File: class.t3lib_tsparser_ext.php
<?php /*************************************************************** * Copyright notice * * (c) 1999-2008 Kasper Skaarhoj (kasperYYYY@typo3.com) * All rights reserved * * This script is part of the TYPO3 project. The TYPO3 project is * free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * The GNU General Public License can be found at * http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html. * A copy is found in the textfile GPL.txt and important notices to the license * from the author is found in LICENSE.txt distributed with these scripts. * * * This script is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * This copyright notice MUST APPEAR in all copies of the script! ***************************************************************/ /** * TSParser extension class to t3lib_TStemplate * * $Id: class.t3lib_tsparser_ext.php 3717 2008-05-25 11:49:31Z dmitry $ * Contains functions for the TS module in TYPO3 backend * * @author Kasper Skaarhoj <kasperYYYY@typo3.com> */ /** * [CLASS/FUNCTION INDEX of SCRIPT] * * * * 105: class t3lib_tsparser_ext extends t3lib_TStemplate * 191: function flattenSetup($setupArray, $prefix, $resourceFlag) * 218: function substituteConstants($all) * 231: function substituteConstantsCallBack($matches) * 261: function substituteCMarkers($all) * 284: function generateConfig_constants() * 330: function ext_getSetup($theSetup,$theKey) * 358: function ext_getObjTree($arr, $depth_in, $depthData, $parentType='',$parentValue='', $alphaSort='0') * 463: function lineNumberToScript($lnArr) * 494: function makeHtmlspecialchars($theValue) * 507: function ext_getSearchKeys($arr, $depth_in, $searchString, $keyArray) * 562: function ext_getRootlineNumber($pid) * 580: function ext_getTemplateHierarchyArr($arr,$depthData, $keyArray,$first=0) * 639: function ext_process_hierarchyInfo($depthDataArr,&$pointer) * 670: function ext_outputTS($config, $lineNumbers=0, $comments=0, $crop=0, $syntaxHL=0, $syntaxHLBlockmode=0) * 697: function ext_fixed_lgd($string,$chars) * 713: function ext_lnBreakPointWrap($ln,$str) * 726: function ext_formatTS($input, $ln, $comments=1, $crop=0) * 765: function ext_getFirstTemplate($id,$template_uid=0) * 785: function ext_getAllTemplates($id) * 806: function ext_compareFlatSetups($default) * 872: function ext_categorizeEditableConstants($editConstArray) * 895: function ext_getCategoryLabelArray() * 912: function ext_getTypeData($type) * 953: function ext_getTSCE_config($category) * 992: function ext_getKeyImage($key) * 1002: function ext_getTSCE_config_image($imgConf) * 1026: function ext_resourceDims() * 1056: function ext_readDirResources($path) * 1071: function readDirectory($path,$type='file') * 1096: function ext_fNandV($params) * 1114: function ext_printFields($theConstants,$category) * * SECTION: Processing input values * 1408: function ext_regObjectPositions($constants) * 1423: function ext_regObjects($pre) * 1468: function ext_putValueInConf($key, $var) * 1491: function ext_removeValueInConf($key) * 1507: function ext_depthKeys($arr,$settings) * 1542: function ext_procesInput($http_post_vars,$http_post_files,$theConstants,$tplRow) * 1666: function upload_copy_file($typeDat,&$tplRow,$theRealFileName,$tmp_name) * 1715: function ext_prevPageWithTemplate($id,$perms_clause) * 1731: function ext_setStar($val) * 1743: function ext_detectAndFixExtensionPrefix($value) * * TOTAL FUNCTIONS: 41 * (This index is automatically created/updated by the extension "extdeveval") * */ require_once(PATH_t3lib.'class.t3lib_tstemplate.php'); /** * TSParser extension class to t3lib_TStemplate * * @author Kasper Skaarhoj <kasperYYYY@typo3.com> * @package TYPO3 * @subpackage t3lib */ class t3lib_tsparser_ext extends t3lib_TStemplate { var $edit_divider = '###MOD_TS:EDITABLE_CONSTANTS###'; // This string is used to indicate the point in a template from where the editable constants are listed. Any vars before this point (if it exists though) is regarded as default values. var $HTMLcolorList = 'aqua,beige,black,blue,brown,fuchsia,gold,gray,green,lime,maroon,navy,olive,orange,purple,red,silver,tan,teal,turquoise,yellow,white'; // internal var $categories = array( 'basic' => array(), // Constants of superior importance for the template-layout. This is dimensions, imagefiles and enabling of various features. The most basic constants, which you would almost always want to configure. 'menu' => array(), // Menu setup. This includes fontfiles, sizes, background images. Depending on the menutype. 'content' => array(), // All constants related to the display of pagecontent elements 'page' => array(), // General configuration like metatags, link targets 'advanced' => array(), // Advanced functions, which are used very seldomly. 'all' => array() // All constants are put here also! ); // This will be filled with the available categories of the current template. var $subCategories = array( // Standard categories: 'enable' => Array('Enable features', 'a'), 'dims' => Array('Dimensions, widths, heights, pixels', 'b'), 'file' => Array('Files', 'c'), 'typo' => Array('Typography', 'd'), 'color' => Array('Colors', 'e'), 'links' => Array('Links and targets', 'f'), 'language' => Array('Language specific constants', 'g'), // subcategories based on the default content elements 'cheader' => Array('Content: \'Header\'', 'ma'), 'cheader_g' => Array('Content: \'Header\', Graphical', 'ma'), 'ctext' => Array('Content: \'Text\'', 'mb'), 'cimage' => Array('Content: \'Image\'', 'md'), 'cbullets' => Array('Content: \'Bullet list\'', 'me'), 'ctable' => Array('Content: \'Table\'', 'mf'), 'cuploads' => Array('Content: \'Filelinks\'', 'mg'), 'cmultimedia' => Array('Content: \'Multimedia\'', 'mh'), 'cmailform' => Array('Content: \'Form\'', 'mi'), 'csearch' => Array('Content: \'Search\'', 'mj'), 'clogin' => Array('Content: \'Login\'', 'mk'), 'csplash' => Array('Content: \'Textbox\'', 'ml'), 'cmenu' => Array('Content: \'Menu/Sitemap\'', 'mm'), 'cshortcut' => Array('Content: \'Insert records\'', 'mn'), 'clist' => Array('Content: \'List of records\'', 'mo'), 'cscript' => Array('Content: \'Script\'', 'mp'), 'chtml' => Array('Content: \'HTML\'', 'mq') ); var $resourceDimensions = array(); var $dirResources = array(); var $backend_info=1; // tsconstanteditor var $ext_inBrace=0; // tsbrowser var $tsbrowser_searchKeys = array(); var $tsbrowser_depthKeys = array(); var $constantMode=''; var $regexMode=''; var $fixedLgd=''; var $resourceCheck=0; var $ext_lineNumberOffset=0; var $ext_localGfxPrefix=''; var $ext_localWebGfxPrefix=''; var $ext_expandAllNotes=0; var $ext_noPMicons=0; var $ext_noSpecialCharsOnLabels=0; var $ext_listOfTemplatesArr=array(); var $ext_lineNumberOffset_mode=''; var $ext_dontCheckIssetValues=0; // Dont change... var $ext_noCEUploadAndCopying=0; var $ext_printAll=0; var $ext_CEformName='forms[0]'; var $ext_defaultOnlineResourceFlag=0; var $doNotSortCategoriesBeforeMakingForm = FALSE; // ts analyzer var $templateTitles=array(); /** * This flattens a hierarchical setuparray to $this->flatSetup * The original function fetched the resource-file if any ('file.'). This functions doesn't. * * @param [type] $setupArray: ... * @param [type] $prefix: ... * @param [type] $resourceFlag: ... * @return [type] ... */ function flattenSetup($setupArray, $prefix, $resourceFlag) { if (is_array($setupArray)) { $this->getFileName_backPath=PATH_site; // Setting absolute prefixed path for relative resources. reset($setupArray); while(list($key,$val)=each($setupArray)) { if ($prefix || substr($key,0,16)!