File: tiki-listpages.php
<?php // (c) Copyright 2002-2011 by authors of the Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware Project // // All Rights Reserved. See copyright.txt for details and a complete list of authors. // Licensed under the GNU LESSER GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE. See license.txt for details. // $Id: tiki-listpages.php 33195 2011-03-02 17:43:40Z changi67 $ $section = 'wiki page'; $section_class = "tiki_wiki_page manage"; // This will be body class instead of $section require_once ('tiki-setup.php'); $auto_query_args = array('initial', 'maxRecords', 'sort_mode', 'find', 'lang', 'langOrphan', 'findfilter_orphan', 'categId', 'category', 'page_orphans', 'structure_orphans', 'exact_match', 'hits_link_to_all_languages', 'create_new_pages_using_template_name'); if ($prefs["gmap_page_list"] == 'y') { $smarty->assign('gmapbuttons', true); } else { $smarty->assign('gmapbuttons', false); } if (isset($_REQUEST["mapview"]) && $_REQUEST["mapview"] == 'y' && !isset($_REQUEST["searchmap"]) && !isset($_REQUEST["searchlist"]) || isset($_REQUEST["searchmap"]) && !isset($_REQUEST["searchlist"])) { $smarty->assign('mapview', true); } if (isset($_REQUEST["mapview"]) && $_REQUEST["mapview"] == 'n' && !isset($_REQUEST["searchmap"]) && !isset($_REQUEST["searchlist"]) || isset($_REQUEST["searchlist"]) && !isset($_REQUEST["searchmap"]) ) { $smarty->assign('mapview', false); } if ($prefs['feature_multilingual'] == 'y' && isset($_REQUEST['lang']) && isset($_REQUEST['term_srch'])) { global $multilinguallib; include_once ('lib/multilingual/multilinguallib.php'); if (isset($_REQUEST['term_srch'])) { $multilinguallib->storeCurrentTermSearchLanguageInSession($_REQUEST['lang']); } $smarty->assign('template_name', $_REQUEST['create_new_pages_using_template_name']); } if (isset($_REQUEST['hits_link_to_all_languages']) && $_REQUEST['hits_link_to_all_languages'] == 'On') { $all_langs = 'y'; } else { $all_langs = ''; } $smarty->assign('all_langs', $all_langs); $smarty->assign('headtitle', tra('Pages')); $access->check_feature(array('feature_wiki', 'feature_listPages')); $access->check_permission('tiki_p_view'); /* mass-remove: the checkboxes are sent as the array $_REQUEST["checked[]"], values are the wiki-PageNames, e.g. $_REQUEST["checked"][3]="HomePage" $_REQUEST["submit_mult"] holds the value of the "with selected do..."-option list we look if any page's checkbox is on and if remove_pages is selected. then we check permission to delete pages. if so, we call histlib's method remove_all_versions for all the checked pages. */ if (!empty($_REQUEST['submit_mult']) && isset($_REQUEST["checked"])) { $action = $_REQUEST['submit_mult']; check_ticket('list-pages'); Perms::bulk( array( 'type' => 'wiki page' ), 'object', $_REQUEST['checked'] ); switch ($action) { case 'remove_pages': // Now check permissions to remove the selected pages $access->check_permission('tiki_p_remove'); $access->check_authenticity(tr('Are you sure you want to remove the %0 selected pages?', count($_REQUEST['checked']))); foreach($_REQUEST["checked"] as $check) $tikilib->remove_all_versions($check); break; case 'print_pages': $access->check_feature('feature_wiki_multiprint'); foreach($_REQUEST["checked"] as $check) { $access->check_page_exists($check); // Now check permissions to access this page $perms = Perms::get( array( 'type' => 'wiki page', 'object' => $check ) ); if (! $perms->view ) { $access->display_error($check, tra("You do not have permission to view this page."), '403'); } $access->check_authenticity(tr('Are you sure you want to print the %0 selected pages?', count($_REQUEST['checked']))); $page_info = $tikilib->get_page_info($check); $page_info['parsed'] = $tikilib->parse_data($page_info['data']); $page_info['h'] = 1; $multiprint_pages[] = $page_info; } break; case 'export_pdf': $access->check_feature('feature_wiki_multiprint'); foreach($_REQUEST["checked"] as $check) { $access->check_page_exists($check); // Now check permissions to access this page $perms = Perms::get( array( 'type' => 'wiki page', 'object' => $check ) ); if (! $perms->view ) { $access->display_error($check, tra("You do not