File: tikilib.php
<?php // (c) Copyright 2002-2011 by authors of the Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware Project // // All Rights Reserved. See copyright.txt for details and a complete list of authors. // Licensed under the GNU LESSER GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE. See license.txt for details. // $Id: tikilib.php 34802 2011-06-07 09:45:59Z sept_7 $ // this script may only be included - so its better to die if called directly. if (strpos($_SERVER["SCRIPT_NAME"],basename(__FILE__)) !== false) { header("location: index.php"); exit; } //if ( ! defined('DATE_FORMAT_UNIXTIME') ) define('DATE_FORMAT_UNIXTIME', 5); // performance collecting: //require_once ('lib/tikidblib-debug.php'); // This class is included by all the Tiki php scripts, so it's important // to keep the class as small as possible to improve performance. // What goes in this class: // * generic functions that MANY scripts must use // * shared functions (marked as /*shared*/) are functions that are // called from Tiki modules. class TikiLib extends TikiDb_Bridge { var $buffer; var $flag; var $parser; var $pre_handlers = array(); var $pos_handlers = array(); var $postedit_handlers = array(); var $usergroups_cache = array(); var $num_queries = 0; var $now; var $cache_page_info; var $sessionId = null; public static function lib($name) { static $libraries = array(); if (isset($libraries[$name])) { return $libraries[$name]; } // One-time inits of the libraries provided switch ($name) { case 'tiki': global $tikilib; return $libraries[$name] = $tikilib; case 'user': global $userlib; return $libraries[$name] = $userlib; case 'categ': global $categlib; include_once ('lib/categories/categlib.php'); return $libraries[$name] = $categlib; case 'multilingual': global $multilinguallib; include_once("lib/multilingual/multilinguallib.php"); return $libraries[$name] = $multilinguallib; case 'score': global $scorelib; include_once("lib/score/scorelib.php"); return $libraries[$name] = $scorelib; case 'object': global $objectlib; require_once('lib/objectlib.php'); return $libraries[$name] = $objectlib; case 'comments': require_once 'lib/comments/commentslib.php'; return $libraries[$name] = new Comments; case 'filegal': global $filegallib; require_once 'lib/filegals/filegallib.php'; return $libraries[$name] = $filegallib; case 'tikidate': if (version_compare(PHP_VERSION, '5.1.0', '>=') && function_exists("date_create")) { require_once('lib/tikidate-php5.php'); } else { require_once('lib/tikidate-pear-date.php'); } return $libraries[$name] = new TikiDate; case 'css': global $csslib; include_once("lib/csslib.php"); return $libraries[$name] = $csslib; case 'trk': global $trklib; require_once('lib/trackers/trackerlib.php'); return $libraries[$name] = $trklib; case 'wiki': global $wikilib; include_once('lib/wiki/wikilib.php'); return $libraries[$name] = $wikilib; case 'smarty': global $smarty; return $libraries[$name] = $smarty; case 'cache': global $cachelib; include_once('lib/cache/cachelib.php'); return $libraries[$name] = $cachelib; case 'userprefs': global $userprefslib; include_once('lib/userprefs/userprefslib.php'); return $libraries[$name] = $userprefslib; case 'logs': global $logslib; include_once('lib/logs/logslib.php'); return $libraries[$name] = $logslib; case 'menu': global $menulib; include_once('lib/menubuilder/menulib.php'); return $libraries[$name] = $menulib; case 'semantic': global $semanticlib; require_once('lib/wiki/semanticlib.php'); return $libraries[$name] = $semanticlib; case 'relation': global $relationlib; require_once 'lib/attributes/relationlib.php'; return $libraries[$name] = $relationlib; case 'attribute': global $attributelib; include_once('lib/attributes/attributelib.php'); return $libraries[$name] = $attributelib; case 'hist': global $histlib; include_once ("lib/wiki/histlib.php"); return $libraries[$name] = $histlib; case 'quantify': global $quantifylib; include_once 'lib/wiki/quantifylib.php'; return $libraries[$name] = $quantifylib; case 'contribution': global $contributionlib; include_once('lib/contribution/contributionlib.php'); return $libraries[$name] = $contributionlib; case 'struct': global $structlib; include_once('lib/structures/structlib.php'); return $libraries[$name] = $structlib; case 'rating': global $ratinglib; require_once 'lib/rating/ratinglib.php'; return $libraries[$name] = $ratinglib; case 'header': global $headerlib; return $libraries[$name] = $headerlib; case 'flaggedrevision': global $flaggedrevisionlib; require_once 'lib/wiki/flaggedrevisionlib.php'; return $libraries[$name] = $flaggedrevisionlib; case 'contact': global $contactlib; require_once 'lib/webmail/contactlib.php'; return $libraries[$name] = $contactlib; case 'filegal': global $filegallib; include_once('lib/filegals/filegallib.php'); return $libraries[$name] = $filegallib; case 'freetag': global $freetaglib; include_once('lib/freetag/freetaglib.php'); return $libraries[$name] = $freetaglib; case 'notification': global $notificationlib; include_once ('lib/notifications/notificationlib.php'); return $libraries[$name] = $notificationlib; case 'imagegal': global $imagegallib; include_once('lib/imagegals/imagegallib.php'); return $libraries[$name] = $imagegallib; case 'admin': global $adminlib; include_once 'lib/admin/adminlib.php'; return $libraries[$name] = $adminlib; case 'ldap': global $ldaplib; include_once 'lib/ldap/ldaplib.php'; return $libraries[$name] = $ldaplib; case 'todo': global $todolib; include_once('lib/todolib.php'); return $libraries[$name] = $todolib; case 'art': global $artlib; include_once('lib/articles/artlib.php'); return $libraries[$name] = $artlib; case 'blog': global $bloglib; include_once('lib/blogs/bloglib.php'); return $libraries[$name] = $bloglib; case 'ratingconfig': global $ratingconfiglib; require_once 'lib/rating/configlib.php'; return $libraries[$name] = $ratingconfiglib; case 'sheet': global $sheetlib; require_once ('lib/sheet/grid.php'); return $libraries[$name] = $sheetlib; case 'zotero': require_once 'lib/zoterolib.php'; return $libraries[$name] = new ZoteroLib; case 'oauth': require_once 'lib/oauthlib.php'; return $libraries[$name] = new OAuthLib; case 'geo': global $geolib; require_once 'lib/geo/geolib.php'; return $libraries[$name] = $geolib; case 'poll': global $polllib; require_once 'lib/polllib.php'; return $libraries[$name] = $polllib; case 'queue': require_once 'lib/queuelib.php'; return $libraries[$name] = new QueueLib; case 'captcha': global $captchalib; require_once 'lib/captcha/captchalib.php'; return $libraries[$name] = $captchalib; case 'groupalert': global $groupalertlib; require_once ('lib/groupalert/groupalertlib.php'); return $libraries[$name] = $groupalertlib; case 'validators': global $validatorslib; include_once('lib/validatorslib.php'); return $libraries[$name] = $validatorslib; case 'unifiedsearch': global $unifiedsearchlib; include_once('lib/search/searchlib-unified.php'); return $libraries[$name] = $unifiedsearchlib; case 'errorreport': require_once 'lib/errorreportlib.php'; return $libraries[$name] = new ErrorReportLib; } } // DB param left for interface compatibility, although not considered function __construct( $db = null ) { $this->now = time(); } function httprequest($url, $reqmethod = "GET") { global $prefs; // test url : // rewrite url if sloppy # added a case for https urls if ( (substr($url,0,7) <> "http://") and (substr($url,0,8) <> "https://") ) { $url = "http://" . $url; } // (cdx) params for HTTP_Request. // The timeout may be defined by a DEFINE("HTTP_TIMEOUT",5) in some file... $aSettingsRequest=array("method"=>$reqmethod,"timeout"=>5); if (substr_count($url, "/") < 3) { $url .= "/"; } //handle url embedded user:pass $spliturl=parse_url($url); if(!empty($spliturl['user']) && !empty($spliturl['pass'])) { $aSettingsRequest["pass"]=$spliturl['pass']; $aSettingsRequest["user"]=$spliturl['user']; $url=str_replace($spliturl['user'].":".$spliturl['pass']."@", null, $url); } if (!preg_match("/^[-_a-zA-Z0-9:\/\.\?&;=\+~%,]*$/",$url)) return false; // Proxy settings if ($prefs['use_proxy'] == 'y') { $aSettingsRequest["proxy_host"]=$prefs['proxy_host']; $aSettingsRequest["proxy_port"]=$prefs['proxy_port']; } include_once ('lib/pear/HTTP/Request.php'); $aSettingsRequest['allowRedirects'] = true; $req = new HTTP_Request($url, $aSettingsRequest); $data=""; // (cdx) return false when can't connect // I prefer throw a PEAR_Error. You decide ;) if (PEAR::isError($oError=$req->sendRequest())) { return(false); /* Please people, don't use fopen. It's potentially unsafe * because if any form does not check the url, you can upload * /etc/passwd and other file from the local host. * it's also more safe to use httprequest, because the admin can set * a proxy so that noone can upload files in tiki from behind a * firewall (safes the net where tiki runs in). $fp = fopen($url, "r"); if ($fp) { $data = ''; while(!feof($fp)) { $data .= fread($fp,4096); } fclose ($fp); } if ($data =="") return false; */ } else { $data = $req->getResponseBody(); } return $data; } /*shared*/ function get_dsn_by_name($name) { if ($name == 'local') { return true; } return $this->table('tiki_dsn')->fetchOne('dsn', array('name' => $name)); } function get_dsn_info($name) { $info = array(); $dsnsqlplugin = $this->get_dsn_by_name($name); $parsedsn = $dsnsqlplugin; $info['driver'] = strtok( $parsedsn, ":" ); $parsedsn = substr( $parsedsn, strlen($info['driver']) + 3 ); $info['user'] = strtok( $parsedsn, ":" ); $parsedsn = substr( $parsedsn, strlen($info['user']) + 1 ); $info['password'] = strtok( $parsedsn, "@" ); $parsedsn = substr( $parsedsn, strlen($info['password']) + 1 ); $info['host'] = strtok( $parsedsn, "/" ); $parsedsn = substr( $parsedsn, strlen($info['host']) + 1 ); $info['database'] = $parsedsn; return $info; } function get_db_by_name( $name ) { include_once ('tiki-setup.php'); if( $name == 'local' || empty($name) ) { return TikiDb::get(); } else { static $connectionMap = array(); if( ! isset( $connectionMap[$name] ) ) { $connectionMap[$name] = false; $info = $this->get_dsn_info( $name ); $dbdriver = $info['driver']; $dbuserid = $info['user']; $dbpassword = $info['password']; $dbhost = $info['host']; $database = $info['database']; $api_tiki = null; require 'db/local.php'; if (isset($api_tiki) && $api_tiki == 'adodb') { require_once ('lib/adodb/adodb.inc.php'); $dbsqlplugin = ADONewConnection($dbdriver); if( $dbsqlplugin->NConnect( $dbhost, $dbuserid, $dbpassword, $database ) ) { $connectionMap[$name] = new TikiDb_AdoDb( $dbsqlplugin ); } } else { $dbsqlplugin = new PDO("$dbdriver:host=$dbhost;dbname=$database", $dbuserid, $dbpassword); $connectionMap[$name] = new TikiDb_Pdo( $dbsqlplugin ); } } return $connectionMap[$name]; } } /* convert data to iso-8601 format */ // used for atom export. date() use is okay, as we use server timezone in such case function iso_8601 ($timestamp) { $main_date = $this->date_format("%Y-%m-%d\T%H:%M:%S", $timestamp); $tz = $this->date("%O", $timestamp); $return = $main_date . $tz; return $return; } /*shared*/ // Returns IP address or IP address forwarded by the proxy if feature load balancer is set function get_ip_address() { global $prefs; if (isset($prefs['feature_loadbalancer']) && $prefs['feature_loadbalancer'] == "y") { $ip = null; if (isset($_SERVER['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR'])) { $fwips = explode(',', $_SERVER['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR']); $ip = $fwips[0]; } if ((empty($ip) || strtolower($ip) == 'unknown') && isset($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'])) { $ip = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']; } return $ip; } elseif (isset($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'])) { return $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']; } else { return ''; } } /*shared*/ function check_rules($user, $section) { // Admin is never banned if ($user == 'admin') return false; $fullip = $this->get_ip_address(); $ips = explode(".", $fullip); $query = "select tb.`message`,tb.`user`,tb.`ip1`,tb.`ip2`,tb.`ip3`,tb.`ip4`,tb.`mode` from `tiki_banning` tb, `tiki_banning_sections` tbs where tbs.`banId`=tb.`banId` and tbs.`section`=? and ( (tb.`use_dates` = ?) or (tb.`date_from` <= FROM_UNIXTIME(?) and tb.`date_to` >= FROM_UNIXTIME(?)))"; $result = $this->fetchAll($query,array($section,'n',(int)$this->now,(int)$this->now)); foreach ( $result as $res ) { if (!$res['message']) { $res['message'] = tra('You are banned from'). ': ' . $section; } if ($user && $res['mode'] == 'user') { // check user $pattern = '/' . $res['user'] . '/'; if (preg_match($pattern, $user)) { return $res['message']; } } else { // check ip if (count($ips) == 4) { if (($ips[0] == $res['ip1'] || $res['ip1'] == '*') && ($ips[1] == $res['ip2'] || $res['ip2'] == '*') && ($ips[2] == $res['ip3'] || $res['ip3'] == '*') && ($ips[3] == $res['ip4'] || $res['ip4'] == '*')) { return $res['message']; } } } } return false; } // $noteId 0 means create a new note function replace_note($user, $noteId, $name, $data, $parse_mode = null) { $size = strlen($data); $queryData = array( 'user' => $user, 'name' => $name, 'data' => $data, 'created' => $this->now, 'lastModif' => $this->now, 'size' => (int) $size, 'parse_mode' => $parse_mode, ); $userNotes = $this->table('tiki_user_notes'); if ($noteId) { $userNotes->update($queryData, array( 'noteId' => (int) $noteId, )); } else { $noteId = $userNotes->insert($queryData); } return $noteId; } function list_watches($offset, $maxRecords, $sort_mode, $find) { $mid = ''; $mid2 = ''; $bindvars = $bindvars1 = $bindvars2 = array(); if ($find) { $mid = ' where `event` like ? or `email` like ? or `user` like ? or `object` like ? or `type` like ?'; $mid2 = ' where `event` like ? or `group` like ? or `object` like ? or `type` like ?'; $bindvars1 = array("%$find%", "%$find%", "%$find%", "%$find%", "%$find%"); $bindvars2 = array("%$find%", "%$find%", "%$find%", "%$find%"); } $query = "select 'user' as watchtype, `watchId`, `user`, `event`, `object`, `title`, `type`, `url`, `email` from `tiki_user_watches` $mid UNION ALL select 'group' as watchtype, `watchId`, `group`, `event`, `object`, `title`, `type`, `url`, '' as `email` from `tiki_group_watches` $mid2 order by ".$this->convertSortMode($sort_mode); $query_cant = 'select count(*) from `tiki_user_watches` '.$mid; $query_cant2 = 'select count(*) from `tiki_group_watches` '. $mid2; $ret = $this->fetchAll($query, array_merge($bindvars1, $bindvars2), $maxRecords, $offset); $cant = $this->getOne($query_cant, $bindvars1) + $this->getOne($query_cant2, $bindvars2); $retval = array(); $retval["data"] = $ret; $retval["cant"] = $cant; return $retval; } /*shared*/ function add_user_watch($user, $event, $object, $type = NULL, $title = NULL, $url = NULL, $email = NULL) { // Allow a warning when the watch won't be effective if (empty($email)) { $userlib = TikiLib::lib('user'); $email = $userlib->get_user_email($user); if (empty($email)) { return false; } } if($event != 'auth_token_called'){ $this->remove_user_watch( $user, $event, $object, $type ); } $userWatches = $this->table('tiki_user_watches'); $userWatches->insert(array( 'user' => $user, 'event' => $event, 'object' => $object, 'email' => $email, 'type' => $type, 'title' => $title, 'url' => $url, )); return true; } function add_group_watch($group, $event, $object, $type = NULL, $title = NULL, $url = NULL) { if ($type == 'Category' && $object == 0) { return false; } else { $this->remove_group_watch( $group, $event, $object, $type ); $groupWatches = $this->table(array( 'group' => $group, 'event' => $event, 'object' => $object, 'type' => $type, 'title' => $title, 'url' => $url, )); return true; } } /** * get_user_notification: returns the owner (user) related to a watchId * * @param mixed $id watchId * @access public * @return the user login related to the watchId */ function get_user_notification($id) { return $this->table('tiki_user_watches')->fetchOne('user', array( 'watchId' => $id, )); } /*shared*/ function remove_user_watch_by_id($id) { global $tiki_p_admin_notifications, $user; if ( $tiki_p_admin_notifications === 'y' or $user === $this->get_user_notification($id) ) { $this->table('tiki_user_watches')->delete(array( 'watchId' => (int) $id, )); return true; } return false; } function remove_group_watch_by_id($id) { $this->table('tiki_group_watches')->delete(array( 'watchId' => (int) $id, )); } /*shared*/ function remove_user_watch($user, $event, $object, $type = 'wiki page') { $conditions = array( 'user' => $user, 'event' => $event, 'object' => $object, ); if (isset($type)) { $conditions['type'] = $type; } $this->table('tiki_user_watches')->deleteMultiple($conditions); } /*token notification*/ function remove_user_watch_object($event, $object, $type = 'wiki page') { $query = "delete from `tiki_user_watches` where `event`=? and `object`=? and `type` = ?"; $this->query($query,array($event,$object,$type)); } function remove_group_watch($group, $event, $object, $type = 'wiki page') { $conditions = array( 'group' => $group, 'event' => $event, 'object' => $object, ); if (isset($type)) { $conditions['type'] = $type; } $this->table('tiki_group_watches')->deleteMultiple($conditions); } /*shared*/ function get_user_watches($user, $event = '') { $userWatches = $this->table('tiki_user_watches'); $conditions = array( 'user' => $userWatches->exactly($user), ); if ($event) { $conditions['event'] = $event; } return $userWatches->fetchAll($userWatches->all(), $conditions); } /*shared*/ function get_watches_events() { $query = "select distinct `event` from `tiki_user_watches`"; $result = $this->fetchAll($query,array()); $ret = array(); foreach ( $result as $res ) { $ret[] = $res['event']; } return $ret; } /*shared*/ function user_watches($user, $event, $object, $type = NULL) { $userWatches = $this->table('tiki_user_watches'); $conditions = array( 'user' => $user, 'object' => $object, ); if ($type) { $conditions['type'] = $type; } if (is_array($event)) { $conditions['event'] = $userWatches->in($event); $ret = $userWatches->fetchColumn('event', $conditions); return empty($ret) ? false : $ret; } else { return $userWatches->fetchCount($conditions); } } function get_groups_watching( $object, $event, $type = NULL ) { $groupWatches = $this->table('tiki_group_watches'); $conditions = array( 'object' => $object, 'event' => $event, ); if ($type) { $conditions['type'] = $type; } return $groupWatches->fetchColumn('group', $conditions); } /*shared*/ function get_user_event_watches($user, $event, $object) { return $this->table('tiki_user_watches')->fetchFullRow(array( 'user' => $user, 'event' => $event, 'object' => $object, )); } /*shared*/ function get_event_watches($event, $object, $info=null) { global $prefs; $ret = array(); $where = array(); $mid = ''; if( $prefs['feature_user_watches_translations'] == 'y' && $event == 'wiki_page_changed') { // If $prefs['feature_user_watches_translations'] is turned on, also look for // pages in a translation group. $mid = "`event`=?"; $bindvars[] = $event; $multilinguallib = TikiLib::lib('multilingual'); $page_info = $this->get_page_info( $object ); $pages = $multilinguallib->getTranslations('wiki page', $page_info['page_id'], $object, '' ); foreach ($pages as $page) { $mids[] = "`object`=?"; $bindvars[] = $page['objName']; } $mid .= ' and ('.implode(' or ', $mids).')'; } elseif ( $prefs['feature_user_watches_translations'] == 'y' && $event == 'wiki_page_created' ) { $page_info = $this->get_page_info( $object ); $mid = "`event`='wiki_page_in_lang_created' and `object`=? and `type`='lang'"; $bindvars[] = $page_info['lang']; } elseif ( $prefs['feature_user_watches_languages'] == 'y' && $event == 'category_changed' ) { $mid = "`object`=? and ((`event`='category_changed_in_lang' and `type`=? ) or (`event`='category_changed'))"; $bindvars[] = $object; $bindvars[] = $info['lang']; } elseif ($event == 'forum_post_topic') { $mid = "(`event`=? or `event`=?) and `object`=?"; $bindvars[] = $event; $bindvars[] = 'forum_post_topic_and_thread'; $bindvars[] = $object; } elseif ($event == 'forum_post_thread') { $mid = "(`event`=? and `object`=?) or ( `event`=? and `object`=?)"; $bindvars[] = $event; $bindvars[] = $object; $bindvars[] = 'forum_post_topic_and_thread'; $forumId = $info['forumId']; $bindvars[] = $forumId; } else { $extraEvents = ""; if (substr_count($event, 'article_')) { $extraEvents = " or `event`='article_*'"; } elseif ($event == 'wiki_comment_changes') { $extraEvents = " or `event`='wiki_page_changed'"; } $mid = "(`event`=?$extraEvents) and (`object`=? or `object`='*')"; $bindvars[] = $event; $bindvars[] = $object; } // Obtain the list of watches on event/object for user watches // Union obtains all users member of groups being watched // Distinct union insures there are no duplicates $query = "select tuw.`watchId`, tuw.`user`, tuw.`event`, tuw.`object`, tuw.`title`, tuw.`type`, tuw.`url`, tuw.`email`, tup1.`value` as language, tup2.`value` as mailCharset from `tiki_user_watches` tuw left join `tiki_user_preferences` tup1 on (tup1.`user`=tuw.`user` and tup1.`prefName`='language') left join `tiki_user_preferences` tup2 on (tup2.`user`=tuw.`user` and tup2.`prefName`='mailCharset') where $mid UNION DISTINCT select tgw.`watchId`, uu.`login`, tgw.`event`, tgw.`object`, tgw.`title`, tgw.`type`, tgw.`url`, uu.`email`, tup1.`value` as language, tup2.`value` as mailCharset from `tiki_group_watches` tgw inner join `users_usergroups` ug on tgw.`group` = ug.`groupName` inner join `users_users` uu on ug.`userId` = uu.`userId` and uu.`email` is not null and uu.`email` <> '' left join `tiki_user_preferences` tup1 on (tup1.`user`=uu.`login` and tup1.`prefName`='language') left join `tiki_user_preferences` tup2 on (tup2.`user`=uu.`login` and tup2.`prefName`='mailCharset') where $mid "; $result = $this->fetchAll($query,array_merge( $bindvars, $bindvars )); if ( count($result) > 0 ) { foreach ( $result as $res ) { if (empty($res['language'])) { $res['language'] = $this->get_preference('site_language'); } switch($event) { case 'wiki_page_changed': case 'wiki_page_created': $res['perm']=($this->user_has_perm_on_object($res['user'],$object,'wiki page','tiki_p_view') || $this->user_has_perm_on_object($res['user'],$object,'wiki page','tiki_p_admin_wiki')); break; case 'tracker_modified': $res['perm'] = $this->user_has_perm_on_object($res['user'],$object,'tracker','tiki_p_view_trackers'); break; case 'tracker_item_modified': $res['perm'] = $this->user_has_perm_on_object($res['user'],$info['trackerId'],'tracker','tiki_p_view_trackers'); break; case 'blog_post': $res['perm']=($this->user_has_perm_on_object($res['user'],$object,'blog','tiki_p_read_blog') || $this->user_has_perm_on_object($res['user'],$object,'blog','tiki_p_admin_blog')); break; case 'map_changed': $res['perm']=$this->user_has_perm_on_object($res['user'],$object,'map','tiki_p_map_view'); break; case 'forum_post_topic': $res['perm']=($this->user_has_perm_on_object($res['user'],$object,'forum','tiki_p_forum_read') || $this->user_has_perm_on_object($res['user'],$object,'forum','tiki_p_admin_forum')); break; case 'forum_post_thread': $res['perm']=($this->user_has_perm_on_object($res['user'],$forumId,'forum','tiki_p_forum_read') || $this->user_has_perm_on_object($res['user'],$object,'forum','tiki_p_admin_forum')); break; case 'file_gallery_changed': $res['perm']=($this->user_has_perm_on_object($res['user'],$object,'file gallery','tiki_p_view_file_gallery') || $this->user_has_perm_on_object($res['user'],$object,'file gallery','tiki_p_download_files')); break; case 'article_submitted': case 'topic_article_created': case 'article_edited': case 'topic_article_edited': case 'article_deleted': case 'topic_article_deleted': $userlib = TikiLib::lib('user'); $res['perm']= ($userlib->user_has_permission($res['user'],'tiki_p_read_article') && (empty($object) || $this->user_has_perm_on_object($res['user'], $object,'topic','tiki_p_topic_read'))); break; case 'calendar_changed': $res['perm']= $this->user_has_perm_on_object($res['user'],$object,'calendar','tiki_p_view_calendar'); break; case 'image_gallery_changed': $res['perm'] = $this->user_has_perm_on_object($res['user'],$object,'image gallery','tiki_p_view_image_gallery'); break; case 'category_changed': $categlib = TikiLib::lib('categ'); $res['perm']= $categlib->has_view_permission($res['user'],$object); break; case 'fgal_quota_exceeded': global $tiki_p_admin_file_galleries; $res['perm'] = ($tiki_p_admin_file_galleries == 'y'); break; case 'article_commented': case 'wiki_comment_changes': $res['perm'] = $this->user_has_perm_on_object($res['user'],$object,'comments','tiki_p_read_comments'); break; case 'user_registers': $userlib = TikiLib::lib('user'); $res['perm'] = $userlib->user_has_permission($res['user'], 'tiki_p_admin'); break; case 'auth_token_called': $res['perm'] = true; break; default: // for security we deny all others. $res['perm']=FALSE; break; } if($res['perm']) { $ret[] = $res; } } } // Also include users that are watching a category to which this object belongs to. if ( $event != 'category_changed' ) { if ($prefs['feature_categories'] == 'y') { $categlib = TikiLib::lib('categ'); $objectType=""; switch($event) { case 'wiki_page_changed': $objectType="wiki page"; break; case 'wiki_page_created': $objectType="wiki page"; break; case 'blog_post': $objectType="blog"; break; case 'map_changed': $objectType="map_changed"; break; case 'forum_post_topic': $objectType="forum"; break; case 'forum_post_thread': $objectType="forum"; break; case 'file_gallery_changed': $objectType="file gallery"; break; case 'article_submitted': $objectType="topic"; break; case 'image_gallery_changed': $objectType="image gallery"; break; case 'tracker_modified': $objectType="tracker"; break; case 'tracker_item_modified': $objectType="tracker"; break; case 'calendar_changed': $objectType="calendar"; break; } if ( $objectType != "") { // If a forum post was changed, check the categories of the forum. if ( $event == "forum_post_thread" ) { $commentslib = TikiLib::lib('comments'); $object = $commentslib->get_comment_forum_id($object); } // If a tracker item was changed, check the categories of the tracker. if ( $event == "tracker_item_modified" ) { $trklib = TikiLib::lib('trk'); $object = $trklib->get_tracker_for_item($object); } $categs = $categlib->get_object_categories($objectType, $object); foreach ($categs as $category) { $watching_users = $this->get_event_watches('category_changed', $category, $info); // Add all users that are not already included foreach ($watching_users as $wu) { $included = false; foreach ($ret as $item) { if ($item['user'] == $wu['user']) { $included = true; } } if (!$included) { $ret[] = $wu; } } } } } } return $ret; } /*shared*/ function dir_stats() { $sites = $this->table('tiki_directory_sites'); $categories = $this->table('tiki_directory_categories'); $search = $this->table('tiki_directory_search'); $aux = array(); $aux["valid"] = $sites->fetchCount(array('isValid' => 'y')); $aux["invalid"] = $sites->fetchCount(array('isValid' => 'n')); $aux["categs"] = $categories->fetchCount(array()); $aux["searches"] = $search->fetchOne($search->sum('hits'), array()); $aux["visits"] = $search->fetchOne($sites->sum('hits'), array()); return $aux; } /*shared*/ function dir_list_all_valid_sites2($offset, $maxRecords, $sort_mode, $find) { $sites = $this->table('tiki_directory_sites'); $conditions = array( 'isValid' => 'y', ); if ($find) { $conditions['search'] = $sites->expr('(`name` like ? or `description` like ?)', array("%$find%", "%$find%")); } return array( 'data' => $sites->fetchAll($sites->all(), $conditions, $maxRecords, $offset, $sites->expr($this->convertSortMode($sort_mode))), 'cant' => $sites->fetchCount($conditions), ); } /*shared*/ function get_directory($categId) { return $this->table('tiki_directory_categories')->fetchFullRow(array('categId' => $categId)); } /*shared*/ function user_unread_messages($user) { $messages = $this->table('messu_messages'); return $messages->fetchCount(array( 'user' => $user, 'isRead' => 'n', )); } /*shared*/ function get_online_users() { if ( ! isset($this->online_users_cache) ) { $this->update_session(); $this->online_users_cache=array(); $query = "select s.`user`, p.`value` as `realName`, `timestamp`, `tikihost` from `tiki_sessions` s left join `tiki_user_preferences` p on s.`user`<>? and s.`user` = p.`user` and p.`prefName` = 'realName' where s.`user` is not null;"; $result = $this->fetchAll($query,array('')); $ret = array(); foreach ($result as $res ) { $res['user_information'] = $this->get_user_preference($res['user'], 'user_information', 'public'); $res['allowMsgs'] = $this->get_user_preference($res['user'], 'allowMsgs', 'y'); $this->online_users_cache[$res['user']] = $res; } } return $this->online_users_cache; } /*shared*/ function is_user_online($whichuser) { if(!isset($this->online_users_cache)) { $this->get_online_users(); } return(isset($this->online_users_cache[$whichuser])); } /*shared*/ function get_quiz($quizId) { $query = "select * from `tiki_quizzes` where `quizId`=?"; $result = $this->query($query,array((int) $quizId)); if (!