File: mod-func-upcoming_events.php
<?php // (c) Copyright 2002-2011 by authors of the Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware Project // // All Rights Reserved. See copyright.txt for details and a complete list of authors. // Licensed under the GNU LESSER GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE. See license.txt for details. // $Id: mod-func-upcoming_events.php 33195 2011-03-02 17:43:40Z changi67 $ //this script may only be included - so its better to die if called directly. if (strpos($_SERVER["SCRIPT_NAME"],basename(__FILE__)) !== false) { header("location: index.php"); exit; } function module_upcoming_events_info() { return array( 'name' => tra('Upcoming Events'), 'description' => tra('Lists the specified number of calendar events, ordered by their start date.'), 'prefs' => array("feature_calendar"), 'params' => array( 'calendarId' => array( 'name' => tra('Calendars filter'), 'description' => tra('If set to a list of calendar identifiers, restricts the events to those in the identified calendars. Identifiers are separated by vertical bars ("|"), commas (",") or colons (":").') . " " . tra('Example values:') . '"13", "4,7", "31:49". ' . tra('Not set by default.') ), 'maxDays' => array( 'name' => tra('Maximum days in the future'), 'description' => tra('Maximum distance to event start dates in days (looking forward).') . " " . tra('Example values:') . ' 7, 14, 31.' . " " . tra('Default:') . ' 365', 'filter' => 'int' ), 'priorDays' => array( 'name' => tra('Maximum days in the past'), 'description' => tra('Maximum distance to event end dates in days (looking backward).') . " " . tra('Example values:') . ' 7, 14, 31.' . " " . tra('Default:') . ' 0', 'filter' => 'int' ), 'cellpadding' => array( 'name' => tra('cellpadding'), 'description' => 'If set to an integer, apply this cellpadding to the HTML table generated.', 'filter' => 'int' ), 'cellspacing' => array( 'name' => tra('cellspacing'), 'description' => 'If set to an integer, apply this cellspacing to the HTML table generated.', 'filter' => 'int' ), 'showDescription' => array( 'name' => tra('Show description'), 'description' => tra('If set to "y", event descriptions are displayed.') . " " . tra('Default:') . ' "n"', 'filter' => 'word' ), 'showEnd' => array( 'name' => tra('Show end date and time'), 'description' => tra('If set to "y", event end dates and times are displayed, when appropriate.') . " " . tra('Default:') . ' "n"', 'filter' => 'word' ), 'showColor' => array( 'name' => tra('Use custom calendar background colors'), 'description' => tra('If set to "y", events are displayed with their calendar\'s custom background color (if one is set).') . " " . tra('Default:') . ' "n"', 'filter' => 'word' ), 'tooltip_infos' => array( 'name' => tra('Show information in tooltips'), 'description' => tra('If set to "n", event tooltips will not display event information.') . " " . tra('Default:') . ' "y"', 'filter' => 'word' ), 'date_format' => array( 'name' => tra('Date format'), 'description' => tra('Format to use for most dates. See <a href="http://www.php.net/manual/en/function.strftime.php">strftime() documentation</a>.') . " ". tra('Example value:') . ' %m/%e/%y %H:%M %Z. ' . tra('Default:') . ' ' . tra('site preference for short date format followed by site preference for short time format') ), 'maxlen' => array( 'name' => tra('Maximum length'), 'description' => tra('If set to an integer, event names are allowed that number of characters as a maximum before being truncated.'), 'filter' => 'int' ), 'showaction' => array( 'name' => tra('Show action'), 'description' => 'y|n', 'filter' => 'word' ) ), 'common_params' => array('nonums', 'rows') ); } function module_upcoming_events( $mod_reference, $module_params ) { global $calendarlib, $userlib, $globalperms, $smarty; include_once ('lib/calendar/calendarlib.php'); $rawcals = $calendarlib->list_calendars(); $calIds = array(); $viewable = array(); foreach ($rawcals["data"] as $cal_id=>$cal_data) { $calIds[] = $cal_id; $canView = 'n'; if ($globalperms->admin) { $canView = 'y'; } elseif ($cal_data["personal"] == "y") { if ($user && $user == $cal_data["user"]) { $canView = 'y'; } } else { $objectperms = Perms::get( array( 'type' => 'calendar', 'object' => $cal_id ) ); if ($objectperms->view_calendar || $objectperms->admin_calendar) { $canView = 'y'; } } if ($canView == 'y') { $viewable[] = $cal_id; } } $smarty->assign_by_ref('infocals', $rawcals['data']); $events = array(); if (!empty($module_params['calendarId'])) { $calIds = preg_split('/[\|:\&,]/', $module_params['calendarId']); } if (!empty($viewable)) $events = $calendarlib->upcoming_events($mod_reference['rows'], array_intersect($calIds, $viewable), -1, 'start_asc', isset($module_params["priorDays"]) ? (int) $module_params["priorDays"] : 0, isset($module_params["maxDays"]) ? (int) $module_params["maxDays"] : 365 ); $smarty->assign('modUpcomingEvents', $events); $smarty->assign('maxlen', isset($module_params["maxlen"]) ? $module_params["maxlen"] : 0); $smarty->assign('showDescription', isset($module_params['showDescription']) ? $module_params['showDescription'] : 'n'); $smarty->assign('showEnd', isset($module_params['showEnd']) ? $module_params['showEnd'] : 'n'); $smarty->assign('showColor', isset($module_params['showColor']) ? $module_params['showColor'] : 'n'); $smarty->assign('tooltip_infos', isset($module_params['tooltip_infos']) ? $module_params['tooltip_infos'] : 'y'); }