File: tiki-calendar_setup.php
<?php // (c) Copyright 2002-2011 by authors of the Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware Project // // All Rights Reserved. See copyright.txt for details and a complete list of authors. // Licensed under the GNU LESSER GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE. See license.txt for details. // $Id: tiki-calendar_setup.php 33195 2011-03-02 17:43:40Z changi67 $ //this script may only be included - so its better to die if called directly. if (strpos($_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME'],basename(__FILE__))!=FALSE) { header('location: index.php'); exit; } if ( ! ($prefs['feature_calendar'] == 'y' || $prefs['feature_action_calendar'] == 'y')) { if (isset($_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME'])) { if ($_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME'] == "tiki-calendar.php") $smarty->assign('msg', tra("This feature is disabled") . ": feature_calendar"); elseif ($_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME'] == "tiki-action_calendar.php") $smarty->assign('msg', tra("This feature is disabled") . ": feature_action_calendar"); else $smarty->assign('msg', tra("This feature is disabled")); } $smarty->display("error.tpl"); die; } global $calendarlib; include_once('lib/calendar/calendarlib.php'); $trunc = "20"; // put in a pref, number of chars displayed in cal cells if (!empty($_REQUEST['focus'])) { $_REQUEST['todate'] = $_SESSION['CalendarFocusDate'] = $_REQUEST['focus']; } if (!empty($_REQUEST['day']) && !empty($_REQUEST['mon']) && !empty($_REQUEST['year'])) {//can come from the event module $_REQUEST['todate'] = $tikilib->make_time(23,59,59,intval($_REQUEST['mon']),intval($_REQUEST['day']),intval($_REQUEST['year'])); } elseif (isset($_REQUEST['todate']) && $_REQUEST['todate']) { $_SESSION['CalendarFocusDate'] = $_REQUEST["todate"]; } elseif (!isset($_REQUEST['todate']) && isset($_SESSION['CalendarFocusDate']) && $_SESSION['CalendarFocusDate']) { $_REQUEST["todate"] = $_SESSION['CalendarFocusDate']; } else { $_REQUEST["todate"] = $tikilib->now; } $focusdate = $_REQUEST['todate']; list($focus_day, $focus_month, $focus_year) = array( TikiLib::date_format("%d", $focusdate), TikiLib::date_format("%m", $focusdate), TikiLib::date_format("%Y", $focusdate) ); $focus = array('day'=>$focus_day, 'month'=>$focus_month, 'year'=>$focus_year); $focuscell = $tikilib->make_time(0,0,0,$focus_month,$focus_day,$focus_year); $smarty->assign('focusdate', $focusdate); $smarty->assign('focuscell', $focuscell); $smarty->assign('today', $tikilib->make_time(0,0,0, $tikilib->date_format('%m'), $tikilib->date_format('%d'), $tikilib->date_format('%Y'))); // Get viewmode from URL, session or prefs if it has not already been defined by the calling script (for example by modules, to force a month view) // ###trebly:B10111:[FIX-ADD-ENH]-> there are several meaning for the same var $calendarViewMode if ( ! isset($calendarViewMode) ) { // ###trebly:B10111:[FIX-ADD-ENH]-> $calendarViewMode become an array, several bugs comes from confusion of global values and parameters by ref // for calendars : (main-)calendar, action_calendar, mod_calendar, mod_action_calendar the changes of values by url request is terrible // for the moment 01/11/2011:11:55 just one value is used with index 'default', but initialisation is done. // The init is actually into two places, tiki-calendar_setup.php and tiki-calendar_export.php will be grouped for clean // $prefs would be added when need, $_SESSION, $PARAMS too this now generates not any change in the behavior. $calendarViewMode=array('casedefault'=>'month','calgen'=>'month','calaction'=>'month','modcalgen'=>'month','modcalaction'=>'month','trackercal'=>'month'); if (!empty($_REQUEST['viewmode'])) { $calendarViewMode['casedefault'] = $_REQUEST['viewmode']; } elseif (!empty($_SESSION['CalendarViewMode'])) { $calendarViewMode['casedefault'] = $_SESSION['CalendarViewMode']; } else { $calendarViewMode['casedefault'] = $prefs['calendar_view_mode']; } } $_SESSION['CalendarViewMode'] = $calendarViewMode['casedefault']; $smarty->assign_by_ref('viewmode', $calendarViewMode['casedefault']); if (isset($_REQUEST["viewlist"])) { $viewlist = $_REQUEST['viewlist']; $_SESSION['CalendarViewList'] = $viewlist; } elseif (isset($_REQUEST["viewlistmodule"])) { $viewlist = $_REQUEST['viewlistmodule']; } elseif (!empty($_SESSION['CalendarViewList'])) { $viewlist = $_SESSION['CalendarViewList']; } else { $viewlist = ""; } $smarty->assign_by_ref('viewlist', $viewlist); if (isset($_REQUEST["gbi"])) { $group_by_item = $_REQUEST["gbi"]; $_SESSION['CalendarGroupByItem'] = $group_by_item; } else { $group_by_item = ""; } $smarty->assign_by_ref('group_by_item', $_SESSION['CalendarGroupByItem']); $calendarViewGroups = (isset($_SESSION['CalendarViewGroups'])) ? $_SESSION['CalendarViewGroups'] : ''; $calendarViewList = array_key_exists('CalendarViewList',$_SESSION) ? $_SESSION['CalendarViewList'] : ''; $calendarGroupByItem = $_SESSION['CalendarGroupByItem']; if ($prefs['calendar_firstDayofWeek'] == 'user') { $firstDayofWeek = (int)tra('First day of week: Sunday (its ID is 0) - translators you need to localize this string!'); if ( $firstDayofWeek < 1 || $firstDayofWeek > 6 ) { $firstDayofWeek = 0; } } else { $firstDayofWeek = $prefs['calendar_firstDayofWeek']; } $smarty->assign('firstDayofWeek', $firstDayofWeek); $strRef = tra("%H:%M %Z"); if (strstr($strRef, "%h") || strstr($strRef, "%g")) { $timeFormat12_24 = "12"; } else { $timeFormat12_24 = "24"; } $smarty->assign('timeFormat12_24', $timeFormat12_24); $smarty->assign('short_format_day', tra('%m/%d')); $focus_day_limited = min($focus_day, 28); // To make "previous month" work if the current focus is on, for example, the last day of march. $focus_prev = $calendarlib->focusPrevious($focus, $calendarViewMode['casedefault']); $focus_next = $calendarlib->focusNext($focus, $calendarViewMode['casedefault']); $smarty->assign('focus_prev', $focus_prev['date']); $smarty->assign('focus_next', $focus_next['date']); $smarty->assign('focusday', $focus_day); $smarty->assign('focusmonth', $focus_month); $smarty->assign('focusdate', $focusdate); $smarty->assign('focuscell', $focuscell); $smarty->assign('now', $tikilib->now); $smarty->assign('nowUser', $tikilib->now); $weekdays = range(0, 6); $hours = range(0, 23); $d = 60 * 60 * 24; $currentweek = TikiLib::date_format("%U", $focusdate); $wd = TikiLib::date_format('%w', $focusdate); //prepare for select first day of week (Hausi) if ($firstDayofWeek == 1) { $wd--; if($wd == -1) { $wd = 6; } } if (isset($request_day)) $focus_day = $request_day; if (isset($request_month)) $focus_month = $request_month; if (isset($request_year)) $focus_year = $request_year; $smarty->assign('viewmonth', $focus_month); $smarty->assign('viewday', $focus_day); $smarty->assign('viewyear', $focus_year); // calculate timespan for sql query if ($viewlist == 'list' && $prefs['calendar_list_begins_focus'] == 'y') { $daystart = $focusdate; } elseif ($calendarViewMode['casedefault'] == 'month' || $calendarViewMode['casedefault'] == 'quarter' || $calendarViewMode['casedefault'] == 'semester') { $daystart = $tikilib->make_time(0,0,0, $focus_month, 1, $focus_year); } elseif ($calendarViewMode['casedefault'] == 'year') { $daystart = $tikilib->make_time(0,0,0, 1, 1, $focus_year); } else { $daystart = $tikilib->make_time(0,0,0, $focus_month, $focus_day, $focus_year); } $viewstart = $daystart; // viewstart is the beginning of the display, daystart is the beginning of the selected period if ( $calendarViewMode['casedefault'] == 'month' || $calendarViewMode['casedefault'] == 'quarter' || $calendarViewMode['casedefault'] == 'semester' || $calendarViewMode['casedefault'] == 'year' ) { $TmpWeekday = TikiLib::date_format("%w", $viewstart); // prepare for select first day of week (Hausi) if ( $firstDayofWeek == 1 ) { $TmpWeekday--; if ( $TmpWeekday == -1 ) { $TmpWeekday=6; } } // move viewstart back to first day of week ... if ( $viewlist != 'list' ) { //$viewstart -= $TmpWeekday * $d; if ( $TmpWeekday > 0 ) { $viewstart_m = TikiLib::date_format("%m", $viewstart); $viewstart_y = TikiLib::date_format("%Y", $viewstart); // $tikilib->make_time() used with timezones doesn't support month = 0 if ( $viewstart_m == 1 ) { $viewstart_m = 12; $viewstart_y--; } else { $viewstart_m--; } // $tikilib->make_time() used with timezones