$result->numRows()) return false; $res = $result->fetchRow(); return $res; } function compute_quiz_stats() { $query = "select `quizId` from `tiki_user_quizzes`"; $result = $this->fetchAll($query,array()); $quizStatsSum = $this->table('tiki_quiz_stats_sum'); foreach ( $result as $res ) { $quizId = $res["quizId"]; $quizName = $this->getOne("select `name` from `tiki_quizzes` where `quizId`=?",array((int)$quizId)); $timesTaken = $this->getOne("select count(*) from `tiki_user_quizzes` where `quizId`=?",array((int)$quizId)); $avgpoints = $this->getOne("select avg(`points`) from `tiki_user_quizzes` where `quizId`=?",array((int)$quizId)); $maxPoints = $this->getOne("select max(`maxPoints`) from `tiki_user_quizzes` where `quizId`=?",array((int)$quizId)); $avgavg = ($maxPoints != 0) ? $avgpoints / $maxPoints * 100 : 0.0; $avgtime = $this->getOne("select avg(`timeTaken`) from `tiki_user_quizzes` where `quizId`=?",array((int)$quizId)); $quizStatsSum->delete(array( 'quizId' => (int) $quizId, )); $quizStatsSum->insert(array( 'quizId' => (int) $quizId, 'quizName' => $quizName, 'timesTaken' => (int) $timesTaken, 'avgpoints' => (float) $avgpoints, 'avgtime' => $avgtime, 'avgavg' => $avgavg, )); } } function list_quizzes($offset, $maxRecords, $sort_mode = 'name_desc', $find = null) { $quizzes = $this->table('tiki_quizzes'); $conditions = array(); if ( ! empty($find) ) { $findesc = '%' . $find . '%'; $conditions['search'] = $quizzes->expr('(`name` like ? or `description` like ?)', array($findesc, $findesc)); } $result = $quizzes->fetchColumn('quizId', $conditions); $res = $ret = $retids = array(); $n = 0; //FIXME Perm:filter ? foreach ( $result as $res ) { global $user; $objperm = $this->get_perm_object($res, 'quizzes', '', false); if ( $objperm['tiki_p_take_quiz'] == 'y' ) { if ( ($maxRecords == -1) || (($n >= $offset) && ($n < ($offset + $maxRecords))) ) { $retids[] = $res; } $n++; } } if ($n > 0) { $result = $quizzes->fetchAll($quizzes->all(), array( 'quizId' => $quizzes->in($retids), ), -1, -1, $quizzes->expr($this->convertSortMode($sort_mode))); $questions = $this->table('tiki_quiz_questions'); $results = $this->table('tiki_quiz_results'); foreach ( $result as $res ) { $res['questions'] = $questions->fetchCount(array('quizId' => (int) $res['quizId'])); $res['results'] = $results->fetchCount(array('quizId' => (int) $res['quizId'])); $ret[] = $res; } } return array( 'data' => $ret, 'cant' => $n, ); } /*shared*/ function list_quiz_sum_stats($offset, $maxRecords, $sort_mode, $find) { $this->compute_quiz_stats(); $stats = $this->table('tiki_quiz_stats_sum'); $conditions = array(); if ($find) { $conditions['quizName'] = $stats->like("%$find%"); } return array( 'data' => $stats->fetchAll($stats->all(), $conditions, $maxRecords, $offset, $stats->expr($this->convertSortMode($sort_mode))), 'cant' => $stats->fetchCount($conditions), ); } function list_surveys($offset, $maxRecords, $sort_mode, $find) { if ($find) { $findesc = '%' . $find . '%'; $mid = " where (`name` like ? or `description` like ?)"; $bindvars=array($findesc, $findesc); } else { $mid = ''; $bindvars=array(); } $query = "select `surveyId` from `tiki_surveys` $mid"; $result = $this->fetchAll($query, $bindvars); $res = $ret = $retids = array(); $n = 0; //FIXME Perm:filter ? foreach ( $result as $res ) { global $user; $objperm = $this->get_perm_object( $res['surveyId'], 'survey', '', false ); if ( $objperm['tiki_p_take_survey'] ) { if ( ($maxRecords == -1) || (($n >= $offset) && ($n < ($offset + $maxRecords))) ) { $retids[] = $res['surveyId']; } $n++; } } if ( $n > 0 ) { $query = 'select * from `tiki_surveys` where `surveyId` in (' . implode(',',$retids) . ') order by ' . $this->convertSortMode($sort_mode); $result = $this->fetchAll($query); foreach ( $result as $res ) { $res["questions"] = $this->getOne( 'select count(*) from `tiki_survey_questions` where `surveyId`=?', array( (int) $res['surveyId']) ); $ret[] = $res; } } $retval = array(); $retval["data"] = $ret; $retval["cant"] = $n; return $retval; } /* * Score methods begin */ // All information about an event type // shared function get_event($event) { return $this->table('tiki_score')->fetchFullRow(array('event' => $event)); } /* * Checks if an event should be scored and grants points to proper user * $multiplier is for rating events, in which the score will * be multiplied by other user's rating. Not yet used * * shared */ function score_event($user, $event_type, $id = '', $multiplier=false) { global $prefs; $scorelib = TikiLib::lib('score'); if ($user == 'admin' || !$user) { return true; } $event = $scorelib->get_event($event_type); if (!$event || !$event['score']) { return true; } $score = $event['score']; if ($multiplier) { $score *= $multiplier; } if ($id || $event['expiration']) { $expire = $event['expiration']; $event_id = $event_type . '_' . $id; $usersScore = $this->table('tiki_users_score'); $conditions = array( 'user' => $user, 'event_id' => $event_id, ); if ($expire) { $conditions['expire'] = $usersScore->greaterThan($this->now); } if ($usersScore->fetchCount($conditions)) { return true; } $usersScore->delete(array( 'user' => $user, 'event_id' => $event_id, )); $usersScore->insert(array( 'user' => $user, 'event_id' => $event_id, 'expire' => time() + ($expire * 60), )); } // Perform check to make sure score does not go below 0 with negative scores if( $prefs['fgal_prevent_negative_score'] == 'y' && strpos( $event_type, 'fgallery' ) === 0 ) { $result = $this->query( "select `userId` from `users_users` where `score` + ? >= 0 and `login` = ?", array( $score, $user ) ); if( ! $row = $result->fetchRow( $result ) ) return false; } $event['id'] = $id; // just for debug $table = $this->table('users_users'); $table->update(array( 'score' => $table->increment($score), ), array( 'login' => $user, )); return true; } // List users by best scoring // shared function rank_users($limit = 10, $start = 0) { if (!$start) { $start = "0"; } $users = $this->table('users_users'); $result = $users->fetchAll(array('userId', 'login', 'score'), array( 'login' => $users->not('admin'), ), $limit, $start, array('score' => 'desc')); foreach ( $result as & $res ) { $res['position'] = ++$start; } return $result; } // Returns html <img> tag to star corresponding to user's score // shared function get_star($score) { $star = ''; $star_colors = array(0 => 'grey', 100 => 'blue', 500 => 'green', 1000 => 'yellow', 2500 => 'orange', 5000 => 'red', 10000 => 'purple'); foreach ($star_colors as $boundary => $color) { if ($score >= $boundary) { $star = 'star_'.$color.'.gif'; } } if (!empty($star)) { $alt = sprintf(tra("%d points"), $score); $star = "<img src='img/icons/$star' height='11' width='11' alt='$alt' /> "; } return $star; } /* * Score methods end */ //shared // \todo remove all hardcoded html in get_user_avatar() function get_user_avatar($user, $float = "") { global $prefs; $userlib = TikiLib::lib('user'); if (empty($user)) return ''; if( is_array( $user ) ) { $res = $user; $user = $user['login']; } else { $res = $this->table('users_users')->fetchRow(array('login', 'avatarType', 'avatarLibName'), array('login' => $user)); } if (!$res) { return ''; } $type = $res["avatarType"]; $libname = $res["avatarLibName"]; $ret = ''; $style = ''; if (strcasecmp($float, "left") == 0) { $style = "style='float:left;margin-right:5px;'"; } else if (strcasecmp($float, "right") == 0) { $style = "style='float:right;margin-left:5px;'"; } switch ($type) { case 'n': $ret = ''; break; case 'l': $ret = "<img border='0' width='45' height='45' src='" . $libname . "' " . $style . " alt='$user' />"; break; case 'u': $path = "tiki-show_user_avatar.php?user=$user"; if( $prefs['users_serve_avatar_static'] == 'y' ) { global $tikidomain; $files = glob( "temp/public/$tikidomain/avatar_$user.*" ); if( !empty( $files[0] ) ) { $path = $files[0]; } } $ret = "<img border='0' src='$path' " . $style . " alt='$user' />"; break; } return $ret; } /*shared*/ function get_forum_sections() { $query = "select distinct `section` from `tiki_forums` where `section`<>?"; $result = $this->fetchAll($query,array('')); $ret = array(); foreach ( $result as $res ) { $ret[] = $res["section"]; } return $ret; } /* Referer stats */ /*shared*/ function register_referer($referer) { $refererStats = $this->table('tiki_referer_stats'); $cant = $refererStats->fetchCount(array('referer' => $referer)); if ($cant) { $refererStats->update(array( 'hits' => $refererStats->increment(1), 'last' => $this->now, ), array( 'referer' => $referer, )); } else { $refererStats->insert(array( 'last' => $this->now, 'referer' => $referer, 'hits' => 1, )); } } // File attachments functions for the wiki //// /*shared*/ function add_wiki_attachment_hit($id) { global $prefs, $user; if ($prefs['count_admin_pvs'] == 'y' || $user != 'admin') { $wikiAttachments = $this->table('tiki_wiki_attachments'); $wikiAttachments->update(array( 'hits' => $wikiAttachments->increment(1), ), array( 'attId' => (int) $id, )); } return true; } /*shared*/ function get_wiki_attachment($attId) { return $this->table('tiki_wiki_attachments')->fetchFullRow(array('attId' => (int) $attId)); } /*shared*/ function get_gallery($id) { return $this->table('tiki_galleries')->fetchFullRow(array( 'galleryId' => (int) $id, )); } // Last visit module //// /*shared*/ function get_news_from_last_visit($user) { if (!$user) return false; $last = $this->table('users_users')->fetchOne('lastLogin', array('login' => $user)); $ret = array(); if (!$last) { $last = time(); } $ret["lastVisit"] = $last; $ret["images"] = $this->getOne("select count(*) from `tiki_images` where `created`>?",array((int)$last)); $ret["pages"] = $this->getOne("select count(*) from `tiki_pages` where `lastModif`>?",array((int)$last)); $ret["files"] = $this->getOne("select count(*) from `tiki_files` where `created`>?",array((int)$last)); $ret["comments"] = $this->getOne("select count(*) from `tiki_comments` where `commentDate`>?",array((int)$last)); $ret["users"] = $this->getOne("select count(*) from `users_users` where `registrationDate`>? and `provpass`=?",array((int)$last, '')); $ret["trackers"] = $this->getOne("select count(*) from `tiki_tracker_items` where `lastModif`>?",array((int)$last)); $ret["calendar"] = $this->getOne("select count(*) from `tiki_calendar_items` where `lastmodif`>?",array((int)$last)); return $ret; } function pick_cookie() { $cant = $this->getOne("select count(*) from `tiki_cookies`",array()); if (!$cant) return ''; $bid = rand(0, $cant - 1); //$cookie = $this->getOne("select `cookie` from `tiki_cookies` limit $bid,1"); getOne seems not to work with limit $result = $this->query("select `cookie` from `tiki_cookies`",array(),1,$bid); if ($res = $result->fetchRow()) { $cookie = str_replace("\n", "", $res['cookie']); return preg_replace('/^(.+?)(\s*--.+)?$/','<em>"$1"</em>$2',$cookie); } else { return ""; } } function get_pv_chart_data($days) { $now = $this->make_time(0, 0, 0, $this->date_format("%m"), $this->date_format("%d"), $this->date_format("%Y")); $dfrom = 0; if ($days != 0) $dfrom = $now - ($days * 24 * 60 * 60); $query = "select `day`, `pageviews` from `tiki_pageviews` where `day`<=? and `day`>=?"; $result = $this->fetchAll($query,array((int)$now,(int)$dfrom)); $ret = array(); $n = ceil(count($result) / 10); $i = 0; $xdata=array(); $ydata=array(); foreach ( $result as $res ) { if ($i % $n == 0) { $xdata[] = $this->date_format("%e %b", $res["day"]); } else { $xdata = ''; } $ydata[] = $res["pageviews"]; } $ret['xdata']=$xdata; $ret['ydata']=$ydata; return $ret; } function add_pageview() { $dayzero = $this->make_time(0, 0, 0, $this->date_format("%m",$this->now), $this->date_format("%d",$this->now), $this->date_format("%Y",$this->now)); $conditions = array( 'day' => (int) $dayzero, ); $pageviews = $this->table('tiki_pageviews'); $cant = $pageviews->fetchCount($conditions); if ($cant) { $pageviews->update(array( 'pageviews' => $pageviews->increment(1), ), $conditions); } else { $pageviews->insert(array( 'day' => (int) $dayzero, 'pageviews' => 1, )); } } function get_usage_chart_data() { $this->compute_quiz_stats(); $data['xdata'][] = tra('wiki'); $data['ydata'][] = $this->getOne('select sum(`hits`) from `tiki_pages`',array()); $data['xdata'][] = tra('img-g'); $data['ydata'][] = $this->getOne('select sum(`hits`) from `tiki_galleries`',array()); $data['xdata'][] = tra('file-g'); $data['ydata'][] = $this->getOne('select sum(`hits`) from `tiki_file_galleries`',array()); $data['xdata'][] = tra('faqs'); $data['ydata'][] = $this->getOne('select sum(`hits`) from `tiki_faqs`',array()); $data['xdata'][] = tra('quizzes'); $data['ydata'][] = $this->getOne('select sum(`timesTaken`) from `tiki_quiz_stats_sum`',array()); $data['xdata'][] = tra('arts'); $data['ydata'][] = $this->getOne('select sum(`nbreads`) from `tiki_articles`',array()); $data['xdata'][] = tra('blogs'); $data['ydata'][] = $this->getOne('select sum(`hits`) from `tiki_blogs`',array()); $data['xdata'][] = tra('forums'); $data['ydata'][] = $this->getOne('select sum(`hits`) from `tiki_forums`',array()); return $data; } // User assigned modules //// /*shared*/ function get_user_login($id) { return $this->table('users_users')->fetchOne('login', array('userId' => (int) $id)); } function get_user_id($u) { // Anonymous is not in db if ( $u == '' ) return -1; // If we ask for the current user id and if we already know it in session $current = ( isset($_SESSION['u_info']) && $u == $_SESSION['u_info']['login'] ); if ( isset($_SESSION['u_info']['id']) && $current ) return $_SESSION['u_info']['id']; // In other cases, we look in db $id = $this->table('users_users')->fetchOne('userId', array('login' => $u)); $id = ($id === NULL) ? -1 : $id; if ( $current ) $_SESSION['u_info']['id'] = $id; return $id; } /*shared*/ function get_groups_all($group) { $result = $this->table('tiki_group_inclusion')->fetchColumn('groupName', array( 'includeGroup' => $group, )); $ret = $result; foreach ( $result as $res ) { $ret = array_merge($ret, $this->get_groups_all($res)); } return array_unique($ret); } /*shared*/ function get_included_groups($group) { $result = $this->table('tiki_group_inclusion')->fetchColumn('includeGroup', array( 'groupName' => $group, )); $ret = $result; foreach ( $result as $res ) { $ret = array_merge($ret, $this->get_included_groups($res)); } return array_unique($ret); } /*shared*/ function get_user_groups($user) { global $prefs; $userlib = TikiLib::lib('user'); if (empty($user) || $user === 'Anonymous') { $ret = array(); $ret[] = "Anonymous"; return $ret; } if ($prefs['feature_intertiki'] == 'y' and empty($prefs['feature_intertiki_mymaster']) and strstr($user,'@')) { $realm = substr($user,strpos($user,'@')+1); $user = substr($user,0,strpos($user,'@')); if (isset($prefs['interlist'][$realm])) { $groups = $prefs['interlist'][$realm]['groups'].',Anonymous'; return explode(',',$prefs['interlist'][$realm]['groups']); } } if (!isset($this->usergroups_cache[$user])) { $userid = $this->get_user_id($user); $result = $this->table('users_usergroups')->fetchColumn('groupName', array( 'userId' => $userid, )); $ret = $result; foreach ( $result as $res ) { $ret = array_merge($ret, $userlib->get_included_groups($res)); } $ret[] = "Registered"; if (isset($_SESSION["groups_are_emulated"]) && $_SESSION["groups_are_emulated"]=="y"){ if (in_array('Admins',$ret)) { // Members of group 'Admins' can emulate being in any list of groups $ret = unserialize($_SESSION['groups_emulated']); }else{ // For security purposes, user can only emulate a subset of user's list of groups // This prevents privilege escalation $ret = array_intersect($ret,unserialize($_SESSION['groups_emulated'])); } } $ret = array_values(array_unique($ret)); $this->usergroups_cache[$user] = $ret; return $ret; } else { return $this->usergroups_cache[$user]; } } function invalidate_usergroups_cache($user) { unset($this->usergroups_cache[$user]); } function get_user_cache_id($user) { $groups = $this->get_user_groups($user); sort($groups, SORT_STRING); $cacheId = implode(":", $groups); if ($user == 'admin') { // in this case user get permissions from no group $cacheId = 'ADMIN:'.$cacheId; } return $cacheId; } // Functions for FAQs //// function list_faqs($offset, $maxRecords, $sort_mode, $find) { $mid = ''; if ( $find ) { $findesc = '%' . $find . '%'; $mid = ' where (`title` like ? or `description` like ?)'; $bindvars = array($findesc, $findesc); } else $bindvars = array(); $query = "select `faqId` from `tiki_faqs` $mid"; $result = $this->fetchAll($query, $bindvars); $res = $ret = $retids = array(); $n=0; //FIXME Perm:filter ? foreach ( $result as $res ) { global $user; $objperm = $this->get_perm_object($res['faqId'], 'faq', '', false); if ($objperm['tiki_p_view_faqs'] == 'y') { if (($maxRecords == -1) || (($n>=$offset) && ($n < ($offset + $maxRecords)))) { $retids[] = $res['faqId']; $n++; } } } if ($n > 0) { $query = "select * from `tiki_faqs` where faqId in (" . implode(',',$retids) . ") order by " . $this->convertSortMode($sort_mode); $result = $this->fetchAll($query); foreach ( $result as $res ) { $res['suggested'] = $this->getOne('select count(*) from `tiki_suggested_faq_questions` where `faqId`=?', array((int) $res['faqId'])); $res['questions'] = $this->getOne('select count(*) from `tiki_faq_questions` where `faqId`=?', array((int) $res['faqId'])); $ret[] = $res; } } $retval['data'] = $ret; $retval['cant'] = $n; return $retval; } /*shared */ function get_faq($faqId) { $query = "select * from `tiki_faqs` where `faqId`=?"; $result = $this->query($query,array((int)$faqId)); if (!$result->numRows()) return false; $res = $result->fetchRow(); return $res; } // End Faqs //// /*shared*/ function genPass() { global $prefs; $length = max($prefs['min_pass_length'], 8); $list = array('aeiou', 'AEIOU', 'bcdfghjklmnpqrstvwxyz', 'BCDFGHJKLMNPQRSTVWXYZ', '0123456789'); $list[] = $prefs['pass_chr_special'] == 'y'? '_*&+!*-=$@':'_'; shuffle($list); $r = ''; for ($i = 0; $i < $length; $i++) { $ch = $list[$i % count($list)]; $r .= $ch{rand(0, strlen($ch) - 1)}; } return $r; } // generate a random string (for unsubscription code etc.) function genRandomString($base="") { if ($base == "") $base = $this->genPass(); $base .= microtime(); return md5($base); } // This function calculates the pageRanks for the tiki_pages // it can be used to compute the most relevant pages // according to the number of links they have // this can be a very interesting ranking for the Wiki // More about this on version 1.3 when we add the pageRank // column to tiki_pages function pageRank($loops = 16) { $pagesTable = $this->table('tiki_pages'); $ret = $pagesTable->fetchColumn('pageName', array()); // Now calculate the loop $pages = array(); foreach ($ret as $page) { $val = 1 / count($ret); $pages[$page] = $val; $pagesTable->update(array( 'pageRank' => (int) $val ), array( 'pageName' => $page, )); } for ($i = 0; $i < $loops; $i++) { foreach ($pages as $pagename => $rank) { // Get all the pages linking to this one // Fixed query. -rlpowell $query = "select `fromPage` from `tiki_links` where `toPage` = ? and `fromPage` not like 'objectlink:%'"; // page rank does not count links from non-page objects TODO: full feature allowing this with options $result = $this->fetchAll($query, array( $pagename ) ); $sum = 0; foreach ( $result as $res ) { $linking = $res["fromPage"]; if (isset($pages[$linking])) { // Fixed query. -rlpowell $q2 = "select count(*) from `tiki_links` where `fromPage`= ? and `fromPage` not like 'objectlink:%'"; // page rank does not count links from non-page objects TODO: full feature allowing this with options $cant = $this->getOne($q2, array($linking) ); if ($cant == 0) $cant = 1; $sum += $pages[$linking] / $cant; } } $val = (1 - 0.85) + 0.85 * $sum; $pages[$pagename] = $val; $pagesTable->update(array( 'pageRank' => (int) $val ), array( 'pageName' => $pagename, )); } } arsort ($pages); return $pages; } function list_all_forum_topics($offset, $maxRecords, $sort_mode, $find) { $bindvars = array('forum', 0); if ($find) { $findesc = '%' . $find . '%'; $mid = " and (`title` like ? or `data` like ?)"; $bindvars[] = $findesc; $bindvars[] = $findesc; } else { $mid = ''; } $query = 'select `threadId`, `forumId` from `tiki_comments`,`tiki_forums`' . " where `object`=`forumId` and `objectType`=? and `parentId`=? $mid order by " . $this->convertSortMode($sort_mode); $result = $this->fetchAll($query, $bindvars); $res = $ret = $retids = array(); $n = 0; //FIXME Perm:filter ? foreach ( $result as $res ) { global $user; $objperm = $this->get_perm_object($res['forumId'], 'forums', '', false); if ($objperm['tiki_p_forum_read'] == 'y') { if (($maxRecords == -1) || (($n >= $offset) && ($n < ($offset + $maxRecords)))) { $retids[] = $res['threadId']; } $n++; } } if ( $n > 0 ) { $query = 'select * from `tiki_comments`' . ' where `threadId` in (' . implode(',', $retids) . ') order by ' . $this->convertSortMode($sort_mode); $ret = $this->fetchAll($query); } $retval = array(); $retval['data'] = $ret; $retval['cant'] = $n; return $retval; } /*shared*/ function list_forum_topics($forumId, $offset, $maxRecords, $sort_mode, $find) { $bindvars = array($forumId,$forumId,'forum',0); if ($find) { $findesc = '%'.$find.'%'; $mid = " and (`title` like ? or `data` like ?)"; $bindvars[] = $findesc; $bindvars[] = $findesc; } else { $mid = ""; } $query = "select * from `tiki_comments`,`tiki_forums` where "; $query.= " `forumId`=? and `object`=? and `objectType`=? and `parentId`=? $mid order by ".$this->convertSortMode($sort_mode); $query_cant = "select count(*) from `tiki_comments`,`tiki_forums` where "; $query_cant.= " `forumId`=? and `object`=? and `objectType`=? and `parentId`=? $mid"; $ret = $this->fetchAll($query,$bindvars,$maxRecords,$offset); $cant = $this->getOne($query_cant,$bindvars); $retval = array(); $retval["data"] = $ret; $retval["cant"] = $cant; return $retval; } /*shared*/ function remove_object($type, $id) { global $prefs; $categlib = TikiLib::lib('categ'); $objectlib = TikiLib::lib('object'); $categlib->uncategorize_object($type, $id); // Now remove comments $threads = $this->table('tiki_comments')->fetchColumn('threadId', array( 'object' => $id, 'objectType' => $type, )); if ( !empty($threads) ) { $commentslib = TikiLib::lib('comments'); foreach ( $threads as $threadId ) { $commentslib->remove_comment($threadId); } } // Remove individual permissions for this object if they exist $object = $type . $id; $this->table('users_objectpermissions')->deleteMultiple(array( 'objectId' => md5($object), 'objectType' => $type, )); // remove links from this object to pages $linkhandle = "objectlink:$type:$id"; $this->table('tiki_links')->deleteMultiple(array( 'fromPage' => $linkhandle, )); // remove fgal backlinks if ( $prefs['feature_file_galleries'] == 'y') { $filegallib = TikiLib::lib('filegal'); $filegallib->deleteBacklinks(array('type'=>$type, 'object'=>$id)); } // remove object $objectlib->delete_object($type, $id); $objectAttributes = $this->table('tiki_object_attributes'); $objectAttributes->deleteMultiple(array( 'type' => $type, 'itemId' => $id, )); $objectRelations = $this->table('tiki_object_relations'); $objectRelations->deleteMultiple(array( 'source_type' => $type, 'source_itemId' => $id, )); $objectRelations->deleteMultiple(array( 'target_type' => $type, 'target_itemId' => $id, )); return true; } /*shared*/ // function enhancing php in_array() function function in_multi_array($needle, $haystack) { $in_multi_array = false; if (in_array($needle, $haystack)) { $in_multi_array = true; } else { while (list($tmpkey, $tmpval) = each($haystack)) { if (is_array($haystack[$tmpkey])) { if ($this->in_multi_array($needle, $haystack[$tmpkey])) { $in_multi_array = true; break; } } } } return $in_multi_array; } /*shared*/ function list_received_pages($offset, $maxRecords, $sort_mode, $find='', $type='', $structureName='') { $bindvars = array(); if ($type == 's') $mid = ' `trp`.`structureName` is not null '; if (!$sort_mode) $sort_mode = '`structureName_asc'; elseif ($type == 'p') $mid = ' `trp`.`structureName` is null '; if (!$sort_mode) $sort_mode = '`pageName_asc'; else $mid = ''; if ($find) { $findesc = '%'.$find.'%'; if ($mid) $mid .= ' and '; $mid .= '(`trp`.`pageName` like ? or `trp`.`structureName` like ? or `trp`.`data` like ?)'; $bindvars[] = $findesc; $bindvars[] = $findesc; $bindvars[] = $findesc; } if ($structureName) { if ($mid) $mid .= ' and '; $mid .= ' `trp`.`structureName`=? '; $bindvars[] = $structureName; } if ($mid) $mid = "where $mid"; $query = "select trp.*, tp.`pageName` as pageExists from `tiki_received_pages` trp left join `tiki_pages` tp on (tp.`pageName`=trp.`pageName`) $mid order by `structureName` asc, `pos` asc," . $this->convertSortMode($sort_mode); $query_cant = "select count(*) from `tiki_received_pages` trp $mid"; $ret = $this->fetchAll($query,$bindvars,$maxRecords,$offset); $cant = $this->getOne($query_cant,$bindvars); $retval = array(); $retval["data"] = $ret; $retval["cant"] = $cant; return $retval; } // Functions for the menubuilder and polls//// /*Shared*/ function get_menu($menuId) { $res = $this->table('tiki_menus')->fetchFullRow(array('menuId' => (int) $menuId)); if ( empty($res['icon']) ) { $res['oicon'] = null; } else { $res['oicon'] = dirname($res['icon']).'/o'.basename($res['icon']); } return $res; } /*shared*/ function list_menu_options($menuId, $offset=0, $maxRecords=-1, $sort_mode='position_asc', $find='', $full=false, $level=0) { global $user, $tiki_p_admin, $prefs; $smarty = TikiLib::lib('smarty'); $wikilib = TikiLib::lib('wiki'); $options = $this->table('tiki_menu_options'); $conditions = array( 'menuId' => $menuId, ); if ($find) { $conditions['search'] = $options->expr('(`name` like ? or `url` like ?)', array("%$find%", "%$find%")); } if ($level && $prefs['feature_userlevels'] == 'y') { $conditions['userlevel'] = $options->lesserThan($level + 1); } $sort = $options->expr($this->convertSortMode($sort_mode)); $result = $options->fetchAll($options->all(), $conditions, $maxRecords, $offset, $sort); $cant = $options->fetchCOunt($conditions); $ret = array(); foreach ( $result as $res ) { $res['canonic'] = $res['url']; if (preg_match('|^\(\((.+?)\)\)$|', $res['url'], $matches)) { $res['url'] = 'tiki-index.php?page=' . rawurlencode($matches[1]); $res['sefurl'] = $wikilib->sefurl($matches[1]); $perms = Perms::get(array('type'=>'wiki page', 'object'=>$matches[1])); if (!$perms->view && !$perms->wiki_view_ref) { continue; } } else { $res['sefurl'] = ''; } if (!$full) { $display = true; if (isset($res['section']) and $res['section']) { if (strstr($res['section'], '|')) { $display = false; $sections = preg_split('/\s*\|\s*/',$res['section']); foreach ($sections as $sec) { if (!isset($prefs[$sec]) or $prefs[$sec] != 'y') { $display = true; break; } } } else { $display = true; $sections = preg_split('/\s*,\s*/',$res['section']); foreach ($sections as $sec) { if (!isset($prefs[$sec]) or $prefs[$sec] != 'y') { $display = false; break; } } } } if ($display && $tiki_p_admin != 'y') { if (isset($res['perm']) and $res['perm']) { if (strstr($res['perm'], '|')) { $display = false; $sections = preg_split('/\s*\|\s*/',$res['perm']); foreach ($sections as $sec) { if (isset($GLOBALS[$sec]) && $GLOBALS[$sec] == 'y') { $display = true; break; } } } else { $sections = preg_split('/\s*,\s*/',$res['perm']); $display = true; foreach ($sections as $sec) { if (!isset($GLOBALS[$sec]) or $GLOBALS[$sec] != 'y') { $display = false; break; } } } } } if ($display && $tiki_p_admin != 'y') { $usergroups = $this->get_user_groups($user); if (isset($res['groupname']) and $res['groupname']) { $sections = preg_split('/\s*,\s*/',$res['groupname']); foreach ($sections as $sec) { if ($sec and !in_array($sec,$usergroups)) { $display = false; } } } } if ($display) { $pos = $res['position']; if (empty($ret[$pos]) || empty($ret[$pos]['url'])) $ret[$pos] = $res; } } else { $ret[] = $res; } } return array( 'data' => array_values($ret), 'cant' => $cant, ); } /* shared * gets result from list_menu_options and sorts "sorted section" sections. */ function sort_menu_options($channels) { $sorted_channels = array(); if (!isset($channels['data']) || $channels['cant'] == 0) { return $channels; } $cant = $channels['cant']; $channels = $channels['data']; $temp_max = count($channels); for ($i=0; $i < $temp_max; $i++) { $sorted_channels[$i] = $channels[$i]; if ($sorted_channels[$i]['type'] == 'r') { // sorted section $sorted_channels[$i]['type'] = 's'; // common section, let's make it transparent $i++; $section = array(); while ($i < count($channels) && $channels[$i]['type'] == 'o') { $section[] = $channels[$i]; $i++; } $i--; include_once('lib/smarty_tiki/function.menu.php'); usort($section, "compare_menu_options"); $sorted_channels = array_merge($sorted_channels, $section); } } if (isset($cant)) { $sorted_channels = array ('data' => $sorted_channels, 'cant' => $cant); } return $sorted_channels; } // Menubuilder ends //// // User voting system //// // Used to vote everything (polls,comments,files,submissions,etc) //// // Checks if a user has voted /*shared*/ function user_has_voted($user, $id) { global $prefs; if (!isset($_SESSION['votes'])) { return false; } $ret = false; $votes = $_SESSION['votes']; if (is_array($votes) && in_array($id, $votes)) { // has already voted in the session (logged or not) $ret = true; } if (!$user) { if ($prefs['ip_can_be_checked'] != 'y' && !isset($_COOKIE[ session_name() ])) {// cookie has not been activated too bad for him $ret = true; } elseif (isset($_COOKIE[md5("tiki_wiki_poll_$id")])) { $ret = true; } // we have no idea if cookie was deleted or if really he has not voted } else { $query = "select count(*) from `tiki_user_votings` where `user`=? and `id`=?"; if ($this->getOne($query,array($user,(string) $id)) > 0) { $ret = true; } } if ($prefs['ip_can_be_checked'] == 'y') { $query = 'select count(*) from `tiki_user_votings` where `ip`=? and `id`=?'; if ($this->getOne($query, array($this->get_ip_address(), $id)) > 0) { return true; // IP has already voted logged or not } } return $ret; } // Registers a user vote /*shared*/ function register_user_vote($user, $id, $optionId=false, array $valid_options = array(), $allow_revote = false ) { global $prefs; // If an option is specified and the valid options are specified, skip the vote entirely if not valid if( false !== $optionId && count( $valid_options ) > 0 && ! in_array( $optionId, $valid_options ) ) { return false; } if( $user && ! $allow_revote && $this->user_has_voted( $user, $id ) ) { return false; } $userVotings = $this->table('tiki_user_votings'); $ip = $this->get_ip_address(); $_SESSION['votes'][] = $id; setcookie(md5("tiki_wiki_poll_$id"), $ip, time()+60*60*24*300); if (!$user) { if ($prefs['ip_can_be_checked'] == 'y') { $userVotings->delete(array( 'ip' => $ip, 'id' => $id, )); if ( $optionId !== false && $optionId != 'NULL' ) { $userVotings->insert(array( 'user' => '', 'ip' => $ip, 'id' => (string) $id, 'optionId' => (int) $optionId, 'time' => $this->now, )); } } elseif (isset($_COOKIE[md5("tiki_wiki_poll_$id")])) { return false; } elseif ($optionId !== false && $optionId != 'NULL' ) { $userVotings->insert(array( 'user' => '', 'ip' => $ip, 'id' => (string) $id, 'optionId' => (int) $optionId, 'time' => $this->now, )); } } else { if ($prefs['ip_can_be_checked'] == 'y') { $userVotings->delete(array( 'user' => $user, 'id' => $id, )); $userVotings->delete(array( 'ip' => $ip, 'id' => $id, )); } else { $userVotings->delete(array( 'user' => $user, 'id' => $id, )); } if ( $optionId !== false && $optionId != 'NULL' ) { $userVotings->insert(array( 'user' => $user, 'ip' => $ip, 'id' => (string) $id, 'optionId' => (int) $optionId, 'time' => $this->now, )); } } return true; } function get_user_vote($id,$user) { global $prefs; $vote = null; if ($user) { $vote = $this->getOne("select `optionId` from `tiki_user_votings` where `user` = ? and `id` = ? order by `time` desc",array( $user, $id)); } if ($vote == null && $prefs['ip_can_be_checked'] == 'y') { $vote = $this->getOne("select `optionId` from `tiki_user_votings` where `ip` = ? and `id` = ? order by `time` desc",array( $user, $id)); } return $vote; } // end of user voting methods // Semaphore functions //// function get_semaphore_user($semName, $objectType='wiki page') { global $user; // the old semaphores have been deleted by semaphore_is_set - this function must be called before $query = "select `user` from `tiki_semaphores` where `semName`=? and `objectType`=?"; $result = $this->fetchAll($query, array($semName, $objectType)); $user_is_in = false; foreach ( $result as $res ) { if ($res['user'] != $user || (!$user && $res['user'] == 'anonymous')) { return $res['user']; // return the other users if exist } else { $user_is_in = true; } } if ($user_is_in) return $user; else return ''; } function semaphore_is_set($semName, $limit, $objectType='wiki page') { $lim = $this->now - $limit; $semaphores = $this->table('tiki_semaphores'); $semaphores->deleteMultiple(array( 'timestamp' => $semaphores->lesserThan((int) $lim), )); $query = "select `semName` from `tiki_semaphores` where `semName`=? and `objectType`=?"; $result = $this->query($query,array($semName, $objectType)); return $result->numRows(); } function semaphore_set($semName, $objectType='wiki page') { global $user; if ($user == '') { $user = 'anonymous'; } $semaphores = $this->table('tiki_semaphores'); $semaphores->delete(array( 'semName' => $semName, 'objectType' => $objectType, )); $semaphores->insert(array( 'semName' => $semName, 'timestamp' => $this->now, 'user' => $user, 'objectType' => $objectType, )); return $this->now; } function semaphore_unset($semName, $lock, $objectType='wiki page') { $semaphores = $this->table('tiki_semaphores'); $semaphores->delete(array( 'semName' => $semName, 'timestamp' => (int) $lock, 'objectType' => $objectType, )); } // Hot words methods //// /*shared*/ function get_hotwords() { static $cache_hotwords; if ( isset($cache_hotwords) ) { return $cache_hotwords; } $query = "select * from `tiki_hotwords`"; $result = $this->fetchAll($query, array(),-1,-1, false); $ret = array(); foreach ($result as $res ) { $ret[$res["word"]] = $res["url"]; } $cache_hotwords = $ret; return $ret; } // FRIENDS METHODS // function list_user_friends($user, $offset = 0, $maxRecords = -1, $sort_mode = 'login_asc', $find = '') { $userlib = TikiLib::lib('user'); $sort_mode = $this->convertSortMode($sort_mode); if($find) { $findesc = '%'.