File: modsadm.php
#!/usr/bin/php <?php // (c) Copyright 2002-2011 by authors of the Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware Project // // All Rights Reserved. See copyright.txt for details and a complete list of authors. // Licensed under the GNU LESSER GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE. See license.txt for details. // $Id: modsadm.php 33195 2011-03-02 17:43:40Z changi67 $ if (!defined('STDOUT') || !defined('STDIN') || !defined('STDERR')) die("<p>shell only</p>"); if( isset( $_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] ) ) die; // Initialization require_once ('tiki-setup.php'); include('lib/mods/modslib.php'); $repos=array('installed' => array('url' => $prefs['mods_dir'].'/Installed/00_list.txt', 'content' => $installed), 'local' => array('url' => $prefs['mods_dir'].'/Packages/00_list.txt', 'content' => $local), 'remote' => array('url' => $prefs['mods_dir'].'/Packages/00_list.'.urlencode($mods_server).'.txt', 'content' => $remote)); $goptions=array(); $commands=array('help' => array(), // 'update' => array(), // 'clean' => array(), // 'add-source' => array(), // 'remove-source' => array(), // 'list-sources' => array(), 'list' => array('usage' => '[options] [regex]', 'options' => array('-l' => array('help' => 'Do not query for remote mods'), '-i' => array('help' => 'Show only installed mods'))), 'show' => array('usage' => 'mod1 [mod2...]'), 'install' => array('usage' => '[options] mod1 [mod2...]', 'options' => array('-d' => array('help' => "Download only mods, don't install them"))), 'remove' => array('usage' => 'mod1 [mod2...]'), // 'publish' => array('usage' => 'mod1 [mod2...]'), // 'unpublish' => array(), // 'republish' => array(), ); function tikimods_feedback_listener($num, $err) { switch($num) { case -1: echo $err."\n"; break; case 0: echo "! ".$err."\n"; break; case 1: echo "*** ".$err."\n"; break; } } $modslib->add_feedback_listener('tikimods_feedback_listener'); function ask($str) { echo $str; $res=fgets(STDIN, 1024); return trim($res); } function command_help($goption, $coption, $cparams) { usage(0); } function command_install($goption, $coption, $cparams) { global $modslib; global $prefs; global $mods_server; $deps=$modslib->find_deps($prefs['mods_dir'], $mods_server, $cparams); if (count($deps['unavailable'])) { $err="Sorry, theses packages are required but not available:\n"; foreach ($deps['unavailable'] as $mod) { $err.=" - ".$mod->modname."\n"; } failure($err); } if (count($deps['conflicts'])) { $err="Sorry, theses packages are required but conflicts:\n"; foreach ($deps['conflicts'] as $mod) { $err.=" - ".$mod->modname."\n"; } failure($err); } if (count($deps['wanted'])) { echo "You asked to install these mods:\n"; foreach ($deps['wanted'] as $mod) { echo " ".$mod->modname."\n"; } } if (count($deps['toinstall'])) { echo "The following packages will be installed:\n"; foreach ($deps['toinstall'] as $mod) { echo " ".$mod->modname." (".$mod->revision.")\n"; } } if (count($deps['toupgrade'])) { echo "The following packages will be upgraded:\n"; foreach ($deps['toupgrade'] as $meat) { echo " ".$meat['to']->modname." (".$meat['to']->revision.") (from version ".$meat['from']->revision.")\n"; } } if (count($deps['suggests'])) { echo "Suggested packages:\n"; foreach ($deps['suggests'] as $mod) { echo " ".$mod->modname."\n"; } } $res=ask("Would you like to continue (y/N) ? "); if ($res != 'y') { echo "Good bye\n"; exit(0); } $modslib->install_with_deps($prefs['mods_dir'], $mods_server, $deps); } function command_remove($goption, $coption, $cparams) { global $modslib; global $prefs; global $mods_server; $deps=$modslib->find_deps_remove($prefs['mods_dir'], $mods_server, $cparams); if (count($deps['wantedtoremove'])) { echo "You asked to remove these mods:\n"; foreach ($deps['wantedtoremove'] as $mod) { echo " ".$mod->modname." (".$mod->revision.")\n"; } } if (count($deps['toremove'])) { echo "The following packages will be REMOVED:\n"; foreach ($deps['toremove'] as $mod) { echo " ".$mod->modname." (".$mod->revision.")\n"; } } $res=ask("Would you like to continue (y/N) ? "); if ($res != 'y') { echo "Good bye\n"; exit(0); } $res=NULL; $modslib->remove_with_deps($prefs['mods_dir'], $mods_server, $deps); } function command_list($goption, $coption, $cparams) { global $repos; global $modslib; $merged=array(); if (count($cparams)) { $regex=$cparams[0]; } else $regex=''; foreach($repos as $reponame => $repo) { if ($reponame == 'remote' && in_array('-l', $coption)) continue; if ($reponame != 'installed' && in_array('-i', $coption)) continue; $content=$modslib->read_list($repo['url'], $reponame); foreach($content as $meat) { foreach($meat as $mod) { if (($regex !== '') && !preg_match('/'.$regex.'