File: class.t3lib_matchcondition.php
<?php /*************************************************************** * Copyright notice * * (c) 1999-2008 Kasper Skaarhoj (kasperYYYY@typo3.com) * All rights reserved * * This script is part of the TYPO3 project. The TYPO3 project is * free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * The GNU General Public License can be found at * http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html. * A copy is found in the textfile GPL.txt and important notices to the license * from the author is found in LICENSE.txt distributed with these scripts. * * * This script is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * This copyright notice MUST APPEAR in all copies of the script! ***************************************************************/ /** * Contains class for Matching TypoScript conditions * * $Id: class.t3lib_matchcondition.php 3439 2008-03-16 19:16:51Z flyguide $ * Revised for TYPO3 3.6 July/2003 by Kasper Skaarhoj * * @author Kasper Skaarhoj <kasperYYYY@typo3.com> */ /** * [CLASS/FUNCTION INDEX of SCRIPT] * * * * 80: class t3lib_matchCondition * 87: function __construct() * 105: function t3lib_matchCondition() * 115: function match($condition_line) * 160: function evalConditionStr($string) * 381: function testNumber($test,$value) * 405: function matchWild($haystack,$needle) * 429: function whichDevice($useragent) * 498: function browserInfo($useragent) * 611: function browserInfo_version($tmp) * 624: function getGlobal($var, $source=NULL) * 658: function getGP_ENV_TSFE($var) * * TOTAL FUNCTIONS: 11 * (This index is automatically created/updated by the extension "extdeveval") * */ /** * Matching TypoScript conditions * * Used with the TypoScript parser. * Matches browserinfo, IPnumbers for use with templates * * @author Kasper Skaarhoj <kasperYYYY@typo3.com> * @package TYPO3 * @subpackage t3lib * @see t3lib_TStemplate::matching(), t3lib_TStemplate::generateConfig() */ class t3lib_matchCondition { var $matchAlternative=array(); // If this array has elements, the matching returns true if a whole "matchline" is found in the array! var $matchAll=0; // If set all is matched! var $altRootLine=array(); var $hookObjectsArr = array(); /** * Constructor for this class * * @return void */ function __construct() { global $TYPO3_CONF_VARS; // Usage (ext_localconf.php): // $TYPO3_CONF_VARS['SC_OPTIONS']['t3lib/class.t3lib_matchcondition.php']['matchConditionClass'][] = // 'EXT:my_ext/class.browserinfo.php:MyBrowserInfoClass'; if (is_array($TYPO3_CONF_VARS['SC_OPTIONS']['t3lib/class.t3lib_matchcondition.php']['matchConditionClass'])) { foreach ($TYPO3_CONF_VARS['SC_OPTIONS']['t3lib/class.t3lib_matchcondition.php']['matchConditionClass'] as $classRef) { $this->hookObjectsArr[] = &t3lib_div::getUserObj($classRef, ''); } } } /** * Constructor for this class * * @return void */ function t3lib_matchCondition() { $this->__construct(); } /** * Matching TS condition * * @param string Line to match * @return boolean True if matched */ function match($condition_line) { if ($this->matchAll) { return true; } if (count($this->matchAlternative)) { return in_array($condition_line, $this->matchAlternative); } // Getting the value from inside of the wrapping square brackets of the condition line: $insideSqrBrackets = substr(trim($condition_line), 1, strlen($condition_line) - 2); $insideSqrBrackets = preg_replace('/\]\s*OR\s*\[/i', ']||[', $insideSqrBrackets); $insideSqrBrackets = preg_replace('/\]\s*AND\s*\[/i', ']&&[', $insideSqrBrackets); // The "weak" operator "||" (OR) takes precedence: backwards compatible, [XYZ][ZYX] does still work as OR $orParts = preg_split('/\]\s*(\|\|){0,1}\s*\[/',$insideSqrBrackets); foreach ($orParts as $partString) { $matches = false; // Splits by the "&&" (AND) operator: $andParts = preg_split('/\]\s*&&\s*\[/',$partString); foreach ($andParts as $condStr) { $matches = $this->evalConditionStr($condStr); if ($matches===false) { break; // only true AND true = true, so we have to break here } } if ($matches===true) { break; // true OR false = true, so we break if we have a positive result } } return $matches; } /** * Evaluates a TypoScript condition given as input, eg. "[browser=net][...