File: class.t3lib_parsehtml_proc.php
<?php /*************************************************************** * Copyright notice * * (c) 1999-2008 Kasper Skaarhoj (kasperYYYY@typo3.com) * All rights reserved * * This script is part of the TYPO3 project. The TYPO3 project is * free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * The GNU General Public License can be found at * http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html. * A copy is found in the textfile GPL.txt and important notices to the license * from the author is found in LICENSE.txt distributed with these scripts. * * * This script is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * This copyright notice MUST APPEAR in all copies of the script! ***************************************************************/ /** * Functions for parsing HTML, specially for TYPO3 processing in relation to TCEmain and Rich Text Editor (RTE) * * $Id: class.t3lib_parsehtml_proc.php 3514 2008-04-02 09:15:43Z benni $ * Revised for TYPO3 3.6 December/2003 by Kasper Skaarhoj * XHTML compatible. * * @author Kasper Skaarhoj <kasperYYYY@typo3.com> * @internal */ /** * [CLASS/FUNCTION INDEX of SCRIPT] * * * * 103: class t3lib_parsehtml_proc extends t3lib_parsehtml * 138: function init($elRef='',$recPid=0) * 150: function setRelPath($path) * 174: function evalWriteFile($pArr,$currentRecord) * * SECTION: Main function * 232: function RTE_transform($value,$specConf,$direction='rte',$thisConfig=array()) * * SECTION: Specific RTE TRANSFORMATION functions * 398: function TS_images_db($value) * 550: function TS_images_rte($value) * 589: function TS_reglinks($value,$direction) * 626: function TS_links_db($value) * 675: function TS_links_rte($value) * 760: function TS_preserve_db($value) * 784: function TS_preserve_rte($value) * 805: function TS_transform_db($value,$css=FALSE) * 922: function transformStyledATags($value) * 948: function TS_transform_rte($value,$css=0) * 1019: function TS_strip_db($value) * * SECTION: Generic RTE transformation, analysis and helper functions * 1050: function getURL($url) * 1064: function HTMLcleaner_db($content,$tagList='') * 1091: function getKeepTags($direction='rte',$tagList='') * 1200: function divideIntoLines($value,$count=5,$returnArray=FALSE) * 1304: function setDivTags($value,$dT='p') * 1349: function internalizeFontTags($value) * 1385: function siteUrl() * 1395: function rteImageStorageDir() * 1407: function removeTables($value,$breakChar='<br />') * 1439: function defaultTStagMapping($code,$direction='rte') * 1462: function getWHFromAttribs($attribArray) * 1489: function urlInfoForLinkTags($url) * 1548: function TS_AtagToAbs($value,$dontSetRTEKEEP=FALSE) * * TOTAL FUNCTIONS: 28 * (This index is automatically created/updated by the extension "extdeveval") * */ require_once (PATH_t3lib.'class.t3lib_parsehtml.php'); /** * Class for parsing HTML for the Rich Text Editor. (also called transformations) * * @author Kasper Skaarhoj <kasperYYYY@typo3.com> * @package TYPO3 * @subpackage t3lib */ class t3lib_parsehtml_proc extends t3lib_parsehtml { // Static: var $blockElementList = 'PRE,UL,OL,H1,H2,H3,H4,H5,H6,HR,ADDRESS,DL,DD'; // List of tags for these elements // Internal, static: var $recPid = 0; // Set this to the pid of the record manipulated by the class. var $elRef = ''; // Element reference [table]:[field], eg. "tt_content:bodytext" var $relPath=''; // Relative path var $relBackPath=''; // Relative back-path var $procOptions = ''; // Set to the TSconfig options coming from Page TSconfig // Internal, dynamic var $TS_transform_db_safecounter=100; // Run-away brake for recursive calls. var $rte_p=''; // Parameters from TCA types configuration related to the RTE var $getKeepTags_cache=array(); // Data caching for processing function var $allowedClasses=array(); // Storage of the allowed CSS class names in the RTE var $preserveTags = ''; // Set to tags to preserve from Page TSconfig configuration /** * Initialize, setting element reference and record PID * * @param string Element reference, eg "tt_content:bodytext" * @param integer PID of the record (page id) * @return void */ function init($elRef='',$recPid=0) { $this->recPid = $recPid; $this->elRef = $elRef; } /** * Setting the ->relPath and ->relBackPath to proper values so absolute references to links and images can be converted to relative dittos. * This is used when editing files with the RTE * * @param string The relative path from PATH_site to the place where the file being edited is. Eg. "fileadmin/static". * @return void There is no output, it is set in internal variables. With the above example of "fileadmin/static" as input this will yield ->relPath to be "fileadmin/static/" and ->relBackPath to be "../../" */ function setRelPath($path) { $path = trim($path); $path = ereg_replace('^/','',$path); $path = ereg_replace('/$','',$path); if ($path) { $this->relPath = $path; $this->relBackPath = ''; $partsC=count(explode('/',$this->relPath)); for ($a=0;$a<$partsC;$a++) { $this->relBackPath.='../'; } $this->relPath.='/'; } } /** * Evaluate the environment for editing a staticFileEdit file. * Called for almost all fields being saved in the database. Is called without an instance of the object: t3lib_parsehtml_proc::evalWriteFile() * * @param array Parameters for the current field as found in types-config * @param array Current record we are editing. * @return mixed On success an array with various information is returned, otherwise a string with an error message * @see t3lib_TCEmain, t3lib_transferData */ function evalWriteFile($pArr,$currentRecord) { // Write file configuration: if (is_array($pArr)) { if ($GLOBALS['TYPO3_CONF_VARS']['BE']['staticFileEditPath'] && substr($GLOBALS['TYPO3_CONF_VARS']['BE']['staticFileEditPath'],-1)=='/' && @is_dir(PATH_site.$GLOBALS['TYPO3_CONF_VARS']['BE']['staticFileEditPath'])) { $SW_p = $pArr['parameters']; $SW_editFileField = trim($SW_p[0]); $SW_editFile = $currentRecord[$SW_editFileField]; if ($SW_editFileField && $SW_editFile && t3lib_div::validPathStr($SW_editFile)) { $SW_relpath = $GLOBALS['TYPO3_CONF_VARS']['BE']['staticFileEditPath'].$SW_editFile; $SW_editFile = PATH_site.$SW_relpath; if (@is_file($SW_editFile)) { return array( 'editFile' => $SW_editFile, 'relEditFile' => $SW_relpath, 'contentField' => trim($SW_p[1]), 'markerField' => trim($SW_p[2]), 'loadFromFileField' => trim($SW_p[3]), 'statusField' => trim($SW_p[4]) ); } else return "ERROR: Editfile '".