File: class.t3lib_sqlparser.php
<?php /*************************************************************** * Copyright notice * * (c) 2004-2008 Kasper Skaarhoj (kasperYYYY@typo3.com) * All rights reserved * * This script is part of the TYPO3 project. The TYPO3 project is * free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * The GNU General Public License can be found at * http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html. * A copy is found in the textfile GPL.txt and important notices to the license * from the author is found in LICENSE.txt distributed with these scripts. * * * This script is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * This copyright notice MUST APPEAR in all copies of the script! ***************************************************************/ /** * TYPO3 SQL parser * * $Id: class.t3lib_sqlparser.php 3439 2008-03-16 19:16:51Z flyguide $ * * @author Kasper Skaarhoj <kasperYYYY@typo3.com> */ /** * [CLASS/FUNCTION INDEX of SCRIPT] * * * * 107: class t3lib_sqlparser * * SECTION: SQL Parsing, full queries * 129: function parseSQL($parseString) * 192: function parseSELECT($parseString) * 261: function parseUPDATE($parseString) * 315: function parseINSERT($parseString) * 375: function parseDELETE($parseString) * 413: function parseEXPLAIN($parseString) * 435: function parseCREATETABLE($parseString) * 514: function parseALTERTABLE($parseString) * 583: function parseDROPTABLE($parseString) * 616: function parseCREATEDATABASE($parseString) * * SECTION: SQL Parsing, helper functions for parts of queries * 670: function parseFieldList(&$parseString, $stopRegex='') * 791: function parseFromTables(&$parseString, $stopRegex='') * 882: function parseWhereClause(&$parseString, $stopRegex='') * 990: function parseFieldDef(&$parseString, $stopRegex='') * * SECTION: Parsing: Helper functions * 1053: function nextPart(&$parseString,$regex,$trimAll=FALSE) * 1068: function getValue(&$parseString,$comparator='') * 1127: function getValueInQuotes(&$parseString,$quote) * 1153: function parseStripslashes($str) * 1167: function compileAddslashes($str) * 1182: function parseError($msg,$restQuery) * 1196: function trimSQL($str) * * SECTION: Compiling queries * 1225: function compileSQL($components) * 1263: function compileSELECT($components) * 1294: function compileUPDATE($components) * 1322: function compileINSERT($components) * 1362: function compileDELETE($components) * 1382: function compileCREATETABLE($components) * 1415: function compileALTERTABLE($components) * * SECTION: Compiling queries, helper functions for parts of queries * 1468: function compileFieldList($selectFields) * 1510: function compileFromTables($tablesArray) * 1551: function compileWhereClause($clauseArray) * 1605: function compileFieldCfg($fieldCfg) * * SECTION: Debugging * 1654: function debug_parseSQLpart($part,$str) * 1679: function debug_parseSQLpartCompare($str,$newStr,$caseInsensitive=FALSE) * 1712: function debug_testSQL($SQLquery) * * TOTAL FUNCTIONS: 35 * (This index is automatically created/updated by the extension "extdeveval") * */ /** * TYPO3 SQL parser class. * * @author Kasper Skaarhoj <kasperYYYY@typo3.com> * @package TYPO3 * @subpackage t3lib */ class t3lib_sqlparser { // Parser: var $parse_error = ''; // Parsing error string var $lastStopKeyWord = ''; // Last stop keyword used. /************************************* * * SQL Parsing, full queries * **************************************/ /** * Parses any single SQL query * * @param string SQL query * @return array Result array with all the parts in - or error message string * @see compileSQL(), debug_testSQL() */ function parseSQL($parseString) { // Prepare variables: $parseString = $this->trimSQL($parseString); $this->parse_error = ''; $result = array(); // Finding starting keyword of string: $_parseString = $parseString; // Protecting original string... $keyword = $this->nextPart($_parseString, '^(SELECT|UPDATE|INSERT[[:space:]]+INTO|DELETE[[:space:]]+FROM|EXPLAIN|DROP[[:space:]]+TABLE|CREATE[[:space:]]+TABLE|CREATE[[:space:]]+DATABASE|ALTER[[:space:]]+TABLE)[[:space:]]+'); $keyword = strtoupper(str_replace(array(' ',"\t","\r","\n"),'',$keyword)); switch($keyword) { case 'SELECT': // Parsing SELECT query: $result = $this->parseSELECT($parseString); break; case 'UPDATE': // Parsing UPDATE query: $result = $this->parseUPDATE($parseString); break; case 'INSERTINTO': // Parsing INSERT query: $result = $this->parseINSERT($parseString); break; case 'DELETEFROM': // Parsing DELETE query: $result = $this->parseDELETE($parseString); break; case 'EXPLAIN': // Parsing EXPLAIN SELECT query: $result = $this->parseEXPLAIN($parseString); break; case 'DROPTABLE': // Parsing DROP TABLE query: $result = $this->parseDROPTABLE($parseString); break; case 'ALTERTABLE': // Parsing ALTER TABLE query: $result = $this->parseALTERTABLE($parseString); break; case 'CREATETABLE': // Parsing CREATE TABLE query: $result = $this->parseCREATETABLE($parseString); break; case 'CREATEDATABASE': // Parsing CREATE DATABASE query: $result = $this->parseCREATEDATABASE($parseString); break; default: $result = $this->parseError('"'.$keyword.'" is not a keyword',$parseString); break; } return $result; } /** * Parsing SELECT query * * @param string SQL string with SELECT query to parse * @return mixed Returns array with components of SELECT query on success, otherwise an error message string. * @see compileSELECT() */ function parseSELECT($parseString) { // Removing SELECT: $parseString = $this->trimSQL($parseString); $parseString = ltrim(substr($parseString,6)); // REMOVE eregi_replace('^SELECT[[:space:]]+','',$parseString); // Init output variable: $result = array(); $result['type'] = 'SELECT'; // Looking for STRAIGHT_JOIN keyword: $result['STRAIGHT_JOIN'] = $this->nextPart($parseString, '^(STRAIGHT_JOIN)[[:space:]]+'); // Select fields: $result['SELECT'] = $this->parseFieldList($parseString, '^(FROM)[[:space:]]+'); if ($this->parse_error) { return $this->parse_error; } // Continue if string is not ended: if ($parseString) { // Get table list: $result['FROM'] = $this->parseFromTables($parseString, '^(WHERE)[[:space:]]+'); if ($this->parse_error) { return $this->parse_error; } // If there are more than just the tables (a WHERE clause that would be...) if ($parseString) { // Get WHERE clause: $result['WHERE'] = $this->parseWhereClause($parseString, '^(GROUP[[:space:]]+BY|ORDER[[:space:]]+BY|LIMIT)[[:space:]]+'); if ($this->parse_error) { return $this->parse_error; } // If the WHERE clause parsing was