$find.'%'; $mid=" and (u.`login` like ? or p.`value` like ?) "; $bindvars=array($user,$findesc,$findesc); } else { $mid=''; $bindvars=array($user); } // TODO: same as list_users $query = "select u.*, p.`value` as realName from `tiki_friends` as f, `users_users` as u left join `tiki_user_preferences` p on u.`login`=p.`user` and p.`prefName` = 'realName' where u.`login`=f.`friend` and f.`user`=? and f.`user` <> f.`friend` $mid order by $sort_mode"; $query_cant = "select count(*) from `tiki_friends` as f, `users_users` as u left join `tiki_user_preferences` p on u.`login`=p.`user` and p.`prefName` = 'realName' where u.`login`=f.`friend` and f.`user`=? $mid"; $result = $this->fetchAll($query,$bindvars,$maxRecords,$offset); $cant = $this->getOne($query_cant,$bindvars); $ret = Array(); foreach ( $result as $res ) { $res['realname'] = $this->get_user_preference($res['login'], 'realName'); $ret[] = $res; } $retval = Array(); $retval["data"] = $ret; $retval["cant"] = $cant; return $retval; } function list_online_friends($user) { $userlib = TikiLib::lib('user'); $this->update_session(); $bindvars = array($user); // TODO: same as list_users $query = "select u.*, p.`value` as realName from `tiki_friends` as f, `users_users` as u, `tiki_sessions` s left join `tiki_user_preferences` p on u.`login`=p.`user` and p.`prefName` = 'realName' where u.`login`=f.`friend` and s.`user`=u.`login` and f.`user`=? and f.`user` <> f.`friend`"; return $this->fetchAll($query,$bindvars); } function verify_friendship($user, $friend) { if ($user == $friend) { return 0; } return $this->table('tiki_friends')->fetchCount(array('user' => $user, 'friend' => $friend)); } // Check if there's already a friendship request from userwatched to userwatching function verify_friendship_request($userwatched, $userwatching){ if ($userwatched == $userwatching) { return 0; } return $this->table('tiki_friendship_requests')->fetchCount(array('userTo' => $userwatching, 'userFrom' => $userwatched)); } function get_friends_count($user) { $cachelib = TikiLib::lib('cache'); $cacheKey = 'friends_count_'.$user; if ($cachelib->isCached($cacheKey)) { return $cachelib->getCached($cacheKey); } else { $count = $this->table('tiki_friends')->fetchCount(array('user' => $user)); $cachelib->cacheItem($cacheKey, $count); return $count; } } function list_users($offset = 0, $maxRecords = -1, $sort_mode = 'pref:realName', $find = '', $include_prefs = false) { global $user, $prefs; $userprefslib = TikiLib::lib('userprefs'); $bindvars = array(); if ($prefs['feature_friends'] == 'y' && !$include_prefs) { $bindvars[] = $user; } if ( $find ) { $findesc = '%'.$find.'%'; $mid = 'where (`login` like ? or p1.`value` like ?)'; $mid_cant = $mid; $bindvars[] = $findesc; $bindvars[] = $findesc; $bindvars2 = array($findesc, $findesc); $find_join = " left join `tiki_user_preferences` p1 on (u.`login` = p1.`user` and p1.`prefName` = 'realName')"; $find_join_cant = $find_join; } else { $mid = ''; $bindvars2 = array(); $find_join = ''; $find_join_cant = ''; $mid_cant = ''; } // This allows to use a sort_mode by prefs // In this case, sort_mode must have this syntax : // pref:PREFERENCE_NAME[_asc|_desc] // e.g. to sort on country : // pref:country OR pref:country_asc OR pref:country_desc if ( $ppos = strpos($sort_mode, ':') ) { $sort_value = substr($sort_mode, $ppos + 1); $sort_by_pref = true; $sort_way = 'asc'; if ( preg_match('/^(.+)_(asc|desc)$/i', $sort_value, $regs) ) { $sort_value = $regs[1]; $sort_way = $regs[2]; unset($regs); } if ( $find_join != '' && $sort_value == 'realName' ) { // Avoid two joins if we can do only one $find_join = ''; $mid = 'where (`login` like ? or p.`value` like ?)'; } $sort_mode = "p.`value` $sort_way"; $pref_where = ( ( $mid == '' ) ? 'where' : $mid.' and' )." p.`prefName` = '$sort_value'"; $pref_join = 'left join `tiki_user_preferences` p on (u.`login` = p.`user`)'; $pref_field = ', p.`value` as sf'; } else { $sort_mode = $this->convertSortMode($sort_mode); $pref_where = $mid; $pref_join = ''; $pref_field = ''; } if ( $sort_mode != '' ) $sort_mode = 'order by '.$sort_mode; // Need to use a subquery to avoid bad results when using a limit and an offset, with at least MySQL if ($prefs['feature_friends'] == 'y' && !$include_prefs) { $query = "select * from (select u.* $pref_field, f.`friend` from `users_users` u $pref_join $find_join left join `tiki_friends` as f on (u.`login` = f.`friend` and f.`user`=?) $pref_where $sort_mode) as tab"; } else { $query = "select u.* $pref_field from `users_users` u $pref_join $find_join $pref_where $sort_mode"; } $query_cant = "select count(distinct u.`login`) from `users_users` u $find_join_cant $mid_cant"; $result = $this->fetchAll($query, $bindvars, $maxRecords, $offset); $cant = $this->getOne($query_cant, $bindvars2); $ret = array(); foreach ( $result as $res ) { if ($prefs['feature_friends'] == 'y') { $res['friend'] = !empty($res['friend'] ); } if ( $include_prefs ) $res['preferences'] = $userprefslib->get_userprefs($res['login']); $ret[] = $res; } return array('data' => $ret, 'cant' => $cant); } // CMS functions -ARTICLES- & -SUBMISSIONS- //// /*shared*/ function get_featured_links($max = 10) { $query = "select * from `tiki_featured_links` where `position` > ? order by ".$this->convertSortMode("position_asc"); return $this->fetchAll($query, array(0), (int)$max, 0 ); } function setSessionId($sessionId) { $this->sessionId = $sessionId; } function getSessionId() { return $this->sessionId; } function update_session() { static $uptodate = false; if ( $uptodate === true || $this->sessionId === null ) return true; global $user, $prefs; $logslib = TikiLib::lib('logs'); if ($user === false) $user = ''; $delay = 5*60; // 5 minutes $oldy = $this->now - $delay; if ($user != '') { // was the user timeout? $query = "select count(*) from `tiki_sessions` where `sessionId`=?"; $cant = $this->getOne($query, array($this->sessionId)); if ($cant == 0) $logslib->add_log("login", "back", $user, '', '', $this->now); } $query = "select * from `tiki_sessions` where `timestamp`<?"; $result = $this->fetchAll($query, array($oldy)); foreach ( $result as $res ) { if ($res['user'] && $res['user'] != $user) $logslib->add_log('login', 'timeout', $res['user'], ' ', ' ', $res['timestamp']+ $delay); } $sessions = $this->table('tiki_sessions'); $sessions->delete(array( 'sessionId' => $this->sessionId, )); $sessions->deleteMultiple(array( 'timestamp' => $sessions->lesserThan($oldy), )); if ($user) { $sessions->delete(array( 'user' => $user, )); } $sessions->insert(array( 'sessionId' => $this->sessionId, 'timestamp' => $this->now, 'user' => $user, 'tikihost' => isset($_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']) ? $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] : 'localhost', )); if ($prefs['session_storage'] == 'db') { // clean up adodb sessions as well in case adodb session garbage collection not working $sessions = $this->table('sessions'); $sessions->deleteMultiple(array( 'expiry' => $sessions->lesserThan($oldy), )); } $uptodate = true; return true; } // Returns the number of registered users which logged in or were active in the last 5 minutes. function count_sessions() { $this->update_session(); return $this->table('tiki_sessions')->fetchCount(array()); } // Returns a string-indexed array with all the hosts/servers active in the last 5 minutes. Keys are hostnames. Values represent the number of registered users which logged in or were active in the last 5 minutes on the host. function count_cluster_sessions() { $this->update_session(); $query = "select `tikihost`, count(`tikihost`) as cant from `tiki_sessions` group by `tikihost`"; return $this->fetchMap($query, array()); } function cache_links($links) { global $prefs; if ($prefs['cachepages'] != 'y') return false; foreach ($links as $link) { if (!$this->is_cached($link)) { $this->cache_url($link); } } } function get_links($data) { $links = array(); /// Prevent the substitution of link [] inside a <tag> ex: <input name="tracker[9]" ... > $data = preg_replace("/<[^>]*>/","",$data); /// Match things like [...], but ignore things like [[foo]. // -Robin if (preg_match_all("/(?<!\[)\[([^\[\|\]]+)(?:\|?[^\[\|\]]+){0,2}\]/", $data, $r1)) { $res = $r1[1]; $links = array_unique($res); } return $links; } function get_links_nocache($data) { $links = array(); if (preg_match_all("/\[([^\]]+)/", $data, $r1)) { $res = array(); foreach ($r1[1] as $alink) { $parts = explode('|', $alink); if (isset($parts[1]) && $parts[1] == 'nocache') { $res[] = $parts[0]; } elseif (isset($parts[2]) && $parts[2] == 'nocache') { $res[] = $parts[0]; } else { if (isset($parts[3]) && $parts[3] == 'nocache') { $res[] = $parts[0]; } } /// avoid caching URLs with common binary file extensions $extension = substr($parts[0], -4); $binary = array( '.arj', '.asf', '.avi', '.bz2', '.com', '.dat', '.doc', '.exe', '.hqx', '.mid', '.mov', '.mp3', '.mpg', '.ogg', '.pdf', '.ram', '.rar', '.rpm', '.rtf', '.sea', '.sit', '.tar', '.tgz', '.wav', '.wmv', '.xls', '.zip', 'ar.Z', // .tar.Z 'r.gz' // .tar.gz ); if (in_array($extension, $binary)) { $res[] = $parts[0]; } } $links = array_unique($res); } return $links; } function is_cacheable($url) { // simple implementation: future versions should analyse // if this is a link to the local machine if (strstr($url, 'tiki-')) { return false; } if (strstr($url, 'messu-')) { return false; } return true; } function is_cached($url) { return $this->table('tiki_link_cache')->fetchCount(array('url' => $url)); } function list_cache($offset, $maxRecords, $sort_mode, $find) { if ($find) { $findesc = '%' . $find . '%'; $mid = " where (`url` like ?) "; $bindvars=array($findesc); } else { $mid = ""; $bindvars=array(); } $query = "select `cacheId` ,`url`,`refresh` from `tiki_link_cache` $mid order by ".$this->convertSortMode($sort_mode); $query_cant = "select count(*) from `tiki_link_cache` $mid"; $ret = $this->fetchAll($query,$bindvars,$maxRecords,$offset); $cant = $this->getOne($query_cant,$bindvars); $retval = array(); $retval["data"] = $ret; $retval["cant"] = $cant; return $retval; } function refresh_cache($cacheId) { $linkCache = $this->table('tiki_link_cache'); $url = $linkCache->fetchOne('url', array('cacheId' => $cacheId)); $data = $this->httprequest($url); $linkCache->update(array( 'data' => $data, 'refresh' => $this->now, ), array( 'cacheId' => $cacheId, )); return true; } function remove_cache($cacheId) { $linkCache = $this->table('tiki_link_cache'); $linkCache->delete(array( 'cacheId' => $cacheId, )); return true; } function get_cache($cacheId) { return $this->table('tiki_link_cache')->fetchFullRow(array('cacheId' => $cacheId)); } function get_cache_id($url) { $id = $this->table('tiki_link_cache')->fetchOne('cacheId', array('url' => $url)); return $id ? $id : false; } /* cachetime = 0 => no cache, otherwise duration cache is valid */ function get_cached_url($url, &$isFresh, $cachetime=0) { $linkCache = $this->table('tiki_link_cache'); $res = $linkCache->fetchFullRow(array('url' => $url)); $now = $this->now; if (empty($res) || ($now - $res['refresh']) > $cachetime) { // no cache or need to refresh $res['data'] = $this->httprequest($url); $isFresh = true; //echo '<br />Not cached:'.$url.'/'.strlen($res['data']); $res['refresh'] = $now; if ($cachetime > 0) { if (empty($res['cacheId'])) { $linkCache->insert(array( 'url' => $url, 'data' => $res['data'], 'refresh' => $res['refresh'], )); $res = $linkCache->fetchFullRow(array('url' => $url)); } else { $linkCache->update(array( 'data' => $res['data'], 'refresh' => $res['refresh'], ), array( 'cacheId' => $res['cacheId'], )); } } } else { //echo '<br />Cached:'.$url; $isFresh = false; } return $res; } // This funcion return the $limit most accessed pages // it returns pageName and hits for each page function get_top_pages($limit) { $query = "select `pageName` , `hits` from `tiki_pages` order by `hits` desc"; $result = $this->fetchAll($query, array(),$limit); $ret = array(); foreach ( $result as $res ) { $aux["pageName"] = $res["pageName"]; $aux["hits"] = $res["hits"]; $ret[] = $aux; } return $ret; } // Returns the name of all pages function get_all_pages() { return $this->table('tiki_pages')->fetchAll(array('pageName'), array()); } /** * \brief Cache given url * If \c $data present (passed) it is just associated \c $url and \c $data. * Else it will request data for given URL and store it in DB. * Actualy (currently) data may be proviced by TIkiIntegrator only. */ function cache_url($url, $data = '') { // Avoid caching internal references... (only if $data not present) // (cdx) And avoid other protocols than http... // 03-Nov-2003, by zaufi // preg_match("_^(mailto:|ftp:|gopher:|file:|smb:|news:|telnet:|javascript:|nntp:|nfs:)_",$url) // was removed (replaced to explicit http[s]:// detection) bcouse // I now (and actualy use in my production Tiki) another bunch of protocols // available in my konqueror... (like ldap://, ldaps://, nfs://, fish://...) // ... seems like it is better to enum that allowed explicitly than all // noncacheable protocols. if (((strstr($url, 'tiki-') || strstr($url, 'messu-')) && $data == '') || (substr($url, 0, 7) != 'http://' && substr($url, 0, 8) != 'https://')) return false; // Request data for URL if nothing given in parameters // (reuse $data var) if ($data == '') $data = $this->httprequest($url); // If stuff inside [] is *really* malformatted, $data // will be empty. -rlpowell if ($data) { $linkCache = $this->table('tiki_link_cache'); $linkCache->insert(array( 'url' => $url, 'data' => $data, 'refresh' => $this->now, )); return true; } else return false; } // Removes all the versions of a page and the page itself /*shared*/ function remove_all_versions($page, $comment = '') { global $user, $prefs; if ($prefs['feature_actionlog'] == 'y') { $info= $this->get_page_info($page); $params = 'del='.strlen($info['data']); } else { $params = ''; } // Deal with mail notifications. include_once('lib/notifications/notificationemaillib.php'); $foo = parse_url($_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"]); $machine = $this->httpPrefix( true ). dirname( $foo["path"] ); $page_info = $this->get_page_info($page); sendWikiEmailNotification('wiki_page_deleted', $page, $user, $comment, 1, $page_info['data'], $machine); $wikilib = TikiLib::lib('wiki'); $multilinguallib = TikiLib::lib('multilingual'); $multilinguallib->detachTranslation('wiki page', $multilinguallib->get_page_id_from_name($page)); $this->invalidate_cache($page); //Delete structure references before we delete the page $query = "select `page_ref_id` "; $query .= "from `tiki_structures` ts, `tiki_pages` tp "; $query .= "where ts.`page_id`=tp.`page_id` and `pageName`=?"; $result = $this->fetchAll($query, array( $page ) ); foreach ( $result as $res ) { $this->remove_from_structure($res["page_ref_id"]); } $this->table('tiki_pages')->delete(array( 'pageName' => $page, )); if ($prefs['feature_contribution'] == 'y') { $contributionlib = TikiLib::lib('contribution'); $contributionlib->remove_page($page); } $this->table('tiki_history')->deleteMultiple(array( 'pageName' => $page, )); $this->table('tiki_links')->deleteMultiple(array( 'fromPage' => $page, )); $logslib = TikiLib::lib('logs'); $logslib->add_action('Removed', $page, 'wiki page', $params); //get_strings tra("Removed"); $this->table('users_groups')->updateMultiple(array( 'groupHome' => null, ), array( 'groupHome' => $page, )); $this->table('tiki_theme_control_objects')->deleteMultiple(array( 'name' => $page, 'type' => 'wiki page', )); $this->remove_object('wiki page', $page); $this->table('tiki_user_watches')->deleteMultiple(array( 'event' => 'wiki_page_changed', 'object' => $page, )); $this->table('tiki_group_watches')->deleteMultiple(array( 'event' => 'wiki_page_changed', 'object' => $page, )); $atts = $wikilib->list_wiki_attachments($page, 0, -1, 'created_desc', ''); foreach ($atts["data"] as $at) { $wikilib->remove_wiki_attachment($at["attId"]); } $wikilib->remove_footnote('', $page); return true; } /*shared*/ function remove_from_structure($page_ref_id) { // Now recursively remove $query = "select `page_ref_id` "; $query .= "from `tiki_structures` as ts, `tiki_pages` as tp "; $query .= "where ts.`page_id`=tp.`page_id` and `parent_id`=?"; $result = $this->fetchAll($query, array( $page_ref_id ) ); foreach ( $result as $res ) { $this->remove_from_structure($res["page_ref_id"]); } $structlib = TikiLib::lib('struct'); $page_info = $structlib->s_get_page_info($page_ref_id); $structures = $this->table('tiki_structures'); $structures->updateMultiple(array( 'pos' => $structures->decrement(1), ), array( 'pos' => $structures->greaterThan((int) $page_info['pos']), 'parent_id' => (int) $page_info['parent_id'], )); $structures->delete(array( 'page_ref_id' => $page_ref_id, )); return true; } /*shared*/ function list_galleries($offset = 0, $maxRecords = -1, $sort_mode = 'name_desc', $user = '', $find = null) { // If $user is admin then get ALL galleries, if not only user galleries are shown global $tiki_p_admin_galleries, $tiki_p_admin; $old_sort_mode = ''; if (in_array($sort_mode, array( 'images desc', 'images asc' ))) { $old_offset = $offset; $old_maxRecords = $maxRecords; $old_sort_mode = $sort_mode; $sort_mode = 'user desc'; $offset = 0; $maxRecords = -1; } // If the user is not admin then select `it` 's own galleries or public galleries if ( $tiki_p_admin_galleries === 'y' or $tiki_p_admin === 'y') { $whuser = ""; $bindvars = array(); } else { $whuser = "where `user`=? or public=?"; $bindvars = array($user,'y'); } if ( ! empty($find) ) { $findesc = '%' . $find . '%'; if (empty($whuser)) { $whuser = "where `name` like ? or `description` like ?"; $bindvars=array($findesc,$findesc); } else { $whuser .= " and `name` like ? or `description` like ?"; $bindvars[]=$findesc; $bindvars[]=$findesc; } } // If sort mode is versions then offset is 0, maxRecords is -1 (again) and sort_mode is nil // If sort mode is links then offset is 0, maxRecords is -1 (again) and sort_mode is nil // If sort mode is backlinks then offset is 0, maxRecords is -1 (again) and sort_mode is nil $query = "select * from `tiki_galleries` $whuser order by ".$this->convertSortMode($sort_mode); $query_cant = "select count(*) from `tiki_galleries` $whuser"; $result = $this->fetchAll($query,$bindvars,$maxRecords,$offset); $cant = $this->getOne($query_cant,$bindvars); $ret = array(); $images = $this->table('tiki_images'); foreach ( $result as $res ) { global $user; $add=$this->user_has_perm_on_object($user,$res['galleryId'],'image gallery','tiki_p_view_image_gallery'); if ($add) { $aux = array(); $aux["name"] = $res["name"]; $gid = $res["galleryId"]; $aux["visible"] = $res["visible"]; $aux["id"] = $gid; $aux["galleryId"] = $res["galleryId"]; $aux["description"] = $res["description"]; $aux["created"] = $res["created"]; $aux["lastModif"] = $res["lastModif"]; $aux["user"] = $res["user"]; $aux["hits"] = $res["hits"]; $aux["public"] = $res["public"]; $aux["theme"] = $res["theme"]; $aux["geographic"] = $res["geographic"]; $aux["images"] = $images->fetchCount(array('galleryId' => $gid)); $ret[] = $aux; } } if ($old_sort_mode == 'images asc') { usort($ret, 'compare_images'); } if ($old_sort_mode == 'images desc') { usort($ret, 'r_compare_images'); } if (in_array($old_sort_mode, array( 'images desc', 'images asc' ))) { $ret = array_slice($ret, $old_offset, $old_maxRecords); } $retval = array(); $retval["data"] = $ret; $retval["cant"] = $cant; return $retval; } // Deprecated in favor of list_pages function last_pages($maxRecords = -1, $categories='') { if (is_array($categories)) $filter=array("categId" => $categories); else $filter=array(); return $this->list_pages(0, $maxRecords, "lastModif_desc", '', '', true, true, false, false, $filter); } // Broken. Equivalent to last_pages($maxRecords) function last_major_pages($maxRecords = -1) { return $this->list_pages(0, $maxRecords, "lastModif_desc"); } // use this function to speed up when pagename is only needed (the 3 getOne can killed tikiwith more that 3000 pages) function list_pageNames($offset = 0, $maxRecords = -1, $sort_mode = 'pageName_asc', $find = '') { return $this->list_pages($offset, $maxRecords, $sort_mode, $find, '', true, true); } function list_pages($offset = 0, $maxRecords = -1, $sort_mode = 'pageName_desc', $find = '', $initial = '', $exact_match = true, $onlyName=false, $forListPages=false, $only_orphan_pages = false, $filter='', $onlyCant=false, $ref='') { global $prefs, $user, $tiki_p_wiki_view_ratings; $join_tables = ''; $join_bindvars = array(); $old_sort_mode = ''; if ($sort_mode == 'size_desc') $sort_mode = 'page_size_desc'; if ($sort_mode == 'size_asc') $sort_mode = 'page_size_asc'; $select = ''; // If sort mode is versions, links or backlinks then offset is 0, maxRecords is -1 (again) and sort_mode is nil $need_everything = false; if ( in_array($sort_mode, array( 'versions_desc', 'versions_asc', 'links_asc', 'links_desc', 'backlinks_asc', 'backlinks_desc' ))) { $old_sort_mode = $sort_mode; $sort_mode = 'user_desc'; $need_everything = true; } if (is_array($find)) { // you can use an array of pages $mid = " where LOWER(`pageName`) IN (".implode(',',array_fill(0,count($find),'LOWER(?)')).")"; $bindvars = $find; } elseif (is_string($find) && !empty($find)) { // or a string if (!$exact_match && $find) { $find = preg_replace("/([^\s]+)/","%\\1%",$find); $f = preg_split("/[\s]+/",$find,-1,PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY); if (empty($f)) {//look for space... $mid = " where LOWER(`pageName`) like LOWER('%$find%')"; } else { $mid = " where LOWER(`pageName`) like ".implode(' or LOWER(`pageName`) like ',array_fill(0,count($f),'LOWER(?)')); $bindvars = $f; } } else { $mid = " where LOWER(`pageName`) like LOWER(?) "; $bindvars = array($find); } } else { $bindvars = array(); $mid = ''; } $categlib = TikiLib::lib('categ'); $category_jails = $categlib->get_jail(); if( ! isset( $filter['andCategId'] ) && ! isset( $filter['categId'] ) && ! empty( $category_jails ) ) { $filter['categId'] = $category_jails; } // If language is set to '', assume that no language filtering should be done. if (isset($filter['lang']) && $filter['lang'] == '') { unset($filter['lang']); } $distinct = ''; if (!empty($filter)) { $tmp_mid = array(); foreach ($filter as $type=>$val) { if ($type == 'andCategId') { $categories = $categlib->get_jailed( (array) $val ); $join_tables .= " inner join `tiki_objects` as tob on (tob.`itemId`= tp.`pageName` and tob.`type`= ?) "; $join_bindvars[] = 'wiki page'; foreach ($categories as $i=>$categId) { $join_tables .= " inner join `tiki_category_objects` as tc$i on (tc$i.`catObjectId`=tob.`objectId` and tc$i.`categId` =?) "; $join_bindvars[] = $categId; } } elseif ($type == 'categId') { $categories = $categlib->get_jailed( (array) $val ); $categories[] = -1; $cat_count = count( $categories ); $join_tables .= " inner join `tiki_objects` as tob on (tob.`itemId`= tp.`pageName` and tob.`type`= ?) inner join `tiki_category_objects` as tc on (tc.`catObjectId`=tob.`objectId` and tc.`categId` IN(" . implode(', ', array_fill(0, $cat_count, '?')) . ")) "; if( $cat_count > 1 ) { $distinct = ' DISTINCT '; } $join_bindvars = array_merge(array('wiki page'), $categories); } elseif ($type == 'noCateg') { $join_tables .= ' left join `tiki_objects` as tob on (tob.`itemId`= tp.`pageName` and tob.`type`= ?) left join `tiki_categorized_objects` as tcdo on (tcdo.`catObjectId`=tob.`objectId`) left join `tiki_category_objects` as tco on (tcdo.`catObjectId`=tco.`catObjectId`)'; $join_bindvars[] = 'wiki page'; $tmp_mid[] = '(tco.`categId` is null)'; } elseif ($type == 'notCategId') { foreach ($val as $v) { $tmp_mid[] = '(tp.`pageName` NOT IN(SELECT itemId FROM tiki_objects INNER JOIN tiki_category_objects ON catObjectId = objectId WHERE type = "wiki page" AND categId = ?))'; $bindvars[] = $v; } } elseif ($type == 'lang') { $tmp_mid[] = 'tp.`lang`=?'; $bindvars[] = $val; } elseif ($type == 'structHead') { $join_tables .= " inner join `tiki_structures` as ts on (ts.`page_id` = tp.`page_id` and ts.`parent_id` = 0) "; $select .= ',ts.`page_alias`'; } elseif ($type == 'langOrphan') { $join_tables .= " left join `tiki_translated_objects` tro on (tro.`type` = 'wiki page' AND tro.`objId` = tp.`page_id`) "; $tmp_mid[] = "( (tro.`traId` IS NULL AND tp.`lang` != ?) OR tro.`traId` NOT IN(SELECT `traId` FROM `tiki_translated_objects` WHERE `lang` = ?))"; $bindvars[] = $val; $bindvars[] = $val; } elseif ($type == 'structure_orphans') { $join_tables .= " left join `tiki_structures` as tss on (tss.`page_id` = tp.`page_id`) "; $tmp_mid[] = "(tss.`page_ref_id` is null)"; } elseif ($type == 'translationOrphan') { $multilinguallib = TikiLib::lib('multilingual'); $multilinguallib->sqlTranslationOrphan('wiki page', 'tp', 'page_id', $val, $join_tables, $midto, $bindvars); $tmp_mid[] = $midto; } } if (!empty($tmp_mid)) { $mid .= empty($mid) ? ' where (' : ' and ('; $mid .= implode( ' and ', $tmp_mid ) . ')'; } } if (!empty($initial)) { $mid .= empty($mid) ? ' where (' : ' and ('; $tmp_mid = ''; if (is_array($initial)) { foreach($initial as $i) { if ( ! empty($tmp_mid) ) $tmp_mid .= ' or '; $tmp_mid .= ' `pageName` like ? '; $bindvars[] = $i.'%'; } } else { $tmp_mid = " `pageName` like ? "; $bindvars[] = $initial.'%'; } $mid .= $tmp_mid.')'; $mmid = $mid; } if ( $only_orphan_pages ) { $join_tables .= ' left join `tiki_links` as tl on tp.`pageName` = tl.`toPage` left join `tiki_structures` as ts on tp.`page_id` = ts.`page_id`'; $mid .= ( $mid == '' ) ? ' where ' : ' and '; $mid .= 'tl.`toPage` IS NULL and ts.`page_id` IS NULL'; } if ( $prefs['rating_advanced'] == 'y' ) { $ratinglib = TikiLib::lib('rating'); $join_tables .= $ratinglib->convert_rating_sort($sort_mode, 'wiki page', '`page_id`'); } if ($tiki_p_wiki_view_ratings === 'y' && $prefs['feature_polls'] =='y' && $prefs['feature_wiki_ratings'] == 'y' ) { $select .= ', (select sum(`tiki_poll_options`.`title`*`tiki_poll_options`.`votes`) as rating from `tiki_objects` as tobt, `tiki_poll_objects` as tpo, `tiki_poll_options` where tobt.`itemId`= tp.`pageName` and tobt.`type`=\'wiki page\' and tobt.`objectId`=tpo.`catObjectId` and `tiki_poll_options`.`pollId`=tpo.`pollId` group by `tiki_poll_options`.`pollId`) as rating'; } if (!empty($join_bindvars)) { $bindvars = empty($bindvars)? $join_bindvars : array_merge($join_bindvars, $bindvars); } $query = "select $distinct" .( $onlyCant ? "tp.`pageName`" : "tp.* ".$select ) ." from `tiki_pages` as tp $join_tables $mid order by ".$this->convertSortMode($sort_mode); $countquery = "select count($distinct tp.`pageName`) from `tiki_pages` as tp $join_tables $mid"; $pageCount = $this->getOne($countquery,$bindvars); // HOTFIX (svn Rev. 22969 or near there) // Chunk loading. Because we cannot know what pages are visible, we load chunks of pages // and use Perms::filter to see what remains. Stop, if we have enough. $cant = 0; $n = -1; $ret = array(); $raw = array(); $offset_tmp = 0; $haveEnough=FALSE; $filterPerms = empty($ref)? 'view': array('view', 'wiki_view_ref'); while (!$haveEnough) { $rawTemp = $this->fetchAll($query, $bindvars, $maxRecords , $offset_tmp); $offset_tmp+=$maxRecords; // next offset if (count($rawTemp) == 0) $haveEnough = TRUE; // end of table $rawTemp = Perms::filter( array( 'type' => 'wiki page' ), 'object', $rawTemp, array( 'object' => 'pageName', 'creator' => 'creator' ), $filterPerms ); $raw = array_merge($raw, $rawTemp); if( (count($raw) >= $offset + $maxRecords) || $maxRecords == -1 ) $haveEnough = TRUE; // now we have enough records } // prbably this brace has to include the next foreach??? I am unsure. // but if yes, the next lines have to be reviewed. $history = $this->table('tiki_history'); $links = $this->table('tiki_links'); foreach( $raw as $res ) { if( $initial ) { $valid = false; foreach( (array) $initial as $candidate ) { if( stripos( $res['pageName'], $candidate ) === 0 ) { $valid = true; break; } } if( ! $valid ) continue; } //WYSIWYCA $res['perms'] = $this->get_perm_object($res['pageName'], 'wiki page', $res, false); $n++; if ( ! $need_everything && $offset != -1 && $n < $offset ) continue; if ( ! $onlyCant && ( $need_everything || $maxRecords == -1 || $cant < $maxRecords ) ) { if ( $onlyName ) $res = array('pageName' => $res['pageName']); else { $page = $res['pageName']; $res['len'] = $res['page_size']; unset($res['page_size']); $res['flag'] = $res['flag'] == 'L' ? 'locked' : 'unlocked'; if ($forListPages && $prefs['wiki_list_versions'] == 'y') $res['versions'] = $history->fetchCount(array('pageName' => $page)); if ($forListPages && $prefs['wiki_list_links'] == 'y') $res['links'] = $links->fetchCount(array('fromPage' => $page)); if ($forListPages && $prefs['wiki_list_backlinks'] == 'y') $res['backlinks'] = $links->fetchCount(array('toPage' => $page, 'fromPage' => $links->unlike('objectlink:%'))); // backlinks do not include links from non-page objects TODO: full feature allowing this with options } $ret[] = $res; } $cant++; } if ( ! $need_everything ) $cant += $offset; // If sortmode is versions, links or backlinks sort using the ad-hoc function and reduce using old_offset and old_maxRecords if ( $need_everything ) { switch ( $old_sort_mode ) { case 'versions_asc': usort($ret, 'compare_versions'); break; case 'versions_desc': usort($ret, 'r_compare_versions'); break; case 'links_desc': usort($ret, 'compare_links'); break; case 'links_asc': usort($ret, 'r_compare_links'); break; case 'backlinks_desc': usort($ret, 'compare_backlinks'); break; case 'backlinks_asc': usort($ret, 'r_compare_backlinks'); break; } } $retval = array(); $retval['data'] = $ret; $retval['cant'] = $pageCount; // this is not exact. Workaround. return $retval; } // Function that checks for: // - tiki_p_admin // - the permission itself // - individual permission // - category permission // if O.K. this function shall replace similar constructs in list_pages and other functions above. // $categperm is the category permission that should grant $perm. if none, pass 0 function user_has_perm_on_object($usertocheck,$object,$objtype,$perm) { global $user; // Do not override perms for current users otherwise security tokens won't work if ($usertocheck != $user) $groups = $this->get_user_groups( $usertocheck ); $context = array( 'type' => $objtype, 'object' => $object ); $accessor = Perms::get( $context ); if ($usertocheck != $user) $accessor->setGroups( $groups ); return $accessor->$perm; } /* get all the perm of an object either in a table or global+smarty set * OPTIMISATION: better to test tiki_p_admin outside for global=false * TODO: all the objectTypes * TODO: replace switch with object * global = true set the global perm and smarty var, otherwise return an array of perms */ function get_perm_object($objectId, $objectType, $info='', $global=true) { global $user; $smarty = TikiLib::lib('smarty'); $userlib = TikiLib::lib('user'); $perms = Perms::get( array( 'type' => $objectType, 'object' => $objectId ) ); $permDescs = $userlib->get_permissions(0, -1, 'permName_desc', '', $this->get_permGroup_from_objectType($objectType)); $ret = array(); foreach( $permDescs['data'] as $perm ) { $perm = $perm['permName']; $ret[$perm] = $perms->$perm ? 