$SW_relpath."' did not exist"; } else return "ERROR: Edit file name could not be found or was bad."; } else return "ERROR: staticFileEditPath was not set, not set correctly or did not exist!"; } } /********************************************** * * Main function * **********************************************/ /** * Transform value for RTE based on specConf in the direction specified by $direction (rte/db) * This is the main function called from tcemain and transfer data classes * * @param string Input value * @param array Special configuration for a field; This is coming from the types-configuration of the field in the TCA. In the types-configuration you can setup features for the field rendering and in particular the RTE takes al its major configuration options from there! * @param string Direction of the transformation. Two keywords are allowed; "db" or "rte". If "db" it means the transformation will clean up content coming from the Rich Text Editor and goes into the database. The other direction, "rte", is of course when content is coming from database and must be transformed to fit the RTE. * @param array Parsed TypoScript content configuring the RTE, probably coming from Page TSconfig. * @return string Output value * @see t3lib_TCEmain::fillInFieldArray(), t3lib_transferData::renderRecord_typesProc() */ function RTE_transform($value,$specConf,$direction='rte',$thisConfig=array()) { // Init: $this->procOptions = $thisConfig['proc.']; $this->preserveTags = strtoupper(implode(',',t3lib_div::trimExplode(',',$this->procOptions['preserveTags']))); // dynamic configuration of blockElementList if ($this->procOptions['blockElementList']) { $this->blockElementList = $this->procOptions['blockElementList']; } // Get parameters for rte_transformation: $p = $this->rte_p = t3lib_BEfunc::getSpecConfParametersFromArray($specConf['rte_transform']['parameters']); // Setting modes: if (strcmp($this->procOptions['overruleMode'],'')) { $modes = array_unique(t3lib_div::trimExplode(',',$this->procOptions['overruleMode'])); } else { $modes = array_unique(t3lib_div::trimExplode('-',$p['mode'])); } $revmodes = array_flip($modes); // Find special modes and extract them: if (isset($revmodes['ts'])) { $modes[$revmodes['ts']] = 'ts_transform,ts_preserve,ts_images,ts_links'; } // Find special modes and extract them: if (isset($revmodes['ts_css'])) { $modes[$revmodes['ts_css']] = 'css_transform,ts_images,ts_links'; } // Make list unique $modes = array_unique(t3lib_div::trimExplode(',',implode(',',$modes),1)); // Reverse order if direction is "rte" if ($direction=='rte') { $modes = array_reverse($modes); } // Getting additional HTML cleaner configuration. These are applied either before or after the main transformation is done and is thus totally independant processing options you can set up: $entry_HTMLparser = $this->procOptions['entryHTMLparser_'.$direction] ? $this->HTMLparserConfig($this->procOptions['entryHTMLparser_'.$direction.'.']) : ''; $exit_HTMLparser = $this->procOptions['exitHTMLparser_'.$direction] ? $this->HTMLparserConfig($this->procOptions['exitHTMLparser_'.$direction.'.']) : ''; // Line breaks of content is unified into char-10 only (removing char 13) if (!$this->procOptions['disableUnifyLineBreaks']) { $value = str_replace(chr(13).chr(10),chr(10),$value); } // In an entry-cleaner was configured, pass value through the HTMLcleaner with that: if (is_array($entry_HTMLparser)) { $value = $this->HTMLcleaner($value,$entry_HTMLparser[0],$entry_HTMLparser[1],$entry_HTMLparser[2],$entry_HTMLparser[3]); } // Traverse modes: foreach($modes as $cmd) { // ->DB if ($direction=='db') { // Checking for user defined transformation: if ($_classRef = $GLOBALS['TYPO3_CONF_VARS']['SC_OPTIONS']['t3lib/class.t3lib_parsehtml_proc.php']['transformation'][$cmd]) { $_procObj = &t3lib_div::getUserObj($_classRef); $_procObj->pObj = &$this; $_procObj->transformationKey = $cmd; $value = $_procObj->transform_db($value,$this); } else { // ... else use defaults: switch($cmd) { case 'ts_images': $value = $this->TS_images_db($value); break; case 'ts_reglinks': $value = $this->TS_reglinks($value,'db'); break; case 'ts_links': $value = $this->TS_links_db($value); break; case 'ts_preserve': $value = $this->TS_preserve_db($value); break; case 'ts_transform': case 'css_transform': $value = str_replace(chr(13),'',$value); // Has a very disturbing effect, so just remove all '13' - depend on '10' $this->allowedClasses = t3lib_div::trimExplode(',',strtoupper($this->procOptions['allowedClasses']),1); $value = $this->TS_transform_db($value,$cmd=='css_transform'); break; case 'ts_strip': $value = $this->TS_strip_db($value); break; default: break; } } } // ->RTE if ($direction=='rte') { // Checking for user defined transformation: if ($_classRef = $GLOBALS['TYPO3_CONF_VARS']['SC_OPTIONS']['t3lib/class.t3lib_parsehtml_proc.php']['transformation'][$cmd]) { $_procObj = &t3lib_div::getUserObj($_classRef); $_procObj->pObj = &$this; $value = $_procObj->transform_rte($value,$this); } else { // ... else use defaults: switch($cmd) { case 'ts_images': $value = $this->TS_images_rte($value); break; case 'ts_reglinks': $value = $this->TS_reglinks($value,'rte'); break; case 'ts_links': $value = $this->TS_links_rte($value); break; case 'ts_preserve': $value = $this->TS_preserve_rte($value); break; case 'ts_transform': case 'css_transform': $value = str_replace(chr(13),'',$value); // Has a very disturbing effect, so just remove all '13' - depend on '10' $value = $this->TS_transform_rte($value,$cmd=='css_transform'); break; default: break; } } } } // In an exit-cleaner was configured, pass value through the HTMLcleaner with that: if (is_array($exit_HTMLparser)) { $value = $this->HTMLcleaner($value,$exit_HTMLparser[0],$exit_HTMLparser[1],$exit_HTMLparser[2],$exit_HTMLparser[3]); } // Final clean up of linebreaks: if (!$this->procOptions['disableUnifyLineBreaks']) { $value = str_replace(chr(13).chr(10),chr(10),$value); // Make sure no \r\n sequences has entered in the meantime... $value = str_replace(chr(10),chr(13).chr(10),$value); // ... and then change all \n into \r\n } // Return value: return $value; } /************************************ * * Specific RTE TRANSFORMATION functions * *************************************/ /** * Transformation handler: 'ts_images' / direction: "db" * Processing images inserted in the RTE. * This is used when content goes from the RTE to the database. * Images inserted in the RTE has an absolute URL applied to the src attribute. This URL is converted to a relative URL * If it turns out that the URL is from another website than the current the image is read from that external URL and moved to the local server. * Also "magic" images are processed here. * * @param string The content from RTE going to Database * @return string Processed content */ function TS_images_db($value) { // Split content by <img> tags and traverse the resulting array for processing: $imgSplit = $this->splitTags('img',$value); foreach($imgSplit as $k => $v) { if ($k%2) { // image found, do processing: // Init $attribArray = $this->get_tag_attributes_classic($v,1); $siteUrl = $this->siteUrl(); $sitePath = str_replace (t3lib_div::getIndpEnv('TYPO3_REQUEST_HOST'), '', $siteUrl); $absRef = trim($attribArray['src']); // It's always a absolute URL coming from the RTE into the Database. // make path absolute if it is relative and we have a site path wich is not '/' $pI=pathinfo($absRef); if($sitePath AND !$pI['scheme'] && t3lib_div::isFirstPartOfStr($absRef,$sitePath)) { // if site is in a subpath (eg. /~user_jim/) this path needs to be removed because it will be added with $siteUrl $absRef = substr($absRef,strlen($sitePath)); $absRef = $siteUrl.$absRef; } // External image from another URL? In that case, fetch image (unless disabled feature). if (!t3lib_div::isFirstPartOfStr($absRef,$siteUrl) && !