File: tiki-js.js
//$Id: tiki-js.js 34650 2011-05-27 14:19:29Z jonnybradley $ var feature_no_cookie = 'n'; // simple translation function for tiki 6 function tr(str) { if (typeof lang[str] == 'string') { return lang[str]; } else { return str; } } var lang = {}; // object to hold JS string translations // default strings empty, override in lang/xx/language.js // which will be included automatically // end translation function browser() { var b = navigator.appName; if (b == "Netscape") { this.b = "ns"; } else { this.b = b; } this.version = navigator.appVersion; this.v = parseInt(this.version, 10); this.ns = (this.b=="ns" && this.v>=5); this.op = (navigator.userAgent.indexOf('Opera')>-1); this.safari = (navigator.userAgent.indexOf('Safari')>-1); this.op7 = (navigator.userAgent.indexOf('Opera')>-1 && this.v>=7); this.ie56 = (this.version.indexOf('MSIE 5')>-1||this.version.indexOf('MSIE 6')>-1); /* ie567 added by Enmore */ this.ie567 = (this.version.indexOf('MSIE 5')>-1||this.version.indexOf('MSIE 6')>-1||this.version.indexOf('MSIE 7')>-1); this.iewin = (this.ie56 && navigator.userAgent.indexOf('Windows')>-1); /* iewin7 added by Enmore */ this.iewin7 = (this.ie567 && navigator.userAgent.indexOf('Windows')>-1); this.iemac = (this.ie56 && navigator.userAgent.indexOf('Mac')>-1); this.moz = (navigator.userAgent.indexOf('Mozilla')>-1); this.moz13 = (navigator.userAgent.indexOf('Mozilla')>-1 && navigator.userAgent.indexOf('1.3')>-1); this.oldmoz = (navigator.userAgent.indexOf('Mozilla')>-1 && navigator.userAgent.indexOf('1.4')>-1 || navigator.userAgent.indexOf('Mozilla')>-1 && navigator.userAgent.indexOf('1.5')>-1 || navigator.userAgent.indexOf('Mozilla')>-1 && navigator.userAgent.indexOf('1.6')>-1); this.ns6 = (navigator.userAgent.indexOf('Netscape6')>-1); this.docom = (this.ie56||this.ns||this.iewin||this.op||this.iemac||this.safari||this.moz||this.oldmoz||this.ns6); } /* toggle CSS (tableless) layout columns */ function toggleCols(id,zeromargin,maincol) { var showit = 'show_' + escape(id); if (!zeromargin) { zeromargin = ''; } if (!id) { id = ''; } if (!maincol) { maincol = 'col1'; } if (document.getElementById(id).style.display == "none") { document.getElementById(id).style.display = "block"; if (zeromargin == 'left') { document.getElementById(maincol).style.marginLeft = ''; if (!document.getElementById(maincol).style.marginLeft) { document.getElementById(maincol).style.marginLeft = $("#"+id).width() + "px"; } setSessionVar(showit,'y'); } else { document.getElementById(maincol).style.marginRight = ''; if (!document.getElementById(maincol).style.marginRight) { document.getElementById(maincol).style.marginRight = $("#"+id).width() + "px"; } setSessionVar(showit,'y'); } } else { document.getElementById(id).style.display = "none"; if (zeromargin == 'left') { document.getElementById(maincol).style.marginLeft = '0'; setSessionVar(showit,'n'); } else { document.getElementById(maincol).style.marginRight = '0'; setSessionVar(showit,'n'); } } } function toggle_dynamic_var(name) { var name1 = 'dyn_'+name+'_display'; var name2 = 'dyn_'+name+'_edit'; if(document.getElementById(name1).style.display == "none") { document.getElementById(name2).style.display = "none"; document.getElementById(name1).style.display = "inline"; } else { document.getElementById(name1).style.display = "none"; document.getElementById(name2).style.display = "inline"; } } function chgArtType() { var articleType = document.getElementById('articletype').value; var typeProperties = articleTypes[articleType]; var propertyList = ['show_topline','y', 'show_subtitle','y', 'show_linkto','y', 'show_lang','y', 'show_author','y', 'use_ratings','y', 'heading_only','n', 'show_image_caption','y', 'show_pre_publ','y', 'show_post_expire','y', 'show_image','y', 'show_expdate','y' ]; if (typeof articleCustomAttributes != 'undefined') { propertyList = propertyList.concat(articleCustomAttributes); } var l = propertyList.length, property, value, display; for (var i=0; i<l; i++) { property = propertyList[i++]; value = propertyList[i]; if (typeProperties[property] == value || (!typeProperties[property] && value == "n")) { display = ""; } else { display = "none"; } if (document.getElementById(property)) { document.getElementById(property).style.display = display; } else { var j = 1; while (document.getElementById(property+'_'+j)) { document.getElementById(property+'_'+j).style.display = display; j++; } } } } function chgMailinType() { if (document.getElementById('mailin_type').value != 'article-put') { document.getElementById('article_topic').style.display = "none"; document.getElementById('article_type').style.display = "none"; } else { document.getElementById('article_topic').style.display = ""; document.getElementById('article_type').style.display = ""; } } function toggleSpan(id) { if (document.getElementById(id).style.display == "inline") { document.getElementById(id).style.display = "none"; } else { document.getElementById(id).style.display = "inline"; } } function toggleBlock(id) { if (document.getElementById(id).style.display == "none") { document.getElementById(id).style.display = "block"; } else { document.getElementById(id).style.display = "none"; } } function toggleTrTd(id) { if (document.getElementById(id).style.display == "none") { document.getElementById(id).style.display = ""; } else { document.getElementById(id).style.display = "none"; } } function showTocToggle() { if (document.createTextNode) { // Uses DOM calls to avoid document.write + XHTML issues var linkHolder = document.getElementById('toctitle'); if (!linkHolder) { return; } var outerSpan = document.createElement('span'); outerSpan.className = 'toctoggle'; var toggleLink = document.createElement('a'); toggleLink.id = 'togglelink'; toggleLink.className = 'internal'; toggleLink.href = 'javascript:toggleToc()'; toggleLink.appendChild(document.createTextNode(tocHideText)); outerSpan.appendChild(document.createTextNode('[')); outerSpan.appendChild(toggleLink); outerSpan.appendChild(document.createTextNode(']')); linkHolder.appendChild(document.createTextNode(' ')); linkHolder.appendChild(outerSpan); if (getCookie("hidetoc") == "1" ) { toggleToc(); } } } function changeText(el, newText) { // Safari work around if (el.innerText) { el.innerText = newText; } else if (el.firstChild && el.firstChild.nodeValue) { el.firstChild.nodeValue = newText; } } function toggleToc() { var toc = document.getElementById('toc').getElementsByTagName('ul')[0]; var toggleLink = document.getElementById('togglelink'); if (toc && toggleLink && toc.style.display == 'none') { changeText(toggleLink, tocHideText); toc.style.display = 