File: ointegratelib.php
<?php // (c) Copyright 2002-2011 by authors of the Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware Project // // All Rights Reserved. See copyright.txt for details and a complete list of authors. // Licensed under the GNU LESSER GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE. See license.txt for details. // $Id: ointegratelib.php 33195 2011-03-02 17:43:40Z changi67 $ class OIntegrate { private $schemaVersion = array(); private $acceptTemplates = array(); public static function getEngine( $name, $engineOutput ) // {{{ { switch( $name ) { case 'javascript': return new OIntegrate_Engine_JavaScript; case 'smarty': return new OIntegrate_Engine_Smarty( $engineOutput == 'tikiwiki' ); } } // }}} public static function getConverter( $from, $to ) // {{{ { switch( $from ) { case 'html': if( $to == 'tikiwiki' ) return new OIntegrate_Converter_HtmlToTiki; elseif( $to == 'html' ) return new OIntegrate_Converter_Direct; break; case 'tikiwiki': if( $to == 'html' ) return new OIntegrate_Converter_TikiToHtml; elseif( $to == 'tikiwiki' ) return new OIntegrate_Converter_EncodeHtml; } } // }}} function performRequest( $url, $postBody = null ) // {{{ { global $cachelib; require_once 'lib/cache/cachelib.php'; if ( $cache = $cachelib->getSerialized( $url.$postBody )) { if( time() < $cache['expires'] ) return $cache['data']; $cachelib->invalidate( $url.$postBody ); } if( empty($postBody) ) { $opts = array( 'http' => array( 'method' => 'GET', 'header' => "Accept: application/json,text/x-yaml\r\n" . "OIntegrate-Version: 1.0\r\n", 'content' => '', ), ); } else { $opts = array( 'http' => array( 'method' => 'POST', 'header' => "Accept: application/json,text/x-yaml\r\n" . "OIntegrate-Version: 1.0\r\n" . "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded\r\n" . "Content-Length: " . strlen($postBody) . "\r\n", 'content' => $postBody, ), ); } if( count( $this->schemaVersion ) ) $opts['http']['header'] .= "OIntegrate-SchemaVersion: " . implode( ', ', $this->schemaVersion ) . "\r\n"; if( count( $this->acceptTemplates ) ) $opts['http']['header'] .= "OIntegrate-AcceptTemplate: " . implode( ', ', $this->acceptTemplates ) . "\r\n"; $context = stream_context_create( $opts ); $content = file_get_contents( $url, false, $context ); $contentType = $this->extractHeader( $http_response_header, 'Content-Type' ); $cacheControl = $this->extractHeader( $http_response_header, 'Cache-Control' ); $response = new OIntegrate_Response; $response->contentType = $contentType; $response->cacheControl = $cacheControl; $response->data = $this->unserialize( $contentType, $content ); $filter = new DeclFilter; $filter->addCatchAllFilter( 'xss' ); $response->data = $filter->filter( $response->data ); $response->version = $this->extractHeader( $http_response_header, 'OIntegrate-Version' ); $response->schemaVersion = $this->extractHeader( $http_response_header, 'OIntegrate-SchemaVersion' ); if( ! $response->schemaVersion && isset( $response->data->_version ) ) $response->schemaVersion = $response->data->_version; $response->schemaDocumentation = $this->extractHeader( $http_response_header, 'OIntegrate-SchemaDocumentation' ); global $prefs; // Respect cache duration asked for if( preg_match( '/max-age=(\d+)/', $cacheControl, $parts ) ) { $expiry = time() + $parts[1]; $cachelib->cacheItem( $url, serialize( array( 'expires' => $expiry, 'data' => $response, ) ) ); // Unless service specifies not to cache result, apply a default cache } elseif( false !== strpos( $cacheControl, 'no-cache' ) && $prefs['webservice_consume_defaultcache'] > 0 ) { $expiry = time() + $prefs['webservice_consume_defaultcache']; $cachelib->cacheItem( $url, serialize( array( 'expires' => $expiry, 'data' => $response, ) ) ); } return $response; } // }}} private function extractHeader( $headerList, $name ) // {{{ { $name = strtolower( $name ); foreach( $headerList as $line ) if( strpos( strtolower($line), $name ) === 0 ) { list( $header, $value ) = explode( ':', $line, 2 ); return trim( $value ); } } // }}} function unserialize( $type, $data ) // {{{ { $parts = explode( ';', $type ); $type = trim($parts[0]); if( empty($data) ) { return null; } switch( $type ) { case 'application/json': case 'text/javascript': if( $out = json_decode( $data, true ) ) return $out; // Handle invalid JSON too... $fixed = preg_replace( '/(\w+):/', '"$1":', $data ); $out = json_decode( $fixed, true ); return $out; case 'text/x-yaml': require_once 'Horde/Yaml.php'; require_once 'Horde/Yaml/Loader.php'; require_once 'Horde/Yaml/Node.php'; return Horde_Yaml::load( $data ); default: // Attempt anything... if( $out = $this->unserialize( 'application/json', $data ) ) return $out; if( $out = $this->unserialize( 'text/x-yaml', $data ) ) return $out; } } // }}} function