$this->procOptions['dontFetchExtPictures']) { $externalFile = $this->getUrl($absRef); // Get it if ($externalFile) { $pU = parse_url($absRef); $pI=pathinfo($pU['path']); if (t3lib_div::inList('gif,png,jpeg,jpg',strtolower($pI['extension']))) { $filename = t3lib_div::shortMD5($absRef).'.'.$pI['extension']; $origFilePath = PATH_site.$this->rteImageStorageDir().'RTEmagicP_'.$filename; $C_origFilePath = PATH_site.$this->rteImageStorageDir().'RTEmagicC_'.$filename.'.'.$pI['extension']; if (!@is_file($origFilePath)) { t3lib_div::writeFile($origFilePath,$externalFile); t3lib_div::writeFile($C_origFilePath,$externalFile); } $absRef = $siteUrl.$this->rteImageStorageDir().'RTEmagicC_'.$filename.'.'.$pI['extension']; $attribArray['src']=$absRef; $params = t3lib_div::implodeAttributes($attribArray,1); $imgSplit[$k] = '<img '.$params.' />'; } } } // Check image as local file (siteURL equals the one of the image) if (t3lib_div::isFirstPartOfStr($absRef,$siteUrl)) { $path = rawurldecode(substr($absRef,strlen($siteUrl))); // Rel-path, rawurldecoded for special characters. $filepath = t3lib_div::getFileAbsFileName($path); // Abs filepath, locked to relative path of this project. // Check file existence (in relative dir to this installation!) if ($filepath && @is_file($filepath)) { // If "magic image": $pathPre=$this->rteImageStorageDir().'RTEmagicC_'; if (t3lib_div::isFirstPartOfStr($path,$pathPre)) { // Find original file: $pI=pathinfo(substr($path,strlen($pathPre))); $filename = substr($pI['basename'],0,-strlen('.'.$pI['extension'])); $origFilePath = PATH_site.$this->rteImageStorageDir().'RTEmagicP_'.$filename; if (@is_file($origFilePath)) { $imgObj = t3lib_div::makeInstance('t3lib_stdGraphic'); $imgObj->init(); $imgObj->mayScaleUp=0; $imgObj->tempPath=PATH_site.$imgObj->tempPath; $curInfo = $imgObj->getImageDimensions($filepath); // Image dimensions of the current image $curWH = $this->getWHFromAttribs($attribArray); // Image dimensions as set in the image tag // Compare dimensions: if ($curWH[0]!=$curInfo[0] || $curWH[1]!=$curInfo[1]) { $origImgInfo = $imgObj->getImageDimensions($origFilePath); // Image dimensions of the current image $cW = $curWH[0]; $cH = $curWH[1]; $cH = 1000; // Make the image based on the width solely... $imgI = $imgObj->imageMagickConvert($origFilePath,$pI['extension'],$cW.'m',$cH.'m'); if ($imgI[3]) { $fI=pathinfo($imgI[3]); @copy($imgI[3],$filepath); // Override the child file // Removing width and heigth form style attribute $attribArray['style'] = preg_replace('/((?:^|)\s*(?:width|height)\s*:[^;]*(?:$|;))/si', '', $attribArray['style']); $attribArray['width']=$imgI[0]; $attribArray['height']=$imgI[1]; $params = t3lib_div::implodeAttributes($attribArray,1); $imgSplit[$k]='<img '.$params.' />'; } } } } elseif ($this->procOptions['plainImageMode']) { // If "plain image" has been configured: // Image dimensions as set in the image tag, if any $curWH = $this->getWHFromAttribs($attribArray); if ($curWH[0]) $attribArray['width'] = $curWH[0]; if ($curWH[1]) $attribArray['height'] = $curWH[1]; // Removing width and heigth form style attribute $attribArray['style'] = preg_replace('/((?:^|)\s*(?:width|height)\s*:[^;]*(?:$|;))/si', '', $attribArray['style']); // Finding dimensions of image file: $fI = @getimagesize($filepath); // Perform corrections to aspect ratio based on configuration: switch((string)$this->procOptions['plainImageMode']) { case 'lockDimensions': $attribArray['width']=$fI[0]; $attribArray['height']=$fI[1]; break; case 'lockRatioWhenSmaller': // If the ratio has to be smaller, then first set the width...: if ($attribArray['width']>$fI[0]) $attribArray['width'] = $fI[0]; case 'lockRatio': if ($fI[0]>0) { $attribArray['height']=round($attribArray['width']*($fI[1]/$fI[0])); } break; } // Compile the image tag again: $params = t3lib_div::implodeAttributes($attribArray,1); $imgSplit[$k]='<img '.$params.' />'; } } else { // Remove image if it was not found in a proper position on the server! // Commented out; removing the image tag might not be that logical... #$imgSplit[$k]=''; } } // Convert abs to rel url if ($imgSplit[$k]) { $attribArray=$this->get_tag_attributes_classic($imgSplit[$k],1); $absRef = trim($attribArray['src']); if (t3lib_div::isFirstPartOfStr($absRef,$siteUrl)) { $attribArray['src'] = $this->relBackPath.substr($absRef,strlen($siteUrl)); if (!isset($attribArray['alt'])) $attribArray['alt']=''; // Must have alt-attribute for XHTML compliance. $imgSplit[$k]='<img '.t3lib_div::implodeAttributes($attribArray,1,1).' />'; } } } } return implode('',$imgSplit); } /** * Transformation handler: 'ts_images' / direction: "rte" * Processing images from database content going into the RTE. * Processing includes converting the src attribute to an absolute URL. * * @param string Content input * @return string Content output */ function TS_images_rte($value) { $siteUrl = $this->siteUrl(); $sitePath = str_replace (t3lib_div::getIndpEnv('TYPO3_REQUEST_HOST'), '', $siteUrl); // Split content by <img> tags and traverse the resulting array for processing: $imgSplit = $this->splitTags('img',$value); foreach($imgSplit as $k => $v) { if ($k%2) { // image found: // Init $attribArray=$this->get_tag_attributes_classic($v,1); $absRef = trim($attribArray['src']); // Unless the src attribute is already pointing to an external URL: if (strtolower(substr($absRef,0,4))!='http') { $attribArray['src'] = substr($attribArray['src'],strlen($this->relBackPath)); // if site is in a subpath (eg. /~user_jim/) this path needs to be removed because it will be added with $siteUrl $attribArray['src'] = preg_replace('#^'.preg_quote($sitePath,'#').'#','',$attribArray['src']); $attribArray['src'] = $siteUrl.$attribArray['src']; if (!isset($attribArray['alt'])) $attribArray['alt']=''; $params = t3lib_div::implodeAttributes($attribArray); $imgSplit[$k]='<img '.$params.' />'; } } } // return processed content: return implode('',$imgSplit); } /** * Transformation handler: 'ts_reglinks' / direction: "db"+"rte" depending on $direction variable. * Converting <A>-tags to/from abs/rel * * @param string Content input * @param string Direction of conversion; "rte" (from database to RTE) or "db" (from RTE to database) * @return string Content output */ function TS_reglinks($value,$direction) { $retVal = ''; switch($direction) { case 'rte': $retVal = $this->TS_AtagToAbs($value,1); break; case 'db': $siteURL = $this->siteUrl(); $blockSplit = $this->splitIntoBlock('A',$value); reset($blockSplit); while(list($k,$v)=each($blockSplit)) { if ($k%2) { // block: $attribArray=$this->get_tag_attributes_classic($this->getFirstTag($v),1); // If the url is local, remove url-prefix if ($siteURL && substr($attribArray['href'],0,strlen($siteURL))==$siteURL) { $attribArray['href']=$this->relBackPath.substr($attribArray['href'],strlen($siteURL)); } $bTag='<a '.t3lib_div::implodeAttributes($attribArray,1).'>'; $eTag='</a>'; $blockSplit[$k] = $bTag.$this->TS_reglinks($this->removeFirstAndLastTag($blockSplit[$k]),$direction).