stopped by GROUP BY, ORDER BY or LIMIT, then proceed with parsing: if ($this->lastStopKeyWord) { // GROUP BY parsing: if ($this->lastStopKeyWord == 'GROUPBY') { $result['GROUPBY'] = $this->parseFieldList($parseString, '^(ORDER[[:space:]]+BY|LIMIT)[[:space:]]+'); if ($this->parse_error) { return $this->parse_error; } } // ORDER BY parsing: if ($this->lastStopKeyWord == 'ORDERBY') { $result['ORDERBY'] = $this->parseFieldList($parseString, '^(LIMIT)[[:space:]]+'); if ($this->parse_error) { return $this->parse_error; } } // LIMIT parsing: if ($this->lastStopKeyWord == 'LIMIT') { if (preg_match('/^([0-9]+|[0-9]+[[:space:]]*,[[:space:]]*[0-9]+)$/',trim($parseString))) { $result['LIMIT'] = $parseString; } else { return $this->parseError('No value for limit!',$parseString); } } } } } else return $this->parseError('No table to select from!',$parseString); // Return result: return $result; } /** * Parsing UPDATE query * * @param string SQL string with UPDATE query to parse * @return mixed Returns array with components of UPDATE query on success, otherwise an error message string. * @see compileUPDATE() */ function parseUPDATE($parseString) { // Removing UPDATE $parseString = $this->trimSQL($parseString); $parseString = ltrim(substr($parseString,6)); // REMOVE eregi_replace('^UPDATE[[:space:]]+','',$parseString); // Init output variable: $result = array(); $result['type'] = 'UPDATE'; // Get table: $result['TABLE'] = $this->nextPart($parseString, '^([[:alnum:]_]+)[[:space:]]+'); // Continue if string is not ended: if ($result['TABLE']) { if ($parseString && $this->nextPart($parseString, '^(SET)[[:space:]]+')) { $comma = TRUE; // Get field/value pairs: while($comma) { if ($fieldName = $this->nextPart($parseString,'^([[:alnum:]_]+)[[:space:]]*=')) { $this->nextPart($parseString,'^(=)'); // Strip of "=" sign. $value = $this->getValue($parseString); $result['FIELDS'][$fieldName] = $value; } else return $this->parseError('No fieldname found',$parseString); $comma = $this->nextPart($parseString,'^(,)'); } // WHERE if ($this->nextPart($parseString,'^(WHERE)')) { $result['WHERE'] = $this->parseWhereClause($parseString); if ($this->parse_error) { return $this->parse_error; } } } else return $this->parseError('Query missing SET...',$parseString); } else return $this->parseError('No table found!',$parseString); // Should be no more content now: if ($parseString) { return $this->parseError('Still content in clause after parsing!',$parseString); } // Return result: return $result; } /** * Parsing INSERT query * * @param string SQL string with INSERT query to parse * @return mixed Returns array with components of INSERT query on success, otherwise an error message string. * @see compileINSERT() */ function parseINSERT($parseString) { // Removing INSERT $parseString = $this->trimSQL($parseString); $parseString = ltrim(substr(ltrim(substr($parseString,6)),4)); // REMOVE eregi_replace('^INSERT[[:space:]]+INTO[[:space:]]+','',$parseString); // Init output variable: $result = array(); $result['type'] = 'INSERT'; // Get table: $result['TABLE'] = $this->nextPart($parseString, '^([[:alnum:]_]+)([[:space:]]+|\()'); if ($result['TABLE']) { if ($this->nextPart($parseString,'^(VALUES)[[:space:]]+')) { // In this case there are no field names mentioned in the SQL! // Get values/fieldnames (depending...) $result['VALUES_ONLY'] = $this->getValue($parseString,'IN'); if ($this->parse_error) { return $this->parse_error; } } else { // There are apparently fieldnames listed: $fieldNames = $this->getValue($parseString,'_LIST'); if ($this->parse_error) { return $this->parse_error; } if ($this->nextPart($parseString,'^(VALUES)[[:space:]]+')) { // "VALUES" keyword binds the fieldnames to values: $values = $this->getValue($parseString,'IN'); // Using the "getValue" function to get the field list... if ($this->parse_error) { return $this->parse_error; } foreach($fieldNames as $k => $fN) { if (preg_match('/^[[:alnum:]_]+$/',$fN)) { if (isset($values[$k])) { if (!isset($result['FIELDS'][$fN])) { $result['FIELDS'][$fN] = $values[$k]; } else return $this->parseError('Fieldname ("'.$fN.'") already found in list!',$parseString); } else return $this->parseError('No value set!',$parseString); } else return $this->parseError('Invalid fieldname ("'.$fN.'")',$parseString); } if (isset($values[$k+1])) { return $this->parseError('Too many values in list!',$parseString); } } else return $this->parseError('VALUES keyword expected',$parseString); } } else return $this->parseError('No table found!',$parseString); // Should be no more content now: if ($parseString) { return $this->parseError('Still content after parsing!',$parseString); } // Return result return $result; } /** * Parsing DELETE query * * @param string SQL string with DELETE query to parse * @return mixed Returns array with components of DELETE query on success, otherwise an error message string. * @see compileDELETE() */ function parseDELETE($parseString) { // Removing DELETE $parseString = $this->trimSQL($parseString); $parseString = ltrim(substr(ltrim(substr($parseString,6)),4)); // REMOVE eregi_replace('^DELETE[[:space:]]+FROM[[:space:]]+','',$parseString); // Init output variable: $result = array(); $result['type'] = 'DELETE'; // Get table: $result['TABLE'] = $this->nextPart($parseString, '^([[:alnum:]_]+)[[:space:]]+'); if ($result['TABLE']) { // WHERE if ($this->nextPart($parseString,'^(WHERE)')) { $result['WHERE'] = $this->parseWhereClause($parseString); if ($this->parse_error) { return $this->parse_error; } } } else return $this->parseError('No table found!',$parseString); // Should be no more content now: if ($parseString) { return $this->parseError('Still content in clause after parsing!',$parseString); } // Return result: return $result; } /** * Parsing EXPLAIN query * * @param string SQL string with EXPLAIN query to parse * @return mixed Returns array with components of EXPLAIN query on success, otherwise an error message string. * @see parseSELECT() */ function parseEXPLAIN($parseString) { // Removing EXPLAIN $parseString = $this->trimSQL($parseString); $parseString = ltrim(substr($parseString,6)); // REMOVE eregi_replace('^EXPLAIN[[:space:]]+','',$parseString); // Init output variable: $result = $this->parseSELECT($parseString); if (is_array($result)) { $result['type'] = 'EXPLAIN'; } return $result; } /** * Parsing CREATE TABLE query * * @param string SQL string starting with CREATE TABLE * @return mixed Returns array with components of CREATE TABLE query on success, otherwise an error message