File: userslib.php
<?php // (c) Copyright 2002-2011 by authors of the Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware Project // // All Rights Reserved. See copyright.txt for details and a complete list of authors. // Licensed under the GNU LESSER GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE. See license.txt for details. // $Id: userslib.php 34779 2011-06-05 19:16:31Z jonnybradley $ //this script may only be included - so its better to die if called directly. if (strpos($_SERVER["SCRIPT_NAME"],basename(__FILE__)) !== false) { header("location: index.php"); exit; } // Lib for user administration, groups and permissions // This lib uses pear so the constructor requieres // a pear DB object // some definitions for helping with authentication define("USER_VALID", 2); define("SERVER_ERROR", -1); define("PASSWORD_INCORRECT", -3); define("USER_NOT_FOUND", -5); define("ACCOUNT_DISABLED", -6); define("ACCOUNT_WAITING_USER", -9); define ("USER_AMBIGOUS", -7); define('USER_NOT_VALIDATED', -8); //added for Auth v1.3 support define ("AUTH_LOGIN_OK", 0); class UsersLib extends TikiLib { // change this to an email address to receive debug emails from the LDAP code var $debug = false; var $usergroups_cache; var $groupperm_cache; var $groupinclude_cache; var $userobjectperm_cache; // used to cache queries in object_has_one_permission() var $get_object_permissions_for_user_cache; function __construct() { parent::__construct(); // Initialize caches $this->usergroups_cache = array(); $this->groupperm_cache = array(array()); $this->groupinclude_cache = array(); $this->get_object_permissions_for_user_cache = array(); } function assign_object_permission($groupName, $objectId, $objectType, $permName) { $objectId = md5($objectType . strtolower($objectId)); $query = "delete from `users_objectpermissions` where `objectId` = ? and `objectType`=?"; $bindvars = array($objectId, $objectType); if (!empty($groupName)) { $query .= ' and `groupName` = ?'; $bindvars[] = $groupName; } if (!empty($permName)) { $query .= ' and `permName` = ?'; $bindvars[] = $permName; } $result = $this->query($query, $bindvars); if (!empty($permName) && !empty($groupName)) { $query = "insert into `users_objectpermissions`(`groupName`, `objectId`, `objectType`, `permName`) values(?, ?, ?, ?)"; $result = $this->query($query, array($groupName, $objectId, $objectType, $permName)); } if ($objectType == 'file gallery') { global $cachelib; require_once('lib/cache/cachelib.php'); $cachelib->empty_type_cache('fgals_perms_'.$objectId."_"); } return true; } function object_has_permission($user, $objectId, $objectType, $permName) { $groups = $this->get_user_groups($user); $objectId = md5($objectType . strtolower($objectId)); $mid = implode(',',array_fill(0,count($groups),'?')); $query = "select count(*) from `users_objectpermissions` where `groupName` in ($mid) and `objectId` = ? and `objectType` = ? and `permName` = ?"; $bindvars = array_merge($groups, array($objectId, $objectType, $permName)); $result = $this->getOne($query, $bindvars); if ($result > 0) { return true; } else { return false; } } function remove_object_permission($groupName, $objectId, $objectType, $permName) { $objectId = md5($objectType . strtolower($objectId)); $query = "delete from `users_objectpermissions` where `groupName` = ? and `objectId` = ? and `objectType` = ? and `permName` = ?"; $bindvars = array($groupName, $objectId, $objectType, $permName); $result = $this->query($query, $bindvars); if ($objectType == 'file gallery') { global $cachelib; require_once('lib/cache/cachelib.php'); $cachelib->empty_type_cache('fgals_perms_'.$objectId."_"); } return true; } function copy_object_permissions($objectId,$destinationObjectId,$objectType) { $objectId = md5($objectType . strtolower($objectId)); $query = "select `permName`, `groupName` from `users_objectpermissions` where `objectId` =? and `objectType` = ?"; $bindvars = array($objectId, $objectType); $result = $this->query($query, $bindvars); while($res = $result->fetchRow()) { $this->assign_object_permission($res["groupName"],$destinationObjectId,$objectType,$res["permName"]); } return true; } // assign permissions for an individual object according to the global permissions for that object type function inherit_global_permissions($objectId, $objectType) { global $cachelib; $groups = $this->get_groups(); if (! $perms = $cachelib->getSerialized($objectType . "_permission_names")) { $perms = $this->get_permissions(0, -1, 'permName_desc', '', $objectType); $cachelib->cacheItem($objectType . "_permission_names",serialize($perms)); } foreach ($groups['data'] as $group) { foreach ($perms['data'] as $perm) { if (in_array($perm['permName'], $group['perms'])) { $this->assign_object_permission($group['groupName'], $objectId, $objectType, $perm['permName']); } } } } function get_object_permissions($objectId, $objectType, $group='', $perm='') { $objectId = md5($objectType . strtolower($objectId)); $query = "select `groupName`, `permName` from `users_objectpermissions` where `objectId` = ? and `objectType` = ?"; $bindvars = array($objectId, $objectType); if (!empty($group)) { $query .= " and `groupName`=?"; $bindvars[] = $group; } if (!empty($perm)) { $query .= " and `permName`=?"; $bindvars[] = $perm; } return $this->fetchAll($query, $bindvars); } function get_object_permissions_for_user ($objectId, $objectType, $user) { $params = md5($objectId . $objectType . $user); //Check the cache for these parameters if (array_key_exists($params, $this->get_object_permissions_for_user_cache)) { return $this->get_object_permissions_for_user_cache[$params]; } $objectId = md5($objectType . strtolower($objectId)); $bindvars = array($objectId, $objectType); $groups = $this->get_user_groups($user); $bindvars = array_merge($bindvars, $groups); $query = 'select `permName` from `users_objectpermissions` where `objectId` = ? and `objectType` = ? and `groupName` in ('.implode(',', array_fill(0, count($groups),'?')).')'; $result = $this->query($query, $bindvars); $ret = array(); while ($res = $result->fetchRow()) { $ret[] = $res['permName']; } //Cache the result for this set of parameters $this->get_object_permissions_for_user_cache[$params] = $ret; return $ret; } function object_has_one_permission($objectId, $objectType) { $objectId = md5($objectType . strtolower($objectId)); if(!isset($this->userobjectperm_cache) || !is_array($this->userobjectperm_cache) || !isset($this->userobjectperm_cache[$objectId])) { // i think, we really dont need the "and `objectType`=?" because the objectId should be unique due to the md5() $query = "select count(*) from `users_objectpermissions` where `objectId`=? and `objectType`=?"; $this->userobjectperm_cache[$objectId]= $this->getOne($query, array( $objectId, $objectType )); } return $this->userobjectperm_cache[$objectId]; } function user_exists($user) { static $rv = array(); if (!isset($rv[$user])) { $query = "select count(*) from `users_users` where upper(`login`) = ?"; $result = $this->getOne($query, array(strtoupper($user))); $rv[$user] = $result; } return $rv[$user]; } function get_user_real_case($user) { $query = "select `login` from `users_users` where upper(`login`) = ?"; return $this->getOne($query, array(strtoupper($user)) ); } function group_exists($group) { return in_array($group, $this->list_all_groups()); } /** * @param string $user : username * @param bool $remote : logged out remotely (so do not redirect) * @param string $redir : url to redirect to. Uses home page according to prefs if empty * @return void : redirects to suitable homepage or redir param if not remote */ function user_logout($user, $remote = false, $redir = '') { global $prefs, $logslib, $lslib, $user_cookie_site, $phpcas_enabled; $logslib->add_log('login', 'logged out'); $userInfo = $this->get_user_info($user); $this->delete_user_cookie($userInfo['userId']); if ($remote && $prefs['feature_intertiki'] == 'y' and $prefs['feature_intertiki_sharedcookie'] == 'y' and !empty($prefs['feature_intertiki_mymaster'])) { include_once('XML/RPC.php'); $remote = $prefs['interlist'][$prefs['feature_intertiki_mymaster']]; $remote['path'] = preg_replace("/^\/?/","/",$remote['path']); $client = new XML_RPC_Client($remote['path'], $remote['host'], $remote['port']); $client->setDebug(0); $msg = new XML_RPC_Message( 'intertiki.logout', array( new XML_RPC_Value($prefs['tiki_key'], 'string'), new XML_RPC_Value($user, 'string') ) ); $client->send($msg); return; } // more local cleanup originally from tiki-logout.php // go offline in Live Support if ($prefs['feature_live_support'] == 'y') { global $access; include_once ('lib/live_support/lslib.php'); if ($lslib->get_operator_status($user) != 'offline') { $lslib->set_operator_status($user, 'offline'); } } setcookie($user_cookie_site, '', -3600, $prefs['cookie_path'], $prefs['cookie_domain']); /* change group home page or deactivate if no page is set */ if (!empty($redir)) { $url = $redir; } else if (($groupHome = $this->get_group_home('Anonymous')) != '') { $url = (preg_match('/^(\/|https?:)/', $groupHome)) ? $groupHome : 'tiki-index.php?page=' . $groupHome; } else { $url = $prefs['site_tikiIndex']; } // RFC 2616 defines that the 'Location' HTTP headerconsists of an absolute URI if (!preg_match('/^https?\:/i', $url)) { global $url_scheme, $url_host, $url_port, $base_url; $url = (preg_match('#^/#', $url) ? $url_scheme . '://' . $url_host . (($url_port != '') ? ":$url_port" : '') : $base_url) . $url; } if (SID) $url.= '?' . SID; if ( $prefs['auth_method'] === 'cas' && $user !== 'admin' && $user !== '' && $prefs['cas_force_logout'] === 'y' ) { phpCAS::logoutWithRedirectServiceAndUrl($url,$url); } unset($_SESSION['cas_validation_time']); unset($_SESSION[$user_cookie_site]); session_unset(); session_destroy(); if ($prefs['auth_method'] === 'ws') { header('Location: '.str_replace('//', '//admin:@', $url)); // simulate a fake login to logout the user } else { header('Location: ' . $url); } return; } function genPass() { // AWC: enable mixed case and digits, don't return too short password global $prefs; $vocales = "AaEeIiOoUu13580"; $consonantes = "BbCcDdFfGgHhJjKkLlMmNnPpQqRrSsTtVvWwXxYyZz24679"; $r = ''; $passlen = ($prefs['min_pass_length'] > 5) ? $prefs['min_pass_length'] : 5; for ($i = 0; $i < $passlen; $i++) { if ($i % 2) { $r .= $vocales{rand(0, strlen($vocales) - 1)}; } else { $r .= $consonantes{rand(0, strlen($consonantes) - 1)}; } } return $r; } function generate_challenge() { $val = md5($this->genPass()); return $val; } function validate_hash($user, $hash) { return $this->getOne( "select count(*) from `users_users` where binary `login` = ? and `hash`=?", array($user, $hash) ); } // For each auth method, validate user in auth, if valid, verify tiki user exists and create if necessary (as configured) // Once complete, update_lastlogin and return result, username and login message. function validate_user($user, $pass, $challenge = '', $response = '', $validate_phase=false) { global $tikilib, $prefs, $user_ldap_attributes; if ($user != 'admin' && $prefs['feature_intertiki'] == 'y' && !empty($prefs['feature_intertiki_mymaster'])) { // slave intertiki sites should never check passwords locally, just for admin return false; } // these will help us keep tabs of what is going on $userTiki = false; $userTikiPresent = false; $userLdap = false; $userLdapPresent = false; // read basic pam options $auth_pam = ($prefs['auth_method'] == 'pam'); $pam_create_tiki = ($prefs['pam_create_user_tiki'] == 'y'); $pam_skip_admin = ($prefs['pam_skip_admin'] == 'y'); // read basic LDAP options $auth_ldap = ($prefs['auth_method'] == 'ldap'); $ldap_create_tiki = ($prefs['ldap_create_user_tiki'] == 'y'); $create_auth = ($prefs['ldap_create_user_ldap'] == 'y'); $skip_admin = ($prefs['ldap_skip_admin'] == 'y'); // read basic cas options $auth_cas = ($prefs['auth_method'] == 'cas'); $cas_create_tiki = ($prefs['cas_create_user_tiki'] == 'y'); $cas_skip_admin = ($prefs['cas_skip_admin'] == 'y'); // read basic phpbb options $auth_phpbb = ($prefs['auth_method'] == 'phpbb'); $phpbb_create_tiki = ($prefs['auth_phpbb_create_tiki'] == 'y'); $phpbb_skip_admin = ($prefs['auth_phpbb_skip_admin'] == 'y'); $phpbb_disable_tikionly = ($prefs['auth_phpbb_disable_tikionly'] == 'y'); // see if we are to use Shibboleth $auth_shib = ($prefs['auth_method'] == 'shib'); $shib_create_tiki = ($prefs['shib_create_user_tiki'] == 'y'); $shib_skip_admin = ($prefs['shib_skip_admin'] == 'y'); // first attempt a login via the standard Tiki system // if (!($auth_shib || $auth_cas) || $user == 'admin') { //redflo: does this mean, that users in cas and shib are not replicated to tiki tables? Does this work well? list($result, $user) = $this->validate_user_tiki($user, $pass, $challenge, $response, $validate_phase); } else { $result = NULL; } switch ($result) { case USER_VALID: $userTiki = true; $userTikiPresent = true; break; case PASSWORD_INCORRECT: $userTikiPresent = true; break; } // if we aren't using LDAP this will be quick // if we are using tiki auth or if we're using an alternative auth except for admin if ((!$auth_ldap && !$auth_pam && !$auth_cas && !$auth_shib && !$auth_phpbb) || ((($auth_ldap && $skip_admin) || ($auth_shib && $shib_skip_admin) || ($auth_pam && $pam_skip_admin) || ($auth_cas && $cas_skip_admin) || ($auth_phpbb && $phpbb_skip_admin)) && $user == "admin") || ($auth_ldap && ($prefs['auth_ldap_permit_tiki_users']=='y' && $userTiki))) { // todo: bad hack. better search for a more general solution here // if the user verified ok, log them in if ($userTiki) //user validated in tiki, update lastlogin and be done return array($this->sync_and_update_lastlogin($user, $pass), $user, $result); // if the user password was incorrect but the account was there, give an error elseif ($userTikiPresent) //user ixists in tiki but bad password return array(false, $user, $result); // if the user was not found, give an error // this could be for future uses else return array(false, $user, $result); } // For the alternate auth methods, attempt to validate user // return back one of two conditions // Valid User or Bad password // next see if we need to check PAM elseif ($auth_pam) { $result = $this->validate_user_pam($user, $pass); switch ($result) { case USER_VALID: $userPAM = true; break; case PASSWORD_INCORRECT: $userPAM = false; break; } // start off easy // if the user verified in Tiki and PAM, log in if ($userPAM && $userTiki) { return array($this->sync_and_update_lastlogin($user, $pass), $user, $result); } // if the user wasn't found in either system, just fail elseif (!$userTikiPresent && !$userPAM) { return array(false, $user, $result); } // if the user was logged into PAM but not found in Tiki elseif ($userPAM && !$userTikiPresent) { // see if we can create a new account if ($pam_create_tiki) { // need to make this better! ********************************************************* $result = $this->add_user($user, $pass, ''); // if it worked ok, just log in if ($result == USER_VALID) // before we log in, update the login counter return array($this->sync_and_update_lastlogin($user, $pass), $user, $result); // if the server didn't work, do something! elseif ($result == SERVER_ERROR) { // check the notification status for this type of error return array(false, $user, $result); } // otherwise don't log in. else return array(false, $user, $result); } // otherwise else // just say no! return array(false, $user, $result); } // if the user was logged into PAM and found in Tiki (no password in Tiki user table necessary) elseif ($userPAM && $userTikiPresent) return array($this->sync_and_update_lastlogin($user, $pass), $user, $result); } // next see if we need to check CAS elseif ($auth_cas) { $result = $this->validate_user_cas($user); switch ($result) { case USER_VALID: $userCAS = true; break; case PASSWORD_INCORRECT: $userCAS = false; break; } if ($this->user_exists($user)) { $userTikiPresent = true; } else { $userTikiPresent = false; } // start off easy // if the user verified in Tiki and by CAS, log in if ($userCAS && $userTikiPresent) { return array($this->sync_and_update_lastlogin($user, $pass), $user, $result); } // if the user wasn't authenticated through CAS, just fail elseif (!