File: class.t3lib_softrefproc.php
<?php /*************************************************************** * Copyright notice * * (c) 2003-2008 Kasper Skaarhoj (kasperYYYY@typo3.com) * All rights reserved * * This script is part of the Typo3 project. The Typo3 project is * free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * The GNU General Public License can be found at * http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html. * * This script is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * This copyright notice MUST APPEAR in all copies of the script! ***************************************************************/ /** * Soft Reference processing class * "Soft References" are references to database elements, files, email addresses, URls etc. * which are found in-text in content. The <link [page_id]> tag from typical bodytext fields * are an example of this. * This class contains generic parsers for the most well-known types * which are default for most TYPO3 installations. Soft References can also be userdefined. * The Soft Reference parsers are used by the system to find these references and process them accordingly in import/export actions and copy operations. * * $Id: class.t3lib_softrefproc.php 3439 2008-03-16 19:16:51Z flyguide $ * * @author Kasper Skaarhoj <kasperYYYY@typo3.com> */ /** * [CLASS/FUNCTION INDEX of SCRIPT] * * * * 116: class t3lib_softrefproc * 137: function findRef($table, $field, $uid, $content, $spKey, $spParams, $structurePath='') * 213: function findRef_images($content, $spParams) * 280: function findRef_typolink($content, $spParams) * 317: function findRef_typolink_tag($content, $spParams) * 352: function findRef_TStemplate($content, $spParams) * 434: function findRef_TSconfig($content, $spParams) * 457: function findRef_email($content, $spParams) * 497: function findRef_url($content, $spParams) * 539: function findRef_extension_fileref($content, $spParams) * * SECTION: Helper functions * 591: function fileadminReferences($content, &$elements) * 634: function getTypoLinkParts($typolinkValue) * 718: function setTypoLinkPartsElement($tLP, &$elements, $content, $idx) * 833: function getPageIdFromAlias($link_param) * 845: function makeTokenID($index='') * * TOTAL FUNCTIONS: 14 * (This index is automatically created/updated by the extension "extdeveval") * */ /** * Example of usage * // Soft References: * if ($conf['softref'] && strlen($value)) { // Check if a TCA configured field has softreferences defined (see TYPO3 Core API document) * $softRefs = t3lib_BEfunc::explodeSoftRefParserList($conf['softref']); // Explode the list of softreferences/parameters * foreach($softRefs as $spKey => $spParams) { // Traverse soft references * $softRefObj = &t3lib_BEfunc::softRefParserObj($spKey); // create / get object * if (is_object($softRefObj)) { // If there was an object returned...: * $resultArray = $softRefObj->findRef($table, $field, $uid, $softRefValue, $spKey, $spParams); // Do processing * * Result Array: * The Result array should contain two keys: "content" and "elements". * "content" is a string containing the input content but possibly with tokens inside. * Tokens are strings like {softref:[tokenID]} which is a placeholder for a value extracted by a softref parser * For each token there MUST be an entry in the "elements" key which has a "subst" key defining the tokenID and the tokenValue. See below. * "elements" is an array where the keys are insignificant, but the values are arrays with these keys: * "matchString" => The value of the match. This is only for informational purposes to show what was found. * "error" => An error message can be set here, like "file not found" etc. * "subst" => array( // If this array is found there MUST be a token in the output content as well! * "tokenID" => The tokenID string corresponding to the token in output content, {softref:[tokenID]}. This is typically an md5 hash of a string defining uniquely the position of the element. * "tokenValue" => The value that the token