File: tiki-user_tasks.php
<?php // (c) Copyright 2002-2011 by authors of the Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware Project // // All Rights Reserved. See copyright.txt for details and a complete list of authors. // Licensed under the GNU LESSER GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE. See license.txt for details. // $Id: tiki-user_tasks.php 33195 2011-03-02 17:43:40Z changi67 $ $section = 'mytiki'; require_once ('tiki-setup.php'); include_once ('lib/tasks/tasklib.php'); include_once ('lib/messu/messulib.php'); $access->check_feature('feature_tasks', '', 'community'); $access->check_user($user); $access->check_permission('tiki_p_tasks'); if (isset($tiki_p_tasks_admin) && $tiki_p_tasks_admin == 'y') { $task_admin = true; } else { $task_admin = false; } $smarty->assign('task_admin', $task_admin); $comp_array = array(); $comp_array_p = array(); for ($i = 0; $i < 101; $i+= 10) { $comp_array[] = $i; $comp_array_p[] = $i . '%'; } $smarty->assign('comp_array', $comp_array); $smarty->assign('comp_array_p', $comp_array_p); if (!isset($_REQUEST['taskId'])) { $_REQUEST['taskId'] = 0; } //default values for show options if (!isset($_SESSION['show_trash'])) $_SESSION['show_trash'] = false; if (!isset($_SESSION['show_completed'])) $_SESSION['show_completed'] = true; if (!isset($_SESSION['show_private'])) $_SESSION['show_private'] = true; if (!isset($_SESSION['show_received'])) $_SESSION['show_received'] = true; if (!isset($_SESSION['show_submitted'])) $_SESSION['show_submitted'] = true; if (!isset($_SESSION['show_shared'])) $_SESSION['show_shared'] = true; if (!isset($_SESSION['show_admin'])) $_SESSION['show_admin'] = false; if (!isset($_SESSION['admin_mode'])) $_SESSION['admin_mode'] = false; if (isset($_REQUEST['move_task_into_trash'])) { $_REQUEST['update_tasks'] = true; $_REQUEST['action'] = 'move_marked_to_trash'; $_REQUEST['task'] = array($_REQUEST['taskId']); } if (isset($_REQUEST['remove_task_from_trash'])) { $_REQUEST['update_tasks'] = true; $_REQUEST['action'] = 'remove_marked_from_trash'; $_REQUEST['task'] = array($_REQUEST['taskId']); } if (isset($_REQUEST['update_percentage']) && isset($_REQUEST['task_perc'])) { check_ticket('user-tasks'); foreach($_REQUEST['task_perc'] as $task => $perc) { if ($perc == 'w') $perc = NULL; $tasklib->update_task_percentage($task, $user, $perc); } } if (isset($_REQUEST['update_tasks'])) { if (($_REQUEST['action'] == 'move_marked_to_trash') && isset($_REQUEST['task'])) { check_ticket('user-tasks'); foreach(array_keys($_REQUEST['task']) as $task) { $tasklib->mark_task_as_trash($task, $user); $trashed_task = $tasklib->get_task($user, $task); if ($trashed_task['user'] == $user) { $msg_from = $user; $msg_to = $trashed_task['creator']; } else { $msg_from = $user; $msg_to = $trashed_task['user']; } $msg_title = tra('Task') . ' "' . $trashed_task['title'] . '" ' . tra('was moved into trash'); $msg_body = '__' . tra('Task') . ':__'; $msg_body.= '^[tiki-user_tasks.php?taskId=' . $trashed_task['taskId'] . "|" . $trashed_task['title'] . "]^\n\n"; $msg_body.