File: fivealive.css
/* $Id: fivealive.css 34621 2011-05-26 12:38:04Z chibaguy $ FiveAlive theme (fivealive.css) for Tiki Wiki CMS/Groupware. Adapted for Tiki 7.x Visit http://themes.tiki.org for more information. * */ /* Import foundation CSS files. */ @import url("lite/lite.css"); @import url("layout/layout.css"); @import url("layout/design.css"); /* make sure whole browser viewport background is always set to white */ html { background-color: #fff; } /***** XHTML Elements (body tag here, others follow Layout) *****/ body { background-color: #fff; font: 76%/1.5em Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; color: #000; } body.filegal_popup { background-image: none; padding: 0 2em; } *:first-child+html body {font-size: 74% !important} /***** Layout *****/ /*#fixedwidth*/ .fixedwidth { margin: 0; } body.fixed_width .fixedwidth { width: 100%; margin: 0; } .fixed_width .fixedwidth .fixedwidth { width: 990px; margin: 0 auto; } .header_outer { /* whole width div containing the header strip */ background: url(fivealive/options/blueberry/headertile.png) 0 0 no-repeat; /* height: 220px;*/ } .header_container { /* 2nd whole width div for background image tricks */ background: url(fivealive/header_left.png) 0 100% no-repeat; } /* keep header content in page center (override layout.css)*/ .header_container .fixedwidth { margin-left: auto; } .header { /* inner <header> element that gets .fixedwidth class applied */ background: url(fivealive/options/blueberry/siteheader.jpg) 0 0 no-repeat; /* height: 220px;*/ } #top_modules { /* inner div that contains the modules */ /* height: 168px;*/ } #tiki-top { height: 50px; width: 100%; } #topbar_modules { min-height: 55px; } #topbar_modules .box-search { position: absolute; top: 13px; right: 10px; } .middle_outer { background: url('fivealive/topbar.jpg') repeat-x; } #middle { display: table; margin: 0 auto; } #fixedwidth[id] #middle[id] { height: auto; } #main { text-align: left; background: #fff; background: transparent; } #main[id] { margin-top: 0; } #c1c2 #wrapper #col1.marginleft { margin-left: 200px; } #c1c2 #wrapper #col1.marginright { margin-right: 200px; } #c1c2 #wrapper #col1 .content { background: transparent; } #c1c2 #wrapper #col1 #tiki-center { padding: 10px; padding-right: 20px; } #c1c2 #col2 { width: 200px; overflow: visible; } #c1c2 #col2 .content { margin-left: 8px; } #col3 { width: 200px; margin-left: -200px; } #col3 .content { margin-right: 8px; } #footer { background: black; color: #696969; padding: 1px 0 2px 0; text-align: center; width: 100%; } .footer_liner { border-top: 1px solid #28aae1; border-bottom: 1px solid #28aae1; margin-bottom: 2px; padding-bottom: 2px; } #custom_site_footer, #power, #rss, #credits_svnrev, #loadstats small { text-align: left !important; margin: auto; width: 90%; display: block; } #footer .container { border-top: 1px solid #28aae1; border-bottom: 1px solid #28aae1; margin-bottom: 2px; } #footer a, #footer a:visited { color: #a9a9a9; } #footer a:hover, #footer a.wiki:hover { color: #fbfbfb; } #footer .box { float:left; text-align: left; } #footer h3, #footer h3 a, #footer h3 a:visited { color: #fff; } #footer h3 { border-bottom: 1px dotted #28aae1; font-size: 1.2em; margin: 0; margin-bottom: 6px; padding-bottom: 6px; } #footer h3#keepintouch { border-bottom: none; width: 11em; text-align: left; margin-top: 