File: tiki-admin_include_profiles.tpl
{jq notonready=true} var baseURI = '{$smarty.server.REQUEST_URI}'; {literal} function refreshCache( entry ) { // {{{ var status = document.getElementById( 'profile-status-' + entry ); var datespan = document.getElementById( 'profile-date-' + entry ); var pending = 'img/icons2/status_pending.gif'; if( status.src == pending ) return; status.src = pending; var req = getHttpRequest( 'POST', baseURI + '&refresh=' + escape(entry), true ); req.onreadystatechange = function (aEvt) { if (req.readyState == 4) { if(req.status == 200) { var data = eval( "(" + req.responseText + ")" ); status.src = 'img/icons2/status_' + data.status + '.gif'; datespan.innerHTML = data.lastupdate; } else alert("Error loading page\n"); } }; req.send(''); } // }}} function showDetails( id, domain, profile ) { // {{{ var nid = id + "-sub"; var infoId = id + "-info"; var prev = document.getElementById( id ); var obj = document.getElementById( nid ); if( obj ) { obj.id = null; obj.parentNode.removeChild( obj ); return; } var infoOb = document.getElementById( infoId ); if (!infoOb) { infoOb = document.createElement('span'); infoOb.innerHTML = ""; infoOb.style.fontStyle = "italic"; infoOb.id = infoId; prev.getElementsByTagName("td")[0].appendChild( infoOb ); } infoOb.innerHTML = " {/literal}{tr}Loading profile{/tr}{literal}..."; var req = getHttpRequest( 'POST', baseURI + '&getinfo&pd=' + escape(domain) + '&pp=' + escape(profile), true ); req.onreadystatechange = function (aEvt) { if (infoOb) { infoOb.innerHTML = " "; } if (req.readyState == 4) { if(req.status == 200) { var data = eval( "(" + req.responseText + ")" ); var row = document.createElement( 'tr' ); var cell = document.createElement( 'td' ); var body = document.createElement( 'div' ); var ul = document.createElement( 'ul' ); row.appendChild( cell ); cell.colSpan = 3; if( data.installable || data.already ) { var pStep = document.createElement('p'); pStep.style.fontWeight = 'bold'; if( data.installable ) { pStep.innerHTML = "Step 3: Click on Apply Now to apply Profile"; } else if ( data.already ) { pStep.innerHTML = "A version of this profile is already applied."; } var form = document.createElement( 'form' ); var p = document.createElement('p'); var submit = document.createElement('input'); var pd = document.createElement('input'); var pp = document.createElement('input'); form.method = 'post'; form.action = document.location.href; var iTable = document.createElement('table'); iTable.className = 'normal'; var rowNum = 0; for( i in data.userInput ) { if( typeof(data.userInput[i]) != 'string' ) continue; var iRow = iTable.insertRow( rowNum++ ); var iLabel = iRow.insertCell( 0 ); var iField = iRow.insertCell( 1 ); iRow.className = 'formcolor'; iLabel.appendChild( document.createTextNode( i ) ); var iInput = document.createElement( 'input' ); iInput.type = 'text'; iInput.name = i; iInput.value = data.userInput[i]; iField.appendChild( iInput ); } if( rowNum > 0 ) form.appendChild( iTable ); form.appendChild(p); submit.type = 'submit'; if( data.installable ) { submit.name = 'install'; submit.value = 'Apply Now'; form.setAttribute ( "onsubmit", 'return confirm(\"{/literal}{tr}Are you sure you want to apply the profile{/tr}{literal} ' + profile + '?\");' ); } else if ( data.already ) { submit.name = 'forget'; submit.value = 'Forget and Re-apply'; form.setAttribute ( "onsubmit", 'return confirm(\"{/literal}{tr}Are you sure you want to re-apply the profile{/tr}{literal} ' + profile + '?