File: perspectivelib.php
<?php // (c) Copyright 2002-2011 by authors of the Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware Project // // All Rights Reserved. See copyright.txt for details and a complete list of authors. // Licensed under the GNU LESSER GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE. See license.txt for details. // $Id: perspectivelib.php 33195 2011-03-02 17:43:40Z changi67 $ class PerspectiveLib { private $perspectives; private $perspectivePreferences; function __construct() { $this->perspectives = TikiDb::get()->table('tiki_perspectives'); $this->perspectivePreferences = TikiDb::get()->table('tiki_perspective_preferences'); } function get_current_perspective( $prefs ) { if( isset( $_REQUEST['perspectiveId'] ) ) { return (int) $_REQUEST['perspectiveId']; } elseif( isset( $_SESSION['current_perspective'] ) ) { return (int) $_SESSION['current_perspective']; } global $tikilib; $ip = $tikilib->get_ip_address(); foreach( $this->get_subnet_map( $prefs ) as $subnet => $perspective ) { if ( $this->is_in_subnet($ip, $subnet) ) { return $perspective; } } $currentDomain = isset($_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']) ? $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] : ''; foreach( $this->get_domain_map( $prefs ) as $domain => $perspective ) { if( $domain == $currentDomain ) { $_SESSION['current_perspective'] = trim($perspective); return $perspective; } } } private function get_map( $prefs, $active_pref, $config_pref ) { if( ! $prefs ) { global $prefs; } $out = array(); if (( !isset($prefs[$active_pref]) || $prefs[$active_pref] != 'n' ) && isset($prefs[$config_pref])) { foreach( explode( "\n", $prefs[$config_pref] ) as $config ) { if (substr_count($config, ',') == 1) { // Ignore lines which don't have exactly one comma, such as empty lines. TODO: make sure there are no such lines in the first place list( $domain, $perspective ) = explode( ',', $config ); $out[$domain] = trim($perspective); } } } return $out; } function get_subnet_map( $prefs = null ) { return $this->get_map($prefs, 'site_terminal_active', 'site_terminal_config'); } function get_domain_map( $prefs = null ) { return $this->get_map($prefs, 'multidomain_active', 'multidomain_config'); } private function is_in_subnet( $ip, $subnet ) { list( $subnet, $size ) = explode( '/', $subnet ); // Warning - bit shifting ahead. // Create the real mask from the /X suffix $mask = 0xFFFFFFFF ^ ((1 << (int) (32 - $size)) - 1); // Make sure the subnet-relevant part matches for the IP and the subnet being compared return (ip2long($subnet) & $mask) === (ip2long($ip) & $mask); } // Returns a string-indexed array containing the preferences for the given perspective as "pref_name" => "pref_value". function get_preferences( $perspectiveId ) { $result = TikiDb::get()->query( "SELECT pref, value FROM tiki_perspective_preferences WHERE perspectiveId = ?", array( $perspectiveId ) ); $out = array(); while( $row = $result->fetchRow() ) { $out[ $row['pref'] ] = unserialize( $row['value'] ); } return $out; } function get_perspective( $perspectiveId ) { $result = TikiDb::get()->query( "SELECT perspectiveId, name FROM tiki_perspectives WHERE perspectiveId = ?", array( $perspectiveId ) ); if( $info = $result->fetchRow() ) { $perms = Perms::get( array( 'type' => 'perspective', 'object' => $perspectiveId ) ); if( $perms->view_perspective ) { $info['preferences'] = $this->get_preferences( $perspectiveId ); $this->write_permissions( $info, $perms ); return $info; } } } private function write_permissions( & $info, $perms ) { $info['can_edit'] = $perms->perspective_edit; $info['can_remove'] = $perms->perspective_admin; $info['can_perms'] = $perms->perspective_admin; } // Adds or renames a perspective. If $perspectiveId exists, rename it to $name. Otherwise, create a new perspective with id $perspectiveId named $name. // Returns true if and only if the operation succeeds. function replace_perspective( $perspectiveId, $name ) { if( $perspectiveId ) { $this->perspectives->update(array( 'name' => $name, ), array( 'perspectiveId' => $perspectiveId, )); return $perspectiveId; } else { return $this->perspectives->insert(array( 'name' => $name, )); } } //Removes a perspective. function remove_perspective ( $perspectiveId ) { if ( $perspectiveId ) { $this->perspectives->delete(array('perspectiveId' => $perspectiveId)); $this->perspectivePreferences->deleteMultiple(array('perspectiveId' => $perspectiveId)); } } // Replaces all preferences from $perspectiveId with those in the provided string-indexed array (in format "pref_name" => "pref_value"). function replace_preferences( $perspectiveId, $preferences ) { $db = TikiDb::get(); $this->perspectivePreferences->deleteMultiple(array('perspectiveId' => $perspectiveId)); global $prefslib; require_once 'lib/prefslib.php'; foreach( $preferences as $pref => $value ) { $value = $prefslib->formatPreference( $pref, array($pref => $value)); $this->set_preference( $perspectiveId, $pref, $value ); } } // Replaces a specific preference function replace_preference ( $preference, $value, $newValue ) { $this->perspectivePreferences->update(array( 'value' => serialize($newValue), ), array( 'pref' => $preference, 'value' => serialize($value), )); } // Sets $preference's value for $perspectiveId to $value. function set_preference( $perspectiveId, $preference, $value ) { $this->perspectivePreferences->delete(array( 'perspectiveId' => $perspectiveId, 'pref' => $preference, )); $this->perspectivePreferences->insert(array( 'perspectiveId' => $perspectiveId, 'pref' => $preference, 'value' => serialize($value), )); } // Returns true if and only if a perspective with the given $perspectiveId exists. function perspective_exists( $perspectiveId ) { $db = TikiDb::get(); $id = $db->getOne( 'SELECT perspectiveId FROM tiki_perspectives WHERE perspectiveId = ?', array( $perspectiveId ) ); return ! empty( $id ); } function list_perspectives( $offset = 0, $maxRecords = -1 ) { $db = TikiDb::get(); $list = $db->fetchAll( "SELECT perspectiveId, name FROM tiki_perspectives", array(), $maxRecords, $offset ); $list = Perms::filter( array( 'type' => 'perspective' ), 'object', $list, array( 'object' => 'perspectiveId' ), 'perspective_view' ); foreach( $list as & $info ) { $perms = Perms::get( array( 'type' => 'perspective', 'object' => $info['perspectiveId'] ) ); $this->write_permissions( $info, $perms ); } return $list; } //Returns a list of perspectives with the given name, filtered by perms function get_perspectives_with_given_name ( $name ) { $db = TikiDb::get(); $list = $db->getOne( "SELECT perspectiveId FROM tiki_perspectives WHERE name = ?", array ( $name ) ); //$list = Perms::filter( array ( 'type' => 'perspective'), 'object', $list, array( 'object' => 'perspectiveId' ), 'perspective_view' ); return $list; } } global $perspectivelib; $perspectivelib = new PerspectiveLib;