File: class.t3lib_positionmap.php
<?php /*************************************************************** * Copyright notice * * (c) 1999-2008 Kasper Skaarhoj (kasperYYYY@typo3.com) * All rights reserved * * This script is part of the TYPO3 project. The TYPO3 project is * free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * The GNU General Public License can be found at * http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html. * A copy is found in the textfile GPL.txt and important notices to the license * from the author is found in LICENSE.txt distributed with these scripts. * * * This script is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * This copyright notice MUST APPEAR in all copies of the script! ***************************************************************/ /** * Contains class for creating a position map. * * $Id: class.t3lib_positionmap.php 3439 2008-03-16 19:16:51Z flyguide $ * Revised for TYPO3 3.6 November/2003 by Kasper Skaarhoj * XHTML compliant (should be) * * @author Kasper Skaarhoj <kasperYYYY@typo3.com> */ /** * [CLASS/FUNCTION INDEX of SCRIPT] * * * * 85: class t3lib_positionMap * * SECTION: Page position map: * 132: function positionTree($id,$pageinfo,$perms_clause,$R_URI) * 246: function JSimgFunc($prefix='') * 276: function boldTitle($t_code,$dat,$id) * 293: function onClickEvent($pid,$newPagePID) * 312: function insertlabel() * 324: function linkPageTitle($str,$rec) * 335: function checkNewPageInPid($pid) * 351: function getModConfig($pid) * 366: function insertQuadLines($codes,$allBlank=0) * * SECTION: Content element positioning: * 404: function printContentElementColumns($pid,$moveUid,$colPosList,$showHidden,$R_URI) * 442: function printRecordMap($lines,$colPosArray) * 480: function wrapColumnHeader($str,$vv) * 494: function insertPositionIcon($row,$vv,$kk,$moveUid,$pid) * 511: function onClickInsertRecord($row,$vv,$moveUid,$pid,$sys_lang=0) * 531: function wrapRecordHeader($str,$row) * 541: function getRecordHeader($row) * 554: function wrapRecordTitle($str,$row) * * TOTAL FUNCTIONS: 17 * (This index is automatically created/updated by the extension "extdeveval") * */ /** * Position map class - generating a page tree / content element list which links for inserting (copy/move) of records. * Used for pages / tt_content element wizards of various kinds. * * @author Kasper Skaarhoj <kasperYYYY@typo3.com> * @package TYPO3 * @subpackage t3lib */ class t3lib_positionMap { // EXTERNAL, static: var $moveOrCopy='move'; var $dontPrintPageInsertIcons=0; var $backPath=''; var $depth=2; // How deep the position page tree will go. var $cur_sys_language; // Can be set to the sys_language uid to select content elements for. // INTERNAL, dynamic: var $R_URI=''; // Request uri var $elUid=''; // Element id. var $moveUid=''; // tt_content element uid to move. // Caching arrays: var $getModConfigCache=array(); var $checkNewPageCache=Array(); // Label keys: var $l_insertNewPageHere = 'insertNewPageHere'; var $l_insertNewRecordHere = 'insertNewRecordHere'; var $modConfigStr='mod.web_list.newPageWiz'; /************************************* * * Page position map: * **************************************/ /** * Creates a "position tree" based on the page tree. * Notice: A class, "localPageTree" must exist and probably it is an extension class of the t3lib_pageTree class. See "db_new.php" in the core for an example. * * @param integer Current page id * @param array Current page record. * @param string Page selection permission clause. * @param string Current REQUEST_URI * @return string HTML code for the tree. */ function positionTree($id,$pageinfo,$perms_clause,$R_URI) { global $LANG, $BE_USER; // Make page tree object: $t3lib_pageTree = t3lib_div::makeInstance('localPageTree'); $t3lib_pageTree->init(' AND '.