(other conditions)...]" * * @param string The condition to match against its criterias. * @return boolean Returns true or false based on the evaluation. * @see t3lib_tsparser::parse() * @link http://typo3.org/doc.0.html?&tx_extrepmgm_pi1[extUid]=270&tx_extrepmgm_pi1[tocEl]=292&cHash=c6c7d43d2f */ function evalConditionStr($string) { if (!is_array($this->altRootLine)) { $this->altRootLine = array(); } list($key, $value) = explode('=', $string, 2); $key = trim($key); if (stristr(',browser,version,system,useragent,', ",$key,")) { $browserInfo = $this->browserInfo(t3lib_div::getIndpEnv('HTTP_USER_AGENT')); } $value = trim($value); switch ($key) { case 'browser': $values = explode(',',$value); while(list(,$test)=each($values)) { if (strstr($browserInfo['browser'].$browserInfo['version'],trim($test))) { return true; } } break; case 'version': $values = explode(',',$value); while(list(,$test)=each($values)) { $test = trim($test); if (strlen($test)) { if (strcspn($test,'=<>')==0) { switch(substr($test,0,1)) { case '=': if (doubleval(substr($test,1))==$browserInfo['version']) return true; break; case '<': if (doubleval(substr($test,1))>$browserInfo['version']) return true; break; case '>': if (doubleval(substr($test,1))<$browserInfo['version']) return true; break; } } else { if (strpos(' '.$browserInfo['version'],$test)==1) {return true;} } } } break; case 'system': $values = explode(',',$value); while(list(,$test)=each($values)) { $test = trim($test); if (strlen($test)) { if (strpos(' '.$browserInfo['system'],$test)==1) {return true;} } } break; case 'device': $values = explode(',',$value); if (!isset($this->deviceInfo)) { $this->deviceInfo = $this->whichDevice(t3lib_div::getIndpEnv('HTTP_USER_AGENT')); } while(list(,$test)=each($values)) { $test = trim($test); if (strlen($test)) { if ($this->deviceInfo==$test) {return true;} } } break; case 'useragent': $test = trim($value); if (strlen($test)) { return $this->matchWild($browserInfo['useragent'],$test); } break; case 'language': $values = explode(',',$value); while(list(,$test)=each($values)) { $test = trim($test); if (strlen($test)) { if (preg_match('/^\*.+\*$/',$test)) { $allLanguages = split('[,;]',t3lib_div::getIndpEnv('HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE')); if (in_array(substr($test,1,-1), $allLanguages)) {return true;} } else { if (t3lib_div::getIndpEnv('HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE') == $test) {return true;} } } } break; case 'IP': if (t3lib_div::cmpIP(t3lib_div::getIndpEnv('REMOTE_ADDR'), $value)) {return true;} break; case 'hostname': if (t3lib_div::cmpFQDN(t3lib_div::getIndpEnv('REMOTE_ADDR'), $value)) {return true;} break; // hour, minute, dayofweek, dayofmonth, month, year, julianday case 'hour': case 'minute': case 'month': case 'year': case 'dayofweek': case 'dayofmonth': case 'dayofyear': $theEvalTime = $GLOBALS['SIM_EXEC_TIME']; // In order to simulate time properly in templates. switch($key) { case 'hour': $theTestValue = date('H',$theEvalTime); break; case 'minute': $theTestValue = date('i',$theEvalTime); break; case 'month': $theTestValue = date('m',$theEvalTime); break; case 'year': $theTestValue = date('Y',$theEvalTime); break; case 'dayofweek': $theTestValue = date('w',$theEvalTime); break; case 'dayofmonth': $theTestValue = date('d',$theEvalTime); break; case 'dayofyear': $theTestValue = date('z',$theEvalTime); break; } $theTestValue = intval($theTestValue); // comp $values = explode(',',$value); reset($values); while(list(,$test)=each($values)) { $test = trim($test); if (t3lib_div::testInt($test)) {$test='='.$test;} if (strlen($test)) { if ($this->testNumber($test,$theTestValue)) {return true;} } } break; case 'usergroup': if ($GLOBALS['TSFE']->gr_list!