File: tiki-pagehistory.php
<?php // (c) Copyright 2002-2011 by authors of the Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware Project // // All Rights Reserved. See copyright.txt for details and a complete list of authors. // Licensed under the GNU LESSER GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE. See license.txt for details. // $Id: tiki-pagehistory.php 33352 2011-03-13 06:37:52Z pkdille $ $section = 'wiki page'; $section_class = "tiki_wiki_page manage"; // This will be body class instead of $section require_once ('tiki-setup.php'); include_once ('lib/wiki/histlib.php'); require_once ('lib/wiki/renderlib.php'); $access->check_feature('feature_wiki'); if (!isset($_REQUEST["source"])) { $access->check_feature('feature_history'); } else { $access->check_feature('feature_source'); } // Get the page from the request var or default it to HomePage if (!isset($_REQUEST["page"])) { $smarty->assign('msg', tra("No page indicated")); $smarty->display("error.tpl"); die; } else { $page = $_REQUEST["page"]; $smarty->assign_by_ref('page', $_REQUEST["page"]); } $auto_query_args = array('page', 'oldver', 'newver', 'compare', 'diff_style', 'show_translation_history', 'show_all_versions', 'history_offset', 'paginate', 'history_pagesize'); $tikilib->get_perm_object( $_REQUEST['page'], 'wiki page' ); // Now check permissions to access this page if (!isset($_REQUEST["source"])) { $access->check_permission('tiki_p_wiki_view_history'); } else { $access->check_permission('tiki_p_wiki_view_source'); } $info = $tikilib->get_page_info($page); if (empty($info)) { $smarty->assign('msg', tra('No page indicated')); $smarty->display('error.tpl'); die; } $pageRenderer = new WikiRenderer( $info, $user); $pageRenderer->setupStaging(); if (isset($_REQUEST['preview'], $_REQUEST['flaggedrev'], $_REQUEST['page']) && $prefs['flaggedrev_approval'] == 'y' && $tiki_p_wiki_approve == 'y') { $targetFlag = null; if (isset($_REQUEST['approve'])) { $targetFlag = 'OK'; $targetVersion = (int) $_REQUEST['approve']; } elseif (isset($_REQUEST['unapprove'])) { $targetFlag = 'REJECT'; $targetVersion = (int) $_REQUEST['unapprove']; } if ($targetFlag) { global $flaggedrevisionlib; require_once 'lib/wiki/flaggedrevisionlib.php'; $flaggedrevisionlib->flag_revision($info['pageName'], $targetVersion, 'moderation', $targetFlag); require_once('lib/search/refresh-functions.php'); refresh_index('pages', $page); } } $smarty->assign_by_ref('info', $info); // If the page doesn't exist then display an error //check_page_exits($page); if (isset($_REQUEST["delete"]) && isset($_REQUEST["hist"]) && $info["flag"] != 'L') { check_ticket('page-history'); foreach(array_keys($_REQUEST["hist"]) as $version) { $histlib->remove_version($_REQUEST["page"], $version); } } if ($prefs['feature_contribution'] == 'y') { global $contributionlib; include_once ('lib/contribution/contributionlib.php'); $contributions = $contributionlib->get_assigned_contributions($page, 'wiki page'); $smarty->assign_by_ref('contributions', $contributions); if ($prefs['feature_contributor_wiki'] == 'y') { $contributors = $logslib->get_wiki_contributors($info); $smarty->assign_by_ref('contributors', $contributors); } } $paginate = (isset($_REQUEST['paginate']) && $_REQUEST['paginate'] == 'on') || !isset($_REQUEST['diff_style']); $smarty->assign('paginate', $paginate); if (isset($_REQUEST['history_offset']) && $paginate) { $history_offset = $_REQUEST['history_offset']; } else { $history_offset = 1; } $smarty->assign('history_offset', $history_offset); if (isset($_REQUEST['history_pagesize']) && $paginate) { $history_pagesize = $_REQUEST['history_pagesize']; } else { $history_pagesize = $prefs['maxRecords']; } $smarty->assign('history_pagesize', $history_pagesize); // fetch page history, but omit the actual page content (to save memory) $history = $histlib->get_page_history($page, false, $history_offset, $paginate ? $history_pagesize : -1); $smarty->assign('history_cant', $histlib->get_nb_history($page) - 1); if ($prefs['flaggedrev_approval'] == 'y') { global $flaggedrevisionlib; require_once 'lib/wiki/flaggedrevisionlib.php'; if ($flaggedrevisionlib->page_requires_approval($page)) { $approved_versions = $flaggedrevisionlib->get_versions_with($page, 'moderation', 'OK'); $smarty->assign('flaggedrev_approval', true); $info['approved'] = in_array($info['version'], $approved_versions); $new_history = array(); foreach ($history as $version) { $version['approved'] = in_array($version['version'], $approved_versions); if ($tiki_p_wiki_view_latest == 'y' || $version['approved']) { $new_history[] = $version; } } $history = $new_history; } } if (!isset($_REQUEST['show_all_versions'])) { $_REQUEST['show_all_versions'] = "y"; } $sessions = array(); if (count($history) > 0) { $lastuser = ''; // calculate edit session info $lasttime = 0; // secs $idletime = 1800; // max gap between edits in sessions 30 mins? Maybe should use a pref? for($i = 0, $cnt = count($history); $i < $cnt; $i++) { if ($history[$i]['user'] != $lastuser || $lasttime - $history[$i]['lastModif'] > $idletime) { $sessions[] = $history[$i]; //$history[$i]['session'] = $history[$i]['version']; } else if (count($sessions) > 0) { $history[$i]['session'] = $sessions[count($sessions)-1]['version']; } $lastuser = $history[$i]['user']; $lasttime = $history[$i]['lastModif']; } $csesh = count($sessions) + 1; foreach($history as &$h) { // move ending 'version' into starting 'session' if (!empty($h['session'])) { foreach($history as &$h2) { if ($h2['version'] == $h['session']) { $h2['session'] = $h['version']; } } $h['session'] = ''; } } if ($_REQUEST['show_all_versions'] == "n") { for($i = 0, $cnt = count($history); $i < $cnt; $i++) { // remove versions inside sessions if (!empty($history[$i]['session']) && $i < $cnt - 1) { $seshend = $history[$i]['session']; $i++; for ($i; $i < $cnt; $i++) { if ($history[$i]['version'] >= $seshend) { unset($history[$i]); } else { $i--; break; } } } } } } $smarty->assign('show_all_versions', $_REQUEST['show_all_versions']); $history_versions = array(); $history_sessions = array(); reset($history); foreach($history as &$h) { // as $h has been used by reference before it needs to be so again (it seems) $history_versions[] = (int)$h['version']; $history_sessions[] = isset($h['session']) ? (int)$h['session'] : 0; } $history_versions = array_reverse($history_versions); $history_sessions = array_reverse($history_sessions); $history_versions[] = $info["version"]; // current is last one $history_sessions[] = 0; $smarty->assign_by_ref('history', $history); // for pagination $smarty->assign('ver_cant', count($history_versions)); if (isset($_REQUEST['clear_versions'])) { unset($_REQUEST['clear_versions']); unset($_REQUEST['newver']); unset($_REQUEST['newver_idx']); unset($_REQUEST['oldver']); unset($_REQUEST['oldver_idx']); unset($_REQUEST['compare']); unset($_REQUEST['diff_style']); } // calculate version and offset if (isset($_REQUEST['bothver_idx'])) { if ($_REQUEST['bothver_idx'] == 0) { $_REQUEST['bothver_idx'] = 1; } $_REQUEST['oldver_idx'] = $_REQUEST['bothver_idx'] - 1; $_REQUEST['newver_idx'] = $_REQUEST['bothver_idx']; if ($_REQUEST['show_all_versions'] == 'n' && !empty($history_sessions[$_REQUEST['bothver_idx']])) { $_REQUEST['oldver_idx'] = $_REQUEST['bothver_idx']; } } if (isset($_REQUEST['newver_idx'])) { $newver = $history_versions[$_REQUEST['newver_idx']]; } else { if (isset($_REQUEST['newver']) && $_REQUEST['newver'] > 0) { $newver = (int)$_REQUEST["newver"]; if (in_array($newver, $history_versions)) { $_REQUEST['newver_idx'] = array_search($newver, $history_versions); } else { $_REQUEST['newver_idx'] = array_search($newver, $history_sessions); } } else { $newver = $history_versions[count($history_versions)-1]; $_REQUEST['newver_idx'] = count($history_versions)-1; } } if (isset($_REQUEST['oldver_idx'])) { $oldver = $history_versions[$_REQUEST['oldver_idx']]; if ($_REQUEST['show_all_versions'] == 'n' && !empty($history_sessions[$_REQUEST['oldver_idx']])) { $oldver = $history_sessions[$_REQUEST['oldver_idx']]; } } else { if (isset($_REQUEST['oldver']) && $_REQUEST['oldver'] > 0) { $oldver = (int)$_REQUEST["oldver"]; if (in_array($oldver, $history_versions)) { $_REQUEST['oldver_idx'] = array_search($oldver, $history_versions); } else { $_REQUEST['oldver_idx'] = array_search($oldver, $history_sessions); } } else { $oldver = $history_versions[count($history_versions)-1]; $_REQUEST['oldver_idx'] = count($history_versions)-1; } } if ($_REQUEST['oldver_idx'] + 1 == $_REQUEST['newver_idx']) { $_REQUEST['bothver_idx'] = $_REQUEST['newver_idx']; } // source view if (isset($_REQUEST['source_idx'])) { $source = $history_versions[$_REQUEST['source_idx']]; } else { if (isset($_REQUEST['source'])) { $source = (int)$_REQUEST["source"]; if ($source > 0) { $_REQUEST['source_idx'] = array_search($source, $history_versions); } else { $_REQUEST['source_idx'] = count($history_versions) - 1; $smarty->assign('noHistory', true); } } } if (isset($_REQUEST['preview_idx'])) { $preview = $history_versions[$_REQUEST['preview_idx']]; } else { if (isset($_REQUEST['preview'])) { $preview = (int)$_REQUEST["preview"]; if ($_REQUEST['preview'] > 0) { $_REQUEST['preview_idx'] = array_search($preview, $history_versions); } else { $_REQUEST['preview_idx'] = count($history_versions) - 1; $smarty->assign('noHistory', true); } } } if (isset($_REQUEST['version'])) $rversion = $_REQUEST['version']; $smarty->assign('source', false); if (isset($source)) { if ($source == '' && isset($rversion)) { $source = $rversion; } if ($source == $info["version"] || $source == 0) { $smarty->assign('sourced', $info["data"]); $smarty->assign('source', $info['version']); } else { $version = $histlib->get_version($page, $source); if ($version) { if ($version['is_html'] == 1) { $smarty->assign('sourced', $version['data']); } else { $smarty->assign('sourced', nl2br($version["data"])); } $smarty->assign('source', $source); } } } $smarty->assign('preview', false); if (isset($preview)) { if ($preview == '' && isset($rversion)) { $preview = $rversion; } if ($preview == $info["version"] || $preview == 0) { $previewd = $tikilib->parse_data($info["data"], array('preview_mode' => true)); $smarty->assign('previewd', $previewd); $smarty->assign('preview', $info['version']); } else { $version = $histlib->get_version($page, $preview); if ($version) { $previewd = $tikilib->parse_data($version["data"], array('preview_mode' => true)); $smarty->assign('previewd', $previewd); $smarty->assign('preview', $preview); } } $smarty->assign('flaggedrev_preview_approved', isset($approved_versions) && in_array($preview, $approved_versions)); } if (isset($preview)) { $smarty->assign('current', $preview); } else if (isset($source)) { $smarty->assign('current', $source); } else if ($newver) { $smarty->assign('current', $newver); } else if ($oldver) { $smarty->assign('current', $oldver); } else { $smarty->assign('current', 0); } if ($prefs['feature_multilingual'] == 'y' && isset($_REQUEST['show_translation_history'])) { include_once ("lib/multilingual/multilinguallib.php"); $smarty->assign('show_translation_history', 