\");' ); } p.appendChild(submit); pd.type = 'hidden'; pd.name = 'pd'; pd.value = domain; p.appendChild(pd); p.appendChild(pStep); pp.type = 'hidden'; pp.name = 'pp'; pp.value = profile; p.appendChild(pp); cell.appendChild(form); } else if( data.error ) { var p = document.createElement('p'); p.style.fontWeight = 'bold'; p.innerHTML = "An error occured during the profile validation. This profile cannot be applied. Message: " + data.error; cell.appendChild(p); } else { var p = document.createElement('p'); p.style.fontWeight = 'bold'; p.innerHTML = "An error occured during the profile validation. This profile cannot be applied."; cell.appendChild(p); } if( data.dependencies.length > 1 ) { for( k in data.dependencies ) { if( typeof(data.dependencies[k]) != 'string') continue; var li = document.createElement( 'li' ); var a = document.createElement( 'a' ); a.href = data.dependencies[k]; a.innerHTML = data.dependencies[k]; li.appendChild( a ); ul.appendChild( li ); } var p = document.createElement( 'p' ); p.innerHTML = 'These profiles will be applied:'; cell.appendChild( p ); cell.appendChild( ul ); } body.innerHTML = data.content; body.style.height = '200px'; body.style.overflow = 'auto'; body.style.borderStyle = 'solid'; body.style.borderWidth = '2px'; body.style.borderColor = 'black'; body.style.padding = '8px'; cell.appendChild( body ); row.id = nid; prev.parentNode.insertBefore( row, prev.nextSibling ); if (data.feedback.length) { alert("Profile issues: \n" + data.feedback); } } } else { // readyState not 4 (complete) switch (req.readyState) { case 1: { infoOb.innerHTML = " {/literal}{tr}Loading profile{/tr}{literal}..."; break; } case 2: { infoOb.innerHTML = " {/literal}{tr}Sending{/tr}{literal}..."; break; } case 3: { infoOb.innerHTML = " {/literal}{tr}Waiting{/tr}{literal}..."; break; } } } } req.send(''); } // }}} {/literal} {/jq} {remarksbox type="tip" title="{tr}Tip{/tr}"}<a class="rbox-link" href="http://profiles.tiki.org">{tr}Tiki Profiles{/tr}</a>{/remarksbox} {if isset($profilefeedback)} {remarksbox type="note" title="{tr}Note{/tr}"} {cycle values="odd,even" print=false} {tr}The following list of changes has been applied:{/tr} <ul> {section name=n loop=$profilefeedback} <li class="{cycle}"> <p>{$profilefeedback[n]}</p> </li> {/section} </ul> {/remarksbox} {/if} {tabset name='tabs_admin-profiles'} {tab name="{tr}Apply Profiles{/tr}"} <h3>{tr}Configure Tiki in 3 easy steps using Profiles{/tr}</h3> {if $prefs.javascript_enabled eq 'y'} {if $openSources == 'some'} {remarksbox type="warning" title="{tr}A Friendly Warning{/tr}"} {tr}Some of your Profiles Repositories are not connecting. This may prevent you from applying certain profiles{/tr} {/remarksbox} {/if} <fieldset><legend>{tr}Profiles{/tr}</legend> <form method="get" action="tiki-admin.php"> <div class="adminoptionbox"> <b>{tr}Step 1: Use the Quick or Manual Filter option to see a list of Profiles you can apply{/tr}</b> <table class="normal"> <tr> <th width="50%" class="quickmode_notes">{tr}Option 1: Quick Filter{/tr}</th> <th width="50%">{tr}Option 2: Manual Filter{/tr}</th> </tr> <tr> <td class="quickmode_notes"> <br/> {assign var=profilesFilterUrlStart value='tiki-admin.php?profile=&categories%5B%5D='} {assign var=profilesFilterUrlMid value='x&categories%5B%5D='} {assign var=profilesFilterUrlEnd value='&repository=http%3a%2f%2fprofiles.tiki.org%2fprofiles&page=profiles&preloadlist=y&list=List#step2'} <p> {assign var=profilesFilterUrlFeaturedProfiles value='Featured+profiles'} <a href="{$profilesFilterUrlStart}{$tikiMajorVersion}{$profilesFilterUrlMid}{$profilesFilterUrlFeaturedProfiles}{$profilesFilterUrlEnd}">{tr}Featured Profiles{/tr}</a> <br />{tr}Featured Profiles is a list of applications that are maintained by the Tiki community and are a great way to get started.{/tr} </p> <p> {assign var=profilesFilterUrlFullProfiles value='Full+profile+(out+of+the+box+%26+ready+to+go)'} <a href="{$profilesFilterUrlStart}{$tikiMajorVersion}{$profilesFilterUrlMid}{$profilesFilterUrlFullProfiles}{$profilesFilterUrlEnd}">{tr}Full Profiles{/tr}</a> <br />{tr}Full Profiles are full featured out of the box solutions.