File: tiki-share.php
<?php // (c) Copyright 2002-2011 by authors of the Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware Project // // All Rights Reserved. See copyright.txt for details and a complete list of authors. // Licensed under the GNU LESSER GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE. See license.txt for details. // $Id: tiki-share.php 33965 2011-04-14 16:08:09Z jonnybradley $ // To include a link in your tpl do //<a href="tiki-share.php?url={$smarty.server.REQUEST_URI|escape:'url'}">{tr}Share this page{/tr}</a> $section = 'share'; require_once ('tiki-setup.php'); if (empty($_REQUEST['report'])) { $access->check_feature('feature_share'); $access->check_permission('tiki_p_share'); } else { if ($_REQUEST['report'] == 'y') { $access->check_feature('feature_site_report', '', 'look'); $access->check_permission('tiki_p_site_report'); } } // email related: // include_once ('lib/registration/registrationlib.php'); // done in the email function //include_once ('lib/webmail/tikimaillib.php'); // done in the email function $smarty->assign('do_email', (isset($_REQUEST['do_email'])?$_REQUEST['do_email']:true)); if (empty($_REQUEST['report']) || $_REQUEST['report'] != 'y') { // twitter/facebook related if (isset($prefs['feature_socialnetworks']) and $prefs['feature_socialnetworks']=='y') { require_once ('lib/socialnetworkslib.php'); $smarty->assign('twitterRegistered',$socialnetworkslib->twitterRegistered()); $smarty->assign('facebookRegistered',$socialnetworkslib->facebookRegistered()); $twitter_token=$tikilib->get_user_preference($user, 'twitter_token', ''); $smarty->assign('twitter', ($twitter_token!='')); $facebook_token=$tikilib->get_user_preference($user, 'facebook_token', ''); $smarty->assign('facebook', ($facebook_token!='')); $smarty->assign('do_tweet', (isset($_REQUEST['do_tweet'])?$_REQUEST['do_tweet']:true)); $smarty->assign('do_fb', (isset($_REQUEST['do_fb'])?$_REQUEST['do_fb']:true)); $smarty->assign('fblike', (isset($_REQUEST['fblike'])?$_REQUEST['fblike']:1)); } else { $smarty->assign('twitterRegistered',false); $smarty->assign('twitter',false); $smarty->assign('facebookRegistered',false); $smarty->assign('facebook',false); } // message related if (isset($prefs['feature_messages']) and $prefs['feature_messages']=='y') { include_once ('lib/messu/messulib.php'); include_once ('lib/logs/logslib.php'); $smarty->assign('priority', (isset($_REQUEST['priority'])?$_REQUEST['priority']:3)); $smarty->assign('do_message', (isset($_REQUEST['do_message'])?$_REQUEST['do_message']:true)); $send_msg = ($tiki_p_messages=='y'); if ($prefs['allowmsg_is_optional'] == 'y') { if ($tikilib->get_user_preference($user, 'allowMsgs', 'y') != 'y') { $send_msg=false; } } $smarty->assign('send_msg',$send_msg); } else { $smarty->assign('send_msg',false); } $smarty->assign('messageto', (isset($_REQUEST['messageto'])?$_REQUEST['messageto']:'')); if (isset($prefs['feature_forums']) and $prefs['feature_forums']=='y') { include_once ("lib/comments/commentslib.php"); $commentslib = new Comments($dbTiki); // not done in commentslib $sort_mode = $prefs['forums_ordering']; $channels = $commentslib->list_forums(0, -1, $sort_mode, ''); Perms::bulk( array( 'type' => 'forum' ), 'object', $channels['data'], 'forumId' ); $forums=array(); $temp_max = count($channels["data"]); for ($i = 0; $i < $temp_max; $i++) { $forumperms = Perms::get( array( 'type' => 'forum', 'object' => $channels['data'][$i]['forumId'] ) ); if (($forumperms->forum_post and $forumperms->forum_post_topic) or $forumperms->admin_forum) { $forums[]=$channels['data'][$i]; } } $smarty->assign('forumId', (isset($_REQUEST['forumId'])?$_REQUEST['forumId']:0)); } else { $forums=array(); } $smarty->assign('forums',$forums); $report='n'; $smarty->assign('headtitle', tra('Share this page')); } else { $report='y'; $smarty->assign('headtitle', tra('Report this page')); } $smarty->assign('report',$_REQUEST['report']); $errors = array(); $ok=true; if (empty($_REQUEST['url']) && !empty($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'])) { $u = parse_url($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']); if ($u['host'] != $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME']) { $smarty->assign('msg', tra('Incorrect param')); $smarty->display('error.tpl'); die; } $_REQUEST['url'] = $_REQUEST['HTTP_REFERER']; } if (empty($_REQUEST['url'])) { $smarty->assign('msg', tra('missing parameters')); $smarty->display('error.tpl'); die; } $_REQUEST['url'] = urldecode($_REQUEST['url']); if (strstr($_REQUEST['url'], 'tiki-share.php')) { $_REQUEST['url'] = preg_replace('/.