'block'; setCookie("hidetoc","0"); } else { changeText(toggleLink, tocShowText); toc.style.display = 'none'; setCookie("hidetoc","1"); } } function chgTrkFld(f,o) { var opt = 0; document.getElementById('z').style.display = "none"; document.getElementById('zDescription').style.display = ""; document.getElementById('zStaticText').style.display = "none"; document.getElementById('zStaticTextToolbars').style.display = "none"; for (var i = 0; i < f.length; i++) { var c = f.charAt(i); if (document.getElementById(c)) { var ichoiceParent = document.getElementById('itemChoicesRow'); var ichoice = document.getElementById(c + 'itemChoices'); if (c == o) { document.getElementById(c).style.display = ""; document.getElementById('z').style.display = "block"; if (c == 'S') { document.getElementById('zDescription').style.display = "none"; document.getElementById('zStaticText').style.display = ""; document.getElementById('zStaticTextToolbars').style.display = ""; } if (ichoice) { ichoice.style.display = ""; ichoiceParent.style.display = ""; } else { ichoiceParent.style.display = "none"; } } else { document.getElementById(c).style.display = "none"; if (ichoice) { ichoice.style.display = "none"; } } } } } function chgTrkLingual(item) { document.getElementById("multilabelRow").style.display = ( item == 't' || item == 'a' ) ? '' : 'none'; } function multitoggle(f,o) { for (var i = 0; i < f.length; i++) { if (document.getElementById('fid'+f[i])) { if (f[i] == o) { document.getElementById('fid'+f[i]).style.display = "block"; } else { document.getElementById('fid'+f[i]).style.display = "none"; } } } } function setMenuCon(foo) { var it = foo.split(","); document.getElementById('menu_url').value = it[0]; document.getElementById('menu_name').value = it[1]; if (it[2]) { document.getElementById('menu_section').value = it[2]; } else { document.getElementById('menu_section').value = ''; } if (it[3]) { document.getElementById('menu_perm').value = it[3]; } else { document.getElementById('menu_perm').value = ''; } } function genPass(w1) { var vo = "aeiouAEU", co, s, l, p, i, letter; co = "bcdfgjklmnprstvwxzBCDFGHJKMNPQRSTVWXYZ0123456789_$%#"; s = Math.round(Math.random()); l = 8; p = ''; for (i = 0; i < l; i++) { if (s) { letter = vo.charAt(Math.round(Math.random() * (vo.length - 1))); s = 0; } else { letter = co.charAt(Math.round(Math.random() * (co.length - 1))); s = 1; } p = p + letter; } document.getElementById(w1).value = p; } function setUserModule(foo1) { document.getElementById('usermoduledata').value = foo1; } function replaceLimon(vec) { document.getElementById(vec[0]).value = document.getElementById(vec[0]).value.replace(vec[1], vec[2]); } function setSelectionRange(textarea, selectionStart, selectionEnd) { $(textarea).selection(selectionStart, selectionEnd); } function getTASelection( textarea ) { var $textareaEditor = getCodeMirrorFromInput($(textarea)); if ($textareaEditor) { return $textareaEditor.selection(); } var ta_id = $(textarea).attr("id"), r, cked, output; if ($('#cke_contents_' + ta_id).length !== 0) { // get selection from ckeditor cked = typeof CKEDITOR !== 'undefined' ? CKEDITOR.instances[ta_id] : null; if (cked) { var sel = cked.getSelection(); if (sel && sel.getType() === CKEDITOR.SELECTION_TEXT) { // why so fiddly? if (CKEDITOR.env.ie) { output = sel.document.$.selection.createRange().text; } else { output = sel.getNative().toString(); } return output; } } } else { if (typeof $(textarea).attr("selectionStartSaved") != 'undefined' && $(textarea).attr("selectionStartSaved")) { // forgetful firefox/IE now return textarea.value.substring($(textarea).attr("selectionStartSaved"), $(textarea).attr("selectionEndSaved")); } else if (typeof textarea.selectionStart != 'undefined') { return textarea.value.substring(textarea.selectionStart, textarea.selectionEnd); } else { // IE r = document.selection.createRange(); return r.text; } } } var ieFirstTimeInsertKludge = null; function storeTASelection( area_id ) { if ($('#cke_contents_' + area_id).length === 0) { var $el = $("#" + area_id); var sel = $el.selection(); $el.attr("selectionStartSaved", sel.start) .attr("selectionEndSaved", sel.end) .attr("scrollTopSaved", $el.attr("scrollTop")); } if (ieFirstTimeInsertKludge === null) { ieFirstTimeInsertKludge = true; } } function setCaretToPos (textarea, pos) { setSelectionRange(textarea, pos, pos); } function getCaretPos (textarea) { var $textareaEditor = getCodeMirrorFromInput($(textarea)); if ($textareaEditor) { var endPoint = $textareaEditor.cursorCoords(); return (endPoint.x ? endPoint.x : 0); } if (typeof textarea.selectionEnd != 'undefined') { return textarea.selectionEnd; } else if ( document.selection ) { textarea.focus(); var range = document.selection.createRange(); if (range === null) { return 0; } var re = textarea.createTextRange(); var rc = re.duplicate(); re.moveToBookmark(range.getBookmark()); rc.setEndPoint('EndToStart', re); return rc.text.length ? rc.text.length : 0; } else { return 0; } } function insertAt(elementId, replaceString, blockLevel, perLine, replaceSelection) { // inserts given text at selection or cursor position var $textarea = $('#' + elementId); var $textareaEditor = getCodeMirrorFromInput($textarea); var toBeReplaced = /text|page|area_id/g; //substrings in replaceString to be replaced by the selection if a selection was done var hiddenParents = $textarea.parents('fieldset:hidden:last'); if (hiddenParents.length) { hiddenParents.show(); } if ($textareaEditor) { var handle = $textareaEditor.cursorLine(); var selection = $textareaEditor.selection(); var cursor = $textareaEditor.cursorPosition(); var newString = ''; if (perLine) { //for bullets if (selection) {//we kill all content because we already have the selection, and when we split it and re-insert, we get the lines again $textareaEditor.replaceSelection(''); } else { selection = $textareaEditor.lineContent(handle); } var lines = selection.split(/\n/g); $(lines).each(function(i){ newString += replaceString.replace(toBeReplaced, this + '') + (i == lines.length - 1 ? '' : '\n'); }); if ($textareaEditor.selection()) { $textareaEditor.replaceSelection(newString); } else { $textareaEditor.setLineContent(handle, newString); } } else if (blockLevel && toBeReplaced) { selection = $textareaEditor.lineContent(handle); $textareaEditor.setLineContent(handle, replaceString.replace(toBeReplaced, selection)); } else if (replaceString) { $textareaEditor.replaceSelection(replaceString.replace(toBeReplaced, selection)); } else { $textareaEditor.insertIntoLine($textareaEditor.lastLine(), 'end', newString); } return; // get ckeditor handling out of the way - can only be simple text insert for now } else if ($('#cke_contents_' + elementId).length !