'y' : 'n'; if( $global ) { $smarty->assign( $perm, $ret[$perm] ); $GLOBALS[ $perm ] = $ret[$perm]; } } // Skip those 'local' permissions for admin users and when global is not requested. if ($global && ! Perms::get()->admin) { $ret2 = $this->get_local_perms($user, $objectId, $objectType, $info, true); if ($ret2) { $ret = $ret2; } } return $ret; } function get_permGroup_from_objectType($objectType) { switch ($objectType) { case 'tracker': return 'trackers'; case 'image gallery': case 'image': return 'image galleries'; case 'file gallery': case 'file': return 'file galleries'; case 'article': case 'submission': return 'cms'; case 'forum': return 'forums'; case 'blog': case 'blog post': return 'blogs'; case 'wiki page': case 'history': return 'wiki'; case 'faq': return 'faqs'; case 'survey': return 'surveys'; case 'newsletter': return 'newsletters'; /* TODO */ default: return $objectType; } } function get_adminPerm_from_objectType($objectType) { switch ($objectType) { case 'tracker': return 'tiki_p_admin_trackers'; case 'image gallery': case 'image': return 'tiki_p_admin_galleries'; case 'file gallery': case 'file': return 'tiki_p_admin_file_galleries'; case 'article': case 'submission': return 'tiki_p_admin_cms'; case 'forum': return 'tiki_p_admin_forum'; case 'blog': case 'blog post': return 'tiki_p_blog_admin'; case 'wiki page': case 'history': return 'tiki_p_admin_wiki'; case 'faq': return 'tiki_p_admin_faqs'; case 'survey': return 'tiki_p_admin_surveys'; case 'newsletter': return 'tiki_p_admin_newsletters'; /* TODO */ default: return "tiki_p_admin_$objectType"; } } /* deal all the special perm */ function get_local_perms($user, $objectId, $objectType, $info, $global) { global $prefs; $smarty = TikiLib::lib('smarty'); $userlib = TikiLib::lib('user'); $ret = array(); switch ($objectType) { case 'wiki page': case 'wiki': if ( $prefs['wiki_creator_admin'] == 'y' && !empty($user) && isset($info) && $info['creator'] == $user ) { //can admin his page $perms = $userlib->get_permissions(0, -1, 'permName_desc', '', $this->get_permGroup_from_objectType($objectType)); foreach ($perms['data'] as $perm) { $perm = $perm['permName']; $ret[$perm] = 'y'; if ($global) { global $$perm; $$perm = 'y'; $smarty->assign("$perm", 'y'); } } return $ret; } // Enabling userpage is not enough, the prefix must be present, otherwise, permissions will be messed-up on new page creation if ($prefs['feature_wiki_userpage'] == 'y' && !empty($prefs['feature_wiki_userpage_prefix']) && !empty($user) && strcasecmp($prefs['feature_wiki_userpage_prefix'], substr($objectId, 0, strlen($prefs['feature_wiki_userpage_prefix']))) == 0) { if (strcasecmp($objectId, $prefs['feature_wiki_userpage_prefix'].$user) == 0) { //can edit his page if (!$global) { $perms = $userlib->get_permissions(0, -1, 'permName_desc', '', $this->get_permGroup_from_objectType($objectType)); foreach ($perms['data'] as $perm) { global $$perm['permName']; if ($perm['permName'] == 'tiki_p_view' || $perm['permName'] == 'tiki_p_edit') { $ret[$perm['permName']] = 'y'; } else { $ret[$perm['permName']] = $$perm['permName']; } } } else { global $tiki_p_edit, $tiki_p_view; $tiki_p_view = 'y'; $smarty->assign('tiki_p_view', 'y'); $tiki_p_edit = 'y'; $smarty->assign('tiki_p_edit', 'y'); } } else { if (!$global) { $ret['tiki_p_edit'] = 'n'; } else { global $tiki_p_edit; $tiki_p_edit = 'n'; $smarty->assign('tiki_p_edit', 'n'); } } if (!$global) { $ret['tiki_p_rename'] = 'n'; $ret['tiki_p_rollback'] = 'n'; $ret['tiki_p_lock'] = 'n'; $ret['tiki_p_assign_perm_wiki_page'] = 'n'; } else { global $tiki_p_rename, $tiki_p_rollback, $tiki_p_lock, $tiki_p_assign_perm_wiki_page; $tiki_p_rename = $tiki_p_rollback = $tiki_p_lock = $tiki_p_assign_perm_wiki_page = 'n'; $smarty->assign('tiki_p_rename', 'n'); $smarty->assign('tiki_p_rollback', 'n'); $smarty->assign('tiki_p_lock', 'n'); $smarty->assign('tiki_p_assign_perm_wiki_page', 'n'); } } break; default: break; } return false; } // This method overrides the prefs with those specified in database // and should only be used when populating the prefs array in session vars (during tiki-setup.php process) function get_db_preferences() { $needLoading = false; $needCache = false; // modified to cache for non-logged in users (case where logged out users have no session) if (isset($_SESSION['s_prefs'])) { $needLoading = true; } else { //logged out $cachelib = TikiLib::lib('cache'); if ( $data = $cachelib->getSerialized("tiki_preferences_cache")) { return $data; } $needLoading = true; $needCache = true; } if( $needLoading ) { $defaults = get_default_prefs(); $modified = array(); // logged in $result = $this->table('tiki_preferences')->fetchAll(array('name', 'value'), array()); foreach ( $result as $res ) { $name = $res['name']; $value = $res['value']; if( !isset($defaults[$name]) || (string) $defaults[$name] != (string) $value ) $modified[$name] = $value; } $modified['lastReadingPrefs'] = isset($modified['lastUpdatePrefs']) ? $modified['lastUpdatePrefs'] : -1; } if( $needCache ) { $cachelib->cacheItem("tiki_preferences_cache",serialize($modified)); } return $modified; } function get_preferences( $names, $exact_match = false, $no_return = false ) { global $prefs; $preferences = array(); if ( $exact_match ) { if ( is_array($names) ) { $this->_get_values('tiki_preferences', 'name', $names, $prefs); if ( ! $no_return ) foreach ( $names as $name ) $preferences[$name] = $prefs[$name]; } else { $this->get_preference($names); if ( ! $no_return ) $preferences = array( $names => $prefs[$names] ); } } else { if ( is_array($names) ) { //Only handle $filtername as array with exact_matches return false; } else { $tikiPreferences = $this->table('tiki_preferences'); $preferences = $tikiPreferences->fetchMap('name', 'value', array('name' => $tikiPreferences->like($names))); } } return $preferences; } function get_preference($name, $default = '', $expectArray = false ) { global $prefs; $value = isset($prefs[$name]) ? $prefs[$name] : $default; if( $expectArray && is_string( $value ) ) { return unserialize( $value ); } else { return $value; } } function delete_preference($name) { global $prefs; $this->table('tiki_preferences')->delete(array( 'name' => $name, )); $this->set_lastUpdatePrefs(); } function set_preference($name, $value) { global $user_overrider_prefs, $user_preferences, $user, $prefs; $cachelib = TikiLib::lib('cache'); $cachelib->invalidate('tiki_preferences_cache'); $menulib = TikiLib::lib('menu'); $menulib->empty_menu_cache(); $this->set_lastUpdatePrefs(); $preferences = $this->table('tiki_preferences'); $preferences->delete(array( 'name' => $name, )); $preferences->insert(array( 'name' => $name, 'value' => is_array($value) ? serialize($value) : $value, )); if ( isset($prefs) ) { if ( in_array($name, $user_overrider_prefs) ) { $prefs['site_'.$name] = $value; $_SESSION['s_prefs']['site_'.$name] = $value; } elseif ( isset($user_preferences[$user][$name] ) ) { $prefs[$name] = $user_preferences[$user][$name]; $_SESSION['s_prefs'][$name] = $user_preferences[$user][$name]; } else { $prefs[$name] = $value; $_SESSION['s_prefs'][$name] = $value; } ++$prefs['lastUpdatePrefs']; $_SESSION['s_prefs']['lastUpdatePrefs'] = $prefs['lastUpdatePrefs']; } return true; } function set_lastUpdatePrefs() { $preferences = $this->table('tiki_preferences'); $preferences->update(array( 'value' => $preferences->increment(1), ), array( 'name' => 'lastUpdatePrefs', )); } function _get_values($table, $field_name, $var_names = null, &$global_ref, $query_cond = '', $bindvars = null) { if ( empty($table) || empty($field_name) ) return false; $needed = array(); $defaults = null; if ( is_array($var_names) ) { // Detect if var names are specified as keys (then values are considered as var defaults) // by looking at the type of the first key $defaults = ! is_integer(key($var_names)); // Check if we need to get the value from DB by looking in the global $user_preferences array // (this is able to handle more than one var at a time) // ... and store the default values as well, just in case we needs them later if ( $defaults ) { foreach ( $var_names as $var => $default ) { if ( ! isset($global_ref[$var]) ) $needed[$var] = $default; } } else { foreach ( $var_names as $var ) { if ( ! isset($global_ref[$var]) ) $needed[$var] = null; } } } elseif ( $var_names !== null ) { return false; } $cond_query = ''; if (empty($query_cond) && empty($needed)) { $query_cond = 'TRUE'; } $result = null; if ( is_null($bindvars) ) $bindvars = array(); if ( count($needed) > 0 ) { foreach ( $needed as $var => $def ) { if ( $cond_query != '' ) { $cond_query .= ' or '; } elseif ( $query_cond != '' ) { $cond_query = ' and '; } $cond_query .= "`$field_name`=?"; $bindvars[] = $var; } } $query = "select `$field_name`, `value` from `$table` where $query_cond $cond_query"; $result = $this->fetchAll($query, $bindvars); foreach ( $result as $res ) { // store the db value in the global array $global_ref[$res[$field_name]] = $res['value']; // remove vars that have a value in db from the $needed array to avoid affecting them a default value unset($needed[$res[$field_name]]); } // set defaults values if needed and if there is no value in database and if it's default was not null if ( $defaults ) { foreach ( $needed as $var => $def ) { if ( ! is_null($def) ) $global_ref[$var] = $def; } } return true; } function get_user_preferences($my_user, $names = null) { global $user_preferences; // $my_user must be specified if ( ! is_string($my_user) || $my_user == '' ) return false; global $user_preferences; $global_ref =& $user_preferences[$my_user]; $return = $this->_get_values('tiki_user_preferences', 'prefName', $names, $global_ref, '`user`=?', array($my_user)); // Handle special display_timezone values if ( isset($user_preferences[$my_user]['display_timezone']) && $user_preferences[$my_user]['display_timezone'] != 'Site' && $user_preferences[$my_user]['display_timezone'] != 'Local' && ! TikiDate::TimezoneIsValidId($user_preferences[$my_user]['display_timezone']) ) { unset($user_preferences[$my_user]['display_timezone']); } return $return; } function get_user_preference($my_user, $name, $default = null) { global $user_preferences, $user; if ($user != $my_user && !isset($user_preferences[$my_user])) { $this->get_user_preferences($my_user); } if ( isset($user_preferences) && isset($user_preferences[$my_user]) && isset($user_preferences[$my_user][$name]) ) { return $user_preferences[$my_user][$name]; } return $default; } function set_user_preference($my_user, $name, $value) { global $user_preferences, $prefs, $user, $user_overrider_prefs; $cachelib = TikiLib::lib('cache'); $cachelib->invalidate('user_details_'.$my_user); if ($name == "realName") { // attempt to invalidate userlink cache (does not cover all options - only the default) $cachelib->invalidate('userlink.'.$user.'.'.$my_user.'0'); $cachelib->invalidate('userlink.'.$my_user.'0'); } $user_preferences[$my_user][$name] = $value; if ( $my_user == $user ) { $prefs[$name] = $value; $_SESSION['s_prefs'][$name] = $value; if ( $name == 'theme' && $prefs['change_theme'] == 'y' ) { // FIXME: Remove this exception $prefs['style'] = $value; $_SESSION['s_prefs']['style'] = $value; if ( $value == '' ) { $prefs['style'] = $prefs['site_style']; $_SESSION['s_prefs']['style'] = $prefs['site_style']; } } elseif ( $name == 'theme-option' && $prefs['change_theme'] == 'y' ) { // FIXME: Remove this exception as well? $prefs['style_option'] = $value; $_SESSION['s_prefs']['style_option'] = $value; if ( $value == '' ) { $prefs['style_option'] = $prefs['site_style_option']; $_SESSION['s_prefs']['style_option'] = $prefs['site_style_option']; } else if ( $value == 'None' ) { $prefs['style_option'] = ''; $_SESSION['s_prefs']['style_option'] = ''; } } elseif ( $value == '' ) { if ( in_array($name, $user_overrider_prefs) ) { $prefs[$name] = $prefs['site_'.$name]; $_SESSION['s_prefs'][$name] = $prefs['site_'.$name]; } else { $_SESSION['need_reload_prefs'] = true; } } } if (!empty($my_user)) { $userPreferences = $this->table('tiki_user_preferences'); $userPreferences->delete(array( 'user' => $my_user, 'prefName' => $name, )); $userPreferences->insert(array( 'user' => $my_user, 'prefName' => $name, 'value' => $value, )); } return true; } // similar to set_user_preference, but set all at once. function set_user_preferences($my_user, &$preferences) { global $user_preferences, $prefs, $user; $cachelib = TikiLib::lib('cache'); $cachelib->invalidate('user_details_'.$my_user); $userPreferences = $this->table('tiki_user_preferences'); $userPreferences->deleteMultiple(array( 'user' => $my_user, )); foreach ($preferences as $prefName => $value) { $userPreferences->insert(array( 'user' => $my_user, 'prefName' => $prefName, 'value' => $value, )); } $user_preferences[$my_user] =& $preferences; if ( $my_user == $user ) { $prefs =array_merge($prefs, $preferences); $_SESSION['s_prefs']=array_merge($_SESSION['s_prefs'], $preferences); $_SESSION['need_reload_prefs'] = true; } return true; } // This implements all the functions needed to use Tiki /*shared*/ // Returns whether a page named $pageName exists. Unless $casesensitive is set to true, the check is case-insensitive. function page_exists($pageName, $casesensitive = false) { $page_info = $this->get_page_info($pageName, false); return ( $page_info !== false && ( ! $casesensitive || $page_info['pageName'] == $pageName ) ) ? 1 : 0; } function page_exists_desc( &$pageName ) { $page_info = $this->get_page_info($pageName, false); return empty($page_info['description']) ? $pageName : $page_info['description']; } function page_exists_modtime($pageName) { $page_info = $this->get_page_info($pageName, false); if ( $page_info === false ) return false; return empty($page_info['lastModif']) ? 0 : $page_info['lastModif']; } function add_hit($pageName) { $pages = $this->table('tiki_pages'); $pages->update(array( 'hits' => $pages->increment(1), ), array( 'pageName' => $pageName, )); return true; } /** Create a wiki page @param array $hash- lock_it,contributions, contributors **/ function create_page($name, $hits, $data, $lastModif, $comment, $user = 'admin', $ip = '', $description = '', $lang='', $is_html = false, $hash=null, $wysiwyg=NULL, $wiki_authors_style='', $minor=0, $created='') { global $prefs; $smarty = TikiLib::lib('smarty'); $commentslib = TikiLib::lib('comments'); if( ! $is_html ) { $data = str_replace( '<x>', '', $data ); } $name = trim($name); // to avoid pb with trailing space http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.1/en/char.html if (!$user) $user = 'anonymous'; if (empty($wysiwyg)) $wysiwyg = $prefs['wysiwyg_default']; // Collect pages before modifying data $pages = $this->get_pages($data, true); // This *really* shouldn't be necessary now that the // query itself has been fixed up, and it causes much // badness to the phpwiki import. -rlpowell // $name = addslashes($name); // $description = addslashes($description); // $data = addslashes($data); // $comment = addslashes($comment); if (!isset($_SERVER["SERVER_NAME"])) { $_SERVER["SERVER_NAME"] = $_SERVER["HTTP_HOST"]; } if ($this->page_exists($name)) return false; $html=$is_html?1:0; if ($html && $prefs['feature_purifier'] != 'n') { require_once('lib/htmlpurifier_tiki/HTMLPurifier.tiki.php'); $data = HTMLPurifier($data); } $insertData = array( 'pageName' => $name, 'hits' => (int) $hits, 'data' => $data, 'lastModif' => (int) $lastModif, 'comment' => $comment, 'version' => 1, 'version_minor' => $minor, 'user' => $user, 'page_size' => strlen($data), 'is_html' => $html, 'created' => empty($created) ? $this->now : $created, 'wysiwyg' => $wysiwyg, 'wiki_authors_style' => $wiki_authors_style, ); if ($lang) { $insertData['lang'] = $lang; } if (!empty($hash['lock_it']) && ($hash['lock_it'] == 'y' || $hash['lock_it'] == 'on')) { $insertData['flag'] = 'L'; $insertData['lockedby'] = $user; } elseif (empty($hash['lock_it']) || $hash['lock_it'] == 'n') { $insertData['flag'] = ''; $insertData['lockedby'] = ''; } if ($prefs['wiki_comments_allow_per_page'] != 'n') { if (!empty($hash['comments_enabled']) && $hash['comments_enabled'] == 'y') { $insertData['comments_enabled'] = 'y'; } else if (empty($hash['comments_enabled']) || $hash['comments_enabled'] == 'n') { $insertData['comments_enabled'] = 'n'; } } if (empty($hash['contributions'])) { $hash['contributions'] = ''; } if (empty($hash['contributors'])) { $hash2 = ''; } else { foreach ($hash['contributors'] as $c) { $hash3['contributor'] = $c; $hash2[] = $hash3; } } $pages = $this->table('tiki_pages'); $page_id = $pages->insert($insertData); $this->replicate_page_to_history($name); if( $prefs['quantify_changes'] == 'y' && $prefs['feature_multilingual'] == 'y' ) { TikiLib::lib('quantify')->recordChangeSize( $page_id, 1, '', $data ); } $this->clear_links($name); // Pages are collected before adding slashes foreach ($pages as $a_page => $types) { $this->replace_link($name, $a_page, $types); } // Update the log if (strtolower($name) != 'sandbox') { $logslib = TikiLib::lib('logs'); $logslib->add_action("Created", $name, 'wiki page', 'add='.strlen($data), '', '', '', '', $hash['contributions'], $hash2); //get_strings tra("Created"); // Deal with mail notifications. include_once('lib/notifications/notificationemaillib.php'); $foo = parse_url($_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"]); $machine = $this->httpPrefix( true ). dirname( $foo["path"] ); sendWikiEmailNotification('wiki_page_created', $name, $user, $comment, 1, $data, $machine, '', false, $hash['contributions']); if ($prefs['feature_contribution'] == 'y') { $contributionlib = TikiLib::lib('contribution'); $contributionlib->assign_contributions($hash['contributions'], $name, 'wiki page', $description, $name, "tiki-index.php?page=".urlencode($name)); } } //if there are links to this page, clear cache to avoid linking to edition $toInvalidate = $this->table('tiki_links')->fetchColumn('fromPage', array('toPage' => $name)); foreach ( $toInvalidate as $res ) { $this->invalidate_cache($res); } if ($prefs['feature_score'] == 'y') { $this->score_event($user, 'wiki_new'); } require_once('lib/search/refresh-functions.php'); refresh_index('pages', $name); $this->object_post_save( array( 'type'=> 'wiki page', 'object'=> $name, 'description'=> $description, 'name'=>$name, 'href'=>"tiki-index.php?page=$name" ), array( 'content' => $data, ) ); // Update HTML wanted links when wysiwyg is in use - this is not an elegant fix // but will do for now until the "use wiki syntax in WYSIWYG" feature is ready if ($prefs['feature_wysiwyg'] == 'y' && $prefs['wysiwyg_htmltowiki'] != 'y') { $wikilib = TikiLib::lib('wiki'); $temppage = md5($this->now . $name); $wikilib->wiki_rename_page($name, $temppage); $wikilib->wiki_rename_page($temppage, $name); } return true; } private function replicate_page_to_history($pageName) { if (strtolower($pageName) == 'sandbox') { return false; } $query = "INSERT IGNORE INTO `tiki_history`(`pageName`, `version`, `version_minor`, `lastModif`, `user`, `ip`, `comment`, `data`, `description`,`is_html`) SELECT `pageName`, `version`, `version_minor`, `lastModif`, `user`, `ip`, `comment`, `data`, `description`,`is_html` FROM tiki_pages WHERE pageName = ? LIMIT 1"; $this->query($query, array($pageName)); return $this->lastInsertId(); } function get_user_pages($user, $max, $who='user') { return $this->table('tiki_pages')->fetchAll(array('pageName'), array($who => $user), $max); } function get_user_galleries($user, $max) { $query = "select `name` ,`galleryId` from `tiki_galleries` where `user`=? order by `name` asc"; $result = $this->fetchAll($query,array($user),$max); $ret = array(); foreach ( $result as $res ) { //FIXME Perm::filter ? if ($this->user_has_perm_on_object($user, $res['galleryId'], 'image gallery', 'tiki_p_view_image_gallery')) { $ret[] = $res; } } return $ret; } function get_page_print_info($pageName) { $query = "SELECT `pageName`, `data` as `parsed`, `is_html` FROM `tiki_pages` WHERE `pageName`=?"; $result = $this->query($query, array($pageName)); if ( ! $result->numRows() ) { return false; } else { $page_info = $result->fetchRow(); $page_info['parsed'] = $this->parse_data($page_info['parsed'], array('is_html' => $page_info['is_html'], 'print'=>'y', 'page'=>$pageName)); } return $page_info; } function get_page_info($pageName, $retrieve_datas = true, $skipCache = false) { $pageNameEncode = urlencode($pageName); if ( !$skipCache && isset($this->cache_page_info[$pageNameEncode]) && ( ! $retrieve_datas || isset($this->cache_page_info[$pageNameEncode]['data']) ) ) { return $this->cache_page_info[$pageNameEncode]; } if ( $retrieve_datas ) { $query = "SELECT * FROM `tiki_pages` WHERE `pageName`=?"; } else { $query = "SELECT `page_id`, `pageName`, `hits`, `description`, `lastModif`, `comment`, `version`, `version_minor`, `user`, `ip`, `flag`, `points`, `votes`, `wiki_cache`, `cache_timestamp`, `pageRank`, `creator`, `page_size`, `lang`, `lockedby`, `is_html`, `created`, `wysiwyg`, `wiki_authors_style`, `comments_enabled` FROM `tiki_pages` WHERE `pageName`=?"; } $result = $this->query($query, array($pageName)); if ( ! $result->numRows() ) { return false; } else { $row = $result->fetchRow(); // Be sure to have the correct character case (because DB is caseinsensitive) $pageNameEncode = urlencode($row['pageName']); // Limit memory usage of the page cache. No // intelligence is attempted here whatsoever. This was // done because a few thousand ((page)) links would blow // up memory, even with the limit at 128MiB. // Information on 128 pages really should be plenty. while( count($this->cache_page_info) >= 128 ) { // Need to delete something; pick at random $keys=array_keys($this->cache_page_info); $num=rand(0,count($keys)); if (isset($keys[$num])) { unset($this->cache_page_info[$keys[$num]]); } } $this->cache_page_info[$pageNameEncode] = $row; return $this->cache_page_info[$pageNameEncode]; } } function get_page_info_from_id($page_id) { return $this->table('tiki_pages')->fetchFullRow(array('page_id' => $page_id)); } function get_page_name_from_id($page_id) { return $this->table('tiki_pages')->fetchOne('pageName', array('page_id' => $page_id)); } function get_page_id_from_name($page) { return $this->table('tiki_pages')->fetchOne('page_id', array('pageName' => $page)); } function how_many_at_start($str, $car) { $cant = 0; $i = 0; while (($i < strlen($str)) && (isset($str{$i})) && ($str{$i}== $car)) { $i++; $cant++; } return $cant; } function parse_data_raw($data) { $data = $this->parse_data($data); $data = str_replace("tiki-index", "tiki-index_raw", $data); return $data; } function add_pre_handler($name) { if (!in_array($name, $this->pre_handlers)) { $this->pre_handlers[] = $name; } } function add_pos_handler($name) { if (!in_array($name, $this->pos_handlers)) { $this->pos_handlers[] = $name; } } // add a post edit filter which is called when a wiki page is edited and before // it is committed to the database (see tiki-handlers.php on its usage) function add_postedit_handler($name) { if(!in_array($name,$this->postedit_handlers)) { $this->postedit_handlers[]=$name; } } // apply all the post edit handlers to the wiki page data function apply_postedit_handlers($data) { // Process editpage_handlers here foreach($this->postedit_handlers as $handler) { $data = $handler($data); } return $data; } // This function handles wiki codes for those special HTML characters // that textarea won't leave alone. function parse_htmlchar(&$data) { // cleaning some user input $data = preg_replace('/&(?![a-z]+;|#\d+;)/i', '&', $data); // oft-used characters (case insensitive) $data = preg_replace("/~bs~/i", "\", $data); $data = preg_replace("/~hs~/i", " ", $data); $data = preg_replace("/~amp~/i", "&", $data); $data = preg_replace("/~ldq~/i", "“", $data); $data = preg_replace("/~rdq~/i", "”", $data); $data = preg_replace("/~lsq~/i", "‘", $data); $data = preg_replace("/~rsq~/i", "’", $data); $data = preg_replace("/~c~/i", "©", $data); $data = preg_replace("/~--~/", "—", $data); $data = preg_replace("/ -- /", " — ", $data); $data = preg_replace("/~lt~/i", "<", $data); $data = preg_replace("/~gt~/i", ">", $data); // HTML numeric character entities $data = preg_replace("/~([0-9]+)~/", "&#$1;", $data); } // Reverses parse_first. function replace_preparse(&$data, &$preparsed, &$noparsed) { $data1 = $data; $data2 = ""; // Cook until done. Handles nested cases. while( $data1 != $data2 ) { $data1 = $data; if (isset($noparsed["key"]) and count($noparsed["key"]) and count($noparsed["key"]) == count($noparsed["data"])) { $data = str_replace($noparsed["key"], $noparsed["data"], $data); } if (isset($preparsed["key"]) and count($preparsed["key"]) and count($preparsed["key"]) == count($preparsed["data"])) { $data = str_replace($preparsed["key"], $preparsed["data"], $data); } $data2 = $data; } } function plugin_match(&$data, &$plugins) { global $pluginskiplist; if( !is_array( $pluginskiplist ) ) $pluginskiplist = array(); $matcher_fake = array("~pp~","~np~","<pre>"); $matcher = "/\{([A-Z0-9_]+) *\(|\{([a-z]+)(\s|\})|~pp~|~np~|<[pP][rR][eE]>/"; $plugins = array(); preg_match_all( $matcher, $data, $tmp, PREG_SET_ORDER ); foreach ( $tmp as $p ) { if ( in_array(strtolower($p[0]), $matcher_fake) || ( isset($p[1]) && ( in_array($p[1], $matcher_fake) || $this->plugin_exists($p[1]) ) ) || ( isset($p[2]) && ( in_array($p[2], $matcher_fake) || $this->plugin_exists($p[2]) ) ) ) { $plugins = $p; break; } } // Check to make sure there was a match. if( count( $plugins ) > 0 && count( $plugins[0] ) > 0 ) { $pos = 0; while( in_array( $plugins[0], $pluginskiplist ) ) { $pos = strpos( $data, $plugins[0], $pos ) + 1; if( ! preg_match( $matcher, substr($data, $pos), $plugins ) ) return; } // If it is a true plugin if( $plugins[0]{0} == "{" ) { $pos = strpos( $data, $plugins[0] ); // where plugin starts $pos_end = $pos+strlen($plugins[0]); // where character after ( is // Here we're going to look for the end of the arguments for the plugin. $i = $pos_end; $last_data = strlen($data); // We start with one open curly brace, and one open paren. $curlies = 1; // If model with ( if( strlen( $plugins[1] ) ) { $parens = 1; $plugins['type'] = 'long'; } else { $parens = 0; $plugins[1] = $plugins[2]; unset($plugins[3]); $plugins['type'] = 'short'; } // While we're not at the end of the string, and we still haven't found both closers while( $i < $last_data ) { $char = substr($data, $i, 1); //print "<pre>Data char: $i, $char, $curlies, $parens\n.</pre>\n"; if( $char == "{" ) { $curlies++; } elseif( $char == "(" && $plugins['type'] == 'long' ) { $parens++; } elseif( $char == "}" ) { $curlies--; if( $plugins['type'] == 'short' ) $lastParens = $i; } elseif( $char == ")" && $plugins['type'] == 'long' ) { $parens--; $lastParens = $i; } // If we found the end of the match... if( $curlies == 0 && $parens == 0 ) { break; } $i++; } if( $curlies == 0 && $parens == 0 ) { $plugins[2] = (string) substr($data, $pos_end, $lastParens - $pos_end); $plugins[0] = $plugins[0] . (string) substr($data, $pos_end, $i - $pos_end + 1); /* print "<pre>Match found: "; print( $plugins[2] ); print "</pre>"; */ } $plugins['arguments'] = isset($plugins[2]) ? $this->plugin_split_args( $plugins[2] ) : array(); } else { $plugins[1] = $plugins[0]; $plugins[2] = ""; } } /* print "<pre>Plugin match end:"; print_r( $plugins ); print "</pre>"; */ } function plugin_split_args( $params_string ) { $parser = new WikiParser_PluginArgumentParser; return $parser->parse( $params_string ); } // get all the plugins of a text- can be limitted only to some function getPlugins($data, $only=null) { $plugins = array(); for (; ;) { $this->plugin_match($data, $plugin); if (empty($plugin)) { break; } if (empty($only) || in_array($plugin[1], $only) || in_array(strtoupper($plugin[1]), $only) || in_array(strtolower($plugin[1]), $only)) { $plugins[] = $plugin; } $pos = strpos( $data, $plugin[0] ); $data = substr_replace($data, '', $pos, strlen($plugin[0])); } return $plugins; } // This recursive function handles pre- and no-parse sections and plugins function parse_first(&$data, &$preparsed, &$noparsed, $options=null, $real_start_diff='0') { global $tiki_p_edit, $prefs, $pluginskiplist; $smarty = TikiLib::lib('smarty'); if( ! is_array( $pluginskiplist ) ) $pluginskiplist = array(); $data = $this->htmldecode($data); if (! $options['is_html']) { // Decode partially, leave the < and > as HTML entities $data = str_replace(array('<', '>'), array('<', '>'), $data); } $matches = WikiParser_PluginMatcher::match($data); $argumentParser = new WikiParser_PluginArgumentParser; if (!isset($options['parseimgonly'])) { $options['parseimgonly'] = false; } foreach ($matches as $match) { if ($options['parseimgonly'] && $this->getName() != 'img') { continue; } //note parent plugin in case of plugins nested in an include - to suppress plugin edit icons below $plugin_parent = isset($plugin_name) ? $plugin_name : false; $plugin_name = $match->getName(); //suppress plugin edit icons for plugins within includes since edit doesn't work for these yet $options['suppress_icons'] = $plugin_name != 'include' && $plugin_parent && $plugin_parent == 'include' ? true : $options['suppress_icons']; $plugin_data = $match->getBody(); $arguments = $argumentParser->parse($match->getArguments()); $start = $match->getStart(); $pluginOutput = null; if( $this->plugin_enabled( $plugin_name, $pluginOutput ) ) { static $plugin_indexes = array(); if( ! array_key_exists( $plugin_name, $plugin_indexes ) ) $plugin_indexes[$plugin_name] = 0; $current_index = ++$plugin_indexes[$plugin_name]; // get info to test for preview with auto_save $status = $this->plugin_can_execute( $plugin_name, $plugin_data, $arguments, $options['preview_mode'] || $options['ck_editor'] ); global $tiki_p_plugin_viewdetail, $tiki_p_plugin_preview, $tiki_p_plugin_approve; $details = $tiki_p_plugin_viewdetail == 'y' && $status != 'rejected'; $preview = $tiki_p_plugin_preview == 'y' && $details && ! $options['preview_mode']; $approve = $tiki_p_plugin_approve == 'y' && $details && ! $options['preview_mode']; if( $status === true || ($tiki_p_plugin_preview == 'y' && $details && $options['preview_mode'] && $prefs['ajax_autosave'] === 'y') ) { if (isset($options['stripplugins']) && $options['stripplugins']) { $ret = $plugin_data; } else { $ret = $this->plugin_execute( $plugin_name, $plugin_data, $arguments, $start, false, $options); } } else { if( $status != 'rejected' ) { $smarty->assign( 'plugin_fingerprint', $status ); $status = 'pending'; } if ($options['ck_editor']) { $ret = $this->convert_plugin_for_ckeditor( $plugin_name, $arguments, tra('Plugin execution pending approval'), $plugin_data, array('icon' => 'pics/icons/error.png') ); } else { $smarty->assign( 'plugin_name', $plugin_name ); $smarty->assign( 'plugin_index', $current_index ); $smarty->assign( 'plugin_status', $status ); if (!