File: mod-func-shoutbox.php
<?php // (c) Copyright 2002-2011 by authors of the Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware Project // // All Rights Reserved. See copyright.txt for details and a complete list of authors. // Licensed under the GNU LESSER GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE. See license.txt for details. // $Id: mod-func-shoutbox.php 33195 2011-03-02 17:43:40Z changi67 $ /* * AJAXified Shoutbox module (jonnybradley for mpvolt Aug/Sept 2008 - de-AJAXified for Tiki 7 Dec 2010 jb) * * Anonymous may need tiki_p_view_shoutbox and tiki_p_post_shoutbox setting (in Group admin) * Enable Admin/Wiki/Wiki Features/feature_antibot to prevent spam ("Anonymous editors must input anti-bot code") * */ /* * Added twitter+facebook support (joernott for poiesipedia.com May 2010) * * Requires a site registration with twitter/facebook to receive site consumer key/secret. * The user must authorize the site by requesting an oauth token via tiki-socialnetworks.php. * */ //this script may only be included - so its better to die if called directly. if (strpos($_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME'],basename(__FILE__)) !== false) { header('location: index.php'); exit; } function module_shoutbox_info() { return array( 'name' => tra('Shoutbox'), 'description' => tra('The shoutbox is a quick messaging tool. Messages reload each time the page changes. Anyone with the right permission can see all messages. Another permission allows to send messages.'), 'prefs' => array( 'feature_shoutbox' ), 'documentation' => 'Module shoutbox', 'params' => array( 'tooltip' => array( 'name' => tra('Tooltip'), 'description' => tra('If set to "1", displays message post dates and times as tooltips instead of showing directly in the module content.') . " " . tr('Default:') . '"0".', 'filter' => 'word' ), 'buttontext' => array( 'name' => tra('Button label'), 'description' => tra('Label on the button to post a message.') . " " . tra('Default:') . " " . tra("Post") ), 'waittext' => array( 'name' => tra('Wait label'), 'description' => tra('Label on the button to post a message when the message is being posted if AJAX is enabled.') . " " . tra('Default:') . " " . tra("Please wait...") ), 'maxrows' => array( 'name' => tra('Maximum messages shown'), 'description' => tra('Number of messages to display.') . ' ' . tra('Default:') . ' 5.', 'filter' => 'int' ), 'tweet' => array( 'name'=> tra('Tweet'), 'description' => tra('If set to "1" and the user has authorized us to tweet messages with Twitter, the user can decide, if he wants to shout via twitter.'), 'filter' => 'word' ), 'facebook' => array( 'name'=> tra('Facebook'), 'description' => tra('If set to "1" and the user has authorized us with Facebook, the user can decide, if he wants to add the shout to his facebook wall.'), 'filter' => 'word' ) ) ); } function doProcessShout($inFormValues) { global $shoutboxlib, $user, $smarty, $prefs, $captchalib; // $smarty->assign('tweet',$inFormValues['tweet']); if (array_key_exists('shout_msg',$inFormValues) && strlen($inFormValues['shout_msg']) > 2) { if (empty($user) && $prefs['feature_antibot'] == 'y' && (!$captchalib->validate())) { $smarty->assign('shout_error', $captchalib->getErrors()); $smarty->assign_by_ref('shout_msg', $inFormValues['shout_msg']); } else { $shoutboxlib->replace_shoutbox(0, $user, $inFormValues['shout_msg'],($inFormValues['shout_tweet']==1), ($inFormValues['shout_facebook']==1)); } } } function module_shoutbox( $mod_reference, $module_params ) { global $tikilib; require_once ('lib/tikilib.php'); global $shoutboxlib, $prefs, $user, $tiki_p_view_shoutbox, $tiki_p_admin_shoutbox, $tiki_p_post_shoutbox, $base_url, $smarty, $access; include_once ('lib/shoutbox/shoutboxlib.php'); if ($tiki_p_view_shoutbox == 'y') { if (true || $prefs['feature_ajax'] !== 'y') { $setup_parsed_uri = parse_url($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']); if (isset($setup_parsed_uri['query'])) { TikiLib::parse_str($setup_parsed_uri['query'], $sht_query); } else { $sht_query = array(); } $shout_father = $setup_parsed_uri['path']; if (isset($sht_query) && count($sht_query) > 0) { $sht = array(); foreach ($sht_query as $sht_name => $sht_val) { $sht[] = $sht_name . '=' . $sht_val; } $shout_father.= '?'.implode('&',$sht).'&'; } else { $shout_father.= '?'; } } else { // $prefs['feature_ajax'] == 'y' // AJAX_TODO $shout_father = 'tiki-shoutbox.php?'; } $smarty->assign('shout_ownurl', $shout_father); if (isset($_REQUEST['shout_remove'])) { $info = $shoutboxlib->get_shoutbox($_REQUEST['shout_remove']); if ($tiki_p_admin_shoutbox == 'y' || $info['user'] == $user ) { $access->check_authenticity(); $shoutboxlib->remove_shoutbox($_REQUEST["shout_remove"]); } } if ($tiki_p_post_shoutbox == 'y') { if (isset($_REQUEST['shout_send'])) { doProcessShout($_REQUEST); } } $maxrows = isset($module_params['maxrows']) ? $module_params['maxrows'] : 5; $shout_msgs = $shoutboxlib->list_shoutbox(0, $maxrows, 'timestamp_desc', ''); $smarty->assign('shout_msgs', $shout_msgs['data']); // Subst module parameters $smarty->assign('tooltip', isset($module_params['tooltip']) ? $module_params['tooltip'] : 0); $smarty->assign('buttontext', isset($module_params['buttontext']) ? $module_params['buttontext'] : tra('Post')); $smarty->assign('waittext', isset($module_params['waittext']) ? $module_params['waittext'] : tra('Please wait...')); $smarty->assign('tweet', isset($module_params['tweet']) &&($tikilib->get_user_preference($user,'twitter_token')!='') ? $module_params['tweet'] : "0"); $smarty->assign('facebook', isset($module_params['facebook']) &&($tikilib->get_user_preference($user,'facebook_token')!='') ? $module_params['facebook'] : "0"); } }