substitutes in the text. Basically, if this value is inserted instead of the token the content should match what was inputted originally. * "type" => file / db / string = the type of substitution. "file" means it is a relative file [automatically mapped], "db" means a database record reference [automatically mapped], "string" means it is manually modified string content (eg. an email address) * "relFileName" => (for "file" type): Relative filename. May not necessarily exist. This could be noticed in the error key. * "recordRef" => (for "db" type) : Reference to DB record on the form [table]:[uid]. May not necessarily exist. * "title" => Title of element (for backend information) * "description" => Description of element (for backend information) * ) * */ require_once(PATH_t3lib.'class.t3lib_parsehtml.php'); /** * Class for processing of the default soft reference types for CMS: * * - 'substitute' : A full field value targeted for manual substitution (for import /export features) * - 'notify' : Just report if a value is found, nothing more. * - 'images' : HTML <img> tags for RTE images / images from fileadmin/ * - 'typolink' : references to page id or file, possibly with anchor/target, possibly commaseparated list. * - 'typolink_tag' : As typolink, but searching for <link> tag to encapsulate it. * - 'TSconfig' processing (filerefs? Domains? what do we know...) * - 'TStemplate' : freetext references to "fileadmin/" files. * - 'email' : Email highlight * - 'url' : URL highlights (with a scheme) * * @author Kasper Skaarhoj <kasperYYYY@typo3.com> * @package TYPO3 * @subpackage t3lib */ class t3lib_softrefproc { // external configuration var $fileAdminDir = 'fileadmin'; // Internal: var $tokenID_basePrefix = ''; /** * Main function through which all processing happens * * @param string Database table name * @param string Field name for which processing occurs * @param integer UID of the record * @param string The content/value of the field * @param string The softlink parser key. This is only interesting if more than one parser is grouped in the same class. That is the case with this parser. * @param array Parameters of the softlink parser. Basically this is the content inside optional []-brackets after the softref keys. Parameters are exploded by ";" * @param string If running from inside a FlexForm structure, this is the path of the tag. * @return array Result array on positive matches, see description above. Otherwise false */ function findRef($table, $field, $uid, $content, $spKey, $spParams, $structurePath='') { $retVal = FALSE; $this->tokenID_basePrefix = $table.':'.$uid.':'.$field.':'.$structurePath.':'.$spKey; switch($spKey) { case 'notify': // Simple notification $resultArray = array( 'elements' => array( array( 'matchString' => $content ) ) ); $retVal = $resultArray; break; case 'substitute': $tokenID = $this->makeTokenID(); $resultArray = array( 'content' => '{softref:'.$tokenID.'}', 'elements' => array( array( 'matchString' => $content, 'subst' => array( 'type' => 'string', 'tokenID' => $tokenID, 'tokenValue' => $content ) ) ) ); $retVal = $resultArray; break; case 'images': $retVal = $this->findRef_images($content, $spParams); break; case 'typolink': $retVal = $this->findRef_typolink($content, $spParams); break; case 'typolink_tag': $retVal = $this->findRef_typolink_tag($content, $spParams); break; case 'ext_fileref': $retVal = $this->findRef_extension_fileref($content, $spParams); break; case 'TStemplate': $retVal = $this->findRef_TStemplate($content, $spParams); break; case 'TSconfig': $retVal = $this->findRef_TSconfig($content, $spParams); break; case 'email': $retVal = $this->findRef_email($content, $spParams); break; case 'url': $retVal = $this->findRef_url($content, $spParams); break; default: $retVal = FALSE; break; } return $retVal; } /** * Finding image tags in the content. * All images that are not from external URLs will be returned with an info text * Will only return files in fileadmin/ and files in uploads/ folders which are