$options['inside_pretty']) { $smarty->assign( 'plugin_details', $details ); } else { $smarty->assign( 'plugin_details', '' ); } $smarty->assign( 'plugin_preview', $preview ); $smarty->assign( 'plugin_approve', $approve ); $smarty->assign( 'plugin_body', $plugin_data ); $smarty->assign( 'plugin_args', $arguments ); $ret = '~np~' . $smarty->fetch('tiki-plugin_blocked.tpl') . '~/np~'; } } } else { $ret = $pluginOutput->toWiki(); } if ($ret === false) { continue; } $headerlib = TikiLib::lib('header'); $headerlib->add_jsfile( 'tiki-jsplugin.php?language='.$prefs['language'], 'dynamic' ); if( $this->plugin_is_editable( $plugin_name ) && (empty($options['preview_mode']) || !$options['preview_mode']) && (empty($options['print']) || !$options['print']) && !$options['suppress_icons'] ) { include_once('lib/smarty_tiki/function.icon.php'); global $page; $id = 'plugin-edit-' . $plugin_name . $current_index; $headerlib->add_js( " \$(document).ready( function() { if( \$('#$id') ) { \$('#$id').click( function(event) { popup_plugin_form(" . json_encode('editwiki') . ', ' . json_encode($plugin_name) . ', ' . json_encode($current_index) . ', ' . json_encode($page) . ', ' . json_encode($arguments) . ', ' . json_encode(TikiLib::htmldecode($plugin_data)) . ", event.target); } ); } } ); " ); $iconDisplayStyle = ''; if ($prefs['wiki_edit_icons_toggle'] == 'y' && ($prefs['wiki_edit_plugin'] == 'y' || $prefs['wiki_edit_section'] == 'y')) { if (!isset($_COOKIE['wiki_plugin_edit_view'])) { $iconDisplayStyle = ' style="display:none;"'; } } $ret = $ret.'~np~<a id="' .$id. '" href="javascript:void(1)" class="editplugin"'.$iconDisplayStyle.'>'.smarty_function_icon(array('_id'=>'wiki_plugin_edit', 'alt'=>tra('Edit Plugin').':'.$plugin_name), $smarty)."</a>~/np~"; } // End plugin handling $match->replaceWith($ret); } $data = $matches->getText(); $start = -1; while (false !== $start = strpos($data, '~np~', $start + 1)) { if (false !== $end = strpos($data, '~/np~', $start)) { $content = substr($data, $start + 4, $end - $start - 4); // ~pp~ type "plugins" $key = "§".md5($this->genPass())."§"; $noparsed["key"][] = preg_quote($key); $noparsed["data"][] = $content; $data = substr($data, 0, $start) . $key . substr($data, $end + 5); } } // ~pp~ $start = -1; while (false !== $start = strpos($data, '~pp~', $start + 1)) { if (false !== $end = strpos($data, '~/pp~', $start)) { $content = substr($data, $start + 4, $end - $start - 4); // ~pp~ type "plugins" $key = "§".md5($this->genPass())."§"; $noparsed["key"][] = preg_quote($key); $noparsed["data"][] = '<pre>'.$content.'</pre>'; $data = substr($data, 0, $start) . $key . substr($data, $end + 5); } } } function plugin_get_list( $includeReal = true, $includeAlias = true ) { $real = array(); $alias = array(); foreach( glob( 'lib/wiki-plugins/wikiplugin_*.php' ) as $file ) { $base = basename( $file ); $plugin = substr( $base, 11, -4 ); $real[] = $plugin; } global $prefs; if( isset($prefs['pluginaliaslist']) ) { $alias = @unserialize($prefs['pluginaliaslist']); $alias = array_filter($alias); } if( $includeReal && $includeAlias ) $plugins = array_merge( $real, $alias ); elseif( $includeReal ) $plugins = $real; elseif( $includeAlias ) $plugins = $alias; else $plugins = array(); sort(array_filter($plugins)); return $plugins; } function plugin_exists( $name, $include = false ) { $php_name = 'lib/wiki-plugins/wikiplugin_'; $php_name .= strtolower($name) . '.php'; $exists = file_exists( $php_name ); if( $include && $exists ) include_once $php_name; if( $exists ) return true; elseif( $info = $this->plugin_alias_info( $name ) ) { // Make sure the underlying implementation exists return $this->plugin_exists( $info['implementation'], $include ); } } function plugin_info( $name ) { static $known = array(); if( isset( $known[$name] ) ) { return $known[$name]; } if( ! $this->plugin_exists( $name, true ) ) return $known[$name] = false; $func_name_info = "wikiplugin_{$name}_info"; if( ! function_exists( $func_name_info ) ) { if( $info = $this->plugin_alias_info( $name ) ) return $known[$name] = $info['description']; else return $known[$name] = false; } return $known[$name] = $func_name_info(); } function plugin_alias_info( $name ) { global $prefs; $name = strtolower($name); $prefName = "pluginalias_$name"; if( ! isset( $prefs[$prefName] ) ) return false; return @unserialize( $prefs[$prefName] ); } function plugin_alias_store( $name, $data ) { /* Input data structure: implementation: other plugin_name description: ** Equivalent of plugin info function here ** body: input: use|ignore default: body content to use params: token_name: input: token_name, default uses same name above default: value to use if missing encoding: none|html|url - default to none params: ; Use input parameter directly token_name: default value ; Custom input parameter replacement token_name: pattern: body content to use params: token_name: input: token_name, default uses same name above default: value to use if missing encoding: none|html|url - default to none */ if (empty($name)) { return; } $name = strtolower( $name ); $data['plugin_name'] = $name; $prefName = "pluginalias_$name"; $this->set_preference( $prefName, serialize( $data ) ); global $prefs; $list = array(); if( isset($prefs['pluginaliaslist']) ) $list = unserialize($prefs['pluginaliaslist']); if( ! in_array( $name, $list ) ) { $list[] = $name; $this->set_preference( 'pluginaliaslist', serialize($list) ); } foreach( glob( 'temp/cache/wikiplugin_*' ) as $file ) unlink( $file ); $cachelib = TikiLib::lib('cache'); $cachelib->invalidate('plugindesc'); } function plugin_alias_delete( $name ) { $name = strtolower( $name ); $prefName = "pluginalias_$name"; // Remove from list $list = $this->get_preference( 'pluginaliaslist', array(), true ); $list = array_diff( $list, array( $name ) ); $this->set_preference( 'pluginaliaslist', serialize($list) ); // Remove the definition $this->delete_preference( $prefName ); // Clear cache $cachelib = TikiLib::lib('cache'); $cachelib->invalidate('plugindesc'); foreach( glob( 'temp/cache/wikiplugin_*' ) as $file ) unlink( $file ); } function plugin_enabled( $name, & $output ) { if( ! $meta = $this->plugin_info( $name ) ) return true; // Legacy plugins always execute global $prefs; $missing = array(); if( isset( $meta['prefs'] ) ) foreach( $meta['prefs'] as $pref ) if( $prefs[$pref] != 'y' ) $missing[] = $pref; if( count( $missing ) > 0 ) { $output = WikiParser_PluginOutput::disabled( $name, $missing ); return false; } return true; } function plugin_is_inline( $name ) { if( ! $meta = $this->plugin_info( $name ) ) return true; // Legacy plugins always inline global $prefs; $inline = false; if( isset( $meta['inline'] ) && $meta['inline'] ) return true; $inline_pref = 'wikiplugininline_' . $name; if( isset( $prefs[ $inline_pref ] ) && $prefs[ $inline_pref ] == 'y' ) return true; return false; } /** * Check if possible to execute a plugin * * @param string $name * @param string $data * @param array $args * @param bool $dont_modify * @return bool|string Boolean true if can execute, string 'rejected' if can't execute and plugin fingerprint if pending */ function plugin_can_execute( $name, $data = '', $args = array(), $dont_modify = false ) { global $prefs; // If validation is disabled, anything can execute if( $prefs['wiki_validate_plugin'] != 'y' ) return true; $meta = $this->plugin_info( $name ); if( ! isset( $meta['validate'] ) ) return true; $fingerprint = $this->plugin_fingerprint( $name, $meta, $data, $args ); $val = $this->plugin_fingerprint_check( $fingerprint, $dont_modify ); if( strpos( $val, 'accept' ) === 0 ) return true; elseif( strpos( $val, 'reject' ) === 0 ) return 'rejected'; else { global $tiki_p_plugin_approve, $tiki_p_plugin_preview, $user; if( isset($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD']) && $_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] == 'POST' && isset( $_POST['plugin_fingerprint'] ) && $_POST['plugin_fingerprint'] == $fingerprint ) { if( $tiki_p_plugin_approve == 'y' ) { if( isset( $_POST['plugin_accept'] ) ) { global $page; $this->plugin_fingerprint_store( $fingerprint, 'accept' ); $this->invalidate_cache( $page ); return true; } elseif( isset( $_POST['plugin_reject'] ) ) { global $page; $this->plugin_fingerprint_store( $fingerprint, 'reject' ); $this->invalidate_cache( $page ); return 'rejected'; } } if( $tiki_p_plugin_preview == 'y' && isset( $_POST['plugin_preview'] ) ) { return true; } } return $fingerprint; } } function plugin_fingerprint_check( $fp, $dont_modify = false ) { global $user; $limit = date( 'Y-m-d H:i:s', time() - 15*24*3600 ); $result = $this->query( "SELECT `status`, IF(`status`='pending' AND `last_update` < ?, 'old', '') flag FROM `tiki_plugin_security` WHERE `fingerprint` = ?", array( $limit, $fp ) ); $needUpdate = false; if( $row = $result->fetchRow() ) { $status = $row['status']; $flag = $row['flag']; if( $status == 'accept' || $status == 'reject' ) return $status; if( $flag == 'old' ) $needUpdate = true; } else { $needUpdate = true; } if( $needUpdate && !$dont_modify ) { global $page; if( $page ) { $objectType = 'wiki page'; $objectId = $page; } else { $objectType = ''; $objectId = ''; } if (!$user) { $user = tra('Anonymous'); } $pluginSecurity = $this->table('tiki_plugin_security'); $pluginSecurity->delete(array( 'fingerprint' => $fp, )); $pluginSecurity->insert(array( 'fingerprint' => $fp, 'status' => 'pending', 'added_by' => $user, 'last_objectType' => $objectType, 'last_objectId' => $objectId, )); } return ''; } function plugin_fingerprint_store( $fp, $type ) { global $prefs, $user, $page; if( $page ) { $objectType = 'wiki page'; $objectId = $page; } else { $objectType = ''; $objectId = ''; } $pluginSecurity = $this->table('tiki_plugin_security'); $pluginSecurity->delete(array( 'fingerprint' => $fp, )); $pluginSecurity->insert(array( 'fingerprint' => $fp, 'status' => $type, 'added_by' => $user, 'last_objectType' => $objectType, 'last_objectId' => $objectId, )); } function plugin_clear_fingerprint( $fp ) { $pluginSecurity = $this->table('tiki_plugin_security'); $pluginSecurity->delete(array( 'fingerprint' => $fp, )); } function list_plugins_pending_approval() { return $this->fetchAll("SELECT `fingerprint`, `added_by`, `last_update`, `last_objectType`, `last_objectId` FROM `tiki_plugin_security` WHERE `status` = 'pending' ORDER BY `last_update` DESC"); } function approve_all_pending_plugins() { global $user; $pluginSecurity = $this->table('tiki_plugin_security'); $pluginSecurity->updateMultiple(array( 'status' => 'accept', 'approval_by' => $user, ), array( 'status' => 'pending', )); } function approve_selected_pending_plugings($fp) { global $user; $pluginSecurity = $this->table('tiki_plugin_security'); $pluginSecurity->update(array( 'status' => 'accept', 'approval_by' => $user, ), array( 'fingerprint' => $fp, )); } function plugin_fingerprint( $name, $meta, $data, $args ) { $validate = $meta['validate']; if( $validate == 'all' || $validate == 'body' ) $validateBody = str_replace('<x>', '', $data); // de-sanitize plugin body to make fingerprint consistant with 5.x else $validateBody = ''; if( $validate == 'all' || $validate == 'arguments' ) { $validateArgs = $args; // Remove arguments marked as safe from the fingerprint foreach( $meta['params'] as $key => $info ) if( isset( $validateArgs[$key] ) && isset( $info['safe'] ) && $info['safe'] ) unset( $validateArgs[$key] ); // Parameter order needs to be stable ksort( $validateArgs ); if (empty($validateArgs)) { $validateArgs = array( '' => '' ); // maintain compatibility with pre-Tiki 7 fingerprints } } else $validateArgs = array(); $bodyLen = str_pad( strlen( $validateBody ), 6, '0', STR_PAD_RIGHT ); $serialized = serialize( $validateArgs ); $argsLen = str_pad( strlen( $serialized ), 6, '0', STR_PAD_RIGHT ); $bodyHash = md5( $validateBody ); $argsHash = md5( $serialized ); return "$name-$bodyHash-$argsHash-$bodyLen-$argsLen"; } function plugin_execute( $name, $data = '', $args = array(), $offset = 0, $validationPerformed = false, $parseOptions = array() ) { global $prefs; $outputFormat = 'wiki'; if( isset($parseOptions['context_format']) ) { $outputFormat = $parseOptions['context_format']; } if( ! $this->plugin_exists( $name, true ) ) { return false; } if( ! $validationPerformed && ! $this->plugin_enabled( $name, $output ) ) { return $this->convert_plugin_output( $output, '', $outputFormat, $parseOptions ); } if (isset($parseOptions['inside_pretty']) && $parseOptions['inside_pretty'] === true) { $trklib = TikiLib::lib('trk'); $trklib->replace_pretty_tracker_refs($args); } $func_name = 'wikiplugin_' . $name; if( ! $validationPerformed ) { $this->plugin_apply_filters( $name, $data, $args, $parseOptions ); } if( function_exists( $func_name ) ) { $pluginFormat = 'wiki'; $info = $this->plugin_info( $name ); if( isset( $info['format'] ) ) { $pluginFormat = $info['format']; } $output = $func_name( $data, $args, $offset, $parseOptions ); $plugin_result = $this->convert_plugin_output( $output, $pluginFormat, $outputFormat, $parseOptions ); if (isset($parseOptions['ck_editor']) && $parseOptions['ck_editor']) { return $this->convert_plugin_for_ckeditor( $name, $args, $plugin_result, $data, $info ); } else { return $plugin_result; } } elseif( $this->plugin_find_implementation( $name, $data, $args ) ) { return $this->plugin_execute( $name, $data, $args, $offset, $validationPerformed, $parseOptions ); } } private function convert_plugin_for_ckeditor( $name, $args, $plugin_result, $data, $info = array() ) { $ck_editor_plugin = '{' . (empty($data) ? $name : strtoupper($name) . '(') . ' '; $arg_str = ''; // not using http_build_query() as it converts spaces into + if (!empty($args)) { foreach( $args as $argKey => $argValue ) { if (is_array($argValue)) { if (isset($info['params'][$argKey]['separator'])) { $sep = $info['params'][$argKey]['separator']; } else { $sep = ','; } $ck_editor_plugin .= $argKey.'="'.implode($sep, $argValue).'" '; // process array $arg_str .= $argKey.'='.implode($sep, $argValue).'&'; } else { $ck_editor_plugin .= $argKey.'="'.$argValue.'" '; $arg_str .= $argKey.'='.$argValue.'&'; } } } if (substr($ck_editor_plugin, -1) === ' ') { $ck_editor_plugin = substr($ck_editor_plugin, 0, -1); } if (!empty($data)) { $ck_editor_plugin .= ')}' . $data . '{' . strtoupper($name) . '}'; } else { $ck_editor_plugin .= '}'; } // work out if I'm a nested plugin and return empty if so $stack = debug_backtrace(); $plugin_nest_level = 0; foreach ($stack as $st) { if ($st['function'] === 'parse_first') { $plugin_nest_level ++; if ($plugin_nest_level > 1) { return ''; } } } $arg_str = rtrim($arg_str, '&'); $icon = isset($info['icon']) ? $info['icon'] : 'pics/icons/wiki_plugin_edit.png'; // some plugins are just too flakey to do wysiwyg, so show the "source" for them ;( if (in_array($name, array('trackerlist', 'kaltura', 'toc', 'freetagged'))) { $plugin_result = str_replace(array('{', '}'), array('%7B' , '%7D'), $ck_editor_plugin); } else { // Tiki 7+ adds ~np~ to plugin output so remove them $plugin_result = preg_replace('/~[\/]?np~/ms', '', $plugin_result); // pre-parse the output so nested plugins don't fall out all over the place $plugin_result = $this->parse_data($plugin_result, array('is_html' => false, 'suppress_icons' => true, 'ck_editor' => true, 'noparseplugins' => true)); // remove hrefs and onclicks $plugin_result = preg_replace('/\shref\=/i', ' tiki_href=', $plugin_result); $plugin_result = preg_replace('/\sonclick\=/i', ' tiki_onclick=', $plugin_result); $plugin_result = preg_replace('/<script.*?<\/script>/mi', '', $plugin_result); } if (!in_array($name, array('html'))) { // remove <p> and <br>s from non-html $data = str_replace(array('<br />', '<p>', '</p>', "\t"), '', $data); } if ($this->contains_html_block($plugin_result)) { $elem = 'div'; } else { $elem = 'span'; } $elem_style = 'position:relative;'; if (in_array($name, array('img', 'div')) && preg_match('/<'.$name.'[^>]*style="(.*?)"/i', $plugin_result, $m)) { if (count($m)) { $elem_style .= $m[1]; } } $ret = '~np~<'.$elem.' class="tiki_plugin" plugin="' . $name . '" style="' . $elem_style . '"' . ' syntax="' . htmlentities( $ck_editor_plugin, ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8' ) . '"' . ' args="' . htmlentities($arg_str, ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8') . '"' . ' body="' . htmlentities( $data, ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8') . '">'. // not <!--{cke_protected} '<img src="'.$icon.'" width="16" height="16" style="float:left;position:absolute;z-index:10001" />' . $plugin_result.'<!-- end tiki_plugin --></'.$elem.'>~/np~'; return $ret; } private function plugin_apply_filters( $name, & $data, & $args, $parseOptions ) { $info = $this->plugin_info( $name ); $default = TikiFilter::get( isset( $info['defaultfilter'] ) ? $info['defaultfilter'] : 'xss'); // Apply filters on the body $filter = isset($info['filter']) ? TikiFilter::get($info['filter']) : $default; $data = $this->htmldecode($data); $data = $filter->filter($data); if (isset($options) && !$options['is_html']) { $data = str_replace(array('<', '>'), array('<', '>'), $data); } // Make sure all arguments are declared $params = $info['params']; if( ! isset( $info['extraparams'] ) && is_array($params) ) { $args = array_intersect_key( $args, $params ); } // Apply filters on values individually if (!empty($args)) { foreach( $args as $argKey => &$argValue ) { if (!isset($params[$argKey])) { continue;// extra params } $paramInfo = $params[$argKey]; $filter = isset($paramInfo['filter']) ? TikiFilter::get($paramInfo['filter']) : $default; $argValue = $this->htmldecode($argValue); if( isset($paramInfo['separator']) ) { $vals = array(); foreach( explode( $paramInfo['separator'], $argValue ) as $val ) { $vals[] = $filter->filter($val); } $vals = array_map( 'trim', $vals ); //$vals = array_filter( $vals ); $argValue = array_values( $vals ); } else { $argValue = $filter->filter($argValue); } } } } private function convert_plugin_output( $output, $from, $to, $parseOptions ) { if( ! $output instanceof WikiParser_PluginOutput ) { if( $from === 'wiki' ) { $output = WikiParser_PluginOutput::wiki( $output ); } elseif( $from === 'html' ) { $output = WikiParser_PluginOutput::html( $output ); } } if( $to === 'html' ) { return $output->toHtml( $parseOptions ); } elseif( $to === 'wiki' ) { return $output->toWiki(); } } function plugin_replace_args( $content, $rules, $args ) { $patterns = array(); $replacements = array(); foreach( $rules as $token => $info ) { $patterns[] = "%$token%"; if( isset( $info['input'] ) && ! empty( $info['input'] ) ) $token = $info['input']; if( isset( $args[$token] ) ) { $value = $args[$token]; } else { $value = isset($info['default']) ? $info['default'] : ''; } switch( isset($info['encoding']) ? $info['encoding'] : 'none' ) { case 'html': $replacements[] = htmlentities( $value, ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8' ); break; case 'url': $replacements[] = rawurlencode( $value ); break; default: $replacements[] = $value; } } return str_replace( $patterns, $replacements, $content ); } function plugin_is_editable( $name ) { global $tiki_p_edit, $prefs, $section; $info = $this->plugin_info( $name ); // note that for 3.0 the plugin editor only works in wiki pages, but could be extended later return $section == 'wiki page' && $info && $tiki_p_edit == 'y' && $prefs['wiki_edit_plugin'] == 'y' && !$this->plugin_is_inline( $name ) ; } function quotesplit( $splitter = ',', $repl_string = '' ) { $matches = preg_match_all( '/"[^"]*"/', $repl_string, $quotes ); $quote_keys = array(); if( $matches ) { foreach( array_unique( $quotes ) as $quote ) { $key = '§'.md5( $this->genPass() ).'§'; $aux["key"] = $key; $aux["data"] = $quote; $quote_keys[] = $aux; $repl_string = str_replace( $quote[0], $key, $repl_string ); } } $result = explode($splitter, $repl_string); if( $matches ) { // Loop through the result sections while(list($rarg, $rval) = each($result)) { // Replace all stored strings foreach( $quote_keys as $qval ) { $replacement = $qval["data"][0]; $result[$rarg] = str_replace( $qval["key"], $replacement, $rval ); } } } return $result; } // Replace hotwords in given line function replace_hotwords($line, $words) { global $prefs; $hotw_nw = ($prefs['feature_hotwords_nw'] == 'y') ? "target='_blank'" : ''; // Replace Hotwords if ($prefs['feature_hotwords'] == 'y') { $sep = " \n\t\r\,\;\(\)\.\:\[\]\{\}\!\?\""; foreach ($words as $word => $url) { // \b is a word boundary, \s is a space char $pregword = preg_replace("/\//","\/",$word); $line = preg_replace("/(=(\"|')[^\"']*[$sep'])$pregword([$sep][^\"']*(\"|'))/i","$1:::::$word,:::::$3",$line); $line = preg_replace("/([$sep']|^)$pregword($|[$sep])/i","$1<a class=\"wiki\" href=\"$url\" $hotw_nw>$word</a>$2",$line); $line = preg_replace("/:::::$pregword,:::::/i","$word",$line); } } return $line; } // Make plain text URIs in text into clickable hyperlinks function autolinks($text) { global $prefs, $smarty; // check to see if autolinks is enabled before calling this function // if ($prefs['feature_autolinks'] == "y") { $attrib = ''; if ($prefs['popupLinks'] == 'y') $attrib .= 'target="_blank" '; if ($prefs['feature_wiki_ext_icon'] == 'y') { $attrib .= 'class="wiki external" '; include_once('lib/smarty_tiki/function.icon.php'); $ext_icon = smarty_function_icon(array('_id'=>'external_link', 'alt'=>tra('(external link)'), '_class' => 'externallink', '_extension' => 'gif', '_defaultdir' => 'img/icons', 'width' => 15, 'height' => 14), $smarty); } else { $attrib .= 'class="wiki" '; $ext_icon = ""; } // add a space so we can match links starting at the beginning of the first line $text = " " . $text; // match prefix://suffix, www.prefix.suffix/optionalpath, prefix@suffix $patterns = array(); $replacements = array(); $patterns[] = "#([\n ])([a-z0-9]+?)://([^<, \n\r]+)#i"; $replacements[] = "\\1<a $attrib href=\"\\2://\\3\">\\2://\\3$ext_icon</a>"; $patterns[] = "#([\n ])www\.([a-z0-9\-]+)\.([a-z0-9\-.\~]+)((?:/[^,< \n\r]*)?)#i"; $replacements[] = "\\1<a $attrib href=\"http://www.\\2.\\3\\4\">www.\\2.\\3\\4$ext_icon</a>"; $patterns[] = "#([\n ])([a-z0-9\-_.]+?)@([\w\-]+\.([\w\-\.]+\.)*[\w]+)#i"; if ($prefs['feature_wiki_protect_email'] == 'y') $replacements[] = "\\1" . $this->protect_email("\\2", "\\3"); else $replacements[] = "\\1<a class='wiki' href=\"mailto:\\2@\\3\">\\2@\\3</a>"; $patterns[] = "#([\n ])magnet\:\?([^,< \n\r]+)#i"; $replacements[] = "\\1<a class='wiki' href=\"magnet:?\\2\">magnet:?\\2</a>"; $text = preg_replace($patterns, $replacements, $text); // strip the space we added $text = substr($text, 1); return $text; // } else { // return $text; // } } function protect_email($name, $domain, $sep = '@') { TikiLib::lib('header')->add_jq_onready('$(".convert-mailto").removeClass("convert-mailto").each(function () { var address = $(this).data("encode-name") + "@" + $(this).data("encode-domain"); $(this).attr("href", "mailto:" + address).text(address); });'); return "<a class=\"convert-mailto\" href=\"mailto:nospam@example.com\" data-encode-name=\"$name\" data-encode-domain=\"$domain\">$name ".tra("at","",true)." $domain</a>"; } //Updates a dynamic variable found in some object /*Shared*/ function update_dynamic_variable($name,$value, $lang = null) { $dynamicVariables = $this->table('tiki_dynamic_variables'); $dynamicVariables->delete(array( 'name' => $name, 'lang' => $lang, )); $dynamicVariables->insert(array( 'name' => $name, 'data' => $value, 'lang' => $lang, )); return true; } // split string into a list of function split_tag( $string, $cleanup = TRUE ) { $_splts = explode('"', $string); $inside = FALSE; $parts = array(); $index=0; foreach ($_splts as $i) { if ($cleanup) { $i = str_replace('}', '', $i); $i = str_replace('{', '', $i); $i = str_replace('\'', '', $i); $i = str_replace('"', '', $i); // IE silently removes null-byte html char \0, so let's remove it anyways $i = str_replace('\\0', '', $i); } if ($inside) { // inside "foo bar" - append if ($index>0) { $parts[$index-1] .= $i; } else { // else: first element (should never happen) $parts[] = $i; } } else { // $_spl = explode(" ", $i); foreach($_spl as $j) { $parts[$index++] = $j; } } $inside = ! $inside; } return $parts; } function split_assoc_array($parts, $assoc) { //$assoc = array(); foreach($parts as $part) { $res=array(); $assoc[$part] = ''; preg_match("/(\w+)\s*=\s*(.*)/", $part, $res); if ($res) { $assoc[$res[1]] = $res[2]; } } return $assoc; } /** * close_blocks - Close out open paragraph, lists, and div's * * During parse_data, information is kept on blocks of text (paragraphs, lists, divs) * that need to be closed out. This function does that, rather than duplicating the * code inline. * * @param $data - Output data * @param $in_paragraph - TRUE if there is an open paragraph * @param $listbeg - array of open list terminators * @param $divdepth - array indicating how many div's are open * @param $close_paragraph - TRUE if open paragraph should be closed. * @param $close_lists - TRUE if open lists should be closed. * @param $close_divs - TRUE if open div's should be closed. */ /* private */ function close_blocks(&$data, &$in_paragraph, &$listbeg, &$divdepth, $close_paragraph, $close_lists, $close_divs) { $closed = 0; // Set to non-zero if something has been closed out // Close the paragraph if inside one. if ($close_paragraph && $in_paragraph) { $data .= "</p>\n"; $in_paragraph = 0; $closed++; } // Close open lists if ($close_lists) { while (count($listbeg)) { $data .= array_shift($listbeg); $closed++; } } // Close open divs if ($close_divs) { $temp_max = count($divdepth); for ($i = 1; $i <= $temp_max; $i++) { $data .= '</div>'; $closed++; } } return $closed; } //PARSEDATA // options defaults : is_html => false, absolute_links => false, language => '' function parse_data($data, $options = null) { // Don't bother if there's nothing... if (function_exists('mb_strlen')) { if( mb_strlen( $data ) < 1 ) { return; } } global $page_regex, $slidemode, $prefs, $ownurl_father, $tiki_p_upload_picture, $page, $page_ref_id, $user, $tikidomain, $tikiroot; $wikilib = TikiLib::lib('wiki'); // Handle parsing options if ( $options == null ) $options = array(); $options['is_html'] = $is_html = isset($options['is_html']) ? $options['is_html'] : false; $options['absolute_links'] = $absolute_links = isset($options['absolute_links']) ? $options['absolute_links'] : false; $options['language'] = $language = isset($options['language']) ? $options['language'] : ''; $options['noparseplugins'] = $noparseplugins = isset($options['noparseplugins']) ? $options['noparseplugins'] : false; $options['stripplugins'] = $stripplugins = isset($options['stripplugins']) ? $options['stripplugins'] : false; $options['noheaderinc'] = $noheaderinc = isset($options['noheaderinc']) ? $options['noheaderinc'] : false; $options['page'] = isset($options['page']) ? $options['page'] : $page; $options['print'] = isset($options['print']) ? $options['print'] : false; $options['parseimgonly'] = isset($options['parseimgonly']) ? $options['parseimgonly'] : false; $options['preview_mode'] = isset($options['preview_mode']) ? (bool)$options['preview_mode'] : false; $options['suppress_icons'] = isset($options['suppress_icons']) ? (bool)$options['suppress_icons'] : false; $options['parsetoc'] = isset($options['parsetoc']) ? (bool)$options['parsetoc'] : true; $options['inside_pretty'] = isset($options['inside_pretty']) ? $options['inside_pretty'] : false; $options['process_wiki_paragraphs'] = isset($options['process_wiki_paragraphs']) ? $options['process_wiki_paragraphs'] : true; $options['min_one_paragraph'] = isset($options['min_one_paragraph']) ? $options['min_one_paragraph'] : false; if (empty($options['ck_editor'])) $options['ck_editor'] = false; $old_wysiwyg_parsing = null; if ($options['ck_editor']) { $headerlib = TikiLib::lib('header'); $old_wysiwyg_parsing = $headerlib->wysiwyg_parsing; $headerlib->wysiwyg_parsing = true; } // if simple_wiki is true, disable some wiki syntax // basically, allow wiki plugins, wiki links and almost // everything between {} $simple_wiki = false; if ($prefs['feature_wysiwyg'] == 'y' and $is_html) { if ($prefs['wysiwyg_wiki_semi_parsed'] == 'y') { $simple_wiki = true; } elseif ($prefs['wysiwyg_wiki_parsed'] == 'n') { return $data; } } $this->parse_wiki_argvariable($data, $options); /* <x> XSS Sanitization handling */ // Converts <x> (<x> tag using HTML entities) into the tag <x>. This tag comes from the input sanitizer (XSS filter). // This is not HTML valid and avoids using <x> in a wiki text, // but hide '<x>' text inside some words like 'style' that are considered as dangerous by the sanitizer. $data = str_replace( array( '<x>', '~np~', '~/np~' ), array( '<x>', ' ~np~', '~/np~ ' ), $data ); // Fix false positive in wiki syntax // It can't be done in the sanitizer, that can't know if the input will be wiki parsed or not $data = preg_replace('/(\{img [^\}]+li)<x>(nk[^\}]+\})/i', '\\1\\2', $data); // Process pre_handlers here if (is_array($this->pre_handlers)) { foreach ($this->pre_handlers as $handler) { $data = $handler($data); } } // Handle pre- and no-parse sections and plugins $preparsed = array('data'=>array(),'key'=>array()); $noparsed = array('data'=>array(),'key'=>array()); if (!$noparseplugins || $stripplugins) { $this->parse_first($data, $preparsed, $noparsed, $options); $this->parse_wiki_argvariable($data, $options); } // Handle ~pre~...~/pre~ sections $data = preg_replace(';~pre~(.*?)~/pre~;s', '<pre>$1</pre>', $data); // Strike-deleted text --text-- (but not in the context <!--[if IE]><--!> or <!--//--<!CDATA[//><!-- if (!$simple_wiki) { // FIXME produces false positive for strings contining html comments. e.g: --some text<!-- comment --> $data = preg_replace("#(?<!<!|//)--([^\s>].+?)--#", "<del>$1</del>", $data); } // Handle comment sections $data = preg_replace(';~tc~(.*?)~/tc~;s', '', $data); $data = preg_replace(';~hc~(.*?)~/hc~;s', '<!-- $1 -->', $data); // Replace special characters // done after url catching because otherwise urls of dyn. sites will be modified // not done in wysiwyg mode, i.e. $prefs['feature_wysiwyg'] set to something other than 'no' or not set at all // if (!$simple_wiki and $prefs['feature_wysiwyg'] == 'n') //above line changed by mrisch - special functions were not parsing when wysiwyg is set but wysiswyg is not enabled // further changed by nkoth - why not parse in wysiwyg mode as well, otherwise it won't parse for display/preview? // must be done before color as we can have ~hs~~hs if (!$simple_wiki) { $this->parse_htmlchar($data); } //needs to be before text color syntax because of use of htmlentities in lib/core/WikiParser/OutputLink.php $data = $this->parse_data_wikilinks( $data, $simple_wiki ); if (!$simple_wiki) { // Replace colors ~~foreground[,background]:text~~ // must be done before []as the description may contain color change $data = preg_replace("/\~\~([^\:\,]+)(,([^\:]+))?:(.*)\~\~/Ums", "<span style=\"color:$1; background:$3\">$4</span>", $data); } // Extract [link] sections (to be re-inserted later) $noparsedlinks = array(); // This section matches [...]