File: tiki-user_watches.tpl
{title help="User+Watches"}{tr}User Watches and preferences{/tr}{/title} {include file='tiki-mytiki_bar.tpl'} {if $email_ok eq 'n'} {remarksbox type="warning" title="{tr}Warning{/tr}"} {tr}You need to set your email to receive email notifications.{/tr} {icon _id="arrow_right" href="tiki-user_preferences.php"} {/remarksbox} {/if} {tabset name="user_watches"} {if $prefs.feature_daily_report_watches eq 'y'} {tab name="{tr}Report Preferences{/tr}"} {if $remove_user_watch_error} {remarksbox type="error" title="{tr}Error{/tr}"}{tr}You are not allowed to remove this notification !{/tr}{/remarksbox} {else} {remarksbox type="tip" title="{tr}Tip{/tr}"}{tr}Use reports to summarise notifications about objects you are watching.{/tr}{/remarksbox} {/if} <form action="tiki-user_reports.php" method="post"> <input type="hidden" name="report_preferences" value="true"/> <p><input type="checkbox" name="use_daily_reports" value="true" {if $report_preferences != false}checked{/if}/> {tr}Use reports{/tr}</p> <p> {tr}Interval in which you want to get the reports{/tr} <select name="interval"> <option value="daily" {if $report_preferences.interval eq "daily"}selected{/if}>{tr}Daily{/tr}</option> <option value="weekly" {if $report_preferences.interval eq "weekly"}selected{/if}>{tr}Weekly{/tr}</option> <option value="monthly" {if $report_preferences.interval eq "monthly"}selected{/if}>{tr}Monthly{/tr}</option> </select> </p> <div style="float:left; margin-right: 50px;"> <input type="radio" name="view" value="short"{if $report_preferences.view eq "short"} checked="checked"{/if} /> {tr}Short report{/tr}<br /> <input type="radio" name="view" value="detailed"{if $report_preferences.view eq "detailed" OR $report_preferences eq false}checked="checked"{/if} /> {tr}Detailed report{/tr}<br /> </div> <div style="float:left; margin-right: 50px;"> <input type="radio" name="type" value="html"{if $report_preferences.type eq "html" OR $report_preferences eq false} checked="checked"{/if} /> {tr}HTML-Email{/tr}<br /> <input type="radio" name="type" value="plain"{if $report_preferences.type eq "plain"} checked="checked"{/if} /> {tr}Plain text{/tr}<br /> </div> <div> <input type="checkbox" name="always_email" value="1"{if $report_preferences.always_email eq 1 OR $report_preferences eq false} checked="checked"{/if}/> {tr}Send me an email also if nothing happened{/tr} </div> <p><input type="submit" name="submit" value=" {tr}Apply{/tr} " /></p> </form> {/tab} {/if} {tab name="{tr}My watches{/tr}"} {remarksbox type="tip" title="{tr}Tip{/tr}"}{tr}Use "watches" to monitor wiki pages or other objects.{/tr} {tr}Watch new items by clicking the {icon _id=eye} button on specific pages.{/tr}{/remarksbox} {if $add_options|@count > 0} <h3>{tr}Add Watch{/tr}</h3> <form action="tiki-user_watches.php" method="post"> <table class="formcolor"> <tr> <td>{tr}Event:{/tr}</td> <td> <select name="event" id="type_selector"> <option>{tr}Select event type{/tr}</option> {foreach key=event item=type from=$add_options} <option value="{$event|escape}">{$type.label|escape}</option> {/foreach} </select> </td> </tr> {if $prefs.feature_categories eq 'y'} <tr id="categ_list"> <td>{tr}Category{/tr}</td> <td> <select class="categwatch-select" name="categwatch" id="langwatch_categ"> {foreach item=c from=$categories} <option value="{$c.categId|escape}">{$c.name|escape}</option> {/foreach} </select> </td> </tr> {/if} {if $prefs.feature_multilingual eq 'y'} <tr id="lang_list"> <td>{tr}Language{/tr}</td> <td> <select name="langwatch"> {foreach item=l from=$languages} <option value="{$l.value|escape}">{$l.name|escape}</option> {/foreach} </select> </td> </tr> {/if} <tr><td> </td> <td><input type="submit" name="add" value="{tr}Add{/tr}" /></td> </tr> </table> </form> {jq} $('#type_selector').change( function() { var type = $(this).val(); $('#lang_list').hide(); $('#categ_list').hide(); if( type == 'wiki_page_in_lang_created' ) { $('#lang_list').show(); } if( type == 'category_changed_in_lang' ) { $('#lang_list').show(); $('#categ_list').show(); } } ).trigger('change'); {/jq} {/if} <h3>{tr}Watches{/tr}</h3> <form action="tiki-user_watches.php" method="post" id='formi'> {tr}Show:{/tr}<select name="event" onchange="javascript:document.getElementById('formi').submit();"> <option value=""{if $smarty.request.event eq ''} selected="selected"{/if}>{tr}All watched events{/tr}</option> {foreach from=$events key=name item=description} <option value="{$name|escape}"{if $name eq $smarty.request.event} selected="selected"{/if}> {if $name eq 'blog_post'} {tr}A user submits a blog post{/tr} {elseif $name eq 'forum_post_thread'} {tr}A user posts a forum thread{/tr} {elseif $name eq 'forum_post_topic'} {tr}A user posts a forum topic{/tr} {elseif $name eq 'wiki_page_changed'} {if $prefs.wiki_watch_comments eq 'y'} {tr}A user edited or commented on a wiki page{/tr} {else} {tr}A user edited a wiki page{/tr} {/if} {else} {$description} {/if} </option> {/foreach} </select> </form> <br /> <form action="tiki-user_watches.php" method="post"> <table class="normal"> <tr> {if $watches} <th style="text-align:center;"></th> {/if} <th>{tr}Event{/tr}</th> <th>{tr}Object{/tr}</th> </tr> {cycle values="odd,even" print=false} {foreach item=w from=$watches} <tr class="{cycle}"> {if $watches} <td class="checkbox"> <input type="checkbox" name="watch[{$w.watchId}]" /> </td> {/if} <td class="text"> {if $w.event eq 'blog_post'} {tr}A user submits a blog post{/tr} {elseif $w.event eq 'forum_post_thread'} {tr}A user posts a forum thread{/tr} {elseif $w.event eq 'forum_post_topic'} {tr}A user posts a forum topic{/tr} {elseif $w.event eq 'wiki_page_changed'} {if $prefs.wiki_watch_comments eq 'y'} {tr}A user edited or commented on a wiki page{/tr} {else} {tr}A user edited a wiki page{/tr} {/if} {elseif isset($w.label)} {$w.label} {/if} ({$w.event}) </td> <td class="text"><a class="link" href="{$w.url}">{tr}{$w.type}:{/tr} {$w.title|escape}</a></td> </tr> {foreachelse} {norecords _colspan=2} {/foreach} </table> {if $watches} {tr}Perform action with checked:{/tr} <input type="submit" name="delete" value="{tr}Delete{/tr}" /> {/if} </form> {/tab} {/tabset}