File: tiki-admin_include_look.php
<?php // (c) Copyright 2002-2011 by authors of the Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware Project // // All Rights Reserved. See copyright.txt for details and a complete list of authors. // Licensed under the GNU LESSER GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE. See license.txt for details. // $Id: tiki-admin_include_look.php 33303 2011-03-09 21:09:34Z jonnybradley $ // This script may only be included - so its better to die if called directly. if (strpos($_SERVER["SCRIPT_NAME"], basename(__FILE__)) !== false) { header("location: index.php"); exit; } $a_style = $prefs['site_style']; if (isset($_REQUEST["looksetup"])) { ask_ticket('admin-inc-look'); if (isset($_REQUEST['style'])) { check_ticket('admin-inc-general'); if (!isset($_REQUEST['style_option']) || $_REQUEST['style_option'] == tra('None')) { // style has no options $_REQUEST['style_option'] = ''; } check_ticket('admin-inc-general'); } } else { // just changed theme menu, so refill options if (isset($_REQUEST['style']) && $_REQUEST['style'] != '') { $a_style = $_REQUEST['style']; } } $styles = $tikilib->list_styles(); $smarty->assign_by_ref("styles", $styles); $smarty->assign('a_style', $a_style); $smarty->assign_by_ref("style_options", $tikilib->list_style_options($a_style)); /** * @param $stl - style file name (e.g. thenews.css) * @param $opt - optional option file name * @return string path to thumbnail file */ function get_thumbnail_file($stl, $opt = '') { // find thumbnail if there is one global $tikilib; if (!empty($opt) && $opt != tr('None')) { $filename = preg_replace('/\.css$/i', '.png', $opt); // change .css to .png } else { $filename = preg_replace('/\.css$/i', '.png', $stl); // change .css to .png $opt = ''; } return $tikilib->get_style_path($stl, $opt, $filename); } // find thumbnail if there is one $thumbfile = get_thumbnail_file($a_style, $prefs['site_style_option']); if (!empty($thumbfile)) { $smarty->assign('thumbfile', $thumbfile); } if ($prefs['feature_jquery'] == 'y') { // hash of themes and their options and their thumbnail images $js = 'var style_options = {'; foreach($styles as $s) { $js.= "\n'$s':['" . get_thumbnail_file($s, '') . '\',{'; $options = $tikilib->list_style_options($s); if ($options) { foreach($options as $o) { $js.= "'$o':'" . get_thumbnail_file($s, $o) . '\','; } $js = substr($js, 0, strlen($js) - 1) . '}'; } else { $js.= '}'; } $js.= '],'; } $js = substr($js, 0, strlen($js) - 1); $js.= '};'; // JS to handle theme/option changes client-side // the var (style_options) has to be declared in the same block for AJAX call scope $none = json_encode( tr('None') ); $headerlib->add_js(<<<JS $js \$(document).ready( function() { var optionDropDown = \$('select[name=style_option]'); var styleDropDown = \$('select[name=style]'); // pick up theme drop-down change styleDropDown.change( function() { var ops = style_options[styleDropDown.val()]; var none = true; var current = optionDropDown.val(); optionDropDown.empty().attr('disabled',false) .append(\$('<option/>').attr('value',$none).text($none)); \$.each(ops[1], function(i, val) { optionDropDown.append(\$('<option/>').attr('value',i).text(i)); none = false; }); optionDropDown.val(current); if (none) { optionDropDown.attr('disabled',true); } optionDropDown.change(); }).change(); optionDropDown.change( function() { var t = styleDropDown.val(); var o = optionDropDown.val(); var f = style_options[t][1][o]; if( ! f ) { f = style_options[t][0]; } if (f) { \$('#style_thumb').fadeOut('fast').attr('src', f).fadeIn('fast').animate({'opacity': 1}, 'fast'); } else { \$('#style_thumb').animate({'opacity': 0.3}, 'fast'); } }); }); JS ); } /* Theme generator for Tiki 7+ */ $reload = false; if ($prefs['themegenerator_feature'] === 'y') { include_once 'lib/themegenlib.php'; if ($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] == 'POST') { $reload = true; if (!empty($_REQUEST['tg_new_theme']) && !empty($_REQUEST['tg_edit_theme_name'])) { $tg_edit_theme_name = $_REQUEST['tg_edit_theme_name']; $themegenlib->saveNewTheme($tg_edit_theme_name); } else if (!empty($_REQUEST['tg_delete_theme'])) { $themegenlib->deleteCurrentTheme(); } else if (!empty($_REQUEST['tg_swaps']) && !empty($_REQUEST['tg_preview'])) { $themegenlib->previewCurrentTheme($_REQUEST['tg_css_file'], $_REQUEST['tg_swaps']); } else if (!empty($_REQUEST['tg_swaps']) && !empty($_REQUEST['tg_change_file'])) { //$themegenlib->previewCurrentTheme($_REQUEST['tg_css_file'], $_REQUEST['tg_swaps']); $reload = false; } else if (!empty($_REQUEST['tg_swaps']) && !empty($_REQUEST['tg_css_file'])) { $themegenlib->updateCurrentTheme($_REQUEST['tg_css_file'], $_REQUEST['tg_swaps']); } else { $reload = false; } } $themegenlib->setupEditor(); } if (isset($_REQUEST["looksetup"])) { for ($i = 0, $count_feedback = count($tikifeedback); $i < $count_feedback; $i++) { if (substr($tikifeedback[$i]['name'], 0, 5) == 'style' || // if style or style_option $tikifeedback[$i]['name'] === 'themegenerator_theme') { // or themegen theme changed // If the theme has changed, reload the page to use the new theme $reload = true; } } } if ($reload) { $location = 'location: tiki-admin.php?page=look'; if ($prefs['feature_tabs'] === 'y' && isset($_COOKIE['tab']) && $_COOKIE['tab'] > 1) { $location.= "&cookietab=" . $_COOKIE['tab']; } header($location); exit; }