12px; margin-bottom: 0; padding: 0; } #rss { text-align: left !important; margin-bottom: 24px; padding-top: 8px; } #footer .box:first-child { margin-left: 0; } #custom_site_footer h3 { margin: 0 0 5px 0; font-size: 14px; } #power { font-size: 12px; text-align: left; padding: 0 8px 1px; margin-top: 30px; margin-bottom: 17px; } #poweredby { font-weight: bold; color: #fff; } #power a { color: #28aae1; } #loadstats { background: #28aae1; color: #004b78; padding: 2px 8px 0; } .cvsup { float: right; margin-right: 10px; } #credits_svnrev { margin-bottom: 13px; } #show-errors-button { text-align: right; margin-top: -26px; display: block; } #show-errors-button a { background: #fff; border: none; border-top-left-radius: 5px; border-top-right-radius: 5px; -webkit-border-top-left-radius: 5px; -webkit-border-top-right-radius: 5px; -moz-border-radius-topleft: 5px; -moz-border-radius-topright: 5px; border-bottom-left-radius: 0; border-bottom-right-radius: 0; -webkit-border-bottom-left-radius: 0; -webkit-border-bottom-right-radius: 0; -moz-border-radius-bottomleft: 0; -moz-border-radius-bottomright: 0; margin-right: 10px; padding: 6px; font-weight: bold; font-size: 10px; color: #004b78; } .highlight, .button.highlight a, .calfocuson { background: #fad5e0; } /***** XHTML Elements (other than body tag) ******/ a, a:visited { color: #1174a5; text-decoration: none; } a:active, a:hover { color: #26a6dd; text-decoration: none; } fieldset { border: 1px solid #1174a5; } h1, h2 { line-height: 110%; } pre, tt { font-size: 1.2em; } hr { background: #74c0e2; color: #74c0e2; height: 2px; } legend, label { color: #000; } .button a, .button a:visited, button, input[type="reset"], input[type="submit"], .button input, .calbuttonBox a, #genPass .button a, #genPass .button a:visited, .daterow { color: #fff; background: #2098cd; border: 1px solid #11597e; font-weight: bold; line-height: 150%; border-radius: 4px; -moz-border-radius: 4px; -webkit-border-radius: 4px; } .button a:hover, button:hover, input[type="reset"]:hover, input[type="submit"]:hover, .button input:hover, .calbuttonBox a:hover, #genPass .button a:hover, .daterow:hover { background: #1173a5; border: 1px solid #11597e; text-decoration: none; } #genPass .button:hover { border-width: 1px !important; } .highlight, .highlight a { border: #9ae8fa; color: #000; } .button.highlight a { background: #d6f3fa; color: #000; } select, input[type="text"], input[type="password"], input[type="file"], input#login-pass, textarea, .adminoptionbox option { background-color: #d6f3fa; color: #000; border: 1px solid; border-color: #9ae8fa #e3f7fb #e3f7fb #9ae8fa; } select[multiple="multiple"] { height: 120px; } input[type="text"], input[type="password"], select { margin: 2px; } #newItemForm input[type="text"], #editItemForm input[type="text"], .wikiplugin_tracker input[type="text"] { width: 99%; } .wikiplugin_tracker, #editItemForm .formcolor {width: 100%;} #editItemForm .formcontent {width: 70%;} #editItemForm .formlabel {width: 30%;} /***** Site Header & Identity *****/ /*#header-top { min-height: 170px; position: relative; background: url(fivealive/options/blueberry/siteheader.jpg) no-repeat; }*/ #top_modules .box-quickadmin { position: absolute; right: 10px; top: 30px; background: #fff; border: 1px solid #696969; border-top: 0; border-bottom-left-radius: 5px; border-bottom-right-radius: 