File: tiki-print_indexed.php
<?php // (c) Copyright 2002-2011 by authors of the Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware Project // // All Rights Reserved. See copyright.txt for details and a complete list of authors. // Licensed under the GNU LESSER GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE. See license.txt for details. // $Id: tiki-print_indexed.php 33655 2011-03-25 14:15:55Z lphuberdeau $ require_once 'tiki-setup.php'; require_once 'lib/categories/categlib.php'; $access->check_feature('feature_print_indexed'); $inputConfiguration = array( array( 'staticKeyFilters' => array( 'list' => 'alpha', 'comments' => 'alpha', ) ), array( 'staticKeyFiltersForArrays' => array( 'languages' => 'alpha', 'categId' => 'digits', ) ), array( 'catchAllUnset' => null ), ); if( ! isset($_GET['list']) || ! in_array( $_GET['list'], array('categorylist', 'glossary') ) ) { $access->display_error( 'tiki-print_indexed.php', tra('Missing object list type argument') ); } // Classes to be extracted at some later point {{{ class ObjectList // {{{ { private $lastIndex = 0; private $customIndexes = array(); private $renderers = array(); function addCustomIndex( $indexKey ) { $this->customIndexes[ $indexKey ] = array(); } function add( $type, $object, $options ) { if( ! isset( $dataIndex[$type] ) ) { $this->dataIndex[$type] = array(); } switch( $type ) { case 'wiki page': if( array_key_exists( 'languages', $options ) ) { $renderer = new ObjectRenderer_MultilingualWiki( $type, $object, $options ); } else { $renderer = new ObjectRenderer_Wiki( $type, $object, $options ); } break; default: $renderer = new ObjectRenderer_TrackerItem( $type, $object, $options ); break; } if( $renderer && $renderer->isValid() ) { $index = ++$this->lastIndex; $this->renderers[$index] = $renderer; foreach( $this->customIndexes as $key => & $data ) { if( $prop = $renderer->getIndexValue($key) ) { $prop = strtolower( $prop ); if( isset( $data[$prop] ) ) { $data[$prop][] = $index; } else { $data[$prop] = array( $index ); } } } } } function finalize() { foreach( $this->customIndexes as & $data ) { ksort($data); } } function render( $smarty, $key, $options ) { if( is_null( $key ) ) { foreach( $this->renderers as $index => $renderer ) { $smarty->assign( 'index', $index ); $renderer->render( $smarty, $options ); } } else { foreach( $this->customIndexes[$key] as $indexes ) { foreach( $indexes as $index ) { $renderer = $this->renderers[$index]; $smarty->assign( 'index', $index ); $renderer->render( $smarty, $options ); } } } } } // }}} abstract class ObjectRenderer // {{{ { protected $objectType; protected $objectId; function __construct( $objectType, $objectId ) { $this->objectType = $objectType; $this->objectId = $objectId; } function render( $smarty, $options ) { $options['decorator_template'] = 'print/print-decorator_' . $options['decorator'] . '.tpl'; $smarty->assign( 'body', $this->_render( $smarty, $options ) ); $smarty->display( $options['decorator_template'] ); } function isValid() { return true; } abstract function _render( $smarty, $template ); abstract function getIndexValue( $key ); } // }}} class ObjectRenderer_TrackerItem extends ObjectRenderer // {{{ { private static $trackers = array(); private $valid = false; private $tracker; private $info; function __construct( $type, $object, $options = array() ) { parent::__construct( $type, $object, $options ); global $trklib; require_once 'lib/trackers/trackerlib.php'; $info = $trklib->get_tracker_item( $object ); $trackerId = $info['trackerId']; if( ! isset( self::$trackers[$trackerId] ) ) { if( self::$trackers[$trackerId] = $trklib->get_tracker( $trackerId ) ) { $fields = $trklib->list_tracker_fields( $trackerId ); self::$trackers[$trackerId]['fields'] = $fields['data']; } else { $this->valid = false; return; } } $this->tracker = self::$trackers[ $info['trackerId'] ]; $this->info = $info; $this->valid = ( $type == $this->tracker['name'] ); foreach( $this->tracker['fields'] as & $field ) { $field['value'] = $this->info[ $field['fieldId'] ]; } } function isValid() { return $this->valid; } function _render( $smarty, $options ) { $smarty->assign( 'title', $this->getTitle() ); $smarty->assign( 'tracker', $this->tracker ); $smarty->assign( 'item', $this->info ); $options['display_template'] = 'print/print-' . $options['display'] . '_trackeritem.tpl'; return $smarty->fetch( $options['display_template'] ); } function getIndexValue($key) { switch( $key ) { case 'title': return $this->getTitle(); } } function getTitle() { foreach( $this->tracker['fields'] as $field ) { if( $field['isMain'] == 'y' ) { return $field['value']; } } } } // }}} class