prefixed with "RTEmagic[C|P]_" for substitution * Any "clear.gif" images are ignored. * * @param string The input content to analyse * @param array Parameters set for the softref parser key in TCA/columns * @return array Result array on positive matches, see description above. Otherwise false */ function findRef_images($content, $spParams) { // Start HTML parser and split content by image tag: $htmlParser = t3lib_div::makeInstance('t3lib_parsehtml'); $splitContent = $htmlParser->splitTags('img',$content); $elements = array(); // Traverse splitted parts: foreach($splitContent as $k => $v) { if ($k%2) { // Get file reference: $attribs = $htmlParser->get_tag_attributes($v); $srcRef = t3lib_div::htmlspecialchars_decode($attribs[0]['src']); $pI = pathinfo($srcRef); // If it looks like a local image, continue. Otherwise ignore it. $absPath = t3lib_div::getFileAbsFileName(PATH_site.$srcRef); if (!$pI['scheme'] && !$pI['query'] && $absPath && $srcRef!=='clear.gif') { // Initialize the element entry with info text here: $tokenID = $this->makeTokenID($k); $elements[$k] = array(); $elements[$k]['matchString'] = $v; // If the image seems to be from fileadmin/ folder or an RTE image, then proceed to set up substitution token: if (t3lib_div::isFirstPartOfStr($srcRef,$this->fileAdminDir.'/') || (t3lib_div::isFirstPartOfStr($srcRef,'uploads/') && ereg('^RTEmagicC_',basename($srcRef)))) { // Token and substitute value: if (strstr($splitContent[$k], $attribs[0]['src'])) { // Make sure the value we work on is found and will get substituted in the content (Very important that the src-value is not DeHSC'ed) $splitContent[$k] = str_replace($attribs[0]['src'], '{softref:'.$tokenID.'}', $splitContent[$k]); // Substitute value with token (this is not be an exact method if the value is in there twice, but we assume it will not) $elements[$k]['subst'] = array( 'type' => 'file', 'relFileName' => $srcRef, 'tokenID' => $tokenID, 'tokenValue' => $attribs[0]['src'], ); if (!@is_file($absPath)) { // Finally, notice if the file does not exist. $elements[$k]['error'] = 'File does not exist!'; } } else { $elements[$k]['error'] = 'Could not substitute image source with token!'; } } } } } // Return result: if (count($elements)) { $resultArray = array( 'content' => implode('', $splitContent), 'elements' => $elements ); return $resultArray; } } /** * TypoLink value processing. * Will process input value as a TypoLink value. * * @param string The input content to analyse * @param array Parameters set for the softref parser key in TCA/columns. value "linkList" will split the string by comma before processing. * @return array Result array on positive matches, see description above. Otherwise false * @see tslib_content::typolink(), getTypoLinkParts() */ function findRef_typolink($content, $spParams) { // First, split the input string by a comma if the "linkList" parameter is set. // An example: the link field for images in content elements of type "textpic" or "image". This field CAN be configured to define a link per image, separated by comma. if (is_array($spParams) && in_array('linkList',$spParams)) { $linkElement = explode(',', $content); // Preserving whitespace on purpose. } else { $linkElement = array($content); // If only one element, just set in this array to make it easy below. } // Traverse the links now: $elements = array(); foreach($linkElement as $k => $typolinkValue) { $tLP = $this->getTypoLinkParts($typolinkValue); $linkElement[$k] = $this->setTypoLinkPartsElement($tLP, $elements, $typolinkValue, $k); } // Return output: if (count($elements)) { $resultArray = array( 'content' => implode(',', $linkElement), 'elements' => $elements ); return $resultArray; } } /** * TypoLink tag processing. * Will search for <link ...