File: tiki-send_objects.php
<?php // (c) Copyright 2002-2011 by authors of the Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware Project // // All Rights Reserved. See copyright.txt for details and a complete list of authors. // Licensed under the GNU LESSER GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE. See license.txt for details. // $Id: tiki-send_objects.php 33195 2011-03-02 17:43:40Z changi67 $ require_once ('tiki-setup.php'); include_once ('lib/pear/XML/Server.php'); include_once ('lib/structures/structlib.php'); $access->check_feature('feature_comm'); $access->check_permission_either( array('tiki_p_send_pages', 'tiki_p_send_articles') ); if ($tiki_p_send_pages != 'y' && $tiki_p_send_articles != 'y') { $smarty->assign('errortype', 401); $smarty->assign('msg', tra('You do not have permission to use this feature')); $smarty->display('error.tpl'); die; } if (!isset($_REQUEST['username'])) { $_REQUEST['username'] = $user; } if (!isset($_REQUEST['path'])) { $_REQUEST['path'] = '/tiki/commxmlrpc.php'; } if (!isset($_REQUEST['site'])) { $_REQUEST['site'] = ''; } if (!isset($_REQUEST['password'])) { $_REQUEST['password'] = ''; } if (!isset($_REQUEST['sendpages'])) { $sendpages = array(); } else { $sendpages = unserialize(urldecode($_REQUEST['sendpages'])); } if (!isset($_REQUEST['sendstructures'])) { $sendstructures = array(); } else { $sendstructures = unserialize(urldecode($_REQUEST['sendstructures'])); } if (!isset($_REQUEST['sendarticles'])) { $sendarticles = array(); } else { $sendarticles = unserialize(urldecode($_REQUEST['sendarticles'])); } $smarty->assign('username', $_REQUEST['username']); $smarty->assign('site', $_REQUEST['site']); $smarty->assign('path', $_REQUEST['path']); $smarty->assign('password', $_REQUEST['password']); if (isset($_REQUEST['dbg'])) { $smarty->assign('dbg', $_REQUEST['dbg']); } if (isset($_REQUEST['find'])) { $find = $_REQUEST['find']; } else { $find = ''; } $smarty->assign('find', $find); if (isset($_REQUEST['addpage'])) { if (!in_array($_REQUEST['pageName'], $sendpages)) { $sendpages[] = $_REQUEST['pageName']; } } if (isset($_REQUEST['clearpages'])) { $sendpages = array(); } if (isset($_REQUEST['addstructure'])) { if (!in_array($_REQUEST['structure'], $sendstructures)) { $sendstructures[] = $_REQUEST['structure']; } } if (isset($_REQUEST['clearstructures'])) { $sendstructures = array(); } if (isset($_REQUEST['addarticle'])) { if (!in_array($_REQUEST['articleId'], $sendarticles)) { $sendarticles[] = $_REQUEST['articleId']; } } if (isset($_REQUEST['cleararticles'])) { $sendarticles = array(); } $structures = $structlib->list_structures(0, -1, 'pageName_asc', $find); $smarty->assign_by_ref('structures', $structures['data']); $msg = ''; if (isset($_REQUEST['send'])) { check_ticket('send-objects'); // Create XMLRPC object $client = new XML_RPC_Client($_REQUEST['path'], $_REQUEST['site'], 80); $client->setDebug((isset($_REQUEST['dbg']) && $_REQUEST['dbg'] == 'on') ? true : false); foreach($sendstructures as $structure) { $spages = $structlib->s_get_structure_pages($structure); $pos = 0; foreach($spages as $spage) { $listPageNames[$spage['page_ref_id']] = $spage['pageName']; $page_info = $tikilib->get_page_info($spage['pageName']); $pos++; $searchMsg = new XML_RPC_Message('sendStructurePage' , array( new XML_RPC_Value($_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'], 'string') , new XML_RPC_Value($_REQUEST['username'], 'string') , new XML_RPC_Value($_REQUEST['password'], 'string') , new XML_RPC_Value($spages[0]['pageName'], 'string') , new XML_RPC_Value($spage['parent_id'] ? $listPageNames[$spage['parent_id']] : $spage['pageName'], 'string') , new XML_RPC_Value($spage['pageName'], 'string') , new XML_RPC_Value(base64_encode($page_info['data']), 'string') , new XML_RPC_Value($page_info['comment'], 'string') , new XML_RPC_Value($page_info['description'], 'string') , new XML_RPC_Value($pos, 'string') , new XML_RPC_Value($spage['page_alias'], 'string') ) ); $result = $client->send($searchMsg); if (!$result) { $errorMsg = 'Cannot login to server maybe the server is down'; $msg.= tra($errorMsg); } else { if (!$result->faultCode()) { $msg.= tra('Page') . ': ' . $spage['pageName'] . ' ' . tra('successfully sent') . '<br />'; } else { $errorMsg = $result->faultString(); $msg.= tra('Page') . ': ' . $spage['pageName'] . ' ' . tra('not sent') . '!' . '<br />'; $msg.