string. * @see compileCREATETABLE() */ function parseCREATETABLE($parseString) { // Removing CREATE TABLE $parseString = $this->trimSQL($parseString); $parseString = ltrim(substr(ltrim(substr($parseString,6)),5)); // REMOVE eregi_replace('^CREATE[[:space:]]+TABLE[[:space:]]+','',$parseString); // Init output variable: $result = array(); $result['type'] = 'CREATETABLE'; // Get table: $result['TABLE'] = $this->nextPart($parseString, '^([[:alnum:]_]+)[[:space:]]*\(',TRUE); if ($result['TABLE']) { // While the parseString is not yet empty: while(strlen($parseString)>0) { if ($key = $this->nextPart($parseString, '^(KEY|PRIMARY KEY|UNIQUE KEY|UNIQUE)([[:space:]]+|\()')) { // Getting key $key = strtoupper(str_replace(array(' ',"\t","\r","\n"),'',$key)); switch($key) { case 'PRIMARYKEY': $result['KEYS']['PRIMARYKEY'] = $this->getValue($parseString,'_LIST'); if ($this->parse_error) { return $this->parse_error; } break; case 'UNIQUE': case 'UNIQUEKEY': if ($keyName = $this->nextPart($parseString, '^([[:alnum:]_]+)([[:space:]]+|\()')) { $result['KEYS']['UNIQUE'] = array($keyName => $this->getValue($parseString,'_LIST')); if ($this->parse_error) { return $this->parse_error; } } else return $this->parseError('No keyname found',$parseString); break; case 'KEY': if ($keyName = $this->nextPart($parseString, '^([[:alnum:]_]+)([[:space:]]+|\()')) { $result['KEYS'][$keyName] = $this->getValue($parseString,'_LIST'); if ($this->parse_error) { return $this->parse_error; } } else return $this->parseError('No keyname found',$parseString); break; } } elseif ($fieldName = $this->nextPart($parseString, '^([[:alnum:]_]+)[[:space:]]+')) { // Getting field: $result['FIELDS'][$fieldName]['definition'] = $this->parseFieldDef($parseString); if ($this->parse_error) { return $this->parse_error; } } // Finding delimiter: $delim = $this->nextPart($parseString, '^(,|\))'); if (!$delim) { return $this->parseError('No delimiter found',$parseString); } elseif ($delim==')') { break; } } // Finding what is after the table definition - table type in MySQL if ($delim==')') { if ($this->nextPart($parseString, '^(TYPE[[:space:]]*=)')) { $result['tableType'] = $parseString; $parseString = ''; } } else return $this->parseError('No fieldname found!',$parseString); // Getting table type } else return $this->parseError('No table found!',$parseString); // Should be no more content now: if ($parseString) { return $this->parseError('Still content in clause after parsing!',$parseString); } return $result; } /** * Parsing ALTER TABLE query * * @param string SQL string starting with ALTER TABLE * @return mixed Returns array with components of ALTER TABLE query on success, otherwise an error message string. * @see compileALTERTABLE() */ function parseALTERTABLE($parseString) { // Removing ALTER TABLE $parseString = $this->trimSQL($parseString); $parseString = ltrim(substr(ltrim(substr($parseString,5)),5)); // REMOVE eregi_replace('^ALTER[[:space:]]+TABLE[[:space:]]+','',$parseString); // Init output variable: $result = array(); $result['type'] = 'ALTERTABLE'; // Get table: $result['TABLE'] = $this->nextPart($parseString, '^([[:alnum:]_]+)[[:space:]]+'); if ($result['TABLE']) { if ($result['action'] = $this->nextPart($parseString, '^(CHANGE|DROP[[:space:]]+KEY|DROP[[:space:]]+PRIMARY[[:space:]]+KEY|ADD[[:space:]]+KEY|ADD[[:space:]]+PRIMARY[[:space:]]+KEY|DROP|ADD|RENAME)([[:space:]]+|\()')) { $actionKey = strtoupper(str_replace(array(' ',"\t","\r","\n"),'',$result['action'])); // Getting field: if (t3lib_div::inList('ADDPRIMARYKEY,DROPPRIMARYKEY',$actionKey) || $fieldKey = $this->nextPart($parseString, '^([[:alnum:]_]+)[[:space:]]+')) { switch($actionKey) { case 'ADD': $result['FIELD'] = $fieldKey; $result['definition'] = $this->parseFieldDef($parseString); if ($this->parse_error) { return $this->parse_error; } break; case 'DROP': case 'RENAME': $result['FIELD'] = $fieldKey; break; case 'CHANGE': $result['FIELD'] = $fieldKey; if ($result['newField'] = $this->nextPart($parseString, '^([[:alnum:]_]+)[[:space:]]+')) { $result['definition'] = $this->parseFieldDef($parseString); if ($this->parse_error) { return $this->parse_error; } } else return $this->parseError('No NEW field name found',$parseString); break; case 'ADDKEY': case 'ADDPRIMARYKEY': $result['KEY'] = $fieldKey; $result['fields'] = $this->getValue($parseString,'_LIST'); if ($this->parse_error) { return $this->parse_error; } break; case 'DROPKEY': $result['KEY'] = $fieldKey; break; case 'DROPPRIMARYKEY': // ??? todo! break; } } else return $this->parseError('No field name found',$parseString); } else return $this->parseError('No action CHANGE, DROP or ADD found!',$parseString); } else return $this->parseError('No table found!',$parseString); // Should be no more content now: if ($parseString) { return $this->parseError('Still content in clause after parsing!',$parseString); } return $result; } /** * Parsing DROP TABLE query * * @param string SQL string starting with DROP TABLE * @return mixed Returns array with components of DROP TABLE query on success, otherwise an error message string. */ function parseDROPTABLE($parseString) { // Removing DROP TABLE $parseString = $this->trimSQL($parseString); $parseString = ltrim(substr(ltrim(substr($parseString,4)),5)); // eregi_replace('^DROP[[:space:]]+TABLE[[:space:]]+','',$parseString); // Init output variable: $result = array(); $result['type'] = 'DROPTABLE'; // IF EXISTS $result['ifExists'] = $this->nextPart($parseString, '^(IF[[:space:]]+EXISTS[[:space:]]+)'); // Get table: $result['TABLE'] = $this->nextPart($parseString, '^([[:alnum:]_]+)[[:space:]]+'); if ($result['TABLE']) { // Should be no more content now: if ($parseString) { return $this->parseError('Still content in clause after parsing!',$parseString); } return $result; } else return $this->parseError('No table found!',$parseString); } /** * Parsing CREATE DATABASE query * * @param string SQL string starting with CREATE DATABASE * @return mixed Returns array with components of CREATE DATABASE query on success, otherwise an error message string. */ function parseCREATEDATABASE($parseString) { // Removing CREATE DATABASE $parseString = $this->trimSQL($parseString); $parseString = ltrim(substr(ltrim(substr($parseString,6)),8)); // eregi_replace('^CREATE[[:space:]]+DATABASE[[:space:]]+','',$parseString); // Init output variable: $result = array(); $result['type'] = 'CREATEDATABASE'; // Get table: $result['DATABASE'] = $this->nextPart($parseString, '^([[:alnum:]_]+)[[:space:]]+'); if ($result['DATABASE']) { // Should