File: mod-func-webmail_inbox.php
<?php // (c) Copyright 2002-2011 by authors of the Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware Project // // All Rights Reserved. See copyright.txt for details and a complete list of authors. // Licensed under the GNU LESSER GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE. See license.txt for details. // $Id: mod-func-webmail_inbox.php 33195 2011-03-02 17:43:40Z changi67 $ //this script may only be included - so its better to die if called directly. if (strpos($_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME'],basename(__FILE__)) !== false) { header('location: index.php'); exit; } function module_webmail_inbox_info() { return array( 'name' => tra('Webmail Inbox'), 'description' => tra('Displays Webmail Inbox.'), 'prefs' => array('feature_webmail', 'feature_ajax'), 'params' => array( 'accountid' => array( 'name' => tra('Account Id'), 'description' => tra('Webmail account identifier (if not set uses user\'s current account)'), 'filter' => 'int' ), 'mode' => array( 'name' => tra('Mode'), 'description' => tra('Mode.') . ' ' . tra('Possible values:') . ' "webmail", "groupmail".', 'filter' => 'word' ), 'group' => array( 'name' => tra('Group'), 'description' => tra('GroupMail: Group (e.g. "Help Team")'), 'filter' => 'striptags' ), 'trackerId' => array( 'name' => tra('Tracker Id'), 'description' => tra('GroupMail: Tracker Id (to store GroupMail activity)'), 'filter' => 'int' ), 'fromFId' => array( 'name' => tra('From Field Id'), 'description' => tra('GroupMail: From Field (Id of field in tracker to store email From header)'), 'filter' => 'int' ), 'subjectFId' => array( 'name' => tra('Subject Field Id'), 'description' => tra('GroupMail: Subject Field (Id of field in tracker to store email Subject header)'), 'filter' => 'int' ), 'messageFId' => array( 'name' => tra('Message Field Id'), 'description' => tra('GroupMail: Message Field (Id of field in tracker to store email message identifier)'), 'filter' => 'int' ), 'contentFId' => array( 'name' => tra('Content Field Id'), 'description' => tra('GroupMail: Content Field (Id of field in tracker to store email message body content)'), 'filter' => 'int' ), 'accountFId' => array( 'name' => tra('Account Field Id'), 'description' => tra('GroupMail: Account Field (Id of field in tracker to store Webmail account name)'), 'filter' => 'int' ), 'datetimeFId' => array( 'name' => tra('DateTime Field Id'), 'description' => tra('GroupMail: Date Time Field (Id of field in tracker to store email sent timestamp)'), 'filter' => 'int' ), 'operatorFId' => array( 'name' => tra('Operator Field Id'), 'description' => tra('GroupMail: Operator Field (Id of field in tracker to store operator name (username))'), 'filter' => 'int' ), 'maxlen' => array( 'name' => tra('Maximum length'), 'description' => tra('Maximum number of characters in subjects allowed before truncating.'), 'filter' => 'int' ), ), 'common_params' => array( 'rows', 'nonums', ), ); } function module_webmail_inbox( $mod_reference, $module_params ) { global $prefs, $webmaillib, $headerlib, $user, $webmail_reload, $webmail_start, $webmail_list_page, $smarty; if (!$user) { $smarty->assign('tpl_module_title', tra('Webmail error')); $smarty->assign('error', 'You are not logged in'); return; // modules cannot "exit", they must "return" to keep tiki alive } global $tiki_p_use_webmail, $tiki_p_use_group_webmail; if ($tiki_p_use_webmail != 'y' && $tiki_p_use_group_webmail != 'y') { $smarty->assign('tpl_module_title', tra('Webmail error')); $smarty->assign('error', 'You do not have permission to use this feature'); return; } require_once ('tiki-webmail_ajax.php'); include_once ('lib/webmail/webmaillib.php'); // get autoRefresh val from account so it can go into the page JS if (isset($module_params['accountid'])) { $webmail_account = $webmaillib->get_webmail_account($user, $module_params['accountid']); } else { $webmail_account = $webmaillib->get_current_webmail_account($user); } if ($webmail_account && $webmail_account['autoRefresh'] > 0) { $headerlib->add_js('var autoRefresh = '.($webmail_account['autoRefresh'] * 1000).';'); } $webmail_reload = (isset($module_params['reload']) && $module_params['reload'] == 'y'); $webmail_start = isset($_SESSION['webmailinbox'][$mod_reference['moduleId']]['start']) ? $_SESSION['webmailinbox'][$mod_reference['moduleId']]['start'] : 0; if (isset($_REQUEST['refresh_mail']) || (isset($_REQUEST['xjxfun']) && $_REQUEST['xjxfun'] == 'refreshWebmail')) { // YUK! webmail_refresh(); } $module_params['autoloaddelay'] = isset($module_params['autoloaddelay']) ? isset($module_params['autoloaddelay']) : 1; if ($module_params['autoloaddelay'] > -1) { $headerlib->add_js('setTimeout("doRefreshWebmail()", '.