File: tiki-upload_file.php
<?php // (c) Copyright 2002-2011 by authors of the Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware Project // // All Rights Reserved. See copyright.txt for details and a complete list of authors. // Licensed under the GNU LESSER GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE. See license.txt for details. // $Id: tiki-upload_file.php 33195 2011-03-02 17:43:40Z changi67 $ $section = 'file_galleries'; $isUpload = false; if ( isset($_GET['upload']) or isset($_REQUEST['upload']) ) { $isUpload = true; unset($_GET['upload']); unset($_REQUEST['upload']); } if ( isset($_POST['PHPSESSID']) && $_POST['PHPSESSID'] != '' ){ session_id($_POST['PHPSESSID']); } require_once ('tiki-setup.php'); if ($prefs['feature_categories'] == 'y') { include_once ('lib/categories/categlib.php'); } $access->check_feature('feature_file_galleries'); include_once ('lib/filegals/filegallib.php'); if ($prefs['feature_groupalert'] == 'y') { include_once ('lib/groupalert/groupalertlib.php'); } @ini_set('max_execution_time', 0); //will not work in safe_mode is on $auto_query_args = array('galleryId', 'fileId', 'filegals_manager', 'view', 'simpleMode'); if ( $prefs['auth_token_access'] == 'y' && $token ) { $smarty->assign('token_id', $token); } $requestGalleryId = null; if ( isset( $_REQUEST['galleryId'] ) && ! is_array( $_REQUEST['galleryId'] ) ) { $requestGalleryId = $_REQUEST['galleryId']; $_REQUEST['galleryId'] = array( $requestGalleryId ); } $fileInfo = null; $fileId = null; if ( ! empty( $_REQUEST['fileId'] ) ) { $fileId = $_REQUEST['fileId']; if ( ! ( $fileInfo = $filegallib->get_file_info( $fileId ) ) ) { $smarty->assign('msg', tra("Incorrect param")); $smarty->display('error.tpl'); die; } if (empty($_REQUEST['galleryId'][0])) { $_REQUEST['galleryId'][0] = $fileInfo['galleryId']; } elseif ($_REQUEST['galleryId'][0] != $fileInfo['galleryId']) { $smarty->assign('msg', tra("Could not find the file requested")); $smarty->display('error.tpl'); die; } } if (isset($_REQUEST['galleryId'][0])) { $gal_info = $filegallib->get_file_gallery((int)$_REQUEST['galleryId'][0]); $tikilib->get_perm_object($_REQUEST['galleryId'][0], 'file gallery', $gal_info, true); $smarty->assign_by_ref('gal_info', $gal_info); } if ( empty( $fileId ) && $tiki_p_upload_files != 'y' && $tiki_p_admin_file_galleries != 'y') { $smarty->assign('errortype', 401); $smarty->assign('msg', tra("Permission denied")); $smarty->display('error.tpl'); die; } if (isset($_REQUEST['galleryId'][1])) { foreach($_REQUEST['galleryId'] as $i => $gal) { if (!$i) continue; // TODO get the good gal_info $perms = $tikilib->get_perm_object($_REQUEST['galleryId'][$i], 'file gallery', $gal_info, false); $access->check_permission('tiki_p_upload_files'); } } if ( ! empty( $fileId ) ) { if (!empty($fileInfo['lockedby']) && $fileInfo['lockedby'] != $user && $tiki_p_admin_file_galleries != 'y') { // if locked must be the locker $smarty->assign('msg', tra(sprintf('The file is locked by %s', $fileInfo['lockedby']))); $smarty->display('error.tpl'); die; } if (!