File: todolib.php
<?php // (c) Copyright 2002-2011 by authors of the Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware Project // // All Rights Reserved. See copyright.txt for details and a complete list of authors. // Licensed under the GNU LESSER GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE. See license.txt for details. // $Id: todolib.php 33195 2011-03-02 17:43:40Z changi67 $ class TodoLib { // create a new todo function addTodo($after, $event, $objectType, $objectId = null, $from = null, $to = null) { $db = TikiDb::get(); $query = 'INSERT INTO `tiki_todo` (`after`, `event`, `objectType`, `objectId`, `from`, `to`) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)'; $from = json_encode($from); $to = json_encode($to); $db->query($query, array($after, $event, $objectType, $objectId, $from, $to)); $query = 'SELECT `todoId` from `tiki_todo` where `after`=? and `event`=? and `objectType`=? and `objectId`=? and `from`=? and `to`=?'; $id = $db->getOne($query, array($after, $event, $objectType, $objectId, $from, $to)); return $id; } // list of the todos of an object function listTodoObject($objectType = null, $objectId = null, $todoId = null) { $db = TikiDb::get(); $query = 'SELECT * FROM `tiki_todo` tt '; $where = array(); $bindvars = array(); if (!empty($objectType)) { $where[] = 'tt.`objectType` = ?'; $bindvars[] = $objectType; if (!empty($objectId)) { $where[] = 'tt.`objectId` = ?'; $bindvars[] = $objectId; } } if (!empty($todoId)) { $where[] = 'tt.`todoId` = ?'; $bindvars[] = $todoId; } if (!empty($where)) $query .= ' WHERE ' . implode(' AND ', $where); $query .= ' ORDER BY `todoId` asc';// so that actions arrive before notification $todos = $db->fetchAll($query, $bindvars); foreach( $todos as $i=>$todo ) { $todos[$i]['from'] = json_decode($todo['from'], true); $todos[$i]['to'] = json_decode($todo['to'], true); if ($objectType == null) { if ($todo['objectType'] == 'todo') { $objects = $this->listTodoObject(null, null, $todo['objectId']); $todos[$i]['for'] = $objects[0]; } } elseif ($objectType != 'todo') { $todos[$i]['notifs'] = $this->listTodoObject('todo', $todo['todoId']); } } return $todos; } // delete a todo function delTodo($id) { $db = TikiDb::get(); $query = 'DELETE FROM `tiki_todo` WHERE `todoId`=? OR (`objectId`=? AND `objectType`=?)'; $db->query($query, array($id, $id, 'todo')); TodoLib::cleanNotif(); } function delObjectTodo($objectType, $objectId) { $db = TikiDb::get(); $query = 'DELETE FROM `tiki_todo_notif` WHERE `objectType`=? AND `objectId` = ?'; $db->query($query, array($objectType, $objectId)); $query = 'DELETE FROM `tiki_todo` WHERE `objectType`=? AND `objectId`=?'; $db->query($query, array($objectType, $objectId)); TodoLib::cleanNotif(); } // apply a todo function applyTodo($todo) { switch ($todo['objectType']) { case 'todo': // echo '<pre>ALREADY';print_r($this->alreadyNotif($todo['todoId'])); echo '</pre>'; $todo['for']['after'] = $todo['after']; $objects = $this->listObjectsTodo($todo['for'], $this->alreadyNotif($todo['todoId'])); if (!empty($objects)) { $func = 'notifyTodo_'.$todo['for']['objectType']; if (!method_exists($this, $func)) { return false; } $this->$func($todo, $objects); } // echo '<pre>MAIL';print_r($objects); echo '</pre>'; break; default: $objects = $this->listObjectsTodo($todo); // echo '<pre>';print_r($objects); echo '</pre>'; if (!empty($objects)) { $func = 'applyTodo_'.$todo['objectType']; if (!method_exists($this, $func)) { return false; } $this->$func($todo, $objects); $this->delNotif($todo['objectId']); } } } // list the objects selected by a todo function listObjectsTodo($todo, $except=null) { $func = 'listObjectsTodo_'.