File: tiki-list_file_gallery.php
<?php // (c) Copyright 2002-2011 by authors of the Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware Project // // All Rights Reserved. See copyright.txt for details and a complete list of authors. // Licensed under the GNU LESSER GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE. See license.txt for details. // $Id: tiki-list_file_gallery.php 34143 2011-04-27 10:02:54Z jonnybradley $ $section = 'file_galleries'; require_once ('tiki-setup.php'); $access->check_feature(array('feature_file_galleries', 'feature_jquery_tooltips')); include_once ('lib/filegals/filegallib.php'); include_once ('lib/stats/statslib.php'); if ($prefs['feature_categories'] == 'y') { global $categlib; include_once ('lib/categories/categlib.php'); } if ($prefs['feature_file_galleries_templates'] == 'y') { global $templateslib; include_once ('lib/templates/templateslib.php'); } if ($prefs['feature_groupalert'] == 'y') { include_once ('lib/groupalert/groupalertlib.php'); } $auto_query_args = array( 'galleryId' , 'offset' , 'find' , 'find_creator' , 'find_categId' , 'sort_mode' , 'edit_mode' , 'page' , 'filegals_manager' , 'maxRecords' , 'show_fgalexplorer' , 'dup_mode' , 'show_details' , 'view' ); $gal_info = ''; if ( empty($_REQUEST['galleryId']) && isset($_REQUEST['parentId']) ) { $tikilib->get_perm_object('', 'file gallery'); $_REQUEST['galleryId'] = 0; // Initialize listing fields with default values (used for the main gallery listing) $gal_info = $filegallib->get_file_gallery(); $gal_info['usedSize'] = 0; $gal_info['maxQuota'] = $filegallib->getQuota($_REQUEST['parentId'], true); } else { if ( ! isset($_REQUEST['galleryId']) ) { $_REQUEST['galleryId'] = $prefs['fgal_root_id']; } if ( $gal_info = $filegallib->get_file_gallery($_REQUEST['galleryId']) ) { $tikilib->get_perm_object($_REQUEST['galleryId'], 'file gallery', $gal_info); if ($userlib->object_has_one_permission($_REQUEST['galleryId'], 'file gallery')) { $smarty->assign('individual', 'y'); } $podCastGallery = $filegallib->isPodCastGallery($_REQUEST['galleryId'], $gal_info); } else { $smarty->assign('msg', tra('Non-existent gallery')); $smarty->display('error.tpl'); die; } $gal_info['usedSize'] = $filegallib->getUsedSize($_REQUEST['galleryId']); $gal_info['maxQuota'] = $filegallib->getQuota($gal_info['parentId']); $gal_info['minQuota'] = $filegallib->getMaxQuotaDescendants($_REQUEST['galleryId']); } $galleryId = $_REQUEST['galleryId']; if (($galleryId != 0 || $tiki_p_list_file_galleries != 'y') && ($galleryId == 0 || $tiki_p_view_file_gallery != 'y')) { $smarty->assign('errortype', 401); $smarty->assign('msg', tra('You do not have permission to view this section')); $smarty->display('error.tpl'); die; } // Init smarty variables to blank values $smarty->assign('fname', ''); $smarty->assign('fdescription', ''); $smarty->assign('max_desc', 1024); $smarty->assign('maxRows', $maxRecords); $smarty->assign('edited', 'n'); $smarty->assign('edit_mode', 'n'); $smarty->assign('dup_mode', 'n'); $smarty->assign('parentId', isset($_REQUEST['parentId']) ? (int)$_REQUEST['parentId'] : (isset($gal_info['parentId']) ? $gal_info['parentId'] : -1)); $smarty->assign('creator', $user); $smarty->assign('sortorder', 'created'); $smarty->assign('sortdirection', 'desc'); $smarty->assign_by_ref('name', $gal_info['name']); $smarty->assign_by_ref('galleryId', $_REQUEST['galleryId']); $smarty->assign('reindex_file_id', -1); // Execute batch actions if ($tiki_p_admin_file_galleries == 'y') { if (isset($_REQUEST['delsel_x'])) { check_ticket('fgal'); if (isset($_REQUEST['file'])) { foreach(array_values($_REQUEST['file']) as $file) { if ($info = $filegallib->get_file_info($file)) { $filegallib->remove_file($info, $gal_info); } } } if (isset($_REQUEST['subgal'])) { foreach(array_values($_REQUEST['subgal']) as $subgal) { $filegallib->remove_file_gallery($subgal, $galleryId); } } } if (isset($_REQUEST['movesel'])) { check_ticket('fgal'); if (isset($_REQUEST['file'])) { foreach(array_values($_REQUEST['file']) as $file) { $filegallib->set_file_gallery($file, $_REQUEST['moveto']); } } if (isset($_REQUEST['subgal'])) { foreach(array_values($_REQUEST['subgal']) as $subgal) { $filegallib->move_file_gallery($subgal, $_REQUEST['moveto']); } } } if (isset($_REQUEST['defaultsel_x'])) { check_ticket('fgal'); if (!empty($_REQUEST['subgal'])) { $filegallib->setDefault(array_values($_REQUEST['subgal'])); } else if (!empty($_REQUEST['galleryId'])) { $filegallib->setDefault(array((int)$_REQUEST['galleryId'])); } unset($_REQUEST['view']); } } if (isset($_REQUEST['zipsel_x']) && $tiki_p_upload_files == 'y') { check_ticket('fgal'); $href = array(); if (isset($_REQUEST['file'])) { foreach(array_values($_REQUEST['file']) as $file) { $href[] = "fileId[]=$file"; } } if (isset($_REQUEST['subgal'])) { foreach(array_values($_REQUEST['subgal']) as $subgal) { $href[] = "galId[]=$subgal"; } } header("Location: tiki-download_file.php?" . implode('&', $href)); die; } if (isset($_REQUEST['permsel_x']) && $tiki_p_assign_perm_file_gallery == 'y') { $perms = $userlib->get_permissions(0, -1, 'permName_asc', '', 'file galleries'); $smarty->assign_by_ref('perms', $perms['data']); $groups = $userlib->get_groups(0, -1, 'groupName_asc', '', '', 'n'); $smarty->assign_by_ref('groups', $groups['data']); } if (isset($_REQUEST['permsel']) && $tiki_p_assign_perm_file_gallery == 'y' && isset($_REQUEST['subgal'])) { check_ticket('fgal'); foreach($_REQUEST['subgal'] as $id) { foreach($_REQUEST['perms'] as $perm) { if (empty($_REQUEST['groups']) && empty($perm)) { $userlib->assign_object_permission('', $id, 'file gallery', ''); continue; } foreach($_REQUEST['groups'] as $group) { $userlib->assign_object_permission($group, $id, 'file gallery', $perm); } } } } // Lock a file if (isset($_REQUEST['lock']) && isset($_REQUEST['fileId']) && $_REQUEST['fileId'] > 0) { if (!$fileInfo = $filegallib->get_file_info($_REQUEST['fileId'])) { $smarty->assign('msg', tra('Incorrect param')); $smarty->display("error.tpl"); die; } $error_msg = ''; if ($_REQUEST['lock'] == 'n' && !empty($fileInfo['lockedby'])) { if ($fileInfo['lockedby'] != $user && $tiki_p_admin_file_galleries != 'y') { $smarty->assign('errortype', 401); $error_msg = sprintf(tra('The file is already locked by %s'), $fileInfo['lockedby']); } else { if ($fileInfo['lockedby'] != $user) { $access->check_authenticity(sprintf(tra('The file is already locked by %s'), $fileInfo['lockedby'])); $filegallib->unlock_file($_REQUEST['fileId']); } else { $filegallib->unlock_file($_REQUEST['fileId']); } } } elseif ($_REQUEST['lock'] == 'y') { if (!empty($fileInfo['lockedby']) && $fileInfo['lockedby'] != $user) { $error_msg = sprintf(tra('The file is already locked by %s'), $fileInfo['lockedby']); } elseif ($gal_info['lockable'] != 'y') { $smarty->assign('errortype', 401); $error_msg = tra('You do not have permission to do that'); } else { $filegallib->lock_file($_REQUEST['fileId'], $user); } } if ($error_msg != '') { $smarty->assign('msg', $error_msg); $smarty->display('error.tpl'); die; } } // Validate a draft if (!empty($_REQUEST['validate']) && $prefs['feature_file_galleries_save_draft'] == 'y') { // To validate a draft the user must be the owner or the file or the gallery or admin if (!$info = $filegallib->get_file_info($_REQUEST['validate'])) { $smarty->assign('msg', tra('Incorrect param')); $smarty->display('error.tpl'); die; } if ($tiki_p_admin_file_galleries != 'y' && (!$user || $user != $gal_info['user'])) { if ($user != $info['user']) { $smarty->assign('errortype', 401); $smarty->assign('msg', tra('Permission denied you cannot validate files from this gallery')); $smarty->display('error.tpl'); die; } } $access->check_authenticity(tra('Validate draft: ') . (!empty($info['name']) ? htmlspecialchars($info['name']) . ' - ' : '') . $info['filename']); $filegallib->validate_draft($info['fileId']); } if ( ! empty($_REQUEST['remove']) ) { $filegallib->actionHandler( 'removeFile', array( 'fileId' => $_REQUEST['remove'], 'draft' => ( ! empty($_REQUEST['draft']) ) ) ); } $foo = parse_url($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']); $smarty->assign('url', $tikilib->httpPrefix() . $foo['path']); // Edit