='0,-1') { // '0,-1' is the default usergroups when not logged in! $values = explode(',',$value); while(list(,$test)=each($values)) { $test = trim($test); if (strlen($test)) { if ($test=='*' || t3lib_div::inList($GLOBALS['TSFE']->gr_list,$test)) {return true;} } } } break; case 'loginUser': if ($GLOBALS['TSFE']->loginUser) { $values = explode(',',$value); while(list(,$test)=each($values)) { $test = trim($test); if (strlen($test)) { if ($test=='*' || !strcmp($GLOBALS['TSFE']->fe_user->user['uid'],$test)) {return true;} } } } break; case 'globalVar': $values = explode(',',$value); while(list(,$test)=each($values)) { $test = trim($test); if (strlen($test)) { $point = strcspn($test,'=<>'); $theVarName = substr($test,0,$point); $nv = $this->getGP_ENV_TSFE(trim($theVarName)); $testValue = substr($test,$point); if ($this->testNumber($testValue,$nv)) {return true;} } } break; case 'globalString': $values = explode(',',$value); while(list(,$test)=each($values)) { $test = trim($test); if (strlen($test)) { $point = strcspn($test,'='); $theVarName = substr($test,0,$point); $nv = $this->getGP_ENV_TSFE(trim($theVarName)); $testValue = substr($test,$point+1); if ($this->matchWild($nv,trim($testValue))) {return true;} } } break; case 'treeLevel': $values = explode(',',$value); $theRootLine = is_array($GLOBALS['TSFE']->tmpl->rootLine) ? $GLOBALS['TSFE']->tmpl->rootLine : $this->altRootLine; $theRLC = count($theRootLine)-1; while(list(,$test)=each($values)) { $test = trim($test); if ($test==$theRLC) { return true; } } break; case 'PIDupinRootline': case 'PIDinRootline': $values = explode(',',$value); if (($key=='PIDinRootline') || (!in_array($GLOBALS['TSFE']->id,$values))) { $theRootLine = is_array($GLOBALS['TSFE']->tmpl->rootLine) ? $GLOBALS['TSFE']->tmpl->rootLine : $this->altRootLine; reset($values); while(list(,$test)=each($values)) { $test = trim($test); reset($theRootLine); while(list($rl_key,$rl_dat)=each($theRootLine)) { if ($rl_dat['uid']==$test) { return true; } } } } break; case 'compatVersion': { return t3lib_div::compat_version($value); } break; case 'userFunc': $values = split('\(|\)',$value); $funcName=trim($values[0]); $funcValue = t3lib_div::trimExplode(',',$values[1]); $pre = $GLOBALS['TSFE']->TYPO3_CONF_VARS['FE']['userFuncClassPrefix']; if ($pre && !t3lib_div::isFirstPartOfStr(trim($funcName),$pre) && !t3lib_div::isFirstPartOfStr(trim($funcName),'tx_') ) { if (is_object($GLOBALS['TT'])) $GLOBALS['TT']->setTSlogMessage('Match condition: Function "'.$funcName.'" was not prepended with "'.$pre.'"',3); return false; } if (function_exists($funcName) && call_user_func($funcName, $funcValue[0])) { return true; } break; } return false; } /** * Will evaluate a $value based on an operator: "<", ">" or "=" (default) * * @param string The value to compare with on the form [operator][number]. Eg. "< 123" * @param integer The number * @return boolean If $value is "50" and $test is "< 123" then it will return true. */ function testNumber($test,$value) { $test = trim($test); switch(substr($test,0,1)) { case '<': if (doubleval(substr($test,1))>$value) return true; break; case '>': if (doubleval(substr($test,1))<$value) return true; break; default: if (trim(substr($test,1))==$value) return true; break; } return false; } /** * Matching two strings against each other, supporting a "*" wildcard or (if wrapped in "/") PCRE regular expressions * * @param string The string in which to find $needle. * @param string The string to find in $haystack * @return boolean Returns true if $needle matches or is found in (according to wildcards) in $haystack. Eg. if $haystack is "Netscape 6.5" and $needle is "Net*" or "Net*ape" then it returns true. */ function matchWild($haystack,$needle) { if ($needle && $haystack) { if (preg_match('/^\/.+\/$/', $needle)) { // Regular expression, only "//" is allowed as delimiter $regex = $needle; } else { $needle = str_replace(array('*','?'), array('###MANY###','###ONE###'), $needle); $regex = '/^'.preg_quote($needle,'/').'$/'; $regex = str_replace(array('###MANY###','###ONE###'), array('.