File: prefslib.php
<?php // (c) Copyright 2002-2011 by authors of the Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware Project // // All Rights Reserved. See copyright.txt for details and a complete list of authors. // Licensed under the GNU LESSER GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE. See license.txt for details. // $Id: prefslib.php 33546 2011-03-19 04:10:34Z lindonb $ class PreferencesLib { private $data = array(); private $usageArray; private $file = ''; function PreferencesLib() { global $prefs; $this->file = 'temp/preference-index-' . $prefs['language']; } function getPreference( $name, $deps = true, $source = null, $get_pages = false ) { global $prefs; static $id = 0; $data = $this->loadData( $name ); if( isset( $data[$name] ) ) { $defaults = array( 'type' => '', 'helpurl' => '', 'help' => '', 'dependencies' => array(), 'extensions' => array(), 'options' => array(), 'description' => '', 'size' => 40, 'detail' => '', 'warning' => '', 'hint' => '', 'shorthint' => '', 'perspective' => true, 'parameters' => array(), ); $info = $data[$name]; if( $source == null ) { $source = $prefs; } $value = $source[$name]; if( !empty($value) && is_string( $value ) && ($value{0} == ':' || (strlen($value) > 1 && $value{1} == ':')) && false !== $unserialized = unserialize( $value ) ) { $value = $unserialized; } $info['preference'] = $name; if( isset( $info['serialize'] ) ) { $fnc = $info['serialize']; $info['value'] = $fnc( $value ); } else { $info['value'] = $value; } $info['raw'] = $source[$name]; $info['id'] = 'pref-' . ++$id; if( isset( $info['help'] ) && $prefs['feature_help'] == 'y' ) { if( preg_match('/^https?:/i', $info['help']) ) { $info['helpurl'] = $info['help']; } else { $info['helpurl'] = $prefs['helpurl'] . $info['help']; } } if( $deps && isset( $info['dependencies'] ) ) { $info['dependencies'] = $this->getDependencies( $info['dependencies'] ); } $info['params'] = ''; if (!empty($info['parameters'])) { foreach ($info['parameters'] as $param => $value) { $info['params'] .= ' ' . $param . '="' . $value . '"'; } } $info['available'] = true; if( isset( $info['extensions'] ) ) { $info['available'] = $this->checkExtensions( $info['extensions'] ); } $defprefs = get_default_prefs(); $info['default_val'] = $defprefs[$name]; if ($get_pages) { $info['pages'] = $this->getPreferenceLocations( $name ); } $info = array_merge($defaults, $info); return $info; } return false; } private function checkExtensions( $extensions ) { $installed = get_loaded_extensions(); foreach( $extensions as $ext ) { if( ! in_array( $ext, $installed ) ) { return false; } } return true; } function getMatchingPreferences( $criteria ) { $index = $this->getIndex(); $results = $index->find( $criteria ); $prefs = array(); foreach( $results as $hit ) { $prefs[] = $hit->preference; } return $prefs; } function applyChanges( $handled, $data, $limitation = null ) { global $tikilib, $user_overrider_prefs; if( is_array( $limitation ) ) { $handled = array_intersect( $handled, $limitation ); } $resets = isset( $data['lm_reset'] ) ? (array) $data['lm_reset'] : array(); $changes = array(); foreach( $handled as $pref ) { if( in_array( $pref, $resets ) ) { $defaults = get_default_prefs(); $value = $defaults[$pref]; } else { $value = $this->formatPreference( $pref, $data ); } $realPref = in_array($pref, $user_overrider_prefs)? "site_$pref": $pref; if( ($old = $tikilib->get_preference( $realPref ) ) != $value ) { $tikilib->set_preference( $pref, $value ); $changes[$pref] = array('new'=> $value, 'old' => $old); } } return $changes; } function formatPreference( $pref, $data ) { if( false !== $info = $this->getPreference( $pref ) ) { $function = '_get' . ucfirst( $info['type'] ) . 