File: tiki-send_newsletters.php
<?php // (c) Copyright 2002-2011 by authors of the Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware Project // // All Rights Reserved. See copyright.txt for details and a complete list of authors. // Licensed under the GNU LESSER GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE. See license.txt for details. // $Id: tiki-send_newsletters.php 33352 2011-03-13 06:37:52Z pkdille $ $section = 'newsletters'; require_once ('tiki-setup.php'); @ini_set('max_execution_time', 0); //will not work if safe_mode is on $prefs['feature_wiki_protect_email'] = 'n'; //not to alter the email include_once ('lib/newsletters/nllib.php'); $auto_query_args = array('sort_mode', 'offset', 'find', 'nlId', 'cookietab'); $access->check_feature('feature_newsletters'); $access->check_permission('tiki_p_send_newsletters'); if (!isset($_REQUEST["nlId"])) { $_REQUEST["nlId"] = 0; } $smarty->assign('nlId', $_REQUEST["nlId"]); $newsletters = $nllib->list_newsletters(0, -1, 'created_desc', '', '', array("tiki_p_admin_newsletters", "tiki_p_send_newsletters"), 'n'); if (!$newsletters['cant']) { $smarty->assign('msg', tra("No newsletters available.")); $smarty->display("error.tpl"); die; } if (isset($_REQUEST['cancel'])) { unset($_REQUEST['editionId']); } if ( empty($_REQUEST["sendingUniqId"]) ) { $sendingUniqId = $tikilib->genRandomString(); $smarty->assign('sendingUniqId', $sendingUniqId); } if(!isset($_REQUEST['cookietab']) || isset($_REQUEST['editionId'])) { $_REQUEST['cookietab'] = 1; } $cookietab = $_REQUEST['cookietab']; $smarty->assign('newsletters', $newsletters["data"]); if ($_REQUEST["nlId"]) { $nl_info = $nllib->get_newsletter($_REQUEST["nlId"]); if (!isset($_REQUEST["editionId"])) $_REQUEST["editionId"] = 0; $smarty->assign('allowTxt', $nl_info['allowTxt']); $smarty->assign('allowArticleClip', $nl_info['allowArticleClip']); if ($_REQUEST["editionId"]) { $info = $nllib->get_edition($_REQUEST["editionId"]); } else { $info = array(); $info["data"] = ''; $info["datatxt"] = ''; $info["subject"] = ''; $info["editionId"] = 0; $info["files"] = array(); $info['wysiwyg'] = 'n'; } $smarty->assign_by_ref('info', $info); } else { //No newsletter selected -> Check if the textarea for the first has to be displayed $smarty->assign('allowTxt', $newsletters['data'][0]['allowTxt']); $smarty->assign('allowArticleClip', $newsletters['data'][0]['allowTxt']); } // Display to newsletter txtarea or not depending on the preferences $showBoxCheck = " <script type='text/javascript'> <!-- function checkNewsletterTxtArea(nlIndex){ browser(); var allowTxt = new Array(); var allowArticleClip = new Array(); "; for ($i = 0, $tmp_count = count($newsletters['data']); $i < $tmp_count; $i++) { $showBoxCheck .= "allowTxt[$i] = '" . $newsletters['data'][$i]['allowTxt'] . "'; allowArticleClip[$i] = '" . $newsletters['data'][$i]['allowArticleClip'] . "'; "; } // allowTxt $showBoxCheck .= " if (document.getElementById('txtcol1').style.display=='none' && allowTxt[nlIndex] == 'y'){"; if (preg_match("/gecko/i", $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'])) { $showBoxCheck.= "document.getElementById('txtcol1').style.display='table-cell';"; $showBoxCheck.= "document.getElementById('txtcol2').style.display='table-cell';"; } else { $showBoxCheck.= "document.getElementById('txtcol1').style.display='inline'; "; $showBoxCheck.