be no more content now: if ($parseString) { return $this->parseError('Still content in clause after parsing!',$parseString); } return $result; } else return $this->parseError('No database found!',$parseString); } /************************************** * * SQL Parsing, helper functions for parts of queries * **************************************/ /** * Parsing the fields in the "SELECT [$selectFields] FROM" part of a query into an array. * The output from this function can be compiled back into a field list with ->compileFieldList() * Will detect the keywords "DESC" and "ASC" after the table name; thus is can be used for parsing the more simply ORDER BY and GROUP BY field lists as well! * * @param string The string with fieldnames, eg. "title, uid AS myUid, max(tstamp), count(*)" etc. NOTICE: passed by reference! * @param string Regular expressing to STOP parsing, eg. '^(FROM)([[:space:]]*)' * @return array If successful parsing, returns an array, otherwise an error string. * @see compileFieldList() */ function parseFieldList(&$parseString, $stopRegex='') { $stack = array(); // Contains the parsed content if(strlen($parseString)==0) return $stack; // FIXME - should never happen, why does it? $pnt = 0; // Pointer to positions in $stack $level = 0; // Indicates the parenthesis level we are at. $loopExit = 0; // Recursivity brake. // Prepare variables: $parseString = $this->trimSQL($parseString); $this->lastStopKeyWord = ''; $this->parse_error = ''; // $parseString is continously shortend by the process and we keep parsing it till it is zero: while (strlen($parseString)) { // Checking if we are inside / outside parenthesis (in case of a function like count(), max(), min() etc...): if ($level>0) { // Inside parenthesis here (does NOT detect if values in quotes are used, the only token is ")" or "("): // Accumulate function content until next () parenthesis: $funcContent = $this->nextPart($parseString,'^([^()]*.)'); $stack[$pnt]['func_content.'][] = array( 'level' => $level, 'func_content' => substr($funcContent,0,-1) ); $stack[$pnt]['func_content'].= $funcContent; // Detecting ( or ) switch(substr($stack[$pnt]['func_content'],-1)) { case '(': $level++; break; case ')': $level--; if (!$level) { // If this was the last parenthesis: $stack[$pnt]['func_content'] = substr($stack[$pnt]['func_content'],0,-1); $parseString = ltrim($parseString); // Remove any whitespace after the parenthesis. } break; } } else { // Outside parenthesis, looking for next field: // Looking for a known function (only known functions supported) $func = $this->nextPart($parseString,'^(count|max|min|floor|sum|avg)[[:space:]]*\('); if ($func) { $parseString = trim(substr($parseString,1)); // Strip of "(" $stack[$pnt]['type'] = 'function'; $stack[$pnt]['function'] = $func; $level++; // increse parenthesis level counter. } else { $stack[$pnt]['distinct'] = $this->nextPart($parseString,'^(distinct[[:space:]]+)'); // Otherwise, look for regular fieldname: if ($fieldName = $this->nextPart($parseString,'^([[:alnum:]\*._]+)(,|[[:space:]]+)')) { $stack[$pnt]['type'] = 'field'; // Explode fieldname into field and table: $tableField = explode('.',$fieldName,2); if (count($tableField)==2) { $stack[$pnt]['table'] = $tableField[0]; $stack[$pnt]['field'] = $tableField[1]; } else { $stack[$pnt]['table'] = ''; $stack[$pnt]['field'] = $tableField[0]; } } else { return $this->parseError('No field name found as expected in parseFieldList()',$parseString); } } } // After a function or field we look for "AS" alias and a comma to separate to the next field in the list: if (!$level) { // Looking for "AS" alias: if ($as = $this->nextPart($parseString,'^(AS)[[:space:]]+')) { $stack[$pnt]['as'] = $this->nextPart($parseString,'^([[:alnum:]_]+)(,|[[:space:]]+)'); $stack[$pnt]['as_keyword'] = $as; } // Looking for "ASC" or "DESC" keywords (for ORDER BY) if ($sDir = $this->nextPart($parseString,'^(ASC|DESC)([[:space:]]+|,)')) { $stack[$pnt]['sortDir'] = $sDir; } // Looking for stop-keywords: if ($stopRegex && $this->lastStopKeyWord = $this->nextPart($parseString, $stopRegex)) { $this->lastStopKeyWord = strtoupper(str_replace(array(' ',"\t","\r","\n"),'',$this->lastStopKeyWord)); return $stack; } // Looking for comma (since the stop-keyword did not trigger a return...) if (strlen($parseString) && !$this->nextPart($parseString,'^(,)')) { return $this->parseError('No comma found as expected in parseFieldList()',$parseString); } // Increasing pointer: $pnt++; } // Check recursivity brake: $loopExit++; if ($loopExit>500) { return $this->parseError('More than 500 loops, exiting prematurely in parseFieldList()...',$parseString); } } // Return result array: return $stack; } /** * Parsing the tablenames in the "FROM [$parseString] WHERE" part of a query into an array. * The success of this parsing determines if that part of the query is supported by TYPO3. * * @param string list of tables, eg. "pages, tt_content" or "pages A, pages B". NOTICE: passed by reference! * @param string Regular expressing to STOP parsing, eg. '^(WHERE)([[:space:]]*)' * @return array If successful parsing, returns an array, otherwise an error string. * @see compileFromTables() */ function parseFromTables(&$parseString, $stopRegex='') { // Prepare variables: $parseString = $this->trimSQL($parseString); $this->lastStopKeyWord = ''; $this->parse_error = ''; $stack = array(); // Contains the parsed content $pnt = 0; // Pointer to positions in $stack $loopExit = 0; // Recursivity brake. // $parseString is continously shortend by the process and we keep parsing it till it is zero: while (strlen($parseString)) { // Looking for the table: if ($stack[$pnt]['table'] = $this->nextPart($parseString,'^([[:alnum:]_]+)(,|[[:space:]]+)')) { // Looking for stop-keywords before fetching potential table alias: if ($stopRegex && ($this->lastStopKeyWord = $this->nextPart($parseString, $stopRegex))) { $this->lastStopKeyWord = strtoupper(str_replace(array(' ',"\t","\r","\n"),'',$this->lastStopKeyWord)); return $stack; } if(!preg_match('/^(LEFT|JOIN)[[:space:]]+/i',$parseString)) { $stack[$pnt]['as_keyword'] = $this->nextPart($parseString,'^(AS[[:space:]]+)'); $stack[$pnt]['as'] = $this->nextPart($parseString,'^([[:alnum:]_]+)[[:space:]]*'); } } else return $this->parseError('No table name found as expected in parseFromTables()!',$parseString); // Looking for JOIN if ($join = $this->nextPart($parseString,'^(LEFT[[:space:]]+JOIN|LEFT[[:space:]]+OUTER[[:space:]]+JOIN|JOIN)[[:space:]]+')) { $stack[$pnt]['JOIN']['type'] = $join; if ($stack[$pnt]['JOIN']['withTable'] = $this->nextPart($parseString,'^([[:alnum:]_]+)[[:space:]]+ON[[:space:]]+',1)) { $field1 = $this->nextPart($parseString,'^([[:alnum:]_.]