ms[1]; } $action['link'] .= $matches[2]; break; case 'file gallery': $action['link'] = 'tiki-list_file_gallery.php?galleryId='.$action['object'].$matches[2]; break; case 'image gallery': $action['link'] = 'tiki-browse_gallery.php?galleryId='.$action['object'].$matches[2]; break; } break; case 'sheet': if (!isset($sheetNames)) { global $sheetlib; include_once('lib/sheet/grid.php'); $objects = $sheetlib->list_sheets(); foreach ($objects['data'] as $object) { $sheetNames[$object['sheetId']] = $object['title']; } } if (!empty($sheetNames[$action['object']])) { $action['object'] = $sheetNames[$action['object']]; } $action['link'] = 'tiki-view_sheets.php?sheetId='.$action['object']; break; case 'blog': if (!isset($blogNames)) { global $bloglib; require_once('lib/blogs/bloglib.php'); $objects = $bloglib->list_blogs(); foreach ($objects['data'] as $object) { $blogNames[$object['blogId']] = $object['title']; } } $action['link'] = 'tiki-view_blog.php?'.$action['comment']; if (!empty($blogNames[$action['object']])) $action['object'] = $blogNames[$action['object']]; break; } } return $actions; } // end of get_more_info($actions) function remove_action($actionId) { $query = 'delete from `tiki_actionlog` where `actionId`=?'; $this->query($query, array($actionId)); $query = 'delete from `tiki_actionlog_params` where `actionId`=?'; $this->query($query, array($actionId)); } function get_who_viewed($mystuff, $anonymous = true) { if (!$mystuff) { return false; } global $prefs; $bindvars = array(); $mid = ''; foreach ($mystuff as $obj) { // If changing type, compose rest of partial filter immediately if (isset($objectType) && $obj["objectType"] != $objectType) { $mid .= ' and `object` in ('.implode(',', array_fill(0, $thistype,'?')).')'; // add comments filter if needed if ($comments) { $bindvars = array_merge($bindvars, $comments); $mid .= ' and `comment` in ('.implode(',', array_fill(0, count($comments),'?')).')'; } } // If starting out, or changing type, to start new sub filter if (!isset($objectType) || $obj["objectType"] != $objectType) { $objectType = $obj["objectType"]; if ( !$mid ) { $mid .= ' (`objectType` = ?'; } else { $mid .= ' or `objectType` = ?'; } $bindvars[] = $objectType; // reset comment detection and counter $comments = array(); $thistype = 0; } // Just keep adding while objectType remain unchanged $bindvars[] = $obj["object"]; if ($obj["comment"]) { // i.e. this objectType filters by comments also, not just on object (id) $comments[] = $obj["comment"]; } $thistype++; } // compose rest of filter for last type $mid .= ' and `object` in ('.implode(',', array_fill(0, $thistype,'?')).')'; // add comments filter if needed if ($comments) { $bindvars = array_merge($bindvars, $comments); $mid .= ' and `comment` in ('.implode(',', array_fill(0, count($comments),'?')).')'; } // add date filter if ($prefs['user_who_viewed_my_stuff_days']) { $firsttime = $this->now - 3600*24*$prefs['user_who_viewed_my_stuff_days']; $mid .= ") and `lastModif` > $firsttime"; } if (!$anonymous) { $mid .= " and `user` != 'Anonymous'"; } $mid .= " and `action` = 'Viewed'"; $mid .= " and `user` IS NOT NULL"; // just to avoid those strange null entries $query = "select *, max(`lastModif`) as `lastViewed` from `tiki_actionlog` where $mid group by `user`, `object`, `objectType`, `comment` order by `lastViewed` desc"; $ret = $this->fetchAll($query, $bindvars); $ret = $this->get_more_info($ret); return $ret; } } $logslib = new LogsLib;