{/tr} </p> <p> {assign var=profilesFilterUrlMiniProfiles value='Mini-profile+(can+be+included+in+other)'} <a href="{$profilesFilterUrlStart}{$tikiMajorVersion}{$profilesFilterUrlMid}{$profilesFilterUrlMiniProfiles}{$profilesFilterUrlEnd}">{tr}Mini Profiles{/tr}</a> <br />{tr}Mini Profiles will configure specific features and are a great way to add more functionality to an existing configuration.{/tr} </p> <p> {assign var=profilesFilterUrlLearningProfiles value='Learning+profile+(just+to+show+off+feature)'} <a href="{$profilesFilterUrlStart}{$tikiMajorVersion}{$profilesFilterUrlMid}{$profilesFilterUrlLearningProfiles}{$profilesFilterUrlEnd}">{tr}Learning Profiles{/tr}</a> <br />{tr}Learning Profiles will allow you to quickly evaluate specific features in Tiki.{/tr} </p> </td> <td> <div class="adminoptionboxchild"> <div class="adminoptionlabel">{tr}Filter the list of profiles:{/tr}</div> <div class="adminoptionlabel"> <label for="profile">{tr}Profile:{/tr} </label> <input type="text" name="profile" id="profile" value="{if isset($profile)}{$profile|escape}{/if}" /></div> {if isset($category_list) and count($category_list) gt 0} <div class="adminoptionlabel"><label for="categories">{tr}Categories:{/tr} </label> <select multiple="multiple" name="categories[]" id="categories" style="max-height: 10em"> {foreach item=cat from=$category_list} <option value="{$cat|escape}"{if !empty($categories) and in_array($cat, $categories)} selected="selected"{/if}>{$cat|escape}</option> {/foreach} </select> </div> {/if} <div class="adminoptionlabel"><label for="repository">{tr}Repository:{/tr} </label> <select name="repository" id="repository"> <option value="">{tr}All{/tr}</option> {foreach item=source from=$sources} <option value="{$source.url|escape}"{if isset($repository) && $repository eq $source.url} selected="selected"{/if}>{$source.short|escape}</option> {/foreach} </select> </div> <input type="hidden" name="page" value="profiles"/> {jq} if ($("#profile-0").length > 0) { $(".quickmode_notes").hide(); $(window).scrollTop($("a[name=step2]").offset().top); } else { $(".quickmode_notes").show(); } $("#repository, #categories").change(function(){ if ($(this).val()) { $(".quickmode_notes").hide(400); } else { $(".quickmode_notes").show(400); } }); {/jq} </div> <div align="center"><input type="submit" name="list" value="{tr}List{/tr}" /></div> </td> </tr> </table> </div> </form> <a name="step2"></a> <br /> {if isset($result) && $result|@count != '0'} <b>Step 2: Click on a Profile to review and see description</b> <table class="normal"> <tr> <th>{tr}Profile{/tr}</th> <th>{tr}Repository{/tr}</th> <th>{tr}Categories{/tr}</th> </tr> {foreach key=k item=profile from=$result} <tr id="profile-{$k}"> <td><a href="javascript:showDetails( 'profile-{$k}', '{$profile.domain|escape}', '{$profile.name|escape}' )">{$profile.name|escape}</a>{if $profile.installed} <em>{tr}applied{/tr}</em>{/if}</td> <td>{$profile.domain}</td> <td>{$profile.categoriesString}</td> </tr> {/foreach} {if $result|@count eq '0'} <tr><td colspan="3" class="odd">{tr}None{/tr}</td></tr> {/if} </table> {/if} </fieldset> <fieldset class="admin"> <legend>{tr}Status{/tr}</legend> <div class="adminoptionbox"> <table class="normal"> <tr> <th>{tr}Profile repository{/tr}</th> <th>{tr}Status{/tr}</th> <th>{tr}Last update{/tr}</th> </tr> {foreach key=k item=entry from=$sources} <tr> <td>{$entry.short}</td> <td><img id="profile-status-{$k}" alt="{tr}Status{/tr}" src="img/icons2/status_{$entry.status}.gif"/></td> <td><span id="profile-date-{$k}">{$entry.formatted}</span> <a href="javascript:refreshCache({$k})" class="icon"><img src="pics/icons/arrow_refresh.png" class="icon" alt="{tr}Refresh{/tr}"/></a></td> </tr> {/foreach} </table> </div> </fieldset> {else} {remarksbox type="warning" title="{tr}A Friendly Warning{/tr}"} {tr}Javascript must be turned <b>ON</b> in order to apply Profiles. Please enable your javascript and try again.