='TSConstantEditor') { // We don't want 'TSConstantEditor' in the flattend setup. if (is_array($val)) { $this->flattenSetup($val,$prefix.$key, ($key=='file.')); } elseif ($resourceFlag && $this->resourceCheck) { $this->flatSetup[$prefix.$key] = $this->getFileName($val); if ($this->removeFromGetFilePath && substr($this->flatSetup[$prefix.$key],0,strlen($this->removeFromGetFilePath))==$this->removeFromGetFilePath) { $this->flatSetup[$prefix.$key] = substr($this->flatSetup[$prefix.$key],strlen($this->removeFromGetFilePath)); } } else { $this->flatSetup[$prefix.$key] = $val; } } } } } /** * [Describe function...] * * @param [type] $all: ... * @return [type] ... */ function substituteConstants($all) { $this->Cmarker = substr(md5(uniqid('')),0,6); return preg_replace_callback('/\{\$(.[^}]+)\}/', array($this, 'substituteConstantsCallBack'), $all); } /** * Call back method for preg_replace_callback in substituteConstants * * @param array Regular expression matches * @return string Replacement * @see substituteConstants() */ function substituteConstantsCallBack($matches) { switch($this->constantMode) { case 'const': $ret_val = isset($this->flatSetup[$matches[1]]) && !is_array($this->flatSetup[$matches[1]]) ? '##'.$this->Cmarker.'_B##'.$matches[0].'##'.$this->Cmarker.'_E##' : $matches[0]; break; case 'subst': $ret_val = isset($this->flatSetup[$matches[1]]) && !is_array($this->flatSetup[$matches[1]]) ? '##'.$this->Cmarker.'_B##'.$this->flatSetup[$matches[1]].'##'.$this->Cmarker.'_E##' : $matches[0]; break; case 'untouched': $ret_val = $matches[0]; break; default: $ret_val = isset($this->flatSetup[$matches[1]]) && !is_array($this->flatSetup[$matches[1]]) ? $this->flatSetup[$matches[1]] : $matches[0]; } return $ret_val; } /** * [Describe function...] * * @param [type] $all: ... * @return [type] ... */ function substituteCMarkers($all) { switch($this->constantMode) { case 'const': $all = str_replace('##'.$this->Cmarker.'_B##', '<font color="green"><B>', $all); $all = str_replace('##'.$this->Cmarker.'_E##', '</b></font>', $all); break; case 'subst': $all = str_replace('##'.$this->Cmarker.'_B##', '<font color="green"><B>', $all); $all = str_replace('##'.$this->Cmarker.'_E##', '</b></font>', $all); break; default: $all = $all; break; } return $all; } /** * Parses the constants in $this->const with respect to the constant-editor in this module. * In particular comments in the code are registered and the edit_divider is taken into account. * * @return [type] ... */ function generateConfig_constants() { // These vars are also set lateron... $this->setup['resources'] = $this->resources; $this->setup['sitetitle'] = $this->sitetitle; // parse constants $constants = t3lib_div::makeInstance('t3lib_TSparser'); $constants->regComments=1; // Register comments! $constants->setup = $this->const; $constants->setup = $this->mergeConstantsFromPageTSconfig($constants->setup); $matchObj = t3lib_div::makeInstance('t3lib_matchCondition'); $matchObj->matchAll=1; // Matches ALL conditions in TypoScript $c=0; $cc=count($this->constants); reset($this->constants); while (list(,$str)=each($this->constants)) { $c++; if ($c==$cc) { if (strstr($str,$this->edit_divider)) { $parts = explode($this->edit_divider,$str,2); $str=$parts[1]; $constants->parse($parts[0],$matchObj); } $this->flatSetup = Array(); $this->flattenSetup($constants->setup,'',''); $defaultConstants=$this->flatSetup; } $constants->parse($str,$matchObj); } $this->flatSetup = Array(); $this->flattenSetup($constants->setup,'',''); $this->setup['constants'] = $constants->setup; return $this->ext_compareFlatSetups($defaultConstants); } /** * [Describe function...] * * @param [type] $theSetup: ... * @param [type] $theKey: ... * @return [type] ... */ function ext_getSetup($theSetup,$theKey) { $parts = explode('.',$theKey,2); if (strcmp($parts[0],'') && is_array($theSetup[$parts[0].'.'])) { if (strcmp(trim($parts[1]),'')) { return $this->ext_getSetup($theSetup[$parts[0].'.'],trim($parts[1])); } else { return array($theSetup[$parts[0].'.'], $theSetup[$parts[0]]); } } else { if (strcmp(trim($theKey),'')) { return array(array(),$theSetup[$theKey]); } else { return array($theSetup,''); } } } /** * [Describe function...] * * @param [type] $arr: ... * @param [type] $depth_in: ... * @param [type] $depthData: ... * @param [type] $parentType: ... * @param [type] $parentValue: ... * @param boolean $alphaSort sorts the array keys / tree by alphabet when set to 1 * @return [type] ... */ function ext_getObjTree($arr, $depth_in, $depthData, $parentType='',$parentValue='', $alphaSort='0') { $HTML=''; $a=0; reset($arr); if($alphaSort == '1') { ksort($arr); } $keyArr_num=array(); $keyArr_alpha=array(); while (list($key,)=each($arr)) { if (substr($key,-2)!='..') { // Don't do anything with comments / linenumber registrations... $key=ereg_replace('\.$','',$key); if (substr($key,-1)!='.') { if (t3lib_div::testInt($key)) { $keyArr_num[$key]=$arr[$key]; } else { $keyArr_alpha[$key]=$arr[$key]; } } } } ksort($keyArr_num); $keyArr=$keyArr_num+$keyArr_alpha; reset($keyArr); $c=count($keyArr); if ($depth_in) {$depth_in = $depth_in.'.';} while (list($key,)=each($keyArr)) { $a++; $depth=$depth_in.$key; if ($this->bType!='const' || substr($depth,0,1)!='_') { // this excludes all constants starting with '_' from being shown. $goto = substr(md5($depth),0,6); $deeper = (is_array($arr[$key.'.']) && ($this->tsbrowser_depthKeys[$depth] || $this->ext_expandAllNotes)) ? 1 : 0; $PM = 'join'; $LN = ($a==$c)?'blank':'line'; $BTM = ($a==$c)?'bottom':''; $PM = is_array($arr[$key.'.']) && !$this->ext_noPMicons ? ($deeper ? 'minus':'plus') : 'join'; $HTML.=$depthData; $theIcon='<img src="'.$GLOBALS['BACK_PATH'].'gfx/ol/'.$PM.$BTM.'.gif" width="18" height="16" align="top" border="0" alt="" />'; if ($PM=='join') { $HTML.