File: tiki-view_tracker.php
<?php // (c) Copyright 2002-2011 by authors of the Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware Project // // All Rights Reserved. See copyright.txt for details and a complete list of authors. // Licensed under the GNU LESSER GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE. See license.txt for details. // $Id: tiki-view_tracker.php 34471 2011-05-18 14:21:44Z luciash $ $section = 'trackers'; require_once ('tiki-setup.php'); $access->check_feature('feature_trackers'); global $trklib; include_once ('lib/trackers/trackerlib.php'); if ($prefs['feature_groupalert'] == 'y') { include_once ('lib/groupalert/groupalertlib.php'); } include_once ('lib/notifications/notificationlib.php'); if ($prefs['feature_categories'] == 'y') { include_once ('lib/categories/categlib.php'); } $auto_query_args = array( 'offset', 'trackerId', 'reloff', 'itemId', 'maxRecords', 'status', 'sort_mode', 'initial', 'filterfield', 'filtervalue' ); if (!empty($_REQUEST['itemId'])) $ratedItemId = $_REQUEST['itemId']; $_REQUEST["itemId"] = 0; $smarty->assign('itemId', $_REQUEST["itemId"]); if (!isset($_REQUEST["trackerId"])) { $smarty->assign('msg', tra("No tracker indicated")); $smarty->display("error.tpl"); die; } $trackerDefinition = Tracker_Definition::get($_REQUEST['trackerId']); if (! $trackerDefinition) { $smarty->assign('msg', tra("No tracker indicated")); $smarty->display("error.tpl"); die; } $tracker_info = $trackerDefinition->getInformation(); $tikilib->get_perm_object($_REQUEST['trackerId'], 'tracker', $tracker_info); if (!empty($_REQUEST['show']) && $_REQUEST['show'] == 'view') { $cookietab = '1'; } elseif (!empty($_REQUEST['show']) && $_REQUEST['show'] == 'mod') { $cookietab = '2'; } elseif (empty($_REQUEST['cookietab'])) { if (isset($tracker_info['writerCanModify']) && $tracker_info['writerCanModify'] == 'y' && $user) $cookietab = '1'; elseif (!($tiki_p_view_trackers == 'y' || $tiki_p_admin == 'y' || $tiki_p_admin_trackers == 'y') && $tiki_p_create_tracker_items == 'y') $cookietab = "2"; else if (!isset($cookietab)) { $cookietab = '1'; } } else { $cookietab = $_REQUEST['cookietab']; } $defaultvalues = array(); if (isset($_REQUEST['vals']) and is_array($_REQUEST['vals'])) { $defaultvalues = $_REQUEST['vals']; $cookietab = "2"; } elseif (isset($_REQUEST['new'])) { $cookietab = "2"; } $smarty->assign('defaultvalues', $defaultvalues); $my = ''; $ours = ''; if (isset($_REQUEST['my'])) { if ($tiki_p_admin_trackers == 'y') { $my = $_REQUEST['my']; } elseif ($user) { $my = $user; } } elseif (isset($_REQUEST['ours'])) { if ($tiki_p_admin_trackers == 'y') { $ours = $_REQUEST['ours']; } elseif ($group) { $ours = $group; } } if ($tiki_p_create_tracker_items == 'y' && !empty($t['start'])) { if ($tikilib->now < $t['start']) { $tiki_p_create_tracker_items = 'n'; $smarty->assign('tiki_p_create_tracker_items', 'n'); } } if ($tiki_p_create_tracker_items == 'y' && !empty($t['end'])) { if ($tikilib->now > $t['end']) { $tiki_p_create_tracker_items = 'n'; $smarty->assign('tiki_p_create_tracker_items', 'n'); } } $access->check_permission_either( array('tiki_p_view_trackers', 'tiki_p_create_tracker_items') ); if ($tiki_p_view_trackers != 'y') { $userCreatorFieldId = $trklib->get_field_id_from_type($_REQUEST['trackerId'], 'u', '1%'); $groupCreatorFieldId = $trklib->get_field_id_from_type($_REQUEST['trackerId'], 'g', '1%'); if ($user && !