$perms_clause); $t3lib_pageTree->addField('pid'); // Initialize variables: $this->R_URI = $R_URI; $this->elUid = $id; // Create page tree, in $this->depth levels. $t3lib_pageTree->getTree($pageinfo['pid'], $this->depth); if (!$this->dontPrintPageInsertIcons) $code.=$this->JSimgFunc(); // Initialize variables: $saveBlankLineState=array(); $saveLatestUid=array(); $latestInvDepth=$this->depth; // Traverse the tree: foreach($t3lib_pageTree->tree as $cc => $dat) { // Make link + parameters. $latestInvDepth=$dat['invertedDepth']; $saveLatestUid[$latestInvDepth]=$dat; if (isset($t3lib_pageTree->tree[$cc-1])) { $prev_dat = $t3lib_pageTree->tree[$cc-1]; // If current page, subpage? if ($prev_dat['row']['uid']==$id) { if (!$this->dontPrintPageInsertIcons && $this->checkNewPageInPid($id) && !($prev_dat['invertedDepth']>$t3lib_pageTree->tree[$cc]['invertedDepth'])) { // 1) It must be allowed to create a new page and 2) If there are subpages there is no need to render a subpage icon here - it'll be done over the subpages... $code.='<span class="nobr">'. $this->insertQuadLines($dat['blankLineCode']). '<img src="clear.gif" width="18" height="8" align="top" alt="" />'. '<a href="#" onclick="'.htmlspecialchars($this->onClickEvent($id,$id,1)).'" onmouseover="'.htmlspecialchars('changeImg(\'mImgSubpage'.$cc.'\',0);').'" onmouseout="'.htmlspecialchars('changeImg(\'mImgSubpage'.$cc.'\',1);').'">'. '<img'.t3lib_iconWorks::skinImg($this->backPath,'gfx/newrecord_marker_d.gif','width="281" height="8"').' name="mImgSubpage'.$cc.'" border="0" align="top" title="'.$this->insertlabel().'" alt="" />'. '</a></span><br />'; } } if ($prev_dat['invertedDepth']>$t3lib_pageTree->tree[$cc]['invertedDepth']) { // If going down $prevPid = $t3lib_pageTree->tree[$cc]['row']['pid']; } elseif ($prev_dat['invertedDepth']<$t3lib_pageTree->tree[$cc]['invertedDepth']) { // If going up // First of all the previous level should have an icon: if (!$this->dontPrintPageInsertIcons && $this->checkNewPageInPid($prev_dat['row']['pid'])) { $prevPid = (-$prev_dat['row']['uid']); $code.='<span class="nobr">'. $this->insertQuadLines($dat['blankLineCode']). '<img src="clear.gif" width="18" height="1" align="top" alt="" />'. '<a href="#" onclick="'.htmlspecialchars($this->onClickEvent($prevPid,$prev_dat['row']['pid'],2)).'" onmouseover="'.htmlspecialchars('changeImg(\'mImgAfter'.$cc.'\',0);').'" onmouseout="'.htmlspecialchars('changeImg(\'mImgAfter'.$cc.'\',1);').'">'. '<img'.t3lib_iconWorks::skinImg($this->backPath,'gfx/newrecord_marker_d.gif','width="281" height="8"').' name="mImgAfter'.$cc.'" border="0" align="top" title="'.$this->insertlabel().'" alt="" />'. '</a></span><br />'; } // Then set the current prevPid $prevPid = -$prev_dat['row']['pid']; } else { $prevPid = -$prev_dat['row']['uid']; // In on the same level } } else { $prevPid = $dat['row']['pid']; // First in the tree } if (!$this->dontPrintPageInsertIcons && $this->checkNewPageInPid($dat['row']['pid'])) { $code.='<span class="nobr">'. $this->insertQuadLines($dat['blankLineCode']). '<a href="#" onclick="'.htmlspecialchars($this->onClickEvent($prevPid,$dat['row']['pid'],3)).'" onmouseover="'.htmlspecialchars('changeImg(\'mImg'.$cc.'\',0);').'" onmouseout="'.htmlspecialchars('changeImg(\'mImg'.$cc.'\',1);').'">'. '<img'.t3lib_iconWorks::skinImg($this->backPath,'gfx/newrecord_marker_d.gif','width="281" height="8"').' name="mImg'.$cc.'" border="0" align="top" title="'.$this->insertlabel().'" alt="" />'. '</a></span><br />'; } // The line with the icon and title: $t_code='<span class="nobr">'. $dat['HTML']. $this->linkPageTitle($this->boldTitle(htmlspecialchars(t3lib_div::fixed_lgd_cs($dat['row']['title'],$BE_USER->uc['titleLen'])),$dat,$id),$dat['row']). '</span><br />'; $code.