5px; -webkit-border-bottom-left-radius: 5px; -webkit-border-bottom-right-radius: 5px; -moz-border-radius-bottomleft: 5px; -moz-border-radius-bottomright: 5px; padding: 0 6px 2px 0; } #top_modules #secondary_site_menu { height: 30px; line-height: 30px; position: absolute; top: 0; right: 30px; } #top_modules #secondary_site_menu a, #top_modules #secondary_site_menu a:visited { color: #fff; font-weight: bold; text-decoration: none; text-transform: uppercase; font-size: 12px; } #sitesearchbar { color: #fff; height: 45px; line-height: 45px; width: 200px; margin-right: 10px; } #sitesearchbar form { background: url(fivealive/searchform.png) no-repeat 100% 12px; } #sitesearchbar label.findtitle { font-size: 0; } #sitesearchbar form input { background: none; border: none; height: 1em; line-height: 1em; } #sitesearchbar form input[type="text"] { width: 150px; font-size: 18px; height: 22px; } #sitesearchbar form input[type="submit"] { color: #d1d2d4; text-indent: -2000px; height: 24px; width: 30px; margin-left: 8px; margin-top: 12px; } /* search form filter dropdown */ #tiki-top #sitesearchbar form .cssmenu_horiz li a { background: none; width: 138px; padding-top: 11px; padding-left: 4px; } #tiki-top #sitesearchbar form .cssmenu_horiz li a input[type="text"] { font: bolder 12px Verdana, Geneva, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif !important; } #tiki-top #sitesearchbar form .cssmenu_horiz li ul { width: 9em !important; } #tiki-top #sitesearchbar form .cssmenu_horiz li ul li { background: #e3f7fb; height: 210px !important; color: #000; } /* end search form filter dropdown */ #top_modules .box-logo { float: left; margin-left: 10px; margin-bottom: 18px; } #top_modules #sitelogo { width: 235px; } #top_modules #sitelogo img { margin-top: 16px; } #top_modules #sitetitles { margin-top: 55px; margin-left: 135px; font-family: Paneuropa, "Bitstream Vera Sans", Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; white-space: nowrap; } #top_modules #sitetitle, #top_modules #sitesubtitle { color: #fff; text-shadow: #143c64 3px 2px 0; } #top_modules #sitetitle { font-size: 52px; /*margin-top: 2%; line-height: 1;*/ } #top_modules #sitetitle a, #top_modules #sitetitle a:visited { color: #fff; text-decoration: none; } #top_modules #sitesubtitle { font-size: 30px; /* margin-top: 24px; line-height: 1.2;*/ } /* Sitelogin Popup */ #top_modules .siteloginbar_popup { position: absolute; right: 10px; bottom: -5px; width: 10em; height: 26px; line-height: 26px; z-index: 1; } .siteloginbar_popup fieldset { border: none; margin: 0; padding: 0; } .siteloginbar_popup .tabmark { border: 1px solid #696969; border-bottom: 0; border-top-left-radius: 5px; border-top-right-radius: 5px; -webkit-border-top-left-radius: 5px; -webkit-border-top-right-radius: 5px; -moz-border-radius-topleft: 5px; -moz-border-radius-topright: 5px; } .siteloginbar_popup .cssmenu_horiz #register_link { background-color: #969696; } .siteloginbar_popup .cssmenu_horiz .tabmark { background-color: #070707; } .siteloginbar_poppedup li { border-radius: 5px; -webkit-border-radius: 5px; -moz-border-radius: 5px; color: #2098CD; } .siteloginbar_poppedup a { color: #2098CD !important; } #sl-login-user, #sl-login-pass { background: #fff; } #sl-openid { background-color: #fff; } .siteloginbar_poppedup input.button { margin: 6px 0; } /* new modules revamp