1); $sources = $multilinguallib->getSourceHistory($info['page_id']); $targets = $multilinguallib->getTargetHistory($info['page_id']); } else { $sources = array(); $targets = array(); } $smarty->assign_by_ref('translation_sources', $sources); $smarty->assign_by_ref('translation_targets', $targets); if (isset($_REQUEST["diff2"])) { // previous compatibility if ($_REQUEST["diff2"] == '' && isset($rversion)) { $_REQUEST["diff2"] = $rversion; } $_REQUEST["compare"] = "y"; $oldver = (int)$_REQUEST["diff2"]; } if (!isset($newver)) { $newver = 0; } if ($prefs['feature_multilingual'] == 'y') { include_once ("lib/multilingual/multilinguallib.php"); $languages = $tikilib->list_languages(); $smarty->assign_by_ref('languages', $languages); if (isset($_REQUEST["update_translation"])) { // Update translation button clicked. Forward request to edit page of translation. if (isset($_REQUEST['tra_lang'])) { $target = $_REQUEST['tra_lang']; } else { die('Invalid call to this page. Specify tra_lang'); } // Find appropriate translation page $langs = $multilinguallib->getTranslations('wiki page', $info['page_id'], $info['pageName'], true); $pageName = ''; foreach($langs as $pageInfo) if ($target == (string)$pageInfo['lang']) { $pageName = $pageInfo['objName']; } // Build URI / Redirect $diff_style = isset($_REQUEST['diff_style']) ? rawurlencode($_REQUEST['diff_style']) : rawurlencode($info['is_html'] === '1' ? 'htmldiff' : $prefs['default_wiki_diff_style']); $comment = rawurlencode("Updating from $page at version {$info['version']}"); if ($newver == 0) { $newver = $info['version']; } if ($pageName) { $uri = "tiki-editpage.php?page=$pageName&source_page=$page&diff_style=$diff_style&oldver=$oldver&newver=$newver&comment=$comment"; } else { $uri = "tiki-edit_translation.php?page=$page"; } header("Location: $uri"); exit; } } $current_version = $info["version"]; $not_comparing = empty($_REQUEST['compare']) ? 'true' : 'false'; $headerlib->add_jq_onready(<<<JS \$("input[name=oldver], input[name=newver]").change(function () { var ver = \$(this).val(), ver2; if (ver == 0) { ver = $current_version; } if (\$(this).attr("name") == "oldver") { \$("input[name=newver]").each(function () { ver2 = \$(this).val(); if (ver2 == 0) { ver2 = $current_version; } if (ver2 <= ver) { \$(this).attr("disabled", "disabled"); } else { \$(this).attr("disabled", ""); } }); } else if (\$(this).attr("name") == "newver") { \$("input[name=oldver]").each(function () { ver2 = \$(this).val(); if (ver2 == 0) { ver2 = $current_version; } if (ver2 >= ver) { \$(this).attr("disabled", "disabled"); } else { \$(this).attr("disabled", ""); } }); } }); if (\$("input[name=newver][checked=checked]").length) { \$("input[name=newver][checked=checked]").change(); \$("input[name=oldver][checked=checked]").change(); } else if ($not_comparing) { \$("input[name=newver]:eq(0)").attr("checked", "checked").change(); \$("input[name=oldver]:eq(1)").attr("checked", "checked").change(); } JS ); if (isset($_REQUEST["compare"])) { histlib_helper_setup_diff($page, $oldver, $newver); if (isset($approved_versions)) { $smarty->assign('flaggedrev_compare_approve', ! in_array($newver, $approved_versions)); } } else { $smarty->assign('diff_style', $info['is_html'] === '1' ? 'htmldiff' : $prefs['default_wiki_diff_style']); } if ($info["flag"] == 'L') { $smarty->assign('lock', true); } else { $smarty->assign('lock', false); } ask_ticket('page-history'); // disallow robots to index page: $smarty->assign('page_user', $info['user']); $smarty->assign('metatag_robots', 'NOINDEX, NOFOLLOW'); include_once ('tiki-section_options.php'); // Display the template $smarty->assign('mid', 'tiki-pagehistory.tpl'); $smarty->display("tiki.tpl");