File: mod-func-search.php
<?php // (c) Copyright 2002-2011 by authors of the Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware Project // // All Rights Reserved. See copyright.txt for details and a complete list of authors. // Licensed under the GNU LESSER GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE. See license.txt for details. // $Id: mod-func-search.php 34063 2011-04-21 14:23:00Z jonnybradley $ //this script may only be included - so its better to die if called directly. if (strpos($_SERVER["SCRIPT_NAME"],basename(__FILE__)) !== false) { header("location: index.php"); exit; } function module_search_info() { return array( 'name' => tra('Search'), 'description' => tra('Multi-purpose search module (go or edit page by name and/or search site)'), 'prefs' => array(), // feature_search_fulltext does not depend on feature_search (apparently?) 'params' => array( 'legacy_mode' => array( 'name' => tra('Legacy Mode'), 'description' => tra('Setting to emulate previous behaviour.') . ' ' . tra('Default:') . ' ""' . tra(' ("search"=search_box, "page"=search_wiki_page, "quick"=quick_edit)') ), 'tiki_search' => array( 'name' => tra('Tiki'), 'description' => tra('If set to "y" the search performed is a "Tiki search".') . ' ' . tra('Default:') . ' "n"' . tra(' (full text search)') ), 'show_object_filter' => array( 'name' => tra('Show Search Filter'), 'description' => tra('If set to "y" shows a dropdown of sections to search.') . ' ' . tra('Default:') . ' "n"' . tra(' (no object filter)') ), 'use_autocomplete' => array( 'name' => tra('Use autocomplete'), 'description' => tra('If set to "y" input uses autocomplete for pagenames if applicable.') . ' ' . tra('Default:') . ' "y"' . tra(' (use autocomplete)') ), 'advanced_search' => array( 'name' => tra('Advanced search'), 'description' => tra('Use advanced (boolean) search (full text search only).') . ' ' . tra('Default:') . ' "y"' . tra(' (use advanced search)'), ), 'advanced_search_option' => array( 'name' => tra('Advanced search checkbox'), 'description' => tra('Show advanced search checkbox (full text search only).') . ' ' . tra('Default:') . ' "n"' . tra(' (advanced search checkbox off)'), ), 'advanced_search_help' => array( 'name' => tra('Advanced search help'), 'description' => tra('Show advanced search help icon (full text search only).') . ' ' . tra('Default:') . ' "n"' . tra(' (advanced search help off)'), ), 'show_search_button' => array( 'name' => tra('Show Search Button'), 'description' => tra('Show search button.') . ' ' . tra('Default:') . ' "y"' . tra(' (do show search button)'), ), 'show_go_button' => array( 'name' => tra('Show Go Button'), 'description' => tra('Show go to page button.') . ' ' . tra('Default:') . ' "y"' . tra(' (do show go button)'), ), 'show_edit_button' => array( 'name' => tra('Show Edit Button'), 'description' => tra('Show edit button.') . ' ' . tra('Default:') . ' "y"' . tra(' (do show edit button)'), ), 'default_button' => array( 'name' => tra('Default Button'), 'description' => tra('Action to perform on entering <return>.') . ' ' . tra('Default:') . ' "search"' . tra(' (search|go|edit)'), ), // initially from quick-edit 'search_action' => array( 'name' => 'Search Form Action', 'description' => tra("If set, send the form to the given location (relative to Tiki's root) for processing.") . " " . tra('Default:') . ' tiki-searchresults.php or tiki-searchindex.php (for Tiki search)' ), 'search_submit' => array( 'name' => tra('Edit Submit Label'), 'description' => tra('The label on the button to submit the form.') . " " . tra('Default:') . ' ' . tra('Search') ), 'go_action' => array( 'name' => 'Go Form Action', 'description' => tra("If set, send the form to the given location (relative to Tiki's root) for processing.") . " " . tra('Default:') . ' tiki-editpage.php' ), 'go_submit' => array( 'name' => tra('Edit Submit Label'), 'description' => tra('The label on the button to submit the form.') . " " . tra('Default:') . ' ' . tra('Go') ), 'edit_action' => array( 'name' => 'Edit Form Action', 'description' => tra("If set, send the form to the given location (relative to Tiki's root) for processing.") . " " . tra('Default:') . ' tiki-editpage.php' ), 'edit_submit' => array( 'name' => tra('Edit Submit Label'), 'description' => tra('The label on the button to submit the form.') . " " . tra('Default:') . ' ' . tra('Edit') ), 'input_size' => array( 'name' => 'Input size', 'description' => tra('Size attribute (horizontal, in characters) of the text input field.') . ' ' . tra('Default:') . ' 14' ), 'select_size' => array( 'name' => 'Select size', 'description' => tra('Size of the Search Filter dropdown list.') . " " . tra('Default:') . " 10" ), 'search_heading' => array( 'name' => tra('Heading'), 'description' => tra("Optional heading to display at the top of the module's content.") ), 'templateId' => array( 'name' => tra('Edit Template identifier'), 'description' => tra('If set to a template identifier, the specified template is used for creating new Wiki pages.') . " " . tra('Not set by default.') ), 'categId' => array( 'name' => tra('Category identifier'), 'description' => tra('If set to a category identifier, pages created through the module are automatically