File: tiki-objectpermissions.php
<?php // (c) Copyright 2002-2011 by authors of the Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware Project // // All Rights Reserved. See copyright.txt for details and a complete list of authors. // Licensed under the GNU LESSER GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE. See license.txt for details. // $Id: tiki-objectpermissions.php 33474 2011-03-17 19:20:40Z jonnybradley $ include_once ("tiki-setup.php"); if (!empty($_REQUEST['objectType']) && $_REQUEST['objectType'] != 'global') { if (!isset($_REQUEST['objectName']) || empty($_REQUEST['objectId'])) { $smarty->assign('msg', tra("Not enough information to display this page")); $smarty->display("error.tpl"); die; } } if (empty($_REQUEST['objectType'])) { $_REQUEST['objectType'] = 'global'; $_REQUEST['objectName'] = ''; $_REQUEST['objectId'] = ''; } $smarty->assign('headtitle',tra('Object Permissions')); $auto_query_args = array( 'referer', 'reloff', 'objectName', 'objectType', 'permType', 'objectId', 'filegals_manager', //'show_disabled_features', // this seems to cause issues - the $_GET version overrides the $_POST one... ); $perm = 'tiki_p_assign_perm_' . str_replace(' ', '_', $_REQUEST['objectType']); if ($_REQUEST['objectType'] == 'wiki page') { if ($tiki_p_admin_wiki == 'y') { $special_perm = 'y'; } else { $info = $tikilib->get_page_info($_REQUEST['objectName']); $tikilib->get_perm_object($_REQUEST['objectId'], $_REQUEST['objectType'], $info); } } else if ($_REQUEST['objectType'] == 'global') { $access->check_permission('tiki_p_admin'); } else { $tikilib->get_perm_object($_REQUEST['objectId'], $_REQUEST['objectType']); if ($_REQUEST['objectType'] == 'tracker') { global $trklib; include ('lib/trackers/trackerlib.php'); if ($groupCreatorFieldId = $trklib->get_field_id_from_type($_REQUEST['objectId'], 'g', '1%')) { $smarty->assign('group_tracker', 'y'); } } } if (!($tiki_p_admin_objects == 'y' || (isset($$perm) && $$perm == 'y') || (isset($special_perm) && $special_perm == 'y'))) { $smarty->assign('errortype', 401); $smarty->assign('msg', tra("You do not have permission to assign permissions for this object")); $smarty->display("error.tpl"); die; } if (!isset($_REQUEST["referer"])) { if (isset($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']) && strpos($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'], 'tiki-objectpermissions.php') === false) { $_REQUEST["referer"] = $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']; } else { unset($_REQUEST["referer"]); } } if (isset($_REQUEST["referer"])) { $smarty->assign('referer', $_REQUEST["referer"]); } else { $smarty->assign('referer', ''); } $_REQUEST["objectId"] = urldecode($_REQUEST["objectId"]); $_REQUEST["objectType"] = urldecode($_REQUEST["objectType"]); $_REQUEST["permType"] = !empty($_REQUEST['permType']) ? urldecode($_REQUEST["permType"]) : 'all'; $smarty->assign('objectName', $_REQUEST["objectName"]); $smarty->assign('objectId', $_REQUEST["objectId"]); $smarty->assign('objectType', $_REQUEST["objectType"]); $smarty->assign_by_ref('permType', $_REQUEST["permType"]); if( $_REQUEST['objectType'] == 'wiki' ) { $_REQUEST['objectType'] = 'wiki page'; } require_once 'lib/core/Perms/Applier.php'; require_once 'lib/core/Perms/Reflection/Factory.php'; $objectFactory = Perms_Reflection_Factory::getDefaultFactory(); $currentObject = $objectFactory->get( $_REQUEST['objectType'], $_REQUEST['objectId'] ); $permissionApplier = new Perms_Applier; $permissionApplier->addObject( $currentObject ); if( $restrictions = perms_get_restrictions() ) { $permissionApplier->restrictPermissions( $restrictions ); } if ($_REQUEST['objectType'] == 'wiki page') { global $structlib; include_once ('lib/structures/structlib.php'); $pageInfoTree = $structlib->s_get_structure_pages($structlib->get_struct_ref_id($_REQUEST['objectId'])); if (count($pageInfoTree) > 1) { $smarty->assign('inStructure', 'y'); } // If assign to structure is requested, add subelements to the applier if (!empty($_REQUEST['assignstructure']) && $_REQUEST['assignstructure'] == 'on' && !empty($pageInfoTree)) { foreach( $pageInfoTree as $subPage ) { $sub = $objectFactory->get( $_REQUEST['objectType'], $subPage['pageName'] ); $permissionApplier->addObject( $sub ); } } global $cachelib; include_once('lib/cache/cachelib.php'); $cachelib->empty_type_cache('menu_'); $cachelib->empty_type_cache('structure_'); } if( $_REQUEST['objectType'] == 'category' && isset($_REQUEST['propagate_category']) ) { global $categlib; require_once 'lib/categories/categlib.php'; $descendants = $categlib->get_category_descendants( $_REQUEST['objectId'] ); foreach( $descendants as $child ) { $o = $objectFactory->get( $_REQUEST['objectType'], $child ); $permissionApplier->addObject( $o ); } } // apply feature filter change if (isset($_REQUEST['feature_select'])) { if (!isset($_REQUEST['feature_filter'])) { $_REQUEST['feature_filter'] = array(); } $tikilib->set_user_preference($user, 'objectperm_admin_features', serialize($_REQUEST['feature_filter'])); $cookietab = '1'; if ($_REQUEST['permType'] != 'all' && (count($_REQUEST['feature_filter']) > 1 || !in_array($_REQUEST['permType'], $_REQUEST['feature_filter']))) { $_REQUEST['permType'] = 'all'; $_GET['permType'] = 'all'; // for auto_query_args? } } $feature_filter = unserialize($tikilib->get_user_preference($user, 'objectperm_admin_features')); // apply group filter change if (isset($_REQUEST['group_select'])) { if (!isset($_REQUEST['group_filter'])) { $_REQUEST['group_filter'] = array(); } $tikilib->set_user_preference($user, 'objectperm_admin_groups', serialize($_REQUEST['group_filter'])); $cookietab = '1'; } $group_filter = unserialize($tikilib->get_user_preference($user, 'objectperm_admin_groups')); // Get a list of groups $groups = $userlib->get_groups(0, -1, 'id_asc', '', '', 'n'); $smarty->assign_by_ref('groups', $groups["data"]); $OBJECTPERM_ADMIN_MAX_GROUPS = 4; if ($group_filter === false) { $c = 0; foreach($groups["data"] as $g) { // filter out if too many groups and hide Admins by default if ($c < $OBJECTPERM_ADMIN_MAX_GROUPS && $g['groupName'] != 'Admins') { $group_filter[] = $g['id']; $c++; } } if (count($groups["data"]) > $OBJECTPERM_ADMIN_MAX_GROUPS) { $cookietab = '2'; $smarty->assign('groupsFiltered', 'y'); } $tikilib->set_user_preference($user, 'objectperm_admin_groups', serialize($group_filter)); } if (isset($_REQUEST['group'])) { $grp_id = 0; foreach($groups['data'] as $grp) { if ($grp['groupName'] == $_REQUEST['group']) { $grp_id = $grp['id']; break; } } if ($grp_id > 0 && !in_array($grp_id, $group_filter)) { $group_filter[] = $grp_id; } } // Process the form to assign a new permission to this object if (isset($_REQUEST['assign']) && !isset($_REQUEST['quick_perms'])) { check_ticket('object-perms'); if (isset($_REQUEST['perm']) && !empty($_REQUEST['perm'])) { foreach($_REQUEST['perm'] as $group => $gperms) { foreach($gperms as $perm) { if ($tiki_p_admin_objects != 'y' && !$userlib->user_has_permission($user, $perm)) { $smarty->assign('errortype', 401); $smarty->assign('msg', tra('Permission denied')); $smarty->display('error.tpl'); die; } } } } $newPermissions = get_assign_permissions(); $permissionApplier->apply( $newPermissions ); if (isset($_REQUEST['group'])) { $smarty->assign('groupName', $_REQUEST['group']); } } if (isset($_REQUEST['remove'])) { $access->check_authenticity(tra('Are you sure you want to remove the direct permissions from this object?')); $newPermissions = new Perms_Reflection_PermissionSet; $permissionApplier->apply( $newPermissions ); } if (isset($_REQUEST['copy'])) { $newPermissions = get_assign_permissions(); $to_copy = array('perms' => $newPermissions->getPermissionArray(), 