File: transitionlib.php
<?php // (c) Copyright 2002-2011 by authors of the Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware Project // // All Rights Reserved. See copyright.txt for details and a complete list of authors. // Licensed under the GNU LESSER GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE. See license.txt for details. // $Id: transitionlib.php 33195 2011-03-02 17:43:40Z changi67 $ require_once 'Transition.php'; class TransitionLib { private $transitionType; function __construct( $transitionType ) { $this->transitionType = $transitionType; } function getAvailableTransitions( $object, $type = null ) { $states = $this->getCurrentStates( $object, $type ); $transitions = $this->getTransitionsFromStates( $states ); $transitions = Perms::filter( array( 'type' => 'transition' ), 'object', $transitions, array( 'object' => 'transitionId' ), 'trigger_transition' ); foreach( $transitions as & $tr ) { $object = new Transition( $tr['from'], $tr['to'] ); $object->setStates( $states ); foreach( $tr['guards'] as $guard ) { call_user_func_array( array( $object, 'addGuard' ), $guard ); } $tr['enabled'] = $object->isReady(); $tr['explain'] = $object->explain(); } return $transitions; } function getAvailableTransitionsFromState( $state, $object, $type = null ) { $transitions = $this->getAvailableTransitions( $object, $type ); $out = array(); foreach( $transitions as $tr ) { if( $tr['from'] == $state ) { $out[ $tr['transitionId'] ] = $tr['name']; } } return $out; } function triggerTransition( $transitionId, $object, $type = null ) { // Make sure the transition exists if( ! $transition = $this->getTransition( $transitionId ) ) { return false; } // Make sure the user can use it $perms = Perms::get( array( 'type' => 'transition', 'object' => $transitionId ) ); if( ! $perms->trigger_transition ) { return false; } // Verify that the states are consistent $states = $this->getCurrentStates( $object, $type ); $tr = new Transition( $transition['from'], $transition['to'] ); $tr->setStates( $states ); foreach( $transition['guards'] as $guard ) { call_user_func_array( array( $tr, 'addGuard' ), $guard ); } if( ! $tr->isReady() ) { return false; } $this->addState( $transition['to'], $object, $type ); if( ! $transition['preserve'] ) { $this->removeState( $transition['from'], $object, $type ); } return true; } function listTransitions( $states ) { $db = TikiDb::get(); if( empty( $states ) ) { return array(); } $bindvars = array( $this->transitionType ); $query = "SELECT `transitionId`, `preserve`, `name`, `from`, `to`, `guards` FROM `tiki_transitions` WHERE `type` = ? AND ( " . $db->in( 'from', $states, $bindvars ) . ' OR ' . $db->in( 'to', $states, $bindvars ) . ')'; $result = $db->fetchAll( $query, $bindvars ); return array_map( array( $this, 'expandGuards' ), $result ); } // Database interaction function addTransition( $from, $to, $name, $preserve = false, array $guards = array() ) { $db = TikiDb::get(); $db->query( "INSERT INTO `tiki_transitions` ( `type`, `from`, `to`, `name`, `preserve`, `guards`) VALUES( ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ? )", array( $this->transitionType, $from, $to, $name, (int) $preserve, json_encode( $guards ) ) ); return $db->getOne( 'SELECT MAX(`transitionId`) FROM `tiki_transitions`' ); } function updateTransition( $transitionId, $from, $to, $label, $preserve ) { $db = TikiDb::get(); $db->query( 'UPDATE `tiki_transitions` SET `name` = ?, `from` = ?, `to` = ?, `preserve` = ? WHERE `transitionId` = ?', array( $label, $from, $to, (int) $preserve, (int) $transitionId ) ); } function updateGuards( $transitionId, array $guards ) { $db = TikiDb::get(); $db->query( 'UPDATE `tiki_transitions` SET `guards` = ? WHERE `transitionId` = ?', array( json_encode( $guards ), (int) $transitionId ) ); } function removeTransition( $transitionId ) { $db = TikiDb::get(); $db->query( 'DELETE FROM `tiki_transitions` WHERE `transitionId` = ?', array( $transitionId ) ); } private function getTransitionsFromStates( $states ) { $db = TikiDb::get(); if( empty( $states ) ) { return array(); } $bindvars = array( $this->transitionType ); $query = "SELECT `transitionId`, `preserve`, `name`, `from`, `to`, `guards` FROM `tiki_transitions` WHERE `type` = ? AND " . $db->in( 'from', $states, $bindvars ) . ' AND NOT (' . $db->in( 'to', $states, $bindvars ) . ')'; $result = $db->fetchAll( $query, $bindvars ); return array_map( array( $this, 'expandGuards' ), $result ); } function getTransition( $transitionId ) { $db = TikiDb::get(); $bindvars = array( $this->transitionType, $transitionId ); $query = "SELECT `transitionId`, `preserve`, `name`, `from`, `to`, `guards` FROM `tiki_transitions` WHERE `type` = ? AND `transitionId` = ?"; $result = $db->fetchAll( $query, $bindvars ); return $this->expandGuards( reset( $result ) ); } private function expandGuards( $transition ) { $transition['guards'] = json_decode( $transition['guards'], true ); if( ! $transition['guards'] ) { $transition['guards'] = array(); } return $transition; } // The following functions vary depending on the transition type private function getCurrentStates( $object, $type ) { switch( $this->transitionType ) { case 'group': global $userlib; return $userlib->get_user_groups( $object ); case 'category': global $categlib; require_once 'lib/categories/categlib.php'; return $categlib->get_object_categories( $type, $object ); } } private function addState( $state, $object, $type ) { switch( $this->transitionType ) { case 'group': global $userlib; $userlib->assign_user_to_group( $object, $state ); return; case 'category': global $categlib; require_once 'lib/categories/categlib.php'; $categlib->categorize_any( $type, $object, $state ); return; } } private function removeState( $state, $object, $type ) { switch( $this->transitionType ) { case 'group': global $userlib; $userlib->remove_user_from_group( $object, $state ); return; case 'category': global $categlib; require_once 'lib/categories/categlib.php'; if( $catobj = $categlib->is_categorized( $type, $object ) ) { $categlib->uncategorize( $catobj, $state ); } return; } } }
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