> tags in the content string and process any found. * * @param string The input content to analyse * @param array Parameters set for the softref parser key in TCA/columns * @return array Result array on positive matches, see description above. Otherwise false * @see tslib_content::typolink(), getTypoLinkParts() */ function findRef_typolink_tag($content, $spParams) { // Parse string for special TYPO3 <link> tag: $htmlParser = t3lib_div::makeInstance('t3lib_parsehtml'); $linkTags = $htmlParser->splitTags('link',$content); // Traverse result: $elements = array(); foreach($linkTags as $k => $foundValue) { if ($k%2) { $typolinkValue = eregi_replace('<LINK[[:space:]]+','',substr($foundValue,0,-1)); $tLP = $this->getTypoLinkParts($typolinkValue); $linkTags[$k] = '<LINK '.$this->setTypoLinkPartsElement($tLP, $elements, $typolinkValue, $k).'>'; } } // Return output: if (count($elements)) { $resultArray = array( 'content' => implode('', $linkTags), 'elements' => $elements ); return $resultArray; } } /** * Processing the content expected from a TypoScript template * This content includes references to files in fileadmin/ folders and file references in HTML tags like <img src="">, <a href=""> and <form action=""> * * @param string The input content to analyse * @param array Parameters set for the softref parser key in TCA/columns * @return array Result array on positive matches, see description above. Otherwise false */ function findRef_TStemplate($content, $spParams) { $elements = array(); // First, try to find images and links: $htmlParser = t3lib_div::makeInstance('t3lib_parsehtml'); $splitContent = $htmlParser->splitTags('img,a,form', $content); // Traverse splitted parts: foreach($splitContent as $k => $v) { if ($k%2) { $attribs = $htmlParser->get_tag_attributes($v); $attributeName = ''; switch($htmlParser->getFirstTagName($v)) { case 'img': $attributeName = 'src'; break; case 'a': $attributeName = 'href'; break; case 'form': $attributeName = 'action'; break; } // Get file reference: if (isset($attribs[0][$attributeName])) { $srcRef = t3lib_div::htmlspecialchars_decode($attribs[0][$attributeName]); // Set entry: $tokenID = $this->makeTokenID($k); $elements[$k] = array(); $elements[$k]['matchString'] = $v; // OK, if it looks like a local file from fileadmin/, include it: $pI = pathinfo($srcRef); $absPath = t3lib_div::getFileAbsFileName(PATH_site.$srcRef); if (t3lib_div::isFirstPartOfStr($srcRef,$this->fileAdminDir.'/') && !$pI['query'] && $absPath) { // Token and substitute value: if (strstr($splitContent[$k], $attribs[0][$attributeName])) { // Very important that the src-value is not DeHSC'ed $splitContent[$k] = str_replace($attribs[0][$attributeName], '{softref:'.$tokenID.'}', $splitContent[$k]); $elements[$k]['subst'] = array( 'type' => 'file', 'relFileName' => $srcRef, 'tokenID' => $tokenID, 'tokenValue' => $attribs[0][$attributeName], ); if (!@is_file($absPath)) { $elements[$k]['error'] = 'File does not exist!'; } } else { $elements[$k]['error'] = 'Could not substitute attribute ('.$attributeName.') value with token!'; } } } } } $content = implode('', $splitContent); // Process free fileadmin/ references as well: $content = $this->fileadminReferences($content, $elements); // Return output: if (count($elements)) { $resultArray = array( 'content' => $content, 'elements' => $elements ); return $resultArray; } } /** * Processes possible references inside of Page and User TSconfig fields. * Currently this only includes file references to fileadmin/ but in fact there are currently no properties that supports such references. * * @param string The input content to analyse * @param array Parameters set for the softref parser key in TCA/columns * @return array Result array on positive matches, see description above. Otherwise false */ function findRef_TSconfig($content, $spParams) { $elements = array(); // Process free fileadmin/ references from TSconfig $content = $this->fileadminReferences($content, $elements); // Return output: if (count($elements)) { $resultArray = array( 'content' => $content, 'elements' => $elements ); return $resultArray; } } /** * Finding email addresses in content and making them substitutable. * * @param string The input content to analyse * @param array Parameters set for the softref parser key in TCA/columns * @return array Result array on positive matches, see description above. Otherwise false */ function findRef_email($content, $spParams) { $resultArray = array(); // email: $parts = preg_split("/([^[:alnum:]]+)([A-Za-z0-9\._-]+[@][A-Za-z0-9\._-]+[\.].