addSchemaVersion( $version ) // {{{ { $this->schemaVersion[] = $version; } // }}} function addAcceptTemplate( $engine, $output ) // {{{ { $this->acceptTemplate[] = "$engine/$output"; } // }}} } class OIntegrate_Response { public $version = null; public $schemaVersion = null; public $schemaDocumentation = null; public $contentType = null; public $cacheControl = null; public $data; private $errors = array(); public static function create( $data, $schemaVersion, $cacheLength = 300 ) // {{{ { $response = new self; $response->version = '1.0'; $response->data = $data; $response->schemaVersion = $schemaVersion; if( $cacheLength > 0 ) $response->cacheControl = "max-age=$cacheLength"; else $response->cacheControl = "no-cache"; return $response; } // }}} function addTemplate( $engine, $output, $templateLocation ) // {{{ { if( ! array_key_exists( '_template', $this->data ) ) $this->data['_template'] = array(); if( ! array_key_exists( $engine, $this->data['_template'] ) ) $this->data['_template'][$engine] = array(); if( ! array_key_exists( $output, $this->data['_template'][$engine] ) ) $this->data['_template'][$engine][$output] = array(); if( 0 !== strpos( $templateLocation, 'http' ) ) { $host = $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']; $proto = 'http'; $path = dirname( $_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME'] ); $templateLocation = ltrim( $templateLocation, '/' ); $templateLocation = "$proto://$host$path/$templateLocation"; } $this->data['_template'][$engine][$output][] = $templateLocation; } // }}} function send() // {{{ { header( 'OIntegrate-Version: 1.0' ); header( 'OIntegrate-SchemaVersion: ' . $this->schemaVersion ); if( $this->schemaDocumentation ) header( 'OIntegrate-SchemaDocumentation: ' . $this->schemaDocumentation ); header( 'Cache-Control: ' . $this->cacheControl ); $data = $this->data; $data['_version'] = $this->schemaVersion; global $access; $access->output_serialized( $data ); exit; } // }}} function render( $engine, $engineOutput, $outputContext, $templateFile ) // {{{ { $engine = OIntegrate::getEngine( $engine, $engineOutput ); if( ! $output = OIntegrate::getConverter( $engineOutput, $outputContext ) ) { $this->errors = array( 1001, 'Output converter not found.' ); return; } if( ! $engine ) { $this->errors = array( 1000, 'Engine not found' ); return; } $raw = $engine->process( $this->data, $templateFile ); return $output->convert( $raw ); } // }}} function getTemplates( $supportedPairs = null ) // {{{ { if( !is_array( $this->data ) || ! isset( $this->data['_template'] ) || ! is_array( $this->data['_template'] ) ) return array(); $templates = array(); foreach( $this->data['_template'] as $engine => $outputs ) { foreach( $outputs as $output => $files ) { if( is_array( $supportedPairs ) && ! in_array( "$engine/$output", $supportedPairs ) ) continue; $files = (array) $files; foreach( $files as $file ) { $content = TikiLib::httprequest( $file ); $templates[] = array( 'engine' => $engine, 'output' => $output, 'content' => $content, ); } } } return $templates; } // }}} } interface OIntegrate_Converter { function convert( $content ); } interface OIntegrate_Engine { function process( $data, $templateFile ); } class OIntegrate_Engine_JavaScript implements OIntegrate_Engine // {{{ { function process( $data, $templateFile ) { $json = json_encode( $data ); return <<<EOC <script type="text/javascript"> var response = $json; </script> EOC . file_get_contents( $templateFile ); } } // }}} class OIntegrate_Engine_Smarty implements OIntegrate_Engine // {{{ { private $changeDelimiters; function __construct( $changeDelimiters = false ) { $this->changeDelimiters = $changeDelimiters; } function process( $data, $templateFile ) { $smarty = new Smarty; $smarty->security = true; $smarty->template_dir = dirname($templateFile); $smarty->plugins_dir = array(); if( $this->changeDelimiters ) { $smarty->left_delimiter = '{{'; $smarty->right_delimiter = '}}'; } $smarty->assign( 'response', $data ); return $smarty->fetch( $templateFile ); } } // }}} class OIntegrate_Converter_Direct implements OIntegrate_Converter // {{{ { function convert( $content ) { return $content; } } // }}} class OIntegrate_Converter_EncodeHtml implements OIntegrate_Converter // {{{ { function convert( $content ) { return htmlentities( $content, ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8' ); } } // }}} class OIntegrate_Converter_HtmlToTiki implements OIntegrate_Converter // {{{ { function convert( $content ) { return '~np~' . $content . '~/np~'; } } // }}} class OIntegrate_Converter_TikiToHtml implements OIntegrate_Converter // {{{ { function convert( $content ) { global $tikilib; return $tikilib->parse_data( htmlentities( $content, ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8' ) ); } } // }}}