=$theIcon; } else { $aHref='index.php?id='.$GLOBALS['SOBE']->id.'&tsbr['.$depth.']='.($deeper?0:1).'#'.$goto; $HTML.='<a name="'.$goto.'" href="'.htmlspecialchars($aHref).'">'.$theIcon.'</a>'; } $label = $key; if (t3lib_div::inList('types,resources,sitetitle',$depth) && $this->bType=='setup') { // Read only... $label='<font color="#666666">'.$label.'</font>'; } else { if ($this->linkObjects) { $aHref = 'index.php?id='.$GLOBALS['SOBE']->id.'&sObj='.$depth; if ($this->bType!='const') { $ln = is_array($arr[$key.'.ln..']) ? 'Defined in: '.$this->lineNumberToScript($arr[$key.'.ln..']) : 'N/A'; } else { $ln = ''; } if ($this->tsbrowser_searchKeys[$depth] & 4) { $label = '<b><font color="red">'.$label.'</font></b>'; } // The key has matched the search string $label = '<a href="'.htmlspecialchars($aHref).'" title="'.htmlspecialchars($ln).'">'.$label.'</a>'; } } $HTML.='['.$label.']'; if (isset($arr[$key])) { $theValue = $arr[$key]; if ($this->fixedLgd) { $imgBlocks = ceil(1+strlen($depthData)/77); $lgdChars = 68-ceil(strlen('['.$key.']')*0.8)-$imgBlocks*3; $theValue = $this->ext_fixed_lgd($theValue,$lgdChars); } if ($this->tsbrowser_searchKeys[$depth] & 2) { // The value has matched the search string $HTML.=' = <b><font color="red">'.$this->makeHtmlspecialchars($theValue).'</font></b>'; } else { $HTML.=' = <b>'.$this->makeHtmlspecialchars($theValue).'</b>'; } if ($this->ext_regComments && isset($arr[$key.'..'])) { $comment = $arr[$key.'..']; if (!preg_match('/### <INCLUDE_TYPOSCRIPT:.*/', $comment)) { // Skip INCLUDE_TYPOSCRIPT comments, they are almost useless $comment = preg_replace('/[\r\n]/', ' ', $comment); // Remove linebreaks, replace with ' ' $comment = preg_replace('/[#\*]{2,}/', '', $comment); // Remove # and * if more than twice in a row $comment = preg_replace('/^[#\*\s]+/', '# ', $comment); // Replace leading # (just if it exists) and add it again. Result: Every comment should be prefixed by a '#'. $HTML.= ' <span class="comment">'.trim($comment).'</span>'; } } } $HTML.='<br />'; if ($deeper) { $HTML.=$this->ext_getObjTree($arr[$key.'.'], $depth, $depthData.'<img src="'.$GLOBALS['BACK_PATH'].'gfx/ol/'.$LN.'.gif" width="18" height="16" align="top" alt="" />', '' /* not used: $validate_info[$key] */, $arr[$key], $alphaSort); } } } return $HTML; } /** * [Describe function...] * * @param [type] $lnArr: ... * @return [type] ... */ function lineNumberToScript($lnArr) { if (!is_array($this->lnToScript)) { $this->lnToScript = array(); $c=1; $c+=substr_count($GLOBALS['TYPO3_CONF_VARS']['FE']['defaultTypoScript_setup'],chr(10))+2; $this->lnToScript[$c] = '[Default]'; foreach($this->hierarchyInfoToRoot as $info) { $c+=$info['configLines']+1; $this->lnToScript[$c] = $info['title']; } } foreach($lnArr as $k => $ln) { foreach($this->lnToScript as $endLn => $title) { if ($endLn >= intval($ln)) { $lnArr[$k] = '"'.$title.'", '.$ln; break; } } } return implode('; ',$lnArr); } /** * [Describe function...] * * @param [type] $theValue: ... * @return [type] ... */ function makeHtmlspecialchars($theValue){ return $this->ext_noSpecialCharsOnLabels ? $theValue : htmlspecialchars($theValue); } /** * [Describe function...] * * @param [type] $arr: ... * @param [type] $depth_in: ... * @param [type] $searchString: ... * @param [type] $keyArray: ... * @return [type] ... */ function ext_getSearchKeys($arr, $depth_in, $searchString, $keyArray) { reset($arr); $keyArr=array(); while (list($key,)=each($arr)) { $key=ereg_replace('\.$','',$key); if (substr($key,-1)!='.') { $keyArr[$key]=1; } } reset($keyArr); $c=count($keyArr); if ($depth_in) { $depth_in = $depth_in.'.'; } while (list($key,)=each($keyArr)) { $depth=$depth_in.$key; $deeper = is_array($arr[$key.'.']); if ($this->regexMode) { if (ereg($searchString,$arr[$key])) { // The value has matched $this->tsbrowser_searchKeys[$depth]+=2; } if (ereg($searchString,$key)) { // The key has matched $this->tsbrowser_searchKeys[$depth]+=4; } if (ereg($searchString,$depth_in)) { // Just open this subtree if the parent key has matched the search $this->tsbrowser_searchKeys[$depth]=1; } } else { if (stristr($arr[$key],$searchString)) { // The value has matched $this->tsbrowser_searchKeys[$depth]+=2; } if (stristr($key,$searchString)) { // The key has matches $this->tsbrowser_searchKeys[$depth]+=4; } if (stristr($depth_in,$searchString)) { // Just open this subtree if the parent key has matched the search $this->tsbrowser_searchKeys[$depth]=1; } } if ($deeper) { $cS = count($this->tsbrowser_searchKeys); $keyArray = $this->ext_getSearchKeys($arr[$key.'.'], $depth, $searchString, $keyArray); if ($cS != count($this->tsbrowser_searchKeys)) { $keyArray[$depth]=1; } } } return $keyArray; } /** * [Describe function...] * * @param [type] $pid: ... * @return [type] ... */ function ext_getRootlineNumber($pid) { if ($pid && is_array($GLOBALS['rootLine'])) { reset($GLOBALS['rootLine']); while(list($key,$val)=each($GLOBALS['rootLine'])) { if ($val['uid']==$pid) return $key; } } } /** * [Describe function...] * * @param [type] $arr: ... * @param [type] $depthData: ... * @param [type] $keyArray: ... * @param [type] $first: ... * @return [type] ... */ function ext_getTemplateHierarchyArr($arr,$depthData, $keyArray,$first=0) { reset($arr); $keyArr=array(); while (list($key,)=each($arr)) { $key=ereg_replace('\.$','',$key); if (substr($key,-1)!='.') { $keyArr[$key]=1; } } reset($keyArr); $a=0; $c=count($keyArr); while (list($key,)=each($keyArr)) { $HTML=''; $a++; $deeper = is_array($arr[$key.'.']); $row=$arr[$key]; $PM = 'join'; $LN = ($a==$c)?'blank':'line'; $BTM = ($a==$c)?'top':''; $PM = 'join'; $HTML.=$depthData; $icon = substr($row['templateID'],0,3)=='sys' ? t3lib_iconWorks::getIcon('sys_template',array('root'=>$row['root'])) : (substr($row['templateID'],0,6)=='static' ? t3lib_iconWorks::getIcon('static_template',array()) : 'gfx/i/default.gif'); $alttext= '['.$row['templateID'].']'; $alttext.= $row['pid'] ? ' - '.t3lib_BEfunc::getRecordPath($row['pid'],$GLOBALS['SOBE']->perms_clause,20) : ''; if (in_array($row['templateID'],$this->clearList_const) || in_array($row['templateID'],$this->clearList_setup)) { $A_B='<a href="index.php?id='.$GLOBALS['SOBE']->id.'&template='.$row['templateID'].'">'; $A_E='</a>'; } else { $A_B=''; $A_E=''; } $HTML.=($first?'':'<IMG src="'.$GLOBALS['BACK_PATH'].'gfx/ol/'.$PM.$BTM.'.gif" width="18" height="16" align="top" border=0>').'<img ' . t3lib_iconWorks::skinImg($GLOBALS['BACK_PATH'], $icon) . ' align="top" title="'.$alttext.'" /> '.$A_B.t3lib_div::fixed_lgd_cs($row['title'],$GLOBALS['BE_USER']->uc['titleLen']).$A_E.' '; $RL = $this->ext_getRootlineNumber($row['pid']); $keyArray[] = '<tr> <td nowrap>'.