[A-Za-z0-9]+)/", ' '.$content.' ',10000, PREG_SPLIT_DELIM_CAPTURE); foreach($parts as $idx => $value) { if ($idx%3 == 2) { $tokenID = $this->makeTokenID($idx); $elements[$idx] = array(); $elements[$idx]['matchString'] = $value; if (is_array($spParams) && in_array('subst',$spParams)) { $parts[$idx] = '{softref:'.$tokenID.'}'; $elements[$idx]['subst'] = array( 'type' => 'string', 'tokenID' => $tokenID, 'tokenValue' => $value, ); } } } // Return output: if (count($elements)) { $resultArray = array( 'content' => substr(implode('',$parts),1,-1), 'elements' => $elements ); return $resultArray; } } /** * Finding URLs in content * * @param string The input content to analyse * @param array Parameters set for the softref parser key in TCA/columns * @return array Result array on positive matches, see description above. Otherwise false */ function findRef_url($content, $spParams) { $resultArray = array(); // Fileadmin files: $parts = preg_split("/([^[:alnum:]\"']+)((http|ftp):\/\/[^[:space:]\"'<>]*)([[:space:]])/", ' '.$content.' ',10000, PREG_SPLIT_DELIM_CAPTURE); foreach($parts as $idx => $value) { if ($idx%5 == 3) { unset($parts[$idx]); } if ($idx%5 == 2) { $tokenID = $this->makeTokenID($idx); $elements[$idx] = array(); $elements[$idx]['matchString'] = $value; if (is_array($spParams) && in_array('subst',$spParams)) { $parts[$idx] = '{softref:'.$tokenID.'}'; $elements[$idx]['subst'] = array( 'type' => 'string', 'tokenID' => $tokenID, 'tokenValue' => $value, ); } } } // Return output: if (count($elements)) { $resultArray = array( 'content' => substr(implode('',$parts),1,-1), 'elements' => $elements ); return $resultArray; } } /** * Finding reference to files from extensions in content, but only to notify about their existence. No substitution * * @param string The input content to analyse * @param array Parameters set for the softref parser key in TCA/columns * @return array Result array on positive matches, see description above. Otherwise false */ function findRef_extension_fileref($content, $spParams) { $resultArray = array(); // Fileadmin files: $parts = preg_split("/([^[:alnum:]\"']+)(EXT:[[:alnum:]_]+\/[^[:space:]\"',]*)/", ' '.$content.' ',10000, PREG_SPLIT_DELIM_CAPTURE); foreach($parts as $idx => $value) { if ($idx%3 == 2) { $tokenID = $this->makeTokenID($idx); $elements[$idx] = array(); $elements[$idx]['matchString'] = $value; } } // Return output: if (count($elements)) { $resultArray = array( 'content' => substr(implode('',$parts),1,-1), 'elements' => $elements ); return $resultArray; } } /************************* * * Helper functions * *************************/ /** * Searches the content for a reference to a file in "fileadmin/". * When a match is found it will get substituted with a token. * * @param string Input content to analyse * @param array Element array to be modified with new entries. Passed by reference. * @return string Output content, possibly with tokens inserted. */ function fileadminReferences($content, &$elements) { // Fileadmin files are found $parts = preg_split("/([^[:alnum:]]+)(".$this->fileAdminDir."\/[^[:space:]\"'<>]*)/", ' '.$content.' ',10000, PREG_SPLIT_DELIM_CAPTURE); // Traverse files: foreach($parts as $idx => $value) { if ($idx%3 == 2) { // when file is found, set up an entry for the element: $tokenID = $this->makeTokenID('fileadminReferences:'.$idx); $elements['fileadminReferences.'.$idx] = array(); $elements['fileadminReferences.'.$idx]['matchString'] = $value; $elements['fileadminReferences.'.$idx]['subst'] = array( 'type' => 'file', 'relFileName' => $value, 'tokenID' => $tokenID, 'tokenValue' => $value, ); $parts[$idx] = '{softref:'.$tokenID.'}'; // Check if the file actually exists: $absPath = t3lib_div::getFileAbsFileName(PATH_site.$value); if (!