== 0) { // get selection from ckeditor var cked = typeof CKEDITOR !== 'undefined' ? CKEDITOR.instances[elementId] : null; if (cked) { var isPlugin = replaceString.match(/^\s?\{/m); // do match in two halves due to multiline problems if (isPlugin) { isPlugin = replaceString.match(/\}\s?$/m); // not so simple {plugin} match } isPlugin = isPlugin && isPlugin.length > 0; var sel = cked.getSelection(), rng; if (sel) { // not from IE sometimes? rng = sel.getRanges(); if (rng.length) { rng = rng[0]; } } var plugin_el; if (isPlugin && rng && !rng.collapsed) { var com = cked.getSelection().getStartElement(); if (typeof com !== 'undefined' && com && com.$) { while (com.$.nextSibling && com.$ !== rng.endContainer.$) { // loop through selection if multiple elements com = new CKEDITOR.dom.element(com.$.nextSibling); if ($(com.$).hasClass("tiki_plugin") || $(com.$).find(".tiki_plugin").length === 0) { // found it or parent (hmm) break; } } if (!$(com.$).hasClass("tiki_plugin")) { // not found it yet? plugin_el = $(com.$).find(".tiki_plugin"); // using jQuery if (plugin_el.length == 1) { // found descendant plugin com = new CKEDITOR.dom.element(plugin_el[0]); } else { plugin_el = $(com.$).parents(".tiki_plugin"); // try parents if (plugin_el.length == 1) { // found p plugin com = new CKEDITOR.dom.element(plugin_el[0]); } else { // still not found it? sometimes Fx seems to get the editor body as the selection... var plugin_type = replaceString.match(/^\s?\{([\w]+)/); if (plugin_type.length > 1) { plugin_type = plugin_type[1].toLowerCase(); } plugin_el = $(com.$).find("[plugin=" + plugin_type + "].tiki_plugin"); // find all of them if (plugin_el.length == 1) { // good guess! com = new CKEDITOR.dom.element(plugin_el[0]); } else { // Does not seem to be a problem at least with the image plugin, commenting out for release but keeping it here in case problem reappears //if (!confirm(tr("Development notice: Could not find plugin being edited, sorry. Choose cancel to debug."))) { // debugger; //} } } } } } if ($(com.$).hasClass("tiki_plugin")) { $(com.$).replaceWith(document.createTextNode(replaceString)); cked.reParse(); return; } } //if (sel.getType() === CKEDITOR.SELECTION_TEXT) { // fall through to insertText as if all else failed //} } // catch all other issues and do the insert wherever ckeditor thinks best, // sadly as the first element sometimes FIXME cked.insertText( replaceString ); if (isPlugin || replaceString.match(/^\s?\(\(.*?\)\)\s?$/)) { // also ((wiki links)) cked.reParse(); } return; } if (!$textarea.length && elementId === "fgal_picker") { // ckeditor file browser $(".cke_dialog_contents").find("input:first").val(replaceString); return; } else if ($textarea.is(":input") && elementId === "fgal_picker_id") { $textarea.val(replaceString); return; } $textarea.focus(); var val = $textarea.val(); var selection = $textarea.selection(); var scrollTop=$textarea[0].scrollTop; if (selection.start === 0 && selection.end === 0 && typeof $textarea.attr("selectionStartSaved") != 'undefined') { // get saved textarea selection if ($textarea.attr("selectionStartSaved")) { // forgetful firefox/IE selection.start = $textarea.attr("selectionStartSaved"); selection.end = $textarea.attr("selectionEndSaved"); if ($textarea.attr("scrollTopSaved")) { scrollTop = $textarea.attr("scrollTopSaved"); $textarea.attr("scrollTopSaved", ""); } $textarea.attr("selectionStartSaved", "").attr("selectionEndSaved", ""); } else { selection.start = getCaretPos($textarea[0]); selection.end = selection.start; } } // deal with IE's two char line ends var lines, startoff = 0, endoff = 0; if ($textarea[0].createTextRange && $textarea[0].value !== val) { val = $textarea[0].value; // use raw value of the textarea if (val.substring(selection.start, selection.start + 1) === "\n") { selection.start++; } lines = val.substring(0, selection.start).match(/\r\n/g); if (lines) { startoff -= lines.length; // remove one char per line for IE } } var selectionStart = selection.start; var selectionEnd = selection.end; if( blockLevel ) { // Block level operations apply to entire lines // +1 and -1 to handle end of line caret position correctly selectionStart = val.lastIndexOf( "\n", selectionStart - 1 ) + 1; var blockEnd = val.indexOf( "\r", selectionEnd ); // check for IE first if (blockEnd < 0) { selectionEnd = val.indexOf( "\n", selectionEnd ); } else { selectionEnd = blockEnd; } if (selectionEnd < 0) { selectionEnd = val.length; } } var newString = ''; if ((selectionStart != selectionEnd) && !$textareaEditor) { // has there been a selection if( perLine ) { lines = val.substring(selectionStart, selectionEnd).split("\n"); for( var k = 0; lines.length > k; ++k ) { if( lines[k].length !== 0 ) { newString += replaceString.replace(toBeReplaced, lines[k]); } if( k != lines.length - 1 ) { newString += "\n"; } } } else { if (replaceSelection) { newString = replaceString; } else if (replaceString.match(toBeReplaced)) { newString = replaceString.replace(toBeReplaced, val.substring(selectionStart, selectionEnd)); } else { newString = replaceString + '\n' + val.substring(selectionStart, selectionEnd); } } $textarea.val(val.substring(0, selectionStart) + newString + val.substring(selectionEnd) ); lines = newString.match(/\r\n/g); if (lines) { endoff -= lines.length; // lines within the replacement for IE } setSelectionRange($textarea[0], selectionStart + startoff, selectionStart + startoff + newString.length + endoff); } else { // insert at caret $textarea.val(val.substring(0, selectionStart) + replaceString + val.substring(selectionEnd) ); lines = replaceString.match(/\r\n/g); if (lines) { endoff -= lines.length; // lines within the replacement for IE } setCaretToPos($textarea[0], selectionStart + startoff + replaceString.length + endoff); } $textarea.attr("scrollTop", scrollTop); if ($.browser.msie && ieFirstTimeInsertKludge) { setTimeout(function(){ // not only does IE reset the scrollTop and selection the first time a dialog is used if (newString.length) { // but somehow all the ints have been converted into strings... setSelectionRange($textarea[0], parseInt(selectionStart,10) + parseInt(startoff,10), parseInt(selectionStart,10) + parseInt(startoff,10) + newString.length + parseInt(endoff,10)); } $textarea.attr("scrollTop", scrollTop); }, 1000); ieFirstTimeInsertKludge = false; } if (hiddenParents.length) { hiddenParents.hide(); } if (typeof auto_save_id != "undefined" && auto_save_id.length > 0 && typeof auto_save == 'function') { auto_save( elementId, auto_save_id[0]); } } function setUserModuleFromCombo(id, textarea) { document.getElementById(textarea).value = document.getElementById(textarea).value + document.getElementById(id).options[document.getElementById(id).selectedIndex].value; } function toggle(foo) { var display = $("#"+foo).css('display'); if (display == "none") { show(foo, true, "menu"); } else { if (display == "block") { hide(foo, true, "menu"); } else { show(foo, true, "menu"); } } } function flip_thumbnail_status(id) { var elem = document.getElementById(id); if ( elem.className == 'thumbnailcontener' ) { elem.className += ' thumbnailcontenerchecked'; } else { elem.className = 'thumbnailcontener'; } } function flip_class(itemid, class1, class2) { var elem = document.getElementById(itemid); if (elem && typeof elem != 'undefined') { elem.className = elem.className == class1 ? class2 : class1; setCookie('flip_class_' + itemid, elem.className); } } function tikitabs( focus, tabElement) { var container; if (typeof tabElement === "undefined") { container = $(".tabset:first"); } else { container = $(tabElement).parents(".tabset:first"); } if (focus > $("> .tabs .tabmark", container).length) { focus = 1; // limit to number of tabs - somehow getting set to 222 sometimes } $("> .tabs .tabmark:not(.tab" + focus + ":first)", container).removeClass("tabactive"); // may need .addClass("tabinactive"); $("> .tabs .tabmark.tab" + focus + ":first", container).addClass("tabactive"); // and .removeClass("tabinactive"); $("> .tabcontent:not(.content" + focus + ":first)", container).hide(); $("> .tabcontent.content" + focus + ":first", container).show(); setCookie( $(".tabs:first", container).data("name"), focus, "tabs", "session"); } /* foo: name of the menu * def: menu type (e:extended, c:collapsed, f:fixed) * the menu is collapsed function of its cookie: if no cookie is set, the def is used */ function setfolderstate(foo, def, img, status) { if (!status) { status = getCookie(foo, "menu", "o"); } if (!img) { if (document.getElementsByName('icn' + foo)[0].src.search(/[\\\/]/)) { img = document.getElementsByName('icn' + foo)[0].src.replace(/.*[\\\/]([^\\\/]*)$/, "$1"); } else { img = 'folder.png'; } } var src = img; // default if (status == 'c') { hide(foo, false, "menu"); } else { show(foo, false, "menu"); } if (status == 'c' && def != 'd') { /* need to change the open icon to a close one*/ src = src.replace(/^o/, ''); } else if (status != 'c' && def == 'd' && src.indexOf('o') !== 0) { /* need to change the close icon to an open one */ src = 'o' + img; } document.getElementsByName('icn' + foo)[0].src = document.getElementsByName('icn' + foo)[0].src.replace(/[^\\\/]*$/, src); } function setheadingstate(foo) { var status = getCookie(foo, "showhide_headings"); if (status == "o") { show(foo); collapseSign("flipper" + foo); } else /* if (status == "c") */ { if (!document.getElementById(foo).style.display == "none") { hide(foo); expandSign("flipper" + foo); } } } function setsectionstate(foo, def, img, status) { var src; if (!status) { status = getCookie(foo, "menu", "o"); } if (status == "o") { show(foo); if (img) { src = "o" + img; } } else if (status != "c" && def != 'd') { show(foo); if (img) { src = "o" + img; } } else /* if (status == "c") */ { hide(foo); if (img) { src = img; } } if (img && document.getElementsByName('icn' + foo).length) { document.getElementsByName('icn' + foo)[0].src = document.getElementsByName('icn' + foo)[0].src.replace(/[^\\\/]*$/, src); } } function icntoggle(foo, img) { if (!img) { if ($("#icn" + foo).attr("src").search(/[\\\/]/)) { img = $("#icn" + foo).attr("src").replace(/.*[\\\/]([^\\\/]*)$/, "$1"); } else { img = 'folder.png'; } } if ($("#" + foo + ":hidden").length) { show(foo, true, "menu"); $("#icn" + foo).attr("src", $("#icn" + foo).attr("src").replace(/[^\\\/]*$/, 'o' + img)); } else { hide(foo, true, "menu"); img = img.replace(/(^|\/|\\)o(.*)$/, '$1$2'); $("#icn" + foo).attr("src", $("#icn" + foo).attr("src").replace(/[^\\\/]*$/, img)); } } //Initialize a cross-browser XMLHttpRequest object. //The object return has to be sent using send(). More parameters can be //given. //callback - The function that will be called when the response arrives //First parameter will be the status //(HTTP Response Code [200,403, 404, ...]) //method - GET or POST //url - The URL to open function getHttpRequest( method, url, async ) { if( async === undefined ) { async = false; } var request; if( window.XMLHttpRequest ) { request = new XMLHttpRequest(); } else if( window.ActiveXObject ) { try { request = new ActiveXObject( "Microsoft.XMLHTTP" ); } catch( ex ) { request = new ActiveXObject("MSXML2.XMLHTTP"); } } else { return false; } if( !request ) { return false; } request.open( method, url, async ); return request; } //name - name of the cookie //value - value of the cookie // [expires] - expiration date of the cookie (defaults to end of current session) // [path] - path for which the cookie is valid (defaults to path of calling document) // [domain] - domain for which the cookie is valid (defaults to domain of calling document) // [secure] - Boolean value indicating if the cookie transmission requires a secure transmission //* an argument defaults when it is assigned null as a placeholder //* a null placeholder is not required for trailing omitted arguments function setSessionVar(name,value) { var request = getHttpRequest( "GET", "tiki-cookie-jar.php?" + name + "=" + escape(value)); request.send(''); tiki_cookie_jar[name] = value; } function setCookie(name, value, section, expires, path, domain, secure) { if (getCookie(name, section) == value) { return true; } if (!expires) { expires = new Date(); expires.setFullYear(expires.getFullYear() + 1); } if (expires === "session") { expires = ""; } if (feature_no_cookie == 'y') { var request = getHttpRequest( "GET", "tiki-cookie-jar.php?" + name + "=" + escape( value ) ); try { request.send(''); // alert("XMLHTTP/set"+request.readyState+request.responseText); tiki_cookie_jar[name] = value; return true; } catch( ex ) { setCookieBrowser(name, value, section, expires, path, domain, secure); return false; } } else { setCookieBrowser(name, value, section, expires, path, domain, secure); return true; } } function setCookieBrowser(name, value, section, expires, path, domain, secure) { if (section) { var valSection = getCookie(section); var name2 = "@" + name + ":"; if (valSection) { if (new RegExp(name2).test(valSection)) { valSection = valSection.replace(new RegExp(name2 + "[^@;]*"), name2 + value); } else { valSection = valSection + name2 + value; } setCookieBrowser(section, valSection, null, expires, path, domain, secure); } else { valSection = name2+value; setCookieBrowser(section, valSection, null, expires, path, domain, secure); } } else { var curCookie = name + "=" + escape(value) + ((expires) ? "; expires=" + expires.toGMTString() : "") + ((path) ? "; path=" + path : "") + ((domain) ? "; domain=" + domain : "") + ((secure) ? "; secure" : ""); document.cookie = curCookie; } } //name - name of the desired cookie //section - name of group of cookies or null // * return string containing value of specified cookie or null if cookie does not exist function getCookie(name, section, defval) { if( feature_no_cookie == 'y' && (window.XMLHttpRequest || window.ActiveXObject) && typeof tiki_cookie_jar != "undefined" && tiki_cookie_jar.length > 0) { if (typeof tiki_cookie_jar[name] == "undefined") { return defval; } return tiki_cookie_jar[name]; } else { return getCookieBrowser(name, section, defval); } } function getCookieBrowser(name, section, defval) { if (typeof defval === "undefined") { defval = null; } if (section) { var valSection = getCookieBrowser(section); if (valSection) { var name2 = "@"+name+":"; var val = valSection.match(new RegExp(name2 + "([^@;]*)")); if (val) { return unescape(val[1]); } else { return defval; } } else { return defval; } } else { var dc = document.cookie; var prefix = name + "="; var begin = dc.indexOf("; " + prefix); if (begin == -1) { begin = dc.indexOf(prefix); if (begin !== 0) { return defval; } } else { begin += 2; } var end = document.cookie.indexOf(";", begin); if (end == -1) { end = dc.length; } return unescape(dc.substring(begin + prefix.length, end)); } } //name - name of the cookie //[path] - path of the cookie (must be same as path used to create cookie) // [domain] - domain of the cookie (must be same as domain used to create cookie) // * path and domain default if assigned null or omitted if no explicit argument proceeds function deleteCookie(name, section, expires, path, domain, secure) { if (section) { var valSection = getCookieBrowser(section); var name2 = "@" + name + ":"; if (valSection) { if (new RegExp(name2).test(valSection)) { valSection = valSection.replace(new RegExp(name2 + "[^@;]*"), ""); setCookieBrowser(section, valSection, null, expires, path, domain, secure); } } } else { // if( !setCookie( name, '', 0, path, domain ) ) { // if (getCookie(name)) { document.cookie = name + "=" + ((path) ? "; path=" + path : "") + ((domain) ? "; domain=" + domain : "") + "; expires=Thu, 01-Jan-70 00:00:01 GMT"; // } } } //date - any instance of the Date object //* hand all instances of the Date object to this function for "repairs" function fixDate(date) { var base = new Date(0); var skew = base.getTime(); if (skew > 0) { date.setTime(date.getTime() - skew); } } //Expand/collapse lists function flipWithSign(foo) { if (document.getElementById(foo).style.display == "none") { show(foo, true, "showhide_headings"); collapseSign("flipper" + foo); } else { hide(foo, true, "showhide_headings"); expandSign("flipper" + foo); } } //set the state of a flipped entry after page reload function setFlipWithSign(foo) { if (getCookie(foo, "showhide_headings", "o") == "o") { collapseSign("flipper" + foo); show(foo); } else { expandSign("flipper" + foo); hide(foo); } } function expandSign(foo) { if (document.getElementById(foo)) { document.getElementById(foo).firstChild.nodeValue = "[+]"; } } function collapseSign(foo) { if (document.getElementById(foo)) { document.getElementById(foo).firstChild.nodeValue = "[-]"; } } // flipWithSign() // Set client timezone // moved to js_detect.php //function added for use in navigation dropdown //example : //<select name="anything" onchange="go(this);"> //<option value="http://tiki.org">tiki.org</option> //</select> function go(o) { if (o.options[o.selectedIndex].value !== "") { location.replace(o.options[o.selectedIndex].value); o.options[o.selectedIndex] = 1; } return false; } //function: targetBlank //desc: opens a new window, XHTML-compliant replacement of the "TARGET" tag //added by: Ralf Lueders (lueders@lrconsult.com) //date: Sep 7, 2003 //params: url: the url for the new window //mode='nw': new, full-featured browser window //mode='popup': new windows, no features & buttons function targetBlank(url,mode) { var features = 'menubar=yes,toolbar=yes,location=yes,directories=yes,fullscreen=no,titlebar=yes,hotkeys=yes,status=yes,scrollbars=yes,resizable=yes'; switch (mode) { // new full-equipped browser window case 'nw': break; // new popup-window case 'popup': features = 'menubar=no,toolbar=no,location=no,directories=no,fullscreen=no,titlebar=no,hotkeys=no,status=no,scrollbars=yes,resizable=yes'; break; default: break; } window.open(url,'_blank',features); } //function: confirmTheLink //desc: pop up a dialog box to confirm the action //added by: Franck Martin //date: Oct 12, 2003 //params: theLink: The link where it is called from //params: theMsg: The message to display function confirmTheLink(theLink, theMsg) { // Confirmation is not required if browser is Opera (crappy js implementation) if (typeof(window.opera) != 'undefined') { return true; } var is_confirmed = confirm(theMsg); // if (is_confirmed) { // theLink.href += '&is_js_confirmed=1'; // } return is_confirmed; } /** \brief: insert img tag in textarea * */ function insertImgFile(elementId, fileId, oldfileId,type,page,attach_comment) { var textarea = $('#' + elementId)[0]; var fileup = $('input[name=' + fileId + ']')[0]; var oldfile = $('input[name=' + oldfileId + ']')[0]; var prefixEl = $('input[name=prefix]')[0]; var prefix = "img/wiki_up/"; if (!textarea || ! fileup) { return; } if ( prefixEl) { prefix= prefixEl.value; } var filename = fileup.value, dirs, str; var oldfilename = oldfile.value; if (filename == oldfilename || filename === "" ) { // insert only if name really changed return; } oldfile.value = filename; if (filename.indexOf("/")>=0) { // unix dirs = filename.split("/"); filename = dirs[dirs.length-1]; } if (filename.indexOf("\\")>=0) { // dos dirs = filename.split("\\"); filename = dirs[dirs.length-1]; } if (filename.indexOf(":")>=0) { // mac dirs = filename.split(":"); filename = dirs[dirs.length-1]; } // @todo - here's a hack: we know its ending up in img/wiki_up. // replace with dyn. variable once in a while to respect the tikidomain if (type == "file") { str = "{file name=\""+filename + "\""; var desc = $('#' + attach_comment).val(); if (desc) { str = str + " desc=\"" + desc + "\""; } str = str + "}"; } else { str = "{img src=\"img/wiki_up/" + filename + "\" }\n"; } insertAt(elementId, str); } /* add new upload image form in page edition */ var img_form_count = 2, needToConfirm = false; function addImgForm() { var new_text = document.createElement('span'); new_text.setAttribute('id','picfile' + img_form_count); new_text.innerHTML = '<input name=\'picfile' + img_form_count + '\' type=\'file\' onchange=\'javascript:insertImgFile("editwiki","picfile' + img_form_count + '","hasAlreadyInserted","img")\'/><br />'; document.getElementById('new_img_form').appendChild(new_text); needToConfirm = true; img_form_count ++; } /* * opens wiki 3d browser */ function wiki3d_open (page, width, height) { window.open('tiki-wiki3d.php?page='+page,'wiki3d','width='+width+',height='+height+',scrolling=no'); } /* some little email protection */ function protectEmail(nom, domain, sep) { return '<a class="wiki" href="mailto:'+nom+'@'+domain+'">'+nom+sep+domain+'</a>'; } browser(); //This was added to allow wiki3d to change url on tiki's window window.name = 'tiki'; var fgals_window = null; function openFgalsWindow(filegal_manager_url, reload) { if(fgals_window && typeof fgals_window.document != "undefined" && typeof fgals_window.document != "unknown" && !fgals_window.closed) { if (reload) { fgals_window.location.replace(filegal_manager_url); } fgals_window.focus(); } else { fgals_window=window.open(filegal_manager_url,'_blank','menubar=1,scrollbars=1,resizable=1,height=500,width=800,left=50,top=50'); } $(window).unload(function(){ // tidy fgals_window.close(); }); } /* Count the number of words (spearated with space) */ function wordCount(maxSize, source, cpt, message) { var formcontent = source.value; var str = formcontent.replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g, '') ; formcontent = str.split(/[^\S]+/); if (maxSize > 0 && formcontent.length > maxSize) { alert(message); source.value = source.value.substr(0, source.value.length-1); } else { document.getElementById(cpt).value = formcontent.length; } } function charCount(maxSize, source, cpt, message) { var formcontent = source.value; if (maxSize > 0 && formcontent.length > maxSize) { alert(message); source.value = source.value.substr(0, maxSize); } else { document.getElementById(cpt).value = formcontent.length; } } // apparently this function is not used anymore, should we remove it? - sampaioprimo function show_plugin_form( type, index, pageName, pluginArgs, bodyContent ) { var target = document.getElementById( type + index ); var content = target.innerHTML; var form = build_plugin_form( type, index, pageName, pluginArgs, bodyContent ); target.innerHTML = ''; target.appendChild( form ); } /* wikiplugin editor */ function popup_plugin_form(area_id, type, index, pageName, pluginArgs, bodyContent, edit_icon ) { if ($.ui) { return popupPluginForm( area_id, type, index, pageName, pluginArgs, bodyContent, edit_icon ); } var container = document.createElement( 'div' ); container.className = 'plugin-form-float'; var textarea = $('#' + area_id)[0]; var minimize = document.createElement( 'a' ); var icon = document.createElement( 'img' ); minimize.appendChild( icon ); minimize.href = 'javascript:void(0)'; container.appendChild( minimize ); icon.src = 'pics/icons/cross.png'; icon.style.position = 'absolute'; icon.style.top = '5px'; icon.style.right = '5px'; icon.style.border = 'none'; if (!index) { index = 0; } if (!pageName) { pageName = ''; } if (!pluginArgs) { pluginArgs = {}; } if (!bodyContent) { if (document.getTASelection) { bodyContent = document.getTASelection(textarea); } else if (window.getTASelection) { bodyContent = window.getTASelection(textarea); } else if (document.selection) { bodyContent = document.selection.createRange().text; } else { bodyContent = ''; } } var form = build_plugin_form( type, index, pageName, pluginArgs, bodyContent ); form.onsubmit = function() { var meta = tiki_plugins[type]; var params = []; var edit = edit_icon; for(var i=0; i<form.elements.length; i++){ var element = form.elements[i].name; var matches = element.match(/params\[(.*)\]/); if (matches === null) { // it's not a parameter, skip continue; } var param = matches[1]; var val = form.elements[i].value; if( val !== '' ) { params.push( param + '="' + val + '"' ); } } var blob; if (typeof form.content != 'undefined' && form.content.length > 0) { blob = '{' + type.toUpperCase() + '(' + params.join(' ') + ')}' + form.content.value + '{' + type.toUpperCase() + '}'; } else { blob = '{' + type.toLowerCase() + ' ' + params.join(' ') + '}'; } if (edit) { return true; } else { insertAt( area_id, blob ); document.body.removeChild( container ); } return false; }; minimize.onclick = function() { var edit = edit_icon; if (edit) { edit.style.display = 'inline'; } document.body.removeChild( container ); }; document.body.appendChild( container ); if (edit_icon) { edit_icon.style.display = 'none'; } container.appendChild( form ); handlePluginFieldsHierarchy(type); } function build_plugin_form( type, index, pageName, pluginArgs, bodyContent ) { var form = document.createElement( 'form' ); form.method = 'post'; form.action = 'tiki-wikiplugin_edit.php'; form.className = 'wikiplugin_edit'; var hiddenPage = document.createElement( 'input' ); hiddenPage.type = 'hidden'; hiddenPage.name = 'page'; hiddenPage.value = pageName; form.appendChild( hiddenPage ); var hiddenType = document.createElement( 'input' ); hiddenType.type = 'hidden'; hiddenType.name = 'type'; hiddenType.value = type; form.appendChild( hiddenType ); var hiddenIndex = document.createElement( 'input' ); hiddenIndex.type = 'hidden'; hiddenIndex.name = 'index'; hiddenIndex.value = index; form.appendChild( hiddenIndex ); var meta = tiki_plugins[type]; var header = document.createElement( 'h3' ); header.innerHTML = meta.name; form.appendChild( header ); var desc = document.createElement( 'div' ); desc.innerHTML = meta.description; if (meta.documentation) { desc.innerHTML += ' <a href="http://doc.tiki.org/' + meta.documentation + '" target="tikihelp" class="tikihelp" tabIndex="-1">' + '<img src="pics/icons/help.png" alt="Help" width="16" height="16" class="icon" title="Help" class="icon">' + '</a>'; } form.appendChild( desc ); var table = document.createElement( 'table' ), param; table.className = 'normal'; table.id = 'plugin_params'; form.appendChild( table ); for (param in meta.params) { if (meta.params[param].advanced) { var br = document.createElement( 'br' ); form.appendChild( br ); var span_advanced_button = document.createElement( 'span' ); span_advanced_button.className = 'button'; form.appendChild( span_advanced_button ); var advanced_button = document.createElement( 'a' ); advanced_button.innerHTML = tr('Advanced options'); advanced_button.onclick = function() { flip('plugin_params_advanced');}; span_advanced_button.appendChild(advanced_button); var table_advanced = document.createElement( 