$my and isset($tracker_info['writerCanModify']) and $tracker_info['writerCanModify'] == 'y' and !empty($userCreatorFieldId)) { $my = $user; } elseif ($user && !$ours and isset($tracker_info['writerGroupCanModify']) and $tracker_info['writerGroupCanModify'] == 'y' and !empty($groupCreatorFieldId)) { $ours = $group; } } $smarty->assign('my', $my); $smarty->assign('ours', $ours); if ($prefs['feature_groupalert'] == 'y') { $groupforalert = $groupalertlib->GetGroup('tracker', $_REQUEST['trackerId']); if ($groupforalert != '') { $showeachuser = $groupalertlib->GetShowEachUser('tracker', $_REQUEST["trackerId"], $groupforalert); $listusertoalert = $userlib->get_users(0, -1, 'login_asc', '', '', false, $groupforalert, ''); $smarty->assign_by_ref('listusertoalert', $listusertoalert['data']); } $smarty->assign_by_ref('groupforalert', $groupforalert); $smarty->assign_by_ref('showeachuser', $showeachuser); } $status_types = array(); $status_raw = $trklib->status_types(); if (isset($_REQUEST['status'])) { $sts = preg_split('//', $_REQUEST['status'], -1, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY); } elseif (isset($tracker_info["defaultStatus"])) { $sts = preg_split('//', $tracker_info["defaultStatus"], -1, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY); $_REQUEST['status'] = $tracker_info["defaultStatus"]; } else { $sts = array( 'o' ); $_REQUEST['status'] = 'o'; } foreach($status_raw as $let => $sta) { if ((isset($$sta['perm']) and $$sta['perm'] == 'y') or ($my or $ours)) { if (in_array($let, $sts)) { $sta['class'] = 'statuson'; $sta['statuslink'] = str_replace($let, '', implode('', $sts)); } else { $sta['class'] = 'statusoff'; $sta['statuslink'] = implode('', $sts) . $let; } $status_types["$let"] = $sta; } } $smarty->assign('status_types', $status_types); if (count($status_types) == 0) { $tracker_info["showStatus"] = 'n'; } $filterFields = array('isSearchable'=>'y', 'isTblVisible'=>'y', 'type'=>array('q','u','g','I','C','n','j','f')); $sort_field = 0; if (!isset($_REQUEST["sort_mode"])) { if (isset($tracker_info['defaultOrderKey'])) { if ($tracker_info['defaultOrderKey'] == - 1) $sort_mode = 'lastModif'; elseif ($tracker_info['defaultOrderKey'] == - 2) $sort_mode = 'created'; elseif ($tracker_info['defaultOrderKey'] == - 3) $sort_mode = 'itemId'; else { $sort_field = $tracker_info['defaultOrderKey']; $sort_mode = 'f_' . $tracker_info['defaultOrderKey']; $filterFields['fieldId'] = $tracker_info['defaultOrderKey']; } if (isset($tracker_info['defaultOrderDir'])) { $sort_mode.= "_" . $tracker_info['defaultOrderDir']; } else { $sort_mode.= "_asc"; } } else { $sort_mode = ''; } } else { $sort_mode = $_REQUEST["sort_mode"]; if (preg_match('/f_([0-9]+)_/', $sort_mode, $matches)) { $sort_field = $matches[1]; $filterFields['fieldId'] = $matches[1]; } } $smarty->assign_by_ref('sort_mode', $sort_mode); //get field settings (no values) $xfields = array('data' => $trackerDefinition->getFields()); $popupFields = $trackerDefinition->getPopupFields(); $smarty->assign_by_ref('popupFields', $popupFields); $orderkey = false; $listfields = array(); $usecategs = false; $textarea_options = false; $all_descends = false; $fieldFactory = new Tracker_Field_Factory($trackerDefinition); foreach ($xfields['data'] as $i => $current_field) { $current_field_list = array(); $current_field_ins = array(); $current_field_fields = array(); $fid = $current_field["fieldId"]; $ins_id = 'ins_' . $fid; $current_field["ins_id"] = $ins_id; $current_field["id"] = $fid; $filter_id = 'filter_' . $fid; $current_field["filter_id"] = $filter_id; if (!empty($sort_field) and $sort_field == $fid) { $orderkey = true; } if (in_array($current_field['type'], array('u', 'g', 'I')) && isset($current_field['options_array'][0]) && $current_field['options_array'][0] == 1) { $creatorSelector = true; } else { $creatorSelector = false; } //exclude fields that should not be listed if (($current_field['isTblVisible'] == 'y' or in_array($fid, $popupFields)) and ($current_field['isHidden'] == 'n' or $current_field['isHidden'] == 'p' or $tiki_p_admin_trackers == 'y' or ($current_field['type'] == 's' and $current_field['name'] == 'Rating' and $tiki_p_tracker_view_ratings == 'y'))) { $current_field_list = $current_field; //get category choices available based on option settings if ($current_field_list['type'] == 'e' && $prefs['feature_categories'] == 'y') { $parentId = $current_field_list['options_array'][0]; //get all category descendants if true, only first level children if false if (isset($current_field_list['options_array'][3]) && $current_field_list['options_array'][3] == 1) { $all_descends = true; } else { $all_descends = false; } $current_field_list['categories'] = $categlib->get_viewable_child_categories($parentId, $all_descends); } if (isset($current_field['otherField'])) { $current_field_list['otherField'] = $current_field['otherField']; } } if ($creatorSelector or $current_field['isHidden'] == 'n' or $current_field['isHidden'] == 'c' or $current_field['isHidden'] == 'p' or $tiki_p_admin_trackers == 'y' or ($current_field['type'] == 's' and $current_field['name'] == 'Rating' and $tiki_p_tracker_view_ratings == 'y')) { $current_field_ins = $current_field; $current_field_fields = $current_field; $handler = $fieldFactory->getHandler($current_field); if ($handler) { $field_values = $insert_values = $handler->getFieldData($_REQUEST); if ($insert_values) { $current_field_ins = array_merge($current_field_ins, $insert_values); } if ($field_values) { $current_field_fields = array_merge($current_field_fields, $field_values); } } } // store values to have them available when there is // an error in the values typed by an user for a field type. if (isset($current_field_fields['fieldId'])) { $current_field_fields['value'] = isset($current_field_ins['value']) ? $current_field_ins['value'] : ''; } if (! empty($current_field_list)) { $listfields[$fid] = $current_field_list; } if (! empty($current_field_ins)) { $ins_fields['data'][$i] = $current_field_ins; } if (! empty($current_field_fields)) { $fields['data'][$i] = $current_field_fields; } } // Collect information from the provided fields $ins_categs = array(); $newItemRateField = null; foreach ($ins_fields['data'] as $current_field) { if ($current_field['type'] == 'e' && isset($current_field['selected_categories'])) { $ins_categs = array_merge($ins_categs, $current_field['selected_categories']); } if ($current_field['type'] == 's' && $current_field['name'] == 'Rating') { $newItemRateField = $current_field; $newItemRate = $current_field['request_rate']; } } if (!