$eTag; } } $retVal = implode('',$blockSplit); break; } return $retVal; } /** * Transformation handler: 'ts_links' / direction: "db" * Converting <A>-tags to <link tags> * * @param string Content input * @return string Content output * @see TS_links_rte() */ function TS_links_db($value) { // Split content into <a> tag blocks and process: $blockSplit = $this->splitIntoBlock('A',$value); foreach($blockSplit as $k => $v) { if ($k%2) { // If an A-tag was found: $attribArray = $this->get_tag_attributes_classic($this->getFirstTag($v),1); $info = $this->urlInfoForLinkTags($attribArray['href']); // Check options: $attribArray_copy = $attribArray; unset($attribArray_copy['href']); unset($attribArray_copy['target']); unset($attribArray_copy['class']); unset($attribArray_copy['title']); if ($attribArray_copy['rteerror']) { // Unset "rteerror" and "style" attributes if "rteerror" is set! unset($attribArray_copy['style']); unset($attribArray_copy['rteerror']); } if (!count($attribArray_copy)) { // Only if href, target and class are the only attributes, we can alter the link! // Creating the TYPO3 pseudo-tag "<LINK>" for the link (includes href/url, target and class attributes): $bTag='<link '.$info['url'].($attribArray['target']?' '.$attribArray['target']:(($attribArray['class'] || $attribArray['title'])?' -':'')).($attribArray['class']?' '.$attribArray['class']:($attribArray['title']?' -':'')).($attribArray['title']?' "'.$attribArray['title'].'"':'').'>'; $eTag='</link>'; $blockSplit[$k] = $bTag.$this->TS_links_db($this->removeFirstAndLastTag($blockSplit[$k])).$eTag; } else { // ... otherwise store the link as a-tag. // Unsetting 'rtekeep' attribute if that had been set. unset($attribArray['rtekeep']); // If the url is local, remove url-prefix $siteURL = $this->siteUrl(); if ($siteURL && substr($attribArray['href'],0,strlen($siteURL))==$siteURL) { $attribArray['href']=$this->relBackPath.substr($attribArray['href'],strlen($siteURL)); } $bTag='<a '.t3lib_div::implodeAttributes($attribArray,1).'>'; $eTag='</a>'; $blockSplit[$k] = $bTag.$this->TS_links_db($this->removeFirstAndLastTag($blockSplit[$k])).$eTag; } } } return implode('',$blockSplit); } /** * Transformation handler: 'ts_links' / direction: "rte" * Converting <link tags> to <A>-tags * * @param string Content input * @return string Content output * @see TS_links_rte() */ function TS_links_rte($value) { $value = $this->TS_AtagToAbs($value); // Split content by the TYPO3 pseudo tag "<link>": $blockSplit = $this->splitIntoBlock('link',$value,1); foreach($blockSplit as $k => $v) { $error = ''; if ($k%2) { // block: $tagCode = t3lib_div::unQuoteFilenames(trim(substr($this->getFirstTag($v),0,-1)),true); $link_param = $tagCode[1]; $href = ''; $siteUrl = $this->siteUrl(); // Parsing the typolink data. This parsing is roughly done like in tslib_content->typolink() if(strstr($link_param,'@')) { // mailadr $href = 'mailto:'.eregi_replace('^mailto:','',$link_param); } elseif (substr($link_param,0,1)=='#') { // check if anchor $href = $siteUrl.$link_param; } else { $fileChar=intval(strpos($link_param, '/')); $urlChar=intval(strpos($link_param, '.')); // Detects if a file is found in site-root OR is a simulateStaticDocument. list($rootFileDat) = explode('?',$link_param); $rFD_fI = pathinfo($rootFileDat); if (trim($rootFileDat) && !strstr($link_param,'/') && (@is_file(PATH_site.$rootFileDat) || t3lib_div::inList('php,html,htm',strtolower($rFD_fI['extension'])))) { $href = $siteUrl.$link_param; } elseif($urlChar && (strstr($link_param,'//') || !$fileChar || $urlChar<$fileChar)) { // url (external): If doubleSlash or if a '.' comes before a '/'. if (!ereg('^[a-z]*://',trim(strtolower($link_param)))) {$scheme='http://';} else {$scheme='';} $href = $scheme.$link_param; } elseif($fileChar) { // file (internal) $href = $siteUrl.$link_param; } else { // integer or alias (alias is without slashes or periods or commas, that is 'nospace,alphanum_x,lower,unique' according to tables.php!!) $link_params_parts = explode('#',$link_param); $idPart = trim($link_params_parts[0]); // Link-data del if (!strcmp($idPart,'')) { $idPart=$this->recPid; } // If no id or alias is given, set it to class record pid // FIXME commented because useless - what is it for? // if ($link_params_parts[1] && !$sectionMark) { // $sectionMark = '#'.trim($link_params_parts[1]); // } // Splitting the parameter by ',' and if the array counts more than 1 element it's a id/type/? pair $pairParts = t3lib_div::trimExplode(',',$idPart); if (count($pairParts)>1) { $idPart = $pairParts[0]; // Type ? future support for? } // Checking if the id-parameter is an alias. if (!t3lib_div::testInt($idPart)) { list($idPartR) = t3lib_BEfunc::getRecordsByField('pages','alias',$idPart); $idPart = intval($idPartR['uid']); } $page = t3lib_BEfunc::getRecord('pages', $idPart); if (is_array($page)) { // Page must exist... $href = $siteUrl.'?id='.$link_param; } else if(strtolower(substr($link_param, 0, 7)) == 'record:') { // linkHandler - allowing links to start with "record:" $href = $link_param; } else { #$href = ''; $href = $siteUrl.'?id='.$link_param; $error = 'No page found: '.$idPart; } } } // Setting the A-tag: $bTag = '<a href="'.htmlspecialchars($href).'"'. ($tagCode[2]&&$tagCode[2]!='-' ? ' target="'.htmlspecialchars($tagCode[2]).'"' : ''). ($tagCode[3]&&$tagCode[3]!='-' ? ' class="'.htmlspecialchars($tagCode[3]).'"' : ''). ($tagCode[4] ? ' title="'.htmlspecialchars($tagCode[4]).'"' : ''). ($error ? ' rteerror="'.htmlspecialchars($error).'" style="background-color: yellow; border:2px red solid; color: black;"' : ''). // Should be OK to add the style; the transformation back to databsae will remove it... '>'; $eTag = '</a>'; $blockSplit[$k] = $bTag.$this->TS_links_rte($this->removeFirstAndLastTag($blockSplit[$k])).$eTag; } } // Return content: return implode('',$blockSplit); } /** * Preserve special tags * * @param string Content input * @return string Content output */ function TS_preserve_db($value) { if (!$this->preserveTags) return $value; // Splitting into blocks for processing (span-tags are used for special tags) $blockSplit = $this->splitIntoBlock('span',$value); foreach($blockSplit as $k => $v) { if ($k%2) { // block: $attribArray=$this->get_tag_attributes_classic($this->getFirstTag($v)); if ($attribArray['specialtag']) { $theTag = rawurldecode($attribArray['specialtag']); $theTagName = $this->getFirstTagName($theTag); $blockSplit[$k] = $theTag.$this->removeFirstAndLastTag($blockSplit[$k]).'</'.$theTagName.'>'; } } } return implode('',$blockSplit); } /** * Preserve special tags * * @param string Content input * @return string Content output */ function TS_preserve_rte($value) { if (!$this->preserveTags) return $value; $blockSplit = $this->splitIntoBlock($this->preserveTags,$value); foreach($blockSplit as $k => $v) { if ($k%2) { // block: $blockSplit[$k] = '<span specialtag="'.rawurlencode($this->getFirstTag($v)).'">'.$this->removeFirstAndLastTag($blockSplit[$k]).'</span>'; } } return implode('',$blockSplit); } /** * Transformation handler: 'ts_transform' + 'css_transform' / direction: "db" * Cleaning (->db) for standard content elements (ts) * * @param string Content input * @param boolean If true, the transformation was "css_transform", otherwise "ts_transform" * @return string Content output * @see TS_transform_rte() */ function TS_transform_db($value,$css=FALSE) { // safety... so forever loops are avoided (they should not occur, but an error would potentially do this...) $this->TS_transform_db_safecounter--; if ($this->TS_transform_db_safecounter<0) return $value; // Split the content from RTE by the occurence of these blocks: $blockSplit = $this->splitIntoBlock('TABLE,BLOCKQUOTE,'.