File: tiki-admin_include_profiles.php
<?php // (c) Copyright 2002-2011 by authors of the Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware Project // // All Rights Reserved. See copyright.txt for details and a complete list of authors. // Licensed under the GNU LESSER GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE. See license.txt for details. // $Id: tiki-admin_include_profiles.php 33195 2011-03-02 17:43:40Z changi67 $ //this script may only be included - so its better to die if called directly. if (strpos($_SERVER["SCRIPT_NAME"], basename(__FILE__)) !== false) { header("location: index.php"); exit; } require_once 'lib/profilelib/profilelib.php'; require_once 'lib/profilelib/installlib.php'; require_once 'lib/profilelib/listlib.php'; $list = new Tiki_Profile_List; $sources = $list->getSources(); if ($prefs['profile_unapproved'] == 'y') { Tiki_Profile::enableDeveloperMode(); } if ($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] == 'POST') { check_ticket('admin-inc-profiles'); if (isset($_POST['forget'], $_POST['pp'], $_POST['pd'])) { // {{{ $profile = Tiki_Profile::fromNames($_POST['pd'], $_POST['pp']); $profile->removeSymbols(); $data = array(); foreach($_POST as $key => $value) if ($key != 'url' && $key != 'forget') $data[str_replace('_', ' ', $key) ] = $value; $installer = new Tiki_Profile_Installer; $installer->setUserData($data); $installer->install($profile); if ($target = $profile->getInstructionPage()) { global $wikilib; require_once 'lib/wiki/wikilib.php'; $target = $wikilib->sefurl($target); header('Location: ' . $target); exit; } else { if (count($installer->getFeedback()) > 0) { $smarty->assign_by_ref('profilefeedback', $installer->getFeedback()); } // need to reload sources as cache is cleared after install $sources = $list->getSources(); } } // }}} if (isset($_POST['install'], $_POST['pd'], $_POST['pp'])) { // {{{ $data = array(); foreach($_POST as $key => $value) if ($key != 'url' && $key != 'install') $data[str_replace('_', ' ', $key) ] = $value; $installer = new Tiki_Profile_Installer; $installer->setUserData($data); $profile = Tiki_Profile::fromNames($_POST['pd'], $_POST['pp']); $installer->install($profile); if ($target = $profile->getInstructionPage()) { global $wikilib; require_once 'lib/wiki/wikilib.php'; $target = $wikilib->sefurl($target); header('Location: ' . $target); exit; } else { if (count($installer->getFeedback()) > 0) { $smarty->assign_by_ref('profilefeedback', $installer->getFeedback()); } // need to reload sources as cache is cleared after install $sources = $list->getSources(); } } // }}} if (isset($_POST['test'], $_POST['profile_tester'], $_POST['profile_tester_name'])) { // {{{ $test_source = $_POST['profile_tester']; if (strpos($test_source, '{CODE}') === false) { // wrap in CODE tags if none there $test_source = "{CODE(caption=>YAML)}\n$test_source\n{CODE}"; } $smarty->assign('test_source', $test_source); $smarty->assign('profile_tester_name', $_POST['profile_tester_name']); $profile = Tiki_Profile::fromString($test_source, $_POST['profile_tester_name']); $profile->removeSymbols(); $installer = new Tiki_Profile_Installer; $installer->install($profile); if ($target = $profile->getInstructionPage()) { global $wikilib; require_once 'lib/wiki/wikilib.php'; $target = $wikilib->sefurl($target); header('Location: ' . $target); exit; } else { if (count($installer->getFeedback()) > 0) { $smarty->assign_by_ref('profilefeedback', $installer->getFeedback()); } } } // }}} if (isset($_GET['refresh'])) { // {{{ $toRefresh = (int)$_GET['refresh']; if (isset($sources[$toRefresh])) { echo json_encode(array( 'status' => $list->refreshCache($sources[$toRefresh]['url']) ? 