*tiki-share.php\?url=/', '', $_REQUEST['url']); header('location: tiki-share.php?url=' . $_REQUEST['url']); } $url_for_friend = $tikilib->httpPrefix( true ) . $_REQUEST['url']; if ($report != 'y') { if (isset($_REQUEST['shorturl'])) { $shorturl=$_REQUEST['shorturl']; } else { if (isset($prefs['feature_socialnetworks']) and $prefs['feature_socialnetworks']=='y') { $shorturl=$socialnetworkslib->bitlyShorten($user, $url_for_friend); } else { $shorturl=false; } if ($shorturl==false) { $shorturl=$url_for_friend; } } $smarty->assign('shorturl', $shorturl); } $smarty->assign('url', $_REQUEST['url']); $smarty->assign('prefix', $tikilib->httpPrefix( true )); $smarty->assign_by_ref( 'url_for_friend', $url_for_friend ); if (!empty($_REQUEST['subject'])) { $subject = $_REQUEST['subject']; $smarty->assign('subject', $subject); } else { if ($report=='y') { $subject = tra('Report to the webmaster', $prefs['site_language']); } else { $subject = $smarty->fetch('mail/share_subject.tpl'); } } $smarty->assign('subject', $subject); if (isset($_REQUEST['send'])) { if (!empty($_REQUEST['comment'])) { $smarty->assign('comment', $_REQUEST['comment']); } if(!empty($_REQUEST['share_token_notification'])){ $smarty->assign('share_token_notification', $_REQUEST['share_token_notification']); } if(!empty($_REQUEST['how_much_time_access'])){ $smarty->assign('how_much_time_access', $_REQUEST['how_much_time_access']); } check_ticket('share'); if (empty($user) && $prefs['feature_antibot'] == 'y' && !$captchalib->validate()) { $errors[] = $captchalib->getErrors(); } else { if ($report == 'y') { $email = !empty($prefs['feature_site_report_email']) ? $prefs['feature_site_report_email'] : (!empty($prefs['sender_email']) ? $prefs['sender_email'] : ''); if (empty($email)) { $errors[] = tra("The mail can't be sent. Contact the administrator"); } $_REQUEST['addresses'] = $email; $_REQUEST['do_email']=1; } if (isset ($_REQUEST['do_email']) and $_REQUEST['do_email']==1) { // send // Fix for multi adresses with autocomplete funtionnality if(substr($_REQUEST['addresses'],-2) == ', '){ $_REQUEST['addresses'] = substr($_REQUEST['addresses'], 0, -2); } $adresses = checkAddresses($_REQUEST['addresses']); require_once 'lib/auth/tokens.php'; if($prefs['share_can_choose_how_much_time_access'] && isset($_REQUEST['how_much_time_access']) && is_numeric($_REQUEST['how_much_time_access']) && $_REQUEST['how_much_time_access']>=1){ $prefs['auth_token_access_maxhits'] = $_REQUEST['how_much_time_access']; /* To upload, you need 2 token: one to see the page and another */ if(strpos($_REQUEST['url'], "tiki-upload_file")){ $prefs['auth_token_access_maxhits'] = $prefs['auth_token_access_maxhits']*2+1; } } if($_REQUEST['share_token_notification'] == 'y'){ // list all users to give an unique token for notification $tokenlib = AuthTokens::build( $prefs ); if(is_array($adresses)){ $contactlib = TikiLib::lib('contact'); foreach ($adresses as $adresse) { $tokenlist[] = $tokenlib->includeTokenReturn( $url_for_friend, $globalperms->getGroups(), $adresse ); // if preference share_contact_add_non_existant_contact the add auomaticly to contact if($prefs['share_contact_add_non_existant_contact'] == 'y' && $prefs['feature_contacts'] == 'y'){ // check if email exist for at least one contact in if(!$contactlib->exist_contact($adresse, $user)){ $contacts = array(array('email'=>$adresse)); $contactlib->add_contacts($contacts, $user); } } } } $smarty->assign('share_access',true); if(is_array($tokenlist)){ foreach ($tokenlist as $i=>$data) { // Delete old user watch if it's necessary => avoid bad mails $tikilib->remove_user_watch_object('auth_token_called', $data['tokenId'], 'security'); $tikilib->add_user_watch($user, 'auth_token_called', $data['tokenId'], 'security', tra('Token called'), $data['url']); } } } else { if( $prefs['auth_token_share'] == 'y' && ($prefs['auth_token_access'] == 'y' || isset($_POST['share_access']))) { $tokenlib = AuthTokens::build( $prefs ); $url_for_friend = $tokenlib->includeTokenReturn( $url_for_friend, $globalperms->getGroups(), $_REQUEST['addresses']); $smarty->assign('share_access',true); } $tokenlist[0] = $url_for_friend; } $smarty->assign_by_ref('email', $_REQUEST['email']); if (!empty($_REQUEST['addresses'])) { $smarty->assign('addresses', $_REQUEST['addresses']); } if (!empty($_REQUEST['name'])) { $smarty->assign('name', $_REQUEST['name']); } $emailSent = sendMail($_REQUEST['email'], $_REQUEST['addresses'], $subject, $tokenlist); $smarty->assign('emailSent', $emailSent); $ok = $ok && $emailSent; } // do_email if ($report != 'y') { if (isset ($_REQUEST['do_tweet']) and $_REQUEST['do_tweet']==1) { $tweet=substr($_REQUEST['tweet'],0,140); if (strlen($tweet)==0) { $ok=false; $errors[]=tra("No text given for tweet"); } else { $tweetId=$socialnetworkslib->tweet($tweet, $user); if ($tweetId>0) { $smarty->assign('tweetId',$tweetId); } else { $ok=false; $tweetId=-$tweetId; $errors[]=tra("Error sending tweet:")." $tweetId"; } } } // do_tweet if (isset ($_REQUEST['do_fb']) and $_REQUEST['do_fb']==1) { $msg=$_REQUEST['comment']; $linktitle=$_REQUEST['fblinktitle']; $facebookId=$socialnetworkslib->facebookWallPublish($user, $msg, $url_for_friend, $linktitle, $_REQUEST['subject']); $smarty->assign('facebookId', $facebookId); $ok=$ok && ($facebookId!=false); if ($_REQUEST['fblike']==1) { if ($facebookId!=false) { $like=$socialnetworkslib->facebookLike($user, $facebookId); $ok=$ok && ($like!=false); } } } // do_fb if (isset($_REQUEST['do_message']) and $_REQUEST['do_message']==1) { $messageSent=sendMessage($_REQUEST['messageto'], $subject); $smarty->assign('messageSent', $messageSent); $ok = $ok || $messageSent; if ($messageSent) { $errors = array(); } } // do_message if (isset($_REQUEST['do_forum']) and $_REQUEST['do_forum']==1) { if (isset($_REQUEST['forumId'])) { $threadId=postForum($_REQUEST['forumId'], $subject); $smarty->assign('threadId',$threadId); $ok=$ok && ($threadId!=0); } } // do_forum } //report != y $smarty->assign('errortype', 'no_redirect_login'); if ($ok && $report=='y') { $access->redirect( $_REQUEST['url'], tra('Your link was sent.') ); } $smarty->assign('sent',true); } $smarty->assign_by_ref('errors', $errors); } else { $smarty->assign_by_ref('name', $user); $smarty->assign('email', $userlib->get_user_email($user)); } ask_ticket('share'); $smarty->assign('mid', 'tiki-share.tpl'); $smarty->display('tiki.tpl'); /** * * Validates the given recipients and returns false on error or an array containing the recipients on success * @param array|string $recipients list of recipients as an array or a comma/semicolon separated list */ function checkAddresses($recipients) { global $errors, $prefs; global $registrationlib, $userlib; include_once ('lib/registration/registrationlib.php'); $e=array(); if (!is_array($recipients)) { $recipients=preg_split('/(,|;)/',$recipients); } $ok=true; foreach($recipients as &$recipient) { $recipient=trim($recipient); if (function_exists('validate_email')) { $ok = validate_email($recipient, $prefs['validateEmail']); } else { $ret = $registrationlib->SnowCheckMail($recipient, '', 'mini'); $ok = $ret[0]; } if (!$ok) { $e[] = tra('One of the email addresses you typed is invalid') . ': ' . $recipient; } } if(count($e) != 0) { $errors=array_merge($errors, $e); return false; } else { return $recipients; } } /** * * Sends a promotional email to the given recipients * @param string $sender Sender e-Mail address * @param string|array $recipients List of recipients either as array or comma/semi colon separated string * @param string $subject E-Mail subject * @param string $url_for_friend URL to share * @param array $tokenlist * @return bool true on success / false if the supplied parameters were incorrect/missing or an error occurred sending the mail */ function sendMail($sender, $recipients, $subject, $tokenlist = array()) { global $errors, $prefs, $smarty, $user, $userlib, $logslib; global $registrationlib; include_once ('lib/registration/registrationlib.php'); if (empty($sender)) { $errors[] = tra('Your email is mandatory'); return false; } if (function_exists('validate_email')) { $ok = validate_email($sender, $prefs['validateEmail']); } else { $ret = $registrationlib->SnowCheckMail($sender, '', 'mini'); $ok=$ret[0]; } if ($ok) { $from = str_replace(array("\r", "\n"), '', $sender); } else { $errors[] = tra('Invalid email') . ': ' . $_REQUEST['email']; return false; } $recipients=checkAddresses($recipients); if ($recipients===false) { return false; } include_once ('lib/webmail/tikimaillib.php'); $mail = new TikiMail(); $smarty->assign_by_ref('mail_site', $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME']); if (!empty($user) && $from == $userlib->get_user_email($user)) { $mail->setFrom($from); $mail->setHeader("Return-Path", "<$from>"); $mail->setHeader("Reply-To", "<$from>"); } $mail->setSubject($subject); $ok = true; foreach($recipients as $i=>$recipient) { $url_for_friend = $tokenlist[$i]['url']; $smarty->assign('url_for_friend', $url_for_friend); $txt = $smarty->fetch('mail/share.tpl'); // Rebuild email message texte $mail->is_built = false; $mail->setText($txt); $mailsent = $mail->send(array($recipient)); if (!$mailsent) { $errors[] = tra("Error sending mail to"). " $recipient"; } else { $logslib->add_log('share', tra('Share page').': '.$url_for_friend.' '.tra('to').' '.$recipient.' '.tra('by').' '.$user); } $ok = $ok && $mailsent; } return $ok; } /** * sends a message via the internal messaging to a list of recipients * @param string|array $recipients comma separated list (or array) of recipients * @param string $subject subject of the message * @return bool true on success/sent to all users successfully */ function sendMessage($recipients, $subject) { global $errors, $prefs, $smarty, $user, $userlib, $tikilib; global $messulib, $logslib; $ok=true; if (!is_array($recipients)) { $arr_to = preg_split('/\s*(?<!\\\);\s*/', $recipients); } else { $arr_to=$recipients; } $users = array(); foreach($arr_to as $a_user) { if (!empty($a_user)) { $a_user = str_replace('\\;', ';', $a_user); if ($userlib->user_exists($a_user)) { // mail only to users with activated message feature if ($prefs['allowmsg_is_optional'] != 'y' || $tikilib->get_user_preference($a_user, 'allowMsgs', 'y') == 'y') { // only send mail if nox mailbox size is defined or not reached yet if (($messulib->count_messages($a_user) < $prefs['messu_mailbox_size']) || ($prefs['messu_mailbox_size'] == 0)) { $users[] = $a_user; } else { $errors[] = tra("User %s can not receive messages, mailbox is full"); $ok=false; } } else { $errors[] = tra("User %s can not receive messages"); $ok=false; } } else { $errors[] = tra("Invalid user: %s"); $ok=false; } } } $users = array_unique($users); $txt = $smarty->fetch('mail/share.tpl'); foreach($users as $a_user) { $messulib->post_message($a_user, $user, $a_user, '', $subject, $txt, $_REQUEST['priority'], isset($_REQUEST['replyto_hash']) ? $_REQUEST['replyto_hash'] : ''); if ($prefs['feature_score'] == 'y') { $tikilib->score_event($user, 'message_send'); $tikilib->score_event($a_user, 'message_receive'); } } // Insert a copy of the message in the sent box of the sender $messulib->save_sent_message($user, $user, $recipients, '', $subject, $txt, $_REQUEST['priority'], isset($_REQUEST['replyto_hash']) ? $_REQUEST['replyto_hash'] : ''); if ($prefs['feature_actionlog'] == 'y') { $logslib->add_action('Posted', '', 'message', 'add=' . strlen($_REQUEST['body'])); } return $ok; } function postForum($forumId, $subject) { global $errors, $prefs, $smarty, $user, $userlib, $tikilib, $_REQUEST; global $commentslib; global $feedbacks; $forum_info = $commentslib->get_forum($forumId); $forumperms = Perms::get( array( 'type' => 'forum', 'object' => $forumId ) ); if (!($forumperms->forum_post and $forumperms->forum_post_topic) or !$forumperms->admin_forum) { $errors[]=tra('Permission to post in forum denied'); return 0; } if ($forum_info['is_locked'] == 'y') { // this is a "die" in $commentslib->post_in_forum so we must check here $errors[]=tra("This forum is locked"); return 0; } $postErrors = array(); $feedbacks = array(); $txt = $smarty->fetch('mail/share.tpl'); $data=array('comments_title' => $subject, 'comments_data' => $txt, 'password' => $_REQUEST['forum_password'], 'comments_threadId' => 0, 'forumId' => $forumId, ); $threadId = $commentslib->post_in_forum($forum_info, $data, $feedbacks, $postErrors); if (count($postErrors)>0) { $errors = array_merge($errors, $postErrors); } $smarty->assign('feedbacks', $feedbacks); return $threadId; }