categorized in the specified category.') . " " . tra('Not set by default.') ), 'compact' => array( 'name' => tra('Compact mode'), 'description' => tra('Makes the three buttons only appear on mouse-over.') . " " . tra('Default:') . ' "n"' ), ) ); } function module_search( $mod_reference, $smod_params ) { // modifies $smod_params so uses & reference global $smarty, $prefs; static $search_mod_usage_counter = 0; $smarty->assign('search_mod_usage_counter', ++$search_mod_usage_counter); $smarty->assign('module_error', ''); $smarty->assign_by_ref('smod_params', $smod_params); // Deal with the two search types (sigh). If the requested search type is disabled but the other one is enabled, use it as a fallback. $smod_params['tiki_search'] = isset($smod_params['tiki_search']) && $smod_params['tiki_search'] == 'y'; if ($prefs['feature_search'] == 'n' && $prefs['feature_search_fulltext'] == 'n') { $smod_params['tiki_search'] = 'none'; $smarty->assign('module_error', tra('Search is disabled.')); return; } else if ($prefs['feature_search'] == 'n' && $smod_params['tiki_search'] == 'y') { $smod_params['tiki_search'] = 'n'; } else if ($prefs['feature_search_fulltext'] == 'n' && $smod_params['tiki_search'] != 'y') { $smod_params['tiki_search'] = 'y'; } if (isset($smod_params['go_action']) && $smod_params['go_action'] == 'ti') { unset($smod_params['go_action']); } // temporary fix for 5.0 in case params were truncated in the db // set up other param defaults $defaults = array( 'legacy_mode' => '', 'show_object_filter' => 'n', 'use_autocomplete' => 'y', 'advanced_search' => 'y', 'advanced_search_option' => 'n', 'advanced_search_help' => 'n', 'show_search_button' => 'y', 'show_go_button' => 'y', 'show_edit_button' => 'y', 'default_button' => 'search', 'input_size' => 0, 'select_size' => 10, 'search_action' => $smod_params['tiki_search'] ? 'tiki-searchindex.php' : 'tiki-searchresults.php', 'search_submit' => tra("Search"), 'go_action' => 'tiki-listpages.php', 'go_submit' => tra("Titles"), 'edit_action' => 'tiki-editpage.php', 'edit_submit' => tra("Edit"), 'default_button' => 'search', 'search_heading' => '', 'templateId' => '', 'categId' => '', 'compact' => 'n', ); $smod_params = array_merge($defaults, $smod_params); if ($smod_params['tiki_search'] == 'y') { $smod_params['advanced_search'] = 'n'; $smod_params['advanced_search_option'] = 'n'; $smod_params['advanced_search_help'] = 'n'; } switch ($smod_params['legacy_mode']) { case 'quick': // params from old quick_edit module $smod_params['show_search_button'] = 'n'; $smod_params['show_go_button'] = 'n'; $smod_params['show_edit_button'] = 'y'; $smod_params['edit_submit'] = isset($smod_params['submit']) ? $smod_params['submit'] : tra("Create/Edit"); $smod_params['default_button'] = 'edit'; $smod_params['edit_action'] = isset($smod_params['action']) ? $smod_params['action'] : 'tiki-editpage.php'; $smod_params['input_size'] = isset($smod_params['size']) ? $smod_params['size'] : 15; $smod_params['search_heading'] = isset($smod_params['mod_quickedit_heading']) ? $smod_params['mod_quickedit_heading'] : $smod_params['search_heading']; $smod_params['title'] = tra('Quick Edit a Wiki Page'); break; case 'search': // params from old search_box module $smod_params['tiki_search'] = isset($smod_params['tiki']) ? $smod_params['tiki'] : 'n'; $smod_params['show_search_button'] = 'y'; $smod_params['show_go_button'] = 'n'; $smod_params['show_edit_button'] = 'n'; $smod_params['advanced_search'] = 'y'; $smod_params['advanced_search_option'] = 'y'; $smod_params['advanced_search_help'] = 'y'; $smod_params['search_submit'] = tra("Go"); $smod_params['default_button'] = 'search'; $smod_params['show_object_filter'] = $prefs['feature_search_show_object_filter']; break; case 'page': // params from old search_wiki_page module $smod_params['show_search_button'] = 'n'; $smod_params['show_go_button'] = 'y'; $smod_params['show_edit_button'] = 'n'; $smod_params['go_submit'] = tra("Go"); $smod_params['default_button'] = 'go'; $smod_params['title'] = tra('Search for Wiki Page'); break; case '': default: break; } switch ($smod_params['default_button']) { case 'edit': $smod_params['default_action'] = $smod_params['edit_action']; break; case 'go': $smod_params['default_action'] = $smod_params['go_action']; break; case 'search': default: $smod_params['default_action'] = $smod_params['search_action']; break; } if (($smod_params['show_search_button'] == 'y' || $smod_params['default_action'] == $smod_params['search_action']) && $smod_params['show_edit_button'] == 'n' && $smod_params['show_go_button'] == 'n') { $smod_params['use_autocomplete'] = 'n'; } if (!empty($_REQUEST['highlight'])) { $smod_params['input_value'] = $_REQUEST['highlight']; } else if (!empty($_REQUEST['words'])) { $smod_params['input_value'] = $_REQUEST['words']; } else if (!empty($_REQUEST['find'])) { $smod_params['input_value'] = $_REQUEST['find']; } else { $smod_params['input_value'] = ''; } if (!empty($_REQUEST['where'])) { $smod_params['where'] = $_REQUEST['where']; } else { $smod_params['where'] = ''; } if (!empty($_REQUEST['boolean_last'])) { if (!empty($_REQUEST['boolean'])) { $smod_params['advanced_search'] = 'y'; } else { $smod_params['advanced_search'] = 'n'; } } }