'Value'; $value = $this->$function( $info, $data ); return $value; } else { return $data[$pref]; } } function getInput( JitFilter $filter, $preferences = array(), $environment = '' ) { $out = array(); foreach( $preferences as $name ) { $info = $this->getPreference( $name ); if( $environment == 'perspective' && isset( $info['perspective'] ) && $info['perspective'] === false ) { continue; } if( isset( $info['filter'] ) ) { $filter->replaceFilter( $name, $info['filter'] ); } if( isset( $info['separator'] ) ) { $out[ $name ] = $filter->asArray( $name, $info['separator'] ); } else { $out[ $name ] = $filter[$name]; } } return $out; } function getExtraSortColumns() { global $prefs; if( $prefs['rating_advanced'] == 'y' ) { return TikiDb::get()->fetchMap( "SELECT CONCAT('adv_rating_', ratingConfigId), name FROM tiki_rating_configs" ); } else { return array(); } } private function loadData( $name ) { if( false !== $pos = strpos( $name, '_' ) ) { $file = substr( $name, 0, $pos ); } else { $file = 'global'; } return $this->getFileData( $file ); } private function getFileData( $file ) { if( ! isset( $this->files[$file] ) ) { require_once 'lib/prefs/' . $file . '.php'; $function = "prefs_{$file}_list"; if( function_exists( $function ) ) { $this->files[$file] = $function(); } else { $this->files[$file] = array(); } } return $this->files[$file]; } private function getDependencies( $dependencies ) { $out = array(); foreach( (array) $dependencies as $dep ) { $info = $this->getPreference( $dep, false ); if( $info ) { $out[] = array( 'name' => $dep, 'label' => $info['name'], 'type' => $info['type'], 'link' => 'tiki-admin.php?lm_criteria=' . urlencode($info['name']), 'met' => ( $info['type'] == 'flag' && $info['value'] == 'y' ) || ( $info['type'] != 'flag' && ! empty( $info['value'] ) ) ); } } return $out; } private function getIndex() { global $prefs; if( $prefs['language'] == 'en' ) { Zend_Search_Lucene_Analysis_Analyzer::setDefault( new StandardAnalyzer_Analyzer_Standard_English() ); } if( $this->indexNeedsRebuilding() ) { $index = Zend_Search_Lucene::create( $this->file ); foreach( glob( 'lib/prefs/*.php' ) as $file ) { $file = substr( basename( $file ), 0, -4 ); $data = $this->getFileData( $file ); foreach( $data as $pref => $info ) { $doc = $this->indexPreference( $pref, $info ); $index->addDocument( $doc ); } } $index->optimize(); return $index; } return Zend_Search_Lucene::open( $this->file ); } public function indexNeedsRebuilding() { return !file_exists( $this->file ); } public function getPreferenceLocations( $name ) { if( ! $this->usageArray ) { $this->loadPreferenceLocations(); } $pages = array(); foreach($this->usageArray as $pg => $pfs) { foreach ($pfs as $pf) { if ($pf[0] == $name) { $pages[] = array($pg, $pf[1]); } } } if (count($pages) == 0 && strpos($name, 'plugin') !== false) { $pages[] = array('textarea', 0); // plugins are included in textarea admin dynamically } return $pages; } private function loadPreferenceLocations() { // check for or create array of where each pref is used $file = 'temp/cache/preference-usage-index'; if ( !file_exists( $file ) ) { $prefs_usage_array = array(); $fp = opendir('templates/'); while(false !== ($f = readdir($fp))) { preg_match('/^tiki-admin_include_(.*)\.tpl$/', $f, $m); if (count($m) > 0) { $page = $m[1]; $c = file_get_contents('templates/'.$f); preg_match_all('/{preference.*name=[\'"]?(\w*)[\'"]?.