/', $mod->modname)) continue; $merged[$mod->type][$mod->name][$reponame]=$mod; } } } foreach($merged as $k => $meat) { ksort($merged[$k]); } ksort($merged); foreach($merged as $type => $meat) { echo $type.":\n"; foreach($meat as $name => $submeat) { $rev_installed = isset($submeat['installed']) ? $submeat['installed']->revision : ''; $rev_remote = isset($submeat['remote']) ? $submeat['remote']->revision : ''; printf(" %-24.24s | %7.7s | %7.7s\n", $name, $rev_installed, $rev_remote); } } } function command_show($goption, $coption, $cparams) { global $repos; global $modslib; foreach($cparams as $cparam) { $found=NULL; $mod=new TikiMod($cparam); foreach($repos as $reponame => $repo) { $content=$modslib->read_list($repo['url'], $reponame); if (isset($content[$mod->type][$mod->name])) { $found=$content[$mod->type][$mod->name]; break; } } if ($found === NULL) { echo "mod '".$mod->modname."' not found\n"; continue; } else $mod=$found; if ($mod->repository !== NULL) echo "Repository:\n".$mod->repository."\n\n"; echo "modname;\n".$mod->modname."\n\n"; echo "Type:\n".$mod->type."\n\n"; echo "Name:\n".$mod->name."\n\n"; echo "Revision:\n".$mod->revision."\n\n"; if (is_array($mod->author) && count($mod->author)) { echo "Author:\n"; foreach($mod->author as $author) { echo $author."\n"; } echo "\n"; } if (is_array($mod->description) && count($mod->description)) { echo "Description:\n"; foreach($mod->description as $description) { echo $description."\n"; } echo "\n"; } if ($mod->license !== NULL) echo "License:\n".$mod->license."\n\n"; if (is_array($mod->version) && count($mod->version)) { echo "Version:\n"; foreach($mod->version as $version) { echo $version."\n"; } echo "\n"; } if ($mod->md5 !== NULL) echo "md5:\n".$mod->md5."\n\n"; if ($mod->lastmodif !== NULL) echo "lastmodif:\n".$mod->lastmodif."\n\n"; if (is_array($mod->configuration) && count($mod->configuration)) { echo "Configuration:\n"; foreach($mod->configuration as $configuration) { echo $configuration."\n"; } echo "\n"; } if (is_array($mod->configuration_help) && count($mod->configuration_help)) { echo "Configuration Help:\n"; foreach($mod->configuration_help as $configuration_help) { echo $configuration_help."\n"; } echo "\n"; } if (is_array($mod->files) && count($mod->files)) { echo "Files:\n"; foreach($mod->files as $files) { echo $files."\n"; } echo "\n"; } if (is_array($mod->contributor) && count($mod->contributor)) { echo "Contributor:\n"; foreach($mod->contributor as $contributor) { echo $contributor."\n"; } echo "\n"; } if (is_array($mod->devurl) && count($mod->devurl)) { echo "devurl:\n"; foreach($mod->devurl as $devurl) { echo $devurl."\n"; } echo "\n"; } if (is_array($mod->docurl) && count($mod->docurl)) { echo "docurl:\n"; foreach($mod->docurl as $docurl) { echo $docurl."\n"; } echo "\n"; } if (is_array($mod->help) && count($mod->help)) { echo "Help:\n"; foreach($mod->help as $help) { echo $help."\n"; } echo "\n"; } if (is_array($mod->url) && count($mod->url)) { echo "url:\n"; foreach($mod->url as $url) { echo $url."\n"; } echo "\n"; } if (is_array($mod->sql_upgrade) && count($mod->sql_upgrade)) { echo "sql_Upgrade:\n"; foreach($mod->sql_upgrade as $sql_upgrade) { echo $sql_upgrade."\n"; } echo "\n"; } if (is_array($mod->sql_install) && count($mod->sql_install)) { echo "sql_Install:\n"; foreach($mod->sql_install as $sql_install) { echo $sql_install."\n"; } echo "\n"; } if (is_array($mod->sql_remove) && count($mod->sql_remove)) { echo "sql_Remove:\n"; foreach($mod->sql_remove as $sql_remove) { echo $sql_remove."\n"; } echo "\n"; } } } function failure($errstr) { fprintf(STDERR, "%s\n", $errstr); exit(1); } function usage($err) { global $goptions; global $commands; echo "usage:\n"; echo "php modsadm.php [options] commande\n\n"; echo "commands:\n"; foreach($commands as $command => $sglonk) { echo " ".$command.(isset($sglonk['usage']) ? ' '.$sglonk['usage'] : '')."\n"; } echo "\ncommands options:\n"; foreach($commands as $command => $sglonk) { if (isset($sglonk['options'])) { echo " ".$command.":\n"; foreach($sglonk['options'] as $k => $option) { echo " $k: ".$option['help']."\n"; } } } exit($err); } function readargs($argv) { global $goptions; global $commands; $command=NULL; $goption=array(); $coption=array(); $cparams=array(); foreach($argv as $argc => $arg) { if ($argc == 0) continue; if (substr($arg, 0, 1) == '-') { if ($command === NULL) { // global option if (!isset($goptions[$arg])) { usage(1); } else { $goption[]=$arg; } } else { // command option if (!isset($commands[$command]['options']) || !isset($commands[$command]['options'][$arg])) { usage(1); } else { $coption[]=$arg; } } } else { if ($command === NULL) { // this is the command if (!isset($commands[$arg])) { usage(1); } else { $command=$arg; } } else { // command parameter $cparams[]=$arg; } } } if ($command === NULL) { usage(1); } else { $func='command_'.$command; $func($goption, $coption, $cparams); } } readargs($argv);