login */ .siteloginbar { background-color: #D6F3FA; padding: 0 1em; } .siteloginbar input[type="text"], .siteloginbar input[type="password"] { background: #fff; } /*** CSS menus shadows for all but IE6 ***/ ul.sf-shadow ul { -moz-border-radius-bottomleft: 16px; -moz-border-radius-topright: 16px; -webkit-border-top-right-radius: 16px; -webkit-border-bottom-left-radius: 16px; } a.register_link, a.login_link { color: #fff !important; font-weight: bold; font-size: 12px; text-transform: uppercase; margin-bottom: -1px !important; } .siteloginbar_popup .cssmenu_horiz ul { margin-top: -5px; } .siteloginbar_popup .cssmenu_horiz #register_link ul { margin-left: -4em; } .siteloginbar_popup .cssmenu_horiz #login_link ul { margin-left: -10.5em; width: 18em !important; /* to override the hardcoded in-line style width 17.5em */ } .siteloginbar_popup .cssmenu_horiz #logout_link ul { margin-left: -10.7em; width: 20em !important; /* to override the hardcoded in-line style width */ } .siteloginbar_popup .tabmark .tabcontent { color: #000; } .siteloginbar_popup .tabmark ul li a, li.login_link ul li a { background: none !important; color: #1174a5; } /* end Sitelogin Popup */ #tiki-top[id] { height: auto; min-height: 50px; } /****** Menus, Links ******/ /** CSS (suckerfish) menus **/ /* default and topbar dropdown typography (colors) and padding */ .cssmenu_vert li ul a, .cssmenu_horiz li ul a, .cssmenu_horiz li ul a, .box-menu .cssmenu_horiz li ul a, .box-menu .cssmenu_horiz li:hover ul a, #topbar_modules .cssmenu_horiz li ul a, #topbar_modules .cssmenu_horiz li:hover ul a { background: #153c64; font-weight: normal; text-decoration: none; padding: 8px 1em; } .cssmenu_vert li ul a:hover, .cssmenu_horiz li ul a:hover, .box-menu .cssmenu_horiz li ul a:hover, #topbar_modules .cssmenu_horiz li ul a:hover { background: #128bc9; text-decoration: none; border-right: none; } .cssmenu_horiz a, .cssmenu_vert ul li a { color: #fff; padding: .75em 1em; } .box-menu .cssmenu_horiz li a, #topbar_modules .cssmenu_horiz li a { font-weight: bold; text-decoration: none; text-transform: uppercase; color: #fff; } .header #secondary_site_menu .cssmenu_horiz li a { font-weight: 400; padding: 8px .7em; } #secondary_site_menu .cssmenu_horiz li.menuSection a { padding-right: 25px; } #secondary_site_menu .cssmenu_horiz li.menuSection:last-child ul { margin-left: -.5em; } #tiki-top .cssmenu_horiz li a { font-size: 13px; padding: 17px 1em 15px; background: url(fivealive/menu_divider.png) 100% 50% no-repeat; } #tiki-top .cssmenu_horiz li a:hover { background: #1d1d1d; } /* ul ul top compensation for padding */ #tiki-top .cssmenu_horiz li:hover ul, #tiki-top .cssmenu_horiz li.sfHover ul { top: 48px; } /* ul ul ul top compensation for padding */ #tiki-top .cssmenu_horiz li:hover ul ul, #tiki-top .cssmenu_horiz li.sfHover ul ul { top: 0; } #tiki-top .cssmenu_horiz li.menuSection a { padding-right: 30px; } #tiki-top .cssmenu_horiz ul li a { text-transform: none; } #tiki-top .cssmenu_horiz ul li:hover a { text-decoration: none; } #secondary_site_menu .cssmenu_horiz li a > .sf-sub-indicator {top: 13px} #tiki-top .cssmenu_horiz li a > .sf-sub-indicator {top: 24px} #tiki-top .cssmenu_horiz li li a > .sf-sub-indicator {top: 9px} #col2 .cssmenu_vert li a > .sf-sub-indicator {top: 5px} .cssmenu_horiz li.selected a, .cssmenu_vert li.selected a { color: #c2eef8; } .cssmenu_horiz li.selected li a, .cssmenu_vert li.selected li a { font-style: normal; color: #fff; } .cssmenu_vert a { font-weight: bold; } .cssmenu_vert a:hover { text-decoration: underline; } .cssmenu_vert ul a { color: #fff; } .cssmenu_vert li:hover { background: none; } .cssmenu_vert ul a:hover { text-decoration: none; } /* left column width */ #col2 .cssmenu_vert, #col2 .cssmenu_vert li { width: 170px; } /* offset from left column (matches above) */ #col2 .cssmenu_vert li:hover ul, #col2 .cssmenu_vert li.sfHover ul { left: 170px; } /* return ul ul ... to default */ #col2 .cssmenu_vert li:hover ul, #col2 .cssmenu_vert li.sfHover ul, #col2 .cssmenu_vert li:hover ul li, #col2 .cssmenu_vert li.sfHover ul li { width: 10em; } /* return ul ul ... to default */ #col2 .cssmenu_vert li li:hover ul, #col2 .cssmenu_vert li li.sfHover ul { left: 10em; } #col2 .cssmenu_vert li a { padding-top: 3px; padding-bottom: 3px; } .cssmenu_vert .sf-sub-indicator { background: url(fivealive/options/blueberry/arrows-1174a5.png) no-repeat 10px 0; } .cssmenu_vert li ul li a .sf-sub-indicator { background: url(../lib/jquery/superfish/images/arrows-ffffff.png); } /***** Icons *****/ img.icon { margin: 1px 2px 2px 1px; } /***** Boxes *****/ .cbox { border: none; background: #d6f3fa; color: #2098cd; padding: 10px; } .cbox-title { border-bottom: 3px solid #74c0e2; font-weight: bold; } .rbox-title, .rbox-data { border: #2098cd; background: #c2eef8; color: #143c64; } .rbox-title { border-top-left-radius: 3px; border-top-right-radius: 3px; -moz-border-radius-topleft: 3px; -moz-border-radius-topright: 3px; -webkit-border-top-left-radius: 3px; -webkit-border-top-right-radius: 3px; } .rbox-data { border-top-right-radius: 3px; border-bottom-left-radius: 3px; border-bottom-right-radius: 3px; -moz-border-radius-topright: 3px; -moz-border-radius-bottomleft: 3px; -moz-border-radius-bottomright: 3px; -webkit-border-top-right-radius: 3px; -webkit-border-bottom-left-radius: 3px; -webkit-border-bottom-right-radius: 3px; } .error { background: none; } .simplebox { border: 2px solid #74c0e2; } .adminanchors { background: #74c0e2; } /***** Tables, Tabs *****/ /** Tables **/ .normal, .wikitable { border: 2px solid #1d90c5; border-collapse: collapse; } form .normal, .tabcontent .normal { border: none; } .calodd, .caleven, .wikicell { border: 2px solid #c2eef8; } .odd, .calodd { background: #e3f7fb; } .even, .caleven { background: #d6f3fa; } th, td.heading, tr.diffheader, .calHeading, .weeks, th.header { background-color: #1d90c5; color: #d6f3fa; } th a, th a:visited, td.heading a, td.heading a:visited, .normal th a.link, .normal th a, th.header { color: #fff } .admin a.link, .admin a, .admin label, fieldset.admin label, .cbox fieldset.admin a { color: #1174a5; } .admin .button a, .tabstoggle .button a, .tabstoggle .button a:visited { color: #fff; } /** Tabs **/ /* reset what's in layout.css */ .tabactive, .tabinactive, [class].tabactive, [class].tabinactive {top: 0 !important} .tabs { padding: .2em .2em 0; margin:0 0.2em 0 0; border: none; } .tabs span { display: block; float: left; } .tabcontent .tabmark { border: 1px solid #11597e; } .tabmark { float: left; border: 1px solid #11597e; background: #2098cd; border-bottom-width: 0 !important; margin: 0 .2em 0 0; color: #fff; border-top-left-radius: 4px; border-top-right-radius: 