((!empty($user) && ($user == $fileInfo['user'] || $user == $fileInfo['lockedby'])) || $tiki_p_edit_gallery_file == 'y')) { // must be the owner or the locker or have the perms $smarty->assign('errortype', 401); $smarty->assign('msg', tra("You do not have permission to edit this file")); $smarty->display('error.tpl'); die; } if ($gal_info['backlinkPerms'] == 'y' && $filegallib->hasOnlyPrivateBacklinks( $fileId ) ) { $smarty->assign('errortype', 401); $smarty->assign('msg', tra("You do not have permission to edit this file")); $smarty->display('error.tpl'); die; } if (isset($_REQUEST['lockedby']) && $fileInfo['lockedby'] != $_REQUEST['lockedby']) { if (empty($fileInfo['lockedby'])) { $smarty->assign('msg', tra(sprintf('The file has been unlocked meanwhile'))); } else { $smarty->assign('msg', tra(sprintf('The file is locked by %s', $fileInfo['lockedby']))); } $smarty->display('error.tpl'); die; } if ($gal_info['lockable'] == 'y' && empty($fileInfo['lockedby']) && $tiki_p_admin_file_galleries != 'y') { $smarty->assign('msg', tra('You must lock the file before editing it')); $smarty->display('error.tpl'); die; } } $smarty->assign('show', 'n'); if (!empty($_REQUEST['galleryId'][0]) && $prefs['feature_groupalert'] == 'y') { $groupforalert = $groupalertlib->GetGroup('file gallery', (int)$_REQUEST['galleryId'][0]); if ($groupforalert != '') { $showeachuser = $groupalertlib->GetShowEachUser('file gallery', (int)$_REQUEST['galleryId'][0], $groupforalert); $listusertoalert = $userlib->get_users(0, -1, 'login_asc', '', '', false, $groupforalert, ''); $smarty->assign_by_ref('listusertoalert', $listusertoalert['data']); } $smarty->assign_by_ref('groupforalert', $groupforalert); $smarty->assign_by_ref('showeachuser', $showeachuser); } if (empty($_REQUEST['returnUrl'])) { include ('lib/filegals/max_upload_size.php'); } // Process an upload here if ( $isUpload ) { check_ticket('upload-file'); $optionalRequestParams = array( 'fileId', 'name', 'user', 'description', 'author', 'comment', 'returnUrl', 'isbatch', 'deleteAfter', 'deleteAfter_unit', 'hit_limit', 'listtoalert' ); $uploadParams = array( 'fileInfo' => $fileInfo, 'galleryId' => $_REQUEST['galleryId'], 'formId' => $_REQUEST['formId'] ); foreach ( $optionalRequestParams as $p ) { if ( isset( $_REQUEST[ $p ] ) ) { $uploadParams[ $p ] = $_REQUEST[ $p ]; } } if ( $fileInfo = $filegallib->actionHandler( 'uploadFile', $uploadParams ) ) { $fileId = $fileInfo['fileId']; } } $smarty->assign_by_ref('fileInfo', $fileInfo); $smarty->assign('editFileId', (int) $fileId); // Get the list of galleries to display the select box in the template $smarty->assign( 'galleryId', empty( $_REQUEST['galleryId'][0] ) ? '' : $_REQUEST['galleryId'][0] ); if ( empty( $fileId ) ) { $galleries = $filegallib->getSubGalleries( $requestGalleryId, true, 'upload_files' ); $smarty->assign_by_ref('galleries', $galleries["data"]); $smarty->assign( 'treeRootId', $galleries['parentId'] ); if ( $prefs['fgal_upload_progressbar'] == 'ajax_flash' ) { $headerlib->add_jsfile('lib/swfupload/src/swfupload.js'); $headerlib->add_jsfile('lib/swfupload/js/swfupload.swfobject.js'); $headerlib->add_jsfile('lib/swfupload/js/swfupload.queue.js'); $headerlib->add_jsfile('lib/swfupload/js/fileprogress.js'); $headerlib->add_jsfile('lib/swfupload/js/handlers.js'); $smarty->assign('PHPSESSID', session_id()); } } if ( $prefs['fgal_limit_hits_per_file'] == 'y' ) { $smarty->assign( 'hit_limit', $filegallib->get_download_limit( $fileId ) ); } $cat_type = 'file'; $cat_objid = (int) $fileId; $cat_object_exists = (bool) $cat_objid; include_once ('categorize_list.php'); include_once ('tiki-section_options.php'); ask_ticket('upload-file'); // disallow robots to index page: $smarty->assign('metatag_robots', 'NOINDEX, NOFOLLOW'); // Display the template if ( $prefs['javascript_enabled'] != 'y' or ! $isUpload ) { $smarty->assign('mid', 'tiki-upload_file.tpl'); if ( ! empty( $_REQUEST['filegals_manager'] ) ) { $smarty->display("tiki_full.tpl"); } else { $smarty->display("tiki.tpl"); } }