mode if (isset($_REQUEST['edit_mode']) and $_REQUEST['edit_mode']) { $smarty->assign('edit_mode', 'y'); $smarty->assign('edited', 'y'); if ($prefs['feature_categories'] == 'y') { $cat_type = 'file gallery'; $cat_objid = $galleryId; include_once ('categorize_list.php'); } if ($prefs['feature_groupalert'] == 'y') { $smarty->assign('groupforAlert', isset($_REQUEST['groupforAlert']) ? $_REQUEST['groupforAlert'] : ''); $all_groups = $userlib->list_all_groups(); $groupselected = $groupalertlib->GetGroup('file gallery', $_REQUEST['galleryId']); if (is_array($all_groups)) { foreach($all_groups as $g) { $groupforAlertList[$g] = ($g == $groupselected) ? 'selected' : ''; } } $smarty->assign_by_ref('groupforAlert', $groupselected); $showeachuser = $groupalertlib->GetShowEachUser('file gallery', $_REQUEST['galleryId'], $groupselected); $smarty->assign_by_ref('showeachuser', $showeachuser); $smarty->assign_by_ref('groupforAlertList', $groupforAlertList); } // Edit a file if (isset($_REQUEST['fileId']) && $_REQUEST['fileId'] > 0) { if ($tiki_p_edit_gallery_file != 'y') { $smarty->assign('errortype', 401); $smarty->assign('msg', tra('Permission denied')); $smarty->display('error.tpl'); die; } $info = $filegallib->get_file_info($_REQUEST['fileId']); $smarty->assign('fileId', $_REQUEST['fileId']); $smarty->assign_by_ref('filename', $info['filename']); $smarty->assign_by_ref('fname', $info['name']); $smarty->assign_by_ref('fdescription', $info['description']); } elseif ($galleryId > 0) { // Edit a gallery $smarty->assign_by_ref('maxRows', $gal_info['maxRows']); $smarty->assign_by_ref('parentId', $gal_info['parentId']); $smarty->assign_by_ref('creator', $gal_info['user']); $smarty->assign('max_desc', $gal_info['max_desc']); if (isset($gal_info['sort_mode']) && preg_match('/(.*)_(asc|desc)/', $gal_info['sort_mode'], $matches)) { $smarty->assign('sortorder', $matches[1]); $smarty->assign('sortdirection', $matches[2]); } else { $smarty->assign('sortorder', 'created'); $smarty->assign('sortdirection', 'desc'); } } elseif ($tiki_p_create_file_galleries != 'y') { $smarty->assign('errortype', 401); $smarty->assign('msg', tra('Permission denied')); $smarty->display('error.tpl'); die; } // Duplicate mode } elseif (!empty($_REQUEST['dup_mode'])) { $smarty->assign('dup_mode', 'y'); } // Process the insertion or modification request if (isset($_REQUEST['edit'])) { check_ticket('fgal'); // Saving information // Handle files if (isset($_REQUEST['fileId'])) { if ($tiki_p_admin_file_galleries != 'y') { // Check file upload rights if ($tiki_p_upload_files != 'y') { $smarty->assign('errortype', 401); $smarty->assign('msg', tra("You do not have permission to upload files so you cannot edit them")); $smarty->display('error.tpl'); die; } // Check THIS file edit rights if ($_REQUEST['fileId'] > 0) { $info = $filegallib->get_file_info($_REQUEST["fileId"]); if (!$user || $info['user'] != $user) { $smarty->assign('errortype', 401); $smarty->assign('msg', tra('You do not have permission to edit this file')); $smarty->display('error.tpl'); die; } } } } else { // Handle galleries if ($tiki_p_admin_file_galleries != 'y') { // Check gallery creation rights if ($tiki_p_create_file_galleries != 'y') { $smarty->assign('errortype', 401); $smarty->assign('msg', tra('You do not have permission to create galleries and so you cannot edit them')); $smarty->display('error.tpl'); die; } // Check THIS gallery modification rights if ($galleryId > 0) { if (!$user || $gal_info['user'] != $user) { $smarty->assign('errortype', 401); $smarty->assign('msg', tra('You do not have permission to edit this gallery')); $smarty->display('error.tpl'); die; } } } } // Everything is ok so we proceed to edit the file or gallery $request_vars = array('name' , 'fname' , 'description' , 'fdescription' , 'max_desc' , 'fgal_type' , 'maxRows' , 'rowImages' , 'thumbSizeX' , 'thumbSizeY' , 'parentId' , 'creator' , 'quota' , 'image_max_size_x' , 'image_max_size_y' , 'wiki_syntax' ); foreach($request_vars as $v) { if (isset($_REQUEST[$v])) { $smarty->assign_by_ref($v, $_REQUEST[$v]); } } $request_toggles = array('visible', 'public', 'lockable'); foreach($request_toggles as $t) { $$t = (isset($_REQUEST[$t]) && $_REQUEST[$t] == 'on') ? 