{/tr} {/remarksbox} {/if} {/tab} {tab name="{tr}Export{/tr}"} <form action="tiki-admin.php?page=profiles" method="post"> <fieldset id="export_to_yaml"> <legend>{tr}Export YAML{/tr}</legend> {if !empty($export_yaml)} {$export_yaml} {/if} <div class="navbar"> <label for="export_type">{tr}Object type:{/tr}</label> <select name="export_type" id="export_type"> <option value="prefs"{if $export_type eq "prefs"} checked="checked"{/if}> {tr}Preferences{/tr} </option> </select> </div> <fieldset> <legend>{tr}Export modified preferences as YAML{/tr}</legend> <div class="navbar"> {listfilter selectors="#prefs_to_export_list > li"} <label for="select_all_prefs_to_export">{tr}Toggle Visible{/tr}</label> <input type="checkbox" id="select_all_prefs_to_export" /> <label for="export_show_added">{tr}Show added preferences{/tr}</label> <input type="checkbox" name="export_show_added" id="export_show_added" {if !empty($smarty.request.export_show_added)} checked="checked"{/if} /> </div> <ul id="prefs_to_export_list"> {cycle values="odd,even" print=false} {foreach from=$modified_list key="name" item="data"} <li class="{cycle}"> <input type="checkbox" name="prefs_to_export[{$name}]" value="{$data.cur|escape}" id="checkbox_{$name}"{if isset($prefs_to_export[$name])} checked="checked"{/if} /> <label for="checkbox_{$name}"> {$name} = <strong>{$data.cur|truncate:40:"...":true|escape}</strong> <em> {if isset($data.def)} {if empty($data.def)} ('') {else} ({$data.def|truncate:20:"...":true|escape}) {/if} {else} ({tr}no default{/tr}) {/if} </em> </label> </li> {/foreach} </ul> {jq} $("#select_all_prefs_to_export").click( function () { $("input[name^=prefs_to_export]:visible").click(); }); $("#export_show_added, #export_type").click( function () { $(this)[0].form.submit(); }); {/jq} <div class="input_submit_container"> <input type="submit" name="export" value="{tr}Export{/tr}" /> </div> </fieldset> </fieldset> </form> {/tab} {tab name="{tr}Advanced{/tr}"} <fieldset><legend>{tr}Repositories{/tr}</legend> <form action="tiki-admin.php?page=profiles" method="post"> {preference name=profile_unapproved} {preference name=profile_sources} {preference name=profile_channels} <div align="center" style="padding:1em;"><input type="submit" name="config" value="{tr}Save{/tr}" /></div> </form> </fieldset> <fieldset><legend>{tr}Profile tester{/tr}</legend> <form action="tiki-admin.php?page=profiles" method="post"> {remarksbox type="warning" title="{tr}Warning{/tr}"} {tr}Paste or type wiki markup and YAML (with or without the {literal}{CODE}{/literal} tags) into the text area below{/tr}<br /> <em><strong>{tr}This will run the profile and make potentially unrecoverable changes in your database!{/tr}</strong></em> <div class="adminoptionbox"> <div class="adminoptionlabel"> <label for="profile_tester_name">{tr}Test Profile Name:{/tr} </label> <input type="text" name="profile_tester_name" id="profile_tester_name" value="{if isset($profile_tester_name)}{$profile_tester_name}{else}Test{/if}" /> </div> <div> <textarea id="profile_tester" name="profile_tester" rows="5" cols="40" style="width:95%;">{if isset($test_source)}{$test_source}{/if}</textarea> </div> </div> <div align="center" style="padding:1em;"><input type="submit" name="test" value="{tr}Test{/tr}" /></div> {/remarksbox} </form> </fieldset> {/tab} {/tabset} {jq} {{foreach item=k from=$oldSources} refreshCache({$k}); {/foreach}} {/jq}