File: themegenlib.php
<?php // (c) Copyright 2002-2011 by authors of the Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware Project // // All Rights Reserved. See copyright.txt for details and a complete list of authors. // Licensed under the GNU LESSER GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE. See license.txt for details. // $Id: themegenlib.php 34024 2011-04-18 19:10:49Z jonnybradley $ //this script may only be included - so its better to die if called directly. if (strpos($_SERVER["SCRIPT_NAME"],basename(__FILE__)) !== false) { header("location: index.php"); exit; } class ThemeGenLib { private $currentTheme; // ThemeGenTheme private $tg_data; public function ThemeGenLib() { global $prefs; // array containing customisable elements // some handy matches $unit = '[-+]?[\d\.]+(?:px|em|ex|%|in|cm|mm|pt|pc)?'; $color = '#[0-9a-f]{3,6}|aqua|black|blue|fuchsia|gray|green|lime|maroon|navy|olive|orange|purple|red|silver|teal|white|yellow'; $delims = '[\s\!;\}]'; // delimiter with space $delimn = '[\!;\}]'; // delimiter with NO space $selector = '[\}]\s*([^\{]*)\{[^\}]*'; $bstyles = 'dotted|dashed|solid|double|groove|ridge|inset|outset'; // no 'none' for now $this->tg_data = array( 'colors' => array( 'types' => array( 'fgcolors' => array( 'items' => array(), 'title' => tra('Foreground Colors'), 'selector' => 'color', 'regexps' => array( 'find' => '/(?<!-)color:\s*('.$color.')[;\}\!]/Umis', 'context' => '/'.$selector.'(?<!-)color:\s*$0'.$delims.'/Umis', 'replace' => '/((?<!-)color:\s*)$0('.$delims.')/Umis', ), ), 'bgcolors' => array( 'items' => array(), 'title' => tra('Background Colors'), 'selector' => 'color', 'regexps' => array( 'find' => '/background(?:-color)?:[^\};]*?('.$color.')'.$delims.'/Umis', 'context' => '/'.$selector.'background(?:-color)?:\s*$0'.$delims.'/Umis', 'replace' => '/(background(?:-color)?:[^;\}]*)$0('.$delims.')/Umis', ), ), ), 'title' => tra('Colors'), ), 'borders' => array( 'types' => array( 'bordercolors' => array( 'items' => array(), 'title' => tra('Border Colors'), 'selector' => 'color', 'regexps' => array( // special single find capture for borders with multiple colours 'find' => '/border[\w-]*\:[^;\}]*(#[0-9a-f\s]{3,6}[\s#0-9a-f]*)'.$delimn.'/Umis', 'context' => '/'.$selector.'border[\w-]*:[^\;\}\!]*$0[^\;\}\!]*'.$delimn.'/Umis', // special single replace capture for borders with multiple colours 'replace' => '/border[\w-]*:[^\;\}\!]*$0[^\;\}\!]*'.$delimn.'/Umis', ), ), 'borderwidths' => array( 'items' => array(), 'title' => tra('Border Widths'), 'selector' => 'size', 'regexps' => array( 'find' => '/border(?!-radius)[\w-]*(?<!radius):[^\};]*((?<![\da-f#])'.$unit.')[\s;\}\!]/Umis', 'context' => '/'.$selector.'border(?:(?!-radius)[\w-]*(?<!radius))?:[^\}]*(?<![\da-f#])$0'.$delims.'/Umis', 'replace' => '/(border(?!-radius)[\w-]*(?<!radius):[^;\}]*)(?<![\da-f#])$0('.$delims.')/Umis', ), ), 'borderstyles' => array( 'items' => array(), 'title' => tra('Border Styles'), 'selector' => 'borderstyle', 'regexps' => array( 'find' => '/border[\w-]*:[^\};]*('.$bstyles.')[\s;\}\!]/Umis', 'context' => '/'.$selector.'border[\w-]*:.*$0'.$delims.'/Umis', 'replace' => '/(border[\w-]*:[^;\}]*)$0('.$delims.')/Umis', ), ), 'borderradii' => array( 'items' => array(), 'title' => tra('Border Radii'), 'selector' => 'size', 'regexps' => array( 'find' => '/border(?:-[^\};]*)?-radius(?:-[^\};]*)?:[^\};]*('.$unit.')[\s;\}\!]/Umis', 'context' => '/'.$selector.'border(?:-.*)?:.*(?<![\da-f#])$0'.$delims.'