File: tikiaccesslib.php
<?php // (c) Copyright 2002-2011 by authors of the Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware Project // // All Rights Reserved. See copyright.txt for details and a complete list of authors. // Licensed under the GNU LESSER GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE. See license.txt for details. // $Id: tikiaccesslib.php 33250 2011-03-05 18:59:18Z jonnybradley $ //this script may only be included - so its better to die if called directly. if (strpos($_SERVER["SCRIPT_NAME"],basename(__FILE__)) !== false) { header("Location: ../index.php"); die; } class TikiAccessLib extends TikiLib { // check that the user is admin or has admin permissions function check_admin($user,$feature_name="") { global $tiki_p_admin, $prefs; require_once ('tiki-setup.php'); // first check that user is logged in $this->check_user($user); if (($user != 'admin') && ($tiki_p_admin != 'y')) { $msg = tra("You do not have permission to use this feature"); if ($feature_name) { $msg = $msg . ": " . $feature_name; } $this->display_error( '', $msg, '403' ); } } function check_user($user) { global $prefs; require_once ('tiki-setup.php'); if (!$user) { $title = tra("You are not logged in"); $this->display_error( '', $title, '403' ); } } function check_page($user='y', $features=array(), $permissions=array(), $permission_name='') { require_once ('tiki-setup.php'); if( $features ) { $this->check_feature($features); } $this->check_user($user); if( $permissions ) { $this->check_permission($permissions, $permission_name); } } /** * check_feature: Checks if a feature or a list of features are activated * * @param string or array $features If just a string, this method will only test that one. If an array, all features will be tested * @param string $feature_name Name that will be printed on the error screen * @param string $relevant_admin_panel Admin panel where the feature can be set to 'Y'. This link is provided on the error screen * @access public * @return void */ function check_feature($features, $feature_name='', $relevant_admin_panel='features', $either = false) { global $prefs; require_once ('tiki-setup.php'); $perms = Perms::get(); if( $perms->admin && isset($_REQUEST['check_feature']) && isset($_REQUEST['lm_preference']) ) { global $prefslib; require_once 'lib/prefslib.php'; $prefslib->applyChanges( (array) $_REQUEST['lm_preference'], $_REQUEST ); } if ( ! is_array($features) ) { $features = array($features); } if ( $either ) { // if anyone will do, start assuming no go and test for feature $allowed = false; } else { // if all is needed, start assuming it's a go and test for feature not on $allowed = true; } foreach ($features as $feature) { if ($prefs[$feature] != 'y') { if ($feature_name != '') { $feature = $feature_name; } $allowed = false; break; } elseif ($either && $prefs[$feature] == 'y') { // test for feature in "anyone will do" case $allowed = true; break; } } if ( !$allowed ) { global $smarty; if( $perms->admin ) { $smarty->assign('required_preferences', $features); } $msg = tr('Required features: <b>%0</b>. If you do not have the privileges to activate these features, ask the site administrator.', implode( ', ', $features ) ); $this->display_error('', $msg, 'no_redirect_login' ); } } function check_permission($permissions, $permission_name='') { require_once ('tiki-setup.php'); if ( ! is_array($permissions) ) { $permissions = array($permissions); } foreach ($permissions as $permission) { global $$permission; if ($$permission != 'y') { if ($permission_name) { $permission = $permission_name; } $this->display_error('', tra("You do not have permission to use this feature").": ". $permission, '403', false); if (!$user) $_SESSION['loginfrom'] = $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']; } } } // check for any one of the permission will be enough // NOTE that you do NOT have to use this to include admin perms, as admin perms automatically inherit the perms they are admin of function check_permission_either($permissions, $permission_name='') { require_once ('tiki-setup.php'); $allowed = false; if ( ! is_array($permissions) ) { $permissions = array($permissions); } foreach ($permissions as $permission) { global $$permission; if ($$permission == 'y') { $allowed = true; } } if ( !$allowed ) { if ($permission_name) { $permission = $permission_name; } else $permission = implode(', ', $permissions); $this->display_error('', tra("You do not have permission to use this feature").": ". $permission, '403', false); } } // check permission, where the permission is normally unset function check_permission_unset($permissions, $permission_name) { require_once ('tiki-setup.php'); foreach ($permissions as $permission) { global $$permission; if ((isset($$permission) && $$permission == 'n')) { if ($permission_name) { $permission = $permission_name; } $this->display_error('', tra("You do not have permission to use this feature").": ". $permission, '403', false); } } } // check page exists function check_page_exists($page) { require_once ('tiki-setup.php'); if (!