$HTML.'</td> <td align=center>'.($row['root']?'<b>X</b>':'').' </td> <td align=center'.$row['bgcolor_setup'].'>'.fw(($row['clConf']?'<b>X</b>':'').' ').'</td> <td align=center'.$row['bgcolor_const'].'>'.fw(($row['clConst']?'<b>X</b>':'').' ').'</td> <td>'.($row['pid']?' '.$row['pid'].(strcmp($RL,'')?' ('.$RL.')':'').' ':'').'</td> <td>'.($row['next']?' '.$row['next'].' ':'').'</td> </tr>'; if ($deeper) { $keyArray = $this->ext_getTemplateHierarchyArr($arr[$key.'.'], $depthData.($first?'':'<IMG src="'.$GLOBALS['BACK_PATH'].'gfx/ol/'.$LN.'.gif" width="18" height="16" align="top">'), $keyArray); } } return $keyArray; } /** * [Describe function...] * * @param [type] $depthDataArr: ... * @param [type] $pointer: ... * @return [type] ... */ function ext_process_hierarchyInfo($depthDataArr,&$pointer) { $parent = $this->hierarchyInfo[$pointer-1]['templateParent']; while ($pointer>0 && $this->hierarchyInfo[$pointer-1]['templateParent']==$parent) { $pointer--; $row = $this->hierarchyInfo[$pointer]; $depthDataArr[$row['templateID']]=$row; $depthDataArr[$row['templateID']]['bgcolor_setup'] = isset($this->clearList_setup_temp[$row['templateID']])?' class="bgColor5"':''; $depthDataArr[$row['templateID']]['bgcolor_const'] = isset($this->clearList_const_temp[$row['templateID']])?' class="bgColor5"':''; unset($this->clearList_setup_temp[$row['templateID']]); unset($this->clearList_const_temp[$row['templateID']]); $this->templateTitles[$row['templateID']]=$row['title']; if ($row['templateID']==$this->hierarchyInfo[$pointer-1]['templateParent']) { $depthDataArr[$row['templateID'].'.'] = $this->ext_process_hierarchyInfo(array(), $pointer); } } return $depthDataArr; } /** * [Describe function...] * * @param [type] $config: ... * @param [type] $lineNumbers: ... * @param [type] $comments: ... * @param [type] $crop: ... * @param [type] $syntaxHL: ... * @param [type] $syntaxHLBlockmode: ... * @return [type] ... */ function ext_outputTS($config, $lineNumbers=0, $comments=0, $crop=0, $syntaxHL=0, $syntaxHLBlockmode=0) { $all=''; reset($config); while (list(,$str)=each($config)) { $all .= chr(10) .'[GLOBAL]' . chr(10) . $str; } if ($syntaxHL) { $all = ereg_replace('^[^'.chr(10).']*.','',$all); $all = chop($all); $tsparser = t3lib_div::makeInstance('t3lib_TSparser'); $tsparser->lineNumberOffset=$this->ext_lineNumberOffset+1; return $tsparser->doSyntaxHighlight($all,$lineNumbers?array($this->ext_lineNumberOffset+1):'',$syntaxHLBlockmode); } else { return $this->ext_formatTS($all,$lineNumbers,$comments,$crop); } } /** * Returns a new string of max. $chars lenght * If the string is longer, it will be truncated and prepended with '...' * $chars must be an integer of at least 4 * * @param [type] $string: ... * @param [type] $chars: ... * @return [type] ... */ function ext_fixed_lgd($string,$chars) { if ($chars >= 4) { if(strlen($string)>$chars) { if(strlen($string)>24 && substr($string,0,12) == '##'.$this->Cmarker.'_B##') { return '##'.$this->Cmarker.'_B##'.t3lib_div::fixed_lgd_cs(substr($string,12,-12), $chars-3).'##'.$this->Cmarker.'_E##'; } else { return t3lib_div::fixed_lgd_cs($string, $chars-3); } } } return $string; } /** * [Describe function...] * * @param [type] $ln: ... * @param [type] $str: ... * @return [type] ... */ function ext_lnBreakPointWrap($ln,$str) { return '<a href="#" onClick="return brPoint('.$ln.','.($this->ext_lineNumberOffset_mode=="setup"?1:0).');">'.$str.'</a>'; } /** * [Describe function...] * * @param [type] $input: ... * @param [type] $ln: ... * @param [type] $comments: ... * @param [type] $crop: ... * @return [type] ... */ function ext_formatTS($input, $ln, $comments=1, $crop=0) { $input = ereg_replace('^[^'.chr(10).']*.','',$input); $input = chop($input); $cArr = explode(chr(10),$input); reset($cArr); $n = ceil(log10(count($cArr)+$this->ext_lineNumberOffset)); $lineNum=''; while(list($k,$v)=each($cArr)) { $lln=$k+$this->ext_lineNumberOffset+1; if ($ln) $lineNum = $this->ext_lnBreakPointWrap($lln,str_replace(' ',' ',sprintf('% '.$n.'d',$lln))).': '; $v=htmlspecialchars($v); if ($crop) {$v=$this->ext_fixed_lgd($v,($ln?71:77));} $cArr[$k] = $lineNum.str_replace(' ',' ',$v); $firstChar = substr(trim($v),0,1); if ($firstChar=='[') { $cArr[$k] = '<font color="green"><b>'.$cArr[$k].'</b></font>'; } elseif ($firstChar=='/' || $firstChar=='#') { if ($comments) { $cArr[$k] = '<span class="typo3-dimmed">'.$cArr[$k].'</span>'; } else { unset($cArr[$k]); } } } $output = implode($cArr, '<br />').'<br />'; return $output; } /** * [Describe function...] * * @param [type] $id: ... * @param [type] $template_uid: ... * @return [type] ... */ function ext_getFirstTemplate($id,$template_uid=0) { // Query is taken from the runThroughTemplates($theRootLine) function in the parent class. if (intval($id)) { if ($template_uid) { $addC = ' AND uid='.$template_uid; } $res = $GLOBALS['TYPO3_DB']->exec_SELECTquery('*', 'sys_template', 'pid='.intval($id).$addC.' '.$this->whereClause, '', 'sorting', '1'); $row = $GLOBALS['TYPO3_DB']->sql_fetch_assoc($res); t3lib_BEfunc::workspaceOL('sys_template',$row); $GLOBALS['TYPO3_DB']->sql_free_result($res); return $row; // Returns the template row if found. } } /** * [Describe function...] * * @param [type] $id: ... * @return [type] ... */ function ext_getAllTemplates($id) { // Query is taken from the runThroughTemplates($theRootLine) function in the parent class. if (intval($id)) { $outRes=array(); $res = $GLOBALS['TYPO3_DB']->exec_SELECTquery('*', 'sys_template', 'pid='.intval($id).' '.$this->whereClause, '', 'sorting'); while($row = $GLOBALS['TYPO3_DB']->sql_fetch_assoc($res)) { t3lib_BEfunc::workspaceOL('sys_template',$row); if (is_array($row)) $outRes[] = $row; } $GLOBALS['TYPO3_DB']->sql_free_result($res); return $outRes; // Returns the template rows in an array. } } /** * This function compares the flattened constants (default and all). * Returns an array with the constants from the whole template which may be edited by the module. * * @param [type] $default: ... * @return [type] ... */ function ext_compareFlatSetups($default) { $editableComments=array(); reset($this->flatSetup); while(list($const,$value)=each($this->flatSetup)) { if (substr($const,-2)!='..' && isset($this->flatSetup[$const.'..'])) { $comment = trim($this->flatSetup[$const.'