File: class.t3lib_iconworks.php
<?php /*************************************************************** * Copyright notice * * (c) 1999-2008 Kasper Skaarhoj (kasperYYYY@typo3.com) * All rights reserved * * This script is part of the TYPO3 project. The TYPO3 project is * free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * The GNU General Public License can be found at * http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html. * A copy is found in the textfile GPL.txt and important notices to the license * from the author is found in LICENSE.txt distributed with these scripts. * * * This script is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * This copyright notice MUST APPEAR in all copies of the script! ***************************************************************/ /** * Contains class for icon generation in the backend * * $Id: class.t3lib_iconworks.php 3466 2008-03-21 19:57:01Z masi $ * Revised for TYPO3 3.6 July/2003 by Kasper Skaarhoj * XHTML compliant * * @author Kasper Skaarhoj <kasperYYYY@typo3.com> */ /** * [CLASS/FUNCTION INDEX of SCRIPT] * * * * 85: class t3lib_iconWorks * 100: function getIconImage($table,$row=array(),$backPath,$params='',$shaded=FALSE) * 118: function getIcon($table,$row=array(),$shaded=FALSE) * 264: function skinImg($backPath,$src,$wHattribs='',$outputMode=0) * * SECTION: Other functions * 353: function makeIcon($iconfile,$mode, $user, $protectSection,$absFile,$iconFileName_stateTagged) * 475: function imagecopyresized(&$im, $cpImg, $Xstart, $Ystart, $cpImgCutX, $cpImgCutY, $w, $h, $w, $h) * 505: function imagecreatefrom($file) * 522: function imagemake($im, $path) * * TOTAL FUNCTIONS: 7 * (This index is automatically created/updated by the extension "extdeveval") * */ /** * Icon generation, backend * This library has functions that returns - and if necessary creates - the icon for an element in TYPO3 * * Expects global vars: * - $BACK_PATH * - PATH_typo3 * - $TCA, $PAGES_TYPES * * * Notes: * These functions are strongly related to the interface of TYPO3. * The class is included in eg. init.php * ALL functions called without making a class instance, eg. "t3lib_iconWorks::getIconImage()" * * @author Kasper Skaarhoj <kasperYYYY@typo3.com> * @package TYPO3 * @subpackage t3lib */ final class t3lib_iconWorks { /** * Returns an icon image tag, 18x16 pixels, based on input information. * This function is recommended to use in your backend modules. * Usage: 60 * * @param string The table name * @param array The table row ("enablefields" are at least needed for correct icon display and for pages records some more fields in addition!) * @param string The backpath to the main TYPO3 directory (relative path back to PATH_typo3) * @param string Additional attributes for the image tag * @param boolean If set, the icon will be grayed/shaded * @return string <img>-tag * @see getIcon() */ public static function getIconImage($table, $row = array(), $backPath, $params = '', $shaded = FALSE) { $str = '<img'.t3lib_iconWorks::skinImg($backPath, t3lib_iconWorks::getIcon($table, $row, $shaded), 'width="18" height="16"').(trim($params)?' '.trim($params):''); if (!stristr($str, 'alt="')) { $str.=' alt=""'; } $str.=' />'; return $str; } /** * Creates the icon for input table/row * Returns filename for the image icon, relative to PATH_typo3 * Usage: 24 * * @param string The table name * @param array The table row ("enablefields" are at least needed for correct icon display and for pages records some more fields in addition!) * @param boolean If set, the icon will be grayed/shaded * @return string Icon filename * @see getIconImage() */ public static function getIcon($table, $row = array(), $shaded = FALSE) { global $TCA, $PAGES_TYPES, $ICON_TYPES; // Flags: $doNotGenerateIcon = $GLOBALS['TYPO3_CONF_VARS']['GFX']['noIconProc']; // If set, the icon will NOT be generated with GDlib. Rather the icon will be looked for as [iconfilename]_X.