ObjectRenderer_Wiki extends ObjectRenderer // {{{ { private $info; function __construct( $objectType, $objectId ) { parent::__construct( $objectType, $objectId ); global $tikilib; $info = $tikilib->get_page_info( $objectId ); $info['parsed'] = $tikilib->parse_data( $info['data'], array( 'is_html' => $info['is_html'], 'print' => 'y', ) ); $this->info = $info; } function _render( $smarty, $options ) { $options['display_template'] = 'print/print-' . $options['display'] . '_wiki.tpl'; $smarty->assign( 'info', $this->info ); if (isset($options['comments']) && $options['comments']) { global $comments_objectId, $forum_mode, $comments_per_page; $comments_objectId = 'wiki page:' . $this->info['pageName']; $forum_mode = 'n'; $comments_per_page = 100; $smarty->assign('tiki_p_post_comments', 'n'); include 'comments.php'; } return $smarty->fetch( $options['display_template'] ); } function getIndexValue( $key ) { switch( $key ) { case 'title': return $this->info['pageName']; } } } // }}} class ObjectRenderer_MultilingualWiki extends ObjectRenderer // {{{ { private $renderers = array(); function __construct( $type, $object, $options = array() ) { parent::__construct( $type, $object, $options ); global $multilinguallib, $tikilib; require_once 'lib/multilingual/multilinguallib.php'; $languages = $options['languages']; $this->renderers = array_fill_keys( $languages, null ); if( $trads = $multilinguallib->getTrads( $type, $tikilib->get_page_id_from_name($object) ) ) { foreach( $trads as $trad ) { if( in_array( $trad['lang'], $languages ) ) { $this->renderers[ $trad['lang'] ] = new ObjectRenderer_Wiki( $type, $tikilib->get_page_name_from_id( $trad['objId'] ), $options ); } } } else { $this->renderers[ reset($languages) ] = new ObjectRenderer_Wiki( $type, $object, $options ); } } function _render($smarty, $options) { $out = ''; $languages = array_keys( $this->renderers ); if( isset( $options['languages'] ) ) { $languages = $options['languages']; } foreach( $languages as $lang ) { if( $this->renderers[$lang] ) { $out .= $this->renderers[$lang]->_render( $smarty, $options ); } } return $out; } function getIndexValue($key) { if( strpos( $key, 'lang_' ) === 0 ) { list( $key, $lang ) = explode( '_', substr( $key, 5 ), 2 ); if( isset( $this->renderers[$lang] ) && $this->renderers[$lang] ) { return $this->renderers[$lang]->getIndexValue($key); } return; } return reset($this->renderers)->getIndexValue($key); } } // }}} // End of classes }}} $objectList = new ObjectList; $objectList->addCustomIndex( 'title' ); $indexPages = array(); switch( $_GET['list'] ) { case 'categorylist': $access->check_feature('feature_categories'); if( isset( $_GET['categId'] ) ) { $categId = (int) $_GET['categId']; $objects = $categlib->list_category_objects( $categId, 0, -1, 'name_asc', '', '', true, false ); $indexPages[] = array( 'key' => 'title', 'indextitle' => tra('Index'), 'options' => array( 'decorator' => 'indexrow', 'display' => 'title', ), ); foreach( $objects['data'] as $index => $values ) { $type = $values['type']; $item = $values['itemId']; $objectList->add( $type, $item, array() ); } } break; case 'glossary': if( isset( $_REQUEST['languages'] ) ) { $languages = (array)$_REQUEST['languages']; } else { $languages = array($prefs['language']); } $filterLang = reset( $languages ); foreach($languages as $num => $code) { $key = 'lang_title_' . $code; if ($num > 0) { $objectList->addCustomIndex($key); } else { $key = 'title'; } $indexPages[] = array( 'key' => $key, 'indextitle' => tra('Index (' . $code . ')'), 'options' => array( 'decorator' => 'indexrow', 'display' => 'title', 'languages' => array($code), ), ); } $filter = array( 'lang' => $filterLang ); if( isset( $_GET['categId'] ) ) { $access->check_feature('feature_categories'); $filter['categId'] = $_GET['categId']; } $pages = $tikilib->list_pages( 0, -1, 'pageName_asc', '', '', true, true, false, false, $filter ); foreach($pages['data'] as $info) { $objectList->add( 'wiki page', $info['pageName'], array( 'languages' => $languages ) ); } break; } $objectList->finalize(); $smarty->display('header.tpl'); $smarty->display('print/print-page_header.tpl'); foreach($indexPages as $page) { $smarty->assign('indextitle', $page['indextitle']); $smarty->display('print/print-index_header.tpl'); $objectList->render($smarty, $page['key'], $page['options']); $smarty->display('print/print-index_footer.tpl'); } // Display all data $objectList->render( $smarty, null, array( 'decorator' => 'indexed', 'display' => 'object', 'comments' => $_REQUEST['comments'] == 'y', ) ); $smarty->display('print/print-page_footer.tpl'); $smarty->display('footer.tpl');