*','.'), $regex); // Replace the marker with .* to match anything (wildcard) } if (preg_match($regex, $haystack)) return true; } return false; } /** * Returns a code for a browsing device based on the input useragent string * * @param string User agent string from browser, t3lib_div::getIndpEnv('HTTP_USER_AGENT') * @return string A code. See link. * @access private * @link http://typo3.org/doc.0.html?&tx_extrepmgm_pi1[extUid]=270&tx_extrepmgm_pi1[tocEl]=296&cHash=a8ae66c7d6 */ function whichDevice($useragent) { foreach($this->hookObjectsArr as $hookObj) { if (method_exists($hookObj, 'whichDevice')) { $result = $hookObj->whichDevice($useragent); if (strlen($result)) { return $result; } } } // deprecated, see above if (is_array($GLOBALS['TYPO3_CONF_VARS']['SC_OPTIONS']['t3lib/class.t3lib_matchcondition.php']['devices_class'])) { foreach($GLOBALS['TYPO3_CONF_VARS']['SC_OPTIONS']['t3lib/class.t3lib_matchcondition.php']['devices_class'] as $_classRef) { $_procObj = &t3lib_div::getUserObj($_classRef); return $_procObj->whichDevice_ext($useragent); } } // $agent=strtolower(trim($useragent)); // pda if( strstr($agent, 'avantgo')) { return 'pda'; } // wap $browser=substr($agent,0,4); $wapviwer=substr(stristr($agent,'wap'),0,3); if( $wapviwer=='wap' || $browser=='noki' || $browser== 'eric' || $browser== 'r380' || $browser== 'up.b' || $browser== 'winw' || $browser== 'wapa') { return 'wap'; } // grabber if( strstr($agent, 'g.r.a.b.') || strstr($agent, 'utilmind httpget') || strstr($agent, 'webcapture') || strstr($agent, 'teleport') || strstr($agent, 'webcopier')) { return 'grabber'; } // robots if( strstr($agent, 'crawler') || strstr($agent, 'spider') || strstr($agent, 'googlebot') || strstr($agent, 'searchbot') || strstr($agent, 'infoseek') || strstr($agent, 'altavista') || strstr($agent, 'diibot')) { return 'robot'; } } /** * Generates an array with abstracted browser information * This method is used in the function match() in this class * * @param string The useragent string, t3lib_div::getIndpEnv('HTTP_USER_AGENT') * @return array Contains keys "browser", "version", "system" * @access private * @see match() */ function browserInfo($useragent) { foreach($this->hookObjectsArr as $hookObj) { if (method_exists($hookObj, 'browserInfo')) { $result = $hookObj->browserInfo($useragent); if (strlen($result)) { return $result; } } } $useragent = trim($useragent); $browserInfo=Array(); $browserInfo['useragent']=$useragent; if ($useragent) { // browser if (strstr($useragent,'MSIE')) { $browserInfo['browser']='msie'; } elseif(strstr($useragent,'Konqueror')) { $browserInfo['browser']='konqueror'; } elseif(strstr($useragent,'Opera')) { $browserInfo['browser']='opera'; } elseif(strstr($useragent,'Lynx')) { $browserInfo['browser']='lynx'; } elseif(strstr($useragent,'PHP')) { $browserInfo['browser']='php'; } elseif(strstr($useragent,'AvantGo')) { $browserInfo['browser']='avantgo'; } elseif(strstr($useragent,'WebCapture')) { $browserInfo['browser']='acrobat'; } elseif(strstr($useragent,'IBrowse')) { $browserInfo['browser']='ibrowse'; } elseif(strstr($useragent,'Teleport')) { $browserInfo['browser']='teleport'; } elseif(strstr($useragent,'Mozilla')) { $browserInfo['browser']='netscape'; } else { $browserInfo['browser']='unknown'; } // version switch($browserInfo['browser']) { case 'netscape': $browserInfo['version'] = $this->browserInfo_version(substr($useragent,8)); if (strstr($useragent,'Netscape6')) {$browserInfo['version']=6;} break; case 'msie': $tmp = strstr($useragent,'MSIE'); $browserInfo['version'] = $this->browserInfo_version(substr($tmp,4)); break; case 'opera': $tmp = strstr($useragent,'Opera'); $browserInfo['version'] = $this->browserInfo_version(substr($tmp,5)); break; case 'lynx': $tmp = strstr($useragent,'Lynx/'); $browserInfo['version'] = $this->browserInfo_version(substr($tmp,5)); break; case 'php': $tmp = strstr($useragent,'PHP/'); $browserInfo['version'] = $this->browserInfo_version(substr($tmp,4)); break; case 'avantgo': $tmp = strstr($useragent,'AvantGo'); $browserInfo['version'] = $this->browserInfo_version(substr($tmp,7)); break; case 'acrobat': $tmp = strstr($useragent,'WebCapture'); $browserInfo['version'] = $this->browserInfo_version(substr($tmp,10)); break; case 'ibrowse': $tmp = strstr($useragent,'IBrowse/'); $browserInfo['version'] = $this->browserInfo_version(substr($tmp,8)); break; case 'konqueror': $tmp = strstr($useragent,'Konqueror/'); $browserInfo['version'] = $this->browserInfo_version(substr($tmp,10)); break; } // system $browserInfo['system']=''; if (strstr($useragent,'Win')) { // windows if (strstr($useragent,'Win98') || strstr($useragent,'Windows 98')) { $browserInfo['system']='win98'; } elseif (strstr($useragent,'Win95') || strstr($useragent,'Windows 95')) { $browserInfo['system']='win95'; } elseif (strstr($useragent,'WinNT') || strstr($useragent,'Windows NT')) { $browserInfo['system']='winNT'; } elseif (strstr($useragent,'Win16') || strstr($useragent,'Windows 311')) { $browserInfo['system']='win311'; } } elseif (strstr($useragent,'Mac')) { $browserInfo['system']='mac'; // unixes } elseif (strstr($useragent,'Linux')) { $browserInfo['system']='linux'; } elseif (strstr($useragent,'SGI') && strstr($useragent,' IRIX ')) { $browserInfo['system']='unix_sgi'; } elseif (strstr($useragent,' SunOS ')) { $browserInfo['system']='unix_sun'; } elseif (strstr($useragent,' HP-UX ')) { $browserInfo['system']='unix_hp'; } } return $browserInfo; } /** * Returns the version of a browser; Basically getting doubleval() of the input string, stripping of any non-numeric values in the beginning of the string first. * * @param string A string with version number, eg. "/7.32 blablabla" * @return double Returns double value, eg. "7.32" */ function browserInfo_version($tmp) { return doubleval(preg_replace('/^[^0-9]*/','',$tmp)); } /** * Return global variable where the input string $var defines array keys separated by "|" * Example: $var = "HTTP_SERVER_VARS | something" will return the value $GLOBALS['HTTP_SERVER_VARS']['something'] value * * @param string Global var key, eg. "HTTP_GET_VAR" or "HTTP_GET_VARS|id" to get the GET parameter "id" back. * @param array Alternative array than $GLOBAL to get variables from. * @return mixed Whatever value. If none, then blank string. * @access private */ function getGlobal($var, $source=NULL) { $vars = explode('|',$var); $c = count($vars); $k = trim($vars[0]); $theVar = isset($source) ? $source[$k] : $GLOBALS[$k]; for ($a=1;$a<$c;$a++) { if (!isset($theVar)) { break; } $key = trim($vars[$a]); if (is_object($theVar)) { $theVar = $theVar->$key; } elseif (is_array($theVar)) { $theVar = $theVar[$key]; } else { return ''; } } if (!is_array($theVar) && !is_object($theVar)) { return $theVar; } else { return ''; } } /** * Returns GP / ENV / TSFE vars * * @param string Identifier * @return mixed The value of the variable pointed to. * @access private * @link http://typo3.org/doc.0.html?&tx_extrepmgm_pi1[extUid]=270&tx_extrepmgm_pi1[tocEl]=311&cHash=487cbd5cdf */ function getGP_ENV_TSFE($var) { $vars = explode(':',$var,2); if (count($vars)==1) { $val = $this->getGlobal($var); } else { $splitAgain=explode('|',$vars[1],2); $k=trim($splitAgain[0]); if ($k) { switch((string)trim($vars[0])) { case 'GP': $val = t3lib_div::_GP($k); break; case 'TSFE': $val = $this->getGlobal('TSFE|'.$vars[1]); $splitAgain=0; // getGlobal resolves all parts of the key, so no further splitting is needed break; case 'ENV': $val = getenv($k); break; case 'IENV': $val = t3lib_div::getIndpEnv($k); break; case 'LIT': { return trim($vars[1]); } // return litteral value... break; } // If array: if (count($splitAgain)>1) { if (is_array($val) && trim($splitAgain[1])) { $val=$this->getGlobal($splitAgain[1],$val); } else { $val=''; } } } } return $val; } } if (defined('TYPO3_MODE') && $TYPO3_CONF_VARS[TYPO3_MODE]['XCLASS']['t3lib/class.t3lib_matchcondition.php']) { include_once($TYPO3_CONF_VARS[TYPO3_MODE]['XCLASS']['t3lib/class.t3lib_matchcondition.php']); } ?>