..']); $c_arr = explode(chr(10),$comment); while(list($k,$v)=each($c_arr)) { $line=trim(ereg_replace('^[#\/]*','',$v)); if ($line) { $parts = explode(';', $line); while(list(,$par)=each($parts)) { if (strstr($par,'=')) { $keyValPair =explode('=',$par,2); switch(trim(strtolower($keyValPair[0]))) { case 'type': // Type: /* int (range; low-high, list: item,item,item = selector), boolean (check), string (default), wrap, html-color ..., file */ $editableComments[$const]['type'] = trim($keyValPair[1]); break; case 'cat': // list of categories. $catSplit=explode('/',strtolower($keyValPair[1])); $editableComments[$const]['cat'] = trim($catSplit[0]); $catSplit[1]=trim($catSplit[1]); // This is the subcategory. Must be a key in $this->subCategories[]. catSplit[2] represents the search-order within the subcat. if ($catSplit[1] && isset($this->subCategories[$catSplit[1]])) { $editableComments[$const]['subcat_name']=$catSplit[1]; $editableComments[$const]['subcat']=$this->subCategories[$catSplit[1]][1].'/'.$catSplit[1].'/'.trim($catSplit[2]).'z'; } else { $editableComments[$const]['subcat']='x'.'/'.trim($catSplit[2]).'z'; } break; case 'label': // label $editableComments[$const]['label'] = trim($keyValPair[1]); break; } } } } } } if (isset($editableComments[$const])) { $editableComments[$const]['name']=$const; $editableComments[$const]['value']=trim($value); if (isset($default[$const])) { $editableComments[$const]['default_value']=trim($default[$const]); } } } return $editableComments; } /** * [Describe function...] * * @param [type] $editConstArray: ... * @return [type] ... */ function ext_categorizeEditableConstants($editConstArray) { // Runs through the available constants and fills the $this->categories array with pointers and priority-info reset($editConstArray); while(list($constName,$constData)=each($editConstArray)) { if (!$constData['type']) { $constData['type']='string'; } $cats = explode(',',$constData['cat']); reset($cats); while (list(,$theCat)=each($cats)) { // if = only one category, while allows for many. We have agreed on only one category is the most basic way... $theCat=trim($theCat); if ($theCat) { $this->categories[$theCat][$constName]=$constData['subcat']; } } } } /** * [Describe function...] * * @return [type] ... */ function ext_getCategoryLabelArray() { // Returns array used for labels in the menu. $retArr = array(); while(list($k,$v)=each($this->categories)) { if (count($v)) { $retArr[$k]=strtoupper($k).' ('.count($v).')'; } } return $retArr; } /** * [Describe function...] * * @param [type] $type: ... * @return [type] ... */ function ext_getTypeData($type) { $retArr = array(); $type=trim($type); if (!$type) { $retArr['type']='string'; } else { $m=strcspn ($type,' ['); $retArr['type']=strtolower(substr($type,0,$m)); if (t3lib_div::inList('int,options,file,boolean,offset,user', $retArr['type'])) { $p=trim(substr($type,$m)); $reg = array(); ereg('\[(.*)\]',$p,$reg); $p=trim($reg[1]); if ($p) { $retArr['paramstr']=$p; switch($retArr['type']) { case 'int': if (substr($retArr['paramstr'],0,1)=='-') { $retArr['params']=t3lib_div::intExplode('-',substr($retArr['paramstr'],1)); $retArr['params'][0]=intval('-'.$retArr['params'][0]); } else { $retArr['params']=t3lib_div::intExplode('-',$retArr['paramstr']); } $retArr['paramstr']=$retArr['params'][0].' - '.$retArr['params'][1]; break; case 'options': $retArr['params']=explode(',',$retArr['paramstr']); break; } } } } return $retArr; } /** * [Describe function...] * * @param [type] $category: ... * @return [type] ... */ function ext_getTSCE_config($category) { $catConf=$this->setup['constants']['TSConstantEditor.'][$category.'.']; $out=array(); if (is_array($catConf)) { reset($catConf); while(list($key,$val)=each($catConf)) { switch($key) { case 'image': $out['imagetag'] = $this->ext_getTSCE_config_image($catConf['image']); break; case 'description': case 'bulletlist': case 'header': $out[$key] = $val; break; default: if (t3lib_div::testInt($key)) { $constRefs = explode(',',$val); reset($constRefs); while(list(,$const)=each($constRefs)) { $const=trim($const); if ($const && $const<=20) { $out['constants'][$const].=$this->ext_getKeyImage($key); } } } break; } } } $this->helpConfig=$out; } /** * [Describe function...] * * @param [type] $key: ... * @return [type] ... */ function ext_getKeyImage($key) { return '<img src="'.$this->ext_localWebGfxPrefix.'gfx/'.$key.'.gif" align="top" hspace=2>'; } /** * [Describe function...] * * @param [type] $imgConf: ... * @return [type] ... */ function ext_getTSCE_config_image($imgConf) { if (substr($imgConf,0,4)=='gfx/') { $iFile=$this->ext_localGfxPrefix.$imgConf; $tFile=$this->ext_localWebGfxPrefix.$imgConf; } elseif (substr($imgConf,0,4)=='EXT:') { $iFile = t3lib_div::getFileAbsFileName($imgConf); if ($iFile) { $f = substr($iFile,strlen(PATH_site)); $tFile=$GLOBALS['BACK_PATH'].'../'.$f; } } else { $f = 'uploads/tf/'.$this->extractFromResources($this->setup['resources'],$imgConf); $iFile=PATH_site.$f; $tFile=$GLOBALS['BACK_PATH'].'../'.$f; } $imageInfo=@getImagesize($iFile); return '<img src="'.$tFile.'" '.$imageInfo[3].'>'; } /** * [Describe function...] * * @return [type] ... */ function ext_resourceDims() { if ($this->setup['resources']) { $rArr=explode(',',$this->setup['resources']); while(list($c,$val)=each($rArr)) { $val=trim($val); $theFile = PATH_site.'uploads/tf/'.$val; if ($val && @is_file($theFile)) { $imgInfo = @getimagesize($theFile); } if (is_array($imgInfo)) { $this->resourceDimensions[$val]=' ('.$imgInfo[0].'x'.$imgInfo[1].')'; } } } reset($this->dirResources); while(list($c,$val)=each($this->dirResources)) { $val=trim($val); $imgInfo = @getimagesize(PATH_site.$val); if (is_array($imgInfo)) { $this->resourceDimensions[$val]=' ('.$imgInfo[0].'x'.$imgInfo[1].')'; } } } /** * [Describe function...] * * @param [type] $path: ... * @return [type] ... */ function ext_readDirResources($path) { $path=trim($path); if ($path && substr($path,0,10)=='fileadmin/') { $path = ereg_replace('\/$','',$path); $this->readDirectory(PATH_site.$path); } } /** * [Describe function...] * * @param [type] $path: ... * @param [type] $type: ... * @return [type] ... */ function readDirectory($path,$type='file') { if(@is_dir($path)) { $d = @dir($path); $tempArray=Array(); if (is_object($d)) { while($entry=$d->read()) { if ($entry!='.' && $entry!='..') { $wholePath = $path.'/'.$entry; // Because of odd PHP-error where <BR>-tag is sometimes placed after a filename!! if (@file_exists($wholePath) && (!$type || filetype($wholePath)==$type)) { $fI = t3lib_div::split_fileref($wholePath); $this->dirResources[]=substr($wholePath,strlen(PATH_site)); } } } $d->close(); } } } /** * [Describe function...] * * @param [type] $params: ... * @return [type] ... */ function ext_fNandV($params) { $fN='data['.$params['name'].']'; $fV=$params['value']; if (ereg('^{[\$][a-zA-Z0-9\.]*}$',trim($fV),$reg)) { // Values entered from the constantsedit cannot be constants! 