=$t_code; } // If the current page was the last in the tree: $prev_dat = end($t3lib_pageTree->tree); if ($prev_dat['row']['uid']==$id) { if (!$this->dontPrintPageInsertIcons && $this->checkNewPageInPid($id)) { $code.='<span class="nobr">'. $this->insertQuadLines($saveLatestUid[$latestInvDepth]['blankLineCode'],1). '<img src="clear.gif" width="18" height="8" align="top" alt="" />'. '<a href="#" onclick="'.$this->onClickEvent($id,$id,4).'" onmouseover="'.htmlspecialchars('changeImg(\'mImgSubpage'.$cc.'\',0);').'" onmouseout="'.htmlspecialchars('changeImg(\'mImgSubpage'.$cc.'\',1);').'">'. '<img'.t3lib_iconWorks::skinImg($this->backPath,'gfx/newrecord_marker_d.gif','width="281" height="8"').' name="mImgSubpage'.$cc.'" border="0" align="top" title="'.$this->insertlabel().'" alt="" />'. '</a></span><br />'; } } for ($a=$latestInvDepth;$a<=$this->depth;$a++) { $dat = $saveLatestUid[$a]; $prevPid = (-$dat['row']['uid']); if (!$this->dontPrintPageInsertIcons && $this->checkNewPageInPid($dat['row']['pid'])) { $code.='<span class="nobr">'. $this->insertQuadLines($dat['blankLineCode'],1). '<a href="#" onclick="'.htmlspecialchars($this->onClickEvent($prevPid,$dat['row']['pid'],5)).'" onmouseover="'.htmlspecialchars('changeImg(\'mImgEnd'.$a.'\',0);').'" onmouseout="'.htmlspecialchars('changeImg(\'mImgEnd'.$a.'\',1);').'">'. '<img'.t3lib_iconWorks::skinImg($this->backPath,'gfx/newrecord_marker_d.gif','width="281" height="8"').' name="mImgEnd'.$a.'" border="0" align="top" title="'.$this->insertlabel().'" alt="" />'. '</a></span><br />'; } } return $code; } /** * Creates the JavaScritp for insert new-record rollover image * * @param string Insert record image prefix. * @return string <script> section */ function JSimgFunc($prefix='') { $code.=$GLOBALS['TBE_TEMPLATE']->wrapScriptTags(' var img_newrecord_marker=new Image(); img_newrecord_marker.src = "'.t3lib_iconWorks::skinImg($this->backPath,'gfx/newrecord'.$prefix.'_marker.gif','',1).'"; var img_newrecord_marker_d=new Image(); img_newrecord_marker_d.src = "'.t3lib_iconWorks::skinImg($this->backPath,'gfx/newrecord'.$prefix.'_marker_d.gif','',1).'"; function changeImg(name,d) { // if (document[name]) { if (d) { document[name].src = img_newrecord_marker_d.src; } else { document[name].src = img_newrecord_marker.src; } } } '); return $code; } /** * Wrap $t_code in bold IF the $dat uid matches $id * * @param string Title string * @param array Infomation array with record array inside. * @param integer The current id. * @return string The title string. */ function boldTitle($t_code,$dat,$id) { if ($dat['row']['uid']==$id) { $t_code='<strong>'.$t_code.'</strong>'; } return $t_code; } /** * Creates the onclick event for the insert-icons. * * TSconfig mod.web_list.newPageWiz.overrideWithExtension may contain an extension which provides a module * to be used instead of the normal create new page wizard. * * @param integer The pid. * @param integer New page id. * @return string Onclick attribute content */ function onClickEvent($pid,$newPagePID) { $TSconfigProp = $this->getModConfig($newPagePID); if ($TSconfigProp['overrideWithExtension']) { if (t3lib_extMgm::isLoaded($TSconfigProp['overrideWithExtension'])) { $onclick = "window.location.href='".t3lib_extMgm::extRelPath($TSconfigProp['overrideWithExtension']).'mod1/index.php?cmd=crPage&positionPid='.$pid."';"; return $onclick; } } $params='&edit[pages]['.$pid.']