/Umis', 'replace' => '/(border[^:]*:[^;\}]*)(?<![\da-f#])$0('.$delims.')/Umis', ), ), ), 'title' => tra('Borders'), ), 'typography' => array( 'types' => array( 'fontsize' => array( 'items' => array(), 'title' => tra('Font Sizes'), 'selector' => 'size', 'regexps' => array( 'find' => '/font-size:[^\};]*?('.$unit.')/i', 'context' => '/'.$selector.'font-size:\s*$0'.$delims.'/Umis', 'replace' => '/(font-size:\s*)$0('.$delims.')/Umis', ), ), 'lineheight' => array( 'items' => array(), 'title' => tra('Line Heights'), 'selector' => 'size', 'regexps' => array( 'find' => '/line-height:[^\};]*?('.$unit.')/i', 'context' => '/'.$selector.'line-height:\s*$0'.$delims.'/Umis', 'replace' => '/(line-height:\s*)$0('.$delims.')/Umis', ), ), 'font' => array( 'items' => array(), 'title' => tra('Font'), 'selector' => 'text', 'regexps' => array( 'find' => '/font:\s*?([^;\}]*)/i', 'context' => '/'.$selector.'font:\s*$0'.$delimn.'/Umis', 'replace' => '/(font:\s*)$0('.$delimn.')/Umis', ), ), 'fontfamily' => array( 'items' => array(), 'title' => tra('Font Families'), 'selector' => 'fontfamily', 'regexps' => array( 'find' => '/font-family:\s*?([^;\}]*)/i', 'context' => '/'.$selector.'font-family:\s*$0'.$delimn.'/Umis', 'replace' => '/(font-family:\s*)$0('.$delimn.')/Umis', ), ), ), 'title' => tra('Typography'), ), ); if (!empty($prefs['themegenerator_theme'])) { $t = $prefs['themegenerator_theme']; } else { $t = ''; } $this->currentTheme = new ThemeGenTheme($t); } public function setupEditor() { global $headerlib, $smarty, $prefs, $tikilib; if ($this->currentTheme->initDone || // filter out unnecessay setups strpos($_SERVER["SCRIPT_NAME"], 'tiki-download_file.php') !== false || strpos($_SERVER["SCRIPT_NAME"], 'tiki-ajax_services.php') !== false) { return; } // tiki themegen include $headerlib->add_jsfile('lib/jquery_tiki/tiki-themegenerator.js'); $headerlib->add_cssfile('css/admin.css'); // set up colorpicker $headerlib->add_cssfile('lib/jquery/colorpicker/css/colorpicker.css'); $headerlib->add_cssfile('lib/jquery_tiki/colorpicker/layout.css'); $headerlib->add_jsfile('lib/jquery/colorpicker/js/colorpicker.js'); // colour lib $headerlib->add_jsfile('lib/jquery/jquery.color.js'); // units converter $headerlib->add_jsfile('lib/jquery/pxem.jQuery.js'); if (!empty($_COOKIE['themegen'])) { if (strpos($_COOKIE['themegen'], 'state:open') !== false) { $headerlib->add_jq_onready('openThemeGenDialog();', 100); } } else if (!empty($_SESSION['tg_preview'])) { // or remove preview session if no cookie unset($_SESSION['tg_preview']); } // if not admin/look page so add open dialog js or remove session and return if (strpos($_SERVER["SCRIPT_NAME"], 'tiki-admin.php') === false || strpos($_SERVER["QUERY_STRING"], 'page=look') === false) { return; } if (!empty($_SESSION['tg_preview'])) { $data = unserialize($_SESSION['tg_preview']); $this->currentTheme->setData($data); if (!empty($_SESSION['tg_css_file']) && empty($_REQUEST['tg_css_file'])) { $css_file = $_SESSION['tg_css_file']; } } else { $data = $this->currentTheme->loadPref(); } if (empty($css_file)) { if (!empty($_REQUEST['tg_css_file'])) { $css_file = $_REQUEST['tg_css_file']; } else if ($data) { $css_files = array_keys($data['files']); $css_file_found = false; foreach ( $css_files as $css_file) { foreach( $headerlib->cssfiles as $files) { if (in_array($css_file, $files)) { $css_file_found = true; break 2; } } } if ( !