File: xmlrpc.php
<?php // (c) Copyright 2002-2011 by authors of the Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware Project // // All Rights Reserved. See copyright.txt for details and a complete list of authors. // Licensed under the GNU LESSER GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE. See license.txt for details. // $Id: xmlrpc.php 33195 2011-03-02 17:43:40Z changi67 $ include_once('tiki-setup.php'); require_once("XML/Server.php"); include_once('lib/blogs/bloglib.php'); if($prefs['feature_xmlrpc'] != 'y') { die; } $map = array ( "blogger.newPost" => array( "function" => "newPost"), "blogger.getUserInfo" => array( "function" => "getUserInfo"), "blogger.getPost" => array( "function" => "getPost"), "blogger.editPost" => array( "function" => "editPost"), "blogger.deletePost" => array( "function" => "deletePost"), "blogger.getRecentPosts" => array( "function" => "getRecentPosts"), "blogger.getUserInfo" => array( "function" => "getUserInfo"), "blogger.getUsersBlogs" => array( "function" => "getUserBlogs") ); $s=new XML_RPC_Server( $map ); function check_individual($user,$blogid,$permName) { global $userlib; // If the user is admin he can do everything if($userlib->user_has_permission($user,'tiki_p_blog_admin')) return true; // If no individual permissions for the object then ok if(!$userlib->object_has_one_permission($blogid,'blog')) return true; // If the object has individual permissions then check // Now get all the permissions that are set for this type of permissions 'image gallery' if($userlib->object_has_permission($user,$blogId,'blog',$permName)) { return true; } else { return false; } } /* Validates the user and returns user information */ function getUserInfo($params) { global $tikilib,$userlib; $appkeyp=$params->getParam(0); $appkey=$appkeyp->scalarval(); $usernamep=$params->getParam(1); $username=$usernamep->scalarval(); $passwordp=$params->getParam(2); $password=$passwordp->scalarval(); list($ok, $username, $e) = $userlib->validate_user($username,$password,'',''); if($ok) { $myStruct=new XML_RPC_Value(array("nickname" => new XML_RPC_Value($username), "firstname" => new XML_RPC_Value("none"), "lastname" => new XML_RPC_Value("none"), "email" => new XML_RPC_Value("none"), "userid" => new XML_RPC_Value("$username"), "url" => new XML_RPC_Value("none") ),"struct"); return new XML_RPC_Response($myStruct); } else { return new XML_RPC_Response(0, 101, "Invalid username or password"); } } /* Posts a new submission to the CMS */ function newPost($params) { global $tikilib,$userlib,$bloglib; $appkeyp=$params->getParam(0); $appkey=$appkeyp->scalarval(); $blogidp=$params->getParam(1); $blogid=$blogidp->scalarval(); $usernamep=$params->getParam(2); $username=$usernamep->scalarval(); $passwordp=$params->getParam(3); $password=$passwordp->scalarval(); $passp=$params->getParam(4); $content=$passp->scalarval(); $passp=$params->getParam(5); $publish=$passp->scalarval(); // Fix for w.bloggar preg_match('/<title>(.*)</title>/',$content, $title); $title = $title[1]; $content = preg_replace('#<title>(.*)</title>#','',$content); // Now check if the user is valid and if the user can post a submission list($ok, $username, $e) = $userlib->validate_user($username,$password,'',''); if(!$ok) { return new XML_RPC_Response(0, 101, "Invalid username or password"); } // Get individual permissions for this weblog if they exist if(!check_individual($username,$blogid,'tiki_p_blog_post') ) { return new XML_RPC_Response(0, 101, "User is not allowed to post to this weblog due to individual restrictions for this weblog"); } // If the blog is not public then check if the user is the owner if(!$userlib->user_has_permission($username,'tiki_p_blog_admin')) { if(!$userlib->user_has_permission($username,'tiki_p_blog_post')) { return new XML_RPC_Response(0, 101, "User is not allowed to post"); } global $bloglib; require_once('lib/blogs/bloglib.php'); $blog_info = $bloglib->get_blog($blogid); if($blog_info["public"]!