'y' : 'n'; $smarty->assign($t, $$t); } $_REQUEST['archives'] = isset($_REQUEST['archives']) ? $_REQUEST['archives'] : 0; $_REQUEST['user'] = isset($_REQUEST['user']) ? $_REQUEST['user'] : (isset($gal_info['user']) ? $gal_info['user'] : $user); $_REQUEST['sortorder'] = isset($_REQUEST['sortorder']) ? $_REQUEST['sortorder'] : 'created'; $_REQUEST['sortdirection'] = isset($_REQUEST['sortdirection']) && $_REQUEST['sortdirection'] == 'asc' ? 'asc' : 'desc'; if (isset($_REQUEST['fileId'])) { $infoOverride = $filegallib->get_file_info( $_REQUEST['fileId'] ); $_REQUEST['fname'] = (isset($_REQUEST['fname']) ? $_REQUEST['fname'] : $infoOverride['name']); $_REQUEST['fdescription'] = (isset($_REQUEST['fdescription']) ? $_REQUEST['fdescription'] : $infoOverride['description']); $info['data'] = (isset($_REQUEST['data']) ? $_REQUEST['data'] : $info['data']); $fid = $filegallib->replace_file( $_REQUEST['fileId'] , $_REQUEST['fname'] , $_REQUEST['fdescription'] , $info['filename'] , $info['data'] , $info['filesize'] , $info['filetype'] , $info['user'] , $info['path'] , $info['galleryId'] ); $smarty->assign('edit_mode', 'n'); } else { if ($prefs['fgal_quota_per_fgal'] != 'y') { $_REQUEST['quota'] = 0; } if ($test = $filegallib->checkQuotaSetting($_REQUEST['quota'], $galleryId, $_REQUEST['parentId'])) { $smarty->assign('msg', ($test > 0)?tra('Quota too big'):tra('Quota too small')); $smarty->display('error.tpl'); die; } $old_gal_info = $filegallib->get_file_gallery_info($galleryId); $gal_info = array('galleryId' => $galleryId, 'name' => $_REQUEST['name'], 'description' => $_REQUEST['description'], 'user' => $_REQUEST['user'], 'maxRows' => $_REQUEST['maxRows'], 'public' => $public, 'visible' => $visible, 'show_id' => $_REQUEST['fgal_list_id'], 'show_icon' => $_REQUEST['fgal_list_type'], 'show_name' => $_REQUEST['fgal_list_name'], 'show_size' => $_REQUEST['fgal_list_size'], 'show_description' => $_REQUEST['fgal_list_description'], 'show_created' => $_REQUEST['fgal_list_created'], 'show_hits' => $_REQUEST['fgal_list_hits'], 'show_lastDownload' => $_REQUEST['fgal_list_lastDownload'], 'max_desc' => $_REQUEST['max_desc'], 'type' => $_REQUEST['fgal_type'], 'parentId' => empty($_REQUEST['parentId']) ? $old_gal_info['parentId'] : $_REQUEST['parentId'], 'lockable' => $lockable, 'show_lockedby' => $_REQUEST['fgal_list_lockedby'], 'archives' => $_REQUEST['archives'], 'sort_mode' => $_REQUEST['sortorder'] . '_' . $_REQUEST['sortdirection'], 'show_modified' => $_REQUEST['fgal_list_lastModif'], 'show_creator' => $_REQUEST['fgal_list_creator'], 'show_deleteAfter' => $_REQUEST['fgal_list_deleteAfter'], 'show_checked' => $_REQUEST['fgal_show_checked'], 'show_share' => $_REQUEST['fgal_list_share'], 'show_author' => $_REQUEST['fgal_list_author'], 'subgal_conf' => $_REQUEST['subgal_conf'], 'show_last_user' => $_REQUEST['fgal_list_last_user'], 'show_comment' => $_REQUEST['fgal_list_comment'], 'show_files' => $_REQUEST['fgal_list_files'], 'show_explorer' => (isset($_REQUEST['fgal_show_explorer']) ? 'y' : 'n'), 'show_path' => (isset($_REQUEST['fgal_show_path']) ? 'y' : 'n'), 'show_slideshow' => (isset($_REQUEST['fgal_show_slideshow']) ? 'y' : 'n'), 'default_view' => $_REQUEST['fgal_default_view'], 'quota' => $_REQUEST['quota'], 'image_max_size_x' => $_REQUEST['image_max_size_x'], 'image_max_size_y' => $_REQUEST['image_max_size_y'], 'backlinkPerms' => isset($_REQUEST['backlinkPerms'])? 