'object' => $_REQUEST['objectId'], 'type' => $_REQUEST['objectType']); $_SESSION['perms_clipboard'] = serialize($to_copy); } if (!empty($_SESSION['perms_clipboard'])) { $perms_clipboard = unserialize($_SESSION['perms_clipboard']); $smarty->assign('perms_clipboard_source', $perms_clipboard['type'] . (empty($perms_clipboard['object']) ? '' : ' : ') . $perms_clipboard['object']); if (isset($_REQUEST['paste'])) { unset($_SESSION['perms_clipboard']); $set = new Perms_Reflection_PermissionSet; if( isset( $perms_clipboard['perms'] ) ) { foreach( $perms_clipboard['perms'] as $group => $gperms ) { foreach( $gperms as $perm ) { $set->add( $group, $perm ); } } } $permissionApplier->apply( $set ); $smarty->assign('perms_clipboard_source', ''); } } // Prepare display // Get the individual object permissions if any $displayedPermissions = get_displayed_permissions(); if (isset($_REQUEST['used_groups'])) { $group_filter = array(); foreach ( $displayedPermissions->getPermissionArray() as $group => $perms ) { $group_filter[] = $group; $group_filter = array_merge($group_filter, $userlib->get_including_groups($group, 'y')); } if (empty($group_filter)) { $group_filter = array('Anonymous', 'Registered', 'Admins'); } foreach ( $group_filter as $i=>$group) { $ginfo = $userlib->get_group_info($group); $group_filter[$i] = $ginfo['id']; } $cookietab = 1; } //Quickperms {{{ //Test to map permissions of ile galleries into read write admin admin levels. if( $prefs['feature_quick_object_perms'] == 'y' ) { require_once 'lib/core/Perms/Reflection/Quick.php'; $qperms = quickperms_get_data(); $smarty->assign('quickperms', $qperms); $quickperms = new Perms_Reflection_Quick; foreach( $qperms as $type => $data ) { $quickperms->configure( $type, $data['data'] ); } if (isset($_REQUEST['assign']) && isset($_REQUEST['quick_perms'])) { check_ticket('object-perms'); $groups = $userlib->get_groups(0, -1, 'groupName_asc', '', '', 'n'); $userInput = array(); foreach($groups['data'] as $group) { if(isset($_REQUEST["perm_".$group['groupName']])) { $group = $group['groupName']; $permission = $_REQUEST["perm_".$group]; $userInput[$group] = $permission; } } $current = $currentObject->getDirectPermissions(); $newPermissions = $quickperms->getPermissions( $current, $userInput ); $permissionApplier->apply( $newPermissions ); } } //Quickperm groups stuff if( $prefs['feature_quick_object_perms'] == 'y' ) { $groupNames = array(); foreach($groups['data'] as $key=>$group) { $groupNames[] = $group['groupName']; } $map = $quickperms->getAppliedPermissions( $displayedPermissions, $groupNames ); foreach($groups['data'] as $key=>$group) { $groups['data'][$key]['groupSumm'] = $map[ $group['groupName'] ]; } } //Quickperm END }}} // get groupNames etc - TODO: jb will tidy... //$checkboxInfo = array(); $permGroups = array(); $groupNames = array(); $groupIndices = array(); $groupInheritance = array(); foreach($groups['data'] as &$row) { if ($group_filter !== false && in_array($row['id'], $group_filter)) { $groupNames[] = $row['groupName']; $permGroups[] = 'perm['.$row['groupName'].']'; $groupInheritance[] = $userlib->get_included_groups($row['groupName']); $inh = $userlib->get_included_groups($row['groupName']); $groupIndices[] = $row['groupName'] . '_hasPerm'; $row['in_group_filter'] = 'y'; } else { $row['in_group_filter'] = 'n'; } // info for nested group treetable $parents = array_merge(array($row['groupName']), $userlib->get_included_groups($row['groupName'])); $parents = preg_replace('/[\s,]+/', '_', $parents); $parents = implode(",", array_reverse($parents)); $row['parents'] = $parents; // More TODO - merge all this into a single array - but that means considerable changes to treetable (soon) // $checkboxInfo[] = array('name' => $row['groupName'], // 'key' => 'perm['.