$css_file_found ) { $css_file = $tikilib->get_style_path() . $prefs['style']; } } else { $css_file = $tikilib->get_style_path() . $prefs['style']; } } $mincss = $headerlib->minify_css( $css_file ); // clean out comments etc $mincss = '}' . preg_replace('/@import url(.*);/Umis', '', $mincss); foreach ($this->tg_data as $secName => &$secData) { foreach ($secData['types'] as $typeName => &$typeData) { $typeData['items'] = $this->currentTheme->findMatches($typeData['regexps']['find'], $mincss, $css_file, $typeName); $this->findContexts($typeData['items'], $mincss, $typeData['regexps']['context']); } } $smarty->assign_by_ref( 'tg_data', $this->tg_data ); $smarty->assign_by_ref('tg_css_files', $this->setupCSSFiles()); $smarty->assign_by_ref('tg_css_file', $css_file); if (($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] == 'POST' && !empty($_REQUEST['tg_open_dialog']))) { $smarty->display('themegen.tpl'); die; } $this->currentTheme->initDone = true; } private function findContexts( &$items, $haystack, $regexp) { $m = null; foreach ($items as &$item) { $c = preg_match_all( str_replace('$0', preg_quote( html_entity_decode($item['old']), '/'), $regexp), $haystack, $m); if ($c) { $item['contexts'] = htmlentities('<ul class="tgContexts"><li>' . implode('</li><li>', str_replace(',', ',<br />', $m[1])) . '</li></ul>'); } else { $item['contexts'] = '<ul><li>Not found (error)</li></ul>'; } } } public function setupCSSFiles () { global $tikilib, $prefs, $tikipath, $style_base; $css_files = array('' => tra('Select...')); $css = ''; if (!empty($prefs['style_option']) && $prefs['style_option'] !== tra('None')) { $css_files[$tikilib->get_style_path($prefs['style'], $prefs['style_option'], $prefs['style_option'])] = $style_base . '/' . $prefs['style_option']; $css .= file_get_contents( $tikilib->get_style_path($prefs['style'], $prefs['style_option'], $prefs['style_option']) ); } $css_files[$tikilib->get_style_path() . $prefs['style']] = $prefs['style']; $css .= file_get_contents( $tikilib->get_style_path() . $prefs['style'] ); // shame - doesn't work on @imported files, might be a way with minified on... // preg_match_all( '/@import\s+url\("([^;]*)"\);/', $css, $parts ); // $imports = array_reverse(array_unique( $parts[1] )); // foreach( $imports as $import) { // $css_files[$tikilib->get_style_path() . $import] = $import; // } return $css_files; } public function processCSSFile($file, $swaps) { global $headerlib; $css = $headerlib->minify_css( $file ); foreach ($this->tg_data as $secName => &$secData) { foreach ($secData['types'] as $typeName => &$typeData) { if (isset($swaps[$typeName])) { foreach ($swaps[$typeName] as $old => $new) { $reg = str_replace( '$0', preg_quote($old, '/'), $typeData['regexps']['replace'] ); if (!in_array($typeName, array( 'bordercolors' ))) { $css = preg_replace( $reg, '$1 ' . html_entity_decode($new) . '$2', $css); } else { $GLOBALS['tg_old'] = $old; // for preg_replace_callback on php < 5.3 $GLOBALS['tg_new'] = html_entity_decode($new); $css = preg_replace_callback($reg, array( $this, 'processCSSMultiVars'), $css); } } } } } // still need to deal with multi colour border defs // foreach ($swaps['bordercolors'] as $old => $new) { // $GLOBALS['tg_old'] = $old; // for preg_replace_callback on php < 5.3 // $GLOBALS['tg_new'] = $new; // $css = preg_replace_callback('/(border[^:]*:\s*)(.