$orderkey && $sort_mode == '') { $sort_mode = 'lastModif_asc'; } if (!empty($_REQUEST['remove'])) { $item_info = $trklib->get_item_info($_REQUEST['remove']); if ($tiki_p_admin_trackers == 'y' || ($tiki_p_modify_tracker_items == 'y' && $item_info['status'] != 'p' && $item_info['status'] != 'c') || ($tiki_p_modify_tracker_items_pending == 'y' && $item_info['status'] == 'p') || ($tiki_p_modify_tracker_items_closed == 'y' && $item_info['status'] == 'c')) { $access->check_authenticity(); $trklib->remove_tracker_item($_REQUEST['remove']); } } elseif (isset($_REQUEST["batchaction"]) and $_REQUEST["batchaction"] == 'delete') { check_ticket('view-trackers'); foreach($_REQUEST['action'] as $batchid) { $item_info = $trklib->get_item_info($batchid); if ($tiki_p_admin_trackers == 'y' || ($tiki_p_modify_tracker_items == 'y' && $item_info['status'] != 'p' && $item_info['status'] != 'c') || ($tiki_p_modify_tracker_items_pending == 'y' && $item_info['status'] == 'p') || ($tiki_p_modify_tracker_items_closed == 'y' && $item_info['status'] == 'c')) { $trklib->remove_tracker_item($batchid); } } } elseif (isset($_REQUEST['batchaction']) and ($_REQUEST['batchaction'] == 'o' || $_REQUEST['batchaction'] == 'p' || $_REQUEST['batchaction'] == 'c')) { check_ticket('view-trackers'); foreach($_REQUEST['action'] as $batchid) { $item_info = $trklib->get_item_info($batchid); if ($tiki_p_admin_trackers == 'y' || ($tiki_p_modify_tracker_items == 'y' && $item_info['status'] != 'p' && $item_info['status'] != 'c') || ($tiki_p_modify_tracker_items_pending == 'y' && $item_info['status'] == 'p') || ($tiki_p_modify_tracker_items_closed == 'y' && $item_info['status'] == 'c')) { $trklib->replace_item($_REQUEST['trackerId'], $batchid, array( 'data' => '' ) , $_REQUEST['batchaction']); } } } $smarty->assign('mail_msg', ''); $smarty->assign('email_mon', ''); if ($prefs['feature_user_watches'] == 'y' and $tiki_p_watch_trackers == 'y') { if ($user and isset($_REQUEST['watch'])) { check_ticket('view-trackers'); if ($_REQUEST['watch'] == 'add') { $tikilib->add_user_watch($user, 'tracker_modified', $_REQUEST["trackerId"], 'tracker', $tracker_info['name'], "tiki-view_tracker.php?trackerId=" . $_REQUEST["trackerId"]); } else { $tikilib->remove_user_watch($user, 'tracker_modified', $_REQUEST["trackerId"], 'tracker'); } } $smarty->assign('user_watching_tracker', 'n'); $it = $tikilib->user_watches($user, 'tracker_modified', $_REQUEST['trackerId'], 'tracker'); if ($user and $tikilib->user_watches($user, 'tracker_modified', $_REQUEST['trackerId'], 'tracker')) { $smarty->assign('user_watching_tracker', 'y'); } // Check, if the user is watching this tracker by a category. if ($prefs['feature_categories'] == 'y') { $watching_categories_temp = $categlib->get_watching_categories($_REQUEST["trackerId"], 'tracker', $user); $smarty->assign('category_watched', 'n'); if (count($watching_categories_temp) > 0) { $smarty->assign('category_watched', 'y'); $watching_categories = array(); foreach($watching_categories_temp as $wct) { $watching_categories[] = array( "categId" => $wct, "name" => $categlib->get_category_name($wct) ); } $smarty->assign('watching_categories', $watching_categories); } } } if (isset($_REQUEST['import'])) { if (isset($_FILES['importfile']) && is_uploaded_file($_FILES['importfile']['tmp_name'])) { $fp = fopen($_FILES['importfile']['tmp_name'], "rb"); $trklib->import_items($_REQUEST["trackerId"], $_REQUEST["indexfield"], $fp); fclose($fp); } } elseif (isset($_REQUEST["save"])) { if ($tiki_p_create_tracker_items == 'y') { global $captchalib; include_once 'lib/captcha/captchalib.php'; if (empty($user) && $prefs['feature_antibot'] == 'y' && !