'table' ); table_advanced.className = 'normal'; table_advanced.style.display = 'none'; table_advanced.id = 'plugin_params_advanced'; form.appendChild( table_advanced ); break; } } var potentiallyExtraPluginArgs = pluginArgs, extraArg; var rowNumber = 0; var rowNumberAdvanced = 0; for( param in meta.params ) { if( typeof(meta.params[param]) != 'object' || meta.params[param].name == 'array' ) { continue; } var row; if (meta.params[param].advanced && !meta.params[param].required && typeof pluginArgs[param] === "undefined") { row = table_advanced.insertRow( rowNumberAdvanced++ ); } else { row = table.insertRow( rowNumber++ ); } build_plugin_form_row(row, param, meta.params[param].name, meta.params[param].required, pluginArgs[param], meta.params[param].description, meta.params[param]); delete potentiallyExtraPluginArgs[param]; } for( extraArg in potentiallyExtraPluginArgs) { if (extraArg === '') { // TODO HACK: See bug 2499 http://dev.tiki.org/tiki-view_tracker_item.php?itemId=2499 continue; } row = table.insertRow( rowNumber++ ); build_plugin_form_row(row, extraArg, extraArg, 'extra', pluginArgs[extraArg], extraArg); } var bodyRow = table.insertRow(rowNumber++); var bodyCell = bodyRow.insertCell(0); var bodyField = document.createElement( 'textarea' ); bodyField.cols = '70'; bodyField.rows = '12'; var bodyDesc = document.createElement( 'div' ); if( meta.body ) { bodyDesc.innerHTML = meta.body; } else { bodyRow.style.display = 'none'; } bodyField.name = 'content'; bodyField.value = bodyContent; bodyRow.className = 'formcolor'; bodyCell.appendChild( bodyDesc ); bodyCell.appendChild( bodyField ); bodyCell.colSpan = '2'; var submitRow = table.insertRow(rowNumber++); var submitCell = submitRow.insertCell(0); var submit = document.createElement( 'input' ); submit.type = 'submit'; submitCell.colSpan = 2; submitCell.appendChild( submit ); submitCell.className = 'submit'; return form; } function build_plugin_form_row(row, name, label_name, requiredOrSpecial, value, description, paramDef) { var label = row.insertCell( 0 ); var field = row.insertCell( 1 ); row.className = 'formcolor'; row.id = 'param_' + name; label.innerHTML = label_name; label.style.width = '130px'; switch ( requiredOrSpecial ) { case (true): // required flag label.style.fontWeight = 'bold'; break; case ('extra') : label.style.fontStyle = 'italic'; } var input, icon; if (paramDef && paramDef.options) { input = document.createElement('select'); input.name = 'params[' + name + ']'; for (var o = 0; o < paramDef.options.length; o++) { var opt = document.createElement('option'); opt.value = paramDef.options[o].value; var opt_text = document.createTextNode(paramDef.options[o].text); opt.appendChild(opt_text); if (value && opt.value == value) { opt.selected = true; } input.appendChild(opt); } } else { input = document.createElement('input'); input.type = 'text'; input.name = 'params[' + name + ']'; if (value) { input.value = value; } } field.appendChild( input ); if (paramDef && paramDef.type == 'image') { icon = document.createElement( 'img' ); icon.src = 'pics/icons/image.png'; input.id = paramDef.area ? paramDef.area : 'fgal_picker'; icon.onclick = function() {openFgalsWindowArea(paramDef.area ? paramDef.area :'fgal_picker');}; field.appendChild( icon ); } else if (paramDef && paramDef.type == 'fileId') { var help = document.createElement( 'span' ); input.id = paramDef.area ? paramDef.area : 'fgal_picker'; help.onclick = function() {openFgalsWindowArea(paramDef.area ? paramDef.area :'fgal_picker');}; help.innerHTML = " <a href='#'>" + tr('Pick a file.') + "</a>"; field.appendChild( help ); } if (description) { var desc = document.createElement( 'div' ); desc.style.fontSize = 'x-small'; desc.innerHTML = description; field.appendChild( desc ); } if (paramDef && paramDef.filter) { if (paramDef.filter == "pagename") { $(input).tiki("autocomplete", "pagename"); } else if (paramDef.filter == "groupname") { $(input).tiki("autocomplete", "groupname", {multiple: true, multipleSeparator: "|"}); } else if (paramDef.filter == "username") { $(input).tiki("autocomplete", "username", {multiple: true, multipleSeparator: "|"}); } else if (paramDef.filter == "date") { $(input).tiki("datepicker"); } } } function openFgalsWindowArea(area) { openFgalsWindow('tiki-list_file_gallery.php?filegals_manager='+area, true); // reload } //Password strength //Based from code by: //Matthew R. Miller - 2007 //www.codeandcoffee.com //originally released as "free software license" /* * Password Strength Algorithm: * * Password Length: 5 Points: Less than 4 characters 10 Points: 5 to 7 * characters 25 Points: 8 or more * * Letters: 0 Points: No letters 10 Points: Letters are all lower case 20 * Points: Letters are upper case and lower case * * Numbers: 0 Points: No numbers 10 Points: 1 number 20 Points: 3 or more * numbers * * Characters: 0 Points: No characters 10 Points: 1 character 25 Points: More * than 1 character * * Bonus: 2 Points: Letters and numbers 3 Points: Letters, numbers, and * characters 5 Points: Mixed case letters, numbers, and characters * * Password Text Range: >= 90: Very Secure >= 80: Secure >= 70: Very Strong >= * 60: Strong >= 50: Average >= 25: Weak >= 0: Very Weak * */ //Settings // -- Toggle to true or false, if you want to change what is checked in the password var m_strUpperCase = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ"; var m_strLowerCase = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"; var m_strNumber = "0123456789"; var m_strCharacters = "!@#$%^&*?_~"; //Check password function checkPassword(strPassword) { // Reset combination count var nScore = 0; // Password length // -- Less than 4 characters if (strPassword.length < 5) { nScore += 5; } // -- 5 to 7 characters else if (strPassword.length > 4 && strPassword.length < 8) { nScore += 10; } // -- 8 or more else if (strPassword.length > 7) { nScore += 25; } // Letters var nUpperCount = countContain(strPassword, m_strUpperCase); var nLowerCount = countContain(strPassword, m_strLowerCase); var nLowerUpperCount = nUpperCount + nLowerCount; // -- Letters are all lower case if (nUpperCount === 0 && nLowerCount !== 0) { nScore += 10; } // -- Letters are upper case and lower case else if (nUpperCount !== 0 && nLowerCount !== 0) { nScore += 20; } // Numbers var nNumberCount = countContain(strPassword, m_strNumber); // -- 1 number if (nNumberCount == 1) { nScore += 10; } // -- 3 or more numbers if (nNumberCount >= 3) { nScore += 20; } // Characters var nCharacterCount = countContain(strPassword, m_strCharacters); // -- 1 character if (nCharacterCount == 1) { nScore += 10; } // -- More than 1 character if (nCharacterCount > 1) { nScore += 25; } // Bonus // -- Letters and numbers if (nNumberCount !