$todo['objectType']; if (!method_exists($this, $func)) { return false; } return $this->$func($todo, $except); } function alreadyNotif($todoId) { $db = TikiDb::get(); $query = 'SELECT `objectId` FROM `tiki_todo_notif` WHERE `todoId`=?'; $objects = $db->fetchAll($query, array($todoId)); foreach ($objects as $i=>$object) { $objects[$i] = $object['objectId']; } return $objects; } function addNotif($todoId, $objectType, $objectId) { $db = TikiDb::get(); $query = 'INSERT INTO `tiki_todo_notif` (`todoId`, `objectType`, `objectId`) VALUES(?,?,?)'; $db->query($query, array($todoId, $objectType, $objectId)); } function delNotif($todoId) { $db = TikiDb::get(); $query = 'DELETE FROM `tiki_todo_notif` WHERE `todoId`=?'; $db->query($query, array($todoId)); } function cleanNotif() { $db = TikiDb::get(); $query = 'DELETE FROM `tiki_todo_notif` WHERE `todoId` NOT IN (SELECT `todoId` FROM `tiki_todo`)'; } function mailTodo($todo, $to, $default_subject='Change notification', $default_body='') { global $userlib, $tikilib, $prefs, $smarty; if (empty($to['email']) && !empty($to['user'])) { $to['email'] = $userlib->get_user_email($to['user']); } if (empty($to['email'])) { return; } $lang = empty($to['user']) ? $prefs['site_language']: $tikilib->get_user_preference($u, 'language', $prefs['site_language']); if (empty($todo['to']['subject'])) { $todo['to']['subject'] = tra($default_subject, $lang); } if (empty($todo['to']['body'])) { $todo['to']['body'] = tra($default_body, $lang); } else { $todo['to']['body'] = $smarty->fetchLang($lang, $todo['to']['body']); } include_once ('lib/webmail/tikimaillib.php'); $mail = new TikiMail(empty($to['user'])?null:$to['user']); $mail->setSubject($todo['to']['subject']); $mail->setTextHtml($todo['to']['body']); $mail->send(array($to['email'])); } ///////////////////////////////////////////////// function listObjectsTodo_tracker($todo, $except=null) { global $tikilib; global $trklib; include_once('lib/trackers/trackerlib.php'); switch ($todo['event']) { case 'creation': $filter = array('createdBefore' => $tikilib->now - $todo['after']); break; case 'modification': $filter = array('lastModifBefore' => $tikilib->now - $todo['after']); break; } $fieldId = $trklib->get_field_id_from_type($todo['objectId'], 'u', '1%'); $objects = $trklib->list_items($todo['objectId'], 0, -1, 'created_asc', array($fieldId=>$trklib->get_tracker_field($fieldId)), '', '', $todo['from']['status'], '', '', $filter); // todo in list_items: // return $objects['data']; if (empty($except)) return $objects['data']; $res = array(); foreach ($objects['data'] as $object) { if (!in_array($object['itemId'], $except)) { $res[] = $object; } } return $res; } function applyTodo_tracker($todo, $objects) { global $trklib; include_once('lib/trackers/trackerlib.php'); $trklib->change_status($objects, $todo['to']['status']); } function notifyTodo_tracker($todo, $objects) { global $smarty, $tikilib, $prefs; global $trklib; include_once('lib/trackers/trackerlib.php'); foreach ($objects as $object) { // get the creator $u = $object['field_values'][0]['value']; if (empty($u)) { $u = $object['itemUser']; } if (!empty($todo['to']['body'])) { // assign whatever needed $smarty->assign('todo_itemId', $object['itemId']); $status = $trklib->status_types(); $smarty->assign('todo_tostatus', $status[$todo['for']['to']['status']]['label']); $smarty->assign('todo_fromstatus', $status[$todo['for']['from']['status']]['label']); $smarty->assign('todo_after', $todo['to']['before']); $smarty->assign('todo_desc', $trklib->get_isMain_value($object['trackerId'], $object['itemId'])); } // mail creator $this->mailTodo($todo, array('user'=>$u), 'Tracker item status will be changed'); //register as been mailed $this->addNotif($todo['todoId'], 'trackeritem', $object['itemId']); } } } global $totolib; $todolib = new TodoLib;