'y': 'n', 'show_backlinks' => $_REQUEST['fgal_list_backlinks'], 'wiki_syntax' => $_REQUEST['wiki_syntax'] ); if ($prefs['feature_file_galleries_templates'] == 'y' && isset($_REQUEST['fgal_template']) && !empty($_REQUEST['fgal_template'])) { // Override with template parameters $template = $templateslib->get_parsed_template($_REQUEST['fgal_template']); if ($template) { $gal_info = array_merge($gal_info, $template['content']); $gal_info['template'] = $_REQUEST['fgal_template']; } } if ($prefs['fgal_show_slideshow'] != 'y') { $gal_info['show_slideshow'] = $old_gal_info['show_slideshow']; } if ($prefs['fgal_show_explorer'] != 'y') { $gal_info['show_explorer'] = $old_gal_info['show_explorer']; } if ($prefs['fgal_show_path'] != 'y') { $gal_info['show_path'] = $old_gal_info['show_path']; } if ($prefs['fgal_show_checked'] != 'y') { $gal_info['show_checked'] = $old_gal_info['show_checked']; } $fgal_diff = array_diff_assoc($gal_info, $old_gal_info); unset($fgal_diff['created']); unset($fgal_diff['lastModif']); unset($fgal_diff['votes']); unset($fgal_diff['points']); unset($fgal_diff['hits']); $smarty->assign('fgal_diff', $fgal_diff); $fgid = $filegallib->replace_file_gallery($gal_info); if ($prefs['feature_groupalert'] == 'y') { $groupalertlib->AddGroup('file gallery', $galleryId, $_REQUEST['groupforAlert'], $_REQUEST['showeachuser']); } if ($prefs['feature_categories'] == 'y') { $cat_type = 'file gallery'; $cat_objid = $fgid; $cat_desc = substr($_REQUEST['description'], 0, $_REQUEST['max_desc']); $cat_name = $_REQUEST['name']; $cat_href = 'tiki-list_file_gallery.php?galleryId=' . $cat_objid; include_once ('categorize.php'); $categlib->build_cache(); } if (isset($_REQUEST['viewitem'])) { header('Location: tiki-list_file_gallery.php?galleryId=' . $fgid . (!empty($_REQUEST['filegals_manager'])?'&filegals_manager='.$_REQUEST['filegals_manager']:'') ); die; } $smarty->assign('edit_mode', 'y'); } } // Process duplication of a gallery if (!empty($_REQUEST['duplicate']) && !empty($_REQUEST['name']) && !empty($_REQUEST['galleryId'])) { check_ticket('fgal'); $newGalleryId = $filegallib->duplicate_file_gallery($galleryId , $_REQUEST['name'] , isset($_REQUEST['description']) ? $_REQUEST['description'] : '' ); if (isset($_REQUEST['dupCateg']) && $_REQUEST['dupCateg'] == 'on' && $prefs['feature_categories'] == 'y') { global $categlib; include_once ('lib/categories/categlib.php'); $cats = $categlib->get_object_categories('file gallery', $galleryId); $catObjectId = $categlib->add_categorized_object('file gallery' , $newGalleryId , (isset($_REQUEST['description']) ? $_REQUEST['description'] : '') , $_REQUEST['name'] , 'tiki-list_file_gallery.php?galleryId=' . $newGalleryId ); foreach($cats as $cat) { $categlib->categorize($catObjectId, $cat); } } if (isset($_REQUEST['dupPerms']) && $_REQUEST['dupPerms'] == 'on') { $userlib->copy_object_permissions($galleryId, $newGalleryId, 'file gallery'); } header('Location: tiki-list_file_gallery.php?galleryId='.$newGalleryId); die; } // Process removal of a gallery if (!empty($_REQUEST['removegal'])) { check_ticket('fgal'); if (!($gal_info = $filegallib->get_file_gallery_info($_REQUEST['removegal']))) { $smarty->assign('msg', tra('Incorrect param')); $smarty->display('error.tpl'); die; } if ($tiki_p_admin_file_galleries != 'y' && (!$user || $gal_info['user'] != $user)) { $smarty->assign('errortype', 401); $smarty->assign('msg', tra('You do not have permission to remove this gallery')); $smarty->display('error.tpl'); die; } $access->check_authenticity(tra('Remove file gallery: ') . ' ' . htmlspecialchars($gal_info['name'])); $filegallib->remove_file_gallery($_REQUEST['removegal'], $_REQUEST['removegal']); } // Process upload of a file version if (!empty($_FILES)) { check_ticket('fgal'); if ($tiki_p_upload_files != 'y' && $tiki_p_admin_file_galleries != 'y') { $smarty->assign('errortype', 401); $smarty->assign('msg', tra('You have permission to upload files but not to this file gallery')); $smarty->display('error.tpl'); die; } foreach($_FILES as $k => $v) { $result = $filegallib->handle_file_upload($k, $v); if (isset($result['error'])) { $smarty->assign('msg', $result['error']); $smarty->display('error.tpl'); exit; } if (empty($fileInfo) && !empty($_REQUEST['fileId'])) { $fileInfo = $filegallib->get_file_info($_REQUEST['fileId']); } $fileId = $filegallib->replace_file($fileInfo['fileId'] , $fileInfo['name'] , $fileInfo['description'] , $result['filename'] , $result['data'] , $result['size'] , $result['type'] , $user , $result['fhash'] , $fileInfo['comment'] , $gal_info , true // replace file , $fileInfo['author'] , $fileInfo['lastModif'] , $fileInfo['lockedby'] ); if (!