$userCAS) { return array(false, $user, $result); } // if the user was authenticated by CAS but not found in Tiki elseif ($userCAS && !$userTikiPresent) { // see if we can create a new account if ($cas_create_tiki) { // need to make this better! ********************************************************* $randompass = $this->genPass(); // in case CAS auth is turned off accidentally; // we don't want ppl to be able to login as any user with blank passwords $result = $this->add_user($user, $randompass, ''); // if it worked ok, just log in if ($result == USER_VALID) // before we log in, update the login counter return array($this->sync_and_update_lastlogin($user, $pass), $user, $result); // if the server didn't work, do something! elseif ($result == SERVER_ERROR) { // check the notification status for this type of error return array(false, $user, $result); } // otherwise don't log in. else return array(false, $user, $result); } // otherwise else // just say no! return array(false, $user, $result); } // if the user was authenticated by CAS and found in Tiki (no password in Tiki user table necessary) elseif ($userCAS && $userTikiPresent) return array($this->sync_and_update_lastlogin($user, $pass), $user, $result); } // next see if we need to check Shibboleth elseif ($auth_shib) { if ($this->user_exists($user)) { $userTikiPresent = true; } else { $userTikiPresent = false; } // Shibboleth login was not successful if (!isset($_SERVER['HTTP_SHIB_IDENTITY_PROVIDER'])){ return false; } // Collect the shibboleth related attributes. $shibmail = $_SERVER['HTTP_MAIL']; $shibaffiliation = $_SERVER['HTTP_SHIB_EP_UNSCOPEDAFFILIATION']; $shibproviderid = $_SERVER['HTTP_SHIB_IDENTITY_PROVIDER']; // Get the affiliation information to log in $shibaffiliarray = preg_split('/;/',strtoupper($shibaffiliation)); $validaffiliarray = preg_split('/,/',strtoupper($prefs['shib_affiliation'])); $validafil=false; foreach($shibaffiliarray as $affil){ if(in_array($affil, $validaffiliarray)){ $validafil=true; } } // start off easy // if the user verified in Tiki and by Shibboleth, log in if ($userTikiPresent && $validafil) { return array($this->sync_and_update_lastlogin($user, $pass), $user, USER_VALID); } else { global $smarty; // see if we can create a new account if ($shib_create_tiki) { if(!(strlen($user) > 0 AND strlen($shibmail) > 0 AND strlen($shibaffiliation) > 0)) { $errmsg = "User registration error: You do not have the required shibboleth attributes ("; if (strlen($user) == 0){ $errmsg = $errmsg . "User "; } if (strlen($shibmail) == 0){ $errmsg = $errmsg . "Mail "; } if (strlen($shibaffiliation) == 0){ $errmsg = $errmsg . "Affiliation "; } $errmsg = $errmsg . "). For further information on this error goto the ((ShibReg)) Page"; $smarty->assign('msg',$errmsg ); $smarty->display('error.tpl'); exit; } else { if($validafil) { // Create the user // need to make this better! ********************************************************* $randompass = $this->genPass(); // in case Shibboleth auth is turned off accidentally; // we don't want ppl to be able to login as any user with blank passwords $result = $this->add_user($user, $randompass, $shibmail); // if it worked ok, just log in if ($result == USER_VALID){ // Add to the default Group if ($prefs['shib_usegroup'] == 'y'){ $result = $this->assign_user_to_group($user, $prefs['shib_group']); } // before we log in, update the login counter return array($this->sync_and_update_lastlogin($user, $randompass), $user, $result); } // if the server didn't work, do something! elseif ($result == SERVER_ERROR) { // check the notification status for this type of error return array(false, $user, $result); } // otherwise don't log in. else{ return array(false, $user, $result); } } else { $vaffils = ''; foreach($validaffiliarray as $vaffil){ $vaffils = $vaffils . $vaffil . ", "; } $vaffils = rtrim($vaffils,", "); $errmsg = "<H1 align=center>User login error</H1><BR/><BR/>You must have one of the following affiliations to get into this wiki.<BR/><BR/><B>" . $vaffils . "</B><BR><BR/><BR/>For further information on this error goto the <a href=./tiki-index.php?page=ShibReg>Shibreg</a> Page"; $smarty->assign('msg',$errmsg ); $smarty->display('error.tpl'); exit; } } } else{ $smarty->assign('msg',"The user [ " . $user . " ] is not registered with this wiki."); $smarty->display('error.tpl'); exit; } } } // next see if we need to check LDAP else if($auth_ldap){ // check the user account $result = $this->validate_user_ldap($user, $pass); switch ($result) { case USER_VALID: $userLdap = true; $userLdapPresent = true; break; case PASSWORD_INCORRECT: $userLdapPresent = true; break; } // start off easy // if the user is in Tiki and password is verified in LDAP, log in if ($userLdap && $userTikiPresent) { return array($this->sync_and_update_lastlogin($user, $pass), $user, $result); } // if the user wasn't found in either system, just fail elseif (!$userTikiPresent && !$userLdapPresent) { return array(false, $user, $result); } // if the user was logged into Tiki but not found in LDAP elseif ($userTiki && !$userLdapPresent) { // see if we can create a new account if ($create_auth) { // need to make this better! ********************************************************* $result = $this->create_user_ldap($user, $pass); // if it worked ok, just log in if ($result == USER_VALID) // before we log in, update the login counter return array($this->sync_and_update_lastlogin($user, $pass), $user, $result); // if the server didn't work, do something! elseif ($result == SERVER_ERROR) { // check the notification status for this type of error return array(false, $user, $result); } // otherwise don't log in. else return array(false, $user, $result); } // otherwise else // just say no! return array(false, $user, $result); } // if the user was logged into Auth but not found in Tiki elseif ($userLdap && !$userTikiPresent) { // see if we are allowed to create a new account if ($ldap_create_tiki) { // need to make this better! ********************************************************* //$userinfo = $this->get_ldap_user_info($user,$pass); $result = $this->add_user($user, $pass, ''); $this->disable_tiki_auth($user); //disable password in tiki - use ldap // if it worked ok, just log in if ($result == USER_VALID) { // before we log in, update the login counter return array($this->sync_and_update_lastlogin($user, $pass), $user, $result); } // if the server didn't work, do something! elseif ($result == SERVER_ERROR) { // check the notification status for this type of error return array(false, $user, $result); } // otherwise don't log in. else return array(false, $user, $result); } // otherwise else // just say no! return array(false, $user, $result); } // if the user was logged into Auth and found in Tiki (no password in Tiki user table necessary) elseif ($userLdap && $userTikiPresent) return array($this->sync_and_update_lastlogin($user, $pass), $user, $result); } elseif ($auth_phpbb) { $result = $this->validate_user_phpbb($user, $pass); switch ($result) { case USER_VALID: $userPhpbb = true; break; case PASSWORD_INCORRECT: $userPhpbb = false; break; } // start off easy // if the user verified in Tiki and phpBB, log in if ($userPhpbb && $userTiki) { return array($this->sync_and_update_lastlogin($user, $pass), $user, $result); } // if the user wasn't found in either system, just fail elseif (!$userTikiPresent && !$userPhpbb) { return array(false, $user, USER_UNKNOWN); } // if the user was logged into phpBB but not found in Tiki elseif ($userPhpbb && !$userTikiPresent) { // see if we can create a new account if ($phpbb_create_tiki) { // get the user email and then add the user to Tiki $the_email = $this->phpbbauth->grabEmail($user); $result = $this->add_user($user, $pass, $the_email); // if it worked ok, just log in if ($result == USER_VALID) // before we log in, update the login counter return array($this->sync_and_update_lastlogin($user, $pass), $user, $result); // if the server didn't work, do something! elseif ($result == SERVER_ERROR) { // check the notification status for this type of error return array(false, $user, $result); } // otherwise don't log in. else return array(false, $user, $result); } // otherwise else // just say no! return array(false, $user, $result); } // if the user was found in Tiki, but not found in phpBB, we should probably disable the user elseif ($userTikiPresent && !$userPhpbb) { if($phpbb_disable_tikionly) { // would probably be better do flag the user as not active? How do you do that? // and it also would be better to check if the user is active first.. :) $this->invalidate_account($user); global $logslib; $logslib->add_log('auth_phpbb','NOTICE: Invalidated user ' . $user . ' due to missing phpBB account.'); } return array(false, $user, ACCOUNT_DISABLED); } // if the user was logged into phpBB and found in Tiki (no password in Tiki user table necessary) elseif ($userPhpbb && $userTikiPresent) return array($this->sync_and_update_lastlogin($user, $pass), $user, $result); } // we will never get here return array(false, $user, $result); } // validate the user through PAM function validate_user_pam($user, $pass) { global $tikilib, $prefs; // just make sure we're supposed to be here if ($prefs['auth_method'] != "pam") return false; // Read page AuthPAM at tw.o, it says about a php module required. // maybe and if extension line could be added here... module requires $error // as reference. $error = ''; if (pam_auth($user, $pass, $error)) { return USER_VALID; } else { // Uncomment the following to see errors on that // error_log("TIKI ERROR PAM: $error User: $user Pass: $pass"); return PASSWORD_INCORRECT; } } function check_cas_authentication($user_cookie_site) { global $tikilib, $prefs, $base_url, $webdav_access; // Avoid CAS authentication check if the client is not able to handle HTTP redirects to another domain. This includes: // - WebDAV requests // - Javascript/AJAX requests // if ( ( isset($webdav_access) && $webdav_access === true ) || ( isset($_SERVER['HTTP_X_REQUESTED_WITH']) && $_SERVER['HTTP_X_REQUESTED_WITH'] == 'XMLHttpRequest' ) ) { return true; } // just make sure we're supposed to be here if ( !$this->_init_cas_client() ) { return false; } if ( !empty($_SESSION['phpCAS']['user']) ) { $_SESSION[$user_cookie_site] = $_SESSION['phpCAS']['user']; } if (isset($_REQUEST['ticket']) && empty($_SESSION[$user_cookie_site])) { $cas_user = ''; $_SESSION['cas_is_validating'] = false; $this->validate_user_cas($cas_user, true); die(); } // Check for CAS (re-)validation // Only if : // - using CAS auth method // - not calling tiki-login.php nor tiki-logout.php // - not using 'admin' user // - the request is not a POST ( which does not keep its params with CAS redirections ) // - either the CAS validation timed out or the validation process has not ended within 5 seconds which often means that the redirection to the CAS server failed // if (php_sapi_name() !== 'cli' && (isset($_SESSION[$user_cookie_site]) || $prefs['cas_autologin'] == 'y') && basename($_SERVER["SCRIPT_NAME"]) != 'tiki-login.php' && basename($_SERVER["SCRIPT_NAME"]) != 'tiki-logout.php' && (!isset($_SESSION[$user_cookie_site]) || $_SESSION[$user_cookie_site] != 'admin' ) && empty($_POST) && ( ( $prefs['cas_authentication_timeout'] && $tikilib->now - $_SESSION['cas_validation_time'] > $prefs['cas_authentication_timeout'] ) || ( isset($_SESSION['cas_is_validating']) && $_SESSION['cas_is_validating'] === true && $tikilib->now - $_SESSION['cas_validation_time'] > 5 ) ) ) { unset($_SESSION["$user_cookie_site"]); unset($_SESSION['phpCAS']['user']); $_SESSION['cas_validation_time'] = $tikilib->now; $_SESSION['cas_is_validating'] = true; $cas_user = ''; // phpCAS will always redirect to CAS validate URL $this->validate_user_cas($cas_user, true); die(); } } function _init_cas_client() { global $prefs; // just make sure we're supposed to be here if ($prefs['auth_method'] != 'cas') { return false; } // import phpCAS lib require_once('lib/phpcas/CAS.php'); // initialize phpCAS if ( !isset($GLOBALS['PHPCAS_CLIENT']) ) { phpCAS::client($prefs['cas_version'], ''.$prefs['cas_hostname'], (int) $prefs['cas_port'], ''.$prefs['cas_path'], false); } return true; } // validate the user through CAS function validate_user_cas(&$user, $checkOnly = false) { global $tikilib, $prefs, $base_url; // just make sure we're supposed to be here if (!$this->_init_cas_client()) { return false; } // Redirect to this URL after authentication if ( !empty($prefs['cas_extra_param']) && basename($_SERVER["SCRIPT_NAME"]) == 'tiki-login.php' ) { phpCAS::setFixedServiceURL( $base_url . 'tiki-login.php?cas=y&' . $prefs['cas_extra_param'] ); } // check CAS authentication phpCAS::setNoCasServerValidation(); if ( $checkOnly ) { unset($_SESSION['phpCAS']['auth_checked']); $auth = phpCAS::checkAuthentication(); } else { $auth = phpCAS::forceAuthentication(); } $_SESSION['cas_validation_time'] = $tikilib->now; // at this step, the user has been authenticated by the CAS server // and the user's login name can be read with phpCAS::getUser(). if ( $auth && ($user = phpCAS::getUser()) ) { return USER_VALID; } else { $user = null; return PASSWORD_INCORRECT; } } function init_ldap($user, $pass) { global $prefs; if ( !isset($this->ldap) ) { require_once('auth/ldap.php'); $ldap_options=array('host' => $prefs['auth_ldap_host'], 'port' => $prefs['auth_ldap_port'], 'version' => $prefs['auth_ldap_version'], 'starttls' => $prefs['auth_ldap_starttls'], 'ssl' => $prefs['auth_ldap_ssl'], 'basedn' => $prefs['auth_ldap_basedn'], 'scope' => $prefs['auth_ldap_scope'], 'bind_type' => $prefs['auth_ldap_type'], 'username' => $user, 'password' => $pass, 'userdn' => $prefs['auth_ldap_userdn'], 'useroc' => $prefs['auth_ldap_useroc'], 'userattr' => $prefs['auth_ldap_userattr'], 'fullnameattr' => $prefs['auth_ldap_nameattr'], 'emailattr' => $prefs['auth_ldap_emailattr'], 'countryattr' => $prefs['auth_ldap_countryattr'], 'groupdn' => $prefs['auth_ldap_groupdn'], 'groupattr' => $prefs['auth_ldap_groupattr'], 'groupoc' => $prefs['auth_ldap_groupoc'], 'groupnameattr' => $prefs['auth_ldap_groupnameatr'], 'groupdescattr' => $prefs['auth_ldap_groupdescatr'], 'groupmemberattr' => $prefs['auth_ldap_memberattr'], 'groupmemberisdn' => $prefs['auth_ldap_memberisdn'], 'usergroupattr' => $prefs['auth_ldap_usergroupattr'], 'groupgroupattr' => $prefs['auth_ldap_groupgroupattr'], 'debug' => $prefs['auth_ldap_debug'] ); // print_r($ldap_options); $this->ldap=new TikiLdapLib($ldap_options); } } // validate the user via ldap and get a ldap connection function validate_user_ldap($user, $pass) { if (!$pass) { // An LDAP password cannot be empty. Treat specially so that Tiki does *NOT* unintentionally request an unauthenticated bind. return PASSWORD_INCORRECT; } global $prefs; global $logslib; // First connection on the ldap server in anonymous, now we can search the real name of the $user // It's required to pass in param the username & password because the username is used to determine the realname (dn) $this->init_ldap($user, $pass); $err = $this->ldap->bind(); if (is_int($err)) { $err=Net_LDAP2::errorMessage($err); } // Change the default bind_type to use the full, call get_user_attributes function to use the realname (dn) in the credentials test $this->ldap->setOption('bind_type', 'full'); $this->ldap->get_user_attributes(); // Credentials test! To test it we force the reconnection. $err = $this->ldap->bind(true); if (is_int($err)) { $err=Net_LDAP2::errorMessage($err); } switch($err) { case 'LDAP_INVALID_CREDENTIALS': return PASSWORD_INCORRECT; case 'LDAP_INVALID_SYNTAX': case 'LDAP_NO_SUCH_OBJECT': case 'LDAP_INVALID_DN_SYNTAX': if($prefs['auth_ldap_debug']=='y') $logslib->add_log('ldap','Error'.