= "document.getElementById('txtcol2').style.display='inline';"; }; $showBoxCheck.= " }else if (allowTxt[nlIndex] == 'n') { document.getElementById('txtcol1').style.display='none'; document.getElementById('txtcol2').style.display='none'; }"; // allowArticleClip $showBoxCheck .= " if (document.getElementById('clipcol1').style.display=='none' && allowArticleClip[nlIndex] == 'y'){"; if (preg_match("/gecko/i", $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'])) { $showBoxCheck.= "document.getElementById('clipcol1').style.display='table-cell';"; $showBoxCheck.= "document.getElementById('clipcol2').style.display='table-cell';"; } else { $showBoxCheck.= "document.getElementById('clipcol1').style.display='inline'; "; $showBoxCheck.= "document.getElementById('clipcol2').style.display='inline';"; }; $showBoxCheck.= " }else if (allowArticleClip[nlIndex] == 'n') { document.getElementById('clipcol1').style.display='none'; document.getElementById('clipcol2').style.display='none'; }"; // end of function $showBoxCheck .= " } --> </script> "; $smarty->assign('showBoxCheck', $showBoxCheck); if (isset($_REQUEST["remove"])) { $access->check_authenticity(); $nllib->remove_edition($_REQUEST["nlId"], $_REQUEST["remove"]); } // wysiwyg decision include_once ('lib/wiki/editlib.php'); // Handles switching editor modes if (isset($_REQUEST['mode_normal']) && $_REQUEST['mode_normal']=='y') { if ($_REQUEST['wikiparse'] == 'on') { // Parsing page data as first time seeing html page in normal editor $smarty->assign('msg', "Parsing html to wiki"); $info["data"] = $editlib->parseToWiki($_REQUEST["data"]); } else { $info["data"] = $_REQUEST["data"]; } } elseif (isset($_REQUEST['mode_wysiwyg']) && $_REQUEST['mode_wysiwyg']=='y') { // Parsing page data as first time seeing wiki page in wysiwyg editor $smarty->assign('msg', "Parsing wiki to html"); $info["data"] = $editlib->parseToWysiwyg($_REQUEST["data"]); } if (isset($_REQUEST["templateId"]) && $_REQUEST["templateId"] > 0 && (!isset($_REQUEST['previousTemplateId']) || $_REQUEST['previousTemplateId'] != $_REQUEST['templateId'])) { global $templateslib; require_once 'lib/templates/templateslib.php'; $template_data = $templateslib->get_template($_REQUEST["templateId"]); $_REQUEST["data"] = $template_data["content"]; if (isset($_SESSION['wysiwyg']) && $_SESSION['wysiwyg'] == 'y') { $_REQUEST['data'] = $tikilib->parse_data($_REQUEST['data'], array('is_html'=>true, 'absolute_links' => true, 'suppress_icons' => true)); } $_REQUEST["preview"] = 1; $smarty->assign("templateId", $_REQUEST["templateId"]); } $newsletterfiles_post = isset($_REQUEST['newsletterfile']) && is_array($_REQUEST['newsletterfile']) ? $_REQUEST['newsletterfile'] : array(); $newsletterfiles = array(); foreach($newsletterfiles_post as $k => $id) { $f = array(); if ((strlen($id) == 32) && preg_match('/^[0-9a-f]{32}$/', $id)) { // this is a valid md5 hash, so the file was just saved at preview time $fpath = $prefs['tmpDir'] . '/newsletterfile-preview-' . $id; $f = unserialize(file_get_contents($fpath . '.infos')); $f['path'] = $fpath; $newsletterfiles[] = $f; } else if ((int)$_REQUEST['nlId'] > 0) { foreach($info['files'] as $f) { if ($f['id'] == (int)$id) { $newsletterfiles[] = $f; break; } } } } if (!empty($_FILES) && !empty($_FILES['newsletterfile'])) { foreach($_FILES['newsletterfile']['name'] as $i => $v) { if ($_FILES['newsletterfile']['error'][$i] == UPLOAD_ERR_OK) { $newsletterfiles[] = array('name' => $_FILES['newsletterfile']['name'][$i], 'type' => $_FILES['newsletterfile']['type'][$i], 'path' => $_FILES['newsletterfile']['tmp_name'][$i], 'error' => $_FILES['newsletterfile']['error'][$i], 'size' => $_FILES['newsletterfile']['size'][$i], 'savestate' => 'phptmp'); } else { $smarty->assign('upload_err_msg', tra('A problem occured during file uploading') . '<br />' . tra('File which was causing trouble was at rank') . ' ' . ($i + 1) . '<br />' . tra('The error was:') . ' <strong>' . $tikilib->uploaded_file_error($_FILES['newsletterfile']['error'][$i]) . '</strong>'); } } } $_REQUEST['files'] = $info['files'] = $newsletterfiles; foreach($info['files'] as $k => $newsletterfile) { if ($newsletterfile['savestate'] == 'phptmp') { // move it to temp $tmpfnamekey = md5(rand() . time() . $newsletterfile['path'] . $newsletterfile['name'] . $newsletterfile['type']); $tmpfname = $prefs['tmpDir'] . '/newsletterfile-preview-' . $tmpfnamekey; if (move_uploaded_file($newsletterfile['path'], $tmpfname)) { $info['files'][$k]['savestate'] = 'tikitemp'; $info['files'][$k]['path'] = $tmpfname; $info['files'][$k]['id'] = $tmpfnamekey; $info['files'][$k]['filename'] = $tmpfnamekey; file_put_contents($tmpfname . '.infos', serialize($info['files'][$k])); } } } $smarty->assign('preview', 'n'); if (isset($_REQUEST["preview"])) { $smarty->assign('preview', 'y'); if (isset($_REQUEST["subject"])) { $info["subject"] = $_REQUEST["subject"]; } else { $info["subject"] = ''; } if (isset($_REQUEST["data"])) { $info["data"] = $_REQUEST["data"]; } else { $info["data"] = ''; } if (isset($_REQUEST['wikiparse']) && $_REQUEST['wikiparse'] == 'on') $info['wikiparse'] = 'y'; else $info['wikiparse'] = 'n'; if (!empty($_REQUEST["datatxt"])) { $info["datatxt"] = $_REQUEST["datatxt"]; //For the hidden input $smarty->assign('datatxt', $_REQUEST["datatxt"]); } else { $info["datatxt"] = ''; } if (!empty($_REQUEST["usedTpl"])) { $smarty->assign('dataparsed', (($info['wikiparse'] == 'y') ? $tikilib->parse_data($info["data"], array('absolute_links' => true, 'suppress_icons' => true)) : $info['data'])); $smarty->assign('subject', $info["subject"]); $info["dataparsed"] = $smarty->fetch("newsletters/" . $_REQUEST["usedTpl"]); if (stristr($info['dataparsed'], "<body") === false) { $info['dataparsed'] = "<html><body>" . $info['dataparsed'] . "</body></html>"; } $smarty->assign("usedTpl", $_REQUEST["usedTpl"]); } else { $info["dataparsed"] = "<html><body>" . (($info['wikiparse'] == 'y') ? $tikilib->parse_data($info["data"], array('absolute_links' => true, 'suppress_icons' => true)) : $info['data']) . "</body></html>"; } if (!empty($_REQUEST['replyto'])) { $smarty->assign('replyto', $_REQUEST['replyto']); } $previewdata = $info['dataparsed']; if ($nl_info["allowArticleClip"] == 'y' && $nl_info["autoArticleClip"] == 'y') { $articleClip = $nllib->clip_articles($_REQUEST["nlId"]); $txtArticleClip = generateTxtVersion($articleClip); $info['datatxt'] = str_replace("~~~articleclip~~~", $txtArticleClip, $info['datatxt']); $previewdata = str_replace("~~~articleclip~~~", $articleClip, $previewdata); } $smarty->assign('info', $info); $smarty->assign('previewdata', $previewdata); } $smarty->assign('presend', 'n'); if (isset($_REQUEST["save"])) { check_ticket('send-newsletter'); // Now send