$row['groupName'].']', // 'index' => $groupIndex, // 'inheritance' => $inh); } $smarty->assign('permGroups', $permGroups); $smarty->assign('permGroupCols', $groupIndices); $smarty->assign('groupNames', $groupNames); //$smarty->assign('groupInheritance', $groupInheritance); // Get the big list of permissions if (isset($_REQUEST['show_disabled_features']) && ($_REQUEST['show_disabled_features'] == 'on' || $_REQUEST['show_disabled_features'] == 'y')) { $show_disabled_features = 'y'; } else { $show_disabled_features = 'n'; } $smarty->assign('show_disabled_features', $show_disabled_features); // get "master" list of all perms $candidates = $userlib->get_permissions(0, -1, 'permName_asc', '', $_REQUEST["permType"], '', $show_disabled_features != 'y' ? true : false); // list of all features $ftemp = $userlib->get_permission_types(); $features = array(); foreach($ftemp['data'] as $f) { $features[] = array('featureName' => $f['type'], 'in_feature_filter' => $feature_filter === false || in_array($f['type'], $feature_filter) ? 'y' : 'n'); } $features_enabled = array(); // build $masterPerms list and used (enabled) features $masterPerms = array(); foreach ($candidates['data'] as $perm) { $perm['label'] = tra($perm['permDesc']) . ' <em>(' . $perm['permName'] . ')</em>' . '<span style="display:none;">' . tra($perm['level'] . '</span>'); foreach( $groupNames as $index => $groupName ) { $p = $displayedPermissions->has( $groupName, $perm['permName'] ) ? 'y' : 'n'; $perm[$groupName . '_hasPerm'] = $p; $perm[$groupIndices[$index]] = $p; } // work out if specific feature is on $pref_feature = false; if (isset($perm['feature_check'])) { foreach(explode(',', $perm['feature_check']) as $fchk) { if ($prefs[$fchk] == 'y') { $pref_feature = true; break; } } } else { // if no feature check you can't turn them off (?) $pref_feature = true; } if (($feature_filter === false || in_array( $perm['type'], $feature_filter)) && ($restrictions === false || in_array( $perm['permName'], $restrictions )) && $pref_feature) { $masterPerms[] = $perm; } if ($show_disabled_features != 'y' && !in_array($perm['type'], $features_enabled)) { // perms can be dependant on multiple features if ($pref_feature) { $features_enabled[] = $perm['type']; } } } if ($show_disabled_features != 'y') { $features_filtered = array(); foreach($features as $f) { if (in_array($f['featureName'], $features_enabled) && !in_array($f, $features_filtered) ) { $features_filtered[] = $f; } } $features = $features_filtered; } $smarty->assign_by_ref('perms', $masterPerms); $smarty->assign_by_ref('features', $features); // Create JS to set up checkboxs (showing group inheritance) $js = '$("#perms_busy").show(); '; $i = 0; foreach( $groupNames as $groupName ) { $groupName = addslashes($groupName); $beneficiaries = ''; foreach( $groupInheritance as $index => $gi ) { if ( is_array($gi) && in_array($groupName, $gi) ) { $beneficiaries .= !empty($beneficiaries) ? ',' : ''; $beneficiaries .='input[name="perm['. addslashes($groupNames[$index]).'][]"]'; } } $js .= <<< JS \$('input[name="perm[$groupName][]"]').eachAsync({ delay: 10, bulk: 0, JS; if ($i == count($groupNames)-1) { $js .= <<< JS end: function () { \$('#perms_busy').hide(); }, JS; } $js .= <<< JS loop: function() { // each one of this group if (\$(this).attr('checked')) { \$('input[value="'+\$(this).val()+'"]'). // other checkboxes of same value (perm) filter('$beneficiaries'). // which inherit from this attr('checked',\$(this).attr('checked')). // check and disable attr('disabled',\$(this).attr('checked') ? 'disabled' : ''); } \$(this).change( function() { // bind click event if (\$(this).attr('checked')) { \$('input[value="'+\$(this).val()+'"]'). // same... filter('$beneficiaries'). attr('checked','checked'). // check? attr('disabled','disabled'); // disable } else { \$('input[value="'+\$(this).val()+'"]'). // same... filter('$beneficiaries'). attr('checked',''). // check? attr('disabled',''); // disable } }); } }); JS; $i++; } // end of for $groupNames loop if (!empty($_REQUEST['textFilter'])) { $js .