. // Added handling for [[foo] sections. -rlpowell if (!$simple_wiki) { preg_match_all("/(?<!\[)(\[[^\[][^\]]+\])/", $data, $noparseurl); foreach (array_unique($noparseurl[1])as $np) { $key = '§'.md5($this->genPass()).'§'; $aux["key"] = $key; $aux["data"] = $np; $noparsedlinks[] = $aux; $data = preg_replace('/(^|[^a-zA-Z0-9])'.preg_quote($np,'/').'([^a-zA-Z0-9]|$)/', '\1'.$key.'\2', $data); } } // BiDi markers $bidiCount = 0; $bidiCount = preg_match_all("/(\{l2r\})/", $data, $pages); $bidiCount += preg_match_all("/(\{r2l\})/", $data, $pages); $data = preg_replace("/\{l2r\}/", "<div dir='ltr'>", $data); $data = preg_replace("/\{r2l\}/", "<div dir='rtl'>", $data); $data = preg_replace("/\{lm\}/", "‎", $data); $data = preg_replace("/\{rm\}/", "‏", $data); // smileys $data = $this->parse_smileys($data); // linebreaks using %%% $data = str_replace("%%%", "<br />", $data); $data = $this->parse_data_dynamic_variables( $data, $options['language'] ); if (!$simple_wiki) { // Replace boxes $data = preg_replace("/\^([^\^]+)\^/", "<div class=\"simplebox\">$1</div>", $data); // Underlined text $data = preg_replace("/===(.+?)===/", "<span style=\"text-decoration:underline;\">$1</span>", $data); // Center text if ($prefs['feature_use_three_colon_centertag'] == 'y') { $data = preg_replace("/:::(.+?):::/", "<div style=\"text-align: center;\">$1</div>", $data); } else { $data = preg_replace("/::(.+?)::/", "<div style=\"text-align: center;\">$1</div>", $data); } } // reinsert hash-replaced links into page foreach ($noparsedlinks as $np) { $data = str_replace($np["key"], $np["data"], $data); } $data = $this->parse_data_externallinks( $data, $options ); $data = $this->parse_data_tables( $data, $simple_wiki ); if (!$simple_wiki && $options['parsetoc']) { $this->parse_data_process_maketoc( $data, $options, $noparsed); } else { $data = $this->parse_data_simple( $data ); } // Close BiDi DIVs if any for ($i = 0; $i < $bidiCount; $i++) { $data .= "</div>"; } // Put removed strings back. $this->replace_preparse($data, $preparsed, $noparsed); // Process pos_handlers here foreach ($this->pos_handlers as $handler) { $data = $handler($data); } if ($old_wysiwyg_parsing !== null) { $headerlib->wysiwyg_parsing = $old_wysiwyg_parsing; } return $data; } function parse_data_simple( $data ) { global $prefs; $words = array(); if ( $prefs['feature_hotwords'] == 'y' ) { // Get list of HotWords $words = $this->get_hotwords(); } $data = $this->parse_data_wikilinks( $data, true ); $data = $this->parse_data_externallinks( $data, array( 'suppress_icons' => true ) ); $data = $this->parse_data_inline_syntax( $data, $words ); return $data; } private function parse_data_wikilinks( $data, $simple_wiki ) { global $page_regex, $prefs; // definitively put out the protected words ))protectedWord(( if ($prefs['feature_wikiwords'] == 'y' ) { preg_match_all("/\)\)(\S+?)\(\(/", $data, $matches); $noParseWikiLinksK = array(); $noParseWikiLinksT = array(); foreach ($matches[0] as $mi=>$match) { do { $randNum = chr(0xff).rand(0, 1048576).chr(0xff); } while (strstr($data, $randNum)); $data = str_replace($match, $randNum, $data); $noParseWikiLinksK[] = $randNum; $noParseWikiLinksT[] = $matches[1][$mi]; } } // Links with description preg_match_all("/\(([a-z0-9-]+)?\(($page_regex)\|([^\)]*?)\)\)/", $data, $pages); $temp_max = count($pages[1]); for ($i = 0; $i < $temp_max; $i++) { $exactMatch = $pages[0][$i]; $description = $pages[6][$i]; $anchor = null; if ($description{0} == '#') { $temp = $description; $anchor = strtok($temp, '|'); $description = strtok('|'); } $replacement = $this->get_wiki_link_replacement( $pages[2][$i], array( 'description' => $description, 'reltype' => $pages[1][$i], 'anchor' => $anchor, ) ); $data = str_replace($exactMatch, $replacement, $data); } // Wiki page syntax without description preg_match_all("/\(([a-z0-9-]+)?\( *($page_regex) *\)\)/", $data, $pages); foreach ($pages[2] as $idx => $page_parse) { $exactMatch = $pages[0][$idx]; $replacement = $this->get_wiki_link_replacement( $page_parse, array( 'reltype' => $pages[1][$idx] ) ); $data = str_replace($exactMatch, $replacement, $data); } // Links to internal pages // If they are parenthesized then don't treat as links // Prevent ))PageName(( from being expanded \"\' //[A-Z][a-z0-9_\-]+[A-Z][a-z0-9_\-]+[A-Za-z0-9\-_]* if ( ! $simple_wiki && $prefs['feature_wiki'] == 'y' && $prefs['feature_wikiwords'] == 'y' ) { // The first part is now mandatory to prevent [Foo|MyPage] from being converted! if ($prefs['feature_wikiwords_usedash'] == 'y') { preg_match_all("/(?<=[ \n\t\r\,\;]|^)([A-Z][a-z0-9_\-\x80-\xFF]+[A-Z][a-z0-9_\-\x80-\xFF]+[A-Za-z0-9\-_\x80-\xFF]*)(?=$|[ \n\t\r\,\;\.])/", $data, $pages); } else { preg_match_all("/(?<=[ \n\t\r\,\;]|^)([A-Z][a-z0-9\x80-\xFF]+[A-Z][a-z0-9\x80-\xFF]+[A-Za-z0-9\x80-\xFF]*)(?=$|[ \n\t\r\,\;\.])/", $data, $pages); } //TODO to have a real utf8 Wikiword where the capitals can be a utf8 capital $words = ( $prefs['feature_hotwords'] == 'y' ) ? $this->get_hotwords() : array(); foreach ( array_unique($pages[1]) as $page_parse ) { if ( ! array_key_exists($page_parse, $words) ) { $repl = $this->get_wiki_link_replacement( $page_parse, array( 'plural' => $prefs['feature_wiki_plurals'] == 'y' ) ); $data = preg_replace("/(?<=[ \n\t\r\,\;]|^)$page_parse(?=$|[ \n\t\r\,\;\.])/", "$1" . $repl . "$2", $data); } } } // Reinsert ))Words(( if ($prefs['feature_wikiwords'] == 'y' ) { $data = str_replace($noParseWikiLinksK, $noParseWikiLinksT, $data); } return $data; } private function parse_data_externallinks( $data, $options ) { global $prefs; // ***** // This section handles external links of the form [url] and such. // ***** $links = $this->get_links($data); $notcachedlinks = $this->get_links_nocache($data); $cachedlinks = array_diff($links, $notcachedlinks); $this->cache_links($cachedlinks); // Note that there're links that are replaced foreach ($links as $link) { $target = ''; $class = 'class="wiki"'; $ext_icon = ''; $rel=''; if ($prefs['popupLinks'] == 'y') { $target = 'target="_blank"'; } if (!isset($_SERVER['SERVER_NAME']) && isset($_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'])) { $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'] = $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']; } if (empty($_SERVER['SERVER_NAME']) || strstr($link, $_SERVER["SERVER_NAME"]) || !strstr($link, '://')) { $target = ''; } else { $class = 'class="wiki external"'; if ($prefs['feature_wiki_ext_icon'] == 'y' && !$options['suppress_icons']) { $smarty = TikiLib::lib('smarty'); include_once('lib/smarty_tiki/function.icon.php'); $ext_icon = smarty_function_icon(array('_id'=>'external_link', 'alt'=>tra('(external link)'), '_class' => 'externallink', '_extension' => 'gif', '_defaultdir' => 'img/icons', 'width' => 15, 'height' => 14), $smarty); } $rel='external'; if ($prefs['feature_wiki_ext_rel_nofollow'] == 'y') { $rel .= ' nofollow'; } } // The (?<!\[) stuff below is to give users an easy way to // enter square brackets in their output; things like [[foo] // get rendered as [foo]. -rlpowell if ($prefs['cachepages'] == 'y' && $this->is_cached($link)) { //use of urlencode for using cached versions of dynamic sites $cosa = "<a class=\"wikicache\" target=\"_blank\" href=\"tiki-view_cache.php?url=".urlencode($link)."\">(cache)</a>"; $link2 = str_replace("/", "\/", preg_quote($link)); $pattern = "/(?<!\[)\[$link2\|([^\]\|]+)\|([^\]\|]+)\|([^\]]+)\]/"; //< last param expected here is always nocache $data = preg_replace($pattern, "<a $class $target href=\"$link\" rel=\"$2 $rel\">$1</a>$ext_icon", $data); $pattern = "/(?<!\[)\[$link2\|([^\]\|]+)\|([^\]]+)\]/";//< last param here ($2) is used for relation (rel) attribute (e.g. shadowbox) or nocache preg_match($pattern, $data, $matches); if (isset($matches[2]) && $matches[2]=='nocache') { $data = preg_replace($pattern, "<a $class $target href=\"$link\" rel=\"$rel\">$1</a>$ext_icon", $data); } else { $data = preg_replace($pattern, "<a $class $target href=\"$link\" rel=\"$2 $rel\">$1</a>$ext_icon $cosa", $data); } $pattern = "/(?<!\[)\[$link2\|([^\]\|]+)\]/"; $data = preg_replace($pattern, "<a $class $target href=\"$link\" rel=\"$rel\">$1</a>$ext_icon $cosa", $data); $pattern = "/(?<!\[)\[$link2\]/"; $data = preg_replace($pattern, "<a $class $target href=\"$link\" rel=\"$rel\">$link</a>$ext_icon $cosa", $data); } else { $link2 = str_replace("/", "\/", preg_quote($link)); $data = str_replace("|nocache", "", $data); $pattern = "/(?<!\[)\[$link2\|([^\]\|]+)\|([^\]]+)\]/"; $data = preg_replace($pattern, "<a $class $target href=\"$link\" rel=\"$2 $rel\">$1</a>$ext_icon", $data); $pattern = "/(?<!\[)\[$link2\|([^\]\|]+)([^\]])*\]/"; $data = preg_replace($pattern, "<a $class $target href=\"$link\" rel=\"$rel\">$1</a>$ext_icon", $data); $pattern = "/(?<!\[)\[$link2\]/"; $data = preg_replace($pattern, "<a $class $target href=\"$link\" rel=\"$rel\">$link</a>$ext_icon", $data); } } // Handle double square brackets. to display [foo] use [[foo] -rlpowell. Improved by sylvieg to avoid replacing them in [[code]] cases. $data = preg_replace( "/\[\[([^\]]*)\](?!\])/", "[$1]", $data ); $data = preg_replace( "/\[\[([^\]]*)$/", "[$1", $data ); return $data; } private function parse_data_inline_syntax( $line, $words = array() ) { global $prefs; if ($prefs['feature_hotwords'] == 'y') { // Replace Hotwords before begin $line = $this->replace_hotwords($line, $words); } // Make plain URLs clickable hyperlinks if ($prefs['feature_autolinks'] == 'y') { $line = $this->autolinks($line); } // Replace monospaced text $line = preg_replace("/(^|\s)-\+(.*?)\+-/", "$1<code>$2</code>", $line); // Replace bold text $line = preg_replace("/__(.*?)__/", "<strong>$1</strong>", $line); // Replace italic text $line = preg_replace("/\'\'(.*?)\'\'/", "<em>$1</em>", $line); // Replace definition lists $line = preg_replace("/^;([^:]*):([^\/\/].*)/", "<dl><dt>$1</dt><dd>$2</dd></dl>", $line); $line = preg_replace("/^;(<a [^<]*<\/a>):([^\/\/].*)/", "<dl><dt>$1</dt><dd>$2</dd></dl>", $line); return $line; } private function parse_data_tables( $data, $simple_wiki ) { global $prefs; /* * Wiki Tables syntax */ // tables in old style if ($prefs['feature_wiki_tables'] != 'new') { if (preg_match_all("/\|\|(.*)\|\|/", $data, $tables)) { $maxcols = 1; $cols = array(); $temp_max = count($tables[0]); for ($i = 0; $i < $temp_max; $i++) { $rows = explode('||', $tables[0][$i]); $temp_max2 = count($rows); for ($j = 0; $j < $temp_max2; $j++) { $cols[$i][$j] = explode('|', $rows[$j]); if (count($cols[$i][$j]) > $maxcols) $maxcols = count($cols[$i][$j]); } } // for ($i ... $temp_max3 = count($tables[0]); for ($i = 0; $i < $temp_max3; $i++) { $repl = '<table class="wikitable">'; $temp_max4 = count($cols[$i]); for ($j = 0; $j < $temp_max4; $j++) { $ncols = count($cols[$i][$j]); if ($ncols == 1 && !$cols[$i][$j][0]) continue; $repl .= '<tr>'; for ($k = 0; $k < $ncols; $k++) { $repl .= '<td class="wikicell" '; if ($k == $ncols - 1 && $ncols < $maxcols) $repl .= ' colspan="' . ($maxcols - $k).'"'; $repl .= '>' . $cols[$i][$j][$k] . '</td>'; } // // for ($k ... $repl .= '</tr>'; } // for ($j ... $repl .= '</table>'; $data = str_replace($tables[0][$i], $repl, $data); } // for ($i ... } // if (preg_match_all("/\|\|(.*)\|\|/", $data, $tables)) } else { // New syntax for tables // REWRITE THIS CODE if (!$simple_wiki) { if (preg_match_all("/\|\|(.*?)\|\|/s", $data, $tables)) { $maxcols = 1; $cols = array(); $temp_max5 = count($tables[0]); for ($i = 0; $i < $temp_max5; $i++) { $rows = preg_split("/(\n|\<br\/\>)/", $tables[0][$i]); $col[$i] = array(); $temp_max6 = count($rows); for ($j = 0; $j < $temp_max6; $j++) { $rows[$j] = str_replace('||', '', $rows[$j]); $cols[$i][$j] = explode('|', $rows[$j]); if (count($cols[$i][$j]) > $maxcols) $maxcols = count($cols[$i][$j]); } } $temp_max7 = count($tables[0]); for ($i = 0; $i < $temp_max7; $i++) { $repl = '<table class="wikitable">'; $temp_max8 = count($cols[$i]); for ($j = 0; $j < $temp_max8; $j++) { $ncols = count($cols[$i][$j]); if ($ncols == 1 && !$cols[$i][$j][0]) continue; $repl .= '<tr>'; for ($k = 0; $k < $ncols; $k++) { $repl .= '<td class="wikicell" '; if ($k == $ncols - 1 && $ncols < $maxcols) $repl .= ' colspan="' . ($maxcols - $k).'"'; $repl .= '>' . $cols[$i][$j][$k] . '</td>'; } $repl .= '</tr>'; } $repl .= '</table>'; $data = str_replace($tables[0][$i], $repl, $data); } } } } return $data; } function parse_wiki_argvariable(&$data, $options=null) { global $prefs, $user; if( $prefs['feature_wiki_argvariable'] == 'y' ) { if (preg_match_all("/\\{\\{((\w+)(\\|([^\\}]*))?)\\}\\}/",$data,$args, PREG_SET_ORDER)) { $needles = array(); $replacements = array(); foreach( $args as $arg ) { $value = isset($arg[4])?$arg[4]:''; $name = $arg[2]; switch( $name ) { case 'user': $value = $user; break; case 'page': $value = $options['page']; break; default: if( isset($_GET[$name]) ) $value = $_GET[$name]; break; } if( ! empty( $value ) || isset( $arg[4] ) ) { $needles[] = $arg[0]; $replacements[] = $value; } } $data = str_replace( $needles, $replacements, $data ); } } } private function parse_data_dynamic_variables( $data, $lang = null ) { global $tiki_p_edit_dynvar, $prefs; $enclose = '%'; if( $prefs['wiki_dynvar_style'] == 'disable' ) { return $data; } elseif( $prefs['wiki_dynvar_style'] == 'double' ) { $enclose = '%%'; } // Replace dynamic variables // Dynamic variables are similar to dynamic content but they are editable // from the page directly, intended for short data, not long text but text // will work too // Now won't match HTML-style '%nn' letter codes and some special utf8 situations... if (preg_match_all("/$enclose([^% 0-9A-Z][^% 0-9A-Z][^% ]*)$enclose/",$data,$dvars)) { // remove repeated elements $dvars = array_unique($dvars[1]); // Now replace each dynamic variable by a pair composed of the // variable value and a text field to edit the variable. Each foreach($dvars as $dvar) { $value = $this->get_dynamic_variable( $dvar, $lang ); // Now build 2 divs $id = 'dyn_'.$dvar; if(isset($tiki_p_edit_dynvar)&& $tiki_p_edit_dynvar=='y') { $span1 = "<span style='display:inline;' id='dyn_".$dvar."_display'><a class='dynavar' onclick='javascript:toggle_dynamic_var(\"$dvar\");' title='".tra('Click to edit dynamic variable','',true).": $dvar'>$value</a></span>"; $span2 = "<span style='display:none;' id='dyn_".$dvar."_edit'><input type='text' name='dyn_".$dvar."' value='".$value."' />".'<input type="submit" name="_dyn_update" value="'.tra('Update variables','',true).'"/></span>'; } else { $span1 = "<span class='dynavar' style='display:inline;' id='dyn_".$dvar."_display'>$value</span>"; $span2 = ''; } $html = $span1.$span2; //It's important to replace only once $dvar_preg = preg_quote( $dvar ); $data = preg_replace("+$enclose$dvar_preg$enclose+",$html,$data,1); //Further replacements only with the value $data = str_replace("$enclose$dvar$enclose",$value,$data); } //At the end put an update button //<br /><div align="center"><input type="submit" name="dyn_update" value="'.tra('Update variables','',true).'"/></div> $data='<form method="post" name="dyn_vars">'."\n".$data.'</form>'; } return $data; } private function get_dynamic_variable( $name, $lang = null ) { $result = $this->table('tiki_dynamic_variables')->fetchAll(array('data', 'lang'), array('name' => $name)); $value = "NaV"; foreach( $result as $row ) { if( $row['lang'] == $lang ) { // Exact match return $row['data']; } elseif( empty( $row['lang'] ) ) { // Universal match, keep in case no exact match $value = $row['data']; } } return $value; } private function parse_data_process_maketoc( &$data, $options, $noparsed) { global $prefs; if ( $options['ck_editor'] ) { $need_maketoc = false ; } else { $need_maketoc = strpos($data, "{maketoc"); } // Wysiwyg {maketoc} handling when not in editor mode (i.e. viewing) if ($need_maketoc && $prefs["feature_wysiwyg"] == 'y' && $prefs["wysiwyg_htmltowiki"] != 'y') { // Header needs to start at beginning of line (wysiwyg does not necessary obey) $data = preg_replace('/<\/([a-z]+)><h([1-6])>/im', "</\\1>\n<h\\2>", $data); $htmlheadersearch = '/<h([1-6])>\s*([^<]+)\s*<\/h[1-6]>/im'; preg_match_all($htmlheadersearch, $data, $htmlheaders); $nbhh=count($htmlheaders[1]); for ($i = 0; $i < $nbhh; $i++) { $htmlheaderreplace = ''; for ($j = 0; $j < $htmlheaders[1][$i]; $j++) { $htmlheaderreplace .= '!'; } $htmlheaderreplace .= $htmlheaders[2][$i]; $data = str_replace($htmlheaders[0][$i], $htmlheaderreplace, $data); } } $need_autonumbering = ( preg_match('/^\!+[\-\+]?#/m', $data) > 0 ); $anch = array(); global $anch; $pageNum = 1; // 08-Jul-2003, by zaufi // HotWords will be replace only in ordinal text // It looks __really__ goofy in Headers or Titles $words = array(); if ( $prefs['feature_hotwords'] == 'y' ) { // Get list of HotWords $words = $this->get_hotwords(); } // Now tokenize the expression and process the tokens // Use tab and newline as tokenizing characters as well //// $lines = explode("\n", $data); if (empty($lines[count($lines)-1]) && empty($lines[count($lines)-2])) { array_pop($lines); } $data = ''; $listbeg = array(); $divdepth = array(); $hdr_structure = array(); $show_title_level = array(); $last_hdr = array(); $nb_last_hdr = 0; $nb_hdrs = 0; $inTable = 0; $inPre = 0; $inComment = 0; $inTOC = 0; $inScript = 0; $title_text = ''; // loop: process all lines $in_paragraph = 0; $in_empty_paragraph = 0; foreach ($lines as $line) { $current_title_num = ''; $numbering_remove = 0; $line = rtrim($line); // Trim off trailing white space // Check for titlebars... // NOTE: that title bar should start at the beginning of the line and // be alone on that line to be autoaligned... otherwise, it is an old // styled title bar... if (substr(ltrim($line), 0, 2) == '-=' && substr($line, -2, 2) == '=-') { // Close open paragraph and lists, but not div's $this->close_blocks($data, $in_paragraph, $listbeg, $divdepth, 1, 1, 0); // $align_len = strlen($line) - strlen(ltrim($line)); // My textarea size is about 120 space chars. //define('TEXTAREA_SZ', 120); // NOTE: That strict math formula (split into 3 areas) gives // bad visual effects... // $align = ($align_len < (TEXTAREA_SZ / 3)) ? "left" // : (($align_len > (2 * TEXTAREA_SZ / 3)) ? "right" : "center"); // // Going to introduce some heuristic here :) // Visualy (remember that space char is thin) center starts at 25 pos // and 'right' from 60 (HALF of full width!) -- thats all :) // // NOTE: Guess align only if more than 10 spaces before -=title=- if ($align_len > 10) { $align = ($align_len < 25) ? "left" : (($align_len > 60) ? "right" : "center"); $align = ' style="text-align: ' . $align . ';"'; } else { $align = ''; } // $line = trim($line); $line = '<div class="titlebar"' . $align . '>' . substr($line, 2, strlen($line) - 4). '</div>'; $data .= $line . "\n"; // TODO: Case is handled ... no need to check other conditions // (it is apriori known that they are all false, moreover sometimes // check procedure need > O(0) of compexity) // -- continue to next line... // MUST replace all remaining parse blocks to the same logic... continue; } // Replace old styled titlebars if (strlen($line) != strlen($line = preg_replace("/-=(.+?)=-/", "<div class='titlebar'>$1</div>", $line))) { // Close open paragraph, but not lists (why not?) or div's $this->close_blocks($data, $in_paragraph, $listbeg, $divdepth, 1, 0, 0); $data .= $line . "\n"; continue; } // check if we are inside a ~hc~ block and, if so, ignore // monospaced and do not insert <br /> $inComment += substr_count(strtolower($line), "<!--"); $inComment -= substr_count(strtolower($line), "-->"); // check if we are inside a ~pre~ block and, if so, ignore // monospaced and do not insert <br /> $inPre += substr_count(strtolower($line), "<pre"); $inPre -= substr_count(strtolower($line), "</pre"); // check if we are inside a table, if so, ignore monospaced and do // not insert <br /> $inTable += substr_count(strtolower($line), "<table"); $inTable -= substr_count(strtolower($line), "</table"); // check if we are inside an ul TOC list, if so, ignore monospaced and do // not insert <br /> $inTOC += substr_count(strtolower($line), "<ul class=\"toc"); $inTOC -= substr_count(strtolower($line), "</ul><!--toc-->"); // check if we are inside a script not insert <br /> $inScript += substr_count(strtolower($line), "<script "); $inScript -= substr_count(strtolower($line), "</script>"); // If the first character is ' ' and we are not in pre then we are in pre if (substr($line, 0, 1) == ' ' && $prefs['feature_wiki_monosp'] == 'y' && $inTable == 0 && $inPre == 0 && $inComment == 0 && !$options['is_html']) { // Close open paragraph and lists, but not div's $this->close_blocks($data, $in_paragraph, $listbeg, $divdepth, 1, 1, 0); // If the first character is space then make font monospaced. // For fixed formatting, use ~pp~...~/pp~ $line = '<tt>' . $line . '</tt>'; } if (!$options['ck_editor']) { $line = $this->parse_data_inline_syntax( $line, $words ); } // This line is parseable then we have to see what we have if (substr($line, 0, 3) == '---') { // This is not a list item --- close open paragraph and lists, but not div's $this->close_blocks($data, $in_paragraph, $listbeg, $divdepth, 1, 1, 0); $line = '<hr />'; } else { $litype = substr($line, 0, 1); if (($litype == '*' || $litype == '#') && !(strlen($line)-count($listbeg)>4 && preg_match('/^\*+$/', $line))) { // Close open paragraph, but not lists or div's $this->close_blocks($data, $in_paragraph, $listbeg, $divdepth, 1, 0, 0); $listlevel = $this->how_many_at_start($line, $litype); $liclose = '</li>'; $addremove = 0; if ($listlevel < count($listbeg)) { while ($listlevel != count($listbeg)) $data .= array_shift($listbeg); if (substr(current($listbeg), 0, 5) != '</li>') $liclose = ''; } elseif ($listlevel > count($listbeg)) { $listyle = ''; while ($listlevel != count($listbeg)) { array_unshift($listbeg, ($litype == '*' ? '</ul>' : '</ol>')); if ($listlevel == count($listbeg)) { $listate = substr($line, $listlevel, 1); if (($listate == '+' || $listate == '-') && !($litype == '*' && !strstr(current($listbeg), '</ul>') || $litype == '#' && !strstr(current($listbeg), '</ol>'))) { $thisid = 'id' . microtime() * 1000000; if ( !$options['ck_editor'] ) { $data .= '<br /><a id="flipper' . $thisid . '" class="link" href="javascript:flipWithSign(\'' . $thisid . '\')">[' . ($listate == '-' ? '+' : '-') . ']</a>'; } $listyle = ' id="' . $thisid . '" style="display:' . ($listate == '+' || $options['ck_editor'] ? 'block' : 'none') . ';"'; $addremove = 1; } } $data.=($litype=='*'?"<ul$listyle>":"<ol$listyle>"); } $liclose=''; } if ($litype == '*' && !strstr(current($listbeg), '</ul>') || $litype == '#' && !strstr(current($listbeg), '</ol>')) { $data .= array_shift($listbeg); $listyle = ''; $listate = substr($line, $listlevel, 1); if (($listate == '+' || $listate == '-')) { $thisid = 'id' . microtime() * 1000000; if ( !$options['ck_editor'] ) { $data .= '<br /><a id="flipper' . $thisid . '" class="link" href="javascript:flipWithSign(\'' . $thisid . '\')">[' . ($listate == '-' ? '+' : '-') . ']</a>'; } $listyle = ' id="' . $thisid . '" style="display:' . ($listate == '+' || $options['ck_editor'] ? 'block' : 'none') . ';"'; $addremove = 1; } $data .= ($litype == '*' ? "<ul$listyle>" : "<ol$listyle>"); $liclose = ''; array_unshift($listbeg, ($litype == '*' ? '</li></ul>' : '</li></ol>')); } $line = $liclose . '<li>' . substr($line, $listlevel + $addremove); if (substr(current($listbeg), 0, 5) != '</li>') array_unshift($listbeg, '</li>' . array_shift($listbeg)); } elseif ($litype == '+') { // Close open paragraph, but not list or div's $this->close_blocks($data, $in_paragraph, $listbeg, $divdepth, 1, 0, 0); $listlevel = $this->how_many_at_start($line, $litype); // Close lists down to requested level while ($listlevel < count($listbeg)) $data .= array_shift($listbeg); // Must append paragraph for list item of given depth... $listlevel = $this->how_many_at_start($line, $litype); if (count($listbeg)) { if (substr(current($listbeg), 0, 5) != '</li>') { array_unshift($listbeg, '</li>' . array_shift($listbeg)); $liclose = '<li>'; } else $liclose = '<br />'; } else $liclose = ''; $line = $liclose . substr($line, count($listbeg)); } else { // This is not a list item - close open lists, // but not paragraph or div's. If we are // closing a list, there really shouldn't be a // paragraph open anyway. $this->close_blocks($data, $in_paragraph, $listbeg, $divdepth, 0, 1, 0); // Get count of (possible) header signs at start $hdrlevel = $this->how_many_at_start($line, '!'); // If 1st char on line is '!' and its count less than 6 (max in HTML) if ($litype == '!' && $hdrlevel > 0 && $hdrlevel <= 6) { /* * Handle headings autonumbering syntax (i.e. !#Text, !!#Text, ...) * Note : * this needs to be done even if the current header has no '#' * in order to generate the right numbers when they are not specified for every headers. * This is the case, for example, when you want to add numbers to headers of level 2 but not to level 1 */ $line_lenght = strlen($line); // Generate an array containing the squeleton of maketoc (based on headers levels) // i.e. hdr_structure will contain something lile this : // array( 1, 2, 2.1, 2.1.1, 2.1.2, 2.2, ... , X.Y.Z... ) // $hdr_structure[$nb_hdrs] = ''; // Generate the number (e.g. of the current title, based on the previous title number : // - if the current title deepest level is lesser than (or equal to) // the deepest level of the previous title : then we increment the last level number, // - else : we simply add new levels with value '1' (only if the previous level number was shown), // if ( $nb_last_hdr > 0 && $hdrlevel <= $nb_last_hdr ) { $hdr_structure[$nb_hdrs] = array_slice($last_hdr, 0, $hdrlevel); if ( !empty($show_title_level[$hdrlevel]) || ! $need_autonumbering ) { // // Increment the level number only if : // - the last title of the same level number has a displayed number // or - no title has a displayed number (no autonumbering) // $hdr_structure[$nb_hdrs][$hdrlevel - 1]++; } } else { if ( $nb_last_hdr > 0 ) { $hdr_structure[$nb_hdrs] = $last_hdr; } for ( $h = 0 ; $h < $hdrlevel - $nb_last_hdr ; $h++ ) { $hdr_structure[$nb_hdrs][$h + $nb_last_hdr] = '1'; } } $show_title_level[$hdrlevel] = preg_match('/^!+[\+\-]?#/', $line); // Update last_hdr info for the next header $last_hdr = $hdr_structure[$nb_hdrs]; $nb_last_hdr = count($last_hdr); $current_title_real_num = implode('.', $hdr_structure[$nb_hdrs]).'. '; // Update the current title number to hide all parents levels numbers if the parent has no autonumbering $hideall = false; for ( $j = $hdrlevel ; $j > 0 ; $j-- ) { if ( $hideall || ! $show_title_level[$j] ) { unset($hdr_structure[$nb_hdrs][$j - 1]); $hideall = true; } } // Store the title number to use only if it has to be shown (if the '#' char is used) $current_title_num = $show_title_level[$hdrlevel] ? implode('.', $hdr_structure[$nb_hdrs]).'. ' : ''; $nb_hdrs++; // Close open paragraph (lists already closed above) $this->close_blocks($data, $in_paragraph, $listbeg, $divdepth, 1, 0, 0); // Close lower level divs if opened for (;current($divdepth) >= $hdrlevel; array_shift($divdepth)) $data .= '</div>'; // Remove possible hotwords replaced :) // Umm, *why*? Taking this out lets page // links in headers work, which can be nice. // -rlpowell // $line = strip_tags($line); // OK. Parse headers here... $anchor = ''; $aclose = ''; $aclose2 = ''; $addremove = $show_title_level[$hdrlevel] ? 1 : 0; // If needed, also remove '#' sign from title beginning // May be special signs present after '!'s? $divstate = substr($line, $hdrlevel, 1); if (($divstate == '+' || $divstate == '-') && !$options['ck_editor']) { // OK. Must insert flipper after HEADER, and then open new div... $thisid = 'id' . preg_replace('/[^a-zA-z0-9]/', '',urlencode($options['page'])) .$nb_hdrs; $aclose = '<a id="flipper' . $thisid . '" class="link" href="javascript:flipWithSign(\'' . $thisid . '\')">[' . ($divstate == '-' ? '+' : '-') . ']</a>'; $aclose2 = '<div id="' . $thisid . '" class="showhide_heading" style="display:' . ($divstate == '+' ? 'block' : 'none') . ';">'; $headerlib = TikiLib::lib('header'); $headerlib->add_jq_onready( "setheadingstate('$thisid');" ); array_unshift($divdepth, $hdrlevel); $addremove += 1; } // Generate the final title text $title_text_base = substr($line, $hdrlevel + $addremove); $title_text = $current_title_num.$title_text_base; // create stable anchors for all headers // use header but replace non-word character sequences // with one underscore (for XHTML 1.0 compliance) // Workaround pb with plugin replacement and header id // first we remove hash from title_text for headings beginning // with images and HTML tags $thisid = preg_replace('/§[a-z0-9]{32}§/', '', $title_text); $thisid = preg_replace('#</?[^>]+>#', '', $thisid); $thisid = preg_replace('/[^a-zA-Z0-9\:\.\-\_]+/', '_', $thisid); $thisid = preg_replace('/^[^a-zA-Z]*/', '', $thisid); if (empty($thisid)) $thisid = 'a'.md5($title_text); // Add a number to the anchor if it already exists, to avoid duplicated anchors if ( isset($all_anchors[$thisid]) ) { $all_anchors[$thisid]++; $thisid .= '_'.$all_anchors[$thisid]; } else { $all_anchors[$thisid] = 1; } // Collect TOC entry if any {maketoc} is present on the page //if ( $need_maketoc !== false ) { $anch[] = array( 'id' => $thisid, 'hdrlevel' => $hdrlevel, 'pagenum' => $pageNum, 'title' => $title_text_base, 'title_displayed_num' => $current_title_num, 'title_real_num' => $current_title_real_num ); //} global $tiki_p_edit, $section; if ($prefs['wiki_edit_section'] === 'y' && $section === 'wiki page' && $tiki_p_edit === 'y' && ( $prefs['wiki_edit_section_level'] == 0 || $hdrlevel <= $prefs['wiki_edit_section_level']) && (empty($options['print']) || !$options['print']) && !$options['suppress_icons'] ) { $smarty = TikiLib::lib('smarty'); include_once('lib/smarty_tiki/function.icon.php'); $button = '<div class="icon_edit_section"><a href="tiki-editpage.php?'; if (!empty($options['page'])) { $button .= 'page='.urlencode($options['page']).'&'; } $button .= 'hdr='.$nb_hdrs.'">'.smarty_function_icon(array('_id'=>'page_edit_section', 'alt'=>tra('Edit Section')), $smarty).'</a></div>'; } else { $button = ''; } if ( $prefs['feature_wiki_show_hide_before'] == 'y' ) { $line = $button.'<h'.($hdrlevel).' class="showhide_heading" id="'.$thisid.'">'.$aclose.' '.$title_text.'</h'.($hdrlevel).'>'.$aclose2; } else { $line = $button.'<h'.($hdrlevel).' class="showhide_heading" id="'.$thisid.'">'.$title_text.'</h'.($hdrlevel).'>'.$aclose.$aclose2; } } elseif (!strcmp($line, $prefs['wiki_page_separator'])) { // Close open paragraph, lists, and div's $this->close_blocks($data, $in_paragraph, $listbeg, $divdepth, 1, 1, 1); // Leave line unchanged... tiki-index.php will split wiki here $line = $prefs['wiki_page_separator']; $pageNum += 1; } else { /** Usual paragraph. * * If the * $prefs['feature_wiki_paragraph_formatting'] * is on, then consecutive lines of * text will be gathered into a block * that is surrounded by HTML * paragraph tags. One or more blank * lines, or another special Wiki line * (e.g., heading, titlebar, etc.) * signifies the end of the * paragraph. If the paragraph * formatting feature is off, the * original Tikiwiki behavior is used, * in which each line in the source is * terminated by an explicit line * break (br tag). * * @since Version 1.9 */ if ($inTable == 0 && $inPre == 0 && $inComment == 0 && $inTOC == 0 && $inScript == 0 // Don't put newlines at comments' end! && strpos($line, "-->") !