the newsletter to all the email addresses and save it in sent_newsletters $smarty->assign('presend', 'y'); $subscribers = $nllib->get_all_subscribers($_REQUEST["nlId"], ""); $smarty->assign('nlId', $_REQUEST["nlId"]); $smarty->assign('data', $_REQUEST["data"]); $smarty->assign('datatxt', $_REQUEST["datatxt"]); $parsed = ''; if (isset($_REQUEST['wikiparse']) && $_REQUEST['wikiparse'] == 'on') { $wikiparse = 'y'; } elseif ($_SESSION['wysiwyg'] == 'y' && $prefs['wysiwyg_wiki_parsed'] == 'y') { $wikiparse = 'y'; } else { $wikiparse = 'n'; } if (!empty($_REQUEST["usedTpl"])) { $smarty->assign('dataparsed', (($wikiparse == 'y') ? $tikilib->parse_data($_REQUEST["data"], array('absolute_links' => true, 'suppress_icons' => true)) : $_REQUEST['data'])); $smarty->assign('subject', $_REQUEST["subject"]); $parsed = $smarty->fetch("newsletters/" . $_REQUEST["usedTpl"]); } else { $parsed = ($wikiparse == 'y') ? $tikilib->parse_data($_REQUEST["data"], array('is_html' => (isset($_REQUEST['wysiwyg']) && $_REQUEST['wysiwyg']=='y')? 1: 0, 'absolute_links' => true, 'suppress_icons' => true)) : $_REQUEST['data']; } if (empty($parsed) && !empty($_REQUEST['datatxt'])) { $parsed = $_REQUEST['datatxt']; } if (stristr($parsed, "<body") === false) { $parsed = "<html><body>$parsed</body></html>"; } $previewdata = $parsed; if ($nl_info["allowArticleClip"] == 'y' && $nl_info["autoArticleClip"] == 'y') { $articleClip = $nllib->clip_articles($_REQUEST["nlId"]); $txtArticleClip = generateTxtVersion($articleClip); $info['datatxt'] = str_replace("~~~articleclip~~~", $txtArticleClip, $info['datatxt']); $previewdata = str_replace("~~~articleclip~~~", $articleClip, $previewdata); } $smarty->assign('previewdata', $previewdata); $smarty->assign('dataparsed', $parsed); $smarty->assign('subject', $_REQUEST["subject"]); $cant = count($subscribers); $smarty->assign('subscribers', $cant); $smarty->assign_by_ref('subscribers_list', $subscribers); $smarty->assign('info', $info); if (!empty($_REQUEST['replyto'])) { $smarty->assign('replyto', $_REQUEST['replyto']); } } $smarty->assign('emited', 'n'); if (!empty($_REQUEST['datatxt'])) { $txt = $_REQUEST['datatxt']; } if (empty($txt) && !empty($_REQUEST["data"])) { //No txt message is explicitely provided -> Create one with the html Version & remove Wiki tags $txt = $_REQUEST["data"]; $txt = generateTxtVersion($txt); $info["datatxt"] = $txt; $smarty->assign('datatxt', $txt); if ($nl_info["allowArticleClip"] == 'y' && $nl_info["autoArticleClip"] == 'y') { if (!isset($txtArticleClip)) { $articleClip = $nllib->clip_articles($_REQUEST["nlId"]); $txtArticleClip = generateTxtVersion($articleClip); } $info['datatxt'] = str_replace("~~~articleclip~~~", $txtArticleClip, $info['datatxt']); } } if (!empty($_REQUEST['resendEditionId'])) { if (($info = $nllib->get_edition($_REQUEST['resendEditionId'])) !== false && $info['nlId'] == $_REQUEST['nlId'] && ($_REQUEST['editionId'] = $nllib->replace_edition($info['nlId'], $info['subject'], $info['data'], 0, 0, false, $info['datatxt'], $info['files'], $info['wysiwyg']))) { $_REQUEST['data'] = $info['data']; $_REQUEST['subject'] = $info['subject']; $_REQUEST['datatxt'] = $info['datatxt']; $_REQUEST['wysiwyg'] = $info['wysiwyg']; $_REQUEST['dataparsed'] = $info['data']; $_REQUEST['editionId'] = $nllib->replace_edition($nl_info['nlId'], $info['subject'], $info['data'], 0, 