$err); return USER_NOT_FOUND; case 'LDAP_SUCCESS': if($prefs['auth_ldap_debug']=='y') $logslib->add_log('ldap','Bind successful.'); return USER_VALID; default: if($prefs['auth_ldap_debug']=='y') $logslib->add_log('ldap','Error'.$err); return SERVER_ERROR; } // this should never happen die('Assertion failed '.__FILE__.':'.__LINE__); } // validate the user from a phpBB database function validate_user_phpbb($user, $pass) { require_once('auth/phpbb.php'); $this->phpbbauth = new TikiPhpBBLib(); switch($this->phpbbauth->check($user, $pass)) { case PHPBB_INVALID_CREDENTIALS: return PASSWORD_INCORRECT; break; case PHPBB_INVALID_SYNTAX: case PHPBB_NO_SUCH_USER: return USER_NOT_FOUND; break; case PHPBB_SUCCESS: //$logslib->add_log('phpbb','PhpBB user validation successful.'); return USER_VALID; break; default: return SERVER_ERROR; } // this should never happen die('Assertion failed '.__FILE__.':'.__LINE__); } // Help function to disable the user password. Used, whenever the user password // shall not be hold in the tiki db but in LDAP or somewhere else function disable_tiki_auth($user) { global $tiki; $query = "update `users_users` set `password`=?, `hash`=? where binary `login` = ?"; $result = $this->query($query, array('','',$user)); } // synchronize all users with ldap directory function ldap_sync_all_users() { global $prefs; global $logslib; if ($prefs['syncUsersWithDirectory'] != 'y') { return false; } require_once('auth/ldap.php'); if($prefs['auth_ldap_debug']=='y') $logslib->add_log('ldap','Syncing all users with ldap'); $bind_type = 'default'; switch ($prefs['auth_ldap_type']) { // Must be anonymous or admin case 'default': break; default: if (!empty($prefs['auth_ldap_adminuser'])) { $bind_type = 'explicit'; break; } return false; } $ldap_options = array( 'host' => $prefs['auth_ldap_host'], 'port' => $prefs['auth_ldap_port'], 'version' => $prefs['auth_ldap_version'], 'starttls' => $prefs['auth_ldap_starttls'], 'ssl' => $prefs['auth_ldap_ssl'], 'basedn' => $prefs['auth_ldap_basedn'], 'scope' => $prefs['auth_ldap_scope'], 'bind_type' => $bind_type, 'binddn' => $prefs['auth_ldap_adminuser'], 'bindpw' => $prefs['auth_ldap_adminpass'], 'userdn' => $prefs['auth_ldap_userdn'], 'useroc' => $prefs['auth_ldap_useroc'], 'userattr' => $prefs['auth_ldap_userattr'], 'fullnameattr' => $prefs['auth_ldap_nameattr'], 'emailattr' => $prefs['auth_ldap_emailattr'], 'countryattr' => $prefs['auth_ldap_countryattr'], 'groupdn' => $prefs['auth_ldap_groupdn'], 'groupattr' => $prefs['auth_ldap_groupattr'], 'groupoc' => $prefs['auth_ldap_groupoc'], 'groupnameattr' => $prefs['auth_ldap_groupnameatr'], 'groupdescattr' => $prefs['auth_ldap_groupdescatr'], 'groupmemberattr' => $prefs['auth_ldap_memberattr'], 'groupmemberisdn' => $prefs['auth_ldap_memberisdn'], 'usergroupattr' => $prefs['auth_ldap_usergroupattr'], 'groupgroupattr' => $prefs['auth_ldap_groupgroupattr'], 'debug' => $prefs['auth_ldap_debug'] ); $user_ldap = new TikiLdapLib($ldap_options); if (!($users_attributes = $user_ldap->get_all_users_attributes())) { return false; } foreach ($users_attributes as $user_attributes) { $user = $user_attributes[$prefs['auth_ldap_userattr']]; $this->add_user($user, '', $user); if ($prefs['auth_method'] == 'ldap') { $this->disable_tiki_auth($user); } $this->ldap_sync_user_data($user, $user_attributes); } } // synchronize all groups with ldap directory function ldap_sync_all_groups() { global $prefs; global $logslib; if ($prefs['syncGroupsWithDirectory'] != 'y') { return false; } $users = $this->list_all_users(); foreach ($users as $user) { $this->ldap_sync_groups($user, null); } } // Sync Tiki user with ldap directory function ldap_sync_user($user, $pass) { if ( $user == 'admin' ) return true; global $prefs; global $logslib; $ret=true; $this->init_ldap($user, $pass); if($prefs['auth_ldap_debug']=='y') $logslib->add_log('ldap','Syncing user with ldap'); // sync user information if ($prefs['auth_method'] == 'ldap') { $this->disable_tiki_auth($user); } if ($prefs['syncUsersWithDirectory'] == 'y') { $this->ldap_sync_user_data($user, $this->ldap->get_user_attributes()); } return $ret; } // Sync ldap data (name, email, country) function ldap_sync_user_data($user, $attributes) { global $prefs; $u = array('login' => $user); if (isset($attributes[$prefs['auth_ldap_nameattr']])) { $u['realName'] = $attributes[$prefs['auth_ldap_nameattr']]; } if (isset($attributes[$prefs['auth_ldap_emailattr']])) { $u['email'] = $attributes[$prefs['auth_ldap_emailattr']]; } if (isset($attributes[$prefs['auth_ldap_countryattr']])) { $u['country'] = $attributes[$prefs['auth_ldap_countryattr']]; } if (count($u) > 1) { $this->set_user_fields($u); } } // Sync Tiki groups with ldap directory function ldap_sync_groups($user, $pass) { if ( $user == 'admin' ) return true; global $prefs; global $logslib; static $ldap_group_options = array(); static $ext_dir = null; $ret = true; $this->init_ldap($user, $pass); $this->ldap->setOption('username', $user); $this->ldap->setOption('password', $pass); if($prefs['auth_ldap_debug']=='y') $logslib->add_log('ldap','Syncing group with ldap'); $userattributes=$this->ldap->get_user_attributes(true); if ($prefs['syncGroupsWithDirectory'] == 'y' && $userattributes[$prefs['auth_ldap_group_corr_userattr']] != null) { // sync external group information of user $ldapgroups = array(); if ($prefs['auth_ldap_group_external'] == 'y') { // External directory for groups if (!isset($ext_dir)) { $ldap_group_options=array('host' => $prefs['auth_ldap_group_host'], 'port' => $prefs['auth_ldap_group_port'], 'version' => $prefs['auth_ldap_group_version'], 'starttls' => $prefs['auth_ldap_group_starttls'], 'ssl' => $prefs['auth_ldap_group_ssl'], 'basedn' => $prefs['auth_ldap_group_basedn'], 'scope' => $prefs['auth_ldap_group_scope'], 'userdn' => $prefs['auth_ldap_group_userdn'], 'useroc' => $prefs['auth_ldap_group_useroc'], 'userattr' => $prefs['auth_ldap_group_userattr'], 'username' => $userattributes[$prefs['auth_ldap_group_corr_userattr']], 'groupdn' => $prefs['auth_ldap_groupdn'], 'groupattr' => $prefs['auth_ldap_groupattr'], 'groupoc' => $prefs['auth_ldap_groupoc'], 'groupnameattr' => $prefs['auth_ldap_groupnameatr'], 'groupdescattr' => $prefs['auth_ldap_groupdescatr'], 'groupmemberattr' => $prefs['auth_ldap_memberattr'], 'groupmemberisdn' => $prefs['auth_ldap_memberisdn'], 'usergroupattr' => $prefs['auth_ldap_usergroupattr'], 'groupgroupattr' => $prefs['auth_ldap_groupgroupattr'], 'debug' => $prefs['auth_ldap_group_debug'] ); if (empty($prefs['auth_ldap_group_adminuser'])) { // Anonymous $ldap_group_options['bind_type'] = 'default'; } else { // Explicit $ldap_group_options['bind_type'] = 'explicit'; $ldap_group_options['binddn'] = $prefs['auth_ldap_group_adminuser']; $ldap_group_options['bindpw'] = $prefs['auth_ldap_group_adminpass']; } $ext_dir = new TikiLdapLib($ldap_group_options); } $ext_dir->setOption('username', $userattributes[$prefs['auth_ldap_group_corr_userattr']]); $ldapgroups = $ext_dir->get_groups(true); } else { if (!empty($prefs['auth_ldap_adminuser'])) { $this->ldap->setOption('bind_type', 'explicit'); $this->ldap->setOption('binddn', $prefs['auth_ldap_adminuser']); $this->ldap->setOption('bindpw', $prefs['auth_ldap_adminpass']); $this->ldap->bind(true); } $ldapgroups = $this->ldap->get_groups(true); if (!empty($prefs['auth_ldap_adminuser'])) { $this->ldap->setOption('bind_type', $prefs['auth_ldap_type']); $this->ldap->bind(true); } } $this->ldap_sync_group_data($user, $ldapgroups); } return $ret; } // Sync Tiki groups with LDAP groups data function ldap_sync_group_data($user, $ldapgroups) { global $prefs; global $logslib; if (!count($ldapgroups)) { return; } $ldapgroups_simple=array(); $tikigroups=$this->get_user_groups($user); foreach($ldapgroups as $group) { $gname=$group[$prefs['auth_ldap_groupattr']]; $ldapgroups_simple[]=$gname; // needed later if($this->group_exists($gname) && !$this->group_is_external($gname)) { // group exists //check if we need to sync group information if(isset($group[$prefs['auth_ldap_groupdescattr']])) { $ginfo=$this->get_group_info($gname); if($group[$prefs['auth_ldap_groupdescattr']] != $ginfo['groupDesc']) { $this->set_group_description($gname,$group[$prefs['auth_ldap_groupdescattr']]); } } } else if(!$this->group_exists($gname)){ // create group if(isset($group[$prefs['auth_ldap_groupdescattr']])) { $gdesc=$group[$prefs['auth_ldap_groupdescattr']]; } else { $gdesc=''; } $logslib->add_log('ldap','Creating external group '.$gname); $this->add_group($gname,$gdesc,'',0,0,'','',0,'',0,0,'y'); } // add user if(!in_array($gname,$tikigroups)) { $logslib->add_log('ldap','Adding user '.$user.' to external group '.$gname); $this->assign_user_to_group($user,$gname); } } // now clean up group membership if user has been unassigned from a group in ldap $extgroups=$this->get_user_external_groups($user); foreach($extgroups as $eg) { if(!in_array($eg,$ldapgroups_simple)) { $logslib->add_log('ldap','Removing user '.$user.' from external group '.$eg); $this->remove_user_from_group($user, $eg); } } } // called after create user or login from ldap function ldap_sync_user_and_groups($user,$pass) { $ret = true; $ret &= $this->ldap_sync_user($user, $pass); $ret &= $this->ldap_sync_groups($user, $pass); // Invalidate cache global $cachelib; require_once("lib/cache/cachelib.php"); $cacheKey = 'user_details_'.$user; $cachelib->invalidate($cacheKey); return($ret); } function set_group_description($group,$description) { $query = "update `users_groups` set `groupDesc`=? where `groupName`=?"; $result = $this->query($query, array($description,$group)); } function group_is_external($group) { $gi=$this->get_group_info($group); if($gi['isExternal']=='y') { return true; } return false; } // simple function - no group inclusion or intertiki function get_user_external_groups($user) { $userid = $this->get_user_id($user); $query = "select u.`groupName` from `users_usergroups` u, `users_groups` g where u.`groupName`=g.`groupName` and u.`userId`=? and g.`isExternal`=?"; $result=$this->query($query,array((int) $userid,'y')); $ret = array(); while ($res = $result->fetchRow()) { $ret[] = $res["groupName"]; } return $ret; } // validate the user in the Tiki database function validate_user_tiki($user, $pass, $challenge, $response, $validate_phase=false) { global $prefs; // first verify that the user exists $query = "select * from `users_users` where binary `login` = ?"; $result = $this->query($query, array($user) ); if (!$result->numRows()) { $query = "select * from `users_users` where upper(`login`) = ?"; $result = $this->query($query, array(strtoupper( $user ))); switch ($result->numRows()) { case 0: return array(USER_NOT_FOUND, $user); case 1: break; default: return array(USER_AMBIGOUS, $user); } } $res = $result->fetchRow(); $user = $res['login']; // next verify the password with every hashes methods if ($prefs['feature_challenge'] == 'n' || empty($response)) { if (!empty($res['valid']) && $pass == $res['valid']) // used for validation of user account before activation return array(USER_VALID, $user); if ($res['waiting'] == 'u') return array(ACCOUNT_WAITING_USER, $user); if ($res['waiting'] == 'a') return array(ACCOUNT_DISABLED, $user); if ($res['hash'] == md5($user.$pass.trim($res['email']))) // very old method md5(user.pass.email), for compatibility return array(USER_VALID, $user); if ($res['hash'] == md5($user.$pass)) // old method md5(user.pass), for compatibility return array(USER_VALID, $user); if ($res['hash'] == md5($pass)) // normal method md5(pass) return array(USER_VALID, $user); if ($this->hash_pass($pass, $res['hash']) == $res['hash']) // new method (crypt-md5) and tikihash method (md5(pass)) return array(USER_VALID, $user); return array(PASSWORD_INCORRECT, $user); } else { // Use challenge-reponse method // Compare pass against md5(user,challenge,hash) $hash = $this->getOne("select `hash` from `users_users` where binary `login`=?", array($user) ); if (!isset($_SESSION["challenge"])) return array(false, $user); //print("pass: $pass user: $user hash: $hash <br />"); //print("challenge: ".$_SESSION["challenge"]." challenge: $challenge<br />"); //print("response : $response<br />"); if ($response == md5($user . $hash . $_SESSION["challenge"])) { $this->update_lastlogin($user); return array(USER_VALID, $user); } else { return array(false, $user); } } return array(PASSWORD_INCORRECT, $user); } // ldap sync function sync_and_update_lastlogin($user, $pass) { global $prefs, $tikilib; $current = $this->getOne("select `currentLogin` from `users_users` where `login`= ?", array($user)); $ret = $this->update_lastlogin($user, $current); if (is_null($current)) { // First time $current = 0; } // A LDAP synchronisation is not done in the 1st minute after login if ( $tikilib->now - $current >= 60 && ( $prefs['syncGroupsWithDirectory'] == 'y' || $prefs['syncUsersWithDirectory'] == 'y' ) ) { $ret &= $this->ldap_sync_user_and_groups($user, $pass); } return $ret; } // update the lastlogin status on this user function update_lastlogin($user, $current = null) { // Check if (is_null($current)) { $current = $this->getOne("select `currentLogin` from `users_users` where `login`= ?", array($user)); } if (is_null($current)) { // First time $current = $this->now; } $query = "update `users_users` set `lastLogin`=?, `currentLogin`=?, `unsuccessful_logins`=? where `login`=?"; $result = $this->query($query, array( (int)$current, (int)$this->now, 0, $user ) ); return true; } // create a new user in the ldap directory function create_user_ldap($user, $pass) { // todo: kein pear::auth mehr! alles in pead::ldap2 abbilden global $tikilib, $prefs; $options = array(); $options['url'] = $prefs['auth_ldap_url']; $options['host'] = $prefs['auth_ldap_host']; $options['port'] = $prefs['auth_ldap_port']; $options['scope'] = $prefs['auth_ldap_scope']; $options['basedn'] = $prefs['auth_ldap_basedn']; $options['userdn'] = $prefs['auth_ldap_userdn']; $options['userattr'] = $prefs['auth_ldap_userattr']; $options['useroc'] = $prefs['auth_ldap_useroc']; $options['groupdn'] = $prefs['auth_ldap_groupdn']; $options['groupattr'] = $prefs['auth_ldap_groupattr']; $options['groupoc'] = $prefs['auth_ldap_groupoc']; $options['memberattr'] = $prefs['auth_ldap_memberattr']; $options['memberisdn'] = ($prefs['auth_ldap_memberisdn'] == 'y'); $options['binduser'] = $prefs['auth_ldap_adminuser']; $options['bindpw'] = $prefs['auth_ldap_adminpass']; // set additional attributes here $userattr = array(); $userattr['email'] = ( $prefs['login_is_email'] == 'y' ) ? $user : $this->getOne("select `email` from `users_users` where `login`=?", array($user)); // set the Auth options require_once("pear/Auth.php"); $a = new Auth("LDAP", $options); // check if the login correct if ($a->addUser($user, $pass, $userattr) === true) $status = USER_VALID; // otherwise use the error status given back else $status = $a->getStatus(); return $status; } function get_users_light($offset = 0, $maxRecords = -1, $sort_mode = 'login_asc', $find = '', $group = '') { // This is a lighter version of get_users_names designed for ajax checking of userrealnames global $prefs, $tiki_p_list_users, $tiki_p_admin; if ($tiki_p_list_users !== 'y' && $tiki_p_admin != 'y') { return array(); } $mid = ''; $bindvars = array(); if(!empty($group)) { if (!is_array($group)) { $group = array($group); } $mid = ', `users_usergroups` uug where uu.`userId`=uug.`userId` and uug.`groupName` in ('.implode(',',array_fill(0, count($group),'?')).')'; $bindvars = $group; } if ( !empty($find) ) { $findesc = '%' . $find . '%'; if (empty($mid)) { $mid .= " where uu.`login` like ?"; } else { $mid .= " and uu.`login` like ?"; } $bindvars[] = array($findesc); } $query = "select uu.`login` from `users_users` uu $mid order by ".