File: mod-func-user_bookmarks.php
<?php // (c) Copyright 2002-2011 by authors of the Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware Project // // All Rights Reserved. See copyright.txt for details and a complete list of authors. // Licensed under the GNU LESSER GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE. See license.txt for details. // $Id: mod-func-user_bookmarks.php 33195 2011-03-02 17:43:40Z changi67 $ //this script may only be included - so its better to die if called directly. if (strpos($_SERVER["SCRIPT_NAME"],basename(__FILE__)) !== false) { header("location: index.php"); exit; } function module_user_bookmarks_info() { return array( 'name' => tra('My Bookmarks'), 'description' => tra('Lightweight interface to user bookmarks, enabling to view them concisely, do some manipulations and bookmark the page being viewed'), 'prefs' => array("feature_user_bookmarks"), 'params' => array() ); } function module_user_bookmarks( $mod_reference, $module_params ) { global $tikilib, $smarty; global $bookmarklib, $imagegallib, $user, $prefs, $tiki_p_create_bookmarks; include_once ('lib/bookmarks/bookmarklib.php'); $setup_parsed_uri = parse_url($_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"]); if (isset($setup_parsed_uri["query"])) { TikiLib::parse_str($setup_parsed_uri["query"], $setup_query_data); } else { $setup_query_data = array(); } if ($user && $tiki_p_create_bookmarks == 'y') { // check the session to get the directory or create directory =0 $smarty->assign('ownurl', $tikilib->httpPrefix().$_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"]); if (isset($_REQUEST["bookmarks_directory"])) { $_SESSION["bookmarks_directory"] = $_REQUEST["bookmarks_directory"]; } elseif (!isset($_SESSION["bookmarks_directory"])) { $_SESSION["bookmarks_directory"] = 0; } $ownurl = $tikilib->httpPrefix(). $_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"]; // Now build urls if (strstr($ownurl, '?')) { $modb_sep = '&'; } else { $modb_sep = '?'; } $smarty->assign('modb_sep', $modb_sep); if (isset($_REQUEST["bookmark_removeurl"])) { $bookmarklib->remove_url($_REQUEST["bookmark_removeurl"], $user); } if (isset($_REQUEST["bookmark_create_folder"])) { $bookmarklib->add_folder($_SESSION["bookmarks_directory"], $_REQUEST['modb_name'], $user); } if (isset($_REQUEST["bookmark_mark"])) { $name = $_REQUEST["modb_name"]; if (empty($name)) { // Check if we are bookmarking a wiki-page if (strstr($_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"], 'tiki-index')) { // Get the page if (isset($setup_query_data["page"])) { $name = $setup_query_data["page"]; } else { $name = $prefs['wikiHomePage']; } } // Check if we are bookmarking an article if (strstr($_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"], 'tiki-read_article')) { global $artlib; require_once 'lib/articles/artlib.php'; $info = $artlib->get_article($setup_query_data["articleId"]); $name = $info["title"]; } // Check if we are bookmarking a file gallery if (strstr($_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"], 'tiki-list_file_gallery')) { $filegallib = TikiLib::lib('filegal'); $info = $filegallib->get_file_gallery($setup_query_data["galleryId"]); $name = $info["name"]; } // Check if we are bookmarking an image gallery if (strstr($_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"], 'tiki-browse_gallery') || strstr($_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"], 'tiki-list_gallery')) { include_once ("lib/imagegals/imagegallib.php"); $info = $imagegallib->get_gallery($setup_query_data["galleryId"]); $name = $info["name"]; } // Check if we are bookmarking an image if (strstr($_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"], 'tiki-browse_image')) { include_once ("lib/imagegals/imagegallib.php"); $info = $imagegallib->get_image($setup_query_data["imageId"]); $name = $info["name"]; } // Check if we are bookmarking a forum if (strstr($_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"], 'tiki-view_forum')) { require_once('lib/comments/commentslib.php'); global $commentslib; if (!isset($commentslib)) { $commentslib = new Comments($dbTiki); } $info = $commentslib->get_forum($setup_query_data["forumId"]); $name = $info["name"]; } // Check if we are bookmarking a faq if (strstr($_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"], 'tiki-view_faq')) { $info = $tikilib->get_faq($setup_query_data["faqId"]); $name = $info["title"]; } // Check if we are bookmarking a weblog if (strstr($_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"], 'tiki-view_blog')) { global $bloglib; require_once('lib/blogs/bloglib.php'); $info = $bloglib->get_blog($setup_query_data["blogId"]); $name = $info["title"]; } } if (!empty($name)) { $bookmarklib->replace_url(0, $_SESSION["bookmarks_directory"], $name, $ownurl, $user); } } $modb_p_info = $bookmarklib->get_folder($_SESSION["bookmarks_directory"], $user); $modb_father = $modb_p_info["parentId"]; // get urls $modb_urls = $bookmarklib->list_folder($_SESSION["bookmarks_directory"], 0, -1, 'name_asc', '', $user); $smarty->assign('modb_urls', $modb_urls["data"]); // get folders $modb_folders = $bookmarklib->get_child_folders($_SESSION["bookmarks_directory"], $user); $modb_pf = array( "name" => "..", "folderId" => $modb_father, "parentId" => 0, "user" => $user ); if ($_SESSION["bookmarks_directory"]) { array_unshift($modb_folders, $modb_pf); } $smarty->assign('modb_folders', $modb_folders); $smarty->clear_assign('tpl_module_title'); } }