($this->procOptions['preserveDIVSections']?'DIV,':'').$this->blockElementList,$value); $cc=0; $aC = count($blockSplit); // Avoid superfluous linebreaks by transform_db after ending headListTag while($aC && !strcmp(trim($blockSplit[$aC-1]),'')) { unset($blockSplit[$aC-1]); $aC = count($blockSplit); } // Traverse the blocks foreach($blockSplit as $k => $v) { $cc++; $lastBR = $cc==$aC ? '' : chr(10); if ($k%2) { // Inside block: // Init: $tag=$this->getFirstTag($v); $tagName=strtolower($this->getFirstTagName($v)); // Process based on the tag: switch($tagName) { case 'blockquote': // Keep blockquotes, but clean the inside recursively in the same manner as the main code case 'dd' : // Do the same on dd elements case 'div': // Do the same on div sections, if they were splitted $blockSplit[$k]=$tag.$this->TS_transform_db($this->removeFirstAndLastTag($blockSplit[$k]),$css).'</'.$tagName.'>'.$lastBR; break; case 'ol': case 'ul': // Transform lists into <typolist>-tags: if (!$css) { if (!isset($this->procOptions['typolist']) || $this->procOptions['typolist']) { $parts = $this->getAllParts($this->splitIntoBlock('LI',$this->removeFirstAndLastTag($blockSplit[$k])),1,0); while(list($k2)=each($parts)) { $parts[$k2]=preg_replace('/['.preg_quote(chr(10).chr(13)).']+/','',$parts[$k2]); // remove all linesbreaks! $parts[$k2]=$this->defaultTStagMapping($parts[$k2],'db'); $parts[$k2]=$this->cleanFontTags($parts[$k2],0,0,0); $parts[$k2] = $this->HTMLcleaner_db($parts[$k2],strtolower($this->procOptions['allowTagsInTypolists']?$this->procOptions['allowTagsInTypolists']:'br,font,b,i,u,a,img,span,strong,em')); } if ($tagName=='ol') { $params=' type="1"'; } else { $params=''; } $blockSplit[$k]='<typolist'.$params.'>'.chr(10).implode(chr(10),$parts).chr(10).'</typolist>'.$lastBR; } } else { $blockSplit[$k]=preg_replace('/['.preg_quote(chr(10).chr(13)).']+/',' ',$this->transformStyledATags($blockSplit[$k])).$lastBR; } break; case 'table': // Tables are NOT allowed in any form (unless preserveTables is set or CSS is the mode) if (!$this->procOptions['preserveTables'] && !$css) { $blockSplit[$k]=$this->TS_transform_db($this->removeTables($blockSplit[$k])); } else { $blockSplit[$k]=preg_replace('/['.preg_quote(chr(10).chr(13)).']+/',' ',$this->transformStyledATags($blockSplit[$k])).$lastBR; } break; case 'h1': case 'h2': case 'h3': case 'h4': case 'h5': case 'h6': if (!$css) { $attribArray=$this->get_tag_attributes_classic($tag); // Processing inner content here: $innerContent = $this->HTMLcleaner_db($this->removeFirstAndLastTag($blockSplit[$k])); if (!isset($this->procOptions['typohead']) || $this->procOptions['typohead']) { $type = intval(substr($tagName,1)); $blockSplit[$k]='<typohead'. ($type!=6?' type="'.$type.'"':''). ($attribArray['align']?' align="'.$attribArray['align'].'"':''). ($attribArray['class']?' class="'.$attribArray['class'].'"':''). '>'. $innerContent. '</typohead>'. $lastBR; } else { $blockSplit[$k]='<'.$tagName. ($attribArray['align']?' align="'.htmlspecialchars($attribArray['align']).'"':''). ($attribArray['class']?' class="'.htmlspecialchars($attribArray['class']).'"':''). '>'. $innerContent. '</'.$tagName.'>'. $lastBR; } } else { // Eliminate true linebreaks inside Hx tags $blockSplit[$k]=preg_replace('/['.preg_quote(chr(10).chr(13)).']+/',' ',$this->transformStyledATags($blockSplit[$k])).$lastBR; } break; default: // Eliminate true linebreaks inside other headlist tags and after hr tag $blockSplit[$k]=preg_replace('/['.preg_quote(chr(10).chr(13)).']+/',' ',$this->transformStyledATags($blockSplit[$k])).$lastBR; break; } } else { // NON-block: if (strcmp(trim($blockSplit[$k]),'')) { $blockSplit[$k]=$this->divideIntoLines(preg_replace('/['.preg_quote(chr(10).chr(13)).']+/',' ',$blockSplit[$k])).$lastBR; $blockSplit[$k]=$this->transformStyledATags($blockSplit[$k]); } else unset($blockSplit[$k]); } } $this->TS_transform_db_safecounter++; return implode('',$blockSplit); } /** * Wraps a-tags that contain a style attribute with a span-tag * * @param string Content input * @return string Content output */ function transformStyledATags($value) { $blockSplit = $this->splitIntoBlock('A',$value); foreach($blockSplit as $k => $v) { if ($k%2) { // If an A-tag was found: $attribArray = $this->get_tag_attributes_classic($this->getFirstTag($v),1); if ($attribArray['style']) { // If "style" attribute is set! $attribArray_copy['style'] = $attribArray['style']; unset($attribArray['style']); $bTag='<span '.t3lib_div::implodeAttributes($attribArray_copy,1).'><a '.t3lib_div::implodeAttributes($attribArray,1).'>'; $eTag='</a></span>'; $blockSplit[$k] = $bTag.$this->removeFirstAndLastTag($blockSplit[$k]).$eTag; } } } return implode('',$blockSplit); } /** * Transformation handler: 'ts_transform' + 'css_transform' / direction: "rte" * Set (->rte) for standard content elements (ts) * * @param string Content input * @param boolean If true, the transformation was "css_transform", otherwise "ts_transform" * @return string Content output * @see TS_transform_db() */ function TS_transform_rte($value,$css=0) { // Split the content from Database by the occurence of these blocks: $blockSplit = $this->splitIntoBlock('TABLE,BLOCKQUOTE,TYPOLIST,TYPOHEAD,'.($this->procOptions['preserveDIVSections']?'DIV,':'').$this->blockElementList,$value); // Traverse the blocks foreach($blockSplit as $k => $v) { if ($k%2) { // Inside one of the blocks: // Init: $tag = $this->getFirstTag($v); $tagName = strtolower($this->getFirstTagName($v)); $attribArray = $this->get_tag_attributes_classic($tag); // Based on tagname, we do transformations: switch($tagName) { case 'blockquote': // Keep blockquotes case 'dd': // Keep definitions case 'div': // Keep div sections, if they were splitted $blockSplit[$k] = $tag. $this->TS_transform_rte($this->removeFirstAndLastTag($blockSplit[$k]),$css). '</'.$tagName.'>'; break; case 'typolist': // Transform typolist blocks into OL/UL lists. Type 1 is expected to be numerical block if (!isset($this->procOptions['typolist']) || $this->procOptions['typolist']) { $tListContent = $this->removeFirstAndLastTag($blockSplit[$k]); $tListContent = ereg_replace('^[ ]*'.chr(10),'',$tListContent); $tListContent = ereg_replace(chr(10).'[ ]*$','',$tListContent); $lines = explode(chr(10),$tListContent); $typ = $attribArray['type']==1 ? 'ol' : 'ul'; $blockSplit[$k] = '<'.$typ.'>'.chr(10). '<li>'.implode('</li>'.chr(10).'<li>',$lines).'</li>'. '</'.$typ.'>'; } break; case 'typohead': // Transform typohead into Hx tags. if (!isset($this->procOptions['typohead']) || $this->procOptions['typohead']) { $tC = $this->removeFirstAndLastTag($blockSplit[$k]); $typ = t3lib_div::intInRange($attribArray['type'],0,6); if (!$typ) $typ=6; $align = $attribArray['align']?' align="'.$attribArray['align'].'"': ''; $class = $attribArray['class']?' class="'.