'open' : 'closed', 'lastupdate' => date('Y-m-d H:i:s') , )); } else echo '{}'; exit; } // }}} if (isset($_GET['getinfo'], $_GET['pd'], $_GET['pp'])) { // {{{ $installer = new Tiki_Profile_Installer; $profile = Tiki_Profile::fromNames($_GET['pd'], $_GET['pp']); $error = ''; try { if (!$deps = $installer->getInstallOrder($profile)) { $deps = $profile->getRequiredProfiles(true); $deps[] = $profile; $sequencable = false; } else $sequencable = true; } catch(Exception $e) { $error = $e->getMessage(); $sequencable = false; } $dependencies = array(); $userInput = array(); foreach($deps as $d) { $dependencies[] = $d->pageUrl; $userInput = array_merge($userInput, $d->getRequiredInput()); } $parsed = $tikilib->parse_data($profile->pageContent); $installed = $installer->isInstalled($profile); echo json_encode(array( 'dependencies' => $dependencies, 'userInput' => $userInput, 'installable' => $sequencable, 'error' => $error, 'content' => $parsed, 'already' => $installed, 'url' => $profile->url, 'feedback' => $profile->getFeedback(), )); exit; } // }}} } if (isset($_GET['list'])) { // {{{ $params = array_merge(array( 'repository' => '', 'categories' => '', 'profile' => '' ) , $_GET); $smarty->assign('categories', $params['categories']); $smarty->assign('profile', $params['profile']); $smarty->assign('repository', $params['repository']); if (isset($_GET['preloadlist']) && $params['repository']) $list->refreshCache($params['repository']); $profiles = $list->getList($params['repository'], $params['categories'], $params['profile']); foreach ($profiles as &$profile) { $profile['categoriesString'] = ""; foreach ($profile['categories'] as $category) { $profile['categoriesString'] .= (empty($profile['categoriesString']) ? '' : ', ') . $category; } } $smarty->assign('result', $profiles); $category_list = $list->getCategoryList($params['repository']); $smarty->assign('category_list', $category_list); } // }}} $threshhold = time() - 1800; $oldSources = array(); foreach($sources as $key => $source) if ($source['lastupdate'] < $threshhold) $oldSources[] = $key; $smarty->assign('sources', $sources); $smarty->assign('oldSources', $oldSources); $openSources = 0; foreach($sources as $key => $source) { if ($source['status'] == 'open') $openSources++; } if($openSources == count($sources)) $smarty->assign('openSources', 'all'); elseif (($openSources > 0) &&($openSources < count($sources))) $smarty->assign('openSources', 'some'); else $smarty->assign('openSources', 'none'); $smarty->assign('tikiMajorVersion' ,substr($TWV->version,0,2)); $modified = $prefslib->getModifiedPreferences( !empty($_REQUEST['export_show_added']) ? true : false ); $smarty->assign('modified_list', $modified); if (!isset($_REQUEST['export_type'])) { $_REQUEST['export_type'] = 'prefs'; } $smarty->assign( 'export_type', $_REQUEST['export_type']); if (isset($_REQUEST['export']) && $_REQUEST['export_type'] === 'prefs') { include_once 'lib/Horde/Yaml.php'; include_once 'lib/Horde/Yaml/Dumper.php'; $export_yaml = Horde_Yaml::dump( array( 'preferences' => $_REQUEST['prefs_to_export'] ), array('indent' => 1, 'wordwrap' => 0)); $export_yaml = preg_replace( '/^---\n/', '', $export_yaml); $export_yaml = "{CODE(caption=>YAML,wrap=>0)}\n" . $export_yaml . "{CODE}\n"; include_once 'lib/wiki-plugins/wikiplugin_code.php'; $export_yaml = wikiplugin_code( $export_yaml, array('caption' => 'Wiki markup', 'colors' => 'tikiwiki' )); $export_yaml = preg_replace( '/~[\/]?np~/', '', $export_yaml); $smarty->assign( 'export_yaml', $export_yaml ); $smarty->assign( 'prefs_to_export', $_REQUEST['prefs_to_export']); } ask_ticket('admin-inc-profiles');