+)[[:space:]]*=[[:space:]]*',1); $field2 = $this->nextPart($parseString,'^([[:alnum:]_.]+)[[:space:]]+'); if ($field1 && $field2) { // Explode fields into field and table: $tableField = explode('.',$field1,2); $field1 = array(); if (count($tableField)!=2) { $field1['table'] = ''; $field1['field'] = $tableField[0]; } else { $field1['table'] = $tableField[0]; $field1['field'] = $tableField[1]; } $tableField = explode('.',$field2,2); $field2 = array(); if (count($tableField)!=2) { $field2['table'] = ''; $field2['field'] = $tableField[0]; } else { $field2['table'] = $tableField[0]; $field2['field'] = $tableField[1]; } $stack[$pnt]['JOIN']['ON'] = array($field1,$field2); } else return $this->parseError('No join fields found in parseFromTables()!',$parseString); } else return $this->parseError('No join table found in parseFromTables()!',$parseString); } // Looking for stop-keywords: if ($stopRegex && $this->lastStopKeyWord = $this->nextPart($parseString, $stopRegex)) { $this->lastStopKeyWord = strtoupper(str_replace(array(' ',"\t","\r","\n"),'',$this->lastStopKeyWord)); return $stack; } // Looking for comma: if (strlen($parseString) && !$this->nextPart($parseString,'^(,)')) { return $this->parseError('No comma found as expected in parseFromTables()',$parseString); } // Increasing pointer: $pnt++; // Check recursivity brake: $loopExit++; if ($loopExit>500) { return $this->parseError('More than 500 loops, exiting prematurely in parseFromTables()...',$parseString); } } // Return result array: return $stack; } /** * Parsing the WHERE clause fields in the "WHERE [$parseString] ..." part of a query into a multidimensional array. * The success of this parsing determines if that part of the query is supported by TYPO3. * * @param string WHERE clause to parse. NOTICE: passed by reference! * @param string Regular expressing to STOP parsing, eg. '^(GROUP BY|ORDER BY|LIMIT)([[:space:]]*)' * @return mixed If successful parsing, returns an array, otherwise an error string. */ function parseWhereClause(&$parseString, $stopRegex='') { // Prepare variables: $parseString = $this->trimSQL($parseString); $this->lastStopKeyWord = ''; $this->parse_error = ''; $stack = array(0 => array()); // Contains the parsed content $pnt = array(0 => 0); // Pointer to positions in $stack $level = 0; // Determines parenthesis level $loopExit = 0; // Recursivity brake. // $parseString is continously shortend by the process and we keep parsing it till it is zero: while (strlen($parseString)) { // Look for next parenthesis level: $newLevel = $this->nextPart($parseString,'^([(])'); if ($newLevel=='(') { // If new level is started, manage stack/pointers: $level++; // Increase level $pnt[$level] = 0; // Reset pointer for this level $stack[$level] = array(); // Reset stack for this level } else { // If no new level is started, just parse the current level: // Find "modifyer", eg. "NOT or !" $stack[$level][$pnt[$level]]['modifier'] = trim($this->nextPart($parseString,'^(!|NOT[[:space:]]+)')); // Fieldname: if ($fieldName = $this->nextPart($parseString,'^([[:alnum:]._]+)([[:space:]]+|&|<=|>=|<|>|=|!=|IS)')) { // Parse field name into field and table: $tableField = explode('.',$fieldName,2); if (count($tableField)==2) { $stack[$level][$pnt[$level]]['table'] = $tableField[0]; $stack[$level][$pnt[$level]]['field'] = $tableField[1]; } else { $stack[$level][$pnt[$level]]['table'] = ''; $stack[$level][$pnt[$level]]['field'] = $tableField[0]; } } else { return $this->parseError('No field name found as expected in parseWhereClause()',$parseString); } // See if the value is calculated. Support only for "&" (boolean AND) at the moment: $stack[$level][$pnt[$level]]['calc'] = $this->nextPart($parseString,'^(&)'); if (strlen($stack[$level][$pnt[$level]]['calc'])) { // Finding value for calculation: $stack[$level][$pnt[$level]]['calc_value'] = $this->getValue($parseString); } // Find "comparator": $stack[$level][$pnt[$level]]['comparator'] = $this->nextPart($parseString,'^(<=|>=|<|>|=|!=|NOT[[:space:]]+IN|IN|NOT[[:space:]]+LIKE|LIKE|IS[[:space:]]+NOT|IS)'); if (strlen($stack[$level][$pnt[$level]]['comparator'])) { // Finding value for comparator: $stack[$level][$pnt[$level]]['value'] = $this->getValue($parseString,$stack[$level][$pnt[$level]]['comparator']); if ($this->parse_error) { return $this->parse_error; } } // Finished, increase pointer: $pnt[$level]++; // Checking if the current level is ended, in that case do stack management: while ($this->nextPart($parseString,'^([)])')) { $level--; // Decrease level: $stack[$level][$pnt[$level]]['sub'] = $stack[$level+1]; // Copy stack $pnt[$level]++; // Increase pointer of the new level // Make recursivity check: $loopExit++; if ($loopExit>500) { return $this->parseError('More than 500 loops (in search for exit parenthesis), exiting prematurely in parseWhereClause()...',$parseString); } } // Detecting the operator for the next level: $op = $this->nextPart($parseString,'^(AND[[:space:]]+NOT|OR[[:space:]]+NOT|AND|OR)(\(|[[:space:]]+)'); if ($op) { $stack[$level][$pnt[$level]]['operator'] = $op; } elseif (strlen($parseString)) { // Looking for stop-keywords: if ($stopRegex && $this->lastStopKeyWord = $this->nextPart($parseString, $stopRegex)) { $this->lastStopKeyWord = strtoupper(str_replace(array(' ',"\t","\r","\n"),'',$this->lastStopKeyWord)); return $stack[0]; } else { return $this->parseError('No operator, but parsing not finished in parseWhereClause().',$parseString); } } } // Make recursivity check: $loopExit++; if ($loopExit>500) { return $this->parseError('More than 500 loops, exiting prematurely in parseWhereClause()...',$parseString); } } // Return the stacks lowest level: return $stack[0]; } /** * Parsing the WHERE clause fields in the "WHERE [$parseString] ..." part of a query into a multidimensional array. * The success of this parsing determines if that part of the query is supported by TYPO3. * * @param string WHERE clause to parse. NOTICE: passed by reference! * @param string Regular expressing to STOP parsing, eg. '^(GROUP BY|ORDER BY|LIMIT)([[:space:]]*)' * @return mixed If successful parsing, returns an array, otherwise an error string. */ function parseFieldDef(&$parseString, $stopRegex='') { // Prepare variables: $parseString = $this->trimSQL($parseString); $this->lastStopKeyWord = ''; $this->parse_error = ''; $result = array(); // Field type: if ($result['fieldType'] = $this->nextPart($parseString,'^(int|smallint|tinyint|mediumint|bigint|double|numeric|decimal|float|varchar|char|text|tinytext|mediumtext|longtext|blob|tinyblob|mediumblob|longblob)([[:space:],]+|\()')) { // Looking for value: if (substr($parseString,0,1)=='(') { $parseString = substr($parseString,1); if ($result['value'] = $this->nextPart($parseString,'^([^)]*)')) { $parseString = ltrim(substr($parseString,1)); } else return $this->parseError('No end-parenthesis for value found in parseFieldDef()!',$parseString); } // Looking for keywords while($keyword = $this->nextPart($parseString,'^(DEFAULT|NOT[[:space:]]+NULL|AUTO_INCREMENT|UNSIGNED)([[:space:]]+|,|\))')) { $keywordCmp = strtoupper(str_replace(array(' ',"\t","\r","\n"),'',$keyword)); $result['featureIndex'][$keywordCmp]['keyword'] = $keyword; switch($keywordCmp) { case 'DEFAULT': $result['featureIndex'][$keywordCmp]['value'] = $this->getValue($parseString); break; } } } else { return $this->parseError('Field type unknown in parseFieldDef()!',$parseString); } return $result; } /************************************ * * Parsing: Helper functions * ************************************/ /** * Strips off a part of the parseString and returns the matching part. * Helper function for the parsing methods. * * @param string Parse string; if $regex finds anything the value of the first () level will be stripped of the string in the beginning. Further $parseString is left-trimmed (on success). Notice; parsestring is passed by reference. * @param string Regex to find a matching part in the beginning of the string. Rules: You MUST start the regex with "^" (finding stuff in the beginning of string) and the result of the first parenthesis is what will be returned to you (and stripped of the string). Eg. '^(AND|OR|&&)[[:space:]]+' will return AND, OR or && if found and having one of more whitespaces after it, plus shorten $parseString with that match and any space after (by ltrim()) * @param boolean If set the full match of the regex is stripped of the beginning of the string! * @return string The value of the first parenthesis level of the REGEX. */ function nextPart(&$parseString,$regex,$trimAll=FALSE) { $reg = array(); if (preg_match('/'.$regex.'/i',$parseString.' ', $reg)) { // Adding space char because [[:space:]]+ is often a requirement in regex's $parseString = ltrim(substr($parseString,strlen($reg[$trimAll?0:1]))); return $reg[1]; } } /** * Finds value in beginning of $parseString, returns result and strips it of parseString * * @param string The parseString, eg. "(0,1,2,3) ..." or "('asdf','qwer') ..." or "1234 ..." or "'My string value here' ..." * @param string The comparator used before. If "NOT IN" or "IN" then the value is expected to be a list of values. Otherwise just an integer (un-quoted) or string (quoted) * @return mixed The value (string/integer). Otherwise an array with error message in first key (0) */ function getValue(&$parseString,$comparator='') { $value = ''; if (t3lib_div::inList('NOTIN,IN,_LIST',strtoupper(str_replace(array(' ',"\n","\r","\t"),'',$comparator)))) { // List of values: if ($this->nextPart($parseString,'^([(])')) { $listValues = array(); $comma=','; while($comma==',') { $listValues[] = $this->getValue($parseString); $comma = $this->nextPart($parseString,'^([,])'); } $out = $this->nextPart($parseString,'^([)])'); if ($out) { if ($comparator=='_LIST') { $kVals = array(); foreach ($listValues as $vArr) { $kVals[] = $vArr[0]; } return $kVals; } else { return $listValues; } } else return array($this->parseError('No ) parenthesis in list',$parseString)); } else return array($this->parseError('No ( parenthesis starting the list',$parseString)); } else { // Just plain string value, in quotes or not: // Quote? $firstChar = substr($parseString,0,1); switch($firstChar) { case '"': $value = array($this->getValueInQuotes($parseString,'"'),'"'); break; case "'": $value = array($this->getValueInQuotes($parseString,"'"),"'"); break; default: $reg = array(); if (preg_match('/^([[:alnum:]._-]+)/i',$parseString, $reg)) { $parseString = ltrim(substr($parseString,strlen($reg[0]))); $value = array($reg[1]); } break; } } return $value; } /** * Get value in quotes from $parseString. * NOTICE: If a query being parsed was prepared for another database than MySQL this function should probably be changed * * @param string String from which to find value in quotes. Notice that $parseString is passed by reference and is shortend by the output of this function. * @param string The quote used; input either " or ' * @return string The value, passed through stripslashes() ! */ function getValueInQuotes(&$parseString,$quote) { $parts = explode($quote,substr($parseString,1)); $buffer = ''; foreach($parts as $k => $v) { $buffer.=$v; $reg = array(); //preg_match('/[\]*$/',$v,$reg); // does not work. what is the *exact* meaning of the next line? ereg('[\]*$',$v,$reg); if ($reg AND strlen($reg[0])%2) { $buffer.=$quote; } else { $parseString = ltrim(substr($parseString,strlen($buffer)+2)); return $this->parseStripslashes($buffer); } } } /** * Strip slashes function used for parsing * NOTICE: If a query being parsed was prepared for another database than MySQL this function should probably be changed * * @param string Input string * @return string Output string */ function parseStripslashes($str) { $search = array('\\\\', '\\\'', '\\"', '\0', '\n', '\r', '\Z'); $replace = array('\\', '\'', '"', "\x00", "\x0a", "\x0d", "\x1a"); return str_replace($search, $replace, $str); } /** * Add slashes function used for compiling queries * NOTICE: If a query being parsed was prepared for another database than MySQL this function should probably be changed * * @param string Input string * @return string Output string */ function compileAddslashes($str) { return $str; $search = array('\\', '\'', '"', "\x00", "\x0a", "\x0d", "\x1a"); $replace = array('\\\\', '\\\'', '\\"', '\0', '\n', '\r', '\Z'); return str_replace($search, $replace, $str); } /** * Setting the internal error message value, $this->parse_error and returns that value. * * @param string Input error message * @param string Remaining query to parse. * @return string Error message. */ function parseError($msg,$restQuery) { $this->parse_error = 'SQL engine parse ERROR: '.