=new&returnNewPageId=1'; return t3lib_BEfunc::editOnClick($params,'',$this->R_URI); } /** * Get label, htmlspecialchars()'ed * * @return string The localized label for "insert new page here" */ function insertlabel() { global $LANG; return $LANG->getLL($this->l_insertNewPageHere,1); } /** * Wrapping page title. * * @param string Page title. * @param array Page record (?) * @return string Wrapped title. */ function linkPageTitle($str,$rec) { return $str; } /** * Checks if the user has permission to created pages inside of the $pid page. * Uses caching so only one regular lookup is made - hence you can call the function multiple times without worrying about performance. * * @param integer Page id for which to test. * @return boolean */ function checkNewPageInPid($pid) { global $BE_USER; if (!isset($this->checkNewPageCache[$pid])) { $pidInfo = t3lib_BEfunc::getRecord('pages',$pid); $this->checkNewPageCache[$pid] = ($BE_USER->isAdmin() || $BE_USER->doesUserHaveAccess($pidInfo,8)); } return $this->checkNewPageCache[$pid]; } /** * Returns module configuration for a pid. * * @param integer Page id for which to get the module configuration. * @return array The properties of teh module configuration for the page id. * @see onClickEvent() */ function getModConfig($pid) { if (!isset($this->getModConfigCache[$pid])) { // Acquiring TSconfig for this PID: $this->getModConfigCache[$pid] = t3lib_BEfunc::getModTSconfig($pid,$this->modConfigStr); } return $this->getModConfigCache[$pid]['properties']; } /** * Insert half/quad lines. * * @param string keywords for which lines to insert. * @param boolean If true all lines are just blank clear.gifs * @return string HTML content. */ function insertQuadLines($codes,$allBlank=0) { $codeA = t3lib_div::trimExplode(',',$codes.",line",1); $lines=array(); while(list(,$code)=each($codeA)) { if ($code=="blank" || $allBlank) { $lines[]='<img src="clear.gif" width="18" height="8" align="top" alt="" />'; } else { $lines[]='<img'.t3lib_iconWorks::skinImg($this->backPath,'gfx/ol/halfline.gif','width="18" height="8"').' align="top" alt="" />'; } } return implode('',$lines); } /************************************* * * Content element positioning: * **************************************/ /** * Creates HTML for inserting/moving content elements. * * @param integer page id onto which to insert content element. * @param integer Move-uid (tt_content element uid?) * @param string List of columns to show * @param boolean If not set, then hidden/starttime/endtime records are filtered out. * @param string Request URI * @return string HTML */ function printContentElementColumns($pid,$moveUid,$colPosList,$showHidden,$R_URI) { $this->R_URI = $R_URI; $this->moveUid = $moveUid; $colPosArray = t3lib_div::trimExplode(',',$colPosList,1); $lines=array(); while(list($kk,$vv)=each($colPosArray)) { $res = $GLOBALS['TYPO3_DB']->exec_SELECTquery( '*', 'tt_content', 'pid='.intval($pid). ($showHidden ? '' : t3lib_BEfunc::BEenableFields('tt_content')). ' AND colPos='.intval($vv). (strcmp($this->cur_sys_language,'') ? ' AND sys_language_uid='.intval($this->cur_sys_language) : ''). t3lib_BEfunc::deleteClause('tt_content'). t3lib_BEfunc::versioningPlaceholderClause('tt_content'), '', 'sorting' ); $lines[$kk]=array(); $lines[$kk][]=$this->insertPositionIcon('',$vv,$kk,$moveUid,$pid); while($row = $GLOBALS['TYPO3_DB']->sql_fetch_assoc($res)) { t3lib_BEfunc::workspaceOL('tt_content',$row); if (is_array($row)) { $lines[$kk][]=$this->wrapRecordHeader($this->getRecordHeader($row),$row); $lines[$kk][]=$this->insertPositionIcon($row,$vv,$kk,$moveUid,$pid); } } $GLOBALS['TYPO3_DB']->sql_free_result($res); } return $this->printRecordMap($lines,$colPosArray); } /** * Creates the table with the content columns * * @param array Array with arrays of lines for each column * @param array Column position array * @return string HTML */ function printRecordMap($lines,$colPosArray) { $row1=''; $row2=''; $count = t3lib_div::intInRange(count($colPosArray),1); // Traverse the columns here: foreach($colPosArray as $kk => $vv) { $row1.