File: mod-func-categories.php
<?php // (c) Copyright 2002-2011 by authors of the Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware Project // // All Rights Reserved. See copyright.txt for details and a complete list of authors. // Licensed under the GNU LESSER GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE. See license.txt for details. // $Id: mod-func-categories.php 33206 2011-03-02 22:43:58Z sylvieg $ //this script may only be included - so its better to die if called directly. if (strpos($_SERVER["SCRIPT_NAME"],basename(__FILE__)) !== false) { header("location: index.php"); exit; } function module_categories_info() { return array( 'name' => tra('Categories'), 'description' => tra('Displays links to categories as a tree.'), 'prefs' => array( 'feature_categories' ), 'documentation' => 'Module categories', 'params' => array( 'type' => array( 'name' => tra('Object type filter'), 'description' => tra('Object type filter to apply when accessing a linked category. Example values:') . ' wiki page, article, faq, blog, image gallery, image, file gallery, tracker, trackerItem, quiz, poll, survey, sheet', 'filter' => 'striptags' ), 'deep' => array( 'name' => tra('Deep'), 'description' => tra('Show subcategories objects when accessing a linked category. Possible values: on (default), off.'), 'filter' => 'word' ), 'style' => array( 'name' => tra('PHP Layers menu style'), 'description' => tra('Sets the menu style if PHP Layers is enabled. Possible values: tree (default), vert, horiz, plain, phptree.'), 'filter' => 'word' ), 'categId' => array( 'name' => tra('Category ID'), 'description' => tra('Limits displayed categories to a subtree of categories starting with the category with the given ID. Example value: 11. Default: 0 (don\'t limit display).'), 'filter' => 'int' ), 'categParentIds' => array( 'name' => tra('Show these categories and their children'), 'description' => tra('Show only these categories and the immediate child categories of these in the order the parameter specifies. Example values: 3,5,6.'), 'filter' => 'striptags' ), 'selflink' => array( 'name' => tra('Category links to a page named as the category'), 'description' => 'y|n .'.tra('If y, category links to a page named as the category'), 'filter' => 'alpha' ), ), ); } function module_categories( $mod_reference, &$module_params ) { global $smarty, $prefs; global $user; global $categlib; include_once ('lib/categories/categlib.php'); if (isset($module_params['type'])) { $type = $module_params['type']; $urlEnd = '&type='.urlencode($type); } else { $type = ''; $urlEnd = ''; } if (isset($module_params['deep'])) $deep = $module_params['deep']; else $deep= 'on'; $urlEnd .= "&deep=$deep"; $name = ""; $categories = $categlib->get_all_categories_respect_perms(null, 'view_category'); if ( empty($categories) ) { $module_params['error'] = tra("You do not have permission to use this feature"); } if (isset($module_params['categId'])) { $categId = $module_params['categId']; foreach ($categories as $cat) { if ($cat['categId'] == $categId) $name = $cat['name']; } } else $categId = 0; if (isset($module_params['categParentIds'])) { $categParentIds = explode(',', $module_params['categParentIds']); $filtered_categories = array(); foreach ($categParentIds as $c) { foreach ($categories as $cat) { if ( $cat['categId'] == $c || $cat['parentId'] == $c ) { $filtered_categories[] = $cat; } } } $categories = $filtered_categories; unset($filtered_categories); } if (isset($module_params['style'])) $style = $module_params['style']; else $style = 'tree'; include_once ('lib/tree/categ_browse_tree.php'); $tree_nodes = array(); include_once('tiki-sefurl.php'); foreach ($categories as $cat) { if (isset($module_params['selflink']) && $module_params['selflink'] == 'y') { $url = filter_out_sefurl('tiki-index.php?page='.$cat['name'], $smarty); } else { $url = filter_out_sefurl('tiki-browse_categories.php?parentId=' . $cat['categId'], $smarty, 'category', $cat['name']) .$urlEnd; } $tree_nodes[] = array( "id" => $cat["categId"], "parent" => $cat["parentId"], "data" => '<a class="catname" href="'.$url.'">' . $cat['name'] . '</a><br />' ); } $tm = new CatBrowseTreeMaker("mod_categ"); $res = $tm->make_tree($categId, $tree_nodes); $smarty->assign('tree', $res); }