$captchalib->validate()) { $smarty->assign('msg', $captchalib->getErrors()); $smarty->assign('errortype', 'no_redirect_login'); $smarty->display("error.tpl"); die; } // Check field values for each type and presence of mandatory ones $mandatory_missing = array(); $err_fields = array(); $categorized_fields = $trackerDefinition->getCategorizedFields(); $field_errors = $trklib->check_field_values($ins_fields, $categorized_fields, $_REQUEST['trackerId'], empty($_REQUEST['itemId'])?'':$_REQUEST['itemId']); $smarty->assign('err_mandatory', $field_errors['err_mandatory']); $smarty->assign('err_value', $field_errors['err_value']); // values are OK, then lets add a new item if (count($field_errors['err_mandatory']) == 0 && count($field_errors['err_value']) == 0) { $smarty->assign('input_err', '0'); // no warning to display check_ticket('view-trackers'); if (!isset($_REQUEST["status"]) or ($tracker_info["showStatus"] != 'y' and $tiki_p_admin_trackers != 'y')) { $_REQUEST["status"] = ''; } if (empty($_REQUEST["itemId"]) && $tracker_info['oneUserItem'] == 'y') { // test if one item per user $_REQUEST['itemId'] = $trklib->get_user_item($_REQUEST['trackerId'], $tracker_info); } $itemid = $trklib->replace_item($_REQUEST["trackerId"], $_REQUEST["itemId"], $ins_fields, $_REQUEST['status'], $ins_categs); if (isset($_REQUEST['listtoalert']) && $prefs['feature_groupalert'] == 'y') { $groupalertlib->Notify($_REQUEST['listtoalert'], "tiki-view_tracker_item.php?itemId=$itemid"); } $cookietab = "1"; $smarty->assign('itemId', ''); $mainfield = ''; foreach ($ins_fields as $f) { if ($f['isMain'] == 'y' && ! empty($f['value'])) { $mainfield = $f['value']; break; } } $trklib->categorized_item($_REQUEST["trackerId"], $itemid, $mainfield, $ins_categs); if (isset($newItemRate)) { $trackerId = $_REQUEST["trackerId"]; $trklib->replace_rating($trackerId, $itemid, $newItemRateField, $user, $newItemRate); } if (isset($_REQUEST["viewitem"]) && $_REQUEST["viewitem"] == 'view') { header('location: ' . preg_replace('#[\r\n]+#', '', "tiki-view_tracker_item.php?trackerId=" . $_REQUEST["trackerId"] . "&itemId=" . $itemid)); die; } elseif (isset($_REQUEST["viewitem"]) && $_REQUEST["viewitem"] == 'new') { header('location: ' . preg_replace('#[\r\n]+#', '', "tiki-view_tracker.php?trackerId=" . $_REQUEST["trackerId"] . "&cookietab=2")); die; } if (isset($tracker_info["defaultStatus"])) { $_REQUEST['status'] = $tracker_info["defaultStatus"]; } } else { $cookietab = "2"; $smarty->assign('input_err', '1'); // warning to display } if (isset($newItemRate)) { $trackerId = $_REQUEST["trackerId"]; $trklib->replace_rating($trackerId, $itemid, $newItemRateField, $user, $newItemRate); } } } if (!isset($_REQUEST["offset"])) { $offset = 0; } else { $offset = $_REQUEST["offset"]; } $smarty->assign_by_ref('offset', $offset); if (!empty($_REQUEST["maxRecords"])) { $maxRecords = $_REQUEST['maxRecords']; } if (isset($_REQUEST["initial"])) { $initial = $_REQUEST["initial"]; } else { $initial = ''; } $smarty->assign('initial', $initial); $writerfield = $trackerDefinition->getWriterField(); $writergroupfield = $trackerDefinition->getWriterGroupField(); if ($my and $writerfield) { $filterfield = $writerfield; } elseif ($ours and $writergroupfield) { $filterfield = $writergroupfield; } else { if (isset($_REQUEST["filterfield"])) { $filterfield = $_REQUEST["filterfield"]; } else { $filterfield = ''; } } $smarty->assign('filterfield', $filterfield); if ($my and $writerfield) { $exactvalue = $my; $filtervalue = ''; $_REQUEST['status'] = 'opc'; } elseif ($ours and $writergroupfield) { $exactvalue = $userlib->get_user_groups($user); $filtervalue = ''; $_REQUEST['status'] = 'opc'; } else { if (isset($_REQUEST["filtervalue"]) and is_array($_REQUEST["filtervalue"]) and isset($_REQUEST["filtervalue"]["$filterfield"])) { $filtervalue = $_REQUEST["filtervalue"]["$filterfield"]; } else if (isset($_REQUEST["filtervalue"])) { $filtervalue = $_REQUEST["filtervalue"]; } else { $filtervalue = ''; } if (!empty($_REQUEST['filtervalue_other'])) { $filtervalue = $_REQUEST['filtervalue_other']; } $exactvalue = ''; } $smarty->assign('filtervalue', $filtervalue); $smarty->assign('status', $_REQUEST["status"]); if (isset($_REQUEST["trackerId"])) { $trackerId = $_REQUEST["trackerId"]; } if (isset($tracker_info['useRatings']) and $tracker_info['useRatings'] == 'y' and $user and $tiki_p_tracker_vote_ratings == 'y' and !empty($_REQUEST['trackerId']) and !empty($ratedItemId) and isset($newItemRate) and ($newItemRate == 'NULL' || in_array($newItemRate, explode(',', $tracker_info['ratingOptions'])))) { $trklib->replace_rating($_REQUEST['trackerId'], $ratedItemId, $newItemRateField, $user, $newItemRate); } $items = $trklib->list_items($_REQUEST["trackerId"], $offset, $maxRecords, $sort_mode, $listfields, $filterfield, $filtervalue, $_REQUEST["status"], $initial, $exactvalue,'', $xfields); $urlquery['status'] = $_REQUEST['status']; $urlquery['initial'] = $initial; $urlquery['trackerId'] = $_REQUEST["trackerId"]; $urlquery['sort_mode'] = $sort_mode; $urlquery['exactvalue'] = $exactvalue; $urlquery['filterfield'] = $filterfield; if (is_array($filtervalue)) { foreach($filtervalue as $fil) { $urlquery["filtervalue[" . $filterfield . "][]"] = $fil; } } else { $urlquery["filtervalue[" . $filterfield . "]"] = $filtervalue; } $smarty->assign_by_ref('urlquery', $urlquery); if ($tracker_info['useComments'] == 'y' && ($tracker_info['showComments'] == 'y' || isset($tracker_info['showLastComment']) && $tracker_info['showLastComment'] == 'y')) { foreach($items['data'] as $itkey => $oneitem) { if ($tracker_info['showComments'] == 'y') { $items['data'][$itkey]['comments'] = $trklib->get_item_nb_comments($items['data'][$itkey]['itemId']); } if (isset($tracker_info['showLastComment']) && $tracker_info['showLastComment'] == 'y') { $l = $trklib->list_item_comments($items['data'][$itkey]['itemId'], 0, 1, 'posted_desc'); $items['data'][$itkey]['lastComment'] = !empty($l['cant']) ? $l['data'][0] : ''; } } } if ($tracker_info['useAttachments'] == 'y' && $tracker_info['showAttachments'] == 'y') { foreach($items["data"] as $itkey => $oneitem) { $res = $trklib->get_item_nb_attachments($items["data"][$itkey]['itemId']); $items["data"][$itkey]['attachments'] = $res['attachments']; $items["data"][$itkey]['hits'] = $res['hits']; } } foreach($xfields['data'] as $xfd) { $fid = $xfd["fieldId"]; if ($xfd['isSearchable'] == 'y' and !isset($listfields[$fid]) and ($xfd['isHidden'] == 'n' or $xfd['isHidden'] == 'p' or $tiki_p_admin_trackers == 'y' or ($xfd['type'] == 's' and $xfd['name'] == 'Rating' and $tiki_p_tracker_view_ratings == 'y'))) { $listfields[$fid]['type'] = $xfd["type"]; $listfields[$fid]['name'] = $xfd["name"]; $listfields[$fid]['options'] = $xfd["options"]; $listfields[$fid]['options_array'] = $xfd['options_array']; $listfields[$fid]['isMain'] = $xfd["isMain"]; $listfields[$fid]['isTblVisible'] = $xfd["isTblVisible"]; $listfields[$fid]['isHidden'] = $xfd["isHidden"]; $listfields[$fid]['isSearchable'] = $xfd["isSearchable"]; $listfields[$fid]['isMandatory'] = $xfd["isMandatory"]; $listfields[$fid]['description'] = $xfd["description"]; $listfields[$fid]['visibleBy'] = $xfd['visibleBy']; $listfields[$fid]['editableBy'] = $xfd['editableBy']; if ($listfields[$fid]['type'] == 'e' && $prefs['feature_categories'] == 'y') { //category $parentId = $listfields[$fid]['options_array'][0]; $listfields[$fid]['categories'] = $categlib->get_viewable_child_categories($parentId, $all_descends); } if (isset($xfd['otherField'])) { $listfields[$fid]['otherField'] = $xfd['otherField']; } } } $smarty->assign('trackerId', $_REQUEST["trackerId"]); $smarty->assign('tracker_info', $tracker_info); $smarty->assign('fields', $fields['data']); $smarty->assign_by_ref('items', $items["data"]); $smarty->assign_by_ref('item_count', $items['cant']); $smarty->assign_by_ref('listfields', $listfields); $users = $userlib->list_all_users(); $smarty->assign_by_ref('users', $users); if ($tiki_p_export_tracker == 'y') { $trackers = $trklib->list_trackers(); $smarty->assign_by_ref('trackers', $trackers['data']); include_once ('lib/wiki-plugins/wikiplugin_trackerfilter.php'); $formats = ''; $filters = wikiplugin_trackerFilter_get_filters($_REQUEST['trackerId'], '', $formats); $smarty->assign_by_ref('filters', $filters); if (!empty($_REQUEST['displayedFields'])) { if (is_string($_REQUEST['displayedFields'])) { $smarty->assign('displayedFields', preg_split('/[:,]/', $_REQUEST['displayedFields'])); } else { $smarty->assign_by_ref('displayedFields', $_REQUEST['displayedFields']); } } $smarty->assign('recordsMax', $items['cant']); $smarty->assign('recordsOffset', 1); } include_once ('tiki-section_options.php'); $smarty->assign('uses_tabs', 'y'); $smarty->assign('show_filters', 'n'); if (count($fields['data']) > 0) { foreach($fields['data'] as $it) { if ($it['isSearchable'] == 'y') { $smarty->assign('show_filters', 'y'); break; } } } if (isset($tracker_info['useRatings']) && $tracker_info['useRatings'] == 'y' && $items['data']) { foreach($items['data'] as $f => $v) { $items['data'][$f]['my_rate'] = $tikilib->get_user_vote("tracker." . $_REQUEST["trackerId"] . '.' . $items['data'][$f]['itemId'], $user); } } setcookie('tab', $cookietab); $smarty->assign('cookietab', $cookietab); ask_ticket('view-trackers'); // Generate validation js if ($prefs['feature_jquery'] == 'y' && $prefs['feature_jquery_validation'] == 'y') { global $validatorslib; include_once('lib/validatorslib.php'); $validationjs = $validatorslib->generateTrackerValidateJS( $fields['data'] ); $smarty->assign('validationjs', $validationjs); } //Use 12- or 24-hour clock for $publishDate time selector based on admin and user preferences include_once ('lib/userprefs/userprefslib.php'); $smarty->assign('use_24hr_clock', $userprefslib->get_user_clock_pref($user)); // Display the template $smarty->assign('mid', 'tiki-view_tracker.tpl'); $smarty->display("tiki.tpl");