='<td align="center" width="'.round(100/$count).'%"><span class="uppercase"><strong>'. $this->wrapColumnHeader($GLOBALS['LANG']->sL(t3lib_BEfunc::getLabelFromItemlist('tt_content','colPos',$vv),1),$vv). '</strong></span></td>'; $row2.='<td valign="top" nowrap="nowrap">'. implode('<br />',$lines[$kk]). '</td>'; } $table = ' <!-- Map of records in columns: --> <table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="1" id="typo3-ttContentList"> <tr class="bgColor5">'.$row1.'</tr> <tr>'.$row2.'</tr> </table> '; return $this->JSimgFunc('2').$table; } /** * Wrapping the column header * * @param string Header value * @param string Column info. * @return string * @see printRecordMap() */ function wrapColumnHeader($str,$vv) { return $str; } /** * Creates a linked position icon. * * @param array Element row. * @param string Column position value. * @param integer Column key. * @param integer Move uid * @param integer PID value. * @return string */ function insertPositionIcon($row,$vv,$kk,$moveUid,$pid) { $cc = hexdec(substr(md5($row['uid'].'-'.$vv.'-'.$kk),0,4)); return '<a href="#" onclick="'.htmlspecialchars($this->onClickInsertRecord($row,$vv,$moveUid,$pid,$this->cur_sys_language)).'" onmouseover="'.htmlspecialchars('changeImg(\'mImg'.$cc.'\',0);').'" onmouseout="'.htmlspecialchars('changeImg(\'mImg'.$cc.'\',1);').'">'. '<img'.t3lib_iconWorks::skinImg($this->backPath,'gfx/newrecord2_marker_d.gif','width="100" height="8"').' name="mImg'.$cc.'" border="0" align="top" title="'.$GLOBALS['LANG']->getLL($this->l_insertNewRecordHere,1).'" alt="" />'. '</a>'; } /** * Create on-click event value. * * @param array The record. * @param string Column position value. * @param integer Move uid * @param integer PID value. * @param integer System language (not used currently) * @return string */ function onClickInsertRecord($row,$vv,$moveUid,$pid,$sys_lang=0) { $table='tt_content'; if (is_array($row)) { $location='tce_db.php?cmd['.$table.']['.$moveUid.']['.$this->moveOrCopy.']=-'.$row['uid'].'&prErr=1&uPT=1&vC='.$GLOBALS['BE_USER']->veriCode(); } else { $location='tce_db.php?cmd['.$table.']['.$moveUid.']['.$this->moveOrCopy.']='.$pid.'&data['.$table.']['.$moveUid.'][colPos]='.$vv.'&prErr=1&vC='.$GLOBALS['BE_USER']->veriCode(); } // $location.='&redirect='.rawurlencode($this->R_URI); // returns to prev. page $location.='&uPT=1&redirect='.rawurlencode(t3lib_div::getIndpEnv('REQUEST_URI')); // This redraws screen return 'window.location.href=\''.$location.'\';return false;'; } /** * Wrapping the record header (from getRecordHeader()) * * @param string HTML content * @param array Record array. * @return string HTML content */ function wrapRecordHeader($str,$row) { return $str; } /** * Create record header (includes teh record icon, record title etc.) * * @param array Record row. * @return string HTML */ function getRecordHeader($row) { $line = t3lib_iconWorks::getIconImage('tt_content',$row,$this->backPath,' align="top" title="'.htmlspecialchars(t3lib_BEfunc::getRecordIconAltText($row,'tt_content')).'"'); $line.= t3lib_BEfunc::getRecordTitle('tt_content',$row,TRUE); return $this->wrapRecordTitle($line,$row); } /** * Wrapping the title of the record. * * @param string The title value. * @param array The record row. * @return string Wrapped title string. */ function wrapRecordTitle($str,$row) { return '<a href="'.htmlspecialchars(t3lib_div::linkThisScript(array('uid'=>intval($row['uid']),'moveUid'=>''))).'">'.$str.'</a>'; } } if (defined('TYPO3_MODE') && $TYPO3_CONF_VARS[TYPO3_MODE]['XCLASS']['t3lib/class.t3lib_positionmap.php']) { include_once($TYPO3_CONF_VARS[TYPO3_MODE]['XCLASS']['t3lib/class.t3lib_positionmap.php']); } ?>