230502; removed \{ and set { $fV=''; } $fV=htmlspecialchars($fV); return array($fN,$fV,$params); } /** * This functions returns the HTML-code that creates the editor-layout of the module. * * @param [type] $theConstants: ... * @param [type] $category: ... * @return [type] ... */ function ext_printFields($theConstants,$category) { reset($theConstants); $output='<script type="text/javascript" src="'.$GLOBALS['BACK_PATH'].'js/constantEditor.js"></script> '; $subcat=''; if (is_array($this->categories[$category])) { $help=$this->helpConfig; $this->rArr=explode(',',$this->setup['resources'].','.implode($this->dirResources,',')); if (!$this->doNotSortCategoriesBeforeMakingForm) asort($this->categories[$category]); while(list($name,$type)=each($this->categories[$category])) { $params = $theConstants[$name]; if (is_array($params)) { if ($subcat!=$params['subcat_name']) { $subcat=$params['subcat_name']; $subcat_name = $params['subcat_name'] ? $this->subCategories[$params['subcat_name']][0] : 'Others'; $output.='<h2 class="typo3-tstemplate-ceditor-subcat">'.$subcat_name.'</h2>'; } $label=$GLOBALS['LANG']->sL($params['label']); $label_parts = explode(':',$label,2); if (count($label_parts)==2) { $head=trim($label_parts[0]); $body=trim($label_parts[1]); } else { $head=trim($label_parts[0]); $body=''; } if (strlen($head)>35) { if (!$body) {$body=$head;} $head=t3lib_div::fixed_lgd_cs($head,35); } $typeDat=$this->ext_getTypeData($params['type']); $checked=''; $p_field=''; $raname = substr(md5($params['name']),0,10); $aname='\''.$raname.'\''; list($fN,$fV,$params)=$this->ext_fNandV($params); switch($typeDat['type']) { case 'int': case 'int+': $p_field='<input id="'.$fN.'" type="text" name="'.$fN.'" value="'.$fV.'"'.$GLOBALS['TBE_TEMPLATE']->formWidth(5).' onChange="uFormUrl('.$aname.')" />'; if ($typeDat['paramstr']) { $p_field.=' Range: '.$typeDat['paramstr']; } elseif ($typeDat['type']=='int+') { $p_field.=' Range: 0 - '; } else { $p_field.=' (Integer)'; } break; case 'color': $colorNames=explode(',',','.$this->HTMLcolorList); $p_field=''; while(list(,$val)=each($colorNames)) { $sel=''; if ($val==strtolower($params['value'])) { $sel = ' selected'; } $p_field.='<option value="'.htmlspecialchars($val).'"'.$sel.'>'.$val.'</option>'; } $p_field='<select id="select-'.$fN.'" rel="'.$fN.'" name="C'.$fN.'" class="typo3-tstemplate-ceditor-color-select" onChange="uFormUrl('.$aname.');">'.$p_field.'</select>'; $p_field.='<input type="text" id="input-'.$fN.'" rel="'.$fN.'" name="'.$fN.'" class="typo3-tstemplate-ceditor-color-input" value="'.$fV.'"'.$GLOBALS['TBE_TEMPLATE']->formWidth(7).' onChange="uFormUrl('.$aname.')" />'; break; case 'wrap': $wArr = explode('|',$fV); $p_field='<input type="text" id="'.$fN.'" name="'.$fN.'" value="'.$wArr[0].'"'.$GLOBALS['TBE_TEMPLATE']->formWidth(29).' onChange="uFormUrl('.$aname.')" />'; $p_field.=' | '; $p_field.='<input type="text" name="W'.$fN.'" value="'.$wArr[1].'"'.$GLOBALS['TBE_TEMPLATE']->formWidth(15).' onChange="uFormUrl('.$aname.')" />'; break; case 'offset': $wArr = explode(',',$fV); $labels = t3lib_div::trimExplode(',',$typeDat['paramstr']); $p_field=($labels[0]?$labels[0]:'x').':<input type="text" name="'.$fN.'" value="'.$wArr[0].'"'.$GLOBALS['TBE_TEMPLATE']->formWidth(4).' onChange="uFormUrl('.$aname.')" />'; $p_field.=' , '; $p_field.=($labels[1]?$labels[1]:'y').':<input type="text" name="W'.$fN.'" value="'.$wArr[1].'"'.$GLOBALS['TBE_TEMPLATE']->formWidth(4).' onChange="uFormUrl('.$aname.')" />'; for ($aa=2;$aa<count($labels);$aa++) { if ($labels[$aa]) { $p_field.=' , '.$labels[$aa].':<input type="text" name="W'.$aa.$fN.'" value="'.$wArr[$aa].'"'.$GLOBALS['TBE_TEMPLATE']->formWidth(4).' onChange="uFormUrl('.$aname.')" />'; } else { $p_field.='<input type="hidden" name="W'.$aa.$fN.'" value="'.$wArr[$aa].'" />'; } } break; case 'options': if (is_array($typeDat['params'])) { $p_field=''; while(list(,$val)=each($typeDat['params'])) { $vParts = explode('=',$val,2); $label = $vParts[0]; $val = isset($vParts[1]) ? $vParts[1] : $vParts[0]; // option tag: $sel=''; if ($val==$params['value']) { $sel=' selected'; } $p_field.='<option value="'.htmlspecialchars($val).'"'.$sel.'>'.$GLOBALS['LANG']->sL($label).'</option>'; } $p_field='<select id="'.$fN.'" name="'.$fN.'" onChange="uFormUrl('.$aname.')">'.$p_field.'</select>'; } break; case 'boolean': $p_field='<input type="hidden" name="'.$fN.'" value="0" />'; $sel=''; if ($fV) { $sel=' checked'; } $p_field.='<input id="'.$fN.'" type="checkbox" name="'.$fN.'" value="'.($typeDat['paramstr']?$typeDat['paramstr']:1).'"'.$sel.' onClick="uFormUrl('.$aname.')" />'; break; case 'comment': $p_field='<input type="hidden" name="'.$fN.'" value="#" />'; $sel=''; if (!$fV) { $sel=' checked'; } $p_field.='<input id="'.$fN.'" type="checkbox" name="'.$fN.'" value=""'.$sel.' onClick="uFormUrl('.$aname.')" />'; break; case 'file': $p_field='<option value=""></option>'; $theImage=''; $selectThisFile = $this->extractFromResources($this->setup['resources'],$params['value']); if ($params['value'] && !$selectThisFile) { if (in_array($params['value'],$this->dirResources)) { $selectThisFile=$params['value']; } } // extensionlist $extList = $typeDat['paramstr']; $p_field='<option value="">('.$extList.')</option>'; if ($extList=='IMAGE_EXT') { $extList = $GLOBALS['TYPO3_CONF_VARS']['GFX']['imagefile_ext']; } reset($this->rArr); $onlineResourceFlag=$this->ext_defaultOnlineResourceFlag; while(list($c,$val)=each($this->rArr)) { $val=trim($val); $fI=t3lib_div::split_fileref($val); if ($val && (!$extList || t3lib_div::inList($extList,$fI['fileext']))) { if ($onlineResourceFlag<=0 && substr($fI['path'],0,10)=='fileadmin/') { if ($onlineResourceFlag<0) { $p_field.='<option value=""></option>'; } $p_field.='<option value="">__'.$fI['path'].'__:</option>'; $onlineResourceFlag=1; } $dims=$this->resourceDimensions[$val]; $sel=''; // Check if $params['value'] is in the list of resources. if ($selectThisFile && $selectThisFile==$val) { $sel=' selected'; if ($onlineResourceFlag<=0) { $theImage=t3lib_BEfunc::thumbCode(array('resources'=>$selectThisFile),'sys_template','resources',$GLOBALS['BACK_PATH'],''); } else { $theImage=t3lib_BEfunc::thumbCode(array('resources'=>$fI['file']),'sys_template','resources',$GLOBALS['BACK_PATH'],'',$fI['path']); } } if ($onlineResourceFlag<=0) { $onlineResourceFlag--; // Value is set with a * $val = $this->ext_setStar($val); $p_field.='<option value="'.htmlspecialchars($val).'"'.$sel.'>'.$val.$dims.'</option>'; } else { $p_field.='<option value="'.htmlspecialchars($val).'"'.$sel.'>'.$fI['file'].$dims.'</option>'; } } } if (trim($params['value']) && !$selectThisFile) { $val = $params['value']; $p_field.='<option value=""></option>'; $p_field.='<option value="'.htmlspecialchars($val).'" selected>'.$val.'