$this->page_exists($page)) { $this->display_error($page, tra("Page cannot be found"), '404'); } } /** * Check whether script was called directly or included * err and die if called directly * Typical usage: $access->check_script($_SERVER["SCRIPT_NAME"],basename(__FILE__)); * * if feature_redirect_on_error is active, then just goto the Tiki HomePage as configured * in Admin->General. -- Damian * */ function check_script($scriptname, $page) { global $prefs; if (basename($scriptname) == $page) { if( !isset($prefs['feature_usability']) || $prefs['feature_usability'] == 'n' ) { $msg = tra("This script cannot be called directly"); $this->display_error($page, $msg); } else { $msg = tr("Page '%0' cannot be found", $page); $this->display_error($page, $msg, "404"); } } } /** * Checks whether the request was willingly submitted by the user, instead of being triggered by Cross-Site Request Forgery. * This uses random tokens. The first call brings to a request confirmation screen with a new token in the form. The second call, in the second request, verifies the submitted token matches. * Typical usage: $access->check_authenticity(); * Warning: this mechanism does not allow passing uploaded files ($_FILES). For that, see check_ticket(). * @param string $confirmation_text Text on the confirmation screen. Default: 'Click here to confirm your action' * @access public * @return void */ function check_authenticity($confirmation_text = '') { global $prefs; if ($prefs['feature_ticketlib2'] == 'y') { if (isset($_REQUEST['daconfirm'])) { key_check(); } else { key_get(null, $confirmation_text); } } } function check_ticket() { global $smarty, $prefs, $user; if ($prefs['feature_ticketlib2'] == 'y') { if (empty($user) || (isset($_REQUEST['ticket']) && isset($_SESSION['ticket']) && $_SESSION['ticket'] == $_REQUEST['ticket'])) { return true; } $smarty->assign('msg',tra('Sea Surfing (CSRF) detected. Operation blocked.')); // TODO: Improve feedback and allow proceeding by confirming the request. $_REQUEST needs to be saved and restored. $smarty->display("error.tpl"); exit(); } } // you must call ask_ticket('error') before calling this function display_error($page, $errortitle="", $errortype="", $enableRedirect = true, $message='') { global $smarty, $wikilib, $prefs, $tikiroot, $userlib, $user; require_once ('tiki-setup.php'); include_once('lib/wiki/wikilib.php'); // Don't redirect when calls are made for web services if ( $enableRedirect && $prefs['feature_redirect_on_error'] == 'y' && ! $this->is_machine_request() && $tikiroot.$prefs['tikiIndex'] != $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] && $page != $userlib->get_user_default_homepage2($user) ) { $this->redirect($prefs['tikiIndex']); } $detail = array( 'code' => $errortype, 'errortitle' => $errortitle, 'message' => $message, ); if ( !isset($errortitle) ) { $detail['errortitle'] = tra('unknown error'); } if ( empty($message)) { $detail['message'] = $detail['errortitle']; } // Display the template switch( $errortype ) { case '404': header ("HTTP/1.0 404 Not Found"); $detail['page'] = $page; $detail['message'] .= ' (404)'; break; case '403': if( $this->is_machine_request() ) header ("HTTP/1.0 403 Forbidden"); break; case '503': if( $this->is_machine_request() ) header ("HTTP/1.0 503 Service Unavailable"); break; } if( $this->is_serializable_request() ) { $this->output_serialized( $detail ); } else { if (($errortype == 401 || $errortype == 403) && empty($user) && ($prefs['permission_denied_login_box'] == 'y' || !empty($prefs['permission_denied_url']))) { $_SESSION['loginfrom'] = $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']; } $smarty->assign('errortitle', $detail['errortitle']); $smarty->assign('msg', $detail['message']); $smarty->assign('errortype', $detail['code']); if( isset( $detail['page'] ) ) $smarty->assign('page', $page); $smarty->display("error.tpl"); } die; } function get_home_page($page='') { global $prefs, $tikilib, $use_best_language; if (!isset($page) || $page == '') { if ($prefs['useGroupHome'] == 'y') { $groupHome = $userlib->get_user_default_homepage($user); if ($groupHome) { $page = $groupHome; } else { $page = $prefs['wikiHomePage']; } } else { $page = $prefs['wikiHomePage']; } if(!$tikilib->page_exists($prefs['wikiHomePage'])) { $tikilib->create_page($prefs['wikiHomePage'],0,'',$this->now,'Tiki initialization'); } if ($prefs['feature_best_language'] == 'y') { $use_best_language = true; } } return $page; } /** * Utility function redirect the browser location to another url * * @param string The target web address * @param string an optional message to display */ function redirect( $url='', $msg='', $code = 302 ) { global $prefs; if( $url == '' ) $url = $prefs['tikiIndex']; if (trim( $msg )) { $session = session_id(); if( empty( $session ) ) { if (strpos( $url, '?' )) { $url .