[extension] $doNotRenderUserGroupNumber = TRUE; // If set, then the usergroup number will NOT be printed unto the icon. NOTICE. the icon is generated only if a default icon for groups is not found... So effectively this is ineffective... // Shadow: if ($TCA[$table]['ctrl']['versioningWS']) { switch((int)$row['t3ver_state']) { case 1: return 'gfx/i/shadow_hide.png'; break; case 2: return 'gfx/i/shadow_delete.png'; break; case 3: return 'gfx/i/shadow_moveto_plh.png'; break; case 4: return 'gfx/i/shadow_moveto_pointer.png'; break; } } // First, find the icon file name. This can depend on configuration in TCA, field values and more: if ($table=='pages') { // @TODO: RFC #7370: doktype 2&5 are deprecated since TYPO3 4.2-beta1 if ($row['nav_hide'] && ($row['doktype']==1||$row['doktype']==2)) $row['doktype'] = 5; // Workaround to change the icon if "Hide in menu" was set if (!$iconfile = $PAGES_TYPES[$row['doktype']]['icon']) { $iconfile = $PAGES_TYPES['default']['icon']; } if ($row['module'] && $ICON_TYPES[$row['module']]['icon']) { $iconfile = $ICON_TYPES[$row['module']]['icon']; } } else { if (!$iconfile = $TCA[$table]['ctrl']['typeicons'][$row[$TCA[$table]['ctrl']['typeicon_column']]]) { $iconfile = (($TCA[$table]['ctrl']['iconfile']) ? $TCA[$table]['ctrl']['iconfile'] : $table.'.gif'); } } // Setting path of iconfile if not already set. Default is "gfx/i/" if (!strstr($iconfile, '/')) { $iconfile = 'gfx/i/'.$iconfile; } // Setting the absolute path where the icon should be found as a file: if (substr($iconfile, 0, 3)=='../') { $absfile = PATH_site.substr($iconfile, 3); } else { $absfile = PATH_typo3.$iconfile; } // Initializing variables, all booleans except otherwise stated: $hidden = FALSE; $timing = FALSE; $futuretiming = FALSE; $user = FALSE; // In fact an integer value... $deleted = FALSE; $protectSection = FALSE; // Set, if a page-record (only pages!) has the extend-to-subpages flag set. $noIconFound = $row['_NO_ICON_FOUND'] ? TRUE : FALSE; // + $shaded which is also boolean! // Icon state based on "enableFields": if (is_array($TCA[$table]['ctrl']['enablecolumns'])) { $enCols = $TCA[$table]['ctrl']['enablecolumns']; // If "hidden" is enabled: if ($enCols['disabled']) { if ($row[$enCols['disabled']]) { $hidden = TRUE; }} // If a "starttime" is set and higher than current time: if ($enCols['starttime']) { if (time() < intval($row[$enCols['starttime']])) { $timing = TRUE; }} // If an "endtime" is set: if ($enCols['endtime']) { if (intval($row[$enCols['endtime']]) > 0) { if (intval($row[$enCols['endtime']]) < time()) { $timing = TRUE; // End-timing applies at this point. } else { $futuretiming = TRUE; // End-timing WILL apply in the future for this element. } } } // If a user-group field is set: if ($enCols['fe_group']) { $user = $row[$enCols['fe_group']]; if ($user && $doNotRenderUserGroupNumber) $user = 100; // Limit for user number rendering! } } // If "deleted" flag is set (only when listing records which are also deleted!) if ($col = $row[$TCA[$table]['ctrl']['delete']]) { $deleted = TRUE; } // Detecting extendToSubpages (for pages only) if ($table=='pages' && $row['extendToSubpages'] && ($hidden || $timing || $futuretiming || $user)) { $protectSection = TRUE; } // If ANY of the booleans are set it means we have to alter the icon: if ($hidden || $timing || $futuretiming || $user || $deleted || $shaded || $noIconFound) { $flags = ''; $string = ''; if ($deleted) { $string = 'deleted'; $flags = 'd'; } elseif ($noIconFound) { // This is ONLY for creating icons with "?" on easily... $string = 'no_icon_found'; $flags = 'x'; } else { if ($hidden) $string.='hidden'; if ($timing) $string.='timing'; if (!$string && $futuretiming) { $string = 'futuretiming'; } $flags.