($module_params["autoloaddelay"] * 1000).');'); } $smarty->assign('webmail_list', $webmail_list_page); $smarty->assign_by_ref('module_params', $module_params); // re-assigning this to cater for AJAX reloads $smarty->assign('maxlen', isset($module_params['maxlen']) ? $module_params['maxlen'] : 30); $smarty->assign('request_uri', strpos($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], '?') === false ? $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'].'?' : $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'].'&'); $module_rows = count($webmail_list_page); $smarty->assign('module_type', 'module'); $smarty->assign('module_rows', $module_rows); } function webmail_refresh() { // called in ajax mode global $webmaillib, $user, $smarty, $webmail_list_page, $webmail_account, $webmail_reload, $webmail_start, $module_params, $trklib, $contactlib; include_once('lib/trackers/trackerlib.php'); include_once ('lib/webmail/contactlib.php'); $accountid = isset($module_params['accountid']) ? $module_params['accountid'] : 0; $webmail_account = $webmaillib->get_webmail_account($user, $accountid); try { $webmail_list = $webmaillib->refresh_mailbox($user, $accountid, $webmail_reload); } catch (Exception $e) { $err = $e->getMessage(); $smarty->assign('tpl_module_title', tra('Webmail error')); $smarty->assign('error', $err); return; } if (!$webmail_account) { require_once $smarty->_get_plugin_filepath('function', 'icon'); $smarty->assign('tpl_module_title', tra('Webmail error')); $smarty->assign('error', tra('No accounts set up (or no current account set)').' '. '<a href="tiki-webmail.php?locSection=settings">'.smarty_function_icon(array('_id'=>'arrow_right'), $smarty)).'</a>'; return; } $mailsum = count($webmail_list); if ($webmail_start < 1 || $webmail_start > $mailsum) $webmail_start = $mailsum; $upperlimit = $webmail_start; $smarty->assign('start', $webmail_start); $numshow = isset($module_params['rows']) ? $module_params['rows'] : $webmail_account['msgs']; $webmail_list_page = Array(); for ($i = $webmail_start - 1; $i > -1 && $i > $upperlimit - $numshow - 1; $i--) { $a_mail = $webmail_list[$i]; $webmaillib->replace_webmail_message($webmail_account['accountId'], $user, $a_mail['realmsgid']); list($a_mail['isRead'], $a_mail['isFlagged'], $a_mail['isReplied']) = $webmaillib->get_mail_flags($webmail_account['accountId'], $user, $a_mail['realmsgid']); // handle take/taken operator here $itemid = $trklib->get_item_id( $module_params['trackerId'], $module_params['messageFId'], $a_mail['realmsgid']); if ($itemid > 0) { $a_mail['operator'] = $trklib->get_item_value($module_params['trackerId'], $itemid, $module_params['operatorFId']); } else { $a_mail['operator'] = ''; } // check if sender is in contacts $a_mail['sender']['contactId'] = $contactlib->get_contactId_email($a_mail['sender']['email'], $user); // check if there's a wiki page $ext = $contactlib->get_ext_by_name($user, tra('Wiki Page'), $a_mail['sender']['contactId']); if ($ext) { $a_mail['sender']['wikiPage'] = $contactlib->get_contact_ext_val($user, $a_mail['sender']['contactId'], $ext['fieldId']); } $webmail_list_page[] = $a_mail; } $lowerlimit = $i; if ($lowerlimit < 0) { $lowerlimit = 0; } $showstart = $mailsum - $upperlimit + 1; $showend = $mailsum - $lowerlimit; // $smarty->assign('showstart', $showstart); // $smarty->assign('showend', $showend); // $smarty->assign('total', $mailsum); // $smarty->assign('current', $webmail_account); // $smarty->assign('flagsPublic',$webmail_account['flagsPublic']); if ($lowerlimit > 0) { $smarty->assign('nextstart', $lowerlimit); } else { $smarty->assign('nextstart', ''); } if ($upperlimit <> $mailsum) { $prevstart = $upperlimit + $numshow; if ($prevstart > $mailsum) $prevstart = $mailsum; $smarty->assign('prevstart', $prevstart); } else { $smarty->assign('prevstart', ''); } // if ($_REQUEST['start'] <> $mailsum) { // $smarty->assign('first', $mailsum); // } else { // $smarty->assign('first', ''); // } // // // Now calculate the last message block // $last = $mailsum % $numshow; // // if ($_REQUEST['start'] <> $last) { // $smarty->assign('last', $last); // } else { // $smarty->assign('last', ''); // } }