*}/i', $c, $m2, PREG_OFFSET_CAPTURE); if (count($m2[1]) > 0) { // count number of tabs in front of each found pref foreach( $m2[1] as & $found) { $tabs = preg_match_all('/{\/tab}/i', substr($c, 0, $found[1]), $m3); if ($tabs === false) { $tabs = 0; } else { $tabs++; } $found[1] = $tabs; // replace char offset with tab number } $prefs_usage_array[$page] = $m2[1]; } } } file_put_contents($file, serialize($prefs_usage_array)); } else { $prefs_usage_array = unserialize(file_get_contents($file)); } $this->usageArray = $prefs_usage_array; } private function indexPreference( $pref, $info ) { $doc = new Zend_Search_Lucene_Document(); $doc->addField( Zend_Search_Lucene_Field::UnIndexed('preference', $pref) ); $doc->addField( Zend_Search_Lucene_Field::Text('name', $info['name']) ); if (!empty($info['description'])) { $doc->addField( Zend_Search_Lucene_Field::Text('description', $info['description']) ); } if (!empty($info['keywords'])) { $doc->addField( Zend_Search_Lucene_Field::Text('keywords', $info['keywords']) ); } if( isset( $info['options'] ) ) { $doc->addField( Zend_Search_Lucene_Field::Text('options', implode( ' ', $info['options'] ) ) ); } return $doc; } private function _getFlagValue( $info, $data ) { $name = $info['preference']; return isset( $data[$name] ) ? 'y' : 'n'; } private function _getTextValue( $info, $data ) { $name = $info['preference']; if( isset($info['separator']) && is_string( $data[$name] )) { $value = explode( $info['separator'], $data[$name] ); } else { $value = $data[$name]; } if( isset($info['filter']) && $filter = TikiFilter::get( $info['filter'] ) ) { if( is_array( $value ) ) { return array_map( array( $filter, 'filter' ), $value ); } else { return $filter->filter( $value ); } } else { return $value; } } private function _getPasswordValue( $info, $data ) { $name = $info['preference']; if( isset($info['filter']) && $filter = TikiFilter::get( $info['filter'] ) ) { return $filter->filter( $data[$name] ); } else { return $data[$name]; } } private function _getTextareaValue( $info, $data ) { $name = $info['preference']; if( isset($info['filter']) && $filter = TikiFilter::get( $info['filter'] ) ) { $value = $filter->filter( $data[$name] ); } else { $value = $data[$name]; } if( isset( $info['unserialize'] ) ) { $fnc = $info['unserialize']; return $fnc( $value ); } else { return $value; } } private function _getListValue( $info, $data ) { $name = $info['preference']; $value = $data[$name]; $options = $info['options']; if( isset( $options[$value] ) ) { return $value; } else { return reset( array_keys( $options ) ); } } private function _getMultilistValue( $info, $data ) { $name = $info['preference']; $value = (array) $data[$name]; $options = $info['options']; $options = array_keys( $options ); return array_intersect( $value, $options ); } private function _getRadioValue( $info, $data ) { $name = $info['preference']; $value = isset($data[$name]) ? $data[$name]: null; $options = $info['options']; $options = array_keys( $options ); if (in_array($value, $options)) { return $value; } else { return ''; } } private function _getMulticheckboxValue( $info, $data ) { return $this->_getMultilistValue( $info, $data ); } // for export as yaml for tiki 7 /** * @global TikiLib $tikilib * @param bool $added shows current prefs not in defaults * @return array (prefname => array( 'cur' => current value, 'def' => default value )) */ function getModifiedPreferences( $added = false ) { global $tikilib; $prefsTable = $tikilib->table('tiki_preferences'); // get prefs direct from db $res = $prefsTable->fetchAll( $prefsTable->all(), array() ); $prefs = array(); foreach ($res as $row) { $prefs[$row['name']] = $row['value']; } $defaults = get_default_prefs(); $modified = array(); foreach($prefs as $pref => $val) { if (( $added && !isset($defaults[$pref])) || (isset($defaults[$pref]) && $val !== $defaults[$pref] )) { if (!in_array($pref, array( 'tiki_release', 'tiki_version_last_check', 'lastUpdatePrefs', 'case_patched' ))) { // prefs modified by the system etc if (!in_array($pref, array( 'fgal_use_dir', 'sender_email' ))) { // prefs with system info etc $modified[$pref] = array( 'cur' => $prefs[$pref], ); if (isset($defaults[$pref])) { $modified[$pref]['def'] = $defaults[$pref]; } } } } } ksort($modified); return $modified; } } global $prefslib; $prefslib = new PreferencesLib();