@is_file($absPath)) { $elements['fileadminReferences.'.$idx]['error'] = 'File does not exist!'; } } } #debug($parts); // Implode the content again, removing prefixed and trailing white space: return substr(implode('',$parts),1,-1); } /** * Analyse content as a TypoLink value and return an array with properties. * TypoLinks format is: <link [typolink] [browser target] [css class]>. See tslib_content::typolink() * The syntax of the [typolink] part is: [typolink] = [page id or alias][,[type value]][#[anchor, if integer = tt_content uid]] * The extraction is based on how tslib_content::typolink() behaves. * * @param string TypoLink value. * @return array Array with the properties of the input link specified. The key "LINK_TYPE" will reveal the type. If that is blank it could not be determined. * @see tslib_content::typolink(), setTypoLinkPartsElement() */ function getTypoLinkParts($typolinkValue) { $finalTagParts = array(); // Split by space into link / target / class list($link_param, $browserTarget, $cssClass) = t3lib_div::trimExplode(' ',$typolinkValue,1); if (strlen($browserTarget)) $finalTagParts['target'] = $browserTarget; if (strlen($cssClass)) $finalTagParts['class'] = $cssClass; // Parse URL: $pU = @parse_url($link_param); // Detecting the kind of reference: if(strstr($link_param,'@') && !$pU['scheme']) { // If it's a mail address: $link_param = eregi_replace('^mailto:','',$link_param); $finalTagParts['LINK_TYPE'] = 'mailto'; $finalTagParts['url'] = trim($link_param); } else { $isLocalFile = 0; $fileChar = intval(strpos($link_param, '/')); $urlChar = intval(strpos($link_param, '.')); // Detects if a file is found in site-root (or is a 'virtual' simulateStaticDocument file!) and if so it will be treated like a normal file. list($rootFileDat) = explode('?',rawurldecode($link_param)); $containsSlash = strstr($rootFileDat,'/'); $rFD_fI = pathinfo($rootFileDat); if (trim($rootFileDat) && !$containsSlash && (@is_file(PATH_site.$rootFileDat) || t3lib_div::inList('php,html,htm',strtolower($rFD_fI['extension'])))) { $isLocalFile = 1; } elseif ($containsSlash) { $isLocalFile = 2; // Adding this so realurl directories are linked right (non-existing). } if($pU['scheme'] || ($isLocalFile!=1 && $urlChar && (!$containsSlash || $urlChar<$fileChar))) { // url (external): If doubleSlash or if a '.' comes before a '/'. $finalTagParts['LINK_TYPE'] = 'url'; $finalTagParts['url'] = $link_param; } elseif ($containsSlash || $isLocalFile) { // file (internal) $splitLinkParam = explode('?', $link_param); if (@file_exists(rawurldecode($splitLinkParam[0])) || $isLocalFile) { $finalTagParts['LINK_TYPE'] = 'file'; $finalTagParts['filepath'] = rawurldecode($splitLinkParam[0]); $finalTagParts['query'] = $splitLinkParam[1]; } } else { // integer or alias (alias is without slashes or periods or commas, that is 'nospace,alphanum_x,lower,unique' according to definition in $TCA!) $finalTagParts['LINK_TYPE'] = 'page'; $link_params_parts = explode('#',$link_param); $link_param = trim($link_params_parts[0]); // Link-data del if (strlen($link_params_parts[1])) { $finalTagParts['anchor'] = trim($link_params_parts[1]); } // Splitting the parameter by ',' and if the array counts more than 1 element it's a id/type/? pair $pairParts = t3lib_div::trimExplode(',',$link_param); if (count($pairParts)>1) { $link_param = $pairParts[0]; $finalTagParts['type'] = $pairParts[1]; // Overruling 'type' } // Checking if the id-parameter is an alias. if (strlen($link_param)) { if (!t3lib_div::testInt($link_param)) { $finalTagParts['alias'] = $link_param; $link_param = $this->getPageIdFromAlias($link_param); } $finalTagParts['page_id'] = intval($link_param); } } } return $finalTagParts; } /** * Recompile a TypoLink value from the array of properties made with getTypoLinkParts() into an elements array * * @param array TypoLink properties * @param array Array of elements to be modified with substitution / information entries. * @param string The content to process. * @param integer Index value of the found element - user to make unique but stable tokenID * @return string The input content, possibly containing tokens now according to the added substitution entries in $elements * @see getTypoLinkParts() */ function setTypoLinkPartsElement($tLP, &$elements, $content, $idx) { // Initialize, set basic values. In any case a link will be shown $tokenID = $this->makeTokenID('setTypoLinkPartsElement:'.