File: jsfunc.inline.js
/*<![CDATA[*/ /*************************************************************** * Inline-Relational-Record Editing * * $Id: jsfunc.inline.js 3606 2008-04-22 15:27:30Z ohader $ * * * * Copyright notice * * (c) 2006-2008 Oliver Hader <oh@inpublica.de> * All rights reserved * * This script is part of the TYPO3 project. The TYPO3 project is * free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * The GNU General Public License can be found at * http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html. * * This script is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * This copyright notice MUST APPEAR in all copies of the script! ***************************************************************/ var inline = { prependFormFieldNames: 'data', noTitleString: '[No title]', lockedAjaxMethod: {}, sourcesLoaded: {}, data: {}, addToDataArray: function(object) { $H(object).each(function(pair) { inline.data[pair.key] = $H(inline.data[pair.key]).merge(pair.value).toObject(); }); }, setPrependFormFieldNames: function(value) { this.prependFormFieldNames = value; }, setNoTitleString: function(value) { this.noTitleString = value; }, expandCollapseRecord: function(objectId, expandSingle) { var currentUid = this.parseFormElementName('none', objectId, 1); var objectPrefix = this.parseFormElementName('full', objectId, 0, 1); var currentState = ''; var collapse = new Array(); var expand = new Array(); // if only a single record should be visibly for that set of records // and the record clicked itself is no visible, collapse all others if (expandSingle && !Element.visible(objectId+'_fields')) collapse = this.collapseAllRecords(objectId, objectPrefix, currentUid); Element.toggle(objectId+'_fields'); currentState = Element.visible(objectId+'_fields') ? 1 : 0 if (this.isNewRecord(objectId)) this.updateExpandedCollapsedStateLocally(objectId, currentState); else if (currentState) expand.push(currentUid); else if (!currentState) collapse.push(currentUid); this.setExpandedCollapsedState(objectId, expand.join(','), collapse.join(',')); return false; }, collapseAllRecords: function(objectId, objectPrefix, callingUid) { // get the form field, where all records are stored var objectName = this.prependFormFieldNames+this.parseFormElementName('parts', objectId, 3, 2); var formObj = document.getElementsByName(objectName); var collapse = []; if (formObj.length) { // the uid of the calling object (last part in objectId) var recObjectId = ''; var records = formObj[0].value.split(','); for (var i=0; i<records.length; i++) { recObjectId = objectPrefix+'['+records[i]+']'; if (records[i] != callingUid && Element.visible(recObjectId+'_fields')) { Element.hide(recObjectId+'_fields'); if (this.isNewRecord(recObjectId)) this.updateExpandedCollapsedStateLocally(recObjectId, 0); else collapse.push(records[i]); } } } return collapse; }, updateExpandedCollapsedStateLocally: function(objectId, value) { var ucName = 'uc[inlineView]'+this.parseFormElementName('parts', objectId, 3, 2); var ucFormObj = document.getElementsByName(ucName); if (ucFormObj.length) { ucFormObj[0].value = value; } }, createNewRecord: function(objectId, recordUid) { if (this.isBelowMax(objectId)) { if (recordUid) { objectId += '['+recordUid+']'; } this.makeAjaxCall('createNewRecord', [this.getNumberOfRTE(), objectId], true); } else { alert('There are no more relations possible at this moment!'); } return false; }, synchronizeLocalizeRecords: function(objectId, type) { var parameters = [this.getNumberOfRTE(), objectId, type]; this.makeAjaxCall('synchronizeLocalizeRecords', parameters, true); }, setExpandedCollapsedState: function(objectId, expand, collapse) { this.makeAjaxCall('setExpandedCollapsedState', [objectId, expand, collapse]); }, makeAjaxCall: function(method, params, lock) { var max, url='', urlParams='', options={}; if (method && params && params.length && this.lockAjaxMethod(method, lock)) { url = 'ajax.php'; urlParams = '&ajaxID=t3lib_TCEforms_inline::'+method; for (var i=0, max=params.length; i<max; i++) { urlParams += '&ajax['+i+']='+params[i]; } options = { method: 'post', parameters: urlParams, onSuccess: function(xhr) { inline.processAjaxResponse(method, xhr); }, onFailure: function(xhr) { inline.showAjaxFailure(method, xhr); } }; new Ajax.Request(url, options); } }, lockAjaxMethod: function(method, lock) { if (!lock || !inline.lockedAjaxMethod[method]) { inline.lockedAjaxMethod[method] = true; return true; } else { return false; } }, unlockAjaxMethod: function(method) { inline.lockedAjaxMethod[method] = false; }, processAjaxResponse: function(method, xhr, json) { var addTag=null, restart=false, processedCount=0, element=null, errorCatch=[], sourcesWaiting=[]; if (!json && xhr) { json = eval('('+xhr.responseText+')'); } // If there are elements the should be added to the <HEAD> tag (e.g. for RTEhtmlarea): if (json.headData) { var head = inline.getDomHeadTag(); var headTags = inline.getDomHeadChildren(head); $A(json.headData).each(function(addTag) { if (!restart) { if (addTag && (addTag.innerHTML || !inline.searchInDomTags(headTags, addTag))) { if (addTag.name=='SCRIPT' && addTag.innerHTML && processedCount) { restart = true; return false; } else { if (addTag.name=='SCRIPT' && addTag.innerHTML) { try { eval(addTag.innerHTML); } catch(e) { errorCatch.push(e); } } else { element = inline.createNewDomElement(addTag); // Set onload handler for external JS scripts: if (addTag.name=='SCRIPT' && element.src) { element.onload = inline.sourceLoadedHandler(element); sourcesWaiting.push(element.src); } head.appendChild(element); processedCount++; } json.headData.shift(); } } } }); } if (restart || processedCount) { window.setTimeout(function() { inline.reprocessAjaxResponse(method, json, sourcesWaiting); }, 40); } else { if (method) { inline.unlockAjaxMethod(method); } if (json.scriptCall && json.scriptCall.length) { $A(json.scriptCall).each(function(value) { eval(value); }); } } }, // Check if dynamically added scripts are loaded and restart inline.processAjaxResponse(): reprocessAjaxResponse: function (method, json, sourcesWaiting) { var sourcesLoaded = true; if (sourcesWaiting && sourcesWaiting.length) { $A(sourcesWaiting).each(function(source) { if (!inline.sourcesLoaded[source]) { sourcesLoaded = false; return false; } }); } if (sourcesLoaded) { $A(sourcesWaiting).each(function(source) { delete(inline.sourcesLoaded[source]); }); window.setTimeout(function() { inline.processAjaxResponse(method, null, json); }, 80); } else { window.setTimeout(function() { inline.reprocessAjaxResponse(method, json, sourcesWaiting); }, 40); } }, sourceLoadedHandler: function(element) { if (element && element.src) { inline.sourcesLoaded[element.src] = true; } }, showAjaxFailure: function(method, xhr) { inline.unlockAjaxMethod(method); alert('Error: '+xhr.status+"\n"+xhr.statusText); }, // foreign_selector: used by selector box (type='select') importNewRecord: function(objectId) { var selector = $(objectId+'_selector'); if (selector.selectedIndex != -1) { var selectedValue = selector.options[selector.selectedIndex].value; if (!this.data.unique || !this.data.unique[objectId]) { selector.options[selector.selectedIndex].selected = false; } this.makeAjaxCall('createNewRecord', [this.getNumberOfRTE(), objectId, selectedValue], true); } return false; }, // foreign_selector: used by element browser (type='group/db') importElement: function(objectId, table, uid, type) { window.setTimeout( function() { inline.makeAjaxCall('createNewRecord', [this.getNumberOfRTE(), objectId, uid], true); }, 10 ); }, // Check uniqueness for element browser: checkUniqueElement: function(objectId, table, uid, type) { if (this.checkUniqueUsed(objectId, uid, table)) { return {passed: false,message: 'There is already a relation to the selected element!'