$this->convertSortMode($sort_mode); $result = $this->fetchAll($query,$bindvars,$maxRecords,$offset); $ret = array(); foreach ($result as $res) { $ret[$res['login']] = $this->clean_user($res["login"]); } if (!empty($finddesc) && $prefs['user_show_realnames'] == 'y') { $query = "select `user` from `tiki_user_preferences` where `prefName` = 'realName' and `value` like ?"; $result = $this->fetchAll($query,array($findesc),$maxRecords,$offset); foreach ($result as $res) { if (!isset($ret[$res['user']])) { $ret[$res['user']] = $this->clean_user($res['user']); } } } asort($ret); return($ret); } function get_users_names($offset = 0, $maxRecords = -1, $sort_mode = 'login_asc', $find = '') { global $tiki_p_list_users, $tiki_p_admin; if ($tiki_p_list_users !== 'y' && $tiki_p_admin != 'y') { return array(); } // This function gets an array of user login names. if ( !empty($find) ) { $findesc = '%' . $find . '%'; $mid = " where `login` like ?"; $bindvars=array($findesc); } else { $mid = ''; $bindvars=array(); } $query = "select `login` from `users_users` $mid order by ".$this->convertSortMode($sort_mode); $result = $this->query($query,$bindvars,$maxRecords,$offset); $ret = array(); while ($res = $result->fetchRow()) { $ret[] = $res["login"]; } return ($ret); } function get_users($offset = 0, $maxRecords = -1, $sort_mode = 'login_asc', $find = '', $initial = '', $inclusion=false, $group='', $email='') { global $tiki_p_list_users, $tiki_p_admin; if ($tiki_p_list_users !== 'y' && $tiki_p_admin != 'y') { return array(); } $mid = ''; $bindvars = array(); $mmid = ''; $mbindvars = array(); // Return an array of users indicating name, email, last changed pages, versions, lastLogin //TODO : recurse included groups if(!empty($group)) { if (!is_array($group)) { $group = array($group); } $mid = ', `users_usergroups` uug where uu.`userId`=uug.`userId` and uug.`groupName` in ('.implode(',',array_fill(0, count($group),'?')).')'; $mmid = $mid; $bindvars = $group; $mbindvars = $bindvars; } if( !empty($email) ) { $mid.= $mid == '' ? ' where' : ' and'; $mid.= ' uu.`email` like ?'; $mmid = $mid; $bindvars[] = '%'.$email.'%'; $mbindvars[] = '%'.$email.'%'; } if (! empty($find) ) { $mid.= $mid == '' ? ' where' : ' and'; $mid.= " uu.`login` like ?"; $mmid = $mid; $bindvars[] = '%'.$find.'%'; $mbindvars[] = '%'.$find.'%'; } if ( !empty($initial) ) { $mid = " where `login` like ?"; $mmid = $mid; $bindvars = array($initial.'%'); $mbindvars = $bindvars; } $query = "select uu.* from `users_users` uu $mid order by ".$this->convertSortMode($sort_mode); $query_cant = "select count(*) from `users_users` uu $mmid"; $ret = $this->fetchAll($query, $bindvars, $maxRecords, $offset); $cant = $this->getOne($query_cant, $mbindvars); foreach ( $ret as &$res ) { $aux = array(); $res["user"] = $res["login"]; $user = $res["user"]; if ($inclusion) { $groups = $this->get_user_groups_inclusion($user); } else { $groups = $this->get_user_groups($user); } $res["groups"] = $groups; $res["age"] = $this->now - $res["registrationDate"]; $res['user_information'] = $this->get_user_preference($user, 'user_information', 'public'); $res['editable'] = $this->user_can_be_edited($user); } $retval = array(); $retval["data"] = $ret; $retval["cant"] = $cant; return $retval; } /** * @param string $edited_user : username (login) of the user that might be edited * @param string $editing_user : username of user doing the editing (or logged in user if omitted) * @return bool : true if $editing_user can edit $edited_user */ function user_can_be_edited($edited_user, $editing_user = '') { global $user; if (empty($editing_user)) { $editing_user = $user; } $editable = false; if ($this->user_has_permission($editing_user, 'tiki_p_admin')) { $editable = true; } else if ($this->user_has_permission($editing_user, 'tiki_p_admin_users') && !$this->user_has_permission($edited_user, 'tiki_p_admin')) { $editable = true; } return $editable; } function group_inclusion($group, $include) { $query = "insert into `tiki_group_inclusion`(`groupName`,`includeGroup`) values(?,?)"; $result = $this->query($query, array($group, $include)); } function get_included_groups($group, $recur=true) { $engroup = urlencode($group); if (!$recur || !isset($this->groupinclude_cache[$engroup])) { $query = "select `includeGroup` from `tiki_group_inclusion` where `groupName`=?"; $result = $this->query($query, array($group)); $ret = array(); while ($res = $result->fetchRow()) { $ret[] = $res["includeGroup"]; if ($recur) { $ret2 = $this->get_included_groups($res["includeGroup"]); $ret = array_merge($ret, $ret2); } } $back = array_unique($ret); if ($recur) { $this->groupinclude_cache[$engroup] = $back; } return $back; } else { return $this->groupinclude_cache[$engroup]; } } function get_including_groups($group, $recur='n') { $query = 'select `groupName` from `tiki_group_inclusion` where `includeGroup`=? order by `groupName`'; $result = $this->query($query, array($group)); $ret = array(); while ($res = $result->fetchRow()) { $ret[] = $res['groupName']; if ($recur == 'y') { $ret = array_merge($ret, $this->get_including_groups($res['groupName'])); } } if ($recur == 'y') { sort($ret); } return $ret; } function user_is_in_group($user, $group) { $user_details = $this->get_user_details($user); if (in_array($group, $user_details['groups'])) { return true; } else { return false; } } function remove_user_from_group($user, $group) { global $cachelib; require_once("lib/cache/cachelib.php"); global $tikilib, $prefs; $cachelib->invalidate('user_details_'.$user); $tikilib->invalidate_usergroups_cache($user); $userid = $this->get_user_id($user); $query = "delete from `users_usergroups` where `userId` = ? and `groupName` = ?"; $result = $this->query($query, array($userid, $group)); $query = "update `users_users` set `default_group`=? where `login`=? and `default_group`=?"; $this->query($query, array('Registered', $user, $group)); if ($prefs['user_trackersync_groups'] == 'y') { $this->uncategorize_user_tracker_item($user, $group); } $_SESSION['u_info']['group'] = 'Registered'; } function remove_user_from_all_groups($user) { global $prefs; if ($prefs['user_trackersync_groups'] == 'y') { $groups = $this->get_user_groups($user); foreach ($groups as $group) { $this->uncategorize_user_tracker_item($user, $group); } } $userid = $this->get_user_id($user); $query = "delete from `users_usergroups` where `userId` = ?"; $result = $this->query($query, array($userid)); } function get_groups($offset = 0, $maxRecords = -1, $sort_mode = 'groupName_asc', $find = '', $initial = '', $details="y", $inGroups='', $userChoice='') { $mid = ""; $bindvars = array(); if ($find) { $mid = " where `groupName` like ?"; $bindvars[] = "%" . $find . "%"; } if ($initial) { $mid = " where `groupName` like ?"; $bindvars = array($initial . "%"); } if ($inGroups) { $mid .= $mid? ' and ': ' where '; $mid .= '`groupName` in ('; $cpt = 0; foreach ($inGroups as $grp=>$value) { if ($cpt++) $mid .= ','; $mid .= '?'; $bindvars[] = $grp; } $mid .= ')'; } if ($userChoice) { $mid .= $mid? ' and ': ' where '; $mid .= '`userChoice` = ?'; $bindvars[] = 'y'; } $query = "select * from `users_groups` $mid order by ".$this->convertSortMode($sort_mode); $query_cant = "select count(*) from `users_groups` $mid"; $ret = $this->fetchAll($query, $bindvars, $maxRecords, $offset); $cant = $this->getOne($query_cant, $bindvars); foreach ( $ret as &$res ) { if ($details == "y") { $perms = $this->get_group_permissions($res['groupName']); $res['perms'] = $perms; $res['permcant'] = count($perms); $groups = $this->get_included_groups($res['groupName']); $res['included'] = $groups; } } $retval = array(); $retval["data"] = $ret; $retval["cant"] = $cant; return $retval; } function list_all_users() { global $cachelib, $tiki_p_list_users, $tiki_p_admin; if ($tiki_p_list_users !== 'y' && $tiki_p_admin != 'y') { return array(); } if (! $users = $cachelib->getSerialized("userslist")) { $users = array(); $result = $this->query("select `login`,`userId` from `users_users` order by `login`", array()); while ($res = $result->fetchRow()) { $users["{$res['userId']}"] = $res['login']; } $cachelib->cacheItem("userslist",serialize($users)); } return $users; } function list_all_groups() { global $cachelib; if (! $groups = $cachelib->getSerialized("grouplist")) { $groups = array(); $result = $this->query("select `groupName` from `users_groups` order by `groupName`", array()); while ($res = $result->fetchRow()) { $groups[] = $res['groupName']; } $cachelib->cacheItem("grouplist",serialize($groups)); } return $groups; } function list_all_groupIds() { global $cachelib; if (! $groups = $cachelib->getSerialized("groupIdlist")) { $groups = $this->fetchAll("select `id`, `groupName` from `users_groups` order by `groupName`", array()); $cachelib->cacheItem("groupIdlist",serialize($groups)); } return $groups; } function list_can_include_groups($group) { $list = array(); $query = "select `groupName` from `users_groups`"; $result = $this->query($query); while($res = $result->fetchRow()) { if($res['groupName'] != $group) { $includedGroups = $this->get_included_groups($res['groupName']); if(!in_array($group, $includedGroups)) { $list[] = $res['groupName']; } } } return $list; } function remove_user($user) { global $cachelib; if ( $user == 'admin' ) return false; $userId = $this->getOne("select `userId` from `users_users` where `login` = ?", array($user)); $groupTracker = $this->get_tracker_usergroup( $user ); if( $groupTracker && $groupTracker['usersTrackerId'] ) { $trklib = TikiLib::lib('trk'); $itemId = $trklib->get_item_id( $groupTracker['usersTrackerId'], $groupTracker['usersFieldId'], $user ); if( $itemId ) { $trklib->remove_tracker_item( $itemId ); } } $tracker = $this->get_usertracker( $userId ); if( $tracker && $tracker['usersTrackerId'] ) { $trklib = TikiLib::lib('trk'); $itemId = $trklib->get_item_id( $tracker['usersTrackerId'], $tracker['usersFieldId'], $user ); if( $itemId ) { $trklib->remove_tracker_item( $itemId ); } } $query = "delete from `users_users` where binary `login` = ?"; $result = $this->query($query, array( $user ) ); $query = "delete from `users_usergroups` where `userId`=?"; $result = $this->query($query, array( $userId ) ); $query = "delete from `tiki_user_login_cookies` where `userId`=?"; $result = $this->query($query, array( $userId ) ); $query = "delete from `tiki_user_watches` where binary `user`=?"; $result = $this->query($query, array($user)); $query = "delete from `tiki_user_preferences` where binary `user`=?"; $result = $this->query($query, array($user)); $query = "delete from `tiki_newsletter_subscriptions` where binary `email`=? and `isUser`=?"; $result = $this->query($query, array($user, 'y')); $cachelib->invalidate('userslist'); return true; } function change_login($from,$to) { global $cachelib; if ( $from == 'admin' ) return false; $userId = $this->getOne("select `userId` from `users_users` where `login` = ?", array($from)); if ($userId) { $this->query("update `users_users` set `login`=? where `userId` = ?", array($to,(int)$userId)); $this->query("update `tiki_wiki_attachments` set `user`=? where `user`=?", array($to,$from)); $this->query("update `tiki_webmail_messages` set `user`=? where `user`=?", array($to,$from)); $this->query("update `tiki_webmail_contacts` set `user`=? where `user`=?", array($to,$from)); $this->query("update `tiki_webmail_contacts_fields` set `user`=? where `user`=?", array($to,$from)); $this->query("update `tiki_userpoints` set `user`=? where `user`=?", array($to,$from)); $this->query("update `tiki_userfiles` set `user`=? where `user`=?", array($to,$from)); $this->query("update `tiki_user_watches` set `user`=? where `user`=?", array($to,$from)); $this->query("update `tiki_user_votings` set `user`=? where `user`=?", array($to,$from)); $this->query("update `tiki_user_tasks` set `user`=? where `user`=?", array($to,$from)); $this->query("update `tiki_user_tasks` set `creator`=? where `creator`=?", array($to,$from)); $this->query("update `tiki_user_tasks_history` set `lasteditor`=? where `lasteditor`=?", array($to,$from)); $this->query("update `tiki_user_taken_quizzes` set `user`=? where `user`=?", array($to,$from)); $this->query("update `tiki_user_quizzes` set `user`=? where `user`=?", array($to,$from)); $this->query("update `tiki_user_preferences` set `user`=? where `user`=?", array($to,$from)); $this->query("update `tiki_user_postings` set `user`=? where `user`=?", array($to,$from)); $this->query("update `tiki_user_notes` set `user`=? where `user`=?", array($to,$from)); $this->query("update `tiki_user_menus` set `user`=? where `user`=?", array($to,$from)); $this->query("update `tiki_user_mail_accounts` set `user`=? where `user`=?", array($to,$from)); $this->query("update `tiki_user_bookmarks_urls` set `user`=? where `user`=?", array($to,$from)); $this->query("update `tiki_user_bookmarks_folders` set `user`=? where `user`=?", array($to,$from)); $this->query("update `tiki_user_assigned_modules` set `user`=? where `user`=?", array($to,$from)); $this->query("update `tiki_tags` set `user`=? where `user`=?", array($to,$from)); $this->query("update `tiki_suggested_faq_questions` set `user`=? where `user`=?", array($to,$from)); $this->query("update `tiki_submissions` set `author`=? where `author`=?", array($to,$from)); $this->query("update `tiki_shoutbox` set `user`=? where `user`=?", array($to,$from)); $this->query("update `tiki_sessions` set `user`=? where `user`=?", array($to,$from)); $this->query("update `tiki_semaphores` set `user`=? where `user`=?", array($to,$from)); $this->query("update `tiki_received_pages` set `receivedFromUser`=? where `receivedFromUser`=?", array($to,$from)); $this->query("update `tiki_received_articles` set `author`=? where `author`=?", array($to,$from)); $this->query("update `tiki_private_messages` set `poster`=? where `poster`=?", array($to,$from)); $this->query("update `tiki_private_messages` set `toNickname`=? where `toNickname`=?", array($to,$from)); $this->query("update `tiki_pages` set `user`=? where `user`=?", array($to,$from)); $this->query("update `tiki_pages` set `creator`=? where `creator`=?", array($to,$from)); $this->query("update `tiki_page_footnotes` set `user`=? where `user`=?", array($to,$from)); $this->query("update `tiki_newsletters` set `author`=? where `author`=?", array($to,$from)); $this->query("update `tiki_minical_events` set `user`=? where `user`=?", array($to,$from)); $this->query("update `tiki_minical_topics` set `user`=? where `user`=?", array($to,$from)); $this->query("update `tiki_mailin_accounts` set `user`=? where `user`=?", array($to,$from)); $this->query("update `tiki_live_support_requests` set `operator`=? where `operator`=?", array($to,$from)); $this->query("update `tiki_live_support_requests` set `tiki_user`=? where `tiki_user`=?", array($to,$from)); $this->query("update `tiki_live_support_requests` set `user`=? where `user`=?", array($to,$from)); $this->query("update `tiki_live_support_operators` set `user`=? where `user`=?", array($to,$from)); $this->query("update `tiki_live_support_messages` set `user`=? where `user`=?", array($to,$from)); $this->query("update `tiki_live_support_messages` set `username`=? where `username`=?", array($to,$from)); $this->query("update `tiki_images` set `user`=? where `user`=?", array($to,$from)); $this->query("update `tiki_history` set `user`=? where `user`=?", array($to,$from)); $this->query("update `tiki_galleries` set `user`=? where `user`=?", array($to,$from)); $this->query("update `tiki_forums_reported` set `user`=? where `user`=?", array($to,$from)); $this->query("update `tiki_forums_queue` set `user`=? where `user`=?", array($to,$from)); $this->query("update `tiki_forums` set `moderator`=? where `moderator`=?", array($to,$from)); $this->query("update `tiki_forum_reads` set `user`=? where `user`=?", array($to,$from)); $this->query("update `tiki_files` set `user`=? where `user`=?", array($to,$from)); $this->query("update `tiki_files` set `lastModifUser`=? where `lastModifUser`=?", array($to,$from)); $this->query("update `tiki_files` set `lockedby`=? where `lockedby`=?", array($to,$from)); $this->query("update `tiki_file_galleries` set `user`=? where `user`=?", array($to,$from)); $this->query("update `tiki_file_drafts` set `user`=? where `user`=?", array($to,$from)); $this->query("update `tiki_copyrights` set `userName`=? where `userName`=?", array($to,$from)); $this->query("update `tiki_comments` set `userName`=? where `userName`=?", array($to,$from)); $this->query("update `tiki_chat_users` set `nickname`=? where `nickname`=?", array($to,$from)); $this->query("update `tiki_chat_messages` set `poster`=? where `poster`=?", array($to,$from)); $this->query("update `tiki_chat_channels` set `moderator`=? where `moderator`=?", array($to,$from)); $this->query("update `tiki_calendars` set `user`=? where `user`=?", array($to,$from)); $this->query("update `tiki_calendar_roles` set `username`=? where `username`=?", array($to,$from)); $this->query("update `tiki_calendar_items` set `user`=? where `user`=?", array($to,$from)); $this->query("update `tiki_blogs` set `user`=? where `user`=?", array($to,$from)); $this->query("update `tiki_blog_posts` set `user`=? where `user`=?", array($to,$from)); $this->query("update `tiki_banning` set `user`=? where `user`=?", array($to,$from)); $this->query("update `tiki_banners` set `client`=? where `client`=?", array($to,$from)); $this->query("update `tiki_articles` set `author`=? where `author`=?", array($to,$from)); $this->query("update `tiki_actionlog` set `user`=? where `user`=?", array($to,$from)); $this->query("update `messu_messages` set `user`=? where `user`=?", array($to,$from)); $this->query("update `messu_messages` set `user_from`=? where `user_from`=?", array($to,$from)); $this->query("update `tiki_newsletter_subscriptions` set `email`=? where `email`=? and `isUser`=?", array($to,$from, 'y')); $this->query("update `tiki_friends` set `user`=? where `user`=?", array($to,$from)); $this->query("update `tiki_friends` set `friend`=? where `friend`=?", array($to,$from)); $this->query("update `tiki_friendship_requests` set `userFrom`=? where `userFrom`=?", array($to,$from)); $this->query("update `tiki_friendship_requests` set `userTo`=? where `userTo`=?", array($to,$from)); $this->query("update `tiki_freetagged_objects` set `user`=? where `user`=?", array($to,$from)); $this->query("update `tiki_tracker_item_comments` set `user`=? where `user`=?", array($to,$from)); $this->query('update `tiki_tracker_item_fields`ttif left join `tiki_tracker_fields` ttf on (ttif.`fieldId`=ttf.`fieldId`) set `value`=? where ttif.`value`=? and ttf.`type`=?', array($to, $from, 'u')); $this->query('update `tiki_tracker_items` set `createdBy`=? where `createdBy`=?', array($to, $from)); $this->query('update `tiki_tracker_items` set `lastModifBy`=? where `lastModifBy`=?', array($to, $from)); $result = $this->query("select `fieldId`, `itemChoices` from `tiki_tracker_fields` where `type`='u'"); while($res = $result->fetchRow()) { $this->query("update `tiki_tracker_item_fields` set `value`=? where `value`=? and `fieldId`=?", array($to,$from,$res['fieldId'])); $u = ($res['itemChoices'] != '' ) ? unserialize($res['itemChoices']) : array(); if($value=array_search($from, $u)) { $u[$value] = $to ; $u = serialize($u); $this->query("update `tiki_tracker_fields` set `itemChoices`=? where `fieldId`=?", array($u,$res['fieldId'])); } } $cachelib->invalidate('userslist'); return true; } else { return false; } } function remove_group($group) { if ( $group == 'Anonymous' || $group == 'Registered' ) return false; $query = "delete from `tiki_group_inclusion` where `groupName` = ? or `includeGroup` = ?"; $result = $this->query($query, array($group, $group)); $query = array(); $query[] = "delete from `users_groups` where `groupName` = ?"; $query[] = "delete from `users_usergroups` where `groupName` = ?"; $query[] = "delete from `users_grouppermissions` where `groupName` = ?"; $query[] = "delete from `users_objectpermissions` where `groupName` = ?"; $query[] = "delete from `tiki_newsletter_groups` where `groupName` = ?"; $query[] = "delete from `tiki_group_watches` where `group` = ?"; foreach ( $query as $q ) $this->query($q, array($group)); $this->query("update `users_users` set `default_group`=? where `default_group`=?", array('Registered', $group)); global $cachelib; $cachelib->invalidate('grouplist'); $cachelib->invalidate('group_theme_'.$group); return true; } function get_user_default_group($user) { if (!isset($user)) { return 'Anonymous'; } if ($user == $_SESSION['u_info']['login']) { if (isset($_SESSION['u_info']['group']) && is_string($_SESSION['u_info']['group'])) { return $_SESSION['u_info']['group']; } elseif (isset($_SESSION['u_info']['group']['groupName']) && is_string($_SESSION['u_info']['group']['groupName'])) { return $_SESSION['u_info']['group']['groupName']; } } $query = "select `default_group` from `users_users` where `login` = ?"; $result = $this->getOne($query, array($user)); $ret = ''; if (!is_null($result) && $result != "") { $ret = $result; } else { $groups = $this->get_user_groups($user); foreach ($groups as $gr) { if ($gr != "Anonymous" and $gr != "Registered" and $gr != "") { $ret = $gr; break; } } if (!$ret) { $ret = "Registered"; } } return $ret; } function get_user_default_homepage($user) { $result = $this->get_user_default_group($user); if (!is_null($result)) { $home = $this->get_group_home($result); if ($home != '') return $this->best_multilingual_page($home); } $query = "select g.`groupHome`, g.`groupName` from `users_usergroups` as gu, `users_users` as u, `users_groups`as g where gu.`userId`= u.`userId` and u.`login`=? and gu.`groupName`= g.`groupName` and g.`groupHome` != '' and g.`groupHome` is not null"; $result = $this->query($query,array($user)); $home = ''; $group = ''; while ($res = $result->fetchRow()) { if ($home != '') { $groups = $this->get_included_groups($res["groupName"]); if (in_array($group, $groups)) { $home = $res["groupHome"]; $group = $res["groupName"]; } } $home = $res["groupHome"]; $group = $res["groupName"]; } return $this->best_multilingual_page($home); } function best_multilingual_page($page) { global $prefs; if ($prefs['feature_multilingual'] != 'y') { return ($page); } $info = $this->get_page_info($page); global $multilinguallib; include_once ("lib/multilingual/multilinguallib.php"); $bestLangPageId = $multilinguallib->selectLangObj('wiki page', $info['page_id'], $prefs['language']); if ($info['page_id'] == $bestLangPageId) { return $page; } return $this->get_page_name_from_id($bestLangPageId); } function get_user_default_homepage2($user) { global $prefs; if ($prefs['useGroupHome'] == 'y') { $groupHome = $this->get_user_default_homepage($user); if (!empty($groupHome)) $p = $groupHome; else $p = $prefs['wikiHomePage']; } else { $p = $prefs['wikiHomePage']; } return $p; } /* Returns a theme/style for this ithe default group of the current user. */ function get_user_group_theme() { global $user; $group = $this->get_user_default_group($user); global $cachelib; require_once("lib/cache/cachelib.php"); $k = 'group_theme_'.$group; if ( $data = $cachelib->getCached($k) ) { $return = $data; } elseif ( ! empty($group) ) { $query = 'select `groupTheme` from `users_groups` where `groupName` = ?'; $return = $this->getOne($query, array($group)); $cachelib->cacheItem($k, $return); } return $return; } /* Returns a default category for user's default_group */ function get_user_group_default_category($user) { $query = "select `groupDefCat` from `users_groups` ug, `users_users` uu where `login` = ? and ug.`groupName` = uu.`default_group`"; $result = $this->getOne($query, array($user)); return $result; } //modified get_user_groups() to know if the user is part of the group directly or through groups inclusion function get_user_groups_inclusion($user) { $userid = $this->get_user_id($user); $query = "select `groupName` from `users_usergroups` where `userId`=?"; $result = $this->query($query, array((int)$userid)); $real = array(); //really assigned groups (not (only) included) $ret = array(); while ($res = $result->fetchRow()) { $real[] = $res["groupName"]; foreach ($this->get_included_groups($res["groupName"]) as $group) { $ret[$group] = "included"; } } foreach ($real as $group) { $ret[$group] = "real"; } return $ret; } function get_group_home($group) { $query = "select `groupHome` from `users_groups` where `groupName`=?"; $result = $this->getOne($query,array($group)); $ret =''; if (!is_null($result)) { $ret = $result; } return $ret; } /** * Return information about users that belong to a * specific group * * @param string $group group name * @param int $offset * @param int $max * @param string $what which user fields to retrieve * @param string $sort_mode * @return array list of users */ function get_group_users($group, $offset = 0, $max=-1, $what='login', $sort_mode='login_asc') { global $prefs; $w = $what=='*'? 'uu.*, ug.`created`, ug.`expire` ': "uu.`$what`"; $query = "select $w from `users_users` uu, `users_usergroups` ug where uu.`userId`=ug.`userId` and `groupName`=? order by ".$this->convertSortMode($sort_mode); $result = $this->fetchAll($query,$group, $max, $offset); $ret = array(); foreach ($result as $res) { $ret[] = ($what == '*') ? $res: $res[$what]; } return $ret; } function get_user_info($user, $inclusion = false, $field = 'login') { global $prefs; if ( $field == 'userId' ) $user = (int)$user; elseif ( $field != 'login' ) return false; $result = $this->query("select * from `users_users` where `$field`=?", array($user)); if( $res = $result->fetchRow() ) { $res['groups'] = ( $inclusion ) ? $this->get_user_groups_inclusion($res['login']) : $this->get_user_groups($res['login']); $res['age'] = ( ! isset($res['registrationDate']) ) ? 0 : $this->now - $res['registrationDate']; if ( $prefs['login_is_email'] == 'y' && isset($res['login']) && $res['login'] != 'admin' ) $res['email'] = $res['login']; $res['editable'] = $this->user_can_be_edited($res['login']); return $res; } } function get_userid_info($user, $inclusion = false) { return $this->get_user_info($user, $inclusion, 'userId'); } // UNRELIABLE. In particular, lastLogin and currentLogin aren't properly maintained due to missing user_details_ cache invalidation // refactoring to use new cachelib instead of global var in memory - batawata 2006-02-07 function get_user_details($login) { global $cachelib; require_once("lib/cache/cachelib.php"); $cacheKey = 'user_details_'.$login; if ( ! $user_details = $cachelib->getSerialized($cacheKey)) { $user_details = array(); $query = 'SELECT `userId` , `login`, `email` , `lastLogin` , `currentLogin` , `registrationDate` , `created` , `avatarName` , `avatarSize` , `avatarFileType` , `avatarLibName` , `avatarType` FROM `users_users` WHERE `login` = ?'; $result = $this->query($query, array($login)); $user_details['info'] = $result->fetchRow(); $query = 'SELECT `prefName` , `value` FROM `tiki_user_preferences` WHERE `user` = ?'; $result = $this->query($query, array($login)); $user_details['preferences'] = array(); $aUserPrefs = array('realName','homePage','country'); while ( $row = $result->fetchRow() ) { $user_details['preferences'][$row['prefName']] = $row['value']; // atention: this is redundant, for intertiki slave mode // we insert, delete and insert again this information, // because of nature of user information as being preferences if (in_array($row['prefName'], $aUserPrefs)) { $user_details['info'][$row['prefName']] = $row['value']; } } $user_details['groups'] = $this->get_user_groups($login); $cachelib->cacheItem($cacheKey, serialize($user_details)); global $user_preferences; $user_preferences[$login] = $user_details['preferences']; } return $user_details; } function set_default_group($user,$group) { // if user is not in group, assign user to group before setting default group $user_groups = $this->get_user_groups($user); if (!in_array($group, $user_groups) && !empty($group)) { $this->assign_user_to_group($user, $group); } $query = "update `users_users` set `default_group` = ? where `login` = ?"; $this->query($query, array($group, $user)); } function set_email_group($user, $email) { $query = 'select `id`, `groupName`, `emailPattern` from `users_groups` where `emailPattern`!=?'; $groups = $this->fetchAll($query, array('')); $nb = 0; if (empty($groups)) { return 0; } $userGroups = $this->get_user_groups_inclusion($user); foreach ($groups as $group) { if (!isset($userGroups[$group['groupName']]) && preg_match($group['emailPattern'], $email)) { $this->assign_user_to_group($user, $group['groupName']); $this->set_default_group($user, $group['groupName']); ++$nb; } } return $nb; } function refresh_set_email_group() { $users = $this->list_users(); $nb = 0; foreach($users['data'] as $user) { $nb += $this->set_email_group($user['login'], $user['email']); } return $nb; } function change_permission_level($perm, $level) { $query = "update `users_permissions` set `level` = ? where `permName` = ?"; $this->query($query, array($level, $perm)); global $cachelib; $cachelib->invalidate("allperms"); $cachelib->empty_type_cache("fgals_perms"); global $menulib; include_once('lib/menubuilder/menulib.php'); $menulib->empty_menu_cache(); } function assign_level_permissions($group, $level) { $query = "select `permName` from `users_permissions` where `level` = ?"; $result = $this->query($query, array($level)); $ret = array(); while ($res = $result->fetchRow()) { $this->assign_permission_to_group($res['permName'], $group); } global $cachelib; $cachelib->invalidate("allperms"); $cachelib->empty_type_cache("fgals_perms"); $cachelib->invalidate("groupperms_$group"); global $menulib; include_once('lib/menubuilder/menulib.php'); $menulib->empty_menu_cache(); } function remove_level_permissions($group, $level) { $query = "select `permName` from `users_permissions` where `level` = ?"; $result = $this->query($query, array($level)); $ret = array(); while ($res = $result->fetchRow()) { $this->remove_permission_from_group($res['permName'], $group); } global $cachelib; $cachelib->invalidate("allperms"); $cachelib->empty_type_cache("fgals_perms"); $cachelib->invalidate("groupperms_$group"); global $menulib; include_once('lib/menubuilder/menulib.php'); $menulib->empty_menu_cache(); } function create_dummy_level($level) { $query = "delete from `users_permissions` where `permName` = ?"; $result = $this->query($query, array('')); $query = "insert into `users_permissions`(`permName`, `permDesc`, `type`, `level`) values('','','',?)"; $this->query($query, array($level)); global $cachelib; $cachelib->invalidate("allperms"); $cachelib->empty_type_cache("fgals_perms"); global $menulib; include_once('lib/menubuilder/menulib.php'); $menulib->empty_menu_cache(); } function get_permission_levels() { $query = "select distinct(`level`) from `users_permissions`"; $result = $this->query($query); $ret = array(); while ($res = $result->fetchRow()) { $ret[] = $res['level']; } return $ret; } function get_tracker_usergroup($user) { $lastRes = ''; $group = $this->get_user_default_group($user); if (!empty($group)) { $lastRes = $this->get_usertrackerid($group); } if (!$lastRes) { $groups = $this->get_user_groups($user); $query = 'select `groupName`, `usersTrackerId`, `usersFieldId` from `users_groups` where `groupName` in ( '.implode(' , ',array_fill(0,count($groups),'?')).' ) and `groupName` != ? and `usersTrackerId` > 0'; $groups[] = 'Anonymous'; $result = $this->query($query, $groups); while ($res = $result->fetchRow()) { $lastRes = $res; if ($res['groupName'] != 'Registered') return $res ; } } return $lastRes; } function get_grouptrackerid($group) { $res = $this->query("select `groupTrackerId`,`groupFieldId` from `users_groups` where `groupName`=?",array($group)); $ret = $res->fetchRow(); if (!$ret['groupTrackerId'] or !