File: jsfunc.evalfield.js
/*************************************************************** * * Evaluation of TYPO3 form field content * * $Id: jsfunc.evalfield.js 3554 2008-04-11 15:43:07Z baschny $ * * * * Copyright notice * * (c) 1998-2008 Kasper Skaarhoj * All rights reserved * * This script is part of the TYPO3 t3lib/ library provided by * Kasper Skaarhoj <kasper@typo3.com> together with TYPO3 * * Released under GNU/GPL (see license file in typo3/sysext/cms/tslib/) * * This script is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. * * This copyright notice MUST APPEAR in all copies of this script ***************************************************************/ function evalFunc() { this.input = evalFunc_input; this.output = evalFunc_output; this.parseInt = evalFunc_parseInt; this.getNumChars = evalFunc_getNumChars; this.parseDouble = evalFunc_parseDouble; this.noSpace = evalFunc_noSpace; this.getSecs = evalFunc_getSecs; this.getYear = evalFunc_getYear; this.getTimeSecs = evalFunc_getTimeSecs; this.getTime = evalFunc_getTime; this.getDate = evalFunc_getDate; this.getTimestamp = evalFunc_getTimestamp; this.caseSwitch = evalFunc_caseSwitch; this.evalObjValue = evalFunc_evalObjValue; this.outputObjValue = evalFunc_outputObjValue; this.split = evalFunc_splitStr; this.pol = evalFunc_pol; this.ltrim = evalFunc_ltrim; this.btrim = evalFunc_btrim; var today = new Date(); this.lastYear = this.getYear(today); this.lastDate = this.getDate(today); this.lastTime = this.getTimestamp(today); this.refDate = today; this.isInString = ''; this.USmode = 0; } function evalFunc_pol(fortegn, value) { return eval (((fortegn=="-")?'-':'')+value); } function evalFunc_evalObjValue(FObj,value) { var evallist = FObj.evallist; this.isInString = (FObj.is_in) ? ''+FObj.is_in : ''; var index=1; var theEvalType = (FObj.evallist) ? this.split(evallist, ",", index) : false; var newValue=value; while (theEvalType) { if (theEvalType.slice(0, 3) == 'tx_') { if(typeof window[theEvalType] == 'function') { newValue = window[theEvalType](newValue); // variable function call, calling functions like tx_myext_myeval(value) } } else { newValue = evalFunc.input(theEvalType, newValue); } index++; theEvalType = this.split(evallist, ",", index); } return newValue; } function evalFunc_outputObjValue(FObj,value) { var evallist = FObj.evallist; var index=1; var theEvalType = this.split(evallist, ",", index); var newValue=value; while (theEvalType) { if (theEvalType != 'required') { newValue = evalFunc.output(theEvalType, value, FObj); } index++; theEvalType = this.split(evallist, ",", index); } return newValue; } function evalFunc_caseSwitch(type,inVal) { var theVal = ''+inVal; var newString = ''; switch (type) { case "alpha": case "num": case "alphanum": case "alphanum_x": for (var a=0;a<theVal.length;a++) { var theChar = theVal.substr(a,1); var special = (theChar=='_'||theChar=='-'); var alpha = (theChar>='a'&&theChar<='z') || (theChar>='A'&&theChar<='Z'); var num = (theChar>='0' && theChar<='9'); switch(type) { case "alphanum": special=0; break; case "alpha": num=0; special=0; break; case "num": alpha=0; special=0; break; } if (alpha || num || theChar==' ' || special) { newString+=theChar; } } break; case "is_in": if (this.isInString) { for (var a=0;a<theVal.length;a++) { var theChar = theVal.substr(a,1); if (this.isInString.indexOf(theChar)!=-1) { newString+=theChar; } } } else {newString = theVal;} break; case "nospace": newString = this.noSpace(theVal); break; case "upper": newString = theVal.toUpperCase(); break; case "lower": newString = theVal.toLowerCase(); break; default: return inVal; } return newString; } function evalFunc_parseInt(value) { var theVal = ''+value; if (!value) return 0; for (var a=0;a<theVal.length;a++) { if (theVal.substr(a,1)!='0') { return parseInt(theVal.substr(a,theVal.length)) || 0; } } return 0; } function evalFunc_getNumChars(value) { var theVal = ''+value; if (!value) return 0; var outVal=""; for (var a=0;a<theVal.length;a++) { if (theVal.substr(a,1)==parseInt(theVal.substr(a,1))) { outVal+=theVal.substr(a,1); } } return outVal; } function evalFunc_parseDouble(value) { var theVal = ''+value; var dec=0; if (!value) return 0; for (var a=theVal.length; a>0; a--) { if (theVal.substr(a-1,1)=='.' || theVal.substr(a-1,1)==',') { dec = theVal.substr(a); theVal = theVal.substr(0,a-1); break; } } dec = this.getNumChars(dec)+'00'; theVal=this.parseInt(this.noSpace(theVal))+TS.decimalSign+dec.substr(0,2); return theVal; } function evalFunc_noSpace(value) { var theVal = ''+value; var newString=""; for (var a=0;a<theVal.length;a++) { var theChar = theVal.substr(a,1); if (theChar!