= tra('trashed by') . ': ' . $user; if ($userlib->user_has_permission($msg_from, 'tiki_p_messages') and $userlib->user_has_permission($msg_to, 'tiki_p_messages')) { $messulib->post_message($msg_to, $msg_from, $msg_to, '', $msg_title, $msg_body, $trashed_task['priority']); } } } if (($_REQUEST['action'] == 'open_marked') && isset($_REQUEST['task'])) { check_ticket('user-tasks'); foreach(array_keys($_REQUEST['task']) as $task) { $tasklib->open_task($task, $user); $trashed_task = $tasklib->get_task($user, $task); if ($trashed_task['user'] == $user) { $msg_from = $user; $msg_to = $trashed_task['creator']; } else { $msg_from = $user; $msg_to = $trashed_task['user']; } $msg_title = tra('Task') . ' "' . $trashed_task['title'] . '" ' . tra('open / in process'); $msg_body = '__' . tra('Task') . ':__'; $msg_body.= '^[tiki-user_tasks.php?taskId=' . $trashed_task['taskId'] . "|" . $trashed_task['title'] . "]^\n\n"; $msg_body.= tra('open / in process') . ': ' . $user; if ($userlib->user_has_permission($msg_from, 'tiki_p_messages') and $userlib->user_has_permission($msg_to, 'tiki_p_messages')) { $messulib->post_message($msg_to, $msg_from, $msg_to, '', $msg_title, $msg_body, $trashed_task['priority']); } } } if (($_REQUEST['action'] == 'complete_marked') && isset($_REQUEST['task'])) { check_ticket('user-tasks'); foreach(array_keys($_REQUEST['task']) as $task) { $tasklib->mark_complete_task($task, $user); $trashed_task = $tasklib->get_task($user, $task); if ($trashed_task['user'] == $user) { $msg_from = $user; $msg_to = $trashed_task['creator']; } else { $msg_from = $user; $msg_to = $trashed_task['user']; } $msg_title = tra('Task') . ' "' . $trashed_task['title'] . '" ' . tra('completed (100%)'); $msg_body = '__' . tra('Task') . ':__'; $msg_body.= '^[tiki-user_tasks.php?taskId=' . $trashed_task['taskId'] . "|" . $trashed_task['title'] . "]^\n\n"; $msg_body.= tra('completed (100%)') . ': ' . $user; if ($userlib->user_has_permission($msg_from, 'tiki_p_messages') and $userlib->user_has_permission($msg_to, 'tiki_p_messages')) { $messulib->post_message($msg_to, $msg_from, $msg_to, '', $msg_title, $msg_body, $trashed_task['priority']); } } } if (($_REQUEST['action'] == 'remove_marked_from_trash') && isset($_REQUEST['task'])) { check_ticket('user-tasks'); foreach(array_keys($_REQUEST['task']) as $task) { $tasklib->unmark_task_as_trash($task, $user); } } if (($_REQUEST['action'] == 'waiting_marked') && isset($_REQUEST['task'])) { check_ticket('user-tasks'); foreach(array_keys($_REQUEST['task']) as $task) { $tasklib->waiting_task($task, $user); } } } if (isset($_REQUEST['reload'])) { if (isset($_REQUEST['show_trash'])) { $_SESSION['show_trash'] = true; } else { $_SESSION['show_trash'] = false; } if (isset($_REQUEST['show_completed'])) { $_SESSION['show_completed'] = true; } else { $_SESSION['show_completed'] = false; } if (isset($_REQUEST['show_private'])) { $_SESSION['show_private'] = true; } else { $_SESSION['show_private'] = false; } if (isset($_REQUEST['show_received'])) { $_SESSION['show_received'] = true; } else { $_SESSION['show_received'] = false; } if (isset($_REQUEST['show_submitted'])) { $_SESSION['show_submitted'] = true; } else { $_SESSION['show_submitted'] = false; } if (isset($_REQUEST['show_shared'])) { $_SESSION['show_shared'] = true; } else { $_SESSION['show_shared'] = false; } if (isset($_REQUEST['show_admin'])) { $_SESSION['show_admin'] = true; } else { $_SESSION['show_admin'] = false; } if (isset($_REQUEST['tasks_maxRecords'])) { check_ticket('user-prefs'); $tikilib->set_user_preference($user, 'tasks_maxRecords', $_REQUEST['tasks_maxRecords']); } } if ($task_admin and isset($_REQUEST["admin_mode"]) and $task_admin) { $admin_mode = true; $_SESSION['admin_mode'] = true; } if ($task_admin and isset($_REQUEST["admin_mode_off"])) { $admin_mode = false; $_SESSION['admin_mode'] = false; } if ($_SESSION['admin_mode'] and $task_admin) { $admin_mode = true; $smarty->assign('admin_mode', $admin_mode); } else { $admin_mode = false; } if ($_SESSION['show_trash']) { $smarty->assign('show_trash', true); $show_trash = true; } else { $show_trash = false; } if ($_SESSION['show_completed']) { $smarty->assign('show_completed', true); $show_completed = true; } else { $show_completed = false; } if ($_SESSION['show_private']) { $smarty->assign('show_private', true); $show_private = true; } else { $show_private = false; } if ($_SESSION['show_received']) { $smarty->assign('show_received', true); $show_received = true; } else { $show_received = false; } if ($_SESSION['show_submitted']) { $smarty->assign('show_submitted', true); $show_submitted = true; } else { $show_submitted = false; } if ($_SESSION['show_shared']) { $smarty->assign('show_shared', true); $show_shared = true; } else { $show_shared = false; } if ($_SESSION['show_admin']) { $smarty->assign('show_admin', true); if ($tiki_p_tasks_admin == 'y') $show_admin = true; else $show_admin = false; } else { $show_admin = false; } if (isset($_REQUEST['emty_trash'])) { $tasklib->emty_trash($user); } if (isset($_REQUEST["show_form"]) and $_REQUEST["show_form"] == 'y') { $show_form = true; $smarty->assign('show_form', $show_form); } else { $show_form = false; } $tasks_maxRecords = $tikilib->get_user_preference($user, 'tasks_maxRecords', $maxRecords); $maxRecords = $tasks_maxRecords; $user_for_group_list = $user; $show_history = null; if (isset($_REQUEST['show_history'])) $show_history = $_REQUEST['show_history']; if (($_REQUEST['taskId']) && !isset($_REQUEST['preview'])) { $info = $tasklib->get_task($user, $_REQUEST['taskId'], $show_history, $task_admin); if (!(isset($info['user']))) { $smarty->assign('msg', tra("Sorry this task does not exist or you have no rights to view this task")); $smarty->display("error.tpl"); die; } if ($show_admin) $user_for_group_list = $info['creator']; $show_form = true; $smarty->assign('show_form', $show_form); $taskId = $info['taskId']; } else { $info = $tasklib->get_default_new_task($user); } if (isset($_REQUEST['tiki_view_mode']) and $_REQUEST['tiki_view_mode'] == 'view') { $tiki_view_mode = 'view'; $smarty->assign('tiki_view_mode', $tiki_view_mode); $show_view = true; $smarty->assign('show_view', $show_view); $show_form = false; $smarty->assign('show_form', $show_form); $info['parsed'] = $tikilib->parse_data($info['description']); } if (isset($_REQUEST['tiki_view_mode']) and $_REQUEST['tiki_view_mode'] == 'edit') { $show_form = true; $smarty->assign('show_form', $show_form); global $wikilib; include_once ('lib/wiki/wikilib.php'); $plugins = $wikilib->list_plugins(true, 'description'); $smarty->assign_by_ref('plugins', $plugins); } if (isset($_REQUEST['preview'])) { $tiki_view_mode = 'preview'; $smarty->assign('tiki_view_mode', $tiki_view_mode); $show_form = true; $smarty->assign('show_form', $show_form); $show_view = true; $smarty->assign('show_view', $show_view); $info = $tasklib->get_default_new_task($user); } if ((isset($_REQUEST['save'])) || (isset($_REQUEST['preview']))) { $auto_accepted_status = true; $save = array(); $save_head = array(); $msg_body = ''; $msg_title = ''; if ($info['taskId'] == 0) { $msg_changes_head = '__' . tra("Task entries:") . "__\n"; } else { $msg_changes_head = '__' . tra("Changes:") . "__\n"; } $msg_changes = ''; //Convert 12-hour clock hours to 24-hour scale to compute time if (!empty($_REQUEST['start_Meridian'])) { $_REQUEST['start_Hour'] = date('H', strtotime($_REQUEST['start_Hour'] . ':00 ' . $_REQUEST['start_Meridian'])); } if (!empty($_REQUEST['end_Meridian'])) { $_REQUEST['end_Hour'] = date('H', strtotime($_REQUEST['end_Hour'] . ':00 ' . $_REQUEST['end_Meridian'])); } if (isset($_REQUEST['use_start_date']) and isset($_REQUEST['start_Hour']) and isset($_REQUEST['start_Minute']) and isset($_REQUEST['start_Month']) and isset($_REQUEST['start_Day']) and isset($_REQUEST['start_Year'])) { $start_date = $tikilib->make_time($_REQUEST['start_Hour'], $_REQUEST['start_Minute'], 0, $_REQUEST['start_Month'], $_REQUEST['start_Day'], $_REQUEST['start_Year']); } else $start_date = null; if (isset($_REQUEST['use_end_date']) and isset($_REQUEST['end_Hour']) and isset($_REQUEST['end_Minute']) and isset($_REQUEST['end_Month']) and isset($_REQUEST['end_Day']) and isset($_REQUEST['end_Year'])) { $end_date = $tikilib->make_time($_REQUEST['end_Hour'], $_REQUEST['end_Minute'], 0, $_REQUEST['end_Month'], $_REQUEST['end_Day'], $_REQUEST['end_Year']); } else $end_date = null; if (isset($_REQUEST['task_user'])) { $task_user = $_REQUEST['task_user']; if ($info['creator'] == $user and $info['user'] != $_REQUEST['task_user']) { $save_head['user'] = $_REQUEST['task_user']; $msg_changes.= tra('Task user') . ': ' . $info['user'] . ' --> ' . $save_head['user'] . "\n"; } } else { $task_user = $user; } if (isset($_REQUEST['public_for_group'])) { $public_for_group = $_REQUEST['public_for_group']; if ($info['creator'] == $user and $info['public_for_group'] != $_REQUEST['public_for_group']) { $save_head['public_for_group'] = $_REQUEST['public_for_group']; $msg_changes.= tra('Public for group') . ': ' . $info['public_for_group'] . ' --> ' . $save_head['public_for_group'] . "\n"; } } else { $public_for_group = null; if ($info['creator'] == $user and $info['public_for_group'] != null) { $save_head['public_for_group'] = null; $msg_changes.= tra('Public for group') . ': ' . $info['public_for_group'] . ' --> ' . $save_head['public_for_group'] . "\n"; } } if (isset($_REQUEST['rights_by_creator'])) { $rights_by_creator = $_REQUEST['rights_by_creator'] = 'y'; if ($info['creator'] == $user and $info['rights_by_creator'] != $_REQUEST['rights_by_creator']) { $save_head['rights_by_creator'] = $_REQUEST['rights_by_creator']; $msg_changes.= tra('Rights by creator') . ': ' . $info['rights_by_creator'] . ' --> ' . $save_head['rights_by_creator'] . "\n"; } } else { $rights_by_creator = null; if ($info['creator'] == $user and $info['rights_by_creator'] != null) { $save_head['rights_by_creator'] = null; $msg_changes.= tra('Rights by creator') . ': ' . $info['rights_by_creator'] . ' --> ' . $save_head['rights_by_creator'] . "\n"; } } if (isset($_REQUEST['public_for_group'])) { $public_for_group = $_REQUEST['public_for_group']; } else { $public_for_group = null; } if (isset($_REQUEST['title']) and $info['title'] != $_REQUEST['title']) { $save['title'] = $_REQUEST['title']; $msg_changes.= tra('Title') . ': ' . $info['title'] . ' --> ' . $save['title'] . "\n"; } if (isset($_REQUEST['description']) and $info['description'] != $_REQUEST['description']) { $save['description'] = $_REQUEST['description']; $msg_changes.= tra('Description') . ': ' . $info['description'] . ' --> ' . $save['description'] . "\n"; } if (isset($_REQUEST['use_start_date']) and $info['start'] != $start_date) { $save['start'] = $start_date; $msg_changes.