$ret['groupFieldId']) { $groups = $this->get_included_groups($group); foreach ($groups as $gr) { $res = $this->query("select `groupTrackerId`,`groupFieldId` from `users_groups` where `groupName`=?",array($gr)); $ret = $res->fetchRow(); if ($ret['groupTrackerId'] and $ret['groupFieldId']) { return $ret; } } } else { return $ret; } return false; } function get_usertrackerid($group) { $res = $this->query("select `usersTrackerId`,`usersFieldId` from `users_groups` where `groupName`=?",array($group)); $ret = $res->fetchRow(); if (!$ret['usersTrackerId'] or !$ret['usersFieldId']) { $groups = $this->get_included_groups($group); foreach ($groups as $gr) { $res = $this->query("select `usersTrackerId`,`usersFieldId` from `users_groups` where `groupName`=?",array($gr)); $ret = $res->fetchRow(); if ($ret['usersTrackerId'] and $ret['usersFieldId']) { return $ret; } } } else { return $ret; } return false; } function get_usertracker($uid) { if( $utr = $this->get_userid_info($uid) ) { $utr["usersTrackerId"] = ''; foreach ($utr['groups'] as $gr) { $utrid = $this->get_usertrackerid($gr); if ($utrid['usersTrackerId'] and $utrid['usersFieldId']) { $utrid['group'] = $gr; $utrid['user'] = $utr['login']; $utr = $utrid; break; } } return $utr; } } function get_permissions($offset = 0, $maxRecords = -1, $sort_mode = 'permName_asc', $find = '', $type = '', $group = '', $enabledOnly = false) { global $prefs; $values = array(); $sort_mode = $this->convertSortMode($sort_mode); $mid = ''; if ($type && $type != 'all') { $mid = ' where `type`= ? '; $values[] = $type; } if ($find) { if ($mid) { $mid .= " and `permName` like ?"; $values[] = '%'.$find.'%'; } else { $mid .= " where `permName` like ?"; $values[] = '%'.$find.'%'; } } else { if ($mid) { $mid .= " and `permName` > ''"; } else { $mid .= " where `permName` > ''"; } } $query = "select * from `users_permissions` $mid order by $sort_mode "; $ret = $this->fetchAll($query, $values, $maxRecords, $offset); $cant = 0; foreach ( $ret as &$res ) { if( $enabledOnly && $res['feature_check'] ) { // only list enabled features $feats = preg_split('/,/', $res['feature_check']); $got_one = false; foreach ($feats as $feat) { if ( $prefs[ trim($feat) ] == 'y') { $got_one = true; } } if (!$got_one) { continue; } } $cant++; if ($group) { if (is_string($group)) { if ($this->group_has_permission($group, $res['permName'])) { $res['hasPerm'] = 'y'; $res[count($res)/2] = 'y'; // keep indexed key too } else { $res['hasPerm'] = 'n'; $res[count($res)/2] = 'n'; } } else if (is_array($group)) { foreach( $group as $groupName) { if ($this->group_has_permission($groupName, $res['permName'])) { $res[$groupName.'_hasPerm'] = 'y'; $res[count($res)/2] = 'y'; } else { $res[$groupName.'_hasPerm'] = 'n'; $res[count($res)/2] = 'n'; } } } } } return array( 'data' => $ret, 'cant' => $cant, ); } function get_permission_types() { global $prefs; $query = "select distinct `type` from `users_permissions`"; $ret = $this->fetchAll($query); $cant = count($ret); return array( 'data' => $ret, 'cant' => $cant, ); } function get_group_permissions($group) { global $cachelib; if ( ! $ret = $cachelib->getSerialized("groupperms_$group") ) { $query = "select `permName` from `users_grouppermissions` where `groupName`=?"; $result = $this->query($query, array($group)); $ret = array(); while ( $res = $result->fetchRow() ) { $ret[] = $res["permName"]; } $cachelib->cacheItem("groupperms_$group",serialize($ret)); } return $ret; } function get_user_detailled_permissions($user) { $groups = $this->get_user_groups($user); // Use group cache if only one group //if ( count($groups) == 1 ) return $this->get_group_permissions($groups[0]); $query = 'select distinct up.* from `users_permissions` as up, `users_grouppermissions` as ug where ug.`groupName` in ('.implode(',',array_fill(0,count($groups),'?')).') and up.`permName`=ug.`permName`'; return $this->fetchAll($query, $groups); } function assign_permission_to_group($perm, $group) { $query = "delete from `users_grouppermissions` where `groupName` = ? and `permName` = ?"; $result = $this->query($query, array($group, $perm)); $query = "insert into `users_grouppermissions`(`groupName`, `permName`) values(?, ?)"; $result = $this->query($query, array($group, $perm)); global $cachelib; $cachelib->invalidate("allperms"); $cachelib->empty_type_cache("fgals_perms"); $cachelib->invalidate("groupperms_$group"); global $menulib; include_once('lib/menubuilder/menulib.php'); $menulib->empty_menu_cache(); return true; } function get_user_permissions($user) { $groups = $this->get_user_groups($user); $ret = array(); foreach ($groups as $group) { $perms = $this->get_group_permissions($group); foreach ($perms as $perm) { $ret[] = $perm; } } return $ret; } function user_has_permission($user, $perm) { // Get user_groups ? $groups = $this->get_user_groups($user); foreach ($groups as $group) { if ($this->group_has_permission($group, $perm) || $this->group_has_permission($group, 'tiki_p_admin')) { return true; } } return false; } function group_has_permission($group, $perm) { if ( empty($perm) || empty($group) ) return 0; $engroup = urlencode($group); if ( ! isset($this->groupperm_cache[$engroup]) ) { $this->groupperm_cache[$engroup] = array(); $groupperms = $this->get_group_permissions($group); foreach ( $groupperms as $gp ) { $this->groupperm_cache[$engroup][$gp] = 1; } } return isset($this->groupperm_cache[$engroup][$perm]) ? 1 : 0; } function remove_permission_from_group($perm, $group) { $query = "delete from `users_grouppermissions` where `permName` = ? and `groupName` = ?"; $result = $this->query($query, array($perm, $group)); global $cachelib; $cachelib->invalidate("allperms"); $cachelib->empty_type_cache("fgals_perms"); $cachelib->invalidate("groupperms_$group"); global $menulib; include_once('lib/menubuilder/menulib.php'); $menulib->empty_menu_cache(); return true; } function get_group_info($group, $sort_mode='groupName_asc') { $ret = array(); if (is_array($group)) { $query = 'select * from `users_groups` where `groupName` in ('.implode(',',array_fill(0,count($group),'?')).') order by '.$this->convertSortMode($sort_mode); $ret = $this->fetchAll($query, $group); } else { $query = 'select * from `users_groups` where `groupName`=?'; $result = $this->query($query, array($group)); $ret = $result->fetchRow(); $perms = $this->get_group_permissions($group); $ret['perms'] = $perms; } return $ret; } function get_groupId_info($groupId) { $query = "select * from `users_groups` where `id`=?"; $result = $this->query($query, array($groupId)); $res = $result->fetchRow(); $perms = $this->get_group_permissions($res['groupName']); $res["perms"] = $perms; return $res; } function assign_user_to_group($user, $group) { global $cachelib; require_once("lib/cache/cachelib.php"); global $tikilib, $prefs; $cachelib->invalidate('user_details_'.$user); $tikilib->invalidate_usergroups_cache($user); $group_ret = false; $userid = $this->get_user_id($user); if ( $userid > 0 ){ $query = "insert into `users_usergroups`(`userId`,`groupName`, `created`) values(?,?,?)"; $result = $this->query($query, array($userid, $group, $tikilib->now), -1, -1, false); $group_ret = true; if ($prefs['user_trackersync_groups'] == 'y') { $this->categorize_user_tracker_item($user, $group); } } return $group_ret; } function assign_user_to_groups($user, $groups) { global $cachelib; require_once("lib/cache/cachelib.php"); $cachelib->invalidate('user_details_'.$user); $userid = $this->get_user_id($user); $query = "delete from `users_usergroups` where `userId`=?"; $this->query($query, array($userid)); foreach ($groups as $grp) { $this->assign_user_to_group($user, $grp); } } function hash_pass($pass, $salt = NULL) { global $prefs; $hashmethod=$prefs['feature_crypt_passwords']; if (!is_null($salt)) { $len=strlen($salt); if ($len == 13) { // CRYPT_STD_DES $hashmethod='crypt-des'; } else if ($len == 34) { // CRYPT_MD5 $hashmethod='crypt-md5'; } else if ($len == 32) { // md5() $hashmethod='tikihash'; } else if ($len == 0) { // password is disabled in tiki -> external authentification $hashmethod='pass_disabled'; } else { die("Unknown password format"); } } switch($hashmethod) { case 'crypt': return crypt($pass); case 'crypt-des': if (CRYPT_STD_DES != 1) die("CRYPT_STD_DES not implemented on this system"); if (is_null($salt)) { $letters="abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789./"; $salt=''; for ($i=0; $i<2; $i++) $salt.=$letters[rand(0, strlen($letters) - 1)]; } return crypt($pass, $salt); case 'crypt-md5': if (CRYPT_MD5 != 1) die("CRYPT_MD5 not implemented on this system"); if (is_null($salt)) { $letters="abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789./"; $salt='$1$'; for ($i=0; $i<8; $i++) $salt.=$letters[rand(0, strlen($letters) - 1)]; $salt.='$'; } return crypt($pass, $salt); case 'pass_disabled': // md5(someting) is not empty string case 'tikihash': default: return md5($pass); } } function confirm_user($user) { global $prefs,$cachelib; $query = "update `users_users` set `provpass`=?, valid=?, `email_confirm`=?, `waiting`=? where `login`=?"; $result = $this->query($query, array('', NULL, $this->now, NULL, $user)); $cachelib->invalidate('userslist'); } function invalidate_account($user) { global $prefs,$cachelib, $tikilib; $query = "update `users_users` set valid=?, `waiting`=? where `login`=?"; $result = $this->query($query, array(md5($tikilib->genPass()), 'u', $user)); $cachelib->invalidate('userslist'); } function change_user_waiting($user, $who) { $query = 'update `users_users` set `waiting`=? where `login`=?'; $this->query($query, array($who, $user)); } function add_user($user, $pass, $email, $provpass = '', $pass_first_login = false, $valid = NULL, $openid_url = NULL, $waiting=NULL) { global $tikilib, $cachelib, $prefs; if ($this->user_exists($user) || empty($user) || (!empty($prefs['username_pattern']) && !preg_match($prefs['username_pattern'], $user)) || strtolower($user) == 'anonymous' || strtolower($user) == 'registered') { return false; } // Generate a unique hash; this is also done below in set_user_fields() $lastLogin = null; if (empty($openid_url)) { $hash = $this->hash_pass($pass); } else { $hash = ''; if (!isset($prefs['validateRegistration']) || $prefs['validateRegistration'] != 'y') $lastLogin = $tikilib->now; } if ( $prefs['feature_clear_passwords'] == 'n' ) { $pass = ''; } if ( $pass_first_login ) { $new_pass_confirm = 0; } else { $new_pass_confirm = $this->now; } $new_email_confirm = $this->now; $query = "insert into `users_users`(`login`, `password`, `email`, `provpass`, `registrationDate`, `hash`, `pass_confirm`, `email_confirm`, `created`, `valid`, `openid_url`, `lastLogin`, `waiting`) values(?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)"; $result = $this->query($query, array( $user, $pass, $email, $provpass, (int) $this->now, $hash, (int) $new_pass_confirm, (int) $new_email_confirm, (int) $this->now, $valid, $openid_url, $lastLogin, //(empty($_GLOBALS['user']) && $prefs['validateRegistration'] == 'y')? 'a': ((empty($_GLOBALS['user']) && $prefs['validateUsers'] == 'y')? 'u': NULL) $waiting )); $this->assign_user_to_group($user, 'Registered'); if( $prefs['eponymousGroups'] == 'y' ) { // Create a group just for this user, for permissions // assignment. $this->add_group($user, "Personal group for $user.",'',0,0,0,''); $this->assign_user_to_group($user, $user); } $this->set_user_default_preferences($user, false); // do not force $cachelib->invalidate('userslist'); return true; } function set_user_default_preferences($user, $force=true) { global $prefs; foreach( $prefs as $pref => $value ) { if ( ! preg_match('/^users_prefs_/', $pref) ) continue; if ($pref == 'users_prefs_email_is_public') { $pref_name = 'email is public'; } else { $pref_name = substr( $pref, 12 ); } if ($force || is_null($this->get_user_preference($user, $pref_name))) { $this->set_user_preference($user, $pref_name, $value); } } } function change_user_email_only($user, $email) { $query = 'update `users_users` set `email`=? where binary `login`=?'; $result = $this->query($query, array($email, $user)); } function change_user_email($user, $email, $pass=null) { // Need to change the email-address for notifications, too global $notificationlib; include_once('lib/notifications/notificationlib.php'); $oldMail = $this->get_user_email($user); $notificationlib->update_mail_address($user, $oldMail, $email); $this->change_user_email_only($user, $email); // that block stays here for a time (compatibility) // lfagundes - only if pass is provided, admin doesn't need it // is this still necessary? if (!empty($pass)) { $hash = $this->hash_pass($pass); $query = "update `users_users` set `hash`=? where binary `login`=?"; $result = $this->query($query, array( $hash, $user )); } $query = "update `tiki_user_watches` set `email`=? where binary `user`=?"; $result = $this->query($query, array( $email, $user)); $query = "update `tiki_live_support_requests` set `email`=? where binary `user`=?"; $result = $this->query($query, array( $email, $user)); return true; } function get_user_password($user) { $query = "select `password`,`provpass` from `users_users` where binary `login`=?"; $result = $this->query($query, array($user)); $res = $result->fetchRow(); if (empty($res['provpass'])) return $res['password']; else return $res['provpass']; } function get_user_email($user) { global $prefs; return ( $prefs['login_is_email'] == 'y' && $user != 'admin' ) ? $user : $this->getOne("select `email` from `users_users` where binary `login`=?", array($user)); } function get_userId_what($userIds, $what='email') { $query = "select `$what` from `users_users` where `userId` in (".implode(',',array_fill(0, count($userIds),'?')).')'; $result = $this->query($query, $userIds); $ret = array(); while ($res = $result->fetchRow()) { $ret[] = $res[$what]; } return $ret; } /** * Returns the contact users' email if set and permitted by Admin->Features settings */ function get_admin_email() { global $user, $prefs, $tikilib; if (( !isset($user) && isset($prefs['contact_anon']) && $prefs['contact_anon'] == 'y' ) || ( isset($user) && $user != '' && isset($prefs['feature_contact']) && $prefs['feature_contact'] == 'y' )) { return isset($prefs['sender_email']) ? $prefs['sender_email'] : $this->get_user_email($prefs['contact_user']); } } function create_user_cookie($user, $secret=false) { global $prefs; if (!$secret) { $secret = $this->get_cookie_check(); } $this->delete_user_cookie($user); $query = "insert into `tiki_user_login_cookies`(`userId`, `secret`, `expiration`) values(?, ?, FROM_UNIXTIME(?))"; $result = $this->query($query, array($user, $secret, $this->now + $prefs['remembertime'])); return $secret; } function delete_user_cookie($user) { $query = 'delete from `tiki_user_login_cookies` where `userId`=?'; $this->query($query, array($user)); } function get_cookie_check() { return md5(session_id() . uniqid(mt_rand(), true)); } function get_user_by_cookie($cookie) { global $prefs; list($secret, $userId) = explode('.', $cookie, 2); $query = "select `userId` from `tiki_user_login_cookies` where `secret`=? and `userId`=? and `expiration` > NOW()"; if ($userId === $this->getOne($query, array($secret, $userId))) { return $userId; } return false; } function get_user_by_email($email) { $query = "select `login` from `users_users` where `email`=?"; $pass = $this->getOne($query, array($email)); return $pass; } function is_due($user) { global $prefs; // if CAS auth is enabled, don't check if password is due since CAS does not use local Tiki passwords if ( $prefs['auth_method'] == 'cas' || $prefs['change_password'] != 'y') { return false; } $confirm = $this->getOne("select `pass_confirm` from `users_users` where binary `login`=?", array($user)); if (!