$msg.': near "'.substr($restQuery,0,50).'"'; return $this->parse_error; } /** * Trimming SQL as preparation for parsing. * ";" in the end is stripped of. * White space is trimmed away around the value * A single space-char is added in the end * * @param string Input string * @return string Output string */ function trimSQL($str) { return trim(rtrim($str, "; \r\n\t")).' '; //return trim(ereg_replace('[[:space:];]*$','',$str)).' '; } /************************* * * Compiling queries * *************************/ /** * Compiles an SQL query from components * * @param array Array of SQL query components * @return string SQL query * @see parseSQL() */ function compileSQL($components) { switch($components['type']) { case 'SELECT': $query = $this->compileSELECT($components); break; case 'UPDATE': $query = $this->compileUPDATE($components); break; case 'INSERT': $query = $this->compileINSERT($components); break; case 'DELETE': $query = $this->compileDELETE($components); break; case 'EXPLAIN': $query = 'EXPLAIN '.$this->compileSELECT($components); break; case 'DROPTABLE': $query = 'DROP TABLE'.($components['ifExists']?' IF EXISTS':'').' '.$components['TABLE']; break; case 'CREATETABLE': $query = $this->compileCREATETABLE($components); break; case 'ALTERTABLE': $query = $this->compileALTERTABLE($components); break; } return $query; } /** * Compiles a SELECT statement from components array * * @param array Array of SQL query components * @return string SQL SELECT query * @see parseSELECT() */ function compileSELECT($components) { // Initialize: $where = $this->compileWhereClause($components['WHERE']); $groupBy = $this->compileFieldList($components['GROUPBY']); $orderBy = $this->compileFieldList($components['ORDERBY']); $limit = $components['LIMIT']; // Make query: $query = 'SELECT '.($components['STRAIGHT_JOIN'] ? $components['STRAIGHT_JOIN'].'' : '').' '.$this->compileFieldList($components['SELECT']).' FROM '.$this->compileFromTables($components['FROM']). (strlen($where)?' WHERE '.$where : ''). (strlen($groupBy)?' GROUP BY '.$groupBy : ''). (strlen($orderBy)?' ORDER BY '.$orderBy : ''). (strlen($limit)?' LIMIT '.$limit : ''); return $query; } /** * Compiles an UPDATE statement from components array * * @param array Array of SQL query components * @return string SQL UPDATE query * @see parseUPDATE() */ function compileUPDATE($components) { // Where clause: $where = $this->compileWhereClause($components['WHERE']); // Fields $fields = array(); foreach($components['FIELDS'] as $fN => $fV) { $fields[]=$fN.'='.$fV[1].$this->compileAddslashes($fV[0]).$fV[1]; } // Make query: $query = 'UPDATE '.$components['TABLE'].' SET '.implode(', ',$fields).' '.(strlen($where)?' WHERE '.$where : ''); return $query; } /** * Compiles an INSERT statement from components array * * @param array Array of SQL query components * @return string SQL INSERT query * @see parseINSERT() */ function compileINSERT($components) { if ($components['VALUES_ONLY']) { // Initialize: $fields = array(); foreach($components['VALUES_ONLY'] as $fV) { $fields[]=$fV[1].$this->compileAddslashes($fV[0]).$fV[1]; } // Make query: $query = 'INSERT INTO '.$components['TABLE'].' VALUES ('.implode(', ',$fields).')'; } else { // Initialize: $fields = array(); foreach($components['FIELDS'] as $fN => $fV) { $fields[$fN]=$fV[1].$this->compileAddslashes($fV[0]).$fV[1]; } // Make query: $query = 'INSERT INTO '.$components['TABLE'].' ('.implode(', ',array_keys($fields)).') VALUES ('.implode(', ',$fields).')'; } return $query; } /** * Compiles an DELETE statement from components array * * @param array Array of SQL query components * @return string SQL DELETE query * @see parseDELETE() */ function compileDELETE($components) { // Where clause: $where = $this->compileWhereClause($components['WHERE']); // Make query: $query = 'DELETE FROM '.$components['TABLE']. (strlen($where)?' WHERE '.$where : ''); return $query; } /** * Compiles a CREATE TABLE statement from components array * * @param array Array of SQL query components * @return string SQL CREATE TABLE query * @see parseCREATETABLE() */ function compileCREATETABLE($components) { // Create fields and keys: $fieldsKeys = array(); foreach($components['FIELDS'] as $fN => $fCfg) { $fieldsKeys[]=$fN.' '.$this->compileFieldCfg($fCfg['definition']); } foreach($components['KEYS'] as $kN => $kCfg) { if ($kN == 'PRIMARYKEY') { $fieldsKeys[]='PRIMARY KEY ('.implode(',', $kCfg).')'; } elseif ($kN == 'UNIQUE') { $fieldsKeys[]='UNIQUE '.$kN.' ('.implode(',', $kCfg).')'; } else { $fieldsKeys[]='KEY '.$kN.' ('.implode(',', $kCfg).')'; } } // Make query: $query = 'CREATE TABLE '.$components['TABLE'].' ( '.implode(', ', $fieldsKeys).' )'.($components['tableType'] ? ' TYPE='.$components['tableType'] : ''); return $query; } /** * Compiles an ALTER TABLE statement from components array * * @param array Array of SQL query components * @return string SQL ALTER TABLE query * @see parseALTERTABLE() */ function compileALTERTABLE($components) { // Make query: $query = 'ALTER TABLE '.$components['TABLE'].' '.$components['action'].' '.($components['FIELD']?$components['FIELD']:$components['KEY']); // Based on action, add the final part: switch(strtoupper(str_replace(array(' ',"\t","\r","\n"),'',$components['action']))) { case 'ADD': $query.=' '.$this->compileFieldCfg($components['definition']); break; case 'CHANGE': $query.=' '.$components['newField'].' '.$this->compileFieldCfg($components['definition']); break; case 'DROP': case 'DROPKEY': break; case 'ADDKEY': case 'ADDPRIMARYKEY': $query.=' ('.implode(',',$components['fields']).')'; break; } // Return query return $query; } /************************************** * * Compiling queries, helper functions for parts of queries * **************************************/ /** * Compiles a "SELECT [output] FROM..:" field list based on input array (made with ->parseFieldList()) * Can also compile field lists for ORDER BY and GROUP BY. * * @param array Array of select fields, (made with ->parseFieldList()) * @return string Select field string * @see parseFieldList() */ function compileFieldList($selectFields) { // Prepare buffer variable: $outputParts = array(); // Traverse the selectFields if any: if (is_array($selectFields)) { foreach($selectFields as $k => $v) { // Detecting type: switch($v['type']) { case 'function': $outputParts[$k] = $v['function'].'('.$v['func_content'].')'; break; case 'field': $outputParts[$k] = ($v['distinct']?$v['distinct']:'').($v['table']?$v['table'].'.':'').$v['field']; break; } // Alias: if ($v['as']) { $outputParts[$k].= ' '.$v['as_keyword'].' '.$v['as']; } // Specifically for ORDER BY and GROUP BY field lists: if ($v['sortDir']) { $outputParts[$k].= ' '.