4px; -webkit-border-top-left-radius: 4px; -webkit-border-top-right-radius: 4px; -moz-border-radius-topleft: 4px; -moz-border-radius-topright: 4px; } a.register_link { background-color: #969696; } .tabmark a, .tabmark a:visited { padding: 0.5em 1em; color: #fff; font-weight: normal; } .tabinactive:hover, .tabactive { padding-bottom: 1px; border: 1px solid #a9d6eb; background: #a9d6eb; } .tabinactive:hover { background: #126692; } .tabinactive:hover a, .tabactive a, .tabactive a:visited { color: #12365a; } .tabcontent { background: #a9d6eb; border: none; border-top: none !important; border-top-right-radius: 4px; -webkit-border-top-right-radius: 4px; -moz-border-radius-topright: 4px; padding: 4px; } .statuson { background: white; } legend.heading { background: transparent; } fieldset.admin .adminoptionbox label, fieldset.admin .adminoptionlabel { color: #000; } /***** Wiki *****/ .titlebar { border: #2098cd; background: #c2eef8; color: #143c64; font-weight: bold; padding: 1px 8px; } .code { padding: 3px; border: 1px dashed #a9a9a9; background: #f5f5f5; font: 90% "Courier New", Courier, monospace; } .codelisting { font-family: "Courier New", Courier, monospace; padding: 10px; background: #f5f5f5; margin: 4px 0; border: 1px dashed #696969; overflow: auto; } .codecaption { font-size: 90%; padding: 0 10px; position: relative; bottom: -5px; display: inline; border: 1px solid #696969; border-bottom: 0; margin: 0; color: #696969; background: #f5f5f5; font-weight: bold; } /* Quote plugin */ .quoteheader { margin-left: 30px; border-bottom: 2px solid #c2eef8; } .quotebody { margin: 0 15px 10px 30px; font-style: italic; border-left: 8px solid #c2eef8; padding-left: 6px; } /***** Articles ****/ body.tiki_cms h1 a.pagetitle, body.tiki_cms h1 a.pagetitle:visited, body.tiki_cms h1 a.pagetitle:hover {border-bottom: 0} /***** Blogs *****/ /***** Forums *****/ .post .postbody { padding: 6px; } .navbar { margin: 5px 0; } .postbody-title { padding: .5em .3em .3em 1em; position: relative; background: #28A7DE url(fivealive/options/blueberry/siteheader.jpg) -300px -90px no-repeat; color: #222; font-weight: bold; font-size: 1.1em; } .postbody-title, .postbody-title a.link, .postbody-title a.link:visited { color: #fff; } .post .postbody .content { float: none; width: auto; padding: 0; } .post .author, .dirsite { background: #c2eef8; float: none; margin: 0 0 6px; text-align: left; } .postbody-content { margin: 0; } .post .postfooter { padding: 1px; background: none repeat scroll 0 0 #E6EDF5; } /**** Image Galleries ****/ /***** File Galleries *****/ /***** Trackers *****/ /***** Categories, Tags *****/ .cattitle { background: #ededed; } /***** Directory *****/ a.dirsitelink, a.dirsublink { font-weight: bold; } /***** Calendar *****/ .caltable .days { color: #fff; } .calfocuson { font-size: 100%; background: #f3e498; } .calfocuson a { font-size: 90%; } .calHeadingOn, .calHeadingOn a { background: #f3e498; } /***** Admin *****/ /***** Ajax, jquery. etc. *****/ /***** Ajax *****/ /***** New (unsorted) *****/ /* cluptip tooltips */ .cluetip-default { background: #CBF4FA; color: #000; } .cluetip-default #cluetip-outer { background: #CBF4FA; } .cluetip-default h3#cluetip-title { background: #006891; color: #fff; font-weight: bold; } .cluetip-default #cluetip-title a { color: #CBF4FA; } /***** End New (unsorted) *****/ /* End of File */