*)([;\}])/Umis', array( $this, 'processCSSColours'), $css); // } return $css; } private function processCSSMultiVars($matches) { $out = str_replace( $GLOBALS['tg_old'], $GLOBALS['tg_new'], $matches[0]); return $out; } public function saveNewTheme($name) { global $headerlib; $headerlib->remove_themegen_files(); $this->currentTheme = new ThemeGenTheme($name); $this->currentTheme->savePref(); if (!empty($_SESSION['tg_preview'])) { unset($_SESSION['tg_preview']); } } public function updateCurrentTheme($css_file, $swaps) { global $headerlib; $headerlib->remove_themegen_files(); $this->currentTheme->setData(array($swaps, $css_file)); $this->currentTheme->savePref(); if (!empty($_SESSION['tg_preview'])) { unset($_SESSION['tg_preview']); } } public function previewCurrentTheme($css_file, $swaps) { $this->currentTheme->setData(array($swaps, $css_file)); $_SESSION['tg_preview'] = serialize($this->currentTheme->getData()); $_SESSION['tg_css_file'] = $css_file; //$this->currentTheme->savePref(); } public function deleteCurrentTheme() { global $tikilib; if ($this-currentTheme) { $tikilib->set_preference( 'themegenerator_theme', '' ); $this->currentTheme->deletePref(); } } public function getCurrentTheme() { return $this->currentTheme; } } require_once 'lib/serializedlist.php'; class ThemeGenTheme extends SerializedList { var $initDone; public function ThemeGenTheme($name) { parent::__construct($name); } public function initData() { global $prefs; $this->data = array( 'files' => array(), 'theme' => $prefs['style'], 'theme-option' => '', //$prefs['style_option'], ); $this->initDone = false; } public function initPrefPrefix() { $this->prefPrefix = 'themegenerator_theme_'; } public function setData($params) { global $prefs; list($swaps, $css_file) = $params; if (!$swaps && !$css_file && isset($params['files'])) { $this->data = $params; return; } if (!isset($this->data['files'][$css_file])) { $this->data['files'][$css_file] = array(); } foreach($swaps as $type => $swaps2) { $this->data['files'][$css_file][$type] = array(); foreach ($swaps2 as $kswap => $swap) { if ($kswap !== $swap) { $this->data['files'][$css_file][$type][htmlentities($kswap)] = htmlentities($swap); } } } $this->data['theme'] = $prefs['style']; if ( in_array($prefs['style_option'], array_keys( $this->data['files'] ))) { $this->data['theme-option'] = $prefs['style_option']; } else { $this->data['theme-option'] = ''; } } public function findMatches( $regexp, $haystack, $filename, $type, $lower = true, $matchNumber = 1) { $items = null; preg_match_all( $regexp, $haystack, $matches ); if (count($matches) > $matchNumber && count($matchNumber) > 0) { $items = $this->processMatches( $matches[$matchNumber], $filename, $type, $lower ); } return $items; } private function processMatches($matches, $css_file, $type, $lower) { $processed = array(); if (is_array( $matches )) { $matches = array_map('trim', $matches); if ($lower) { $matches = array_map('strtolower', $matches); } $matches = array_unique($matches); // Deal with multiple border colours (widths, styles and radii still TODO but not used in tiki CSS afaik) foreach ($matches as &$m) { if (strpos($m, ' ') && in_array( $type, array('bordercolors'))) { $arr = explode( ' ', $m ); foreach ( $arr as $a ) { if (!in_array( $a, $matches)) { $matches[] = $a; } } $m = ''; } } $matches = array_filter($matches); sort($matches); foreach ($matches as $match) { $match = htmlentities($match); $processed[$match] = array(); $processed[$match]['old'] = $match; if (isset($this->data['files'][$css_file][$type][$match])) { $processed[$match]['new'] = $this->data['files'][$css_file][$type][$match]; } else { $processed[$match]['new'] = $match; } } } return $processed; } } global $themegenlib; $themegenlib = new ThemeGenLib();