='y') { if($username != $blog_info["user"]) { return new XML_RPC_Response(0, 101, "User is not allowed to post"); } } } // User ok and can submit then submit the post $id = $bloglib->blog_post($blogid,$content,'', $username, $title); return new XML_RPC_Response(new XML_RPC_Value("$id")); } // :TODO: editPost function editPost($params) { global $tikilib,$userlib,$bloglib; $appkeyp=$params->getParam(0); $appkey=$appkeyp->scalarval(); $blogidp=$params->getParam(1); $postid=$blogidp->scalarval(); $usernamep=$params->getParam(2); $username=$usernamep->scalarval(); $passwordp=$params->getParam(3); $password=$passwordp->scalarval(); $passp=$params->getParam(4); $content=$passp->scalarval(); $passp=$params->getParam(5); $publish=$passp->scalarval(); // Fix for w.bloggar preg_match('/<title>(.*)</title>/',$content, $title); $title = $title[1]; $content = preg_replace('#<title>(.*)</title>#','',$content); // Now check if the user is valid and if the user can post a submission list($ok, $username, $e) = $userlib->validate_user($username,$password,'',''); if(!$ok) { return new XML_RPC_Response(0, 101, "Invalid username or password"); } if(!check_individual($username,$blogid,'tiki_p_blog_post') ) { return new XML_RPC_Response(0, 101, "User is not allowed to post to this weblog due to individual restrictions for this weblog therefor the user cannot edit a post"); } if(!$userlib->user_has_permission($username,'tiki_p_blog_post')) { return new XML_RPC_Response(0, 101, "User is not allowed to post"); } // Now get the post information $post_data = $bloglib->get_post($postid); if(!$post_data) { return new XML_RPC_Response(0, 101, "Post not found"); } if($post_data["user"]!=$username) { if(!$userlib->user_has_permission($username,'tiki_p_blog_admin')) { return new XML_RPC_Response(0, 101, "Permission denied to edit that post since the post does not belong to the user"); } } $id = $bloglib->update_post($postid,$blogid,$content,$username,$title); return new XML_RPC_Response(new XML_RPC_Value(1,"boolean")); } // :TODO: deletePost function deletePost($params) { global $tikilib,$userlib,$bloglib; $appkeyp=$params->getParam(0); $appkey=$appkeyp->scalarval(); $blogidp=$params->getParam(1); $postid=$blogidp->scalarval(); $usernamep=$params->getParam(2); $username=$usernamep->scalarval(); $passwordp=$params->getParam(3); $password=$passwordp->scalarval(); $passp=$params->getParam(4); $publish=$passp->scalarval(); // Now check if the user is valid and if the user can post a submission list($ok, $username, $e) = $userlib->validate_user($username,$password,'',''); if(!$ok) { return new XML_RPC_Response(0, 101, "Invalid username or password"); } // Now get the post information $post_data = $bloglib->get_post($postid); if(!$post_data) { return new XML_RPC_Response(0, 101, "Post not found"); } if($post_data["user"]!=$username) { if(!$userlib->user_has_permission($username,'tiki_p_blog_admin')) { return new XML_RPC_Response(0, 101, "Permission denied to edit that post"); } } $id = $bloglib->remove_post($postid); return new XML_RPC_Response(new XML_RPC_Value(1,"boolean")); } // :TODO: getTemplate // :TODO: setTemplate // :TODO: getPost function getPost($params) { global $tikilib,$userlib,$bloglib; $appkeyp=$params->getParam(0); $appkey=$appkeyp->scalarval(); $blogidp=$params->getParam(1); $postid=$blogidp->scalarval(); $usernamep=$params->getParam(2); $username=$usernamep->scalarval(); $passwordp=$params->getParam(3); $password=$passwordp->scalarval(); // Now check if the user is valid and if the user can post a submission list($ok, $username, $e) = $userlib->validate_user($username,$password,'',''); if(!$ok) { return new XML_RPC_Response(0, 101, "Invalid username or password"); } if(!check_individual($username,$blogid,'tiki_p_blog_post') ) { return new XML_RPC_Response(0, 101, "User is not allowed to post to this weblog due to individual restrictions for this weblog"); } if(!