File: tiki-auto_save.php
<?php // (c) Copyright 2002-2011 by authors of the Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware Project // // All Rights Reserved. See copyright.txt for details and a complete list of authors. // Licensed under the GNU LESSER GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE. See license.txt for details. // $Id: tiki-auto_save.php 34402 2011-05-13 18:41:23Z jonnybradley $ // Called by CKEDITOR.config.ajaxAutoSaveTargetUrl defined in block.textarea.php // Used by ckeditor tikiwiki plugin and to reparse plugins in html mode // possibly should be renamed? $inputConfiguration = array( array( 'staticKeyFilters' => array( 'editor_id' => 'alpha', // 'data' => 'alpha', // 'script' => 'alpha', ), ) ); require_once('tiki-setup.php'); if ($prefs['feature_ajax'] != 'y' || ($prefs['ajax_autosave'] != 'y')) { return; } require_once('lib/ajax/autosave.php'); function send_ajax_response($command, $data ) { header( 'Content-Type:text/xml; charset=UTF-8' ); echo '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>'; echo '<adapter command="' . $command . '">'; echo '<data><![CDATA[' . $data . ']]></data>'; echo '</adapter>'; exit; } if (isset($_REQUEST['editor_id'])) { if (isset($_REQUEST['command']) && isset($_REQUEST['data']) && $_REQUEST['data'] != 'ajax error') { $_REQUEST['referer'] = isset($_REQUEST['referer']) ? urldecode($_REQUEST['referer']) : ''; $referer = explode(':', $_REQUEST['referer']); // user, section, object id if ($referer && count($referer) === 3 && $referer[1] === 'wiki_page') { $page = $referer[2]; // plugins use global $page for approval } if ($_REQUEST['command'] == 'toWikiFormat') { global $editlib; include_once 'lib/wiki/editlib.php'; $res = $editlib->parseToWiki(urldecode($_REQUEST['data'])); } else if ($_REQUEST['command'] == 'toHtmlFormat') { global $editlib; include_once 'lib/wiki/editlib.php'; $res = $editlib->parseToWysiwyg(urldecode($_REQUEST['data'])); } else if ($_REQUEST['command'] == 'auto_save') { include_once 'lib/ajax/autosave.php'; $data = $_REQUEST['allowHtml'] ? $_REQUEST['data'] : htmlspecialchars($_REQUEST['data']); $res = auto_save( $_REQUEST['editor_id'], $data, $_REQUEST['referer'] ); } else if ($_REQUEST['command'] == 'auto_remove') { include_once 'lib/ajax/autosave.php'; remove_save($_REQUEST['editor_id'], $_REQUEST['referer'] ); } else if ($_REQUEST['command'] == 'auto_get') { include_once 'lib/ajax/autosave.php'; $res = get_autosave($_REQUEST['editor_id'], $_REQUEST['referer'] ); } send_ajax_response( $_REQUEST['command'], $res ); } else if (isset($_REQUEST['autoSaveId'])) { // wiki page previews $autoSaveIdParts = explode(':', $_REQUEST['autoSaveId']); // user, section, object id if (count($autoSaveIdParts) === 3 && !empty($user) && $user === $autoSaveIdParts[0] && $autoSaveIdParts[1] === 'wiki_page') { $page = $autoSaveIdParts[2]; // plugins use global $page for approval $editlib; include_once 'lib/wiki/editlib.php'; if (isset($_REQUEST['inPage'])) { if (!isset($_REQUEST['diff_style'])) { // use previously set diff_style $_REQUEST['diff_style'] = isset($_COOKIE['preview_diff_style']) ? $_COOKIE['preview_diff_style'] : ''; } $data = $editlib->partialParseWysiwygToWiki(get_autosave($_REQUEST['editor_id'], $_REQUEST['autoSaveId'])); $smarty->assign( 'diff_style', $_REQUEST['diff_style'] ); global $tikilib; if (!empty($_REQUEST['diff_style'])) { $info = $tikilib->get_page_info($autoSaveIdParts[2]); if (!empty($info)) { if (!empty($_REQUEST['hdr'])) { // TODO refactor with code in editpage if ($_REQUEST['hdr'] === 0) { list($real_start, $real_len) = $tikilib->get_wiki_section($info['data'], 1); $real_len = $real_start; $real_start = 0; } else { list($real_start, $real_len) = $tikilib->get_wiki_section($info['data'], $_REQUEST['hdr']); } $info['data'] = substr($info['data'], $real_start, $real_len); } require_once('lib/diff/difflib.php'); if ($info['is_html'] == 1) { $diffold = $tikilib->htmldecode($info['data']); } else { $diffold = $info['data']; } $_REQUEST['allowHtml'] = isset($_REQUEST['allowHtml']) ? $_REQUEST['allowHtml'] : $info['is_html']; if ($_REQUEST['allowHtml']) { $diffnew = $tikilib->htmldecode($data); } else { $diffnew = $data; } $data = diff2( $diffold, $diffnew, $_REQUEST["diff_style"]); $smarty->assign_by_ref('diffdata', $data); $smarty->assign( 'translation_mode', 'y' ); $data = $smarty->fetch('pagehistory.tpl'); } } else { $info = $tikilib->get_page_info( $page, false); $data = $tikilib->parse_data($data, array('is_html' => ($info['is_html'] == 1), 'preview_mode'=>true, 'process_wiki_paragraphs' => ($prefs['wysiwyg_htmltowiki'] === 'y' || $info['wysiwyg'] == 'n'), 'page' => $autoSaveIdParts[2])); } echo $data; } else { // popup window $headerlib->add_js(' function get_new_preview() { $("body").css("opacity", 0.6); location.replace("' . $tikiroot . 'tiki-auto_save.php?editor_id=' . $_REQUEST['editor_id'] . '&autoSaveId=' . $_REQUEST['autoSaveId'] . '"); } $(window).load(function(){ if (typeof opener != "undefined") { opener.ajaxPreviewWindow = this; } }).unload(function(){ if (typeof opener.ajaxPreviewWindow != "undefined") { opener.ajaxPreviewWindow = null; } }); '); $smarty->assign('headtitle', tra('Preview')); $data = '<div id="c1c2"><div id="wrapper"><div id="col1"><div id="tiki-center" class="wikitext">'; if (has_autosave($_REQUEST['editor_id'], $_REQUEST['autoSaveId'])) { $data .= $tikilib->parse_data_raw($editlib->partialParseWysiwygToWiki(get_autosave($_REQUEST['editor_id'], $_REQUEST['autoSaveId']))); } else { if ($autoSaveIdParts[1] == 'wiki_page') { global $wikilib; include_once('lib/wiki/wikilib.php'); $canBeRefreshed = false; $data .= $wikilib->get_parse($autoSaveIdParts[2], $canBeRefreshed); } } $data .= '</div></div></div></div>'; $smarty->assign_by_ref( 'mid_data', $data); $smarty->assign( 'mid', ''); $smarty->display("tiki_full.tpl"); } } // end wiki preview } }