File: find.tpl
{* parameters used in this template: * filegals_manager : If value not empty, adds hidden input filegals_manager value=$filegals_manager * whatlabel : Change form title. Default value (if $whatlabel empty) is "Find". If $whatlabel is not empty, the text presented is $whatlabel content * exact_match : If set adds exact_match field * types : If not empty adds type dropdown whith types array values * types_tag : HTML element used to display types ('select' or 'checkbox'). Defaults to 'select'. * find_type : types selected value(s) - has to be a string for types_tag 'select' and an array for 'checkbox' * topics : If not empty adds topic dropdown with topics array values * find_show_languages : If value = 'y' adds lang dropdown with languages value dropdown * find_lang : lang dropdown selected value * find_show_categories : If value = 'y' adds categories dropdown with categories array values * find_show_categories_multi : If value = 'y' adds categories dropdown with categories array values with multi selector * find_categId : categories selected value * find_show_num_rows : If value = 'y' adds maxRecords field. Value: maxRecords * find_show_date_range : If value = 'y' adds date range to filter within * find_show_orphans : If value = 'y' adds a checkbox orphan * find_show_sub : If value = 'y' add a checkbox in all the tree * filters : array( filter_field1 => array( option1_value => option1_text, ... ), filter_field2 => ... ) * filter_names : array( filter_field1 => filter_field1_name, ... ) * filter_values : array( filter_fieldX => filter_fieldX_selected_value, ... ) * autocomplete : name of the variable you want for autocomplete of the input field (only for <input type="text" ... /> * * Usage examples : {include file='find.tpl'} * {include file='find.tpl' find_show_languages='y' find_show_categories='y' find_show_num_rows='y'} *} <div class="clearfix"> <form method="post" action="{$smarty.server.PHP_SELF}" class="findtable"> {if $filegals_manager neq ''}<input type="hidden" name="filegals_manager" value="{$filegals_manager|escape}" />{/if} {query _type='form_input' maxRecords='NULL' type='NULL' types='NULL' find='NULL' topic='NULL' lang='NULL' exact_match='NULL' categId='NULL' cat_categories='NULL' filegals_manager='NULL' save='NULL' offset='NULL' searchlist='NULL' searchmap='NULL'} <label class="findtitle"> {if empty($whatlabel)} {tr}Find{/tr} {else} {tr}{$whatlabel}{/tr} {/if} <input type="text" name="find" id="find" value="{$find|escape}" /> {if isset($autocomplete)} {jq}$("#find").tiki("autocomplete", "{{$autocomplete}}"){/jq} {/if} </label> {if isset($exact_match)} <label class="findexactmatch" for="findexactmatch"> {tr}Exact match{/tr} <input type="checkbox" name="exact_match" id="findexactmatch" {if $exact_match ne 'n'}checked="checked"{/if}/> </label> {/if} {if !empty($find_show_sub) and $find_show_sub eq 'y'} <label class="findsub"> {tr}and all the sub-objects{/tr} <input type="checkbox" name="find_sub" id="find_sub" {if $find_sub eq 'y'}checked="checked"{/if}/> </label> {/if} {if !empty($types) and ( !isset($types_tag) or $types_tag eq 'select' )} <select name="type" class="findtypes"> <option value='' {if $find_type eq ''}selected="selected"{/if}>{tr}any type{/tr}</option> {section name=t loop=$types} <option value="{$types[t].type|escape}" {if $find_type eq $types[t].type}selected="selected"{/if}> {$types[t].type|tr_if|escape} </option> {/section} </select> {/if} {if !empty($topics)} <select name="topic" class="findtopics"> <option value='' {if $find_topic eq ''}selected="selected"{/if}>{tr}any topic{/tr}</option> {section name=ix loop=$topics} <option value="{$topics[ix].topicId|escape}" {if $find_topic eq $topics[ix].topicId}selected="selected"{/if}> {$topics[ix].name|tr_if|escape} </option> {/section} </select> {/if} {if $find_show_languages eq 'y' and $prefs.feature_multilingual eq 'y'} <span class="findlang"> <select name="lang" class="in"> <option value='' {if $find_lang eq ''}selected="selected"{/if}>{tr}any language{/tr}</option> {section name=ix loop=$languages} {if !is_array($prefs.available_languages) || count($prefs.available_languages) == 0 || in_array($languages[ix].value, $prefs.available_languages)} <option value="{$languages[ix].value|escape}" {if $find_lang eq $languages[ix].value}selected="selected"{/if}> {$languages[ix].name} </option> {/if} {/section} </select> {if isset($find_show_languages_excluded) and $find_show_languages_excluded eq 'y'} <label>{tr}not in{/tr} <select name="langOrphan" class="notin"> <option value='' {if $find_langOrphan eq ''}selected="selected"{/if}></option> {section name=ix loop=$languages} {if !is_array($prefs.available_languages) || count($prefs.available_languages) == 0 || in_array($languages[ix].value, $prefs.available_languages)} <option value="{$languages[ix].value|escape}" {if $find_langOrphan eq $languages[ix].value}selected="selected"{/if}> {$languages[ix].name} </option> {/if} {/section} </select> </label> {/if} </span> {/if} {if $find_show_date_range eq 'y'} <div id="date_range_find"> <span class="findDateFrom"> {tr}From{/tr} {html_select_date time=$find_date_from prefix="find_from_" start_year="-2" end_year="+2" month_format="%m" field_order=$prefs.display_field_order} </span> <span class="findDateTo"> {tr}to{/tr} {html_select_date time=$find_date_to prefix="find_to_" start_year="-2" end_year="+2" month_format="%m" field_order=$prefs.display_field_order} </span> </div> {/if} {if ($find_show_categories eq 'y' or $find_show_categories_multi eq 'y') and $prefs.feature_categories eq 'y' and !empty($categories)} <div class="category_find"> <div id="category_singleselect_find" style="display: {if $find_show_categories_multi eq 'y' && $find_cat_categories|@count > 1}none{else}block{/if};"> <select name="categId" class="findcateg"> <option value='' {if $find_categId eq ''}selected="selected"{/if}>{tr}any category{/tr}</option> {section name=ix loop=$categories} <option value="{$categories[ix].categId|escape}" {if $find_categId eq $categories[ix].categId}selected="selected"{/if}> {$categories[ix].categpath|tr_if|escape} </option> {/section} </select> {if $prefs.javascript_enabled eq 'y' && $find_show_categories_multi eq 'y'}<a href="#" onclick="show('category_multiselect_find');hide('category_singleselect_find');">{tr}Multiple select{/tr}</a>{/if} </div> <div id="category_multiselect_find" style="display: {if $find_show_categories_multi eq 'y' && $find_cat_categories|@count > 1}block{else}none{/if};"> <div class="multiselect"> {if count($categories) gt 0} {$cat_tree} <div class="clear"> {if $tiki_p_admin_categories eq 'y'} <div class="floatright"><a href="tiki-admin_categories.php" class="link">{tr}Admin Categories{/tr} {icon _id='wrench'}</a></div> {/if} {select_all checkbox_names='cat_categories[]' label="{tr}Select/deselect all categories{/tr}"} {else} <div class="clear"> {if $tiki_p_admin_categories eq 'y'} <div class="floatright"><a href="tiki-admin_categories.php" class="link">{tr}Admin Categories{/tr} {icon _id='wrench'}</a></div> {/if} {tr}No categories defined{/tr} {/if} </div> {* end .clear *} </div> {* end #multiselect *} </div> {* end #category_multiselect_find *} </div> {/if} {if !empty($types) and isset($types_tag) and $types_tag eq 'checkbox'} <div class="findtypes"> <ul> <li> {tr}in:{/tr} </li> {foreach key=key item=value from=$types} <li> <input type="checkbox" name="types[]" value="{$key|escape}" {if is_array($find_type) && in_array($key, $find_type)}checked="checked"{/if} /> {tr}{$value}{/tr} </li> {/foreach} </ul> </div> {/if} {if !empty($filters)} <div class="findfilter"> {foreach key=key item=item from=$filters} <span> {$filter_names.$key}{tr}:{/tr} </span> <select name="findfilter_{$key}"> <option value='' {if $filter_values.$key eq ''}selected="selected"{/if}>--</option> {foreach key=key2 item=value from=$item} <option value="{$key2}"{if $filter_values.$key eq $key2} selected="selected"{/if}>{$value}</option> {/foreach} </select> {/foreach} </div> {/if} {if !empty($find_durations)} {foreach key=key item=duration from=$find_durations} <label class="find_duration"> {tr}{$duration.label}{/tr} {html_select_duration prefix=$duration.prefix default=$duration.default default_unit=$duration.default_unit} </label> {/foreach} {/if} {if !empty($show_find_orphans) and $show_find_orphans eq 'y'} <label class="find_orphans" for="find_orphans"> {tr}Orphans{/tr} <input type="checkbox" name="find_orphans" id="find_orphans" {if $find_orphans eq 'y'}checked="checked"{/if}/> </label> {/if} {if $find_show_num_rows eq 'y'} <label class="findnumrows" for="findnumrows"> {tr}Number of displayed rows{/tr} <input type="text" name="maxRecords" id="findnumrows" value="{$maxRecords|escape}" size="3" /> </label> {/if} <label class="findsubmit"> <input type="submit" name="search" value="{tr}Go{/tr}" /> {if $find ne ''} <span class="button"> <a href="{$smarty.server.PHP_SELF}?{query find='' type='' types='' topic='' lang='' langOrphan='' exact_match='' categId='' maxRecords='' find_from_Month='' find_from_Day='' find_from_Year='' find_to_Month='' find_to_Day='' find_to_Year=''}" title="{tr}Clear Filter{/tr}">{tr}Clear Filter{/tr}</a> </span> {/if} {if $gmapbuttons and $mapview} <input type="submit" name="searchlist" value="{tr}List View{/tr}" /> <input type="hidden" name="mapview" value="y" /> {elseif $gmapbuttons} <input type="submit" name="searchmap" value="{tr}Map View{/tr}" /> <input type="hidden" name="mapview" value="n" /> {/if} </label> </form> </div>