== 0 && nLowerUpperCount !== 0) { nScore += 2; } // -- Letters, numbers, and characters if (nNumberCount !== 0 && nLowerUpperCount !== 0 && nCharacterCount !== 0) { nScore += 3; } // -- Mixed case letters, numbers, and characters if (nNumberCount !== 0 && nUpperCount !== 0 && nLowerCount !== 0 && nCharacterCount !== 0) { nScore += 5; } return nScore; } //Runs password through check and then updates GUI function runPassword(strPassword, strFieldID) { // Check password var nScore = checkPassword(strPassword); // Get controls var ctlBar = document.getElementById(strFieldID + "_bar"); var ctlText = document.getElementById(strFieldID + "_text"); if (!ctlBar || !ctlText) { return; } // Set new width ctlBar.style.width = nScore + "%"; // Color and text // -- Very Secure if (nScore >= 90) { var strIcon = "<img src='pics/icons/accept.png' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='Very Secure' />"; var strText = tr("Very Secure"); var strColor = "#0ca908"; } // -- Secure else if (nScore >= 80) { strIcon = "<img src='pics/icons/accept.png' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='Secure' />"; strText = tr("Secure"); strColor = "#0ca908"; } // -- Very Strong else if (nScore >= 70) { strIcon = "<img src='pics/icons/accept.png' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='Very Strong' />"; strText = tr("Very Strong"); strColor = "#0ca908"; } // -- Strong else if (nScore >= 60) { strIcon = "<img src='pics/icons/accept.png' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='Strong' />"; strText = tr("Strong"); strColor = "#0ca908"; } // -- Average else if (nScore >= 40) { strIcon = " "; strText = tr("Average"); strColor = "#e3cb00"; } // -- Weak else if (nScore >= 25) { strIcon = "<img src='pics/icons/exclamation.png' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='Weak' />"; strText = tr("Weak"); strColor = "#ff0000"; } // -- Very Weak else { strIcon = "<img src='pics/icons/exclamation.png' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='Very weak' />"; strText = tr("Very Weak"); strColor = "#ff0000"; } ctlBar.style.backgroundColor = strColor; ctlText.innerHTML = "<span>" + strIcon + " " + tr("Strength") + ": " + strText + "</span>"; } //Checks a string for a list of characters function countContain(strPassword, strCheck) { // Declare variables var nCount = 0, i; for (i = 0; i < strPassword.length; i++) { if (strCheck.indexOf(strPassword.charAt(i)) > -1) { nCount++; } } return nCount; } function checkPasswordsMatch(in1, in2, el) { if ($(in1).val().length && $(in1).val() == $(in2).val()) { $(el).html("<img src='pics/icons/accept.png' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='Secure' /><em>" + tr("Passwords match") + "</em>"); return true; } else { $(el).html(""); return false; } } /** * Adds an Option to the quickpoll section. */ function pollsAddOption() { var newOption = $( '<input />').attr('type', 'text').attr('name', 'options[]'); $('#tikiPollsOptions').append($('<div></div>').append(newOption)); } /** * toggles the quickpoll section */ function pollsToggleQuickOptions() { $( '#tikiPollsQuickOptions' ).toggle(); } /** * toggles div for droplist with Disabled option */ function hidedisabled(divid,value) { if(value=='disabled') { document.getElementById(divid).style.display = 'none'; } else { document.getElementById(divid).style.display = 'block'; } } /* for filegals */ function adjustThumbnails() { var i,j,h = 0; var t = document.getElementById("thumbnails").childNodes; for ( i = 0; i < t.length; i++ ) { if ( t[i].className == "thumbnailcontener" ) { var t2 = t[i].childNodes; for ( j = 0; j < t2.length; j++ ) { if ( t2[j].className == "thumbnail" ) { t2[j].style.height = "100%"; t2[j].style.overflow = "visible"; } } if ( t[i].offsetHeight >= h ) { h = t[i].offsetHeight; t[i].style.height = h+"px"; } else if ( t[i].offsetHeight < h ) { t[i].style.height = h+"px"; } } } for ( i = 0; i < t.length; i++ ) { if ( t[i].className == "thumbnailcontener" ) { if ( t[i].offsetHeight <= h ) { t[i].style.height = h+"px"; } else { break; } } } } function open_webdav(url) { // Works only in IE if (typeof ActiveXObject != 'undefined') { var EditDocumentButton = new ActiveXObject("SharePoint.OpenDocuments.1"); EditDocumentButton.EditDocument(url); } else { prompt(tr('URL to open this file with WebDAV'), url); } } function ccsValueToInteger(str) { var v = str.replace(/[^\d]*$/, ""); if (v) { v = parseInt(v, 10); } if (isNaN(v)) { return 0; } else { return v; } } // function to allow multiselection in checkboxes // must be called like this : // // <input type="checkbox" onclick="checkbox_list_check_all(form_name,[checkbox_name_1,checkbox_name2 ...],true|false);"> function checkbox_list_check_all(form,list,checking) { for (var checkbox in list) { document.forms[form].elements[list[checkbox]].checked=checking; } } //An effective way of interacting with a codemirror editor function addCodeMirrorEditorRelation(editor, $input, fullscreen, skipResize) { window.codeMirrorEditor = (window.codeMirrorEditor ? window.codeMirrorEditor : []); var i = window.codeMirrorEditor.push(editor); if (fullscreen) { $input .attr('codeMirrorRelationshipFullscreen', i - 1) .addClass('codeMirrorFullscreen'); } else { if ($.fn.resizable && !skipResize) { var codeWrapper = $('div.CodeMirror-wrapping:last'); var codeMirrorIframe = codeWrapper.find('iframe'); codeWrapper .resizable({ start: function() { codeMirrorIframe.hide(); }, stop: function() { codeMirrorIframe.show(); }, minWidth: codeWrapper.width(), minHeight: codeWrapper.height() }); } $input .attr('codeMirrorRelationship', i - 1) .addClass('codeMirror'); } } function removeCodeMirrorEditorRelation($input) { var relationshipFullscreen = parseInt($input.attr('codeMirrorRelationshipFullscreen')); var relationship = parseInt($input.attr('codeMirrorRelationship')); if (isNaN(relationshipFullscreen)) { window.codeMirrorEditor[relationship] = null; $input.removeAttr('codeMirrorRelationship'); } else { window.codeMirrorEditor[relationshipFullscreen] = null; $input.removeAttr('codeMirrorRelationshipFullscreen'); } } function getCodeMirrorFromInput($input) { var relationshipFullscreen = parseInt($input.attr('codeMirrorRelationshipFullscreen')); var relationship = parseInt($input.attr('codeMirrorRelationship')); relationship = (isNaN(relationshipFullscreen) ? relationship : relationshipFullscreen); if (window.codeMirrorEditor) { if (window.codeMirrorEditor[relationship]) { return window.codeMirrorEditor[relationship]; } } return false; }
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