$v['sortDir']; } } } // Return imploded buffer: return implode(', ',$outputParts); } /** * Compiles a "FROM [output] WHERE..:" table list based on input array (made with ->parseFromTables()) * * @param array Array of table names, (made with ->parseFromTables()) * @return string Table name string * @see parseFromTables() */ function compileFromTables($tablesArray) { // Prepare buffer variable: $outputParts = array(); // Traverse the table names: if (is_array($tablesArray)) { foreach($tablesArray as $k => $v) { // Set table name: $outputParts[$k] = $v['table']; // Add alias AS if there: if ($v['as']) { $outputParts[$k].= ' '.$v['as_keyword'].' '.$v['as']; } if (is_array($v['JOIN'])) { $outputParts[$k] .= ' '.$v['JOIN']['type'].' '.$v['JOIN']['withTable'].' ON '; $outputParts[$k] .= ($v['JOIN']['ON'][0]['table']) ? $v['JOIN']['ON'][0]['table'].'.' : ''; $outputParts[$k] .= $v['JOIN']['ON'][0]['field']; $outputParts[$k] .= '='; $outputParts[$k] .= ($v['JOIN']['ON'][1]['table']) ? $v['JOIN']['ON'][1]['table'].'.' : ''; $outputParts[$k] .= $v['JOIN']['ON'][1]['field']; } } } // Return imploded buffer: return implode(', ',$outputParts); } /** * Implodes an array of WHERE clause configuration into a WHERE clause. * NOTICE: MIGHT BY A TEMPORARY FUNCTION. Use for debugging only! * BUT IT IS NEEDED FOR DBAL - MAKE IT PERMANENT?!?! * * @param array WHERE clause configuration * @return string WHERE clause as string. * @see explodeWhereClause() */ function compileWhereClause($clauseArray) { // Prepare buffer variable: $output=''; // Traverse clause array: if (is_array($clauseArray)) { foreach($clauseArray as $k => $v) { // Set operator: $output.=$v['operator'] ? ' '.$v['operator'] : ''; // Look for sublevel: if (is_array($v['sub'])) { $output.=' ('.trim($this->compileWhereClause($v['sub'])).')'; } else { // Set field/table with modifying prefix if any: $output.=' '.trim($v['modifier'].' '.($v['table']?$v['table'].'.':'').$v['field']); // Set calculation, if any: if ($v['calc']) { $output.=$v['calc'].$v['calc_value'][1].$this->compileAddslashes($v['calc_value'][0]).$v['calc_value'][1]; } // Set comparator: if ($v['comparator']) { $output.=' '.$v['comparator']; // Detecting value type; list or plain: if (t3lib_div::inList('NOTIN,IN',strtoupper(str_replace(array(' ',"\t","\r","\n"),'',$v['comparator'])))) { $valueBuffer = array(); foreach($v['value'] as $realValue) { $valueBuffer[]=$realValue[1].$this->compileAddslashes($realValue[0]).$realValue[1]; } $output.=' ('.trim(implode(',',$valueBuffer)).')'; } else { $output.=' '.$v['value'][1].$this->compileAddslashes($v['value'][0]).$v['value'][1]; } } } } } // Return output buffer: return $output; } /** * Compile field definition * * @param array Field definition parts * @return string Field definition string */ function compileFieldCfg($fieldCfg) { // Set type: $cfg = $fieldCfg['fieldType']; // Add value, if any: if (strlen($fieldCfg['value'])) { $cfg.='('.$fieldCfg['value'].')'; } // Add additional features: if (is_array($fieldCfg['featureIndex'])) { foreach($fieldCfg['featureIndex'] as $featureDef) { $cfg.=' '.$featureDef['keyword']; // Add value if found: if (is_array($featureDef['value'])) { $cfg.=' '.$featureDef['value'][1].$this->compileAddslashes($featureDef['value'][0]).$featureDef['value'][1]; } } } // Return field definition string: return $cfg; } /************************* * * Debugging * *************************/ /** * Check parsability of input SQL part string; Will parse and re-compile after which it is compared * * @param string Part definition of string; "SELECT" = fieldlist (also ORDER BY and GROUP BY), "FROM" = table list, "WHERE" = Where clause. * @param string SQL string to verify parsability of * @return mixed Returns array with string 1 and 2 if error, otherwise false */ function debug_parseSQLpart($part,$str) { $retVal = false; switch($part) { case 'SELECT': $retVal = $this->debug_parseSQLpartCompare($str,$this->compileFieldList($this->parseFieldList($str))); break; case 'FROM': $retVal = $this->debug_parseSQLpartCompare($str,$this->compileFromTables($this->parseFromTables($str))); break; case 'WHERE': $retVal = $this->debug_parseSQLpartCompare($str,$this->compileWhereClause($this->parseWhereClause($str))); break; } return $retVal; } /** * Compare two query strins by stripping away whitespace. * * @param string SQL String 1 * @param string SQL string 2 * @param boolean If true, the strings are compared insensitive to case * @return mixed Returns array with string 1 and 2 if error, otherwise false */ function debug_parseSQLpartCompare($str,$newStr,$caseInsensitive=FALSE) { if ($caseInsensitive) { $str1 = strtoupper($str); $str2 = strtoupper($newStr); } else { $str1 = $str; $str2 = $newStr; } // Fixing escaped chars: $search = array('\0', '\n', '\r', '\Z'); $replace = array("\x00", "\x0a", "\x0d", "\x1a"); $str1 = str_replace($search, $replace, $str1); $str2 = str_replace($search, $replace, $str2); # Normally, commented out since they are needed only in tricky cases... # $str1 = stripslashes($str1); # $str2 = stripslashes($str2); if (strcmp(str_replace(array(' ',"\t","\r","\n"),'',$this->trimSQL($str1)),str_replace(array(' ',"\t","\r","\n"),'',$this->trimSQL($str2)))) { return array( str_replace(array(' ',"\t","\r","\n"),' ',$str), str_replace(array(' ',"\t","\r","\n"),' ',$newStr), ); } } /** * Performs the ultimate test of the parser: Direct a SQL query in; You will get it back (through the parsed and re-compiled) if no problems, otherwise the script will print the error and exit * * @param string SQL query * @return string Query if all is well, otherwise exit. */ function debug_testSQL($SQLquery) { // Getting result array: $parseResult = $this->parseSQL($SQLquery); // If result array was returned, proceed. Otherwise show error and exit. if (is_array($parseResult)) { // Re-compile query: $newQuery = $this->compileSQL($parseResult); // TEST the new query: $testResult = $this->debug_parseSQLpartCompare($SQLquery, $newQuery); // Return new query if OK, otherwise show error and exit: if (!is_array($testResult)) { return $newQuery; } else { debug(array('ERROR MESSAGE'=>'Input query did not match the parsed and recompiled query exactly (not observing whitespace)', 'TEST result' => $testResult),'SQL parsing failed:'); exit; } } else { debug(array('query' => $SQLquery, 'ERROR MESSAGE'=>$parseResult),'SQL parsing failed:'); exit; } } } if (defined('TYPO3_MODE') && $TYPO3_CONF_VARS[TYPO3_MODE]['XCLASS']['t3lib/class.t3lib_sqlparser.php']) { include_once($TYPO3_CONF_VARS[TYPO3_MODE]['XCLASS']['t3lib/class.t3lib_sqlparser.php']); } ?>