= tra('Start') . ": "; if ($info['start'] != null) { $msg_changes.= $tikilib->date_format($prefs['short_date_format'] . ' ' . $prefs['long_time_format'], $info['start']) . ' --> '; } $msg_changes.= $tikilib->date_format($prefs['short_date_format'] . ' ' . $prefs['long_time_format'], $save['start']) . "\n"; } if (isset($_REQUEST['use_end_date']) and $info['end'] != $end_date) { $save['end'] = $end_date; $msg_changes.= tra('END') . ": "; if ($info['end'] != null) { $msg_changes.= $tikilib->date_format($prefs['short_date_format'] . ' ' . $prefs['long_time_format'], $info['end']) . ' --> '; } $msg_changes.= $tikilib->date_format($prefs['short_date_format'] . ' ' . $prefs['long_time_format'], $save['end']) . "\n"; } if (isset($_REQUEST['priority']) and $info['priority'] != $_REQUEST['priority']) { $save['priority'] = $_REQUEST['priority']; $msg_changes.= tra('Priority') . ': ' . $info['priority'] . ' --> ' . $save['priority'] . "\n"; } if (isset($_REQUEST['status'])) { if ($_REQUEST['status'] == 'w') $save['status'] = null; else $save['status'] = $_REQUEST['status']; if ($info['status'] != $save['status']) { $msg_changes.= tra('Status') . ': ' . $info['status'] . ' --> ' . $save['status'] . "\n"; if ($save['status'] == 'c') { $_REQUEST['percentage'] = 100; $save['completed'] = $tikilib->now; } } else { unset($save['status']); } } if (isset($_REQUEST['percentage'])) { if ($_REQUEST['percentage'] == 'w') $save['percentage'] = null; else $save['percentage'] = $_REQUEST['percentage']; if ($info['percentage'] != $save['percentage']) { $msg_changes.= tra('Percentage') . ': ' . $info['percentage'] . ' --> ' . $save['percentage'] . "\n"; } else { unset($save['percentage']); } } if ($info['taskId'] > 0 and $info['creator'] != $info['user']) { if (isset($_REQUEST['task_accept'])) { $auto_accepted_status = false; if ($user == $info['creator'] and $info['percentage'] != 'y') { $save['accepted_creator'] = 'y'; $msg_changes.= tra('Task accepted by creator') . "\n"; } if ($user == $info['user'] and $info['percentage'] != 'y') { $save['accepted_user'] = 'y'; $msg_changes.= tra('Task accepted by task user') . "\n"; } } if (isset($_REQUEST['task_not_accept'])) { $auto_accepted_status = false; if ($user == $info['creator'] and $info['percentage'] != 'n') { $save['accepted_creator'] = 'n'; $msg_changes.= tra('Task NOT accepted by creator') . "\n"; } if ($user == $info['user'] and $info['percentage'] != 'n') { $save['accepted_user'] = 'n'; $msg_changes.= tra('Task NOT accepted by task user') . "\n"; } } } if (isset($_REQUEST['remove_from_trash'])) { $tasklib->unmark_task_as_trash($info['taskId'], $user, $admin_mode); } if (isset($_REQUEST['move_into_trash'])) { $tasklib->mark_task_as_trash($info['taskId'], $user, $admin_mode); } if (isset($_REQUEST['task_send_changes_message'])) { $send_message = true; } else { $send_message = false; } if (isset($_REQUEST['preview'])) { $info = $save; $info['taskId'] = $_REQUEST['taskId']; $info['task_version'] = $_REQUEST['task_version']; $info['last_version'] = $_REQUEST['last_version']; $info['user'] = $_REQUEST['task_user']; $info['creator'] = $_REQUEST['creator'];; $info['public_for_group'] = $_REQUEST['public_for_group']; $info['rights_by_creator'] = (isset($_REQUEST['rights_by_creator'])) ? $_REQUEST['rights_by_creator'] : NULL; $info['created'] = (isset($_REQUEST['created'])) ? $_REQUEST['created'] : $tikilib->now; $info['percentage_null'] = ($_REQUEST['percentage'] == 'w'); if ((isset($_REQUEST['status'])) && ($_REQUEST['status'] != 'w')) { $info['status'] = $_REQUEST['status']; } else { $info['status'] = null; } $info['info'] = (isset($_REQUEST['task_info_message'])) ? $_REQUEST['task_info_message'] : ''; $info['parsed'] = (isset($info['description'])) ? $tikilib->parse_data($info['description']) : ''; } } if (isset($_REQUEST['save'])) { if (isset($_REQUEST['task_info_message']) and strlen($_REQUEST['task_info_message']) > 1) { $task_info_message = "\n__" . tra("Info message") . ":__\n"; $task_info_message.= '^' . $_REQUEST['task_info_message'] . "^\n\n"; } else { $task_info_message = ''; } if (isset($save['title']) && strlen($save['title']) < 3) { $smarty->assign('msg', tra("The task title must have at least 3 characters")); $smarty->display("error.tpl"); die; } if ($info['taskId'] == 0) { //new task if ($_REQUEST['task_user'] != $user) { $save['accepted_creator'] = 'y'; $msg_from = $user; $msg_to = $_REQUEST['task_user']; $msg_title = tra("NEW Task") . ': "' . $save['title'] . '"'; $send_message = true; } else { $send_message = false; } if (($_REQUEST['task_user'] == $user) or ($userlib->user_has_permission($_REQUEST['task_user'], 'tiki_p_tasks_receive') and $userlib->user_has_permission($user, 'tiki_p_tasks_send'))) { $taskId = $tasklib->new_task($_REQUEST['task_user'], $user, $public_for_group, $rights_by_creator, $tikilib->now, $save); } else { unset($_REQUEST['taskId']); $smarty->assign('msg', tra("Sorry you are not allowed to send tasks to other users, or the user is not allowed to receive tasks!")); $smarty->display("error.tpl"); die; } } else { if ($auto_accepted_status) { if ($info['user'] == $user) { $msg_to = $info['creator']; $save['accepted_user'] = 'y'; $save['accepted_creator'] = null; } else if ($info['creator'] == $user) { $msg_to = $info['user']; $save['accepted_user'] = null; $save['accepted_creator'] = 'y'; } else { $msg_to = $info['user']; $save['accepted_user'] = null; $save['accepted_creator'] = null; } } $msg_from = $user; $tasklib->update_task($info['taskId'], $user, $save, $save_head, $admin_mode); $taskId = $info['taskId']; $msg_title = tra("Changes on Task") . ': "' . $info['title'] . '" by ' . $user; } $info = $tasklib->get_task($user, $taskId, null, $admin_mode); //send email to task user if ((isset($_REQUEST['send_email_newtask'])) && $send_message && ($_REQUEST['task_user'] != $user)) { include_once ('lib/newsletters/nllib.php'); $email = $userlib->get_user_email($msg_to); $mail = new TikiMail($msg_to); $mail->setSubject($msg_title); $mail_data = tra("You received a new task") . "\n\n" . $info['title'] . "\n" . tra("from") . " :$user\n"; $mail_data.= tra("The priority is") . ": "; switch ($info['priority']) { case 1: $mail_data.= tra("very low"); break; case 2: $mail_data.= tra("low"); break; case 3: $mail_data.= tra("normal"); break; case 4: $mail_data.= tra("high"); break; case 5: $mail_data.= tra("very high"); break; } $mail_data.= ".\n\n"; if ($info['start'] !== NULL) { $mail_data.= tra("You've to start your work at least on") . ": " . $tikilib->date_format($prefs['short_date_format'] . ' ' . $prefs['short_time_format'], $info['end']) . "\n"; } if ($info['end'] !== NULL) { $mail_data.= tra("You've to finish your work on") . ": " . $tikilib->date_format($prefs['short_date_format'] . ' ' . $prefs['short_time_format'], $info['end']) . "\n"; } $mail_data.= "\n" . tra("Login and click the link below") . "\n"; $mail_data.