$attribArray['class'].'"': ''; $blockSplit[$k] = '<h'.$typ.$align.$class.'>'. $tC. '</h'.$typ.'>'; } break; } $blockSplit[$k+1] = ereg_replace('^[ ]*'.chr(10),'',$blockSplit[$k+1]); // Removing linebreak if typohead } else { // NON-block: $nextFTN = $this->getFirstTagName($blockSplit[$k+1]); $singleLineBreak = $blockSplit[$k]==chr(10); if (t3lib_div::inList('TABLE,BLOCKQUOTE,TYPOLIST,TYPOHEAD,'.($this->procOptions['preserveDIVSections']?'DIV,':'').$this->blockElementList,$nextFTN)) { // Removing linebreak if typolist/typohead $blockSplit[$k] = ereg_replace(chr(10).'[ ]*$','',$blockSplit[$k]); } // If $blockSplit[$k] is blank then unset the line. UNLESS the line happend to be a single line break. if (!strcmp($blockSplit[$k],'') && !$singleLineBreak) { unset($blockSplit[$k]); } else { $blockSplit[$k] = $this->setDivTags($blockSplit[$k],($this->procOptions['useDIVasParagraphTagForRTE']?'div':'p')); } } } return implode(chr(10),$blockSplit); } /** * Transformation handler: 'ts_strip' / direction: "db" * Removing all non-allowed tags * * @param string Content input * @return string Content output */ function TS_strip_db($value) { $value = strip_tags($value,'<'.implode('><',explode(',','b,i,u,a,img,br,div,center,pre,font,hr,sub,sup,p,strong,em,li,ul,ol,blockquote')).'>'); return $value; } /*************************************************************** * * Generic RTE transformation, analysis and helper functions * **************************************************************/ /** * Reads the file or url $url and returns the content * * @param string Filepath/URL to read * @return string The content from the resource given as input. * @see t3lib_div::getURL() */ function getURL($url) { return t3lib_div::getURL($url); } /** * Function for cleaning content going into the database. * Content is cleaned eg. by removing unallowed HTML and ds-HSC content * It is basically calling HTMLcleaner from the parent class with some preset configuration specifically set up for cleaning content going from the RTE into the db * * @param string Content to clean up * @param string Comma list of tags to specifically allow. Default comes from getKeepTags and is "" * @return string Clean content * @see getKeepTags() */ function HTMLcleaner_db($content,$tagList='') { if (!$tagList) { $keepTags = $this->getKeepTags('db'); } else { $keepTags = $this->getKeepTags('db',$tagList); } $kUknown = $this->procOptions['dontRemoveUnknownTags_db'] ? 1 : 0; // Default: remove unknown tags. $hSC = $this->procOptions['dontUndoHSC_db'] ? 0 : -1; // Default: re-convert literals to characters (that is < to <) // Create additional configuration in order to honor the setting RTE.default.proc.HTMLparser_db.xhtml_cleaning=1 $addConfig=array(); if ((is_array($this->procOptions['HTMLparser_db.']) && $this->procOptions['HTMLparser_db.']['xhtml_cleaning']) || (is_array($this->procOptions['entryHTMLparser_db.']) && $this->procOptions['entryHTMLparser_db.']['xhtml_cleaning']) || (is_array($this->procOptions['exitHTMLparser_db.']) && $this->procOptions['exitHTMLparser_db.']['xhtml_cleaning'])) { $addConfig['xhtml']=1; } return $this->HTMLcleaner($content,$keepTags,$kUknown,$hSC,$addConfig); } /** * Creates an array of configuration for the HTMLcleaner function based on whether content go TO or FROM the Rich Text Editor ($direction) * Unless "tagList" is given, the function will cache the configuration for next time processing goes on. (In this class that is the case only if we are processing a bulletlist) * * @param string The direction of the content being processed by the output configuration; "db" (content going into the database FROM the rte) or "rte" (content going into the form) * @param string Comma list of tags to keep (overriding default which is to keep all + take notice of internal configuration) * @return array Configuration array * @see HTMLcleaner_db() */ function getKeepTags($direction='rte',$tagList='') { if (!is_array($this->getKeepTags_cache[$direction]) || $tagList) { // Setting up allowed tags: if (strcmp($tagList,'')) { // If the $tagList input var is set, this will take precedence $keepTags = array_flip(t3lib_div::trimExplode(',',$tagList,1)); } else { // Default is to get allowed/denied tags from internal array of processing options: // Construct default list of tags to keep: $typoScript_list = 'b,i,u,a,img,br,div,center,pre,font,hr,sub,sup,p,strong,em,li,ul,ol,blockquote,strike,span'; $keepTags = array_flip(t3lib_div::trimExplode(',',$typoScript_list.','.strtolower($this->procOptions['allowTags']),1)); // For tags to deny, remove them from $keepTags array: $denyTags = t3lib_div::trimExplode(',',$this->procOptions['denyTags'],1); foreach($denyTags as $dKe) { unset($keepTags[$dKe]); } } // Based on the direction of content, set further options: switch ($direction) { // GOING from database to Rich Text Editor: case 'rte': if (!isset($this->procOptions['transformBoldAndItalicTags']) || $this->procOptions['transformBoldAndItalicTags']) { // Transform bold/italics tags to strong/em if (isset($keepTags['b'])) {$keepTags['b']=array('remap'=>'STRONG');} if (isset($keepTags['i'])) {$keepTags['i']=array('remap'=>'EM');} } // Transforming keepTags array so it can be understood by the HTMLcleaner function. This basically converts the format of the array from TypoScript (having .'s) to plain multi-dimensional array. list($keepTags) = $this->HTMLparserConfig($this->procOptions['HTMLparser_rte.'],$keepTags); break; // GOING from RTE to database: case 'db': if (!isset($this->procOptions['transformBoldAndItalicTags']) || $this->procOptions['transformBoldAndItalicTags']) { // Transform strong/em back to bold/italics: if (isset($keepTags['strong'])) { $keepTags['strong']=array('remap'=>'b'); } if (isset($keepTags['em'])) { $keepTags['em']=array('remap'=>'i'); } } // Setting up span tags if they are allowed: if (isset($keepTags['span'])) { $classes=array_merge(array(''),$this->allowedClasses); $keepTags['span']=array( 'allowedAttribs' => 'class,style,xml:lang', 'fixAttrib' => Array( 'class' => Array ( 'list' => $classes, 'removeIfFalse' => 1 ) ), 'rmTagIfNoAttrib' => 1 ); if (!$this->procOptions['allowedClasses']) unset($keepTags['span']['fixAttrib']['class']['list']); } // Setting up font tags if they are allowed: if (isset($keepTags['font'])) { $colors=array_merge(array(''),t3lib_div::trimExplode(',',$this->procOptions['allowedFontColors'],1)); $keepTags['font']=array( 'allowedAttribs'=>'face,color,size', 'fixAttrib' => Array( 'face' => Array ( 'removeIfFalse' => 1 ), 'color' => Array ( 'removeIfFalse' => 1, 'list'=>$colors ), 'size' => Array ( 'removeIfFalse' => 1, ) ), 'rmTagIfNoAttrib' => 1 ); if (!$this->procOptions['allowedFontColors']) unset($keepTags['font']['fixAttrib']['color']['list']); } // Setting further options, getting them from the processiong options: $TSc = $this->procOptions['HTMLparser_db.']; if (!$TSc['globalNesting']) $TSc['globalNesting']='b,i,u,a,center,font,sub,sup,strong,em,strike,span'; if (!$TSc['noAttrib']) $TSc['noAttrib']='b,i,u,br,center,hr,sub,sup,strong,em,li,ul,ol,blockquote,strike'; // Transforming the array from TypoScript to regular array: list($keepTags) = $this->HTMLparserConfig($TSc,$keepTags); break; } // Caching (internally, in object memory) the result unless tagList is set: if (!