$fileId) { // If insert failed and stored on disk if ($result['fhash']) { @unlink($savedir . $result['fhash']); } $smarty->assign('msg', tra('Upload was not successful. Duplicate file content') . ': ' . $v['name']); $smarty->display('error.tpl'); die; } $smarty->assign('fileId', $fileId); $smarty->assign('fileChangedMessage', tra('File update was successful') . ': ' . $v['name']); if (isset($_REQUEST['fast']) && $prefs['fgal_asynchronous_indexing'] == 'y') { $smarty->assign('reindex_file_id', $fileId); } } } // Update a file comment if (isset($_REQUEST['comment']) && $_REQUEST['comment'] != '' && isset($_REQUEST['fileId']) && $_REQUEST['fileId'] > 0) { $msg = ''; if (!$fileInfo = $filegallib->get_file_info($_REQUEST['fileId'])) { $msg = tra('Incorrect param'); } elseif ($_REQUEST['galleryId'] != $fileInfo['galleryId']) { $msg = tra('Could not find the file requested'); } elseif ((!empty($fileInfo['lockedby']) && $fileInfo['lockedby'] != $user && $tiki_p_admin_file_galleries != 'y') || $tiki_p_edit_gallery_file != 'y') { $smarty->assign('errortype', 401); $msg = tra('You do not have permission to do that'); } else { $filegallib->update_file($fileInfo['fileId'], $fileInfo['name'], $fileInfo['description'], $user, $_REQUEST['comment'], false); } if ($msg != '') { $smarty->assign('msg', $error_msg); $smarty->display('error.tpl'); die; } } // load categories for find if ($prefs['feature_categories'] == 'y' && !isset($_REQUEST['edit_mode'])) { global $categlib; include_once ('lib/categories/categlib.php'); $categories = $categlib->get_all_categories_respect_perms(null, 'view_category'); $smarty->assign_by_ref('categories', $categories); $smarty->assign('cat_tree', $categlib->generate_cat_tree($categories, true, empty($_REQUEST['cat_categories'])? array(): $_REQUEST['cat_categories'])); } // Set display config if (!isset($_REQUEST['maxRecords']) || $_REQUEST['maxRecords'] <= 0) { if (isset($gal_info['maxRows']) && $gal_info['maxRows'] > 0) { $_REQUEST['maxRecords'] = $gal_info['maxRows']; } else { $_REQUEST['maxRecords'] = $prefs['maxRecords']; } } $smarty->assign_by_ref('maxRecords', $_REQUEST['maxRecords']); if (!isset($_REQUEST['offset'])) $_REQUEST['offset'] = 0; $smarty->assign_by_ref('offset', $_REQUEST['offset']); if (empty($_REQUEST['sort_mode'])) { if ($gal_info['sort_mode'] == 'name_asc' && $gal_info['show_name'] == 'f') { $_REQUEST['sort_mode'] = 'filename_asc'; } else { $_REQUEST['sort_mode'] = $gal_info['sort_mode']; } } $smarty->assign_by_ref('sort_mode', $_REQUEST['sort_mode']); $find = array(); if (!isset($_REQUEST['find_creator'])) { $smarty->assign('find_creator', ''); } else { $find['creator'] = $_REQUEST['find_creator']; $smarty->assign('find_creator', $_REQUEST['find_creator']); } if (!empty($_REQUEST['find_lastModif']) && !empty($_REQUEST['find_lastModif_unit'])) { $find['lastModif'] = $tikilib->now - ($_REQUEST['find_lastModif'] * $_REQUEST['find_lastModif_unit']); } if (!empty($_REQUEST['find_lastDownload']) && !empty($_REQUEST['find_lastDownload_unit']) ) { $find['lastDownload'] = $tikilib->now - ($_REQUEST['find_lastDownload'] * $_REQUEST['find_lastDownload_unit']); } if (!isset($_REQUEST['find'])) $_REQUEST['find'] = ''; $smarty->assign_by_ref('find', $_REQUEST['find']); if (isset($_REQUEST['fileId'])) { $smarty->assign('fileId', $_REQUEST['fileId']); } if ($prefs['feature_categories'] == 'y' && !empty($_REQUEST['cat_categories'])) { $find['categId'] = $_REQUEST['cat_categories']; if (count($_REQUEST['cat_categories']) > 1) { $smarty->assign('find_cat_categories', $_REQUEST['cat_categories']); unset($_REQUEST['categId']); } else { $_REQUEST['categId'] = $_REQUEST['cat_categories'][0]; unset($_REQUEST['cat_categories']); } } else { $_REQUEST['cat_categories'] = array(); } if ($prefs['feature_categories'] == 'y' && !empty($_REQUEST['categId'])) { $find['categId'] = $_REQUEST['categId']; $smarty->assign('find_categId', $_REQUEST['categId']); } if (!empty($_REQUEST['find_orphans']) && ($_REQUEST['find_orphans'] == 'on' || $_REQUEST['find_orphans'] == 'y')) { $find['orphan'] = 'y'; $smarty->assign('find_orphans', 'y'); } if (!empty($_REQUEST['find_sub']) && ($_REQUEST['find_sub'] == 'on' || $_REQUEST['find_sub'] == 'y')) { $find_sub = true; $smarty->assign('find_sub', 'y'); } else { $find_sub = false; } if (isset($_GET['slideshow'])) { $_REQUEST['maxRecords'] = $maxRecords = - 1; $offset = 0; $files = $filegallib->get_files( 0 , -1 , $_REQUEST['sort_mode'] , $_REQUEST['find'] , $_REQUEST['galleryId'] , false , false , false , true , false , false , false , true , '' , false , false , false , $find ); $smarty->assign('cant', $files['cant']); $smarty->assign_by_ref('file', $files['data']); $smarty->assign('show_find', 'n'); $smarty->assign('direct_pagination', 'y'); if (isset($_REQUEST['slideshow_noclose'])) { $smarty->assign('slideshow_noclose', 'y'); } $smarty->display('file_gallery_slideshow.tpl'); die(); } else { if (!isset($_REQUEST["edit_mode"]) && !isset($_REQUEST["edit"])) { $recursive = (isset($_REQUEST['view']) && $_REQUEST['view'] == 'admin') || $find_sub; $with_subgals = !((isset($_REQUEST['view']) && $_REQUEST['view'] == 'admin') || $find_sub); if (!empty($_REQUEST['filegals_manager'])) { // get wiki syntax if needed $syntax = $filegallib->getWikiSyntax($_REQUEST['galleryId']); } else { $syntax = ''; } $with_archive = ( isset($gal_info['archives']) && $gal_info['archives'] == '-1') ? false : true; // Get list of files in the gallery $files = $filegallib->get_files( $_REQUEST['offset'] , $_REQUEST['maxRecords'] , $_REQUEST['sort_mode'] , $_REQUEST['find'] , $_REQUEST['galleryId'] , $with_archive , $with_subgals , true , true , false , false , true , $recursive , '' , true , false , ($gal_info['show_backlinks']!='n') , $find , $syntax ); $smarty->assign_by_ref('files', $files['data']); $smarty->assign('cant', $files['cant']); } $smarty->assign('mid', 'tiki-list_file_gallery.tpl'); } // Browse view $smarty->assign('thumbnail_size', $prefs['fgal_thumb_max_size']); $smarty->assign('show_details', isset($_REQUEST['show_details']) ? $_REQUEST['show_details'] : 'n'); // Set comments config if ($prefs['feature_file_galleries_comments'] == 'y') { $comments_per_page = $prefs['file_galleries_comments_per_page']; $thread_sort_mode = $prefs['file_galleries_comments_default_ordering']; $comments_vars = array('galleryId', 'offset', 'sort_mode', 'find'); $comments_prefix_var = 'file gallery:'; $comments_object_var = 'galleryId'; include_once ('comments.php'); } $options_sortorder = array( tra('Creation Date') => 'created' , tra('Name') => 'name' , tra('Last modification date') => 'lastModif' , tra('Hits') => 'hits' , tra('Owner') => 'user' , tra('Description') => 'description' , tra('ID') => 'id' ); $smarty->assign_by_ref('options_sortorder', $options_sortorder); // Set section config include_once ('tiki-section_options.php'); // Theme control if ($prefs['feature_theme_control'] == 'y') { $cat_type = 'file gallery'; $cat_objid = $_REQUEST['galleryId']; include ('tiki-tc.php'); } // Watches if ($prefs['feature_user_watches'] == 'y') { if (!isset($_REQUEST['fileId'])) { if ($user && isset($_REQUEST['watch_event'])) { check_ticket('index'); if ($_REQUEST['watch_action'] == 'add') { $tikilib->add_user_watch( $user , $_REQUEST['watch_event'] , $_REQUEST['watch_object'] , 'File Gallery' , (isset($_REQUEST['galleryName']) ? $_REQUEST['galleryName'] : '') , "tiki-list_file_gallery.php?galleryId=$galleryId" ); } else { $tikilib->remove_user_watch($user, $_REQUEST['watch_event'], $_REQUEST['watch_object'], 'File Gallery'); } } $smarty->assign('user_watching_file_gallery', 'n'); if ($user && $tikilib->user_watches($user, 'file_gallery_changed', $galleryId, 'File Gallery')) { $smarty->assign('user_watching_file_gallery', 'y'); } // Check, if the user is watching this file gallery by a category. if ($prefs['feature_categories'] == 'y') { $watching_categories_temp = $categlib->get_watching_categories($galleryId, 