= "http://" . $_REQUEST['HTTP_HOST'] . $_REQUEST['REQUEST_URI'] . "?tiki_view_mode=view&taskId=" . $taskId . "\n\n"; $mail_data.= tra("Please read the task and work on it!"); $mail->setText($mail_data); $mail->send(array($email)); } if (!isset($info['user'])) { unset($_REQUEST['taskId']); $smarty->assign('msg', tra("Sorry, there was an error while trying to write data into the database")); $smarty->display("error.tpl"); die; } if ($send_message and $userlib->user_has_permission($msg_from, 'tiki_p_messages') and $userlib->user_has_permission($msg_to, 'tiki_p_messages')) { $msg_body = "__" . tra('Task') . ":__"; $msg_body.= '^[tiki-user_tasks.php?taskId=' . $info['taskId'] . "|" . $info['title'] . "]^\n"; $msg_body.= $task_info_message . $msg_changes_head . '^' . $msg_changes . '^'; $messulib->post_message($msg_to, //user $msg_from, //from $msg_to, //to '', //cc $msg_title, //title $msg_body, //body $info['priority']); //priority } if ($show_admin) $user_for_group_list = $info['creator']; $show_form = false; $smarty->assign('show_form', $show_form); $show_view = true; $smarty->assign('show_view', $show_view); } $smarty->assign('taskId', $_REQUEST['taskId']); $smarty->assign('info', $info); $smarty->assign('created_Month', $tikilib->date_format('%m', $info['created'])); $smarty->assign('created_Day', $tikilib->date_format('%d', $info['created'])); $smarty->assign('created_Year', $tikilib->date_format('%Y', $info['created'])); $smarty->assign('created_Hour', $tikilib->date_format('%H', $info['created'])); $smarty->assign('created_Minute', $tikilib->date_format('%M', $info['created'])); if ((!isset($info['start'])) || ($info['start'] == null)) { $info['start'] = $tikilib->now; $smarty->assign('start_date', $info['start']); } else { $smarty->assign('start_date', $info['start']); } if ((!isset($info['end'])) || ($info['end'] == null)) { $smarty->assign('end_date', ($info['start'] + 86400)); } else { $smarty->assign('end_date', $info['end']); } if (!isset($_REQUEST['sort_mode'])) { $sort_mode = 'priority_desc'; } else { $sort_mode = $_REQUEST['sort_mode']; } if (!isset($_REQUEST['offset'])) { $offset = 0; } else { $offset = $_REQUEST['offset']; } $smarty->assign_by_ref('offset', $offset); if (isset($_REQUEST['find'])) { $find = $_REQUEST['find']; } else { $find = null; } $smarty->assign('find', $find); $smarty->assign_by_ref('sort_mode', $sort_mode); if (!$show_form) { $tasklist = $tasklib->list_tasks($user, $offset, $maxRecords, $find, $sort_mode, $show_private, $show_submitted, $show_received, $show_shared, false, null, $show_trash, $show_completed, $show_admin); $smarty->assign('cant', $tasklist['cant']); $smarty->assign_by_ref('tasklist', $tasklist["data"]); } $receive_groups = $tikilib->get_groups_to_user_with_permissions($user_for_group_list, 'tiki_p_tasks_receive'); $smarty->assign('receive_groups', $receive_groups); $receive_users = $tasklib->get_user_with_permissions('tiki_p_tasks_receive'); if (count($receive_users) < 100) $smarty->assign('receive_users', $receive_users); include_once ('tiki-mytiki_shared.php'); $percs = array(); for ($i = 0; $i <= 100; $i+= 10) { $percs[] = $i; } //Use 12- or 24-hour clock for $publishDate time selector based on admin and user preferences include_once ('lib/userprefs/userprefslib.php'); $smarty->assign('use_24hr_clock', $userprefslib->get_user_clock_pref($user)); $smarty->assign_by_ref('percs', $percs); $smarty->assign('mid', 'tiki-user_tasks.tpl'); $smarty->display("tiki.tpl");