File: objectlib.php
<?php // (c) Copyright 2002-2011 by authors of the Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware Project // // All Rights Reserved. See copyright.txt for details and a complete list of authors. // Licensed under the GNU LESSER GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE. See license.txt for details. // $Id: objectlib.php 33195 2011-03-02 17:43:40Z changi67 $ //this script may only be included - so its better to die if called directly. if (strpos($_SERVER["SCRIPT_NAME"],basename(__FILE__)) !== false) { header("location: index.php"); exit; } // this is an abstract class class ObjectLib extends TikiLib { function add_object($type, $itemId, $description = '', $name = '', $href = '') { $objectId = $this->get_object_id($type, $itemId); if ($objectId) { if (!empty($description) || !empty($name) || !empty($href)) { $description = strip_tags($description); $name = strip_tags($name); $query = "update `tiki_objects` set `description`=?,`name`=?,`href`=? where `objectId`=?"; $this->query($query,array($description,$name,$href,$objectId)); } } else { if (empty($href) || empty($name)) { //DIRTY patch: these information are needed in browse freetag even if the freetag module does not provide them: fix->freetag module must provide them if ($type == 'wiki page') { $href = "tiki-index.php?page=".urlencode($itemId); $name = $itemId; } } $objectId = $this->insert_object($type, $itemId, $description, $name, $href); } return $objectId; } function insert_object($type, $itemId, $description = '', $name = '', $href = '') { $description = strip_tags($description); $name = strip_tags($name); $query = "insert into `tiki_objects`(`type`,`itemId`,`description`,`name`,`href`,`created`,`hits`,`comments_locked`) values(?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)"; $result = $this->query($query,array($type,(string) $itemId,$description,$name,$href,(int) $this->now,0,'n')); $query = "select `objectId` from `tiki_objects` where `created`=? and `type`=? and `itemId`=?"; $objectId = $this->getOne($query,array((int) $this->now,$type,(string) $itemId)); return $objectId; } function get_object_id($type, $itemId) { $query = "select `objectId` from `tiki_objects` where `type`=? and `itemId`=?"; return $this->getOne($query, array($type, $itemId)); } // Returns an array containing the object ids of objects of the same type. Each entry uses the item id as key and the object id as key. Items with no object id are ignored. function get_object_ids($type, $itemIds) { $query = "select `objectId`, `itemId` from `tiki_objects` where `type`=? and `itemId` IN (".implode(',', array_fill(0,count($itemIds),'?')).")"; $result = $this->query($query, array_merge(array($type), $itemIds)); $objectIds = array(); while ($res = $result->fetchRow()) { $objectIds[$res["itemId"]] = $res["objectId"]; } return $objectIds; } function get_needed_perm($objectType, $action) { switch ($objectType) { case 'wiki page': case 'wiki': switch ($action) { case 'view': case 'read': return 'tiki_p_view'; case 'edit': return 'tiki_p_edit'; } case 'article': switch ($action) { case 'view': case 'read': return 'tiki_p_read_article'; case 'edit': return 'tiki_p_edit_article'; } case 'post': switch ($action) { case 'view': case 'read': return 'tiki_p_read_blog'; case 'edit': return 'tiki_p_create_blog'; } case 'blog': switch ($action) { case 'view': case 'read': return 'tiki_p_read_blog'; case 'edit': return 'tiki_p_create_blog'; } case 'faq': switch ($action) { case 'view': case 'read': return 'tiki_p_view_faqs'; case 'edit': return 'tiki_p_admin_faqs'; } case 'file gallery': switch ($action) { case 'view': case 'read': return 'tiki_p_view_file_gallery'; case 'edit': return 'tiki-admin_file_galleries'; } case 'image gallery': switch ($action) { case 'view': case 'read': return 'tiki_p_view_image_gallery'; case 'edit': return 'tiki_p_admin_galleries'; } case 'poll': switch ($action) { case 'view': case 'read': return 'tiki_p_vote_poll'; case 'edit': return 'tiki_p_admin'; } case 'comment': case 'comments': switch ($action) { case 'view': case 'read': return 'tiki_p_read_comments'; case 'edit': return 'tiki_p_edit_comments'; } case 'trackeritem': switch ($action) { case 'view': case 'read': return 'tiki_p_view_trackers'; case 'edit': return 'tiki_p_modify_tracker_items'; } case 'trackeritem_closed': switch ($action) { case 'view': case 'read': return 'tiki_p_view_trackers'; case 'edit': return 'tiki_p_modify_tracker_items_closed'; } case 'trackeritem_pending': switch ($action) { case 'view': case 'read': return 'tiki_p_view_trackers'; case 'edit': return 'tiki_p_modify_tracker_items_pending'; } case 'tracker': switch ($action) { case 'view': case 'read': return 'tiki_p_list_trackers'; case 'edit': return 'tiki_p_admin_trackers'; } default : return ''; } } function get_info($objectType, $object) { switch ($objectType) { case 'wiki': case 'wiki page': global $tikilib; include_once('lib/tikilib.php'); $info = $tikilib->get_page_info($object); return (array('title'=>$object, 'data'=>$info['data'], 'is_html'=>$info['is_html'])); case 'article': global $artlib; require_once 'lib/articles/artlib.php'; $info = $artlib->get_article($object); return (array('title'=>$info['title'], 'data'=>$info['body'])); } return (array('error'=>'true')); } function set_data($objectType, $object, $data) { switch ($objectType) { case 'wiki': case 'wiki page': global $tikilib; include_once('lib/tikilib.php'); global $user; $tikilib->update_page($object, $data, tra('section edit'), $user, $tikilib->get_ip_address()); break; } } function delete_object($type, $itemId) { $query = 'delete from `tiki_objects` where `itemId`=? and `type`=?'; $this->query($query, array($itemId, $type)); } function get_object($type, $itemId) { $query = 'select * from `tiki_objects` where `itemId`=? and `type`=?'; $result = $this->query($query,array($itemId, $type)); return $result->fetchRow(); } function get_object_via_objectid($objectId) { $query = 'select * from `tiki_objects` where `objectId`=?'; $result = $this->query($query,array((int) $objectId)); return $result->fetchRow(); } } $objectlib = new ObjectLib;