0, false, $info['datatxt'], $info['files'], $info['wysiwyg']); $resend = 'y'; } else { $smarty->assign('msg', tra('Incorrect param')); $smarty->display('error.tpl'); die; } } else { $resend = 'n'; } if ( isset($_REQUEST["send"]) && ! empty($_REQUEST["sendingUniqId"]) || $resend == 'y' ) { check_ticket('send-newsletter'); @set_time_limit(0); if ($resend != 'y') { if ( ! is_array($_SESSION["sendingUniqIds"]) ) $_SESSION["sendingUniqIds"] = array(); if ( isset( $_SESSION["sendingUniqIds"][ $_REQUEST["sendingUniqId"] ] ) ) { // Avoid sending the same newsletter again if the user reload the page print tra('Error: You can\'t send the same newsletter by refreshing this frame content.'); die; } else { $_SESSION["sendingUniqIds"][ $_REQUEST["sendingUniqId"] ] = 1; } } $nllib->send($nl_info, $_REQUEST, true, $sent, $errors, $logFileName); $nb_sent = count($sent); $nb_errors = count($errors); $msg = '<h4>' . sprintf( tra('Newsletter successfully sent to %s users.'), $nb_sent ) . '</h4>'; if ( $nb_errors > 0 ) $msg .= "\n" . '<font color="red">' . '(' . sprintf( tra('There was %s errors.'), $nb_errors ) . ')' . '</font><br />'; // If logfile exists and if it is reachable from the web browser, add a download link if ( !empty($logFileName) && $logFileName[0] != '/' && $logFileName[0] != '.' ) $smarty->assign('downloadLink', $logFileName); echo str_replace( "'", "\\'", $msg); echo $smarty->fetch('send_newsletter_footer.tpl'); $smarty->assign('sent', $nb_sent); $smarty->assign('emited', 'y'); if (count($errors) > 0) { $smarty->assign_by_ref('errors', $errors); } unset($_SESSION["sendingUniqIds"][ $_REQUEST["sendingUniqId"] ]); exit; // Stop here since we are in an iframe and don't want to use smarty display } // Article Clipping $articleClip = ''; if (isset($nl_info) && $nl_info["allowArticleClip"] == 'y' && empty($articleClip)) { if ($nl_info["autoArticleClip"] == 'y' || isset($_REQUEST["clipArticles"])) { $articleClip = $nllib->clip_articles($_REQUEST["nlId"]); // prevent clearing of keyed in info if any if (!$info["data"] && isset($_REQUEST["data"])) { $info["data"] = $_REQUEST["data"]; } if (!$info["datatxt"] && isset($_REQUEST["datatxt"])) { $info["datatxt"] = $_REQUEST["datatxt"]; } if (!$info["subject"] && isset($_REQUEST["subject"])) { $info["subject"] = $_REQUEST["subject"]; } } elseif (isset($_REQUEST["articleClip"]) && $_REQUEST["articleClip"]) { $articleClip = $_REQUEST["articleClip"]; } } $smarty->assign('articleClip', $articleClip); if (isset($_REQUEST["save_only"])) { if (!isset($txt) || empty($_REQUEST['datatxt'])) $txt = ""; $smarty->assign('nlId', $_REQUEST['nlId']); $editionId = $nllib->replace_edition($_REQUEST['nlId'], $_REQUEST['subject'], $_REQUEST['data'], -1, $_REQUEST['editionId'], true, $txt, $info['files'], $_REQUEST['wysiwyg']); foreach($info['files'] as $k => $f) { if ($f['savestate'] == 'tikitemp') { $newpath = $prefs['tmpDir'] . '/newsletterfile-' . $f['filename']; rename($f['path'], $newpath); unlink($f['path'] . '.infos'); $info['files'][$k]['savestate'] = 'tiki'; $info['files'][$k]['path'] = $newpath; } } $info = $nllib->get_edition($editionId); $smarty->assign('info', $info); $cookietab = 2; } if (!isset($_REQUEST['ed_sort_mode']) && !isset($_REQUEST['dr_sort_mode'])) { $ed_sort_mode = $dr_sort_mode = 'sent_desc'; } else { $ed_sort_mode = $_REQUEST['ed_sort_mode']; $dr_sort_mode = $_REQUEST['dr_sort_mode']; } $smarty->assign_by_ref('ed_sort_mode', $ed_sort_mode); $smarty->assign_by_ref('dr_sort_mode', $dr_sort_mode); if (!isset($_REQUEST['ed_offset']) && !isset($_REQUEST['dr_offset'])) { $ed_offset = $dr_offset = 0; } else { $ed_offset = $_REQUEST['ed_offset']; $dr_offset = $_REQUEST['dr_offset']; } $smarty->assign_by_ref('ed_offset', $ed_offset); $smarty->assign_by_ref('dr_offset', $dr_offset); if (isset($_REQUEST['ed_find']) && isset($_REQUEST['dr_find'])) { $ed_find = $_REQUEST['ed_find']; $dr_find = $_REQUEST['dr_find']; } else { $ed_find = $dr_find = ''; } $smarty->assign_by_ref('ed_find', $ed_find); $smarty->assign_by_ref('dr_find', $dr_find); $editions = $nllib->list_editions($_REQUEST["nlId"], $ed_offset, $maxRecords, $ed_sort_mode, $ed_find, false); $drafts = $nllib->list_editions($_REQUEST["nlId"], $dr_offset, $maxRecords, $dr_sort_mode, $dr_find, true); $ed_cant_pages = ceil($editions["cant"] / $maxRecords); $dr_cant_pages = ceil($drafts["cant"] / $maxRecords); $smarty->assign_by_ref('ed_cant_pages', $ed_cant_pages); $smarty->assign('ed_actual_page', 1 + ($ed_offset / $maxRecords)); $smarty->assign_by_ref('dr_cant_pages', $dr_cant_pages); $smarty->assign('dr_actual_page', 1 + ($dr_offset / $maxRecords)); if ($editions["cant"] > ($ed_offset + $maxRecords)) { $smarty->assign('ed_next_offset', $ed_offset + $maxRecords); } else { $smarty->assign('ed_next_offset', -1); } if ($drafts["cant"] > ($dr_offset + $maxRecords)) { $smarty->assign('dr_next_offset', $dr_offset + $maxRecords); } else { $smarty->assign('dr_next_offset', -1); } // If offset is > 0 then prev_offset if ($ed_offset > 0) { $smarty->assign('ed_prev_offset', $ed_offset - $maxRecords); } else { $smarty->assign('ed_prev_offset', -1); } if ($dr_offset > 0) { $smarty->assign('dr_prev_offset', $dr_offset - $maxRecords); } else { $smarty->assign('dr_prev_offset', -1); } $smarty->assign_by_ref('editions', $editions["data"]); $smarty->assign_by_ref('drafts', $drafts["data"]); $smarty->assign_by_ref('cant_editions', $editions["cant"]); $smarty->assign_by_ref('cant_drafts', $drafts["cant"]); $smarty->assign('url', "tiki-send_newsletters.php"); if (!empty($tiki_p_use_content_templates) && $tiki_p_use_content_templates == 'y') { global $templateslib; require_once 'lib/templates/templateslib.php'; $templates = $templateslib->list_templates('newsletters', 0, -1, 'name_asc', ''); } $smarty->assign_by_ref('templates', $templates["data"]); $tpls = $nllib->list_tpls(); if (count($tpls) > 0) { $smarty->assign_by_ref('tpls', $tpls); } include_once ('tiki-section_options.php'); setcookie('tab', $cookietab); $smarty->assign('cookietab', $_REQUEST['cookietab']); ask_ticket('send-newsletter'); global $wikilib; include_once ('lib/wiki/wikilib.php'); $plugins = $wikilib->list_plugins(true, 'editwiki'); $smarty->assign_by_ref('plugins', $plugins); // disallow robots to index page: $smarty->assign('metatag_robots', 'NOINDEX, NOFOLLOW'); // Display the template $smarty->assign('mid', 'tiki-send_newsletters.tpl'); $smarty->display("tiki.tpl"); function generateTxtVersion($txt) { global $parsed, $tikilib; if (empty($parsed)) { $txt = $tikilib->parse_data($txt, array('absolute_links' => true, 'suppress_icons' => true)); } else { $txt = $parsed; } $txt = str_replace(' ', ' ', $txt); $txt = strip_tags($txt); $txt = html_entity_decode($txt); return $txt; }