}; } else { return {passed: true}; } }, // Checks if a record was used and should be unique: checkUniqueUsed: function(objectId, uid, table) { if (this.data.unique && this.data.unique[objectId]) { var unique = this.data.unique[objectId]; var values = $H(unique.used).values(); // for select: only the uid is stored if (unique['type'] == 'select') { if (values.indexOf(uid) != -1) return true; // for group/db: table and uid is stored in a assoc array } else if (unique.type == 'groupdb') { for (var i=values.length-1; i>=0; i--) { // if the pair table:uid is already used: if (values[i].table==table && values[i].uid==uid) return true; } } } return false; }, setUniqueElement: function(objectId, table, uid, type, elName) { var recordUid = this.parseFormElementName('none', elName, 1, 1); // alert(objectId+'/'+table+'/'+uid+'/'+recordUid); this.setUnique(objectId, recordUid, uid); }, // this function is applied to a newly inserted record by AJAX // it removes the used select items, that should be unique setUnique: function(objectId, recordUid, selectedValue) { if (this.data.unique && this.data.unique[objectId]) { var unique = this.data.unique[objectId]; if (unique.type == 'select') { // remove used items from each select-field of the child records if (!(unique.selector && unique.max == -1)) { var elName = this.parseFormElementName('full', objectId, 1)+'['+recordUid+']['+unique.field+']'; var formName = this.prependFormFieldNames+this.parseFormElementName('parts', objectId, 3, 1); var fieldObj = document.getElementsByName(elName); var values = $H(unique.used).values(); if (fieldObj.length) { // remove all items from the new select-item which are already used in other children for (var i=0; i<values.length; i++) this.removeSelectOption(fieldObj[0], values[i]); // set the selected item automatically to the first of the remaining items if no selector is used if (!unique.selector) { selectedValue = fieldObj[0].options[0].value; fieldObj[0].options[0].selected = true; this.updateUnique(fieldObj[0], objectId, formName, recordUid); this.handleChangedField(fieldObj[0], objectId+'['+recordUid+']'); } if (typeof this.data.unique[objectId].used.length != 'undefined') { this.data.unique[objectId].used = {}; } this.data.unique[objectId].used[recordUid] = selectedValue; } } } else if (unique.type == 'groupdb') { // add the new record to the used items: this.data.unique[objectId].used[recordUid] = {'table':unique.elTable, 'uid':selectedValue}; } // remove used items from a selector-box if (unique.selector == 'select' && selectedValue) { var selector = $(objectId+'_selector'); this.removeSelectOption(selector, selectedValue); this.data.unique[objectId]['used'][recordUid] = selectedValue; } } }, domAddNewRecord: function(method, insertObject, objectPrefix, htmlData) { if (this.isBelowMax(objectPrefix)) { if (method == 'bottom') new Insertion.Bottom(insertObject, htmlData); else if (method == 'after') new Insertion.After(insertObject, htmlData); } }, // Get script and link elements from head tag: getDomHeadChildren: function(head) { var headTags=[]; $$('head script', 'head link').each(function(tag) { headTags.push(tag); }); return headTags; }, getDomHeadTag: function() { if (document && document.head) { return document.head; } else { var head = $$('head'); if (head.length) { return head[0]; } } return false; }, // Search whether elements exist in a given haystack: searchInDomTags: function(haystack, needle) { var result = false; $A(haystack).each(function(element) { if (element.nodeName.toUpperCase()==needle.name) { var attributesCount = $H(needle.attributes).keys().length; var attributesFound = 0; $H(needle.attributes).each(function(attribute) { if (element.getAttribute && element.getAttribute(attribute.key)==attribute.value) { attributesFound++; } }); if (attributesFound==attributesCount) { result = true; return true; } } }); return result; }, // Create a new DOM element: createNewDomElement: function(addTag) { var element = document.createElement(addTag.name); if (addTag.attributes) { $H(addTag.attributes).each(function(attribute) { element[attribute.key] = attribute.value; }); } return