= ($hidden ? 'h' : ''). ($timing ? 't' : ''). ($futuretiming ? 'f' : ''). ($user ? 'u' : ''). ($protectSection ? 'p' : ''). ($shaded ? 's' : ''); } // Create tagged icon file name: $iconFileName_stateTagged = ereg_replace('.([[:alnum:]]+)$', '__'.$flags.'.\1', basename($iconfile)); // Check if tagged icon file name exists (a tagget icon means the icon base name with the flags added between body and extension of the filename, prefixed with underscore) if (@is_file(dirname($absfile).'/'.$iconFileName_stateTagged)) { // Look for [iconname]_xxxx.[ext] return dirname($iconfile).'/'.$iconFileName_stateTagged; } elseif ($doNotGenerateIcon) { // If no icon generation can be done, try to look for the _X icon: $iconFileName_X = ereg_replace('.([[:alnum:]]+)$', '__x.\1', basename($iconfile)); if (@is_file(dirname($absfile).'/'.$iconFileName_X)) { return dirname($iconfile).'/'.$iconFileName_X; } else { return 'gfx/i/no_icon_found.gif'; } } else { // Otherwise, create the icon: $theRes = t3lib_iconWorks::makeIcon($GLOBALS['BACK_PATH'].$iconfile, $string, $user, $protectSection, $absfile, $iconFileName_stateTagged); return $theRes; } } else { return $iconfile; } } /** * Returns the src=... for the input $src value OR any alternative found in $TBE_STYLES['skinImg'] * Used for skinning the TYPO3 backend with an alternative set of icons * Usage: 336 * * @param string Current backpath to PATH_typo3 folder * @param string Icon file name relative to PATH_typo3 folder * @param string Default width/height, defined like 'width="12" height="14"' * @param integer Mode: 0 (zero) is default and returns src/width/height. 1 returns value of src+backpath, 2 returns value of w/h. * @return string Returns ' src="[backPath][src]" [wHattribs]' * @see skinImgFile() */ public static function skinImg($backPath, $src, $wHattribs = '', $outputMode = 0) { // Setting source key. If the icon is refered to inside an extension, we homogenize the prefix to "ext/": $srcKey = ereg_replace('^(\.\.\/typo3conf\/ext|sysext|ext)\/', 'ext/', $src); #if ($src!=$srcKey)debug(array($src, $srcKey)); // LOOKING for alternative icons: if ($GLOBALS['TBE_STYLES']['skinImg'][$srcKey]) { // Slower or faster with is_array()? Could be used. list($src, $wHattribs) = $GLOBALS['TBE_STYLES']['skinImg'][$srcKey]; } elseif ($GLOBALS['TBE_STYLES']['skinImgAutoCfg']) { // Otherwise, test if auto-detection is enabled: // Search for alternative icon automatically: $fExt = $GLOBALS['TBE_STYLES']['skinImgAutoCfg']['forceFileExtension']; $scaleFactor = $GLOBALS['TBE_STYLES']['skinImgAutoCfg']['scaleFactor'] ? $GLOBALS['TBE_STYLES']['skinImgAutoCfg']['scaleFactor'] : 1; // Scaling factor $lookUpName = $fExt ? ereg_replace('\.[[:alnum:]]+$', '', $srcKey).'.'.$fExt : $srcKey; // Set filename to look for // If file is found: if (@is_file($GLOBALS['TBE_STYLES']['skinImgAutoCfg']['absDir'].$lookUpName)) { // If there is a file... $iInfo = @getimagesize($GLOBALS['TBE_STYLES']['skinImgAutoCfg']['absDir'].$lookUpName); // Get width/height: // Set $src and $wHattribs: $src = $GLOBALS['TBE_STYLES']['skinImgAutoCfg']['relDir'].$lookUpName; $wHattribs = 'width="'.round($iInfo[0]*$scaleFactor).'" height="'.round($iInfo[1]*$scaleFactor).'"'; } // In anycase, set currect src / wHattrib - this way we make sure that an entry IS found next time we hit the function, regardless of whether it points to a alternative icon or just the current. $GLOBALS['TBE_STYLES']['skinImg'][$srcKey] = array($src, $wHattribs); // Set default... } // DEBUG: This doubles the size of all icons - for testing/debugging: # if (ereg('^width="([0-9]+)" height="([0-9]+)"$', $wHattribs, $reg)) $wHattribs='width="'.($reg[1]*2).'" height="'.($reg[2]*2).'"'; // rendering disabled (greyed) icons using _i (inactive) as name suffix ("_d" is already used) $matches = array(); $srcBasename = basename($src); if (preg_match('/(.