have permission to view this page."), '403'); } $multiprint_pages[] = $check; } header("Location: tiki-print_multi_pages.php?display=pdf&printpages=" . urlencode(serialize($multiprint_pages))); die; case 'unlock_pages': $access->check_feature('feature_wiki_usrlock'); $access->check_authenticity(tr('Are you sure you want to unlock the %0 selected pages?', count($_REQUEST['checked']))); global $wikilib; include_once ('lib/wiki/wikilib.php'); foreach($_REQUEST["checked"] as $check) { $info = $tikilib->get_page_info($check); if ($info['flag'] == 'L' && ($globalperms->admin_wiki == 'y' || ($user && ($user == $info['lockedby']) || (!$info['lockedby'] && $user == $info['user'])))) { $wikilib->unlock_page($check); } } break; case 'lock_pages': $access->check_feature('feature_wiki_usrlock'); $access->check_authenticity(tr('Are you sure you want to lock the %0 selected pages?', count($_REQUEST['checked']))); global $wikilib; include_once ('lib/wiki/wikilib.php'); foreach($_REQUEST["checked"] as $check) { $info = $tikilib->get_page_info($check); $perms = Perms::get( array( 'type' => 'wiki page', 'object' => $check ) ); if ( $info['flag'] != 'L' && ( $globalperms->admin_wiki == 'y' || $perms->lock ) ) { $wikilib->lock_page($check); } } break; case 'zip': if ($globalperms->admin == 'y') { $access->check_authenticity(tr('Are you sure you want to download a zip of the %0 selected pages?', count($_REQUEST['checked']))); include_once ('lib/wiki/xmllib.php'); $xmllib = new XmlLib; $zipFile = 'dump/xml.zip'; $config['debug'] = false; if ($xmllib->export_pages($_REQUEST['checked'], null, $zipFile, $config)) { if (!$config['debug']) { header("location: $zipFile"); die; } } else { $smarty->assign('error', $xmllib->get_error()); } } break; } } if (!empty($multiprint_pages)) { $smarty->assign('print_page', 'y'); $smarty->assign_by_ref('pages', $multiprint_pages); // disallow robots to index page: $smarty->assign('metatag_robots', 'NOINDEX, NOFOLLOW'); // Display the template $smarty->display("tiki-print_multi_pages.tpl"); } else { // This script can receive the thresold // for the information as the number of // days to get in the log 1,3,4,etc // it will default to 1 recovering information for today if (isset($_REQUEST['maxRecords'])) { $maxRecords = $_REQUEST['maxRecords']; } else { $maxRecords = $maxRecords; } if (!isset($_REQUEST["sort_mode"])) { $sort_mode = $prefs['wiki_list_sortorder'] . '_' . $prefs['wiki_list_sortdirection']; } else { $sort_mode = $_REQUEST["sort_mode"]; } $smarty->assign_by_ref('sort_mode', $sort_mode); // If offset is set use it if not then use offset =0 // use the maxRecords php variable to set the limit // if sortMode is not set then use lastModif_desc if (!isset($_REQUEST["offset"])) { $offset = 0; } else { $offset = $_REQUEST["offset"]; } $smarty->assign_by_ref('offset', $offset); if (!empty($_REQUEST["find"])) { $find = strip_tags($_REQUEST["find"]); } else { if (!empty($_REQUEST["q"])) { $find = strip_tags($_REQUEST["q"]); } else { $find = ''; } } $smarty->assign('find', $find); $filter = ''; if ($prefs['feature_multilingual'] == 'y' && ((!isset($_REQUEST['lang']) ) || (isset($_REQUEST['lang']) && $_REQUEST['lang'] != ''))) { $filter = setLangFilter($filter); } if (!empty($_REQUEST['langOrphan'])) { $filter['langOrphan'] = $_REQUEST['langOrphan']; $smarty->assign_by_ref('find_langOrphan', $_REQUEST['langOrphan']); } if ($prefs['feature_categories'] == 'y' && !empty($_REQUEST['cat_categories'])) { $filter['categId'] = $_REQUEST['cat_categories']; if (count($_REQUEST['cat_categories']) > 1) { $smarty->assign_by_ref('find_cat_categories', $_REQUEST['cat_categories']); unset($_REQUEST['categId']); } else { $_REQUEST['categId'] = $_REQUEST['cat_categories'][0]; unset($_REQUEST['cat_categories']); } } else { $_REQUEST['cat_categories'] = array(); } if ($prefs['feature_categories'] == 'y' && !empty($_REQUEST['categId'])) { $filter['categId'] = $_REQUEST['categId']; $smarty->assign_by_ref('find_categId', $_REQUEST['categId']); } if ($prefs['feature_categories'] == 'y' && !empty($_REQUEST['category'])) { global $categlib; include_once ('lib/categories/categlib.php'); $filter['categId'] = $categlib->get_category_id($_REQUEST['category']); $smarty->assign_by_ref('find_categId', $filter['categId']); } if ((!empty($_REQUEST['page_orphans']) && $_REQUEST['page_orphans'] == 'y') || (isset($_REQUEST['findfilter_orphan']) && $_REQUEST['findfilter_orphan'] == 'page_orphans')) { $listpages_orphans = true; } if ($prefs['feature_listorphanPages'] == 'y') { if ((!empty($_REQUEST['page_orphans']) && $_REQUEST['page_orphans'] == 'y') || (isset($_REQUEST['findfilter_orphan']) && $_REQUEST['findfilter_orphan'] == 'page_orphans')) { $filter_values['orphan'] = 'page_orphans'; } $filters['orphan']['page_orphans'] = tra('Orphan pages'); } if ($prefs['feature_wiki_structure'] == 'y') { if ((!empty($_REQUEST['structure_orphans']) && $_REQUEST['structure_orphans'] == 'y') || (isset($_REQUEST['findfilter_orphan']) && $_REQUEST['findfilter_orphan'] == 'structure_orphans')) { $filter['structure_orphans'] = true; } if ($prefs['feature_listorphanStructure'] == 'y') { if ((!empty($_REQUEST['structure_orphans']) && $_REQUEST['structure_orphans'] == 'y') || (isset($_REQUEST['findfilter_orphan']) && $_REQUEST['findfilter_orphan'] == 'structure_orphans')) { $filter_values['orphan'] = 'structure_orphans'; } $filters['orphan']['structure_orphans'] = tra('Pages not in structure'); } } if (!empty($filters)) { $filter_names['orphan'] = tra('Type'); $smarty->assign_by_ref('filters', $filters); $smarty->assign_by_ref('filter_names', $filter_names); $smarty->assign_by_ref('filter_values', $filter_values); } if (isset($_REQUEST["initial"])) { $initial = $_REQUEST["initial"]; } else { $initial = ''; } $smarty->assign('initial', $initial); if (isset($_REQUEST["exact_match"])) { $exact_match = true; $smarty->assign('exact_match', 'y'); } else { $exact_match = false; $smarty->assign('exact_match', 'n'); } // Get a list of last changes to the Wiki database // $listpages_orphans must not be initialized here because it can already have received a value from another script if (!isset($listpages_orphans)) { $listpages_orphans = false; } $listpages = $tikilib->list_pages($offset, $maxRecords, $sort_mode, $find, $initial, $exact_match, false, true, $listpages_orphans, $filter); possibly_look_for_page_aliases($find); // Only show the 'Actions' column if the user can do at least one action on one of the listed pages $show_actions = 'n'; $actions_perms = array('tiki_p_edit', 'tiki_p_wiki_view_history', 'tiki_p_assign_perm_wiki_page', 'tiki_p_remove'); foreach($actions_perms as $p) { foreach($listpages['data'] as $i) { if ($i['perms'][$p] == 'y') { $show_actions = 'y'; break 2; } } } $smarty->assign('show_actions', $show_actions); // If there're more records then assign next_offset $cant_pages = ceil($listpages["cant"] / $maxRecords); $smarty->assign_by_ref('cant_pages', $cant_pages); $smarty->assign('actual_page', 1 + ($offset / $maxRecords)); if ($listpages["cant"] > ($offset + $maxRecords)) $smarty->assign('next_offset', $offset + $maxRecords); else $smarty->assign('next_offset', -1); // If offset is > 0 then prev_offset if ($offset > 0) $smarty->assign('prev_offset', $offset - $maxRecords); else $smarty->assign('prev_offset', -1); if ($prefs['feature_categories'] == 'y') { global $categlib; include_once ('lib/categories/categlib.php'); $categories = $categlib->get_all_categories_respect_perms($user, 'view_category'); $smarty->assign('notable', 'y'); $smarty->assign('cat_tree', $categlib->generate_cat_tree($categories, true, $_REQUEST['cat_categories'])); $smarty->assign_by_ref('categories', $categories); if ((isset($prefs['wiki_list_categories']) && $prefs['wiki_list_categories'] == 'y') || (isset($prefs['wiki_list_categories_path']) && $prefs['wiki_list_categories_path'] == 'y')) { foreach($listpages['data'] as $i => $check) { $cats = $categlib->get_object_categories('wiki page', $check['pageName']); foreach($cats as $cat) { $listpages['data'][$i]['categpath'][] = $cp = $categlib->get_category_path_string($cat); if ($s = strrchr($cp, ':')) $listpages['data'][$i]['categname'][] = substr($s, 1); else $listpages['data'][$i]['categname'][] = $cp; } } } } if ($prefs['feature_multilingual'] == 'y') { $languages = array(); $languages = $tikilib->list_languages(false, 'y'); $smarty->assign_by_ref('languages', $languages); } if ($prefs["gmap_page_list"] == 'y') { // Generate Google map plugin data global $gmapobjectarray; $gmapobjectarray = array(); foreach ($listpages["data"] as $p) { $gmapobjectarray[] = array('type' => 'wiki page', 'id' => $p["pageName"], 'title' => $p["pageName"], 'href' => "tiki-index.php?page=" . urlencode($p["pageName"]), ); } } $smarty->assign_by_ref('listpages', $listpages["data"]); $smarty->assign_by_ref('cant', $listpages['cant']); ask_ticket('list-pages'); include_once ('tiki-section_options.php'); // disallow robots to index page: $smarty->assign('metatag_robots', 'NOINDEX, NOFOLLOW'); // Exact match and single result, go to page directly if( count( $listpages['data'] ) == 1 ) { $result = reset( $listpages['data'] ); if( strtolower( $find ) == strtolower( $result['pageName'] ) ) { require_once 'lib/wiki/wikilib.php'; header( 'Location: ' . $wikilib->sefurl( $result['pageName'], '', $all_langs ) ); exit; } } if ($access->is_serializable_request()) { if (isset($_REQUEST['listonly']) && ($prefs['feature_jquery'] == 'y' && $prefs['feature_jquery_autocomplete'] == 'y')) { $pages = array(); foreach($listpages['data'] as $page) $pages[] = $page['pageName']; $access->output_serialized($pages); } else { $pages = array(); require_once 'lib/wiki/wikilib.php'; foreach($listpages['data'] as $page) { $pages[] = array('page_id' => $page['page_id'], 'page_name' => $page['pageName'], 'url' => $wikilib->sefurl($page['pageName']), 'version' => $page['version'], 'description' => $page['description'], 'last_modif' => date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $page['lastModif']), 'last_author' => $page['user'], 'creator' => $page['creator'], 'creation_date' => date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $page['created']), 'lang' => $page['lang'],); } require_once 'lib/ointegratelib.php'; $response = OIntegrate_Response::create(array('list' => $pages), '1.0'); $response->addTemplate('smarty', 'tikiwiki', 'files/templates/listpages/smarty-tikiwiki-1.0-shortlist.txt'); $response->schemaDocumentation = 'http://dev.tiki.org/WebserviceListpages'; $response->send(); } } else { // Display the template $smarty->assign('mid', ($listpages_orphans ? 'tiki-orphan_pages.tpl' : 'tiki-listpages.tpl')); $smarty->display("tiki.tpl"); } } function setLangFilter($filter) { global $smarty, $prefs, $multilinguallib; include_once ('lib/multilingual/multilinguallib.php'); $lang = $multilinguallib->currentPageSearchLanguage(); if (isset($_REQUEST['listonly']) && $prefs['feature_jquery_autocomplete'] == 'y' && strlen($lang) > 2) { $lang = substr($lang, 0, 2); // for autocomplete - use only language filter, not culture as well } // Without this condition, default listing is empty and language filter shows any language if ($lang == 'en-us') { $lang = 'en'; } $filter['lang'] = $lang; $smarty->assign_by_ref('find_lang', $lang); return $filter; } function possibly_look_for_page_aliases($query) { global $prefs, $smarty, $semanticlib, $_REQUEST; $lang = NULL; if (isset($_REQUEST['lang'])) { $lang = $_REQUEST['lang']; } if ($prefs['feature_wiki_pagealias'] == 'y' && $query) { global $semanticlib; require_once 'lib/wiki/semanticlib.php'; $aliases = $semanticlib->getAliasContaining($query, false, $lang); $smarty->assign('aliases', $aliases); } else { $smarty->assign('aliases', null); } if (!empty($aliases) > 0) { $smarty->assign('aliases_were_found', 'y'); } else { $smarty->assign('aliases_were_found', 'n'); } $alias_found = 'n'; if (!empty($aliases)) { foreach($aliases as $an_alias_info) { if ($an_alias_info['toPage'] == $query) { $alias_found = 'y'; } } } $smarty->assign('alias_found', $alias_found); set_category_for_new_page_creation(); } function set_category_for_new_page_creation() { global $_REQUEST, $prefs, $smarty; $create_page_with_categId = ''; if (isset($_REQUEST['create_page_with_search_category'])) { if ($prefs['feature_categories'] == 'y' && !empty($_REQUEST['categId'])) { $create_page_with_categId = $_REQUEST['categId']; } } $smarty->assign('create_page_with_categId', $create_page_with_categId); }