element; }, changeSorting: function(objectId, direction) { var objectName = this.prependFormFieldNames+this.parseFormElementName('parts', objectId, 3, 2); var objectPrefix = this.parseFormElementName('full', objectId, 0, 1); var formObj = document.getElementsByName(objectName); if (formObj.length) { // the uid of the calling object (last part in objectId) var callingUid = this.parseFormElementName('none', objectId, 1); var records = formObj[0].value.split(','); var current = records.indexOf(callingUid); var changed = false; // move up if (direction > 0 && current > 0) { records[current] = records[current-1]; records[current-1] = callingUid; changed = true; // move down } else if (direction < 0 && current < records.length-1) { records[current] = records[current+1]; records[current+1] = callingUid; changed = true; } if (changed) { formObj[0].value = records.join(','); var cAdj = direction > 0 ? 1 : 0; // adjustment $(objectId+'_div').parentNode.insertBefore( $(objectPrefix+'['+records[current-cAdj]+']_div'), $(objectPrefix+'['+records[current+1-cAdj]+']_div') ); this.redrawSortingButtons(objectPrefix, records); } } return false; }, dragAndDropSorting: function(element) { var objectId = element.getAttribute('id').replace(/_records$/, ''); var objectName = inline.prependFormFieldNames+inline.parseFormElementName('parts', objectId, 3); var formObj = document.getElementsByName(objectName); if (formObj.length) { var checked = new Array(); var order = Sortable.sequence(element); var records = formObj[0].value.split(','); // check if ordered uid is really part of the records // virtually deleted items might still be there but ordering shouldn't saved at all on them for (var i=0; i<order.length; i++) { if (records.indexOf(order[i]) != -1) { checked.push(order[i]); } } formObj[0].value = checked.join(','); if (inline.data.config && inline.data.config[objectId]) { var table = inline.data.config[objectId].table; inline.redrawSortingButtons(objectId+'['+table+']', checked); } } }, createDragAndDropSorting: function(objectId) { Sortable.create( objectId, { format: /^[^_\-](?:[A-Za-z0-9\[\]\-\_]*)\[(.*)\]_div$/, onUpdate: inline.dragAndDropSorting, tag: 'div', handle: 'sortableHandle', overlap: 'vertical', constraint: 'vertical' } ); }, destroyDragAndDropSorting: function(objectId) { Sortable.destroy(objectId); }, redrawSortingButtons: function(objectPrefix, records) { var i; var headerObj; var sortingObj = new Array(); // if no records were passed, fetch them from form field if (typeof records == 'undefined') { records = new Array(); var objectName = this.prependFormFieldNames+this.parseFormElementName('parts', objectPrefix, 3, 1); var formObj = document.getElementsByName(objectName); if (formObj.length) records = formObj[0].value.split(','); } for (i=0; i<records.length; i++) { if (!records[i].length) continue; headerObj = $(objectPrefix+'['+records[i]+']_header'); sortingObj[0] = Element.getElementsByClassName(headerObj, 'sortingUp'); sortingObj[1] = Element.getElementsByClassName(headerObj, 'sortingDown'); if (sortingObj[0].length) { sortingObj[0][0].style.visibility = (i == 0 ? 'hidden' : 'visible'); } if (sortingObj[1].length) { sortingObj[1][0].style.visibility = (i == records.length-1 ? 'hidden' : 'visible'); } } }, memorizeAddRecord: function(objectPrefix, newUid, afterUid, selectedValue) { if (this.isBelowMax(objectPrefix)) { var objectName = this.prependFormFieldNames+this.parseFormElementName('parts', objectPrefix, 3, 1); var formObj = document.getElementsByName(objectName); if (formObj.length) { var records = new Array(); if (formObj[0].value.length) records = formObj[0].value.split(','); if (afterUid) { var newRecords = new Array(); for (var i=0; i<records.length; i++) { if (records[i].length) newRecords.push(records[i]); if (afterUid == records[i]) newRecords.push(newUid); } records = newRecords; } else { records.push(newUid); } formObj[0].value = records.join(','); } this.redrawSortingButtons(objectPrefix, records); if (this.data.unique && this.data.unique[objectPrefix]) { var unique = this.data.unique[objectPrefix]; this.setUnique(objectPrefix, newUid, selectedValue); } } // if we reached the maximum off possible records after this action, hide the new buttons if (!this.isBelowMax(objectPrefix)) { var objectParent = this.parseFormElementName('full', objectPrefix, 0 , 1); var md5 = this.getObjectMD5(objectParent); this.hideElementsWithClassName('.inlineNewButton'+(md5 ? '.'