</option>'; } $p_field='<select id="'.$fN.'" name="'.$fN.'" onChange="uFormUrl('.$aname.')">'.$p_field.'</select>'; $p_field.=$theImage; if (!$this->ext_noCEUploadAndCopying) { // Copy a resource $copyFile = $this->extractFromResources($this->setup['resources'],$params['value']); if (!$copyFile) { if ($params['value']) { $copyFile=PATH_site.$this->ext_detectAndFixExtensionPrefix($params['value']); } } else { $copyFile=''; } if ($copyFile && @is_file($copyFile)) { $p_field.='<img src="clear.gif" width="20" height="1" alt="" /><img'.t3lib_iconWorks::skinImg($GLOBALS['BACK_PATH'],'gfx/clip_copy.gif','width="12" height="12"').' border="0" alt="" /><input type="checkbox" name="_copyResource['.$params['name'].']" value="'.htmlspecialchars($copyFile).'" onClick="uFormUrl('.$aname.');if (this.checked) {alert(unescape(\''.rawurlencode(sprintf("This will make a copy of the current file, '%s'. Do you really want that?",$params['value'])).'\'));}" />'; } // Upload? $p_field.='<br />'; $p_field.='<input id="'.$fN.'" type="file" name="upload_'.$fN.'"'.$GLOBALS['TBE_TEMPLATE']->formWidth().' onChange="uFormUrl('.$aname.')" size="50" />'; } break; case 'user': $userFunction = $typeDat['paramstr']; $userFunctionParams = array('fieldName' => $fN, 'fieldValue' => $fV); $p_field = t3lib_div::callUserFunction($userFunction, $userFunctionParams, $this, ''); break; case 'small': default: $fwidth= $typeDat['type']=='small' ? 10 : 46; $p_field='<input id="'.$fN.'" type="text" name="'.$fN.'" value="'.$fV.'"'.$GLOBALS['TBE_TEMPLATE']->formWidth($fwidth).' onChange="uFormUrl('.$aname.')" />'; break; } // Define default names and IDs $userTyposcriptID = 'userTS-'.$params['name']; $defaultTyposcriptID = 'defaultTS-'.$params['name']; $checkboxName = 'check['.$params['name'].']'; $checkboxID = $checkboxName; // Handle type=color specially if ($typeDat['type']=='color' && substr($params['value'],0,2)!='{$') { $color = '<div id="colorbox-'.$fN.'" class="typo3-tstemplate-ceditor-colorblock" style="background-color:'.$params['value'].';"> </div>'; } else { $color = ''; } if (!$this->ext_dontCheckIssetValues) { /* Set the default styling options */ if(isset($this->objReg[$params['name']])) { $checkboxValue = 'checked'; $userTyposcriptStyle = ''; $defaultTyposcriptStyle = 'style="display:none;"'; } else { $checkboxValue = ''; $userTyposcriptStyle = 'style="display:none;"'; $defaultTyposcriptStyle = ''; } $deleteIconHTML = '<img class="typo3-tstemplate-ceditor-control undoIcon" '.t3lib_iconWorks::skinImg($GLOBALS['BACK_PATH'], 'gfx/undo.gif').' alt="Revert to default Constant" title="Revert to default Constant" rel="'.$params['name'].'" />'; $editIconHTML = '<img class="typo3-tstemplate-ceditor-control editIcon" '.t3lib_iconWorks::skinImg($GLOBALS['BACK_PATH'], 'gfx/edit2.gif').' alt="Edit this Constant" title="Edit this Constant" rel="'.$params['name'].'" />'; $constantCheckbox = '<input type="hidden" name="'.$checkboxName.'" id="'.$checkboxID.'" value="'.$checkboxValue.'"/>'; // If there's no default value for the field, use a static label. if(!$params['default_value']) { $params['default_value'] = '[Empty]'; } $constantDefaultRow='<div class="typo3-tstemplate-ceditor-row" id="'.$defaultTyposcriptID.'" '.$defaultTyposcriptStyle.'>'.$editIconHTML.htmlspecialchars($params['default_value']).$color.'</div>'; } $constantEditRow = '<div class="typo3-tstemplate-ceditor-row" id="'.$userTyposcriptID.'" '.$userTyposcriptStyle.'>'.$deleteIconHTML.$p_field.$color.'</div>'; $constantLabel = '<dt class="typo3-tstemplate-ceditor-label">'.htmlspecialchars($head).'</dt>'; $constantName = '<dt class="typo3-dimmed">['.$params['name'].']</dt>'; $constantDescription = $body ? '<dd>'.htmlspecialchars($body).'</dd>' : ''; $constantData = '<dd>'.$constantCheckbox.$constantEditRow.$constantDefaultRow.'</dd>'; $output.='<a name="'.$raname.'"></a>'.$help['constants'][$params['name']]; $output.='<dl class="typo3-tstemplate-ceditor-constant">'.$constantLabel.$constantName.$constantDescription.$constantData.'</dl>'; } else { debug('Error. Constant did not exist. Should not happen.'); } } } return $output; } /*************************** * * Processing input values * ***************************/ /** * @param [type] $constants: ... * @return [type] ... */ function ext_regObjectPositions($constants) { // This runs through the lines of the constants-field of the active template and registers the constants-names and linepositions in an array, $this->objReg $this->raw = explode(chr(10),$constants); $this->rawP=0; $this->objReg=array(); // resetting the objReg if the divider is found!! $this->ext_regObjects(''); } /** * [Describe function...] * * @param [type] $pre: ... * @return [type] ... */ function ext_regObjects($pre) { // works with regObjectPositions. "expands" the names of the TypoScript objects while (isset($this->raw[$this->rawP])) { $line = ltrim($this->raw[$this->rawP]); if (strstr($line,$this->edit_divider)) { $this->objReg=array(); // resetting the objReg if the divider is found!! } $this->rawP++; if ($line) { if (substr($line,0,1)=='[') { // return $line; } elseif (strcspn($line,'}#/')!=0) { $varL = strcspn($line,' {=<'); $var=substr($line,0,$varL); $line = ltrim(substr($line,$varL)); switch(substr($line,0,1)) { case '=': $this->objReg[$pre.$var]=$this->rawP-1; break; case '{': $this->ext_inBrace++; $this->ext_regObjects($pre.$var.'.'); break; } $this->lastComment=''; } elseif (substr($line,0,1)=='}') { $this->lastComment=''; $this->ext_inBrace--; if ($this->ext_inBrace<0) { $this->ext_inBrace=0; } else { break; } } } } } /** * [Describe function...] * * @param [type] $key: ... * @param [type] $var: ... * @return [type] ... */ function ext_putValueInConf($key, $var) { // Puts the value $var to the TypoScript value $key in the current lines of the templates. // If the $key is not found in the template constants field, a new line is inserted in the bottom. $theValue = ' '.trim($var); if (isset($this->objReg[$key])) { $lineNum = $this->objReg[$key]; $parts = explode('=',$this->raw[$lineNum],2); if (count($parts)==2) { $parts[1]= $theValue; } $this->raw[$lineNum]=implode($parts,'='); } else { $this->raw[]=$key.' ='.$theValue; } $this->changed=1; } /** * [Describe function...] * * @param [type] $key: ... * @return [type] ... */ function ext_removeValueInConf($key) { // Removes the value in the configuration if (isset($this->objReg[$key])) { $lineNum = $this->objReg[$key]; unset($this->raw[$lineNum]); } $this->changed=1; } /** * [Describe function...] * * @param [type] $arr: ... * @param [type] $settings: ... * @return [type] ... */ function ext_depthKeys($arr,$settings) { reset($arr); $tsbrArray=array(); while(list($theK,$theV)=each($arr)) { $theKeyParts = explode('.',$theK); $depth=''; $c=count($theKeyParts); $a=0; while(list(,$p)=each($theKeyParts)) { $a++; $depth.