File: NEWS.txt
************************************************************************ CHANGES & IMPROVEMENTS between TYPO3 4.1 and 4.2 (for technical details see ChangeLog) ************************************************************************ General ================== * New PHP version requirement: You need to have at least PHP 5.2.0 in order to run TYPO3 4.2 * Workspaces allow moving of elements (for details, see Inside TYPO3, Core API, and this video: http://castor.t3o.punkt.de/files/moving_in_workspaces2.mp4 (/.mov for better quality) * The new backend of the "Cleaner Backend Project" (typo3/backend.php) replaced the old module (typo3/alt_main.php) Backend ================== * Templates -> Various enhancements to the TS object browser and TS analyzer -> Added new T3Editor with syntax highlighting and other usability improvements for editing TypoScripts * Extension Manager -> Auto-update view when new back-end modules were installed -> Integrate the extension ter_update_check into EM * Workspaces -> Implemented moving for elements ("Element" versions) -> Workspace "swapping" for "New"-placeholders and "Deleted"-Markers is now supported -> Added switch in TYPO3_CONF_VARS['BE']['elementVersioningOnly'] which allows to completely turn off page and branch versioning * htmlArea RTE -> Various bug fixes -> Enable htmlArea RTE in Safari -> Removed list of plugins from EM configuration -> Enhancements to the block styling and text styling drop-down lists -> Enhancements to the handling of inline elements: new formattext drop-down list and new inline element buttons -> Enhancements to the handling of block elements: formattext, insertparagrahbefore and insertparagraphafter buttons, blockquote button, indent with div and configurable class, alignment with configurable classes -> New plugin API enable TYPO3 extension to extend the RTE (to be documented separately) * Cleaner Backend Project -> Implemented new GUI with lots of usability improvements -> Enable Tabs in Page Properties -> Use optgroups in selectorboxes -> Added "Open Documents" as optional module in top bar -> Possibility to fold the page- and file-tree widgets * TCEforms -> Notify and visualize user where required elements are nested in IRRE or Tabs -> The page doktypes "advanced" and "not in menu" were removed and their functionality integrated into the "normal" doktype -> Date and Datetime fields now support dates starting from 01/01/1902 (dates prior to 1970 are are stored in the database as negative timestamps). The upper limited is still 01/01/2038. * Inline Relational Record Editing (IRRE) -> Localization support for child records -> Possibility to define storage page for child records on a per-table-basis (TSconfig TCAdefault.[table].pid = [page id]) * Template Module -> Improved TypoScript editor by integration of T3Editor with several extended features like code highlighting, code snippets, etc. -> Improved the usability of the Constant Editor Compatibility ============= * t3lib_div::csvValues() now exports like Internet RFC 4180 (embedded line-breaks allowed) * !!! Page doktypes "2" & "5" ("advanced" and "not in menu") were removed and merge with the "normal" doktype "1" -> This behaviour can be disabled by setting the $TYPO3_CONF_VARS['SYS']['compat_version'] to '4.1'. -> The update wizard allows one to perform the required database changes. -> For Developers: Check your extensions and TypoScripts -> doktypes '2' and '5' are deprecated! -> change conditions like "doktype=5" to "nav_hide=1" -> remove conditions like "doktype=2" Speed improvements ================== * indexed_search with a huge page trees can now be a lot faster with the new TypoScript configuration option "skipExtendToSubpagesChecking" * Added many calls to $GLOBALS['TYPO3_DB']->sql_free_result() free these memory resources * Speed up link rendering by implementing some local caches * Introduction of global variable $ACCESS_TIME (to the minute) to allow a better usage of MySQL query cache for time-based access control queries * Improved caching of locallang and changed internal caching from default character set of language to required character set. Development ==================== * Add new external library "RemoveXSS" for easily filtering potential Cross Site Scripting (XSS) attacks. -> Can be used by any script. Usage: $filtered_string = t3lib_div::removeXSS($input_string); -> Thanks to Travis Puderbaugh <kallahar@quickwired.com> for providing this nice piece of code! * TCEforms -> Setting a field of eval "timesec" as a label of a table would show an integer instead of the hh:mm:ss string * Workspaces -> Added class.wslib_gui.php to allow using WS GUI from extensions -> Added "flush" command to TCEmain API for versions so versions can be completely deleted and not only released from a workspace * AJAX/JavaScript -> Added JavaScript minification feature (new function t3lib_div::minifyJavaScript) -> Updated JavaScript libraries: prototype ( and script.aculo.us (1.8.1) -> Consistent interface for AJAX calls in the TYPO3 Backend (typo3/ajax.php) * Hooks -> Added hook to Web>Page "columns" view, allowing plugins to display "additional info" instead of "CODE:" -> Added a hook to TCEforms to enable custom evaluations for input fields -> Introduced a new global hook $GLOBALS['TYPO3_CONF_VARS']['SC_OPTIONS']['GLOBAL']['recStatInfoHooks'] -> allows to insert HTML before a records icon in the page tree, Web>List and Web>Page modules (and possibly more places where makes sense) -> Integrate post processing hook for links handled by typoLink -> Web>List module: Allow modification/addition/removal of icons for each table and its records -> Hook in TCEmain after all database operations -> Some Hooks for tslib_content -> Added hooks to t3lib_TCEforms_inline to manipulate control items for each child record -> Added hook to manipulate the cHash TypoScript changes ================== * Back-end -> Removed TSconfig property TCEFORM.<table>.<field>.linkTitleToSelf.returnUrl -> Added possibility to set TCAdefaults in Page TSconfig -> Added Page TSconfig property TCEFORM.[table].[field].label to override labels * Front-end -> Added +stdWrap for the .src parameter of "FRAME" -> Added +stdWrap for the .wrapItemAndSub parameter of "TMENUITEM" -> Added new conditions "year" and "dayofyear" -> Addes possibility to define cache expire time of HMEMUs -> Introduced a new TS option that makes indexing of metatags configurable (config.index_metatags) -> Added stdWrap support for minW and minH of imgResource -> Added minification of JavaScripts (config.minifyJS) -> Constant 'PAGE_TARGET' of CSS Styled Content is cleared when compatVersion is set to 4.2.0 Database changes ================ * Replace all TINYTEXT columns with VARCHAR(255) * Change index "parent" of fe_user to (pid,username) and drop the index "pid" * Added fields "crdate" and "cruser_id" to tt_content DBAL ==== * typo3/sysext/adodb: Update to upstream version 4.94 Frontend features ================= * New login-box System-Extension "felogin": -> This is a refactored version of the "newloginbox" extension, now integrated into the core. -> If you install the extension, it will replace the old login content element (CType: "Login Form"). -> The new plugin comes with a great new redirection framework and lots of configuration options - but still runs nicely out of the box. * Roll-over (RO) on a GMENU in IE didn't work with xhtml_strict (Bug #3729) * Content encoding with x-gzip is now available also for IE7 * Various improvements to the admin panel * Whole workspaces can be previewed now for users with no backend login by a simple link you can email * Enabled EXPLAIN SELECT queries in TS admin panel Backend skin ============ * ... Important bugfixes ================== * Better transliteration for hebrew (using lower-cased latin letters) * pageNotFound_handling used to return an empty page if the specified URL could not be retrieved (old gremlin) * "Clear FE cache" didn't clear "typo3temp/cache_pages" directory Currently unsupported ===================== * Missing features concerning the disposal of Inline Relational Record Editing (IRRE) -> Workspaces and Versioning are currently not supported -> FlexForms using the TCA type 'inline' are currently not supported/tested -> Import/Export (sysext tx_impexp) might not work correctly in special cases