*)_i(\....)$/', $srcBasename, $matches)) { $temp_path = dirname(PATH_thisScript).'/'; if(!@is_file($temp_path.$backPath.$src)) { $srcOrg = preg_replace('/_i'.preg_quote($matches[2]).'$/', $matches[2], $src); $src = t3lib_iconWorks::makeIcon($backPath.$srcOrg, 'disabled', 0, false, $temp_path.$backPath.$srcOrg, $srcBasename); } } // Return icon source/wHattributes: $output = ''; switch($outputMode) { case 0: $output = ' src="'.$backPath.$src.'" '.$wHattribs; break; case 1: $output = $backPath.$src; break; case 2: $output = $wHattribs; break; } return $output; } /*********************************** * * Other functions * ***********************************/ /** * Creates the icon file for the function getIcon() * * @param string Original unprocessed Icon file, relative path to PATH_typo3 * @param string Mode string, eg. "deleted" or "futuretiming" determining how the icon will look * @param integer The number of the fe_group record uid if applicable * @param boolean Flag determines if the protected-section icon should be applied. * @param string Absolute path to file from which to create the icon. * @param string The filename that this icon should have had, basically [icon base name]_[flags].[extension] - used for part of temporary filename * @return string Filename relative to PATH_typo3 * @access private */ public static function makeIcon($iconfile, $mode, $user, $protectSection, $absFile, $iconFileName_stateTagged) { $iconFileName = 'icon_'.t3lib_div::shortMD5($iconfile.'|'.$mode.'|-'.$user.'|'.$protectSection).'_'.$iconFileName_stateTagged.'.'.($GLOBALS['TYPO3_CONF_VARS']['GFX']['gdlib_png']?'png':'gif'); $mainpath = '../typo3temp/'.$iconFileName; $path = PATH_site.'typo3temp/'.$iconFileName; if (@file_exists(PATH_typo3.'icons/'.$iconFileName)) { // Returns if found in typo3/icons/ return 'icons/'.$iconFileName; } elseif (@file_exists($path)) { // Returns if found in ../typo3temp/icons/ return $mainpath; } else { // Makes icon: if (@file_exists($absFile)) { if ($GLOBALS['TYPO3_CONF_VARS']['GFX']['gdlib']) { // Create image pointer, if possible $im = t3lib_iconworks::imagecreatefrom($absFile); if ($im<0) return $iconfile; // Converting to gray scale, dimming the icon: if (($mode=='disabled') OR ($mode!='futuretiming' && $mode!='no_icon_found' && !(!$mode && $user))) { for ($c = 0; $c<ImageColorsTotal($im); $c++) { $cols = ImageColorsForIndex($im, $c); $newcol = round(($cols['red']+$cols['green']+$cols['blue'])/3); $lighten = ($mode=='disabled') ? 2.5 : 2; $newcol = round(255-((255-$newcol)/$lighten)); ImageColorSet($im, $c, $newcol, $newcol, $newcol); } } // Applying user icon, if there are access control on the item: if ($user) { if ($user < 100) { // Apply user number only if lower than 100 $black = ImageColorAllocate($im, 0, 0, 0); imagefilledrectangle($im, 0, 0, (($user>10)?9:5), 8, $black); $white = ImageColorAllocate($im, 255, 255, 255); imagestring($im, 1, 1, 1, $user, $white); } $ol_im = t3lib_iconworks::imagecreatefrom($GLOBALS['BACK_PATH'].'gfx/overlay_group.gif'); if ($ol_im<0) return $iconfile; t3lib_iconworks::imagecopyresized($im, $ol_im, 0, 0, 0, 0, imagesx($ol_im), imagesy($ol_im), imagesx($ol_im), imagesy($ol_im)); } // Applying overlay based on mode: if ($mode) { unset($ol_im); switch($mode) { case 'deleted': $ol_im = t3lib_iconworks::imagecreatefrom($GLOBALS['BACK_PATH'].'gfx/overlay_deleted.gif'); break; case 'futuretiming': $ol_im = t3lib_iconworks::imagecreatefrom($GLOBALS['BACK_PATH'].'gfx/overlay_timing.gif'); break; case 'timing': $ol_im = t3lib_iconworks::imagecreatefrom($GLOBALS['BACK_PATH'].'gfx/overlay_timing.gif'); break; case 'hiddentiming': $ol_im = t3lib_iconworks::imagecreatefrom($GLOBALS['BACK_PATH'].'gfx/overlay_hidden_timing.gif'); break; case 'no_icon_found': $ol_im = t3lib_iconworks::imagecreatefrom($GLOBALS['BACK_PATH'].'gfx/overlay_no_icon_found.gif'); break; case 'disabled': // is already greyed - nothing more $ol_im = 0; break; case 'hidden': default: $ol_im = t3lib_iconworks::imagecreatefrom($GLOBALS['BACK_PATH'].'gfx/overlay_hidden.gif'); break; } if ($ol_im<0) return $iconfile; if ($ol_im) { t3lib_iconworks::imagecopyresized($im, $ol_im, 0, 0, 0, 0, imagesx($ol_im), imagesy($ol_im), imagesx($ol_im), imagesy($ol_im)); } } // Protect-section icon: if ($protectSection) { $ol_im = t3lib_iconworks::imagecreatefrom($GLOBALS['BACK_PATH'].'gfx/overlay_sub5.gif'); if ($ol_im<0) return $iconfile; t3lib_iconworks::imagecopyresized($im, $ol_im, 0, 0, 0, 0, imagesx($ol_im), imagesy($ol_im), imagesx($ol_im), imagesy($ol_im)); } // Create the image as file, destroy GD image and return: @t3lib_iconWorks::imagemake($im, $path); t3lib_div::gif_compress($path, 'IM'); ImageDestroy($im); return $mainpath; } else { return $iconfile; } } else { return $GLOBALS['BACK_PATH'].'gfx/fileicons/default.gif'; } } } /** * The necessity of using this function for combining two images if GD is version 2 is that * GD2 cannot manage to combine two indexed-color images without totally spoiling everything. * In class.t3lib_stdgraphic this was solved by combining the images onto a first created true color image * However it has turned out that this method will not work if the indexed png-files contains transparency. * So I had to turn my attention to ImageMagick - my 'enemy of death'. * And so it happend - ImageMagick is now used to combine my two indexed-color images with transparency. And that works. * Of course it works only if ImageMagick is able to create valid png-images - which you cannot be sure of with older versions (still 5+) * The only drawback is (apparently) that IM creates true-color png's. The transparency of these will not be shown by MSIE on windows at this time (although it's straight 0%/100% transparency!) and the file size may be larger. * * For parameters, see PHP function "imagecopyresized()" * * @param pointer see PHP function "imagecopyresized()" * @param pointer see PHP function "imagecopyresized()" * @param integer see PHP function "imagecopyresized()" * @param integer see PHP function "imagecopyresized()" * @param integer see PHP function "imagecopyresized()" * @param integer see PHP function "imagecopyresized()" * @param integer see PHP function "imagecopyresized()" * @param integer see PHP function "imagecopyresized()" * @param integer see PHP function "imagecopyresized()" * @param integer see PHP function "imagecopyresized()" * @return void * @access private */ public static function imagecopyresized(&$im, $cpImg, $Xstart, $Ystart, $cpImgCutX, $cpImgCutY, $w, $h, $w, $h) { imagecopyresized($im, $cpImg, $Xstart, $Ystart, $cpImgCutX, $cpImgCutY, $w, $h, $w, $h); } /** * Create new image pointer from input file (either gif/png, in case the wrong format it is converted by t3lib_div::read_png_gif()) * * @param string Absolute filename of the image file from which to start the icon creation. * @return mixed If success, image pointer, otherwise "-1" * @access private * @see t3lib_div::read_png_gif */ public static function imagecreatefrom($file) { $file = t3lib_div::read_png_gif($file, $GLOBALS['TYPO3_CONF_VARS']['GFX']['gdlib_png']); if ($GLOBALS['TYPO3_CONF_VARS']['GFX']['gdlib_png']) { return $file ? imagecreatefrompng($file) : -1; } else { return $file ? imagecreatefromgif($file) : -1; } } /** * Write the icon in $im pointer to $path * * @param pointer Pointer to GDlib image resource * @param string Absolute path to the filename in which to write the icon. * @return void * @access private */ public static function imagemake($im, $path) { if ($GLOBALS['TYPO3_CONF_VARS']['GFX']['gdlib_png']) { @ImagePng($im, $path); } else { @ImageGif($im, $path); } } } ?>