=($depth?'.':'').$p; $tsbrArray[$depth]= ($c==$a) ? $theV : 1; } } // Modify settings reset($tsbrArray); while(list($theK,$theV)=each($tsbrArray)) { if ($theV) { $settings[$theK] = 1; } else { unset($settings[$theK]); } } return $settings; } /** * [Describe function...] * * @param [type] $http_post_vars: ... * @param [type] $http_post_files: ... * @param [type] $theConstants: ... * @param [type] $tplRow: ... * @return [type] ... */ function ext_procesInput($http_post_vars,$http_post_files,$theConstants,$tplRow) { $data=$http_post_vars['data']; $check=$http_post_vars['check']; $copyResource=$http_post_vars['_copyResource']; $Wdata=$http_post_vars['Wdata']; $W2data=$http_post_vars['W2data']; $W3data=$http_post_vars['W3data']; $W4data=$http_post_vars['W4data']; $W5data=$http_post_vars['W5data']; if (is_array($data)) { reset($data); while(list($key,$var)=each($data)) { if (isset($theConstants[$key])) { if ($this->ext_dontCheckIssetValues || isset($check[$key])) { // If checkbox is set, update the value list($var) = explode(chr(10),$var); // exploding with linebreak, just to make sure that no multiline input is given! $typeDat=$this->ext_getTypeData($theConstants[$key]['type']); switch($typeDat['type']) { case 'int': if ($typeDat['paramstr']) { $var=t3lib_div::intInRange($var,$typeDat['params'][0],$typeDat['params'][1]); } else { $var=intval($var); } break; case 'int+': $var = max(0, intval($var)); break; case 'color': $col=array(); if($var && !t3lib_div::inList($this->HTMLcolorList,strtolower($var))) { $var = ereg_replace('[^A-Fa-f0-9]*','',$var); $useFullHex = strlen($var) > 3; $col[]=HexDec(substr($var,0,1)); $col[]=HexDec(substr($var,1,1)); $col[]=HexDec(substr($var,2,1)); if($useFullHex) { $col[]=HexDec(substr($var,3,1)); $col[]=HexDec(substr($var,4,1)); $col[]=HexDec(substr($var,5,1)); } $var = substr('0'.DecHex($col[0]),-1).substr('0'.DecHex($col[1]),-1).substr('0'.DecHex($col[2]),-1); if($useFullHex) { $var .= substr('0'.DecHex($col[3]),-1).substr('0'.DecHex($col[4]),-1).substr('0'.DecHex($col[5]),-1); } $var = '#'.strtoupper($var); } break; case 'comment': if ($var) { $var='#'; } else { $var=''; } break; case 'wrap': if (isset($Wdata[$key])) { $var.='|'.$Wdata[$key]; } break; case 'offset': if (isset($Wdata[$key])) { $var=intval($var).','.intval($Wdata[$key]); if (isset($W2data[$key])) { $var.=','.intval($W2data[$key]); if (isset($W3data[$key])) { $var.=','.intval($W3data[$key]); if (isset($W4data[$key])) { $var.=','.intval($W4data[$key]); if (isset($W5data[$key])) { $var.=','.intval($W5data[$key]); } } } } } break; case 'boolean': if ($var) { $var = $typeDat['paramstr'] ? $typeDat['paramstr'] : 1; } break; case 'file': if (!$this->ext_noCEUploadAndCopying) { if ($http_post_files['upload_data']['name'][$key] && $http_post_files['upload_data']['tmp_name'][$key]!='none') { $var = $this->upload_copy_file( $typeDat, $tplRow, trim($http_post_files['upload_data']['name'][$key]), $http_post_files['upload_data']['tmp_name'][$key] ); } if ($copyResource[$key]) { $var = $this->upload_copy_file( $typeDat, $tplRow, basename($copyResource[$key]), $copyResource[$key] ); } } break; } if ($this->ext_printAll || strcmp($theConstants[$key]['value'],$var)) { $this->ext_putValueInConf($key, $var); // Put value in, if changed. } unset($check[$key]); // Remove the entry because it has been "used" } else { $this->ext_removeValueInConf($key); } } } } // Remaining keys in $check indicates fields that are just clicked "on" to be edited. Therefore we get the default value and puts that in the template as a start... if (!$this->ext_dontCheckIssetValues && is_array($check)) { reset($check); while(list($key,$var)=each($check)) { if (isset($theConstants[$key])) { $dValue = $theConstants[$key]['default_value']; $this->ext_putValueInConf($key, $dValue); } } } } /** * [Describe function...] * * @param [type] $typeDat: ... * @param [type] $tplRow: ... * @param [type] $theRealFileName: ... * @param [type] $tmp_name: ... * @return [type] ... */ function upload_copy_file($typeDat,&$tplRow,$theRealFileName,$tmp_name) { // extensions $extList = $typeDat['paramstr']; if ($extList=='IMAGE_EXT') { $extList = $GLOBALS['TYPO3_CONF_VARS']['GFX']['imagefile_ext']; } $fI=t3lib_div::split_fileref($theRealFileName); if ($theRealFileName && (!$extList || t3lib_div::inList($extList,$fI['fileext']))) { $tmp_upload_name = t3lib_div::upload_to_tempfile($tmp_name); // If there is an uploaded file, move it for the sake of safe_mode. // Saving resource $alternativeFileName=array(); $alternativeFileName[$tmp_upload_name] = $theRealFileName; // Making list of resources $resList = $tplRow['resources']; $resList = $tmp_upload_name.','.$resList; $resList=implode(t3lib_div::trimExplode(',',$resList,1),','); // Making data-array $saveId = $tplRow['_ORIG_uid'] ? $tplRow['_ORIG_uid'] : $tplRow['uid']; $recData=array(); $recData['sys_template'][$saveId]['resources'] = $resList; // Saving $tce = t3lib_div::makeInstance('t3lib_TCEmain'); $tce->stripslashes_values=0; $tce->alternativeFileName = $alternativeFileName; $tce->start($recData,Array()); $tce->process_datamap(); t3lib_div::unlink_tempfile($tmp_upload_name); $tmpRow = t3lib_BEfunc::getRecordWSOL('sys_template',$saveId,'resources'); $tplRow['resources'] = $tmpRow['resources']; // Setting the value $var = $this->ext_setStar($theRealFileName); } return $var; } /** * [Describe function...] * * @param [type] $id: ... * @param [type] $perms_clause: ... * @return [type] ... */ function ext_prevPageWithTemplate($id,$perms_clause) { $rootLine = t3lib_BEfunc::BEgetRootLine($id,$perms_clause?' AND '.$perms_clause:''); reset($rootLine); while(list(,$p)=each($rootLine)) { if ($this->ext_getFirstTemplate($p['uid'])) { return $p; } } } /** * [Describe function...] * * @param [type] $val: ... * @return [type] ... */ function ext_setStar($val) { $fParts = explode('.',strrev($val),2); $val=ereg_replace('_[0-9][0-9]$','',strrev($fParts[1])).'*.'.strrev($fParts[0]); return $val; } /** * [Describe function...] * * @param [type] $value: ... * @return [type] ... */ function ext_detectAndFixExtensionPrefix($value) { if (substr($value,0,4)=='EXT:') { $parts = explode('/',substr($value,4),2); $extPath = t3lib_extMgm::siteRelPath($parts[0]); $value = $extPath.$parts[1]; return $value; } else { return $value; } } } if (defined('TYPO3_MODE') && $TYPO3_CONF_VARS[TYPO3_MODE]['XCLASS']['t3lib/class.t3lib_tsparser_ext.php']) { include_once($TYPO3_CONF_VARS[TYPO3_MODE]['XCLASS']['t3lib/class.t3lib_tsparser_ext.php']); } ?>