+md5 : ''), objectParent); } if (TBE_EDITOR) TBE_EDITOR.fieldChanged_fName(objectName, formObj); }, memorizeRemoveRecord: function(objectName, removeUid) { var formObj = document.getElementsByName(objectName); if (formObj.length) { var parts = new Array(); if (formObj[0].value.length) { parts = formObj[0].value.split(','); parts = parts.without(removeUid); formObj[0].value = parts.join(','); if (TBE_EDITOR) TBE_EDITOR.fieldChanged_fName(objectName, formObj); return parts.length; } } return false; }, updateUnique: function(srcElement, objectPrefix, formName, recordUid) { if (this.data.unique && this.data.unique[objectPrefix]) { var unique = this.data.unique[objectPrefix]; var oldValue = unique.used[recordUid]; if (unique.selector == 'select') { var selector = $(objectPrefix+'_selector'); this.removeSelectOption(selector, srcElement.value); if (typeof oldValue != 'undefined') this.readdSelectOption(selector, oldValue, unique); } if (!(unique.selector && unique.max == -1)) { var formObj = document.getElementsByName(formName); if (unique && formObj.length) { var records = formObj[0].value.split(','); var recordObj; for (var i=0; i<records.length; i++) { recordObj = document.getElementsByName(this.prependFormFieldNames+'['+unique.table+']['+records[i]+']['+unique.field+']'); if (recordObj.length && recordObj[0] != srcElement) { this.removeSelectOption(recordObj[0], srcElement.value); if (typeof oldValue != 'undefined') this.readdSelectOption(recordObj[0], oldValue, unique); } } this.data.unique[objectPrefix].used[recordUid] = srcElement.value; } } } }, revertUnique: function(objectPrefix, elName, recordUid) { if (this.data.unique && this.data.unique[objectPrefix]) { var unique = this.data.unique[objectPrefix]; var fieldObj = elName ? document.getElementsByName(elName+'['+unique.field+']') : null; if (unique.type == 'select') { if (fieldObj && fieldObj.length) { delete(this.data.unique[objectPrefix].used[recordUid]) if (unique.selector == 'select') { if (!isNaN(fieldObj[0].value)) { var selector = $(objectPrefix+'_selector'); this.readdSelectOption(selector, fieldObj[0].value, unique); } } if (!(unique.selector && unique.max == -1)) { var formName = this.prependFormFieldNames+this.parseFormElementName('parts', objectPrefix, 3, 1); var formObj = document.getElementsByName(formName); if (formObj.length) { var records = formObj[0].value.split(','); var recordObj; // walk through all inline records on that level and get the select field for (var i=0; i<records.length; i++) { recordObj = document.getElementsByName(this.prependFormFieldNames+'['+unique.table+']['+records[i]+']['+unique.field+']'); if (recordObj.length) this.readdSelectOption(recordObj[0], fieldObj[0].value, unique); } } } } } else if (unique.type == 'groupdb') { // alert(objectPrefix+'/'+recordUid); delete(this.data.unique[objectPrefix].used[recordUid]) } } }, enableDisableRecord: function(objectId) { var elName = this.parseFormElementName('full', objectId, 2); var imageObj = $(objectId+'_disabled'); var valueObj = document.getElementsByName(elName+'[hidden]'); var formObj = document.getElementsByName(elName+'[hidden]_0'); var imagePath = ''; if (valueObj && formObj) { formObj[0].click(); imagePath = this.parsePath(imageObj.src); imageObj.src = imagePath+(valueObj[0].value > 0 ? 