doesn't support day = 0 // This supposes that $viewstart's day == 1, as defined above $viewstart_d = Date_Calc::daysInMonth($viewstart_m, $viewstart_y) - ( $TmpWeekday - 1 ); $viewstart = $tikilib->make_time(0, 0, 0, $viewstart_m, $viewstart_d, $viewstart_y); } } // this is the last day of $focus_month if ($viewlist == 'list' && $prefs['calendar_list_begins_focus'] == 'y') { $df = $focus_day; } else { $df = 1; } if ($calendarViewMode['casedefault'] == 'month') { $viewend = $tikilib->make_time(0,0,0,$focus_month + 1, $df, $focus_year); } elseif ($calendarViewMode['casedefault'] == 'quarter') { $viewend = $tikilib->make_time(0,0,0,$focus_month + 3, $df, $focus_year); } elseif ($calendarViewMode['casedefault'] == 'semester') { $viewend = TikiLib::make_time(0,0,0,$focus_month + 6, $df, $focus_year); } elseif ($calendarViewMode['casedefault'] == 'year') { $viewend = $tikilib->make_time(0,0,0,1, $df, $focus_year+1); } else { $viewend = $tikilib->make_time(0,0,0,$focus_month + 1, 0, $focus_year); } $viewend -= 1; $dayend = $viewend; $TmpWeekday = TikiLib::date_format("%w", $viewend); if ( $viewlist != 'list' ) { //$viewend += (6 - $TmpWeekday) * $d; $viewend = $tikilib->make_time( 23, 59, 59, TikiLib::date_format("%m", $viewend), TikiLib::date_format("%d", $viewend) + ( 6 - $TmpWeekday ), TikiLib::date_format("%Y", $viewend) ); } // ISO weeks --- kinda mangled because ours begin on Sunday... $firstweek = TikiLib::date_format("%U", $viewstart + $d); $lastweek = TikiLib::date_format("%U", $viewend); if ($lastweek <= $firstweek) { $startyear = TikiLib::date_format("%Y",$daystart-1); $weeksinyear = TikiLib::date_format("%U",$tikilib->make_time(0,0,0,12,31,$startyear)); if ($weeksinyear == 1){ $weeksinyear = TikiLib::date_format("%U",$tikilib->make_time(0,0,0,12,28,$startyear)); } $lastweek += $weeksinyear; } $numberofweeks = $lastweek - $firstweek; } elseif ( $calendarViewMode['casedefault'] == 'week' ) { $firstweek = $currentweek; $lastweek = $currentweek; // then back up to the preceding Sunday; // $viewstart -= $wd * $d; if ( $wd > 0 and $viewlist != 'list' ) { $viewstart_d = TikiLib::date_format("%d", $viewstart); $viewstart_m = TikiLib::date_format("%m", $viewstart); $viewstart_y = TikiLib::date_format("%Y", $viewstart); // Start in previous month if $wd is greater than the current day (relative to th current month) if ( $viewstart_d <= $wd ) { // $tikilib->make_time() used with timezones doesn't support month = 0 if ( $viewstart_m == 1 ) { $viewstart_m = 12; $viewstart_y--; } else { $viewstart_m--; } // $tikilib->make_time() used with timezones doesn't support day = 0 // This supposes that $viewstart's day == 1, as defined above $viewstart_d = Date_Calc::daysInMonth($viewstart_m, $viewstart_y) - ( $wd - $viewstart_d ); } else { $viewstart_d -= $wd; } $viewstart = $tikilib->make_time(0, 0, 0, $viewstart_m, $viewstart_d, $viewstart_y); } $daystart = $viewstart; // then go to the end of the week for $viewend // $viewend = $viewstart + (7 * $d) - 1; $viewend = $tikilib->make_time( 0, 0, 0, TikiLib::date_format("%m", $daystart), TikiLib::date_format("%d", $daystart) + 7, TikiLib::date_format("%Y", $daystart) ) - 1; $dayend = $viewend; $numberofweeks = 0; } else { $firstweek = $currentweek; $lastweek = $currentweek; // $viewend = $viewstart + ($d - 1); $viewend = $tikilib->make_time( 0, 0, 0, TikiLib::date_format("%m", $viewstart), TikiLib::date_format("%d", $viewstart) + 1, TikiLib::date_format("%Y", $viewstart) ) - 1; $dayend = $daystart; $weekdays = array(TikiLib::date_format('%w',$focusdate)); $numberofweeks = 0; } $smarty->assign('viewstart', $viewstart); $smarty->assign('viewend', $viewend); $smarty->assign('numberofweeks', $numberofweeks); $smarty->assign('daystart', $daystart); $smarty->assign('dayend', $dayend); $calendarlib->getDayNames($firstDayofWeek, $daysnames, $daysnames_abr); $weeks = array(); $cell = array(); if (!function_exists('correct_start_day')) { function correct_start_day($d) { global $prefs; $tmp = $d - $prefs['calendar_firstDayofWeek']; if ($tmp < 0 ) { $tmp += 7; } return $tmp; } } if (empty($myurl)) $myurl = 'tiki-calendar.php'; $jscal_url = "$myurl?todate=%s"; $smarty->assign('jscal_url', $jscal_url);