== (strlen($line) - 3) && $options['process_wiki_paragraphs']) { $tline = trim(str_replace(' ', '', $line)); if ($prefs['feature_wiki_paragraph_formatting'] == 'y') { if (count($lines) > 1 || $options['min_one_paragraph']) { // don't apply wiki para if only single line so you can have inline includes $contains_block = $this->contains_html_block( $tline ); $contains_br = $this->contains_html_br( $tline ); if (!$contains_block) { // check inside plugins etc for block elements preg_match_all('/\xc2\xa7[^\xc2\xa7]+\xc2\xa7/', $tline, $m); // noparse guid for plugins if (count($m) > 0) { $m_count = count($m[0]); $nop_ix = false; for ($i = 0; $i < $m_count; $i++) { //$nop_ix = array_search( $m[0][$i], $noparsed['key'] ); // array_search doesn't seem to work here - why? no "keys"? foreach ($noparsed['key'] as $k => $s) { if ($m[0][$i] == $s) { $nop_ix = $k; break; } } if ($nop_ix !== false) { $nop_str = $noparsed['data'][$nop_ix]; $contains_block = $this->contains_html_block( $nop_str ); if ($contains_block) { break; } } } } } if ($in_paragraph && ((empty($tline) && $in_empty_paragraph === 0) || $contains_block)) { // If still in paragraph, on meeting first blank line or end of div or start of div created by plugins; close a paragraph $this->close_blocks($data, $in_paragraph, $listbeg, $divdepth, 1, 0, 0); } elseif (!$in_paragraph && !$contains_block && !$contains_br) { // If not in paragraph, first non-blank line; start a paragraph; if not start of div created by plugins $data .= "<p>"; if (empty($tline)) { $line = ' '; $in_empty_paragraph = 1; } $in_paragraph = 1; } elseif ($in_paragraph && $prefs['feature_wiki_paragraph_formatting_add_br'] == 'y' && !$contains_block) { // A normal in-paragraph line if not close of div created by plugins if (!empty($tline)) { $in_empty_paragraph = 0; } $line = "<br />" . $line; } // else { // A normal in-paragraph line or a consecutive blank line. // Leave it as is. // } } } elseif (($prefs['wysiwyg_htmltowiki'] === 'y' && !empty($tline) && strpos($tline, '<br />') === false) || !$options['is_html']) { $line .= "<br />"; } } } } } $data .= $line . "\n"; } // Close open paragraph, lists, and div's $this->close_blocks($data, $in_paragraph, $listbeg, $divdepth, 1, 1, 1); /* * Replace special "maketoc" plugins * Valid arguments : * - type (look of the maketoc), * - maxdepth (max level displayed), * - title (replace the default title), * - showhide (if set to y, add the Show/Hide link) * - nolinks (if set to y, don't add links on toc entries) * - nums : * * 'n' means 'no title autonumbering' in TOC, * * 'force' means : * ~ same as 'y' if autonumbering is used in the page, * ~ 'number each toc entry as if they were all autonumbered' * * any other value means 'same as page's headings autonumbering', * * (Note that title will be translated if a translation is available) * * Examples: {maketoc}, {maketoc type=box maxdepth=1 showhide=y}, {maketoc title="Page Content" maxdepth=3}, ... * Obsolete syntax: {maketoc:box} */ $new_data = ''; $search_start = 0; if ( !$options['ck_editor']) { while ( ($maketoc_start = strpos($data, "{maketoc", $search_start)) !== false ) { $maketoc_length = strpos($data, "}", $maketoc_start) + 1 - $maketoc_start; $maketoc_string = substr($data, $maketoc_start, $maketoc_length); // Handle old type definition for type "box" (and preserve environment for the title also) if ( $maketoc_length > 12 && strtolower(substr($maketoc_string, 8, 4)) == ':box' ) { $maketoc_string = "{maketoc type=box showhide=y title='".tra('index', $options['language'], true).'"'.substr($maketoc_string, 12); } $maketoc_string = str_replace('"', '"', $maketoc_string); $maketoc_regs = array(); if ( $maketoc_length == 9 || preg_match_all("/([^\s=\(]+)=([^\"\s=\)\}]+|\"[^\"]*\")/", $maketoc_string, $maketoc_regs) ) { if ( $maketoc_start > 0 ) { $new_data .= substr($data, 0, $maketoc_start); } // Set maketoc default values $maketoc_args = array( 'type' => '', 'maxdepth' => 0, // No limit 'title' => tra('Table of contents', $options['language'], true), 'showhide' => '', 'nolinks' => '', 'nums' => '', 'levels' => '' ); // Build maketoc arguments list (and remove " chars if they are around the value) if ( isset($maketoc_regs[1]) ) { $nb_args = count($maketoc_regs[1]); for ( $a = 0; $a < $nb_args ; $a++ ) { $maketoc_args[strtolower($maketoc_regs[1][$a])] = trim($maketoc_regs[2][$a], '"'); } } if ( $maketoc_args['title'] != '' ) { // Translate maketoc title $maketoc_summary = ' summary="'.tra($maketoc_args['title'], $options['language'], true).'"'; $maketoc_title = "<div id='toctitle'><h3>".tra($maketoc_args['title'], $options['language']).'</h3></div>'; } else { $maketoc_summary = ''; $maketoc_title = ''; } if (!empty($maketoc_args['levels'])) { $maketoc_args['levels'] = preg_split('/\s*,\s*/', $maketoc_args['levels']); } // Build maketoc switch ( $maketoc_args['type'] ) { case 'box': $maketoc_header = ''; $maketoc = "<table id='toc' class='toc'$maketoc_summary>\n<tr><td>$maketoc_title<ul>"; $maketoc_footer = "</ul></td></tr></table>\n"; $link_class = 'toclink'; break; default: $maketoc = ''; $maketoc_header = "<div id='toc'>".$maketoc_title; $maketoc_footer = '</div>'; $link_class = 'link'; } if ( count($anch) and $need_maketoc !== false) { foreach ( $anch as $tocentry ) { if ( $maketoc_args['maxdepth'] > 0 && $tocentry['hdrlevel'] > $maketoc_args['maxdepth'] ) { continue; } if (!empty($maketoc_args['levels']) && !in_array($tocentry['hdrlevel'], $maketoc_args['levels'])) { continue; } // Generate the toc entry title (with nums) if ( $maketoc_args['nums'] == 'n' ) { $tocentry_title = ''; } elseif ( $maketoc_args['nums'] == 'force' && ! $need_autonumbering ) { $tocentry_title = $tocentry['title_real_num']; } else { $tocentry_title = $tocentry['title_displayed_num']; } $tocentry_title .= $tocentry['title']; // Generate the toc entry link $tocentry_link = '#'.$tocentry['id']; if ( $tocentry['pagenum'] > 1 ) { $tocentry_link = $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'].'?page='.$options['page'].'&pagenum='.$tocentry['pagenum'].$tocentry_link; } if ( $maketoc_args['nolinks'] != 'y' ) { $tocentry_title = "<a href='$tocentry_link' class='link'>".$tocentry_title.'</a>'; } if ( $maketoc != '' ) $maketoc.= "\n"; $shift = $tocentry['hdrlevel']; if (!empty($maketoc_args['levels'])) { for ($i = 1; $i <= $tocentry['hdrlevel']; ++$i) { if (!in_array($i, $maketoc_args['levels'])) --$shift; } } switch ( $maketoc_args['type'] ) { case 'box': $maketoc .= "<li class='toclevel-".$shift."'>".$tocentry_title."</li>"; break; default: $maketoc .= str_repeat('*', $shift).$tocentry_title; } } $maketoc = $this->parse_data($maketoc, array( 'noparseplugins' => true, )); if (preg_match("/^<ul>/", $maketoc)) { $maketoc = preg_replace("/^<ul>/", '<ul class="toc">', $maketoc); $maketoc .= '<!--toc-->'; } if ( $link_class != 'link' ) { $maketoc = preg_replace("/'link'/", "'$link_class'", $maketoc); } } $maketoc = $maketoc_header.$maketoc.$maketoc_footer; // Add a Show/Hide link if ( isset($maketoc_args['showhide']) && $maketoc_args['showhide'] == 'y' ) { $maketoc .= "<script type='text/javascript'>\n" . "//<![CDATA[\n" . " if (window.showTocToggle) { var tocShowText = '".tra('Show','',true)."'; var tocHideText = '".tra('Hide','',true)."'; showTocToggle(); }\n" . "//]]>;\n" . "</script>\n"; } $new_data .= $maketoc; $data = substr($data, $maketoc_start + $maketoc_length); $search_start = 0; // Reinitialize search start cursor, since data now begins after the last replaced maketoc } else { $search_start = $maketoc_start + $maketoc_length; } } } $data = $new_data.$data; // Add icon to edit the text before the first section (if there is some) if ($prefs['wiki_edit_section'] === 'y' && isset($section) && $section === 'wiki page' && $tiki_p_edit === 'y' && (empty($options['print']) || !$options['print']) && strpos($data, '<div class="icon_edit_section">') != 0 && !$options['suppress_icons']) { $smarty = TikiLib::lib('smarty'); include_once('lib/smarty_tiki/function.icon.php'); $button = '<div class="icon_edit_section"><a href="tiki-editpage.php?'; if (!empty($options['page'])) { $button .= 'page='.urlencode($options['page']).'&'; } $button .= 'hdr=0">'.smarty_function_icon(array('_id'=>'page_edit_section', 'alt'=>tra('Edit Section')), $smarty).'</a></div>'; $data = $button.$data; } } function contains_html_block($inHtml) { // detect all block elements as defined on http://www.w3.org/2007/07/xhtml-basic-ref.html $block_detect_regexp = '/<[\/]?(?:address|blockquote|div|dl|fieldset|h\d|hr|li|noscript|ol|p|pre|table|ul)/i'; return (preg_match( $block_detect_regexp, $inHtml) > 0); } function contains_html_br($inHtml) { $block_detect_regexp = '/<(?:br)/i'; return (preg_match( $block_detect_regexp, $inHtml) > 0); } function get_wiki_link_replacement( $pageLink, $extra = array() ) { global $prefs; $wikilib = TikiLib::lib('wiki'); // Fetch all externals once static $externals = false; if( false === $externals ) { $externals = $this->fetchMap( 'SELECT LOWER(`name`), `extwiki` FROM `tiki_extwiki`' ); } $displayLink = $pageLink; // HTML entities encoding breaks page lookup $pageLink = html_entity_decode( $pageLink, ENT_COMPAT, 'UTF-8' ); $description = null; $reltype = null; $processPlural = false; $anchor = null; if( array_key_exists( 'description', $extra ) ) $description = $extra['description']; if( array_key_exists( 'reltype', $extra ) ) $reltype = $extra['reltype']; if( array_key_exists( 'plural', $extra ) ) $processPlural = (boolean) $extra['plural']; if( array_key_exists( 'anchor', $extra ) ) $anchor = $extra['anchor']; $link = new WikiParser_OutputLink; $link->setIdentifier( $pageLink ); $link->setQualifier( $reltype ); $link->setDescription( $description ); $link->setWikiLookup( array( $this, 'parser_helper_wiki_info_getter' ) ); $link->setWikiLinkBuilder( array( $this, 'parser_helper_wiki_link_builder' ) ); $link->setExternals( $externals ); $link->setHandlePlurals( $processPlural ); $link->setAnchor($anchor); if( $prefs['feature_multilingual'] == 'y' && isset( $GLOBALS['pageLang'] ) ) { $link->setLanguage( $GLOBALS['pageLang'] ); } return $link->getHtml(); } function parser_helper_wiki_link_builder( $pageLink ) { $wikilib = TikiLib::lib('wiki'); return $wikilib->sefurl($pageLink); } function parser_helper_wiki_info_getter( $pageName ) { global $prefs; $page_info = $this->get_page_info($pageName, false); if ( $page_info !== false ) { return $page_info; } // If page does not exist directly, attempt to find an alias if ( $prefs['feature_wiki_pagealias'] == 'y' ) { $semanticlib = TikiLib::lib('semantic'); $toPage = $pageName; $tokens = explode( ',', $prefs['wiki_pagealias_tokens'] ); $prefixes = explode( ',', $prefs["wiki_prefixalias_tokens"]); foreach ($prefixes as $p) { $p = trim($p); if (strlen($p) > 0 && strtolower(substr($pageName, 0, strlen($p))) == strtolower($p)) { $toPage = $p; $tokens = 'prefixalias'; } } $links = $semanticlib->getLinksUsing( $tokens, array( 'toPage' => $toPage ) ); if ( count($links) > 1 ) { // There are multiple aliases for this page. Need to disambiguate. // // When feature_likePages is set, trying to display the alias itself will // display an error page with the list of aliased pages in the "like pages" section. // This allows the user to pick the appropriate alias. // So, leave the $pageName to the alias. // // If feature_likePages is not set, then the user will only see that the page does not // exist. So it's better to just pick the first one. // if ($prefs['feature_likePages'] == 'y' || $tokens == 'prefixalias') { // Even if there is more then one match, if prefix is being redirected then better // to fail than to show possibly wrong page return true; } else { // If feature_likePages is NOT set, then trying to display the first one is fine // $pageName is by ref so it does get replaced $pageName = $links[0]['fromPage']; return $this->get_page_info( $pageName ); } } elseif (count($links)) { // there is exactly one match if ($prefs['feature_wiki_1like_redirection'] == 'y') { return true; } else { $pageName = $links[0]['fromPage']; return $this->get_page_info( $pageName ); } } } } function parse_smileys($data) { global $prefs; static $patterns; if ($prefs['feature_smileys'] == 'y') { if (! $patterns) { $patterns = array( // Example of all Tiki Smileys (the old syntax) // (:biggrin:) (:confused:) (:cool:) (:cry:) (:eek:) (:evil:) (:exclaim:) (:frown:) // (:idea:) (:lol:) (:mad:) (:mrgreen:) (:neutral:) (:question:) (:razz:) (:redface:) // (:rolleyes:) (:sad:) (:smile:) (:surprised:) (:twisted:) (:wink:) (:arrow:) (:santa:) "/\(:([^:]+):\)/" => "<img alt=\"$1\" src=\"img/smiles/icon_$1.gif\" />", // :) :-) '/(\s|^):-?\)/' => "$1<img alt=\":-)\" title=\"".tra('smiling')."\" src=\"img/smiles/icon_smile.gif\" />", // :( :-( '/(\s|^):-?\(/' => "$1<img alt=\":-(\" title=\"".tra('sad')."\" src=\"img/smiles/icon_sad.gif\" />", // :D :-D '/(\s|^):-?D/' => "$1<img alt=\":-D\" title=\"".tra('grinning')."\" src=\"img/smiles/icon_biggrin.gif\" />", // :S :-S :s :-s '/(\s|^):-?S/i' => "$1<img alt=\":-S\" title=\"".tra('confused')."\" src=\"img/smiles/icon_confused.gif\" />", // B) B-) 8-) '/(\s|^)(B-?|8-)\)/' => "$1<img alt=\"B-)\" title=\"".tra('cool')."\" src=\"img/smiles/icon_cool.gif\" />", // :'( :_( '/(\s|^):[\'|_]\(/' => "$1<img alt=\":_(\" title=\"".tra('crying')."\" src=\"img/smiles/icon_cry.gif\" />", // 8-o 8-O =-o =-O '/(\s|^)[8=]-O/i' => "$1<img alt=\"8-O\" title=\"".tra('frightened')."\" src=\"img/smiles/icon_eek.gif\" />", // }:( }:-( '/(\s|^)\}:-?\(/' => "$1<img alt=\"}:(\" title=\"".tra('evil stuff')."\" src=\"img/smiles/icon_evil.gif\" />", // !-) !) '/(\s|^)\!-?\)/' => "$1<img alt=\"(!)\" title=\"".tra('exclamation mark !')."\" src=\"img/smiles/icon_exclaim.gif\" />", // >:( >:-( '/(\s|^)\>:-?\(/' => "$1<img alt=\"}:(\" title=\"".tra('frowning')."\" src=\"img/smiles/icon_frown.gif\" />", // i-) '/(\s|^)i-\)/' => "$1<img alt=\"(".tra('light bulb').")\" title=\"".tra('idea !')."\" src=\"img/smiles/icon_idea.gif\" />", // LOL '/(\s|^)LOL(\s|$)/' => "$1<img alt=\"(".tra('LOL').")\" title=\"".tra('laughing out loud !')."\" src=\"img/smiles/icon_lol.gif\" />$2", // >X( >X[ >:[ >X-( >X-[ >:-[ '/(\s|^)\>[:X]-?\(/' => "$1<img alt=\">:[\" title=\"".tra('mad')."\" src=\"img/smiles/icon_mad.gif\" />", // =D =-D '/(\s|^)[=]-?D/' => "$1<img alt=\"=D\" title=\"".tra('mr. green laughing')."\" src=\"img/smiles/icon_mrgreen.gif\" />", ); } foreach ($patterns as $p => $r) { $data = preg_replace($p, $r, $data); } } return $data; } function get_pages($data,$withReltype = false) { global $page_regex, $prefs; $matches = WikiParser_PluginMatcher::match( $data ); foreach( $matches as $match ) { if( $match->getName() == 'code' ) { $match->replaceWith( '' ); } } $data = $matches->getText(); preg_match_all("/\(([a-z0-9-]+)?\( *($page_regex) *\)\)/", $data, $normal); preg_match_all("/\(([a-z0-9-]+)?\( *($page_regex) *\|(.+?)\)\)/", $data, $withDesc); preg_match_all('/<a class="wiki" href="tiki-index\.php\?page=([^\?&"]+)[^"]*"/', $data, $htmlLinks); preg_match_all('/<a class="wiki wikinew" href="tiki-editpage\.php\?page=([^\?&"]+)"/', $data, $htmlWantedLinks); foreach($htmlLinks[1] as &$h) { $h = urldecode($h); } foreach($htmlWantedLinks[1] as &$h) { $h = urldecode($h); } if ($prefs['feature_wikiwords'] == 'y') { preg_match_all("/([ \n\t\r\,\;]|^)?([A-Z][a-z0-9_\-]+[A-Z][a-z0-9_\-]+[A-Za-z0-9\-_]*)($|[ \n\t\r\,\;\.])/", $data, $wikiLinks); $pageList = array_merge( $normal[2], $withDesc[2], $wikiLinks[2], $htmlLinks[1], $htmlWantedLinks[1] ); if( $withReltype ) { $relList = array_merge( $normal[1], $withDesc[1], count($wikiLinks[2]) ? array_fill( 0, count($wikiLinks[2]), null ) : array(), count($htmlLinks[1]) ? array_fill( 0, count($htmlLinks[1]), null ) : array(), count($htmlWantedLinks[1]) ? array_fill( 0, count($htmlWantedLinks[1]), null ) : array() ); } } else { $pageList = array_merge( $normal[2], $withDesc[2], $htmlLinks[1], $htmlWantedLinks[1] ); if( $withReltype ) { $relList = array_merge( $normal[1], $withDesc[1], count($htmlLinks[1]) ? array_fill( 0, count($htmlLinks[1]), null ) : array(), count($htmlWantedLinks[1]) ? array_fill( 0, count($htmlWantedLinks[1]), null ) : array() ); } } if( $withReltype ) { $complete = array(); foreach( $pageList as $idx => $name ) { if( ! array_key_exists( $name, $complete ) ) $complete[$name] = array(); if( ! empty( $relList[$idx] ) && ! in_array( $relList[$idx], $complete[$name] ) ) $complete[$name][] = $relList[$idx]; } return $complete; } else { return array_unique( $pageList ); } } function clear_links($page) { $this->table('tiki_links')->deleteMultiple(array( 'fromPage' => $page, )); $objectRelations = $this->table('tiki_object_relations'); $objectRelations->deleteMultiple(array( 'source_type' => 'wiki page', 'source_itemId' => $page, 'target_type' => 'wiki page', 'relation' => $objectRelations->like('tiki.link.%'), )); } function replace_link($pageFrom, $pageTo, $types = array()) { $links = $this->table('tiki_links'); $links->insert(array( 'fromPage' => $pageFrom, 'toPage' => $pageTo, ), true); $relationlib = TikiLib::lib('relation'); foreach( $types as $type ) { $relationlib->add_relation( "tiki.link.$type", 'wiki page', $pageFrom, 'wiki page', $pageTo ); } } function invalidate_cache($page) { unset( $this->cache_page_info[urlencode($page)] ); $this->table('tiki_pages')->update(array( 'cache_timestamp' => 0, ), array( 'pageName' => $page, )); require_once 'lib/cache/pagecache.php'; $pageCache = Tiki_PageCache::create() ->checkMeta( 'wiki-page-output-meta-timestamp', array( 'page' => $page ) ) ->invalidate(); } /** Update a wiki page @param array $hash- lock_it,contributions, contributors **/ function update_page($pageName, $edit_data, $edit_comment, $edit_user, $edit_ip, $edit_description = '', $edit_minor = 0, $lang='', $is_html=null, $hash=null, $saveLastModif=null, $wysiwyg='', $wiki_authors_style='') { global $prefs; $smarty = TikiLib::lib('smarty'); $histlib = TikiLib::lib('hist'); $commentslib = TikiLib::lib('comments'); if (!$edit_user) $edit_user = 'anonymous'; $this->invalidate_cache($pageName); // Collect pages before modifying edit_data (see update of links below) $pages = $this->get_pages($edit_data, true); if (!$this->page_exists($pageName)) return false; // Get this page information $info = $this->get_page_info($pageName); // Use largest version +1 in history table rather than tiki_page because versions used to be bugged // tiki_history is also bugged as not all changes get stored in the history, like minor changes // and changes that do not modify the body of the page. Both numbers are wrong, but the largest of // them both is right. $old_version = max( $info["version"], $histlib->get_page_latest_version($pageName) ); $lastModif = $info["lastModif"]; $user = $info["user"]; if (!$user) $user = 'anonymous'; $ip = $info["ip"]; $comment = $info["comment"]; $minor=$info["version_minor"]; $description = $info['description']; $data = $info["data"]; $willDoHistory = ($prefs['feature_wiki_history_full'] == 'y' || $data != $edit_data || $description != $edit_description || $comment != $edit_comment ); $version = $old_version + ($willDoHistory?1:0); if( $prefs['quantify_changes'] == 'y' && $prefs['feature_multilingual'] == 'y' ) { TikiLib::lib('quantify')->recordChangeSize( $info['page_id'], $version, $info['data'], $edit_data ); } if ($is_html === null) { $html = $info['is_html']; } else { $html = $is_html ? 1 : 0; } if ($wysiwyg == '') { $wysiwyg = $info['wysiwyg']; } if( $wysiwyg == 'y' && $html != 1 ) { // correct for html only wysiwyg $html = 1; } if( $html == 0 ) { $edit_data = str_replace( '<x>', '', $edit_data ); } if ($html == 1 && $prefs['feature_purifier'] != 'n') { require_once('lib/htmlpurifier_tiki/HTMLPurifier.tiki.php'); $edit_data = HTMLPurifier($edit_data); } if( is_null( $saveLastModif ) ) { $saveLastModif = $this->now; } $queryData = array( 'description' => $edit_description, 'data' => $edit_data, 'comment' => $edit_comment, 'lastModif' => (int) $saveLastModif, 'version' => $version, 'version_minor' => $edit_minor, 'user' => $edit_user, 'ip' => $edit_ip, 'page_size' => strlen($data), 'is_html' => $html, 'wysiwyg' => $wysiwyg, 'wiki_authors_style' => $wiki_authors_style, ); if ($lang) { $queryData['lang'] = $lang; } if ($hash !== null) { if (!empty($hash['lock_it']) && ($hash['lock_it'] == 'y' || $hash['lock_it'] == 'on')) { $queryData['flag'] = 'L'; $queryData['lockedby'] = $user; } else if (empty($hash['lock_it']) || $hash['lock_it'] == 'n') { $queryData['flag'] = ''; $queryData['lockedby'] = ''; } } if ($prefs['wiki_comments_allow_per_page'] != 'n') { if (!empty($hash['comments_enabled']) && $hash['comments_enabled'] == 'y') { $queryData['comments_enabled'] = 'y'; } else if (empty($hash['comments_enabled']) || $hash['comments_enabled'] == 'n') { $queryData['comments_enabled'] = 'n'; } } if (empty($hash['contributions'])) { $hash['contributions'] = ''; } if (empty($hash['contributors'])) { $hash2 = ''; } else { foreach ($hash['contributors'] as $c) { $hash3['contributor'] = $c; $hash2[] = $hash3; } } $this->table('tiki_pages')->update($queryData, array( 'pageName' => $pageName, )); // Parse edit_data updating the list of links from this page $this->clear_links($pageName); // Pages collected above foreach ($pages as $page => $types) { $this->replace_link($pageName, $page, $types); } if (strtolower($pageName) != 'sandbox' && !$edit_minor) { $maxversions = $prefs['maxVersions']; if ($maxversions && ($nb = $histlib->get_nb_history($pageName)) > $maxversions) { // Select only versions older than keep_versions days $keep = $prefs['keep_versions']; $oktodel = $saveLastModif - ($keep * 24 * 3600) + 1; $history = $this->table('tiki_history'); $result = $history->fetchColumn('version', array( 'pageName' => $pageName, 'lastModif' => $history->lesserThan($oktodel), ), $nb - $maxversions, 0, array('lastModif' => 'ASC')); foreach ( $result as $toRemove ) { $histlib->remove_version($pageName, $toRemove); } } } // This if no longer checks for minor-ness of the change; sendWikiEmailNotification does that. if( $willDoHistory ) { $this->replicate_page_to_history($pageName); if (strtolower($pageName) != 'sandbox') { if ($prefs['feature_contribution'] == 'y') {// transfer page contributions to the history $contributionlib = TikiLib::lib('contribution'); $history = $this->table('tiki_history'); $historyId = $history->fetchOne($history->max('historyId'), array('pageName' => $pageName, 'version' => (int) $old_version)); $contributionlib->change_assigned_contributions($pageName, 'wiki page', $historyId, 'history', '', $pageName.'/'.$old_version, "tiki-pagehistory.php?page=$pageName&preview=$old_version"); } } if (strtolower($pageName) != 'sandbox') { $logslib = TikiLib::lib('logs'); include_once('lib/diff/difflib.php'); $bytes = diff2($data , $edit_data, 'bytes'); $logslib->add_action('Updated', $pageName, 'wiki page', $bytes, $edit_user, $edit_ip, '', $this->now, $hash['contributions'], $hash2); if ($prefs['feature_contribution'] == 'y') { $contributionlib = TikiLib::lib('contribution'); $contributionlib->assign_contributions($hash['contributions'], $pageName, 'wiki page', $description, $pageName, "tiki-index.php?page=".urlencode($pageName)); } } if ($prefs['feature_multilingual'] == 'y' && $lang ) { // Need to update the translated objects table when an object's language changes. $this->table('tiki_translated_objects')->update(array( 'lang' => $lang, ), array( 'type' => 'wiki page', 'objId' => $info['page_id'], )); } if ($prefs['wiki_watch_minor'] != 'n' || !$edit_minor) { // Deal with mail notifications. include_once('lib/notifications/notificationemaillib.php'); $histlib = TikiLib::lib('hist'); $old = $histlib->get_version($pageName, $old_version); $foo = parse_url($_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"]); $machine = $this->httpPrefix( true ). dirname( $foo["path"] ); require_once('lib/diff/difflib.php'); $diff = diff2($old["data"] , $edit_data, "unidiff"); sendWikiEmailNotification('wiki_page_changed', $pageName, $edit_user, $edit_comment, $old_version, $edit_data, $machine, $diff, $edit_minor, $hash['contributions'], 0, 0, $lang); } if ($prefs['feature_score'] == 'y') { $this->score_event($user, 'wiki_edit'); } } require_once('lib/search/refresh-functions.php'); refresh_index('pages', $pageName); $this->object_post_save( array( 'type' => 'wiki page', 'object' => $pageName ), array( 'content' => $edit_data, ) ); } function object_post_save( $context, $data ) { global $prefs; if ( isset( $data['content'] ) && $prefs['feature_file_galleries'] == 'y') { $filegallib = TikiLib::lib('filegal'); $filegallib->syncFileBacklinks( $data['content'], $context ); } if( isset( $data['content'] ) ) { $this->plugin_post_save_actions( $context, $data ); } } /** * Foreach plugin used in a object content call its save handler, * if one exist, and send email notifications when it has pending * status, if preference is enabled. * * A plugin save handler is a function defined on the plugin file * with the following format: wikiplugin_$pluginName_save() * * @param array $context object type and id * @param array $data * @return void */ private function plugin_post_save_actions( $context, $data ) { global $prefs; $argumentParser = new WikiParser_PluginArgumentParser; $matches = WikiParser_PluginMatcher::match( $data['content'] ); foreach( $matches as $match ) { $plugin_name = $match->getName(); $body = $match->getBody(); $arguments = $argumentParser->parse( $match->getArguments() ); $dummy_output = ''; if( $this->plugin_enabled( $plugin_name, $dummy_output ) ) { $status = $this->plugin_can_execute($plugin_name, $body, $arguments, true); // when plugin status is pending, $status equals plugin fingerprint if ($prefs['wikipluginprefs_pending_notification'] == 'y' && $status !== true && $status != 'rejected') { //TODO: create preference to enable and disable notifications $this->plugin_pending_notification($plugin_name, $context); } $this->plugin_find_implementation( $plugin_name, $body, $arguments ); $func_name = 'wikiplugin_' . $plugin_name . '_save'; if( function_exists( $func_name ) ) { $func_name( $context, $body, $arguments ); } } } } /** * Send notification by email that a plugin is waiting to be * approved to everyone with permission to approve it. * * @param string $plugin_name * @param array $context object type and id * @return void */ private function plugin_pending_notification($plugin_name, $context) { require_once('lib/webmail/tikimaillib.php'); global $prefs, $base_url; $objectlib = TikiLib::lib('object'); $userlib = TikiLib::lib('user'); $object = $objectlib->get_object($context['type'], $context['object']); $mail = new TikiMail(null, $prefs['sender_email']); $mail->setSubject(tra("Plugin $plugin_name pending approval")); $mail->setHtml(tra("Plugin $plugin_name is pending approval on <a href='$base_url{$object['href']}'>{$object['name']}</a>")); $allGroups = $userlib->get_groups(); $accessor = Perms::get($context); // list of groups with permission to approve plugin on this object $groups = array(); foreach ($allGroups['data'] as $group) { $accessor->setGroups(array($group['groupName'])); if ($accessor->plugin_approve) { $groups[] = $group['groupName']; } } $recipients = array(); foreach ($groups as $group) { $recipients = array_merge($recipients, $userlib->get_group_users($group, 0, -1, 'email')); } $recipients = array_filter($recipients); $recipients = array_unique($recipients); $mail->setBcc(join(', ', $recipients)); $mail->send(array($prefs['sender_email'])); } private function plugin_find_implementation( & $implementation, & $data, & $args ) { if( $info = $this->plugin_alias_info( $implementation ) ) { $implementation = $info['implementation']; // Do the body conversion if( isset($info['body']) ) { if( ( isset($info['body']['input']) && $info['body']['input'] == 'ignore' ) || empty( $data ) ) $data = isset($info['body']['default']) ? $info['body']['default'] : ''; if( isset($info['body']['params']) ) $data = $this->plugin_replace_args( $data, $info['body']['params'], $args ); } else { $data = ''; } // Do parameter conversion $params = array(); if( isset($info['params']) ) { foreach( $info['params'] as $key => $value ) { if( is_array( $value ) && isset($value['pattern']) && isset($value['params']) ) { $params[$key] = $this->plugin_replace_args( $value['pattern'], $value['params'], $args ); } else { // Handle simple values if( isset($args[$key]) ) $params[$key] = $args[$key]; else $params[$key] = $value; } } } $args = $params; // Attempt to find recursively $this->plugin_find_implementation( $implementation, $data, $args ); return true; } return false; } function update_page_version($pageName, $version, $edit_data, $edit_comment, $edit_user, $edit_ip, $lastModif, $description = '', $lang='') { $smarty = TikiLib::lib('smarty'); if (strtolower($pageName) == 'sandbox') return; // Collect pages before modifying edit_data $pages = $this->get_pages($edit_data, true); if (!$this->page_exists($pageName)) return false; $history = $this->table('tiki_history'); $history->delete(array( 'pageName' => $pageName, 'version' => (int) $version, )); $history->insert(array( 'pageName' => $pageName, 'version' => (int) $version, 'lastModif' => (int) $lastModif, 'user' => $edit_user, 'ip' => $edit_ip, 'comment' => $edit_comment, 'data' => $edit_data, 'description' => $description, )); //print("version: $version<br />"); // Get this page information $info = $this->get_page_info($pageName); if ($version >= $info["version"]) { $modifications = array( 'data' => $edit_data, 'comment' => $edit_comment, 'lastModif' => $this->now, 'version' => (int) $version, 'user' => $edit_user, 'ip' => $edit_ip, 'description' => $description, 'page_size' => strlen($edit_data), 'lang' => $lang, ); $this->table('tiki_pages')->update($modifications, array( 'pageName' => $pageName, )); // Parse edit_data updating the list of links from this page $this->clear_links($pageName); // Pages are collected at the top of the function before adding slashes foreach ($pages as $page => $types) { $this->replace_link($pageName, $page, $types); } } } function get_display_timezone($_user = false) { global $prefs, $user; if ( $_user === false || $_user == $user ) { // If the requested timezone is the current user timezone $tz = $prefs['display_timezone']; } elseif ( $_user ) { // ... else, get the user timezone preferences from DB $tz = $this->get_user_preference($_user, 'display_timezone'); } if ( ! TikiDate::TimezoneIsValidId($tz) ) { $tz = $prefs['server_timezone']; } if ( ! TikiDate::TimezoneIsValidId($tz) ) { $tz = 'UTC'; } return $tz; } function get_long_date_format() { global $prefs; return $prefs['long_date_format']; } function get_short_date_format() { global $prefs; return $prefs['short_date_format']; } function get_long_time_format() { global $prefs; return $prefs['long_time_format']; } function get_short_time_format() { global $prefs; return $prefs['short_time_format']; } function get_long_datetime_format() { static $long_datetime_format = false; if (!$long_datetime_format) { $t = trim($this->get_long_time_format()); if (!empty($t)) { $t = ' ['.