$userlib->user_has_permission($username,'tiki_p_blog_post')) { return new XML_RPC_Response(0, 101, "User is not allowed to post"); } if(!$userlib->user_has_permission($username,'tiki_p_read_blog')) { return new XML_RPC_Response(0, 101, "Permission denied to read this blog"); } // Now get the post information $post_data = $bloglib->get_post($postid); if(!$post_data) { return new XML_RPC_Response(0, 101, "Post not found"); } $dateCreated=$tikilib->get_iso8601_datetime($post_data["created"]); // added dateTime type for blogger compliant xml tag Joerg Knobloch <joerg@happypenguins.net> $myStruct=new XML_RPC_Value(array("userid" => new XML_RPC_Value($username), "dateCreated" => new XML_RPC_Value($dateCreated, "dateTime.iso8601"), // Fix for w.Bloggar "content" => new XML_RPC_Value("<title>" . $post_data["title"] . "</title>" . $post_data["data"]), "postid" => new XML_RPC_Value($post_data["postId"]) ),"struct"); // User ok and can submit then submit an article return new XML_RPC_Response($myStruct); } // :TODO: getRecentPosts function getRecentPosts($params) { global $tikilib,$userlib,$bloglib; $appkeyp=$params->getParam(0); $appkey=$appkeyp->scalarval(); $blogidp=$params->getParam(1); $blogid=$blogidp->scalarval(); $usernamep=$params->getParam(2); $username=$usernamep->scalarval(); $passwordp=$params->getParam(3); $password=$passwordp->scalarval(); $passp=$params->getParam(4); $number=$passp->scalarval(); // Now check if the user is valid and if the user can post a submission list($ok, $username, $e) = $userlib->validate_user($username,$password,'',''); if(!$ok) { return new XML_RPC_Response(0, 101, "Invalid username or password"); } if(!check_individual($username,$blogid,'tiki_p_blog_post') ) { return new XML_RPC_Response(0, 101, "User is not allowed to post to this weblog due to individual restrictions for this weblog therefore the user cannot edit a post"); } if(!$userlib->user_has_permission($username,'tiki_p_blog_post')) { return new XML_RPC_Response(0, 101, "User is not allowed to post"); } // Now get the post information $posts = $bloglib->list_blog_posts($blogid, false, 0, $number,'created_desc', '', ''); if(count($posts)==0) { return new XML_RPC_Response(0, 101, "No posts"); } $arrayval = Array(); foreach($posts["data"] as $post) { $dateCreated=$tikilib->get_iso8601_datetime($post["created"]); $myStruct=new XML_RPC_Value(array("userid" => new XML_RPC_Value($username), "dateCreated" => new XML_RPC_Value($dateCreated, "dateTime.iso8601"), // Fix for w.Bloggar "content" => new XML_RPC_Value("<title>" . $post["title"] . "</title>" . $post["data"]), "postid" => new XML_RPC_Value($post["postId"]) ),"struct"); $arrayval[]=$myStruct; } // User ok and can submit then submit an article $myVal=new XML_RPC_Value($arrayval, "array"); return new XML_RPC_Response($myVal); } // :TODO: tiki.tikiPost /* Get the topics where the user can post a new */ function getUserBlogs($params) { global $tikilib,$userlib,$bloglib; $appkeyp=$params->getParam(0); $appkey=$appkeyp->scalarval(); $usernamep=$params->getParam(1); $username=$usernamep->scalarval(); $passwordp=$params->getParam(2); $password=$passwordp->scalarval(); $arrayVal=Array(); require_once('lib/blogs/bloglib.php'); $blogs = $bloglib->list_user_blogs($username,true); $foo = parse_url($_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"]); $foo1=$tikilib->httpPrefix().str_replace("xmlrpc","tiki-view_blog",$foo["path"]); foreach($blogs as $blog) { $myStruct=new XML_RPC_Value(array("blogName" => new XML_RPC_Value($blog["title"]), "url" => new XML_RPC_Value($foo1."?blogId=".$blog["blogId"]), "blogid" => new XML_RPC_Value($blog["blogId"])),"struct"); $arrayVal[] = $myStruct; } $myVal=new XML_RPC_Value($arrayVal, "array"); return new XML_RPC_Response($myVal); }