File: advanced_search_help.tpl
{strip} <h3>{tr}Non Advanced Search or Natural Search{/tr}</h3> <div class="help_section"> {tr}The documents are returned sorted on relevance depending on order, proximity, frequency of terms. {/tr} </div> <h3>{tr}Advanced Search or Boolean Search{/tr}</h3> <div class="help_section"> <h4>{tr}Default search behavior{/tr}</h4> <p> {tr}By default, all search terms are <em>optional</em>.{/tr} {tr}It behaves like an OR logic.{/tr} {tr}Objects that contain the more terms are rated higher in the results and will appear first in their type.{/tr} {tr}For example, <strong>wiki forum</strong> will find:{/tr} </p> <ul> <li>{tr}objects that include both terms{/tr}</li> <li>{tr}objects that include the term <strong>wiki</strong>{/tr}</li> <li>{tr}objects that include the term <strong>forum</strong>{/tr}</li> </ul> <h4>{tr}Requiring terms{/tr}</h4> <p> {tr}Add a plus sign ( + ) before a term to indicate that the term <em>must</em> appear in results.{/tr} {tr}Example: <strong>+wiki forum</strong> will find objects containing at least <strong>wiki</strong>. Objects with both terms and many occurences of the terms will appear first.{/tr} </p> <h4 id="excluding">{tr}Excluding terms{/tr}</h4> <p>{tr}Add a minus sign ( - ) before a term to indicate that the term <em>must not</em> appear in the results.{/tr} {tr}To reduce a term's value without completely excluding it, <a href="#reducing" title="{tr}Reducing a term's value{/tr}">use a tilde</a>.{/tr} {tr}Example: <strong>-wiki forum</strong> will find objects that do not contain <strong>wiki</strong> but contain <strong>forum</strong>{/tr} </p> <h4>{tr}Grouping terms{/tr}</h4> <p>{tr}Use parenthesis ( ) to group terms into subexpressions.{/tr} {tr}Example: <strong>+wiki +(forum blog)</strong> will find objects that contain <strong>wiki</strong> and <strong>forum</strong> or that contain <strong>wiki</strong> and <strong>blog</strong> in any order.{/tr}</p> <h4>{tr}Finding phrases{/tr}</h4> <p>{tr}Use double quotes ( " " ) around a phrase to find terms in the exact order, exactly as typed.{/tr} {tr}Example: <strong>"Alex Bell"</strong> will not find <strong>Bell Alex</strong> or <strong>Alex G. Bell</strong>. {/tr}</p> <h4>{tr}Using wildcards{/tr}</h4> <p> {tr}Add an asterisk ( * ) after a term to find objects that include the root word.{/tr} {tr}For example, <strong>run*</strong> will find:{/tr} </p> <ul> <li>{tr}objects that include the term <strong>run</strong>{/tr}</li> <li>{tr}objects that include the term <strong>runner</strong>{/tr}</li> <li>{tr}objects that include the term <strong>running</strong>{/tr}</li> </ul> <h4 id="reducing">{tr}Reducing a term's value{/tr}</h4> <p> {tr}Add a tilde ( ~ ) before a term to reduce its value indicate to the ranking of the results.{/tr} {tr}Objects that contain the term will appear lower than other objects (unlike the <a href="#excluding" title="{tr}Excluding terms{/tr}">minus sign</a> which will completely exclude a term).{/tr} {tr}Example: <strong>+wiki ~forum</strong> will rate an object with only <strong>wiki</strong> higher that an object with <strong>wiki</strong> and <strong>forum</strong>.{/tr} </p> <h4>{tr}Changing relevance value{/tr}</h4> <p> {tr}Add a less than ( < ) or greater than ( > ) sign before a term to change the term's contribution to the overall relevance value assigned to a object.{/tr} {tr}Example: <strong>+wiki +(>forum < blog)</strong> will find objects that contain <strong>wiki</strong> and <strong>forum</strong> or <strong>wiki</strong> and <strong>blog</strong> in any order. <strong>wiki forum</strong> will be rated higher.{/tr} </p> </div> {/strip}