'button_unhide.gif' : 'button_hide.gif'); } return false; }, deleteRecord: function(objectId, options) { var i, j, inlineRecords, records, childObjectId, childTable; var objectPrefix = this.parseFormElementName('full', objectId, 0 , 1); var elName = this.parseFormElementName('full', objectId, 2); var shortName = this.parseFormElementName('parts', objectId, 2); var recordUid = this.parseFormElementName('none', objectId, 1); var beforeDeleteIsBelowMax = this.isBelowMax(objectPrefix); // revert the unique settings if available this.revertUnique(objectPrefix, elName, recordUid); // Remove from TBE_EDITOR (required fields, required range, etc.): if (TBE_EDITOR && TBE_EDITOR.removeElement) { var removeStack = []; inlineRecords = Element.getElementsByClassName(objectId+'_div', 'inlineRecord'); // Remove nested child records from TBE_EDITOR required/range checks: for (i=inlineRecords.length-1; i>=0; i--) { if (inlineRecords[i].value.length) { records = inlineRecords[i].value.split(','); childObjectId = this.data.map[inlineRecords[i].name]; childTable = this.data.config[childObjectId].table; for (j=records.length-1; j>=0; j--) { removeStack.push(this.prependFormFieldNames+'['+childTable+']['+records[j]+']'); } } } removeStack.push(this.prependFormFieldNames+shortName); TBE_EDITOR.removeElementArray(removeStack); } // If the record is new and was never saved before, just remove it from DOM: if (this.isNewRecord(objectId) || options && options.forceDirectRemoval) { this.fadeAndRemove(objectId+'_div'); // If the record already exists in storage, mark it to be deleted on clicking the save button: } else { document.getElementsByName('cmd'+shortName+'[delete]')[0].disabled = false; new Effect.Fade(objectId+'_div'); } var recordCount = this.memorizeRemoveRecord( this.prependFormFieldNames+this.parseFormElementName('parts', objectId, 3, 2), recordUid ); if (recordCount <= 1) { this.destroyDragAndDropSorting(this.parseFormElementName('full', objectId, 0 , 2)+'_records'); } this.redrawSortingButtons(objectPrefix); // if the NEW-button was hidden and now we can add again new children, show the button if (!beforeDeleteIsBelowMax && this.isBelowMax(objectPrefix)) { var objectParent = this.parseFormElementName('full', objectPrefix, 0 , 1); var md5 = this.getObjectMD5(objectParent); this.showElementsWithClassName('.inlineNewButton'+(md5 ? '.'+md5 : ''), objectParent); } return false; }, parsePath: function(path) { var backSlash = path.lastIndexOf('\\'); var normalSlash = path.lastIndexOf('/'); if (backSlash > 0) path = path.substring(0,backSlash+1); else if (normalSlash > 0) path = path.substring(0,normalSlash+1); else path = ''; return path; }, parseFormElementName: function(wrap, objectId, rightCount, skipRight) { // remove left and right side "data[...|...]" -> '...|...' objectId = objectId.substr(0, objectId.lastIndexOf(']')).substr(objectId.indexOf('[')+1); if (!wrap) wrap = 'full'; if (!skipRight) skipRight = 0; var elReturn; var elParts = new Array(); var idParts = objectId.split(']['); for (var i=0; i<skipRight; i++) idParts.pop(); if (rightCount > 0) { for (var i=0; i<rightCount; i++) elParts.unshift(idParts.pop()); } else { for (var i=0; i<-rightCount; i++) idParts.shift(); elParts = idParts; } if (wrap == 'full') { elReturn = this.prependFormFieldNames+'['+elParts.join('][')+']'; } else if (wrap == 'parts') { elReturn = '['+elParts.join('][')+']'; } else if (wrap == 'none') { elReturn = elParts.length > 1 ? elParts : elParts.join(''); } return elReturn; }, handleChangedField: function(formField, objectId) { var formObj; if (typeof formField == 'object') { formObj = formField; } else { formObj = document.getElementsByName(formField); if (formObj.length) formObj = formObj[0]; } if (formObj != undefined) { var value; if (formObj.nodeName == 'SELECT') value = formObj.options[formObj.selectedIndex].text; else value = formObj.value; $(objectId+'_label').innerHTML = value.length ? value : this.noTitleString; } return true; }, arrayAssocCount: function(object) { var count = 0; if (typeof object.length != 'undefined') { count = object.length; } else { for (var i in object) count++; } return count; }, isBelowMax: function(objectPrefix) { var isBelowMax = true; var objectName = this.prependFormFieldNames+this.parseFormElementName('parts', objectPrefix, 3, 1); var formObj = document.getElementsByName(objectName); if (this.data.config && this.data.config[objectPrefix] && formObj.length) { var recordCount = formObj[0].value ? formObj[0].value.split(',').length : 0; if (recordCount >= this.data.config[objectPrefix].max) isBelowMax = false; } if (isBelowMax && this.data.unique && this.data.unique[objectPrefix]) { var unique = this.data.unique[objectPrefix]; if (this.arrayAssocCount(unique.used) >= unique.max && unique.max >= 0) isBelowMax = false; } return isBelowMax; }, getOptionsHash: function(selectObj) { var optionsHash = {}; for (var i=0; i<selectObj.options.length; i++) optionsHash[selectObj.options[i].value] = i; return optionsHash; }, removeSelectOption: function(selectObj, value) { var optionsHash = this.getOptionsHash(selectObj); if (optionsHash[value] != undefined) selectObj.options[optionsHash[value]] = null; }, readdSelectOption: function(selectObj, value, unique) { var index = null; var optionsHash = this.getOptionsHash(selectObj); var possibleValues = $H(unique.possible).keys(); for (var possibleValue in unique.possible) { if (possibleValue == value) break; if (optionsHash[possibleValue] != undefined) index = optionsHash[possibleValue]; } if (index == null) index = 0; else if (index < selectObj.options.length) index++; // recreate the <option> tag var readdOption = document.createElement('option'); readdOption.text = unique.possible[value]; readdOption.value = value; // add the <option> at the right position selectObj.add(readdOption, document.all ? index : selectObj.options[index]); }, hideElementsWithClassName: function(selector, parentElement) { this.setVisibilityOfElementsWithClassName('hide', selector, parentElement); }, showElementsWithClassName: function(selector, parentElement) { this.setVisibilityOfElementsWithClassName('show', selector, parentElement); }, setVisibilityOfElementsWithClassName: function(action, selector, parentElement) { var domObjects = Selector.findChildElements($(parentElement), [selector]); if (action == 'hide') { $A(domObjects).each(function(domObject) { new Effect.Fade(domObject); }); } else if (action == 'show') { $A(domObjects).each(function(domObject) { new Effect.Appear(domObject); }); } }, fadeOutFadeIn: function(objectId) { var optIn = { duration:0.5, transition:Effect.Transitions.linear, from:0.50, to:1.00 }; var optOut = { duration:0.5, transition:Effect.Transitions.linear, from:1.00, to:0.50 }; optOut.afterFinish = function() { new Effect.Opacity(objectId, optIn); }; new Effect.Opacity(objectId, optOut); }, isNewRecord: function(objectId) { return $(objectId+'_div') && $(objectId+'_div').hasClassName('inlineIsNewRecord') ? true : false; }, // Find and fix nested of inline and tab levels if a new element was created dynamically (it doesn't know about its nesting): findContinuedNestedLevel: function(nested, objectId) { if (this.data.nested && this.data.nested[objectId]) { // Remove the first element from the new nested stack, it's just a hint: nested.shift(); nested = this.data.nested[objectId].concat(nested); return nested; } else { return nested; } }, getNumberOfRTE: function() { var number = 0; if (typeof RTEarea != 'undefined' && RTEarea.length > 0) { number = RTEarea.length-1; } return number; }, getObjectMD5: function(objectPrefix) { var md5 = false; if (this.data.config && this.data.config[objectPrefix] && this.data.config[objectPrefix].md5) { md5 = this.data.config[objectPrefix].md5; } return md5 }, fadeAndRemove: function(element) { if ($(element)) { new Effect.Fade(element, { afterFinish: function() { Element.remove(element); } }); } } } Object.extend(Array.prototype, { diff: function(current) { var diff = new Array(); if (this.length == current.length) { for (var i=0; i<this.length; i++) { if (this[i] !== current[i]) diff.push(i); } } return diff; } }); /*]]>*/