$tagList) { $this->getKeepTags_cache[$direction] = $keepTags; } else { return $keepTags; } } // Return result: return $this->getKeepTags_cache[$direction]; } /** * This resolves the $value into parts based on <div></div>-sections and <p>-sections and <br />-tags. These are returned as lines separated by chr(10). * This point is to resolve the HTML-code returned from RTE into ordinary lines so it's 'human-readable' * The function ->setDivTags does the opposite. * This function processes content to go into the database. * * @param string Value to process. * @param integer Recursion brake. Decremented on each recursion down to zero. Default is 5 (which equals the allowed nesting levels of p/div tags). * @param boolean If true, an array with the lines is returned, otherwise a string of the processed input value. * @return string Processed input value. * @see setDivTags() */ function divideIntoLines($value,$count=5,$returnArray=FALSE) { // Internalize font tags (move them from OUTSIDE p/div to inside it that is the case): if ($this->procOptions['internalizeFontTags']) {$value = $this->internalizeFontTags($value);} // Setting configuration for processing: $allowTagsOutside = t3lib_div::trimExplode(',',strtolower($this->procOptions['allowTagsOutside']?$this->procOptions['allowTagsOutside']:'img'),1); $remapParagraphTag = strtoupper($this->procOptions['remapParagraphTag']); $divSplit = $this->splitIntoBlock('div,p',$value,1); // Setting the third param to 1 will eliminate false end-tags. Maybe this is a good thing to do...? if ($this->procOptions['keepPDIVattribs']) { $keepAttribListArr = t3lib_div::trimExplode(',',strtolower($this->procOptions['keepPDIVattribs']),1); } else { $keepAttribListArr = array(); } // Returns plainly the value if there was no div/p sections in it if (count($divSplit)<=1 || $count<=0) { return $value; } // Traverse the splitted sections: foreach($divSplit as $k => $v) { if ($k%2) { // Inside $v=$this->removeFirstAndLastTag($v); // Fetching 'sub-lines' - which will explode any further p/div nesting... $subLines = $this->divideIntoLines($v,$count-1,1); if (is_array($subLines)) { // So, if there happend to be sub-nesting of p/div, this is written directly as the new content of THIS section. (This would be considered 'an error') // No noting. } else { //... but if NO subsection was found, we process it as a TRUE line without erronous content: $subLines = array($subLines); if (!$this->procOptions['dontConvBRtoParagraph']) { // process break-tags, if configured for. Simply, the breaktags will here be treated like if each was a line of content... $subLines = spliti('<br[[:space:]]*[\/]?>',$v); } // Traverse sublines (there is typically one, except if <br/> has been converted to lines as well!) reset($subLines); while(list($sk)=each($subLines)) { // Clear up the subline for DB. $subLines[$sk]=$this->HTMLcleaner_db($subLines[$sk]); // Get first tag, attributes etc: $fTag = $this->getFirstTag($divSplit[$k]); $tagName=strtolower($this->getFirstTagName($divSplit[$k])); $attribs=$this->get_tag_attributes($fTag); // Keep attributes (lowercase) $newAttribs=array(); if (count($keepAttribListArr)) { foreach($keepAttribListArr as $keepA) { if (isset($attribs[0][$keepA])) { $newAttribs[$keepA] = $attribs[0][$keepA]; } } } // ALIGN attribute: if (!$this->procOptions['skipAlign'] && strcmp(trim($attribs[0]['align']),'') && strtolower($attribs[0]['align'])!='left') { // Set to value, but not 'left' $newAttribs['align']=strtolower($attribs[0]['align']); } // CLASS attribute: if (!$this->procOptions['skipClass'] && strcmp(trim($attribs[0]['class']),'')) { // Set to whatever value if (!count($this->allowedClasses) || in_array(strtoupper($attribs[0]['class']),$this->allowedClasses)) { $newAttribs['class']=$attribs[0]['class']; } } // Remove any line break char (10 or 13) $subLines[$sk]=ereg_replace(chr(10).'|'.chr(13),'',$subLines[$sk]); // If there are any attributes or if we are supposed to remap the tag, then do so: if (count($newAttribs) && strcmp($remapParagraphTag,'1')) { if ($remapParagraphTag=='P') $tagName='p'; if ($remapParagraphTag=='DIV') $tagName='div'; $subLines[$sk]='<'.trim($tagName.' '.$this->compileTagAttribs($newAttribs)).'>'.$subLines[$sk].'</'.$tagName.'>'; } } } // Add the processed line(s) $divSplit[$k] = implode(chr(10),$subLines); // If it turns out the line is just blank (containing a possibly) then just make it pure blank. // But, prevent filtering of lines that are blank in sense above, but whose tags contain attributes. // Those attributes should have been filtered before; if they are still there they must be considered as possible content. if (trim(strip_tags($divSplit[$k]))==' ' && !preg_match('/\<(img)(\s[^>]*)?\/?>/si', $divSplit[$k]) && !preg_match('/\<([^>]*)?( align| class| style| id| title| dir| lang| xml:lang)([^>]*)?>/si', trim($divSplit[$k]))) { $divSplit[$k]=''; } } else { // outside div: // Remove positions which are outside div/p tags and without content $divSplit[$k]=trim(strip_tags($divSplit[$k],'<'.implode('><',$allowTagsOutside).'>')); if (!strcmp($divSplit[$k],'')) unset($divSplit[$k]); // Remove part if it's empty } } // Return value: return $returnArray ? $divSplit : implode(chr(10),$divSplit); } /** * Converts all lines into <div></div>/<p></p>-sections (unless the line is a div-section already) * For processing of content going FROM database TO RTE. * * @param string Value to convert * @param string Tag to wrap with. Either "p" or "div" should it be. Lowercase preferably. * @return string Processed value. * @see divideIntoLines() */ function setDivTags($value,$dT='p') { // First, setting configuration for the HTMLcleaner function. This will process each line between the <div>/<p> section on their way to the RTE $keepTags = $this->getKeepTags('rte'); $kUknown = $this->procOptions['dontProtectUnknownTags_rte'] ? 0 : 'protect'; // Default: remove unknown tags. $hSC = $this->procOptions['dontHSC_rte'] ? 0 : 1; // Default: re-convert literals to characters (that is < to <) $convNBSP = !$this->procOptions['dontConvAmpInNBSP_rte']?1:0; // Divide the content into lines, based on chr(10): $parts = explode(chr(10),$value); foreach($parts as $k => $v) { // Processing of line content: if (!strcmp(trim($parts[$k]),'')) { // If the line is blank, set it to $parts[$k]=' '; } else { // Clean the line content: $parts[$k]=$this->HTMLcleaner($parts[$k],$keepTags,$kUknown,$hSC); if ($convNBSP) $parts[$k]=str_replace('&nbsp;',' ',$parts[$k]); } // Wrapping the line in <$dT> is not already wrapped: $testStr = strtolower(trim($parts[$k])); if (substr($testStr,0,4)!='<div' || substr($testStr,-6)!='</div>') { if (substr($testStr,0,2)!='<p' || substr($testStr,-4)!='</p>') { // Only set p-tags if there is not already div or p tags: $parts[$k]='<'.$dT.'>'.$parts[$k].'</'.$dT.'