= ' $("#treetable_1_filter").val("'.$_REQUEST['textFilter'].'"); setTimeout(function(){$("#treetable_1_filter").keypress();}, 500);'; } $headerlib->add_jq_onready($js); ask_ticket('object-perms'); // setup smarty remarks flags // Display the template $smarty->assign('mid', 'tiki-objectpermissions.tpl'); if (isset($_REQUEST['filegals_manager']) && $_REQUEST['filegals_manager'] != '') { $smarty->assign('filegals_manager', $_REQUEST['filegals_manager']); $smarty->display("tiki-print.tpl"); } else { $smarty->display("tiki.tpl"); } function get_assign_permissions() { global $objectFactory; // get existing perms $currentObject = $objectFactory->get( $_REQUEST['objectType'], $_REQUEST['objectId'] ); $currentPermissions = $currentObject->getDirectPermissions(); if (count($currentPermissions->getPermissionArray()) === 0) { $currentPermissions = $currentObject->getParentPermissions(); // get "default" perms so disabled feature perms don't get removed } // set any checked ones if( isset( $_REQUEST['perm'] ) && !empty($_REQUEST['perm'])) { foreach( $_REQUEST['perm'] as $group => $gperms ) { foreach( $gperms as $perm ) { $currentPermissions->add( $group, $perm ); } } } // unset any old_perms not there now if( isset( $_REQUEST['old_perm'] ) ) { foreach( $_REQUEST['old_perm'] as $group => $gperms ) { foreach( $gperms as $perm ) { if (!isset($_REQUEST['perm'][$group]) || !in_array($perm, $_REQUEST['perm'][$group])) { $currentPermissions->remove( $group, $perm ); } } } } return $currentPermissions; } function quickperms_get_data() { if($_REQUEST["permType"]=="file galleries") { return quickperms_get_filegal(); } else { return quickperms_get_generic(); } } function quickperms_get_filegal() { return array( 'admin' => array( 'name' => 'admin', 'data' => array( 'tiki_p_admin_file_galleries' => 'tiki_p_admin_file_galleries', 'tiki_p_assign_perm_file_gallery' => 'tiki_p_assign_perm_file_gallery', 'tiki_p_batch_upload_files' => 'tiki_p_batch_upload_files', 'tiki_p_batch_upload_file_dir' => 'tiki_p_batch_upload_file_dir', 'tiki_p_create_file_galleries' => 'tiki_p_create_file_galleries', 'tiki_p_download_files' => 'tiki_p_download_files', 'tiki_p_edit_gallery_file' => 'tiki_p_edit_gallery_file', 'tiki_p_list_file_galleries' => 'tiki_p_list_file_galleries', 'tiki_p_upload_files' => 'tiki_p_upload_files', 'tiki_p_remove_files' => 'tiki_p_remove_files', 'tiki_p_view_fgal_explorer' => 'tiki_p_view_fgal_explorer', 'tiki_p_view_fgal_path' => 'tiki_p_view_fgal_path', 'tiki_p_view_file_gallery' => 'tiki_p_view_file_gallery', ), ), 'write' => array( 'name' => 'write', 'data' => array( 'tiki_p_batch_upload_files' => 'tiki_p_batch_upload_files', 'tiki_p_batch_upload_file_dir' => 'tiki_p_batch_upload_file_dir', 'tiki_p_create_file_galleries' => 'tiki_p_create_file_galleries', 'tiki_p_download_files' => 'tiki_p_download_files', 'tiki_p_edit_gallery_file' => 'tiki_p_edit_gallery_file', 'tiki_p_list_file_galleries' => 'tiki_p_list_file_galleries', 'tiki_p_upload_files' => 'tiki_p_upload_files', 'tiki_p_remove_files' => 'tiki_p_remove_files', 'tiki_p_view_fgal_explorer' => 'tiki_p_view_fgal_explorer', 'tiki_p_view_fgal_path' => 'tiki_p_view_fgal_path', 'tiki_p_view_file_gallery' => 'tiki_p_view_file_gallery', ), ), 'read' => array( 'name' => 'read', 'data' => array( 'tiki_p_download_files' => 'tiki_p_download_files', 'tiki_p_list_file_galleries' => 'tiki_p_list_file_galleries', 'tiki_p_view_fgal_explorer' => 'tiki_p_view_fgal_explorer', 'tiki_p_view_fgal_path' => 'tiki_p_view_fgal_path', 'tiki_p_view_file_gallery' => 'tiki_p_view_file_gallery', ), ), 'none' => array( 'name' => 'none', 'data' => array( ), ), ); } function quickperms_get_generic() { global $userlib; $databaseperms = $userlib->get_permissions(0, -1, 'permName_asc', '', $_REQUEST["permType"], '', true); foreach($databaseperms['data'] as $perm) { if ($perm['level']=='basic') $quickperms_['basic'][$perm['permName']] = $perm['permName']; elseif ($perm['level']=='registered') $quickperms_['registered'][$perm['permName']] = $perm['permName']; elseif ($perm['level']=='editors') $quickperms_['editors'][$perm['permName']] = $perm['permName']; elseif ($perm['level']=='admin') $quickperms_['admin'][$perm['permName']] = $perm['permName']; } if(!isset($quickperms_['basic'])) $quickperms_['basic'] = array(); if(!isset($quickperms_['registered'])) $quickperms_['registered'] = array(); if(!isset($quickperms_['editors'])) $quickperms_['editors'] = array(); if(!isset($quickperms_['admin'])) $quickperms_['admin'] = array(); $perms = array(); $perms['basic']['name'] = "basic"; $perms['basic']['data'] = array_merge($quickperms_['basic']); $perms['registered']['name'] = "registered"; $perms['registered']['data'] = array_merge($quickperms_['basic'], $quickperms_['registered']); $perms['editors']['name'] = "editors"; $perms['editors']['data'] = array_merge($quickperms_['basic'], $quickperms_['registered'], $quickperms_['editors']); $perms['admin']['name'] = "admin"; $perms['admin']['data'] = array_merge($quickperms_['basic'], $quickperms_['registered'], $quickperms_['editors'], $quickperms_['admin']); $perms['none']['name'] = "none"; $perms['none']['data'] = array(); return $perms; } function perms_get_restrictions() { global $userlib; $perms = Perms::get(); if( $perms->admin_objects ) { return false; } $masterPerms = $userlib->get_permissions(0, -1, 'permName_asc', '', $_REQUEST["permType"] ); $masterPerms = $masterPerms['data']; $allowed = array(); // filter out non-admin's unavailable perms foreach($masterPerms as $perm) { $name = $perm['permName']; if( $perms->$name ) { $allowed[] = $name; } } return $allowed; } function get_displayed_permissions() { global $objectFactory, $smarty; $currentObject = $objectFactory->get( $_REQUEST['objectType'], $_REQUEST['objectId'] ); $displayedPermissions = $currentObject->getDirectPermissions(); $globPerms = $objectFactory->get( 'global', null )->getDirectPermissions(); // global perms $comparator = new Perms_Reflection_PermissionComparator( $displayedPermissions, new Perms_Reflection_PermissionSet ); $smarty->assign('permissions_displayed', 'direct'); if( $comparator->equal() ) { $parent = $currentObject->getParentPermissions(); // inherited perms (could be category ones) $comparator = new Perms_Reflection_PermissionComparator( $globPerms, $parent ); if( $comparator->equal() ) { // parent == globals $smarty->assign('permissions_displayed', 'parent'); } else { // parent not globals, so must be category $smarty->assign('permissions_displayed', 'category'); } $displayedPermissions = $parent; } else { // direct object perms $comparator = new Perms_Reflection_PermissionComparator( $globPerms, $displayedPermissions ); $permissions_added = array(); $permissions_removed = array(); foreach($comparator->getAdditions() as $p) { if (!isset($permissions_added[$p[0]])) { $permissions_added[$p[0]] = array(); } $permissions_added[$p[0]][] = str_replace('tiki_p_', '', $p[1]); } foreach($comparator->getRemovals() as $p) { if (!isset($permissions_removed[$p[0]])) { $permissions_removed[$p[0]] = array(); } $permissions_removed[$p[0]][] = str_replace('tiki_p_', '', $p[1]); } $added = ''; $removed = ''; foreach($permissions_added as $gp => $pm) { $added .= '<br />'; $added .= '<strong>' . $gp . ':</strong> ' . implode(', ', $pm); } foreach($permissions_removed as $gp => $pm) { $removed .= '<br />'; $removed .= '<strong>' . $gp . ':</strong> ' . implode(', ', $pm); } $smarty->assign('permissions_added', $added); $smarty->assign('permissions_removed', $removed); } return $displayedPermissions; }