'file gallery', $user); $smarty->assign('category_watched', 'n'); if (count($watching_categories_temp) > 0) { $smarty->assign('category_watched', 'y'); $watching_categories = array(); foreach($watching_categories_temp as $wct) { $watching_categories[] = array('categId' => $wct, 'name' => $categlib->get_category_name($wct)); } $smarty->assign('watching_categories', $watching_categories); } } } } if ($prefs['feature_file_galleries_templates'] == 'y') { $all_templates = $templateslib->list_templates('file_galleries', 0, -1, 'name_asc', ''); $templates = array(); foreach ($all_templates['data'] as $template) { $templates[] = array('label' => $template['name'], 'id' => $template['templateId']); } sort($templates); $smarty->assign_by_ref('all_templates', $templates); } $subGalleries = $filegallib->getSubGalleries( ( isset($_REQUEST['parentId']) && $galleryId == 0 ) ? $_REQUEST['parentId'] : $galleryId ); $smarty->assign('treeRootId', $subGalleries['parentId']); if ($prefs['fgal_show_explorer'] == 'y' || $prefs['fgal_show_path'] == 'y' || isset($_REQUEST['movesel_x']) || isset($_REQUEST["edit_mode"])) { $gals = array(); foreach ($subGalleries['data'] as $gal) { if ($gal['id'] != $galleryId) { $gals[] = array('label' => $gal['parentName'] . ' > ' . $gal['name'], 'id' => $gal['id']); } } sort($gals); $smarty->assign_by_ref('all_galleries', $gals); if ( ! empty($subGalleries) && is_array($subGalleries) && $subGalleries['cant'] > 0) { $phplayersTreeData = $filegallib->getFilegalsTreePhplayers( $galleryId ); if ( $prefs['fgal_show_path'] == 'y' ) { $smarty->assign('gallery_path', $phplayersTreeData['path']); } if ($prefs['javascript_enabled'] != 'n') { $tree_array = array('data' => $subGalleries['data'], 'name' => $phplayersTreeData['tree']['name'], 'link' => $phplayersTreeData['tree']['link'], 'id' => $phplayersTreeData['tree']['id'] ); $smarty->assign_by_ref('tree', $tree_array); $smarty->assign('expanded', ''); } } } ask_ticket('fgal'); if (isset($_REQUEST['view']) && $_REQUEST['view'] == 'browse') { foreach($files['data'] as $file) { $_SESSION['allowed'][$file['fileId']] = true; } } if ($_REQUEST['galleryId'] == 0) { $smarty->assign('download_path', ((isset($podCastGallery) && $podCastGallery) ? $prefs['fgal_podcast_dir'] : $prefs['fgal_use_dir'])); // Add a file hit $statslib->stats_hit($gal_info['name'], 'file gallery', $galleryId); if ($prefs['feature_actionlog'] == 'y') { $logslib->add_action('Viewed', $galleryId, 'file gallery'); } } else { if (!isset($_REQUEST['fileId'])) { // Add a gallery hit $filegallib->add_file_gallery_hit($_REQUEST['galleryId']); } } // Get listing display config include_once ('fgal_listing_conf.php'); $find_durations = array(); if (isset($_REQUEST['view']) && $_REQUEST['view'] == 'admin') { $find_durations[] = array('label' => tra('Not modified since') , 'prefix' => 'find_lastModif' , 'default' => empty($_REQUEST['find_lastModif'])?'':$_REQUEST['find_lastModif'] , 'default_unit' => empty($_REQUEST['find_lastModif_unit']) ? 'week' : $_REQUEST['find_lastModif_unit'] ); $find_durations[] = array('label' => tra('Not downloaded since') , 'prefix' => 'find_lastDownload' , 'default' => empty($_REQUEST['find_lastDownload']) ? '' : $_REQUEST['find_lastDownload'] , 'default_unit' => empty($_REQUEST['find_lastDownload_unit']) ? 'week' : $_REQUEST['find_lastDownload_unit'] ); foreach ($fgal_listing_conf as $k => $v) { if ( $k == 'type' ) $show_k = 'icon'; elseif ( $k == 'lastModif' ) $show_k = 'modified'; else $show_k = $k; $gal_info['show_'.$show_k] = $prefs['fgal_list_'.$k.'_admin']; } $smarty->assign('show_find_orphans', 'y'); } $smarty->assign_by_ref('find_durations', $find_durations); $smarty->assign_by_ref('gal_info', $gal_info); $smarty->assign('view', isset($_REQUEST['view']) ? $_REQUEST['view'] : $fgal_options['default_view']['value']); // Display the template if (!empty($_REQUEST['filegals_manager'])) { $smarty->assign('filegals_manager', $_REQUEST['filegals_manager']); $smarty->display('tiki_full.tpl'); } else { $smarty->display('tiki.tpl'); }