= '&msg=' . urlencode( $msg ); } else { $url .= '?msg=' . urlencode( $msg ); } } else { $_SESSION['msg'] = $msg; } } if (headers_sent()) { echo "<script>document.location.href='$url';</script>\n"; } else { @ob_end_clean(); // clear output buffer if ( $prefs['feature_obzip'] == 'y' ) { @ob_start('ob_gzhandler'); } header("HTTP/1.0 $code Found"); header( "Location: $url" ); } exit(); } function flash( $message ) { $this->redirect( $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], $message ); } /** * Authorizes access to Tiki RSS feeds via user/password embedded in a URL * e.g. https://joe:secret@localhost/tiki/tiki-calendars_rss.php?ver=2 * ~~~~~~~~~~ * * @param array the permissions that needs to be checked against (e.g. tiki_p_view) * * @return null if authorized, otherwise an array(msg,header) * where msg can be displayed, and header decides whether to * send 401 Unauthorized headers. */ function authorize_rss($rssrights) { global $tikilib, $userlib, $user, $smarty, $prefs; $perms = Perms::get(); $result=array('msg' => tra("You do not have permission to view this section"), 'header' => 'n'); // if current user has appropriate rights, allow. foreach($rssrights as $perm) { if($perms->$perm) { return; } } // deny if no basic auth allowed. if($prefs['feed_basic_auth'] != 'y') { return $result; } //login is needed to access the contents $https_mode = isset($_SERVER['HTTPS']) && strtolower($_SERVER['HTTPS']) == 'on'; //refuse to authenticate in plaintext if https_login_required. if ($prefs['https_login_required'] == 'y' && !$https_mode) { $result['msg']=tra("For the security of your password direct access to the feed is only available via https"); return $result; } if( $this->http_auth() ) { $perms = Perms::get(); foreach ($rssrights as $perm) { if ($perms->$perm) { // if user/password and the appropriate rights are correct, allow. return; } } } return $result; } function http_auth() { global $tikidomain, $userlib, $user, $smarty; if( ! $tikidomain ) { $tikidomain = "Default"; } if (empty($_SERVER['PHP_AUTH_USER']) && !empty($_REQUEST['user']) && !empty($_REQUEST['pass'])) { $_SERVER['PHP_AUTH_USER'] = $_REQUEST['user']; $_SERVER['PHP_AUTH_PW'] = $_REQUEST['pass']; } if (! isset($_SERVER['PHP_AUTH_USER']) ) { header('WWW-Authenticate: Basic realm="'.$tikidomain.'"'); header('HTTP/1.0 401 Unauthorized'); exit; } $attempt = $_SERVER['PHP_AUTH_USER'] ; $pass = $_SERVER['PHP_AUTH_PW'] ; list($res,$rest)=$userlib->validate_user_tiki($attempt, $pass, false, false); if ($res==USER_VALID) { global $permissionList; $user = $attempt; $groups = $userlib->get_user_groups( $user ); $perms = Perms::getInstance(); $perms->setGroups( $groups ); $perms = Perms::get(); $perms->globalize( $permissionList, $smarty ); return true; } else { header('WWW-Authenticate: Basic realm="'.$tikidomain.'"'); header('HTTP/1.0 401 Unauthorized'); return false; } } function get_accept_types() { $accept = explode( ',', $_SERVER['HTTP_ACCEPT'] ); if( isset( $_REQUEST['httpaccept'] ) ) { $accept = array_merge( explode( ',', $_REQUEST['httpaccept'] ), $accept ); } $types = array(); foreach( $accept as $type ) { $known = null; if( strpos( $t = 'application/json', $type ) !== false ) $known = 'json'; elseif( strpos( $t = 'text/javascript', $type ) !== false ) $known = 'json'; elseif( strpos( $t = 'text/x-yaml', $type ) !== false ) $known = 'yaml'; if( $known && ! isset( $types[$known] ) ) $types[$known] = $t; } if( empty( $types ) ) $types['html'] = 'text/html'; return $types; } function is_machine_request() { foreach( $this->get_accept_types() as $name => $full ) { switch( $name ) { case 'html': return false; case 'json': case 'yaml': return true; } } return false; } function is_serializable_request() { foreach( $this->get_accept_types() as $name => $full ) { switch( $name ) { case 'json': case 'yaml': return true; } } return false; } function output_serialized( $data ) { foreach( $this->get_accept_types() as $name => $full ) { switch( $name ) { case 'json': header( "Content-Type: $full" ); $data = json_encode( $data ); if (isset($_REQUEST['callback'])) { $data = $_REQUEST['callback'] . '(' . $data . ')'; } echo $data; return; case 'yaml': require_once( 'Horde/Yaml.php' ); require_once( 'Horde/Yaml/Loader.php' ); require_once( 'Horde/Yaml/Node.php' ); require_once( 'Horde/Yaml/Exception.php' ); header( "Content-Type: $full" ); echo Horde_Yaml::dump($data); return; case 'html': header( "Content-Type: $full" ); echo $data; return; } } } } $access = new TikiAccessLib;