$idx); $elements[$tokenID.':'.$idx] = array(); $elements[$tokenID.':'.$idx]['matchString'] = $content; // Based on link type, maybe do more: switch ((string)$tLP['LINK_TYPE']) { case 'mailto': case 'url': // Mail addresses and URLs can be substituted manually: $elements[$tokenID.':'.$idx]['subst'] = array( 'type' => 'string', 'tokenID' => $tokenID, 'tokenValue' => $tLP['url'], ); // Output content will be the token instead: $content = '{softref:'.$tokenID.'}'; break; case 'file': // Process files found in fileadmin directory: if (!$tLP['query']) { // We will not process files which has a query added to it. That will look like a script we don't want to move. if (t3lib_div::isFirstPartOfStr($tLP['filepath'],$this->fileAdminDir.'/')) { // File must be inside fileadmin/ // Set up the basic token and token value for the relative file: $elements[$tokenID.':'.$idx]['subst'] = array( 'type' => 'file', 'relFileName' => $tLP['filepath'], 'tokenID' => $tokenID, 'tokenValue' => $tLP['filepath'], ); // Depending on whether the file exists or not we will set the $absPath = t3lib_div::getFileAbsFileName(PATH_site.$tLP['filepath']); if (!@is_file($absPath)) { $elements[$tokenID.':'.$idx]['error'] = 'File does not exist!'; } // Output content will be the token instead $content = '{softref:'.$tokenID.'}'; } else return $content; } else return $content; break; case 'page': // Rebuild page reference typolink part: $content = ''; // Set page id: if ($tLP['page_id']) { $content.= '{softref:'.$tokenID.'}'; $elements[$tokenID.':'.$idx]['subst'] = array( 'type' => 'db', 'recordRef' => 'pages:'.$tLP['page_id'], 'tokenID' => $tokenID, 'tokenValue' => $tLP['alias'] ? $tLP['alias'] : $tLP['page_id'], // Set page alias if that was used. ); } // Add type if applicable if (strlen($tLP['type'])) { $content.= ','.$tLP['type']; } // Add anchor if applicable if (strlen($tLP['anchor'])) { if (t3lib_div::testInt($tLP['anchor'])) { // Anchor is assumed to point to a content elements: // Initialize a new entry because we have a new relation: $newTokenID = $this->makeTokenID('setTypoLinkPartsElement:anchor:'.$idx); $elements[$newTokenID.':'.$idx] = array(); $elements[$newTokenID.':'.$idx]['matchString'] = 'Anchor Content Element: '.$tLP['anchor']; $content.= '#{softref:'.$newTokenID.'}'; $elements[$newTokenID.':'.$idx]['subst'] = array( 'type' => 'db', 'recordRef' => 'tt_content:'.$tLP['anchor'], 'tokenID' => $newTokenID, 'tokenValue' => $tLP['anchor'], ); } else { // Anchor is a hardcoded string $content.= '#'.$tLP['type']; } } break; default: { $elements[$tokenID.':'.$idx]['error'] = 'Couldn\t decide typolink mode.'; return $content; } break; } // Finally, for all entries that was rebuild with tokens, add target and class in the end: if (strlen($content) && strlen($tLP['target'])) { $content.= ' '.$tLP['target']; if (strlen($tLP['class'])) { $content.= ' '.$tLP['class']; } } // Return rebuilt typolink value: return $content; } /** * Look up and return page uid for alias * * @param integer Page alias string value * @return integer Page uid corresponding to alias value. */ function getPageIdFromAlias($link_param) { $pRec = t3lib_BEfunc::getRecordsByField('pages','alias',$link_param); return $pRec[0]['uid']; } /** * Make Token ID for input index. * * @param string suffix value. * @return string Token ID */ function makeTokenID($index='') { return md5($this->tokenID_basePrefix.':'.$index); } } if (defined('TYPO3_MODE') && $TYPO3_CONF_VARS[TYPO3_MODE]['XCLASS']['t3lib/class.t3lib_softrefproc.php']) { include_once($TYPO3_CONF_VARS[TYPO3_MODE]['XCLASS']['t3lib/class.t3lib_softrefproc.php']); } ?>