$t.']'; } $long_datetime_format = $this->get_long_date_format().$t; } return $long_datetime_format; } function get_short_datetime_format() { static $short_datetime_format = false; if (!$short_datetime_format) { $t = trim($this->get_short_time_format()); if (!empty($t)) { $t = ' ['.$t.']'; } $short_datetime_format = $this->get_short_date_format().$t; } return $short_datetime_format; } static function date_format2($format, $timestamp = false, $_user = false, $input_format = 5/*DATE_FORMAT_UNIXTIME*/) { return TikiLib::date_format($format, $timestamp, $_user, $input_format, false); } static function date_format($format, $timestamp = false, $_user = false, $input_format = 5/*DATE_FORMAT_UNIXTIME*/, $is_strftime_format = true) { $tikilib = TikiLib::lib('tiki'); static $currentUserDateByFormat = array(); if ( ! $timestamp ) { $timestamp = $tikilib->now; } if ( $_user === false && $is_strftime_format && $timestamp == $tikilib->now && isset( $currentUserDateByFormat[ $format . $timestamp ] ) ) { return $currentUserDateByFormat[ $format . $timestamp ]; } $tikidate = TikiLib::lib('tikidate'); $tikidate->setTZbyID('UTC'); try { $tikidate->setDate($timestamp); } catch (Exception $e) { return $e->getMessage(); } $tz = $tikilib->get_display_timezone($_user); // If user timezone is not also in UTC, convert the date if ( $tz != 'UTC' ) { $tikidate->setTZbyID($tz); } $return = $tikidate->format($format, $is_strftime_format); if ( $is_strftime_format ) { $currentUserDateByFormat[ $format . $timestamp ] = $return; } return $return; } function make_time($hour,$minute,$second,$month,$day,$year) { global $prefs; $tikilib = TikiLib::lib('tiki'); $tikidate = TikiLib::lib('tikidate'); $display_tz = $tikilib->get_display_timezone(); if ( $display_tz == '' ) $display_tz = 'UTC'; $tikidate->setTZbyID($display_tz); $tikidate->setLocalTime($day,$month,$year,$hour,$minute,$second,0); return $tikidate->getTime(); } function get_long_date($timestamp, $user = false) { return $this->date_format($this->get_long_date_format(), $timestamp, $user); } function get_short_date($timestamp, $user = false) { return $this->date_format($this->get_short_date_format(), (int) $timestamp, $user); } function get_long_time($timestamp, $user = false) { return $this->date_format($this->get_long_time_format(), $timestamp, $user); } function get_short_time($timestamp, $user = false) { return $this->date_format($this->get_short_time_format(), $timestamp, $user); } function get_long_datetime($timestamp, $user = false) { return $this->date_format($this->get_long_datetime_format(), $timestamp, $user); } function get_short_datetime($timestamp, $user = false) { return $this->date_format($this->get_short_datetime_format(), $timestamp, $user); } function format_sql_date($sqlstamp) { global $user; $tikilib = TikiLib::lib('tiki'); $tz = $tikilib->get_display_timezone($user); $unixstamp = strtotime($sqlstamp . $tz); $format = $tikilib->get_short_date_format(); $date = strftime($format, $unixstamp); return $date; } /** Per http://www.w3.org/TR/NOTE-datetime */ function get_iso8601_datetime($timestamp, $user = false) { return $this->date_format('%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S%O', $timestamp, $user); } function get_compact_iso8601_datetime($timestamp, $user = false) { // no dashes and no tz info - latter should be fixed return $this->date_format('%Y%m%dT%H%M%S', $timestamp, $user); } static function list_languages($path = false, $short=null, $all=false) { $languages = array(); if (!$path) $path = "lang"; if (!is_dir($path)) return array(); $h = opendir($path); while ($file = readdir($h)) { if (strpos($file,'.') === false && $file != 'CVS' && $file != 'index.php' && is_dir("$path/$file") && file_exists("$path/$file/language.php")) { $languages[] = $file; } } closedir ($h); // Format and return the list return TikiLib::format_language_list($languages, $short, $all); } function is_valid_language( $language ) { return preg_match("/^[a-zA-Z-_]*$/", $language) && file_exists('lang/' . $language . '/language.php'); } /** * @return array of css files in the style dir */ function list_styles() { global $tikidomain; $csslib = TikiLib::lib('css'); $sty = array(); $style_base_path = $this->get_style_path(); // knows about $tikidomain if ($style_base_path) { $sty = $csslib->list_css($style_base_path); } if ($tikidomain) { $sty = array_unique(array_merge($sty, $csslib->list_css('styles'))); } foreach($sty as &$s) { // add the .css back onto the end of the style names $s .= '.css'; // i started to change this but it hits too many places } // Another TODO for 4.0 (sorry) sort($sty); return $sty; /* What is this $tikidomain section? * Some files that call this method used to list styles without considering * $tikidomain, now they do. They're listed below: * * tiki-theme_control.php * tiki-theme_control_objects.php * tiki-theme_control_sections.php * tiki-my_tiki.php * modules/mod-switch_theme.php * * lfagundes * * Tiki 3.0 - now handled by get_style_path() * jonnybradley */ } /** * @param $a_style - main style (e.g. "thenews.css") * @return array of css files in the style options dir */ function list_style_options($a_style='') { global $prefs; $csslib = TikiLib::lib('css'); if (empty($a_style)) { $a_style = $prefs['style']; } $sty = array(); $option_base_path = $this->get_style_path($a_style).'options/'; if (is_dir($option_base_path)) { $sty = $csslib->list_css($option_base_path); } if (count($sty)) { foreach($sty as &$s) { // add .css back as above $s .= '.css'; } sort($sty); return $sty; } else { return false; } } /** * @param $stl - main style (e.g. "thenews.css") * @return string - style passed in up to - | or . char (e.g. "thenews") */ function get_style_base($stl) { $parts = preg_split('/[\-\.]/', $stl); if (count($parts) > 0) { return $parts[0]; } else { return ''; } } /** * @param $stl - main style (e.g. "thenews.css" - can be empty to return main styles dir) * @param $opt - optional option file name (e.g. "purple.css") * @param $filename - optional filename to look for (e.g. "purple.png") * @return path to dir or file if found or empty if not - e.g. "styles/mydomain.tld/thenews/options/purple/" */ function get_style_path($stl = '', $opt = '', $filename = '') { global $tikidomain; $path = ''; $dbase = ''; if ($tikidomain && is_dir("styles/$tikidomain")) { $dbase = $tikidomain.'/'; } $sbase = ''; if (!empty($stl)) { $sbase = $this->get_style_base($stl).'/'; } if (!is_dir('styles/'.$dbase.$sbase)) { // if the style dir doesn't exist in tikidomain, use root/styles $dbase = ''; } $obase = ''; if (!empty($opt)) { $obase = 'options/'; if ($opt != $filename) { // exception for getting option.css as it doesn't live in it's own dir $obase .= substr($opt, 0, strlen($opt) - 4).'/'; } } if (is_dir('styles/'.$dbase.$sbase)) { if (empty($filename)) { if (is_dir('styles/'.$dbase.$sbase.$obase)) { $path = 'styles/'.$dbase.$sbase.$obase; } else { $path = 'styles/'.$dbase.$sbase; // fall back to "parent" style dir if no option one } } else { if (is_file('styles/'.$dbase.$sbase.$obase.$filename)) { $path = 'styles/'.$dbase.$sbase.$obase.$filename; } else if (is_file('styles/'.$dbase.$sbase.$filename)) { // try "parent" style dir if no option one $path = 'styles/'.$dbase.$sbase.$filename; } else if (is_file('styles/'.$sbase.$obase.$filename)) { // try non-tikidomain dirs if not found $path = 'styles/'.$sbase.$obase.$filename; } else if (is_file('styles/'.$sbase.$filename)) { $path = 'styles/'.$sbase.$filename; // fall back to "parent" style dir if no option one } } } return $path; } // Comparison function used to sort languages by their name in the // current locale. static function formatted_language_compare($a, $b) { return strcasecmp($a['name'], $b['name']); } // Returns a list of languages formatted as a twodimensionel array // with 'value' being the language code and 'name' being the name of // the language. // if $short is 'y' returns only the localized language names array static function format_language_list($languages, $short=null, $all=false) { // The list of available languages so far with both English and // translated names. global $langmapping, $prefs; include("lang/langmapping.php"); $formatted = array(); // run through all the language codes: if (isset($short) && $short == "y") { foreach ($languages as $lc) { if ( empty($prefs['available_languages'] ) || (!$all and in_array($lc,$prefs['available_languages']))) { if (isset($langmapping[$lc])) $formatted[] = array('value' => $lc, 'name' => $langmapping[$lc][0]); else $formatted[] = array('value' => $lc, 'name' => $lc); } usort($formatted, array('TikiLib', 'formatted_language_compare')); } return $formatted; } foreach ($languages as $lc) { if (empty($prefs['available_languages']) || (!$all and in_array($lc,$prefs['available_languages'])) or $all) { if (isset($langmapping[$lc])) { // known language if ($langmapping[$lc][0] == $langmapping[$lc][1]) { // Skip repeated text, 'English (English, en)' looks silly. $formatted[] = array( 'value' => $lc, 'name' => $langmapping[$lc][0] . " ($lc)" ); } else { $formatted[] = array( 'value' => $lc, 'name' => $langmapping[$lc][1] . " (" . $langmapping[$lc][0] . ', ' . $lc . ")" ); } } else { // unknown language $formatted[] = array( 'value' => $lc, 'name' => tra("Unknown language"). " ($lc)" ); } } } // Sort the languages by their name in the current locale usort($formatted, array('TikiLib', 'formatted_language_compare')); return $formatted; } function get_language($user = false) { global $prefs; static $language = false; if (!$language) { if ($user) { $language = $this->get_user_preference($user, 'language', 'default'); if (!$language || $language == 'default') { $language = $prefs['language']; } } else { $language = $prefs['language']; } } return $language; } function read_raw($text) { $file = explode("\n",$text); $back = ''; foreach ($file as $line) { $r = $s = ''; if (substr($line,0,1) != "#") { if( preg_match("/^\[([A-Z0-9]+)\]/",$line,$r) ) { $var = strtolower($r[1]); } if (isset($var) and (preg_match("/^([-_\/ a-zA-Z0-9]+)[ \t]+[:=][ \t]+(.*)/",$line,$s))) { $back[$var][trim($s[1])] = trim($s[2]); } } } return $back; } function httpScheme() { global $url_scheme; return $url_scheme; } function httpPrefix( $isUserSpecific = false ) { global $url_scheme, $url_host, $url_port, $prefs; if( $isUserSpecific && $prefs['https_external_links_for_users'] == 'y' ) { $scheme = 'https'; } else { $scheme = $url_scheme; } return $scheme.'://'.$url_host.(($url_port!='')?":$url_port":''); } function tikiUrl( $relative, $args = array() ) { global $tikiroot; $base = $this->httpPrefix() . $tikiroot . $relative; if( count( $args ) ) { $base .= '?'; $base .= http_build_query( $args, '', '&' ); } return $base; } function distance($lat1,$lon1,$lat2,$lon2) { // This function uses a pure spherical model // it could be improved to use the WGS84 Datum // Franck Martin $lat1rad=deg2rad($lat1); $lon1rad=deg2rad($lon1); $lat2rad=deg2rad($lat2); $lon2rad=deg2rad($lon2); $distance=6367*acos(sin($lat1rad)*sin($lat2rad)+cos($lat1rad)*cos($lat2rad)*cos($lon1rad-$lon2rad)); return($distance); } /** * returns a list of usergroups where the user is a member and the group has the right perm * sir-b **/ function get_groups_to_user_with_permissions($user,$perm) { $userid = $this->get_user_id($user); $query = "SELECT DISTINCT `users_usergroups`.`groupName` AS `groupName`"; $query.= "FROM `users_grouppermissions`, `users_usergroups` "; $query.= "WHERE `users_usergroups`.`userId` = ? AND "; $query.= "`users_grouppermissions`.`groupName` = `users_usergroups`.`groupName` AND "; $query.= "`users_grouppermissions`.`permName` = ? "; $query.= "ORDER BY `groupName`"; return $this->fetchAll($query, array((int)$userid, $perm)); } function other_value_in_tab_line($tab, $valField1, $field1, $field2) { foreach ($tab as $line) { if ($line[$field1] == $valField1) return $line[$field2]; } } function get_attach_hash_file_name($file_name) { global $prefs; do { $fhash = md5($file_name.date('U').rand()); } while (file_exists($prefs['w_use_dir'].$fhash)); return $fhash; } function attach_file($file_name, $file_tmp_name, $store_type) { global $prefs; $tmp_dest = $prefs['tmpDir'] . "/" . $file_name.".tmp"; if (!move_uploaded_file($file_tmp_name, $tmp_dest)) return array("ok"=>false, "error"=>tra('Errors detected')); $fp = fopen($tmp_dest, "rb"); $data = ''; $fhash = ''; $chunk = ''; if ($store_type == 'dir') { $fhash = $this->get_attach_hash_file_name($file_name); $fw = fopen($prefs['w_use_dir'].$fhash, "wb"); if (!$fw) return array("ok"=>false, "error"=>tra('Cannot write to this file:').$prefs['w_use_dir'].$fhash); } while(!feof($fp)) { $chunk = fread($fp, 8192*16); if ($store_type == 'dir') { fwrite($fw, $chunk); } $data .= $chunk; } fclose($fp); unlink($tmp_dest); if ($store_type == 'dir') { fclose($fw); $data = ""; } return array("ok"=>true, "data"=>$data, "fhash"=>$fhash); } /* to get the length of a data without the quoted part (very approximative) */ function strlen_quoted($data) { global $prefs; if ($prefs['feature_use_quoteplugin'] != 'y') { $data = preg_replace('/^>.*\\n?/m', '', $data); } else { $data = preg_replace('/{QUOTE\([^\)]*\)}.*{QUOTE}/Ui', '', $data); } return strlen($data); } function list_votes($id, $offset=0, $maxRecords=-1, $sort_mode='user_asc', $find='', $table='', $column='', $from='', $to='') { $mid = 'where `id`=?'; $bindvars[] = $id; $select = ''; $join = ''; if (!empty($find)) { $mid .= ' and (`user` like ? or `title` like ? or `ip` like ?)'; $bindvars[] = '%'.$find.'%'; $bindvars[] = '%'.$find.'%'; $bindvars[] = '%'.$find.'%'; } if (!empty($from) && !empty($to)) { $mid .= ' and ((time >= ? and time <= ?) or time = ?)'; $bindvars[] = $from; $bindvars[] = $to; $bindvars[] = 0; } if (!empty($table) && !empty($column)) { $select = ", `$table`.`$column` as title"; $join = "left join `$table` on (`tiki_user_votings`.`optionId` = `$table`.`optionId`)"; } $query = "select * $select from `tiki_user_votings` $join $mid order by ".$this->convertSortMode($sort_mode); $query_cant = "select count(*) from `tiki_user_votings` $join $mid"; $ret = $this->fetchAll($query, $bindvars, $maxRecords, $offset); $cant = $this->getOne($query_cant, $bindvars); $retval = array(); $retval["data"] = $ret; $retval["cant"] = $cant; return $retval; } /** * Returns explicit message on upload problem * * @params: $iError: php status of the file uploading (documented in http://uk2.php.net/manual/en/features.file-upload.errors.php ) * */ function uploaded_file_error($iError) { switch($iError) { case UPLOAD_ERR_OK: return tra('The file was uploaded with success.'); case UPLOAD_ERR_INI_SIZE : return tra('The uploaded file exceeds the upload_max_filesize directive in php.ini.'); case UPLOAD_ERR_FORM_SIZE: return tra('The uploaded file exceeds the MAX_FILE_SIZE directive that was specified in the HTML form.'); case UPLOAD_ERR_PARTIAL: return tra('The file you are trying upload was only partially uploaded.'); case UPLOAD_ERR_NO_FILE: return tra('No file was uploaded. Was a file selected ?'); case UPLOAD_ERR_NO_TMP_DIR: return tra('A temporary folder is missing.'); case UPLOAD_ERR_CANT_WRITE: return tra('Failed to write file to disk.'); case UPLOAD_ERR_EXTENSION: return tra('File upload stopped by extension.'); default: return tra('Unknown error.'); } } // from PHP manual (ini-get function example) /** * @param string $val php.ini key returning memory string i.e. 32M * @return int size in bytes */ function return_bytes( $val ) { $val = trim($val); $last = strtolower($val{strlen($val)-1}); switch ( $last ) { // The 'G' modifier is available since PHP 5.1.0 case 'g': $val *= 1024; case 'm': $val *= 1024; case 'k': $val *= 1024; } return $val; } /** * @return int bytes of memory available for PHP */ function get_memory_avail() { return $this->get_memory_limit() - memory_get_usage(true); } function get_memory_limit() { return $this->return_bytes(ini_get('memory_limit')); } function get_flags($with_names = false, $translate = false, $sort_names = false) { global $prefs; $cachelib = TikiLib::lib('cache'); $cacheKey = serialize(func_get_args()) . $prefs['language']; if ($data = $cachelib->getSerialized($cacheKey, 'flags')) { return $data; } $flags = array(); $h = opendir("img/flags/"); while ($file = readdir($h)) { if (strstr($file, ".gif")) { $parts = explode('.', $file); $flags[] = $parts[0]; } } closedir ($h); sort($flags); if ( $with_names ) { $ret = array(); $names = array(); foreach ( $flags as $f ) { $ret[$f] = strtr($f, '_', ' '); if ( $translate ) { $ret[$f] = tra($ret[$f]); } if ($sort_names) { $names[$f] = strtolower($this->take_away_accent($ret[$f])); } } if ( $sort_names ) { array_multisort($names, $ret); } $flags = $ret; } $cachelib->cacheItem($cacheKey, serialize($flags), 'flags'); return $flags; } function get_snippet($data, $is_html='n', $highlight='', $length=240, $start='', $end='') { global $prefs; if ($prefs['search_parsed_snippet'] == 'y') { $_REQUEST['redirectpage'] = 'y'; //do not interpret redirect $data = $this->parse_data($data, array('is_html' => $is_html, 'stripplugins' => true, 'parsetoc' => true)); $data = strip_tags($data, '<b><i><em><strong><pre><code>'); } if ($length > 0) { if (function_exists('mb_substr')) return mb_substr($data, 0, $length); else return substr($data, 0, $length); } if (!empty($start) && ($i = strpos($data, $start))) { $data = substr($data, $i+strlen($start)); } if (!empty($end) && ($i = strpos($data, $end))) { $data = substr($data, 0, $i); } return $data; } static function htmldecode($string, $quote_style = ENT_COMPAT, $translation_table = HTML_ENTITIES) { if ( $translation_table == HTML_ENTITIES ) { // Use html_entity_decode with UTF-8 only with PHP 5.0 or later, since // this function was available in PHP4 but _without_ multi-byte charater sets support $string = html_entity_decode($string, $quote_style, 'utf-8'); } elseif ( $translation_table === HTML_SPECIALCHARS ) { // Only available in PHP 5.1.0 or later $string = htmlspecialchars_decode($string, $quote_style); } $string = preg_replace('~&#x([0-9a-f]+);~ei', 'chr(hexdec("\\1"))', $string); $string = preg_replace('~&#([0-9]+);~e', 'chr(\\1)', $string); return $string; } function take_away_accent($str) { $accents = explode(' ', 'À Á Â Ã Ä Å Ç È É Ê Ë Ì Í Î Ï Ð Ñ Ò Ó Ô Õ Ö Ù Ú Û Ü Ý ß à á â ã ä å ç è é ê ë ì í î ï ñ ò ó ô õ ö ù ú û ü ý Æ æ'); $convs = explode(' ', 'A A A A A A C E E E E I I I I D N O O O O O U U U U Y s a a a a a a c e e e e i i i i n o o o o o u u u u y AE ae'); return str_replace($accents, $convs, $str); } /* return the positions in data where the hdr-nth header is find */ function get_wiki_section($data, $hdr) { $start = 0; $end = strlen($data); $lines = explode("\n", $data); $header = 0; $pp_level = 0; $np_level = 0; for ($i = 0, $count_lines = count($lines); $i < $count_lines; ++$i) { $pp_level += preg_match ('/~pp~/',$lines[$i]); $pp_level -= preg_match ('/~\/pp~/',$lines[$i]); $np_level += preg_match ('/~np~/',$lines[$i]); $np_level -= preg_match ('/~\/np~/',$lines[$i]); // We test if we are inside nonparsed or pre section to ignore !* if ($pp_level%2 == 0 and $np_level%2 == 0) { if (substr($lines[$i], 0, 1) == '!') { ++$header; if ($header == $hdr) { // we are on it - now find the next header at same or lower level $level = $this->how_many_at_start($lines[$i], '!'); $end = strlen($lines[$i]) + 1; for (++$i; $i < $count_lines; ++$i) { if (substr($lines[$i], 0, 1) == '!' && $level >= $this->how_many_at_start($lines[$i], '!')) { return (array($start, $end)); } $end += strlen($lines[$i]) + 1; } break; } } } $start += strlen($lines[$i]) + 1; } return (array($start, $end)); } /** * \brief Function to embed a flash object (using JS method by default when JS in user's browser is detected) * * So far it's being called from wikiplugin_flash.php and tiki-edit_banner.php * * @param javascript = y or n to force to generate a version with javascript or not, ='' user prefs */ function embed_flash($params, $javascript='', $flashvars = false) { global $prefs; $headerlib = TikiLib::lib('header'); if (! isset($params['movie']) ) { return false; } $defaults = array( 'width' => 425, 'height' => 350, 'quality' => 'high', 'version' => '9.0.0', 'wmode' => 'transparent', ); $params = array_merge( $defaults, $params ); if (preg_match('/^(\/|https?:)/', $params['movie'])) { $params['allowscriptaccess'] = 'always'; } if ( ((empty($javascript) && $prefs['javascript_enabled'] == 'y') || $javascript == 'y')) { $myId = (!empty($params['id'])) ? ($params['id']) : 'wp-flash-' . md5($params['movie']); $movie = '"'.$params['movie'].'"'; $div = json_encode( $myId ); $width = (int) $params['width']; $height = (int) $params['height']; $version = json_encode( $params['version'] ); unset( $params['movie'], $params['width'], $params['height'], $params['version'] ); $params = json_encode($params); if (!$flashvars) { $flashvars = '{}'; } else { $flashvars = json_encode($flashvars); $flashvars = str_replace('\\/', '/', $flashvars); } $js = <<<JS swfobject.embedSWF( $movie, $div, $width, $height, $version, 'lib/swfobject/expressInstall.swf', $flashvars, $params, {} ); JS; $headerlib->add_js( $js ); return "<div id=\"$myId\">" . tra('Flash player not available.') . "</div>"; } else { // link on the movie will not work with IE6 extract ($params,EXTR_SKIP); $asetup = "<object classid=\"clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000\" codebase=\"http://download.macromedia.com/pub/shockwave/cabs/flash/swflash.cab#version=6,0,29,0\" width=\"$width\" height=\"$height\">"; $asetup .= "<param name=\"movie\" value=\"$movie\" />"; $asetup .= "<param name=\"quality\" value=\"$quality\" />"; $asetup .= "<param name=\"wmode\" value=\"transparent\" />"; if (!empty($params['allowscriptaccess'])) { $asetup .= "<param name=\"allowscriptaccess\" value=\"always\" />"; } if (!empty($params['allowFullScreen'])) { $asetup .= '<param name="allowFullScreen" value="' . $params['allowFullScreen'] . '"></param>'; } $asetup .= "<embed src=\"$movie\" quality=\"$quality\" pluginspage=\"http://www.macromedia.com/go/getflashplayer\" type=\"application/x-shockwave-flash\" width=\"$width\" height=\"$height\" wmode=\"transparent\"></embed></object>"; return $asetup; } } // TikiWiki version of parse_str, that: // - uses a workaround for a bug in PHP 5.2.0 // - Handle the value of magic_quotes_gpc to stripslashes when needed (as already done for GET/POST/... in tiki-setup_base.php) static function parse_str($str, &$arr) { parse_str($str, $arr); /* From PHP Manual comments (quoting Vladimir Kornea): * parse_str() contained a bug (#39763) in PHP 5.2.0 that caused it to apply magic quotes twice. * This bug was marked as fixed in the release notes of PHP 5.2.1, but there were apparently some * issues with getting the fix through CVS on time, as our install of PHP 5.2.1 was still affected by it. */ if ( version_compare(PHP_VERSION, '5.2.0', '>=') && version_compare(PHP_VERSION, '5.2.1', '<') ) { $arr = array_map('stripslashes', $arr); } // parse_str's behavior also depends on magic_quotes_gpc... global $magic_quotes_gpc; if ( $magic_quotes_gpc ) remove_gpc($arr); } function bindvars_to_sql_in(&$bindvars, $remove_duplicates = false, $cast_to_int = false) { if ( ! is_array($bindvars) ) return false; $query = ' IN ('; $bindvars2 = array(); foreach ( $bindvars as $id ) { if ( $cast_to_int ) $id = (int)$id; if ( $remove_duplicates && in_array($id, $bindvars2) ) continue; $bindvars2[] = $id; if ( $query == '' ) $query .= ','; $query .= '?'; } if ( $remove_duplicates ) $bindvars = $bindvars2; return ' IN (' . $query . ')'; } function get_jail() { global $prefs; if( $prefs['feature_categories'] == 'y' && ! empty( $prefs['category_jail'] ) && $prefs['category_jail'] != array(0 => 0) ) { // if jail is zero, we should allow non-categorized objects to be seen as well, i.e. consider as no jail $categlib = TikiLib::lib('categ'); $key = $prefs['category_jail']; $categories = $prefs['category_jail']; if( $prefs['expanded_category_jail_key'] != $key ) { $additional = array(); if (!empty($categories)) { foreach( $categories as $categId ) { $desc = $categlib->get_category_descendants( $categId ); $additional = array_merge( $additional, $desc ); } } $prefs['expanded_category_jail'] = $_SESSION['s_prefs']['expanded_category_jail'] = implode( ',', $additional ); $_SESSION['s_prefs']['expanded_category_jail_key'] = $key; return $additional; } return explode( ',', $prefs['expanded_category_jail'] ); } else { return array(); } } // Determine if the provided IP address is valid or not. // Currently only supports IPV4. function isValidIP($ip, $ver = 4) { $result = false; $octets = explode('.', $ip); if (count($octets) == 4) { for ($c = 0; $c < 4; $c++) { if ($octets[$c] < 0 || $octets[$c] > 255) { $result = false; break; } else { $result = true; } } } return $result; } /** * Returns the approved page name or null if not a staging page or staging is disabled. */ function get_approved_page( $page ) { global $prefs; $prefixLen = strlen( $prefs['wikiapproval_prefix'] ); $prefix = substr( $page, 0, $prefixLen ); if( $prefs['feature_wikiapproval'] == 'y' && $prefix == $prefs['wikiapproval_prefix'] ) { return substr($page, $prefixLen ); } } function get_staging_page( $page ) { global $prefs; $prefixLen = strlen( $prefs['wikiapproval_prefix'] ); $prefix = substr( $page, 0, $prefixLen ); if( $prefs['feature_wikiapproval'] == 'y' && $prefix != $prefs['wikiapproval_prefix'] ) { return $prefs['wikiapproval_prefix'] . $page; } } function get_approved_page_or_self( $page ) { if( $app = $this->get_approved_page( $page ) ) { return $app; } else { return $page; } } protected function rename_object( $type, $old, $new ) { global $prefs; // comments $this->table('tiki_comments')->updateMultiple(array('object' => $new), array( 'object' => $old, 'objectType' => $type, )); // Move email notifications $oldId = str_replace( $type, ' ', '' ) . $old; $newId = str_replace( $type, ' ', '' ) . $new; $this->table('tiki_user_watches')->updateMultiple(array('object' => $newId), array( 'object' => $oldId, )); $this->table('tiki_group_watches')->updateMultiple(array('object' => $newId), array( 'object' => $oldId, )); // theme_control_objects(objId,name) $oldId = md5($type . $old); $newId = md5($type . $new); $this->table('tiki_theme_control_objects')->updateMultiple(array('objId' => $newId, 'name' => $new), array( 'objId' => $oldId, )); // polls if ($prefs['feature_polls'] == 'y') { $query = "update `tiki_polls` tp inner join `tiki_poll_objects` tpo on tp.`pollId` = tpo.`pollId` inner join `tiki_objects` tob on tpo.`catObjectId` = tob.`objectId` set tp.`title`=? where tp.`title`=? and tob.`type` = ?"; $this->query($query, array( $new, $old, $type ) ); } // Move custom permissions $oldId = md5($type . strtolower($old)); $newId = md5($type . strtolower($new)); $this->table('users_objectpermissions')->updateMultiple(array('objectId' => $newId), array( 'objectId' => $oldId, 'objectType' => $type, )); // Logs if ($prefs['feature_actionlog'] == 'y') { $logslib = TikiLib::lib('logs'); $logslib->add_action('Renamed', $new, 'wiki page', 'old='.$old.'&new='.$new, '', '', '', '', '', array(array('rename'=>$old))); $logslib->rename($type, $old, $new); } // Attributes $this->table('tiki_object_attributes')->updateMultiple(array('itemId' => $new), array( 'itemId' => $old, 'type' => $type, )); $this->table('tiki_object_relations')->updateMultiple(array('source_itemId' => $new), array( 'source_itemId' => $old, 'source_type' => $type, )); $this->table('tiki_object_relations')->updateMultiple(array('target_itemId' => $new), array( 'target_itemId' => $old, 'target_type' => $type, )); $menulib = TikiLib::lib('menu'); $menulib->rename_wiki_page($old, $new); } } // end of class ------------------------------------------------------ // function to check if a file or directory is in the path // returns FALSE if incorrect // returns the canonicalized absolute pathname otherwise function inpath($file,$dir) { $realfile=realpath($file); $realdir=realpath($dir); if (!$realfile) return (FALSE); if (!$realdir) return (FALSE); if (substr($realfile,0,strlen($realdir))!= $realdir) { return(FALSE); } else { return($realfile); } } function compare_links($ar1, $ar2) { return $ar1["links"] - $ar2["links"]; } function compare_backlinks($ar1, $ar2) { return $ar1["backlinks"] - $ar2["backlinks"]; } function r_compare_links($ar1, $ar2) { return $ar2["links"] - $ar1["links"]; } function r_compare_backlinks($ar1, $ar2) { return $ar2["backlinks"] - $ar1["backlinks"]; } function compare_images($ar1, $ar2) { return $ar1["images"] - $ar2["images"]; } function r_compare_images($ar1, $ar2) { return $ar2["images"] - $ar1["images"]; } function compare_versions($ar1, $ar2) { return $ar1["versions"] - $ar2["versions"]; } function r_compare_versions($ar1, $ar2) { return $ar2["versions"] - $ar1["versions"]; } function compare_changed($ar1, $ar2) { return $ar1["lastChanged"] - $ar2["lastChanged"]; } function r_compare_changed($ar1, $ar2) { return $ar2["lastChanged"] - $ar1["lastChanged"]; } function compare_names($ar1, $ar2) { return strcasecmp(tra($ar1["name"]), tra($ar2["name"])); } function chkgd2() { if (!isset($_SESSION['havegd2'])) { # TODO test this logic in PHP 4.3 # if (version_compare(phpversion(), "4.3.0") >= 0) { # $_SESSION['havegd2'] = true; # } else { ob_start(); phpinfo (INFO_MODULES); $_SESSION['havegd2'] = preg_match('/GD Version.*2.0/', ob_get_contents()); ob_end_clean(); # } } return $_SESSION['havegd2']; } function detect_browser_language() { global $prefs; // Get supported languages if (isset($_SERVER['HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE'])) $supported = preg_split('/\s*,\s*/', preg_replace('/;q=[0-9.]+/','',$_SERVER['HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE'])); else return ''; // Get available languages $available = array(); $available_aprox = array(); if (is_dir("lang")) { $dh = opendir("lang"); while ($lang = readdir($dh)) { if (!strpos($lang,'.') and is_dir("lang/$lang") and file_exists("lang/$lang/language.php") and (empty($prefs['available_languages']) || in_array($lang, $prefs['available_languages']))) { $available[strtolower($lang)] = $lang; $available_aprox[substr(strtolower($lang), 0, 2)] = $lang; } } } // Check better language // Priority has been changed in 2.0 to that defined in RFC 4647 $aproximate_lang = ''; foreach ($supported as $supported_lang) { $lang = strtolower($supported_lang); if (in_array($lang, array_keys($available))) { // exact match is always good return $available[$lang]; } elseif (in_array($lang, array_keys($available_aprox))) { // otherwise if supported language matches any available dialect, ok also return $available_aprox[$lang]; } elseif ($aproximate_lang == '') { // otherwise if supported dialect matches language, store as possible fallback $lang = substr($lang, 0, 2); if (in_array($lang, array_keys($available_aprox))) { $aproximate_lang = $available_aprox[$lang]; } } } return $aproximate_lang; } function validate_email($email) { global $prefs; $validate = new Zend_Validate_EmailAddress( Zend_Validate_Hostname::ALLOW_ALL ); return $validate->isValid( $email ); } /* Editor configuration Local Variables: tab-width: 4 c-basic-offset: 4 End: * vim: fdm=marker tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4 noet: */