$confirm) { return true; } if ($prefs['pass_due'] < 0) { return false; } if ($confirm + (60 * 60 * 24 * $prefs['pass_due']) < $this->now) { return true; } return false; } function is_email_due($user) { global $prefs; if ($prefs['email_due'] < 0) { return false; } $confirm = $this->getOne("select `email_confirm` from `users_users` where binary `login`=?", array($user)); if ($confirm + (60 * 60 * 24 * $prefs['email_due']) < $this->now) { return true; } return false; } function unsuccessful_logins($user) { return $this->getOne('select `unsuccessful_logins` from `users_users` where binary `login`=?', array($user)); } function renew_user_password($user) { $pass = $this->genPass(); // Note that tiki-generated passwords are due inmediatley // Note: ^ not anymore. old pw is usable until the URL in the password reminder mail is clicked $query = "update `users_users` set `provpass` = ? where `login`=?"; $result = $this->query($query, array($pass, $user)); return $pass; } function activate_password($user, $actpass) { // move provpass to password and generate new hash, afterwards clean provpass $query = "select `provpass` from `users_users` where `login`=?"; $pass = $this->getOne($query, array($user)); if (($pass <> '') && ($actpass == md5($pass))) { $hash = $this->hash_pass($pass); $query = "update `users_users` set `password`=?, `hash`=?, `pass_confirm`=? where `login`=?"; $result = $this->query($query, array("", $hash, (int)$this->now, $user)); return $pass; } return false; } /* Tests the password against policy enforcement (Admin->Login), namelly: * $min_pass_length * $pass_chr_num * $pass_ud_chr_num * * returns an empty string if password is ok, or the error string otherwise */ function check_password_policy($pass) { global $prefs, $user; $errors = array(); // Validate password here if ( ( $prefs['auth_method'] != 'cas' || $user == 'admin' ) && strlen($pass) < $prefs['min_pass_length'] ) { $errors[] = tra("Password should be at least").' '.$prefs['min_pass_length'].' '.tra("characters long"); } // Check this code if ($prefs['pass_chr_num'] == 'y') { if (!preg_match_all("/[0-9]+/", $pass, $foo) || !preg_match_all("/[A-Za-z]+/", $pass, $foo)) { $errors[] = tra("Password must contain both letters and numbers"); } } if ($prefs['pass_chr_case'] == 'y') { if (!preg_match_all("/[a-z]+/", $pass, $foo) || !preg_match_all("/[A-Z]+/", $pass, $foo)) { $errors[] = tra('Password must contain at least one alphabetical character in lower case like a and one in upper case like A.'); } } if ($prefs['pass_chr_special'] == 'y') { $chars = str_split($pass); $ok = false; foreach ($chars as $char) { if (!preg_match("/[0-9A-Za-z]+/", $char, $foo)) { $ok = true; break; } } if (!$ok) $errors[] = tra('Password must contain at least one special character in lower case like " / $ % ? & * ( ) _ + ...'); } if ($prefs['pass_repetition'] == 'y') { $chars = str_split($pass); $previous = ''; foreach ($chars as $char) { if ($char == $previous) { $errors[] = tra('Password must contain no consecutive repetition of the same character as 111 or aab'); break; } $previous = $char; } } if ($prefs['pass_diff_username'] == 'y') { if (strtolower($user) == strtolower($pass)) { $errors[] = tra('Password must be different from the user login.'); } } return empty($errors)?'': implode(' ', $errors); } function change_user_password($user, $pass, $pass_first_login=false) { global $prefs; $hash = $this->hash_pass($pass); $new_pass_confirm = $this->now; $provpass = $pass; if ($prefs['feature_clear_passwords'] == 'n') { $pass = ''; } if ($pass_first_login) { if (!empty($provpass)) { $query = 'update `users_users` set `hash`=? ,`password`=? ,`pass_confirm`=?, `provpass`=?, `pass_confirm`=? where binary `login`=?'; $this->query($query, array($hash, $pass, $new_pass_confirm, $provpass, 0, $user)); } else { $query = 'update `users_users` set `pass_confirm`=? where binary `login`=?'; $this->query($query, array(0, $user)); } } else { $query = "update `users_users` set `hash`=? ,`password`=? ,`pass_confirm`=?, `provpass`=? where binary `login`=?"; $this->query($query, array($hash, $pass, $new_pass_confirm, '', $user)); } // invalidate the cache so that after a fresh install, the admin (who has no user details at the install) can log in global $cachelib; require_once('lib/cache/cachelib.php'); $cachelib->invalidate('user_details_'.$user); return true; } function add_group($group, $desc='', $home='', $utracker=0, $gtracker=0, $rufields='', $userChoice='', $defcat=0, $theme='', $ufield=0, $gfield=0,$isexternal='n', $expireAfter=0, $emailPattern='') { global $tikilib; $group = trim($group); if ( $this->group_exists($group) ) return false; $query = "insert into `users_groups` (`groupName`, `groupDesc`, `groupHome`,`groupDefCat`,`groupTheme`,`usersTrackerId`,`groupTrackerId`, `registrationUsersFieldIds`, `userChoice`, `usersFieldId`, `groupFieldId`,`isExternal`, `expireAfter`, `emailPattern`) values(?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)"; $this->query($query, array($group, $desc, $home, $defcat, $theme, (int)$utracker, (int)$gtracker, $rufields, $userChoice, (int)$ufield, (int)$gfield,$isexternal, $expireAfter, $emailPattern) ); global $cachelib; require_once('lib/cache/cachelib.php'); $cachelib->invalidate('grouplist'); $cachelib->invalidate('groupIdlist'); $query = "select `id` from `users_groups` where `groupName`=?"; return $this->getOne($query, array($group)); } function change_group($olgroup,$group,$desc,$home,$utracker=0,$gtracker=0,$ufield=0,$gfield=0,$rufields='',$userChoice='',$defcat=0,$theme='',$isexternal='n', $expireAfter=0, $emailPattern='') { if ( $olgroup == 'Anonymous' || $olgroup == 'Registered' ) { // Changing group name of 'Anonymous' and 'Registered' is not allowed. if ( $group != $olgroup ) return false; } if ( ! $this->group_exists($olgroup) ) { return $this->add_group($group, $desc, $home, $utracker,$gtracker, $userChoice, $defcat, $theme, $isexternal, $expireAfter, $emailPattern); } global $cachelib; $query = "update `users_groups` set `groupName`=?, `groupDesc`=?, `groupHome`=?, `groupDefCat`=?, `groupTheme`=?, `usersTrackerId`=?, `groupTrackerId`=?, `usersFieldId`=?, `groupFieldId`=? , `registrationUsersFieldIds`=?, `userChoice`=?, `isExternal`=?, `expireAfter`=?, `emailPattern`=? where `groupName`=?"; $result = $this->query($query, array($group, $desc, $home, $defcat, $theme, (int)$utracker, (int)$gtracker, (int)$ufield, (int)$gfield, $rufields, $userChoice, $isexternal, $expireAfter, $emailPattern, $olgroup)); if ( $olgroup != $group ) { $query = array(); $query[] = "update `users_usergroups` set `groupName`=? where `groupName`=?"; $query[] = "update `users_grouppermissions` set `groupName`=? where `groupName`=?"; $query[] = "update `users_objectpermissions` set `groupName`=? where `groupName`=?"; $query[] = "update `tiki_group_inclusion` set `groupName`=? where `groupName`=?"; $query[] = "update `tiki_group_inclusion` set `includeGroup`=? where `includeGroup`=?"; $query[] = "update `tiki_newsletter_groups` set `groupName`=? where `groupName`=?"; foreach ( $query as $q ) $this->query($q, array($group, $olgroup)); // must unserialize before replacing the groups $query = "select `name`, `groups` from `tiki_modules` where `groups` like ?"; $result = $this->query($query, array('%'.$olgroup.'%')); while ( $res = $result->fetchRow() ) { $aux = array(); $aux["name"] = $res["name"]; $aux["groups"] = unserialize($res["groups"]); $aux["groups"] = str_replace($olgroup, $group, $aux["groups"]); $aux["groups"] = serialize($aux["groups"]); $query = "update `tiki_modules` set `groups`=? where `name`=?"; $this->query($query, array($aux["groups"], $aux["name"])); } $query = 'select * from `tiki_tracker_fields` where `visibleBy` like ?'; $result = $this->query($query, array('%"'.$olgroup.'"%')); $query = 'update `tiki_tracker_fields` set `visibleBy`=? where `visibleBy`=?'; while ( $res = $result->fetchRow() ) { $g = unserialize($res['visibleBy']); $g = str_replace($olgroup, $group, $g); $g = serialize($g); $this->query($query, array($g, $res['visibleBy'])); } $query = 'select * from `tiki_tracker_fields` where `editableBy` like ?'; $result = $this->query($query, array('%"'.$olgroup.'"%')); $query = 'update `tiki_tracker_fields` set `editableBy`=? where `editableBy`=?'; while ( $res = $result->fetchRow() ) { $g = unserialize($res['editableBy']); $g = str_replace($olgroup, $group, $g); $g = serialize($g); $this->query($query, array($g, $res['editableBy'])); } $cachelib->invalidate('grouplist'); $cachelib->invalidate('group_theme_'.$group); } $cachelib->invalidate('group_theme_'.$olgroup); return true; } function remove_all_inclusions($group) { if (!$this->group_exists($group)) return false; $query = "delete from `tiki_group_inclusion` where `groupName` = ?"; $result = $this->query($query, array($group)); global $cachelib; require_once('lib/cache/cachelib.php'); $cachelib->empty_type_cache('group_inclusion_'.$group); $this->groupinclude_cache = array(); return true; } function set_user_fields($u) { global $prefs; $q = array(); $bindvars = array(); if (isset($u['password'])) { if ($prefs['feature_clear_passwords'] == 's') { $q[] = "`password` = ?"; $bindvars[] = strip_tags($u['password']); } // I don't think there are currently cases where login and email are undefined //$hash = md5($u['login'] . $u['password'] . $u['email']); $hash = $this->hash_pass($u['password']); $q[] = "`hash` = ?"; $bindvars[] = $hash; } if (isset($u['email'])) { $q[] = "`email` = ?"; $bindvars[] = strip_tags($u['email']); } if (isset($u['openid_url'])) { if (isset($_SESSION['openid_url'])) { $q[] = "`openid_url` = ?"; $bindvars[] = $u['openid_url']; } } if (count($q) > 0) { $query = "update `users_users` set " . implode(",", $q). " where binary `login` = ?"; $bindvars[] = $u['login']; $result = $this->query($query, $bindvars); } $aUserPrefs = array('realName','homePage','country'); foreach ($aUserPrefs as $pref) { if (isset($u[$pref])) { $this->set_user_preference($u['login'],$pref,$u[$pref]); } } return $result; } function count_users($group) { static $rv = array(); if (!isset($rv[$group])) { if ($group == '') { $query = "select count(login) from `users_users`"; $result = $this->getOne($query); } else { $query = "select count(userId) from `users_usergroups` where `groupName` = ?"; $result = $this->getOne($query, array($group)); } $rv[$group] = $result; } return $rv[$group]; } function related_users($user, $max=10, $type='wiki') { if(!isset($user) || empty($user)) { return array(); } // This query was written using a double join for PHP. If you're trying to eke // additional performance and are running MySQL 4.X, you might want to try a // subselect and compare perf numbers. if ($type == 'wiki') { $query = "SELECT u1.`login`, COUNT( p1.`pageName` ) AS quantity FROM `tiki_history` p1 INNER JOIN `users_users` u1 ON ( u1.`login` = p1.`user` ) INNER JOIN `tiki_history` p2 ON ( p1.`pageName` = p2.`pageName` ) INNER JOIN `users_users` u2 ON ( u2.`login` = p2.`user` ) WHERE u2.`login` = ? AND u1.`login` <> ? GROUP BY p1.`pageName` ORDER BY quantity DESC "; } else { return array(); } $bindvals = array($user, $user); return $this->fetchAll($query, $bindvals, $max, 0); } // Friends methods function request_friendship($user, $friend) { if (empty($user) || empty($friend) || $user == $friend) { return false; } $query = "delete from `tiki_friendship_requests` where `userFrom`=? and `userTo`=?"; $this->query($query, array($user, $friend)); $query = "insert into `tiki_friendship_requests` (`userFrom`, `userTo`) values (?, ?)"; $result = $this->query($query, array($user, $friend)); if (!$result) return false; return true; } function accept_friendship($user, $friend) { $exists = $this->getOne("select count(*) from `tiki_friendship_requests` where `userTo`=? and `userFrom`=?", array($user, $friend)); if (!$exists) return false; if (empty($user) || empty($friend)) { return false; } $query = "delete from `tiki_friends` where `user`=? and `friend`=?"; $this->query($query, array($user, $friend)); $this->query($query, array($friend, $user)); $query = "insert into `tiki_friends` (`user`, `friend`) values (?,?)"; $this->query($query, array($user, $friend)); $this->query($query, array($friend, $user)); $query = "delete from `tiki_friendship_requests` where `userFrom`=? and `userTo`=?"; $this->query($query, array($user, $friend)); $this->query($query, array($friend, $user)); $this->score_event($user,'friend_new',$friend); $this->score_event($friend,'friend_new',$user); global $cachelib; $cachelib->invalidate('friends_count_'.$user); $cachelib->invalidate('friends_count_'.$friend); return true; } function refuse_friendship($user, $friend) { $exists = $this->getOne("select count(*) from `tiki_friendship_requests` where `userTo`=? and `userFrom`=?", array($user, $friend)); if (!$exists) return false; $query = "delete from `tiki_friendship_requests` where `userFrom`=? and `userTo`=?"; $this->query($query, array($user, $friend)); $this->query($query, array($friend, $user)); return true; } function list_pending_friendship_requests($user) { $query = "select * from `tiki_friendship_requests` where `userTo`=? order by tstamp"; $result = $this->query($query, array($user)); $requests = array(); while ($res = $result->fetchRow('DB_FETCHMODE_ASSOC')) { $requests[$res['userFrom']] = $res['tstamp']; } return $requests; } function list_waiting_friendship_requests($user) { $query = "select * from `tiki_friendship_requests` where `userFrom`=? order by tstamp"; $result = $this->query($query, array($user)); $requests = array(); while ($res = $result->fetchRow('DB_FETCHMODE_ASSOC')) { $requests[$res['userTo']] = $res['tstamp']; } return $requests; } function break_friendship($user, $friend) { $query = "delete from `tiki_friends` where `user`=? and `friend`=?"; $this->query($query, array($user, $friend)); $this->query($query, array($friend, $user)); global $cachelib; $cachelib->invalidate('friends_count_'.$user); $cachelib->invalidate('friends_count_'.$friend); } // Case-sensitivity regression only. used for patching function get_object_case_permissions($objectId, $objectType) { $query = "select `groupName`, `permName` from `users_objectpermissions` where `objectId` = ? and `objectType` = ?"; return $this->fetchAll($query, array(md5($objectType . $objectId),$objectType)); } function object_has_one_case_permission($objectId, $objectType) { $query = "select count(*) from `users_objectpermissions` where `objectId`=? and `objectType`=?"; $result = $this->getOne($query, array( md5($objectType . $objectId), $objectType)); return $result; } function remove_object_case_permission($groupName, $objectId, $objectType, $permName) { $query = "delete from `users_objectpermissions` where `groupName` = ? and `objectId` = ? and `objectType` = ? and `permName` = ?"; $result = $this->query($query, array($groupName, md5($objectType . $objectId), $objectType, $permName)); return true; } function get_permissions_types() { $query = "select `type` from `users_permissions` group by `type`"; $result = $this->query($query,array()); $ret = array(); while ($res = $result->fetchRow()) { $ret[] = $res['type']; } return $ret; } function send_validation_email($name, $apass, $email, $again='', $second='', $chosenGroup='', $mailTemplate = '', $pass = '') { // TODO: CLEANUP duplicates code in callback_tikiwiki_send_email() in registrationlib? global $tikilib, $prefs, $smarty; $foo = parse_url($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']); $foo1 = str_replace(array('tiki-send_mail', 'tiki-register', 'tiki-remind_password', 'tiki-adminusers', 'remote'), 'tiki-login_validate', $foo['path']); $foo2 = str_replace(array('tiki-send_mail', 'tiki-register', 'tiki-remind_password', 'tiki-adminusers'), 'tiki-assignuser', $foo['path']); $foo3 = str_replace(array('tiki-send_mail', 'tiki-register', 'tiki-remind_password', 'tiki-adminusers'), 'tiki-user_preferences', $foo['path']); $machine = $tikilib->httpPrefix( true ) . $foo1; $machine_assignuser = $tikilib->httpPrefix( true ) . $foo2; $machine_userprefs = $tikilib->httpPrefix( true ) . $foo3; $smarty->assign('mail_machine',$machine); $smarty->assign('mail_machine_assignuser',$machine_assignuser); $smarty->assign('mail_machine_userprefs',$machine_userprefs); $smarty->assign('mail_site', $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME']); $smarty->assign('mail_user', $name); $smarty->assign('mail_apass', $apass); $smarty->assign('mail_email', $email); $smarty->assign('mail_again', $again); include_once('lib/webmail/tikimaillib.php'); if ($second == 'y') { $mail_data = $smarty->fetch('mail/confirm_user_email_after_approval.tpl'); $mail = new TikiMail(); $mail->setText($mail_data); $mail_data = sprintf($smarty->fetch('mail/confirm_user_email_after_approval_subject.tpl'), $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME']); $mail->setSubject($mail_data); if (!