=' ') { newString+=theChar; } } return newString; } function evalFunc_ltrim(value) { var theVal = ''+value; if (!value) return ''; for (var a=0;a<theVal.length;a++) { if (theVal.substr(a,1)!=' ') { return theVal.substr(a,theVal.length); } } return ''; } function evalFunc_btrim(value) { var theVal = ''+value; if (!value) return ''; for (var a=theVal.length;a>0;a--) { if (theVal.substr(a-1,1)!=' ') { return theVal.substr(0,a); } } return ''; } function evalFunc_splitSingle(value) { var theVal = ''+value; this.values = new Array(); this.pointer = 3; this.values[1]=theVal.substr(0,2); this.values[2]=theVal.substr(2,2); this.values[3]=theVal.substr(4,10); } function evalFunc_split(value) { this.values = new Array(); this.valPol = new Array(); this.pointer = 0; var numberMode = 0; var theVal = ""; value+=" "; for (var a=0;a<value.length;a++) { var theChar = value.substr(a,1); if (theChar<"0" || theChar>"9") { if (numberMode) { this.pointer++; this.values[this.pointer]=theVal; theVal = ""; numberMode=0; } if (theChar=="+" || theChar=="-") { this.valPol[this.pointer+1] = theChar; } } else { theVal+=theChar; numberMode=1; } } } function evalFunc_input(type,inVal) { if (type=="md5") { return MD5(inVal); } if (type=="trim") { return this.ltrim(this.btrim(inVal)); } if (type=="int") { return this.parseInt(inVal); } if (type=="double2") { return this.parseDouble(inVal); } var today = new Date(); var add=0; var value = this.ltrim(inVal); var values = new evalFunc_split(value); var theCmd = value.substr(0,1); value = this.caseSwitch(type,value); if (value=="") { return ""; return 0; // Why would I ever return a zero??? (20/12/01) } switch (type) { case "datetime": switch (theCmd) { case "d": case "t": case "n": if (values.valPol[1]) { add = this.pol(values.valPol[1],this.parseInt(values.values[1])); } break; case "+": case "-": if (values.valPol[1]) { add = this.pol(values.valPol[1],this.parseInt(values.values[1])); } break; default: var index = value.indexOf(' '); if (index!=-1) { var dateVal = this.input("date",value.substr(index,value.length)); // set refDate so that evalFunc_input on time will work with correct DST information this.refDate = new Date(dateVal*1000); this.lastTime = dateVal + this.input("time",value.substr(0,index)); } } this.lastTime+=add*24*60*60; return this.lastTime; break; case "year": switch (theCmd) { case "d": case "t": case "n": if (values.valPol[1]) { add = this.pol(values.valPol[1],this.parseInt(values.values[1])); } break; case "+": case "-": if (values.valPol[1]) { add = this.pol(values.valPol[1],this.parseInt(values.values[1])); } break; default: if (values.valPol[2]) { add = this.pol(values.valPol[2],this.parseInt(values.values[2])); } var year = (values.values[1])?this.parseInt(values.values[1]):this.getYear(today); if ( (year>=0&&year<38) || (year>=70&&year<100) || (year>=1902&&year<2038) ) { if (year<100) { year = (year<38) ? year+=2000 : year+=1900; } } else { year = this.getYear(today); } this.lastYear = year } this.lastYear+=add; return this.lastYear; break; case "date": switch (theCmd) { case "d": case "t": case "n": if (values.valPol[1]) { add = this.pol(values.valPol[1],this.parseInt(values.values[1])); } break; case "+": case "-": if (values.valPol[1]) { add = this.pol(values.valPol[1],this.parseInt(values.values[1])); } break; default: var index = 4; if (values.valPol[index]) { add = this.pol(values.valPol[index],this.parseInt(values.values[index])); } if (values.values[1] && values.values[1].length>2) { if (values.valPol[2]) { add = this.pol(values.valPol[2],this.parseInt(values.values[2])); } var temp = values.values[1]; values = new evalFunc_splitSingle(temp); } var year = (values.values[3])?this.parseInt(values.values[3]):this.getYear(today); if ( (year>=0&&year<38) || (year>=70&&year<100) || (year>=1902&&year<2038) ) { if (year<100) { year = (year<38) ? year+=2000 : year+=1900; } } else { year = this.getYear(today); } var month = (values.values[this.USmode?1:2])?this.parseInt(values.values[this.USmode?1:2]):today.getUTCMonth()+1; var day = (values.values[this.USmode?2:1])?this.parseInt(values.values[this.USmode?2:1]):today.getUTCDate(); var theTime = new Date(parseInt(year), parseInt(month)-1, parseInt(day)); // Substract timezone offset from client this.lastDate = this.getTimestamp(theTime); theTime.setTime((this.lastDate - theTime.getTimezoneOffset()*60)*1000); this.lastDate = this.getTimestamp(theTime); } this.lastDate+=add*24*60*60; return this.lastDate; break; case "time": case "timesec": switch (theCmd) { case "d": case "t": case "n": if (values.valPol[1]) { add = this.pol(values.valPol[1],this.parseInt(values.values[1])); } break; case "+": case "-": if (values.valPol[1]) { add = this.pol(values.valPol[1],this.parseInt(values.values[1])); } break; default: var index = (type=="timesec")?4:3; if (values.valPol[index]) { add = this.pol(values.valPol[index],this.parseInt(values.values[index])); } if (values.values[1] && values.values[1].length>2) { if (values.valPol[2]) { add = this.pol(values.valPol[2],this.parseInt(values.values[2])); } var temp = values.values[1]; values = new evalFunc_splitSingle(temp); } var sec = (values.values[3])?this.parseInt(values.values[3]):today.getUTCSeconds(); if (sec > 59) {sec=59;} var min = (values.values[2])?this.parseInt(values.values[2]):today.getUTCMinutes(); if (min > 59) {min=59;} var hour = (values.values[1])?this.parseInt(values.values[1]):today.getUTCHours(); if (hour > 23) {hour=23;} var theTime = new Date(this.getYear(this.refDate), this.refDate.getUTCMonth(), this.refDate.getUTCDate(), hour, min, ((type=="timesec")?sec:0)); this.lastTime = this.getTimestamp(theTime); theTime.setTime((this.lastTime - theTime.getTimezoneOffset()*60)*1000); this.lastTime = this.getTime(theTime); } this.lastTime+=add*60; if (this.lastTime<0) {this.lastTime+=24*60*60;} return this.lastTime; break; default: return value; } } function evalFunc_output(type,value,FObj) { var theString = ""; switch (type) { case "date": if (!parseInt(value)) {return '';} var theTime = new Date(parseInt(value) * 1000); if (this.USmode) { theString = (theTime.getUTCMonth()+1)+'-'+theTime.getUTCDate()+'-'+this.getYear(theTime); } else { theString = theTime.getUTCDate()+'-'+(theTime.getUTCMonth()+1)+'-'+this.getYear(theTime); } break; case "datetime": if (!parseInt(value)) {return '';} theString = this.output("time",value)+' '+this.output("date",value); break; case "time": case "timesec": if (!parseInt(value)) {return '';} var theTime = new Date(parseInt(value) * 1000); var h = theTime.getUTCHours(); var m = theTime.getUTCMinutes(); var s = theTime.getUTCSeconds(); theString = h+':'+((m<10)?'0':'')+m + ((type=="timesec")?':'+((s<10)?'0':'')+s:''); break; case "password": theString = (value) ? TS.passwordDummy : ""; break; case "int": theString = (FObj.checkbox && value==FObj.checkboxValue)?'':value; break; default: theString = value; } return theString; } function evalFunc_getSecs(timeObj) { return Math.round(timeObj.getUTCSeconds()/1000); } // Seconds since midnight: function evalFunc_getTime(timeObj) { return timeObj.getUTCHours()*60*60+timeObj.getUTCMinutes()*60+Math.round(timeObj.getUTCSeconds()/1000); } function evalFunc_getYear(timeObj) { return timeObj.getUTCFullYear(); } // Seconds since midnight with client timezone offset: function evalFunc_getTimeSecs(timeObj) { return timeObj.getHours()*60*60+timeObj.getMinutes()*60+timeObj.getSeconds(); } function evalFunc_getDate(timeObj) { var theTime = new Date(this.getYear(timeObj), timeObj.getUTCMonth(), timeObj.getUTCDate()); return this.getTimestamp(theTime); } function evalFunc_dummy (evallist,is_in,checkbox,checkboxValue) { this.evallist = evallist; this.is_in = is_in; this.checkboxValue = checkboxValue; this.checkbox = checkbox; } function evalFunc_splitStr(theStr1, delim, index) { var theStr = ''+theStr1; var lengthOfDelim = delim.length; sPos = -lengthOfDelim; if (index<1) {index=1;} for (a=1; a<index; a++) { sPos = theStr.indexOf(delim, sPos+lengthOfDelim); if (sPos==-1) {return null;} } ePos = theStr.indexOf(delim, sPos+lengthOfDelim); if(ePos == -1) {ePos = theStr.length;} return (theStr.substring(sPos+lengthOfDelim,ePos)); } function evalFunc_getTimestamp(timeObj) { return Date.parse(timeObj)/1000; }