>'; } } } // Implode result: return implode(chr(10),$parts); } /** * This splits the $value in font-tag chunks. * If there are any <P>/<DIV> sections inside of them, the font-tag is wrapped AROUND the content INSIDE of the P/DIV sections and the outer font-tag is removed. * This functions seems to be a good choice for pre-processing content if it has been pasted into the RTE from eg. star-office. * In that case the font-tags are normally on the OUTSIDE of the sections. * This function is used by eg. divideIntoLines() if the procesing option 'internalizeFontTags' is set. * * @param string Input content * @return string Output content * @see divideIntoLines() */ function internalizeFontTags($value) { // Splitting into font tag blocks: $fontSplit = $this->splitIntoBlock('font',$value); foreach($fontSplit as $k => $v) { if ($k%2) { // Inside $fTag = $this->getFirstTag($v); // Fint font-tag $divSplit_sub = $this->splitIntoBlock('div,p',$this->removeFirstAndLastTag($v),1); if (count($divSplit_sub)>1) { // If there were div/p sections inside the font-tag, do something about it... // traverse those sections: foreach($divSplit_sub as $k2 => $v2) { if ($k2%2) { // Inside $div_p = $this->getFirstTag($v2); // Fint font-tag $div_p_tagname = $this->getFirstTagName($v2); // Fint font-tag $v2=$this->removeFirstAndLastTag($v2); // ... and remove it from original. $divSplit_sub[$k2]=$div_p.$fTag.$v2.'</font>'.'</'.$div_p_tagname.'>'; } elseif (trim(strip_tags($v2))) { $divSplit_sub[$k2]=$fTag.$v2.'</font>'; } } $fontSplit[$k]=implode('',$divSplit_sub); } } } return implode('',$fontSplit); } /** * Returns SiteURL based on thisScript. * * @return string Value of t3lib_div::getIndpEnv('TYPO3_SITE_URL'); * @see t3lib_div::getIndpEnv() */ function siteUrl() { return t3lib_div::getIndpEnv('TYPO3_SITE_URL'); } /** * Return the storage folder of RTE image files. * Default is $GLOBALS['TYPO3_CONF_VARS']['BE']['RTE_imageStorageDir'] unless something else is configured in the types configuration for the RTE. * * @return string */ function rteImageStorageDir() { return $this->rte_p['imgpath'] ? $this->rte_p['imgpath'] : $GLOBALS['TYPO3_CONF_VARS']['BE']['RTE_imageStorageDir']; } /** * Remove all tables from incoming code * The function is trying to to this is some more or less respectfull way. The approach is to resolve each table cells content and implode it all by <br /> chars. Thus at least the content is preserved in some way. * * @param string Input value * @param string Break character to use for linebreaks. * @return string Output value */ function removeTables($value,$breakChar='<br />') { // Splitting value into table blocks: $tableSplit = $this->splitIntoBlock('table',$value); // Traverse blocks of tables: foreach($tableSplit as $k => $v) { if ($k%2) { $tableSplit[$k]=''; $rowSplit = $this->splitIntoBlock('tr',$v); foreach($rowSplit as $k2 => $v2) { if ($k2%2) { $cellSplit = $this->getAllParts($this->splitIntoBlock('td',$v2),1,0); foreach($cellSplit as $k3 => $v3) { $tableSplit[$k].=$v3.$breakChar; } } } } } // Implode it all again: return implode($breakChar,$tableSplit); } /** * Default tag mapping for TS * * @param string Input code to process * @param string Direction To databsae (db) or from database to RTE (rte) * @return string Processed value */ function defaultTStagMapping($code,$direction='rte') { if ($direction=='db') { $code=$this->mapTags($code,array( // Map tags 'strong' => 'b', 'em' => 'i' )); } if ($direction=='rte') { $code=$this->mapTags($code,array( // Map tags 'b' => 'strong', 'i' => 'em' )); } return $code; } /** * Finds width and height from attrib-array * If the width and height is found in the style-attribute, use that! * * @param array Array of attributes from tag in which to search. More specifically the content of the key "style" is used to extract "width:xxx / height:xxx" information * @return array Integer w/h in key 0/1. Zero is returned if not found. */ function getWHFromAttribs($attribArray) { $style =trim($attribArray['style']); if ($style) { $regex='[[:space:]]*:[[:space:]]*([0-9]*)[[:space:]]*px'; // Width $reg = array(); eregi('width'.$regex,$style,$reg); $w = intval($reg[1]); // Height eregi('height'.$regex,$style,$reg); $h = intval($reg[1]); } if (!$w) { $w = $attribArray['width']; } if (!$h) { $h = $attribArray['height']; } return array(intval($w),intval($h)); } /** * Parse <A>-tag href and return status of email,external,file or page * * @param string URL to analyse. * @return array Information in an array about the URL */ function urlInfoForLinkTags($url) { $info = array(); $url = trim($url); if (substr(strtolower($url),0,7)=='mailto:') { $info['url']=trim(substr($url,7)); $info['type']='email'; } else { $curURL = $this->siteUrl(); // 100502, removed this: 'http://'.t3lib_div::getThisUrl(); Reason: The url returned had typo3/ in the end - should be only the site's url as far as I see... for($a=0;$a<strlen($url);$a++) { if ($url{$a}!=$curURL{$a}) { break; } } $info['relScriptPath']=substr($curURL,$a); $info['relUrl']=substr($url,$a); $info['url']=$url; $info['type']='ext'; $siteUrl_parts = parse_url($url); $curUrl_parts = parse_url($curURL); if ($siteUrl_parts['host']==$curUrl_parts['host'] // Hosts should match && (!$info['relScriptPath'] || (defined('TYPO3_mainDir') && substr($info['relScriptPath'],0,strlen(TYPO3_mainDir))==TYPO3_mainDir))) { // If the script path seems to match or is empty (FE-EDIT) // New processing order 100502 $uP=parse_url($info['relUrl']); if (!strcmp('#'.$siteUrl_parts['fragment'],$info['relUrl'])) { $info['url']=$info['relUrl']; $info['type']='anchor'; } elseif (!trim($uP['path']) || !strcmp($uP['path'],'index.php')) { $pp = explode('id=',$uP['query']); $id = trim($pp[1]); if ($id) { $info['pageid']=$id; $info['cElement']=$uP['fragment']; $info['url']=$id.($info['cElement']?'#'.$info['cElement']:''); $info['type']='page'; } } else { $info['url']=$info['relUrl']; $info['type']='file'; } } else { unset($info['relScriptPath']); unset($info['relUrl']); } } return $info; } /** * Converting <A>-tags to absolute URLs (+ setting rtekeep attribute) * * @param string Content input * @param boolean If true, then the "rtekeep" attribute will not be set. * @return string Content output */ function TS_AtagToAbs($value,$dontSetRTEKEEP=FALSE) { $blockSplit = $this->splitIntoBlock('A',$value); reset($blockSplit); while(list($k,$v)=each($blockSplit)) { if ($k%2) { // block: $attribArray = $this->get_tag_attributes_classic($this->getFirstTag($v),1); // Checking if there is a scheme, and if not, prepend the current url. if (strlen($attribArray['href'])) { // ONLY do this if href has content - the <a> tag COULD be an anchor and if so, it should be preserved... $uP = parse_url(strtolower($attribArray['href'])); if (!$uP['scheme']) { $attribArray['href'] = $this->siteUrl().substr($attribArray['href'],strlen($this->relBackPath)); } } else { $attribArray['rtekeep'] = 1; } if (!$dontSetRTEKEEP) $attribArray['rtekeep'] = 1; $bTag='<a '.t3lib_div::implodeAttributes($attribArray,1).'>'; $eTag='</a>'; $blockSplit[$k] = $bTag.$this->TS_AtagToAbs($this->removeFirstAndLastTag($blockSplit[$k])).$eTag; } } return implode('',$blockSplit); } } if (defined('TYPO3_MODE') && $TYPO3_CONF_VARS[TYPO3_MODE]['XCLASS']['t3lib/class.t3lib_parsehtml_proc.php']) { include_once($TYPO3_CONF_VARS[TYPO3_MODE]['XCLASS']['t3lib/class.t3lib_parsehtml_proc.php']); } ?>