$mail->send(array($email))) { $smarty->assign('msg', tra("The registration mail can't be sent. Contact the administrator")); return false; } } elseif ($prefs['validateRegistration'] == 'y' && empty($pass)) { if (!empty($chosenGroup)) { $smarty->assign_by_ref('chosenGroup', $chosenGroup); if ($prefs['userTracker'] == 'y') { // this cannot work here as the tracker item needs the user to be registered to be created first - FIXME catch 22 global $trklib; include_once('lib/trackers/trackerlib.php'); $re = $this->get_group_info(isset($chosenGroup)? $chosenGroup: 'Registered'); $fields = $trklib->list_tracker_fields($re['usersTrackerId'], 0, -1, 'position_asc', '', true, array('fieldId'=>explode(':',$re['registrationUsersFieldIds']))); $listfields = array(); foreach ($fields['data'] as $field) { $listfields[$field['fieldId']] = $field; } $items = $trklib->list_items($re['usersTrackerId'], 0, 1, '', $listfields, $trklib->get_field_id_from_type($re['usersTrackerId'], 'u', '1%'), '', '', '', $name); if (isset($items['data'][0])) $smarty->assign_by_ref('item', $items['data'][0]); } } $mail_data = $smarty->fetch('mail/moderate_validation_mail.tpl'); $mail_subject = $smarty->fetch('mail/moderate_validation_mail_subject.tpl'); $emails = !empty($prefs['validator_emails'])?preg_split('/,/', $prefs['validator_emails']): (!empty($prefs['sender_email'])? array($prefs['sender_email']): ''); if (empty($emails)) { if ($prefs['feature_messages'] != 'y') { $smarty->assign('msg', tra("The registration mail can't be sent because there is no server email address set, and this feature is disabled").": feature_messages"); return false; } include_once('lib/messu/messulib.php'); $messulib->post_message($prefs['contact_user'], $prefs['contact_user'], $prefs['contact_user'], '', $mail_subject, $mail_data, 5); $smarty->assign('msg', $smarty->fetch('mail/user_validation_waiting_msg.tpl')); } else { $mail = new TikiMail(); $mail->setText($mail_data); $mail->setSubject($mail_subject); if (!$mail->send($emails)) { $smarty->assign('msg', tra("The registration mail can't be sent. Contact the administrator")); return false; } elseif (empty($again)) { $smarty->assign('msg', $smarty->fetch('mail/user_validation_waiting_msg.tpl')); } else { $smarty->assign('msg', tra('The administrator has not yet validated your account. Please wait.')); } } } elseif ($prefs['validateUsers'] == 'y' || !empty($pass)) { if ( $mailTemplate == '' ) $mailTemplate = 'user_validation_mail'; $smarty->assign('mail_pass', $pass); $mail_data = $smarty->fetch("mail/$mailTemplate.tpl"); $mail = new TikiMail(); $mail->setText($mail_data); $mail_data = $smarty->fetch("mail/{$mailTemplate}_subject.tpl"); $mail->setSubject($mail_data); if (!$mail->send(array($email))) { $smarty->assign('msg', tra("The registration mail can't be sent. Contact the administrator")); return false; } elseif (empty($again)) { $smarty->assign('msg', $smarty->fetch('mail/user_validation_msg.tpl')); } else { $smarty->assign('msg', tra('You must validate your account first. An email has been sent to you')); } } return true; } function set_registrationChoice($groups, $flag) { $bindvars = array(); $bindvars[] = $flag; if (is_array($groups)) { $mid = implode(',',array_fill(0,count($groups),'?')); $bindvars = array_merge($bindvars, $groups); } else { $bindvars[] = $groups; $mid = 'like ?'; } $query = "update `users_groups` set `registrationChoice`= ? where `groupName` in ($mid)"; $result = $this->query($query, $bindvars); } function get_registrationChoice($group) { $query = "select `registrationChoice` from `users_groups` where `groupName` = ?"; return ($this->getOne($query, array($group))); } function reset_email_due($user) { $query = 'update `users_users` set `email_confirm`=?, `waiting`=? where `login`=?'; $this->query($query, array(0, 'u', $user)); } function confirm_email($user, $pass) { global $prefs, $tikilib; $query = 'select `provpass`, `login`, `unsuccessful_logins` from `users_users` where `login`=?'; $result = $this->query($query, array($user)); if (!($res = $result->fetchRow())) { return false; } if (md5($res['provpass']) == $pass){ $this->confirm_user($user); $query = 'update `users_users` set `provpass`=?, `email_confirm`=?, `unsuccessful_logins`=?, `registrationDate`=? where `login`=? and `provpass`=?'; $this->query($query, array('', $tikilib->now, 0, $this->now, $user, $res['provpass'])); if (!empty($GLOBALS['user'])) { global $logslib; include_once('lib/logs/logslib.php'); $logslib->add_log('login', 'confirm email '.$user); } return true; } return false; } function set_unsuccessful_logins($user, $nb) { $query = 'update `users_users` set `unsuccessful_logins`=? where `login` = ?'; $this->query($query, array($nb, $user)); } function send_confirm_email($user,$tpl='confirm_user_email') { global $smarty, $prefs, $tikilib; include_once ('lib/webmail/tikimaillib.php'); $languageEmail = $this->get_user_preference($_REQUEST["username"], "language", $prefs['site_language']); $apass = $this->renew_user_password($user); $apass = md5($apass); $smarty->assign('mail_apass',$apass); $smarty->assign('mail_pass', $_REQUEST['pass']); $smarty->assign('mail_ip', $tikilib->get_ip_address()); $smarty->assign('user', $user); $mail = new TikiMail(); $mail_data = $smarty->fetchLang($languageEmail, "mail/$tpl"."_subject.tpl"); $mail_data = sprintf($mail_data, $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME']); $mail->setSubject($mail_data); $foo = parse_url($_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"]); $mail_machine = $tikilib->httpPrefix( true ).str_replace('tiki-login.php', 'tiki-confirm_user_email.php', $foo['path']); $smarty->assign('mail_machine', $mail_machine); $mail_data = $smarty->fetchLang($languageEmail, "mail/$tpl.tpl"); $mail->setText($mail_data); if (!($email = $this->get_user_email($user)) || !$mail->send(array($email))) { $smarty->assign('msg', tra("The user email confirmation can't be sent. Contact the administrator")); return false; } else { $smarty->assign('msg', 'It is time to confirm your email. You will receive an mail with the instruction to follow'); return true; } } function assign_openid( $username, $openid ) { // This won't update the database unless the openid is different $this->query("UPDATE `users_users` SET openid_url = ? WHERE login = ? AND ( openid_url <> ? OR openid_url IS NULL )", array( $openid, $username, $openid )); } function intervalidate($remote,$user,$pass,$get_info = false) { global $prefs; include_once('XML/RPC.php'); $hashkey = $this->get_cookie_check() . ".". ($this->now + $prefs['remembertime']); $remote['path'] = preg_replace("/^\/?/","/",$remote['path']); $client = new XML_RPC_Client($remote['path'], $remote['host'], $remote['port']); $client->setDebug(0); $msg = new XML_RPC_Message( 'intertiki.validate', array( new XML_RPC_Value($prefs['tiki_key'], 'string'), new XML_RPC_Value($user, 'string'), new XML_RPC_Value($pass, 'string'), new XML_RPC_Value($get_info, 'boolean'), new XML_RPC_Value($hashkey, 'string') )); $result = $client->send($msg); return $result; } /* send request + interpret email/login */ function interGetUserInfo($remote, $user, $email) { global $prefs; include_once('XML/RPC.php'); $remote['path'] = preg_replace("/^\/?/","/",$remote['path']); $client = new XML_RPC_Client($remote['path'], $remote['host'], $remote['port']); $client->setDebug(0); $params = array(); $params[] = new XML_RPC_Value($prefs['tiki_key'], 'string'); $params[] = new XML_RPC_Value($user, 'string'); $params[] = new XML_RPC_Value($email, 'string'); $msg = new XML_RPC_Message('intertiki.getUserInfo', $params); $rpcauth = $client->send($msg); if (!$rpcauth || $rpcauth->faultCode()) { return false; } $response_value = $rpcauth->value(); for (;;) { list($key, $value) = $response_value->structeach(); if ($key == '') { break; } elseif ($key == 'login') { $u['login'] = $value->scalarval(); } elseif ($key == 'email') { $u['email'] = $value->scalarval(); } } return $u; } /* send via XML_RPC user info to the main */ function interSendUserInfo($remote, $user) { global $prefs, $userlib; include_once('XML/RPC.php'); $remote['path'] = preg_replace("/^\/?/","/",$remote['path']); $client = new XML_RPC_Client($remote['path'], $remote['host'], $remote['port']); $client->setDebug(0); $params = array(); $params[] = new XML_RPC_Value($prefs['tiki_key'], 'string'); $params[] = new XML_RPC_Value($user, 'string'); $user_details = $userlib->get_user_details($user); $user_info = $userlib->get_user_info($user); $ret['avatarData'] = new XML_RPC_Value($user_info['avatarData'], 'base64'); $ret['user_details'] = new XML_RPC_Value(serialize($user_details), 'string'); $params[] = new XML_RPC_Value($ret, 'struct'); $msg = new XML_RPC_Message('intertiki.setUserInfo', $params); $result = $client->send($msg); return $result; } /* interpret the XML_RPC answer about user info */ function interSetUserInfo($user, $response_value) { global $userlib, $tikilib; if ($response_value->kindOf() == 'struct') { for (;;) { list($key, $value) = $response_value->structeach(); if ($key == '') { break; } elseif ($key == 'user_details') { $user_details = unserialize($value->scalarval()); } elseif ($key == 'avatarData') { $avatarData = $value->scalarval(); } } } else { $user_details = unserialize($response_value->scalarval()); } $userlib->set_user_fields($user_details['info']); $tikilib->set_user_preferences($user, $user_details['preferences']); if (isset($avatarData)) { global $userprefslib; include_once('lib/userprefs/userprefslib.php'); $userprefslib->set_user_avatar($user, 'u', '', $user_details['avatarName'], $user_details['avatarSize'], $user_details['avatarFileType'], $avatarData); } } function get_remote_user_by_cookie($hash) { global $prefs; include_once('XML/RPC.php'); $prefs['interlist'] = unserialize($prefs['interlist']); $remote = $prefs['interlist'][$prefs['feature_intertiki_mymaster']]; $client = new XML_RPC_Client($remote['path'], $remote['host'], $remote['port']); $client->setDebug(0); $msg = new XML_RPC_Message( 'intertiki.cookiecheck', array( new XML_RPC_Value($prefs['tiki_key'], 'string'), new XML_RPC_Value($hash, 'string') ) ); $result = $client->send($msg); return $result; } function update_expired_groups() { global $tikilib; $query = 'SELECT uu.* FROM `users_usergroups` uu LEFT JOIN `users_groups` ug ON (uu.`groupName`= ug.`groupName`) WHERE ( ug.`expireAfter` > ? AND uu.`created` IS NOT NULL AND uu.`expire` is NULL AND uu.`created` + ug.`expireAfter`*24*60*60 < ?) OR (ug.`expireAfter` = ? AND uu.`expire` < ?)'; $result = $this->query($query, array(0, $tikilib->now, 0, $tikilib->now )); $query = 'DELETE FROM `users_usergroups` WHERE `groupName`=? AND `userId`=?'; while ($res = $result->fetchrow()) { $this->query($query, array($res['groupName'], $res['userId'])); } } function extend_membership( $user, $group, $periods = 1 ) { global $tikilib; $this->update_expired_groups(); if( ! $this->user_is_in_group( $user, $group ) ) { $this->assign_user_to_group( $user, $group ); } $info = $this->get_group_info( $group ); $userInfo = $this->get_user_info( $user ); $date = $this->getOne( 'SELECT `expire` FROM `users_usergroups` where `userId` = ? AND `groupName` = ?', array($userInfo['userId'], $group)); if ($date <= 0) $date = $tikilib->now; $date += $periods * $info['expireAfter'] * 24 * 3600; $this->query( 'UPDATE `users_usergroups` SET `expire` = ? WHERE `userId` = ? AND `groupName` = ?', array( $date, $userInfo['userId'], $group, ) ); } function get_users_created_group($group, $user=null) { if (!empty($user)) { $query = 'SELECT `users_usergroups`.`created` FROM `users_usergroups` LEFT JOIN `users_users` on (`users_users`.`userId`=`users_usergroups`.`userId`) WHERE `groupName`=? AND `user`=?'; $bindvars = array($group, $user); } else { $query = 'SELECT `login`, `users_usergroups`.`created` FROM `users_usergroups` LEFT JOIN `users_users` on (`users_users`.`userId`=`users_usergroups`.`userId`) WHERE `groupName`=?'; $bindvars = array($group); } $result = $this->query($query, $bindvars); $ret = array(); while($res = $result->fetchRow()) { $ret[$res['login']]= $res['created']; } return $ret; } function nb_users_in_group($group=null) { if (!empty($group)) { $query = 'SELECT count(*) FROM `users_usergroups` WHERE `groupName`=?'; return $this->getOne($query, array($group)); } else { $query = 'SELECT count(*) FROM `users_users`'; return $this->getOne($query, array()); } } function find_best_user($usrs, $group = '', $key = 'login') { $finalusers = array(); foreach ($usrs as $u) { $u = trim($u); if ($u == 'admin') { $finalusers[] = $u; } elseif ($key == 'userId' && preg_match('/\(([0-9]+)\)$/', $u, $matches)) { $finalusers[] = $this->get_user_login($matches[1]); } elseif ($key == 'login' && preg_match('/\((.+)\)$/', $u, $matches)) { $finalusers[] = $matches[1]; } else { $possibleusers = $this->get_users_light(0, -1, 'login_asc', '', $group); $unames = array_keys($possibleusers, $u); if (count($unames) == 1 && $unames[0]) { $finalusers[] = $unames[0]; } } } return $finalusers; } function clean_user($u, $force_check_realnames = false, $login_fallback = true) { global $tikilib, $prefs; if ( $prefs['user_show_realnames'] == 'y' || $force_check_realnames) { $realname = $tikilib->get_user_preference($u, 'realName', ''); } if (!empty($realname)) { $u = trim($realname); // need to trim to prevent mustMatch failure } elseif ($prefs['login_is_email_obscure'] == 'y' && $atsign = strpos($u, '@')) { $u = substr($u, 0, $atsign); if (!$login_fallback) { $u = tra('Anonymous'); } } return $u; } function categorize_user_tracker_item($user, $group) { global $tikilib; $userid = $this->get_user_id($user); $tracker = $this->get_usertracker($userid); if( $tracker && $tracker['usersTrackerId'] ) { $trklib = TikiLib::lib('trk'); $categlib = TikiLib::lib('categ'); $itemid = $trklib->get_item_id( $tracker['usersTrackerId'], $tracker['usersFieldId'], $user ); $cat = $categlib->get_object_categories('trackeritem', $itemid); $categId = $this->getOne("select `categId` from `tiki_categories` where `name` = ?", array($group)); $cat[] = $categId; $cat = array_unique($cat); $trklib->categorized_item($tracker["usersTrackerId"], $itemid, '', $cat); } } function uncategorize_user_tracker_item($user, $group) { global $tikilib; $userid = $this->get_user_id($user); $tracker = $this->get_usertracker($userid); if( $tracker && $tracker['usersTrackerId'] ) { $trklib = TikiLib::lib('trk'); $categlib = TikiLib::lib('categ'); $itemid = $trklib->get_item_id( $tracker['usersTrackerId'], $tracker['usersFieldId'], $user ); $cat = $categlib->get_object_categories('trackeritem', $itemid); $categId = $this->getOne("select `categId` from `tiki_categories` where `name` = ?", array($group)); $cat = array_diff($cat, array($categId)); $trklib->categorized_item($tracker["usersTrackerId"], $itemid, '', $cat); } } /** * Remove the link between a Tiki user account * and an OpenID account * * @param int $userId * @return void */ function remove_openid_link($userId) { $query = "UPDATE `users_users` SET `openid_url` = NULL WHERE `userId` = ?"; $bindvars = array($userId); $this->query($query, $bindvars); } } /* For the emacs weenies in the crowd. Local Variables: c-basic-offset: 4 End: */