= tra('Error: ') . $result->faultCode() . '-' . tra($errorMsg) . '<br />'; } } } } foreach($sendpages as $page) { $page_info = $tikilib->get_page_info($page); if ($page_info) { $searchMsg = new XML_RPC_Message('sendPage' , array( new XML_RPC_Value($_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'], 'string') , new XML_RPC_Value($_REQUEST['username'], 'string') , new XML_RPC_Value($_REQUEST['password'], 'string') , new XML_RPC_Value($page, 'string') , new XML_RPC_Value(base64_encode($page_info['data']), 'string') , new XML_RPC_Value($page_info['comment'], 'string') , new XML_RPC_Value($page_info['description'], 'string') ) ); $result = $client->send($searchMsg); if (!$result) { $errorMsg = 'Cannot login to server maybe the server is down'; $msg.= tra($errorMsg); } else { if (!$result->faultCode()) { $msg.= tra('Page') . ': ' . $page . ' ' . tra('successfully sent') . '<br />'; } else { $errorMsg = $result->faultString(); $msg.= tra('Page') . ': ' . $page . ' ' . tra('not sent') . '!' . '<br />'; $msg.= tra('Error: ') . $result->faultCode() . '-' . tra($errorMsg) . '<br />'; } } } } global $artlib; require_once 'lib/articles/artlib.php'; foreach($sendarticles as $article) { $page_info = $artlib->get_article($article); if ($page_info) { $searchMsg = new XML_RPC_Message('sendArticle' , array( new XML_RPC_Value($_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'], 'string') , new XML_RPC_Value($_REQUEST['username'], 'string') , new XML_RPC_Value($_REQUEST['password'], 'string') , new XML_RPC_Value(base64_encode($page_info['title']), 'string') , new XML_RPC_Value(base64_encode($page_info['authorName']), 'string') , new XML_RPC_Value($page_info['size'], 'int') , new XML_RPC_Value($page_info['useImage'], 'string') , new XML_RPC_Value($page_info['image_name'], 'string') , new XML_RPC_Value($page_info['image_type'], 'string') , new XML_RPC_Value($page_info['image_size'], 'int') , new XML_RPC_Value($page_info['image_x'], 'int') , new XML_RPC_Value($page_info['image_y'], 'int') , new XML_RPC_Value(base64_encode($page_info['image_data']), 'string') , new XML_RPC_Value($page_info['publishDate'], 'int') , new XML_RPC_Value($page_info['expireDate'], 'int') , new XML_RPC_Value($page_info['created'], 'int') , new XML_RPC_Value(base64_encode($page_info['heading']), 'string') , new XML_RPC_Value(base64_encode($page_info['body']), 'string') , new XML_RPC_Value($page_info['hash'], 'string') , new XML_RPC_Value($page_info['author'], 'string') , new XML_RPC_Value($page_info['type'], 'string') , new XML_RPC_Value($page_info['rating'], 'string') ) ); $result = $client->send($searchMsg); if (!$result) { $errorMsg = 'Cannot login to server maybe the server is down'; $msg.= tra($errorMsg); } else { if (!$result->faultCode()) { $msg.= tra('Article:') . ' ' . $page_info['title'] . ' ' . tra('successfully sent') . '<br />'; } else { $errorMsg = $result->faultString(); $msg.= tra('Article:') . ' ' . $page_info['title'] . ' ' . tra('not sent') . '!' . '<br />'; $msg.= tra('Error: ') . $result->faultCode() . '-' . tra($errorMsg) . '<br />'; } } } } } $smarty->assign('msg', $msg); $smarty->assign('sendpages', $sendpages); $sendstructures_names = array(); foreach($sendstructures as $key => $id) { foreach($structures['data'] as $structure) { if ($structure['page_ref_id'] == $id) { $sendstructures_names[$key] = $structure['pageName']; } } } $smarty->assign('sendstructures_names', $sendstructures_names); $smarty->assign('sendarticles', $sendarticles); $form_sendpages = urlencode(serialize($sendpages)); $form_sendstructures = urlencode(serialize($sendstructures)); $form_sendarticles = urlencode(serialize($sendarticles)); $smarty->assign('form_sendpages', $form_sendpages); $smarty->assign('form_sendstructures', $form_sendstructures); $smarty->assign('form_sendarticles', $form_sendarticles); $pages = $tikilib->list_pageNames(0, -1, 'pageName_asc', $find); $smarty->assign('pages', $pages['data']); if( $prefs['feature_articles'] == 'y' ) { global $artlib; require_once 'lib/articles/artlib.php'; $articles = $artlib->list_articles(0, -1, 'publishDate_desc', $find, 0, $tikilib->now, $user); $smarty->assign('articles', $articles['data']); } ask_ticket('send-objects'); // disallow robots to index page: $smarty->assign('metatag_robots', 'NOINDEX, NOFOLLOW'); $smarty->assign('mid', 'tiki-send_objects.tpl'); $smarty->display('tiki.tpl');